Henry VIII: February 1538, 11-15

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Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 1, January-July 1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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February 1538, 11-15

11 Feb. 253. Suppressed Monasteries.
R. O. Mandate to the Chancellor of the Court of Augmentations to send to the Exchequer a list of suppressed monasteries. Attested by Sir Ric. Lister; Westm., 11 Feb. 29 Hen. VIII.
Lat., p. 1.
254. Monasteries.
R. O. A list of some of the larger monasteries. (fn. n1)
Exeter dioc.:—Priories of St. Germanes, Bodman, and Plympton, abbeys of Buckfast, Buckland, Torre, Tavistoke, Forde, and Downkeswell, priory of Pollesworthye, abbey of Canons Leigh. Bath dioc.:—Priory of Taunton, abbeys of Buclaunde, Glastonbury, Adonay (Athelney) and Bruton, priory of Bath, abbey of——(blank), charterhouses of Hynton and Wytham. Sarum dioc.:—The house of Edington, the abbeys of Abbottesburye, Shurborn, Seme, Mylton, Wylton, Shaftesbury, Abindon, Reding, and Almesbery. Winton dioc.:—Abbey of Bardmondsey, priory of Winchester, abbeys of Hyde, St. Maryes, Romesey, and Wharwell, priory of Sowthweke, abbey of Bewley, priories of Marton, St. Mary Overyes and Nuewark, charterhouse of Shen and priory of Christeschurch. Worc. dioc.:—Abbeys of St. Augustine's beside Bristol, Hayles, Wynscombe, Ciceter, and St. Peter's Gloucester, priory of Lantonye, abbeys of Parshore and Tewkesberye, priory of Worcester, abbey of Evesham, priories of Moche Malvorn and Wenlocke. Linc. dioc.:—Abbeys of Osney, Thame, Notley, Woborn and St. Albon's, priory of Dunstable, house of Asrige, charterhouse of Axholme, abbeys of Myssenden, Peterborough, Ramsey, and Crowlande, priory of Spalding, abbeys of Thorney, Thornton, Revesbye, Goddstow and Ensham. Lond. dioc.:—Abbeys of Colchester, Coggeshall, Waltham, Walden, Towrehyll, Barking and Westminster, priory of St. Helen's, abbey of Minores, priories of Clerkenwell, Holywell, St. Maryes Spitell, and St. Bartholomew's, abbey of Syon, charterhouse of London, abbey of St. Osythes. Cant. dioc.:— Priory of Christchurch in Canterbury, abbeys of St. Augustine and Faversham, priory of Leeds, abbeys of Boxley and Mailing, priories of Rochester and Dartford. Chichester dioc.:—Abbeys of Battle and Robertsbridge. Norw. dioc.:—Priory of Norwich, abbeys of St. Edmundsbury, Wyndham, and St. Benetts, priory of Wallingham (sic). Ely dioc.:—Priories of Ely and Barnewell. Cov. and Lich. dioc.—Abbeys of Kenellworthe and Combe, priory of Coventry, charterhouse of Coventry, abbey of Chester. York dioc.:—St. Mary Abbey, priory of St. Osythes (sic. qu. St. Oswald's?) and abbey of Fowtaynes. Dioc. of Durham:—Durham priory. Carlisle dioc.:—Carlisle priory.
Pp. 5. Endd.: Thabbayes.
11 Feb. 255. Cromwell to Wyatt.
Harl. MS.
282 f. 167.
B. M.
"Mr. Wyat," the King, having perused your letters of the 18th ult. to me, thankfully accepts "the Emperor's gratuity" in them declared. Con sidering that the peace with France is not concluded, he would (in his zeal for the quiet of Christendom and as a return of kindness to the Emperor, if the same will commit the "mayning" of the peace to him as regards Milan, refusing the bp. of Rome's mediation, who can be no meet arbiter therein, both because he pretends an interest in part of it, as in Parma and Piacenza, and because he will follow in the steps of his predecessors who have ever worked their own benefit) go through, out of hand, with the marriage of the lady Mary, couple his only son with the Emperor's daughter and join our other daughter, the lady Elizabeth, with one of King Ferdinando's sons, with such dotes as should be meet. Moreover I am sure the King will aid the Emperor against the Turk "so he will open his purpose herein." Thus you may, as of yourself, declare to the Emperor what likelihood you hear from me and other friends of a firm knot being made between the King and him. Westm., 11 Feb. Signed.
In cipher. Pp. 5. Add. Endd. by Wyatt: My lord Privy Seal, 11 Feb., rec. by
Francisco, 24 Feb. at Barsolona.
Ib. ff. 162
and 165.
2. Another copy, also signed.
In cipher. Pp. 3 (the two leaves separated.) Add.
Endd. by Wyatt: Duplicate of my lord Privy Seal's letters of 11 Feb. received, 14 March, by Grandvela in Barsolona.
Ib. f. 159.
Nott's Wyatt,
3. Contemporary decipher of the above. Undated.
Pp. 2.
11 Feb. 256. Cromwell to Wyatt.
Harl. MS.
282 f. 163.
B. M.
Having the opportunity of this courier, although he has nothing to signify except certain matters contained in the schedule herewith, which are to be discreetly weighed, thinks it well to say that all his doings are taken in good part. Westm., 11 Feb. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
11 Feb. 257. Wriothesley to Wyatt.
Harl. MS.
282 f. 266.
B. M.
Wyatt, 145
All his friends are merry and his letters well accepted. Must buy the reversion of the laud in Hampshire which Mrs. Mary enjoys and of which he sent a note by Mr. Mason. Refers it to his arbitrament and begs him to write his mind to Mr. Hawte or some other agent. Westm., 11 Feb.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.: by Francisco, 24 Feb.
11 Feb 258. John Bp. of Bangor to Cromwell.
R. O. In behalf of a chaplain of his called Okyng, D.C.L., who has done him good service within his diocese ever since his consecration. My lord of Winchester, who is master of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, intended to promote his kinsman Dr. May to that room, who has been lately made master of Queen's College. Thinks that, on Cromwell's letters to the said Bishop, he would resign his mastership to the writer's chaplain, who is one of his own bringing up. Hyde beside Winchester, 11 Feb. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
11 Feb 259. Anne Lady Berkley to Cromwell.
R. O. The abbey of Kingswood, Wilts, is of the foundation of the lord Berkley's ancestors, to whom my son, Harry lord Berkley, is heir. The convent owe their good hearts towards us, and, supposing that the abbot and Sir Rich. Poyntz are in communication for the having of the said house and lands, I beg your intercession that, if I may have the good will of the abbot and convent, I may have the grant, subject to your Lordship's arbitration as to payment, and you shall have 100l. for your pains therein. Yate, 11 Feb. 29 Hen. VIII.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
11 Feb. 260. John Wellysbourn to Wriothesley.
R. O. All our business here is in good forwardness. Never was in company of more discreet and honest men than those with whom the King and my Lord have matched him. Hopes to end here shortly. Begs that the lewd priest, Sir Man, may have no cause to crack as he has done, saying in Oxford that the writer is sorry and shall be shamed for his meddling with him and that none had yet done so with impunity. He says he has money to defend all the world, and that his sister's child was the prior of St. Bartholomew's that died last. (fn. n2) He was lame and could not stir four or five years before he died. Please send a commission to Sir John Brome and Mr. Wylliams to inquire of his evil demeanour at Oxford and the towns thereabouts. He kept his sister since she was married in this country and would have slain his own father who took refuge awhile with Sir John Brome. Allendon, 11 Feb.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
11 Feb. 261. The Irish Commissioners to Wriothesley.
R. O.
St. P. ii.
"Are at a good point with the Vice-treasurer's account, and trust soon to be so with all their charge. Find nothing in James of Desmond but fair promises and no performance. Wrote, 2 Jan., to the lord Privy Seal to get them licence to return; but the messenger may be delayed at the seacoast, as they were in coming, so intend to return when their business is ended unless they have the King's command to the contrary. Dublin, 11 Feb. Signed: Antony Sentleger; George Poulet; Thomas Moyle; Willm. Berners.
Add. Endd.
11 Feb. 262. J. Card, du Bella[y] to [Castillon].
Calig. E. iv.
B. M.
A very mutilated letter giving only the characters of two personages as follows: Lung a ceste annee combatu en camp . . . . . . . . . . . faicte d'honneur et vaincu son ennemy estant monsieur . . . . . . ey son parrain. L'autre a faicte ainsi que j'entends depuis [quel]que temps une preuve semblable en ung autre endroict . . . . Leur a acreu la reputacion que desja auparavant ilz [avoi]ent acquise ou faicte delaguerre. Fontaine-bleau, 11 Feb. mvc[x]xxvii. Signed: J. Caral du Bella[y].
P. 1. Much mutilated. Add.: * * Mons. * * l'ambassadeur * * [Ang]leterre.
263. Lord Latimer.
R. O Memorandum by the Chancellor of the Augmentations of the sum to be paid by lord Latimer for the purchase of Nonnemonketon (with 400l added for purchase of 20l a year, because Sir Marm. Constable says that when his lease is ended it will be worth 40l a year more than he pays), over and besides the tenth, and 50l a year in recompense of lands in Settrington, Humoundby and Westowe, and Swaldale, 1,678l 17s. 6d., for which he desires 8 years day of payment.
P. 1. Endd. [See Grants in February, No. 54.]
12 Feb. 264. Nicolas [Shaxton], Bp. of Salisbury, to Cromwell.
R. O. Thanks him for his letters to the abbot of Reading in favour of his servant to read the lecture of divinity. They have taken none effect yet, for the abbot thinks himself well provided of a monk of his own, who was accused, to the writer, half a year ago, of heresy, by three of the monks. Has therefore inhibited him from reading. Asks Cromwell to write to the abbot, for they cannot amend their judgments unless they have a better reader. Is not so desirous to set forth his man, though he is right worthy for learning and virtue, as to reform their corrupt judgment. Ramesbury, 12 Feb.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Sealed. Endd.
12 Feb. 265. Gardiner to Lord Lisle.
R. O. I beg you to forward this the Emperor's packet into Flanders, as I doubt not Mr. Wyat in his letters asks you to do, making a new packet thereof and directing it to Mr. Hutton. Last Sunday the Great Master was made Constable of France and next Sunday two gentlemen shall fight at outrance before the King. I hope to see you and my Lady shortly. Molines, 12 Feb. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais."
12 Feb. 266. Germayn [Gardyner] to Wriothesley.
R. O. "Brother Wriothesley. Trusts by the next post after Mr. Bryan to send him Mr. Honning's commission. The Chancellor promised my Lord last Saturday that it should be sped with all favour. Was with the Chancellor about it yesterday, who appointed him one of his secretaries to inform him of the case, which done he himself would devise the tenor of the commission. Will go to the secretary about it this afternoon after Brian's departure. Hopes either to come home or go to some other country, for these men say openly they cannot brook us, and we are more weary of them than they of us. Heard an inkling of news which he does not like, which Mr. Grenewaye will tell him. Commendations to his sister. Molines, 12 Feb.
Hol, pp. 2. Add. : To my loving brother. Endd. : 22 Feb.
12 Feb. 267. Charles V. to Aguilar.
Add. MS.
28,590, f. 85.
B. M.
Is informed by the Legate and the Nuncio that Francis agrees to the proposed conference with the Pope in Italy, provided the Emperor goes thither. Warned them that Francis probably only seeks to gain time unless he would fix the date, and the sooner the better. As for the place, suggests Nice, &c. Barcelona, 12 Feb. [See Spanish Calendar, Vol. V. ii., No. 183.]
Spanish, pp. 7.
13 Feb. 268. John Wellysburn to Cromwell.
R. O. Mr. Parys, Mr. Tregonnell, Mr. Peter and Wellysburn hare acted in accordance with the King's instructions, so that the abbot that was, his monks and servants are so contented that there is no grudge in word or deed in the town or country. What they leave here in his hands and to the King's use shall be forthcoming without loss to the King. Leaves his preferment to Cromwell. The others will tell Cromwell concerning their commission. Abendon, 13 Feb.
Asks him to thank the King for joining him with such wise discreet honest men.
Hol. p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
13 Feb. 269. Whipping a Beggar.
Harl. MS.
2,057, f. 128b.
B. M.
Certificate that Wm. Payne was whipped for a valiant strong beggar at Chester, 13 Feb. 29 Hen. VIII., and ordered to go to Chippen Warren in Northamptonshire, his birthplace, in 16 days.
P. 1. Copy.
13 Feb. 270. Cheshire.
R. O. Order made in the Star Chamber, 13 Feb. 29 [Hen. VIII.], adjudging the right of common in 800 acres called the Myns to the King's tenants of Sutton and Wincle, and forbidding the tenants of the earl of Derby at Bosleye to use it till the return of a commission on the matter next Easter.
Copy, pp. 2. Endd.
13 Feb. 271. Sentleger to Wriothesley.
R. O.
St. P. II.
After writing and my servant gone, came a letter from a friend in Munster that James of Desmond and John FitzGerrard Oge his kinsman were both dead, and that James' son had taken Morys, brother to James, prisoner. I and my fellows have sent to learn the truth. I beg you inform my lord Privy Seal, to whom I had no leisure to write, as the ship went in such haste. Dublin, 13 Feb. Signed.
Add. Endd."
[13 Feb.] 272. Melanchthon to Vitus Theodorus.
Reform. III.
In Jehna, when the Nuncio was with me, English affairs chanced to be mentioned. The widow of Milan, daughter of Christiern the captive king of Denmark, was brought to Germany to wed the young duke of Juliers. That is now changed, for Juliers becomes heir to Gueldres against the will of the Emperor (του αυτοκρατος). Now the girl is offered to the Englishman, whom the Spaniards, aiming at universal rule (οι ορεγοντες της μοναρχιας σπανιοι), would join to themselves against the Frenchman and us. Haec quam eint heroica cogites velim. Nec tu vero excusa Geryonem quod nihil moliri contra nos putes. We know that one of the conditions proposed to the Frenchman is that he shall promise, "συμμαχιαν," to wipe us out, and that the Council is not even mentioned. Iterum vale.
Latin. Supposed, by the editor of the Corpus Reformatorum, to be an enclosure in a letter to Vitus Theodorus 13 Feb. 1538.
14 Feb. 273. Castillon to Francis I.
Kaulek, 23. [London], 14 Feb.:—Yesterday the King sent for me and said he had news from Spain that the difficulty between you and the Emperor was that you want possession of Milan under certain conditions, giving up the lands of M. de Savoye, except some private possessions which you claim. That the said conditions were agreed to, but the difficulty would be about the said possession, which the Emperor wishes to retain for three years, and you want at once, and he thinks you will never accomplish these conditions unless you are a prisoner. To remedy this the Emperor has said to his (Henry's) ambassador that the difficulty might be cleared up by the advice of the Pope or of the king of England; so, as the Emperor is willing, it only lies with you that he is not mediator of this peace, in which the Emperor has always promised that he shall be third contrahent. And he would willingly undertake the trouble of it to see a universal peace in Christendom. Since the great stumbling-block (doubte) to this negociation is the said possession, he thinks that if Milan had to be put into a third hand, it would better for you to have it in his than in our Holy Father's (whom he calls always bishop of Rome); for it is not to be expected that if he (the Pope) gets it he will be willing that yon should approach him so near as to be peacefully duke of it. And now the Emperor was willing to remit this difference to him, not to consent would be to show yourself very distrustful of him, and he would have to remedy it as best he could. The alliance between you two was certainly not bad for you at present. Moreover, the Emperor's ambassadors here resident had now received power to conclude the scruples (doubtes) he had with them as regards the marriages and other things, and tomorrow they were to speak with him; but first he had wished to make this overture and to declare himself privately to me to delay the reply he shall make to the said ambassadors until he knows your intentions. If you want him to do anything for you you may declare it to Mr. Briant, if he is still with you, and M. de Wincestre, with, reciprocally, what you would do for him.
He also put in a word about Madame de Longueville; that he was surprised you refused her to him to deliver her to his enemy, and were it not that he wished to remain your good brother and ally, everything gives him occasion to be suspicious (que sont toutes choses pour Ie faire bien penser). Perhaps she would have been the occasion of much benefit between you.
I answered that you had last written that you would not irritate (alterer) so dear a friend as the king of Scots, whom you held as your own son; also that before the late queen of England died, or you knew he desired to marry in France, she had been sworn and promised between M. de Guyse and M. d'Albrot. He replied, Well! if so, I am offered them in enough places, but that you could easily tell the king of Scotland that if the lady were unwilling you would not compel her, for marriages ought to be free. As to his marriages he named four, i.e., himself and the daughter of Portugal or the duchess of Milan, his son and the Emperor's daughter, the lady Mary and the Infant of Portugal, and his last daughter and the son of the king of Hungary; in fact, an amity and alliance for ever inseparable. You will, sire, form your own opinion of his position.
French extract.
*** A modern transcript is in R.O.
14 Feb. 274. Castillon to the Constable (Montmorency (fn. n3) ).
Kaulek, 24. [London], 14 Feb.:—My opinion is that this King a un peu mal en sa teste that he sees some approach of peace, and even that the difficulties in the way of it are being remitted to our Holy Father (which, as I wrote last, he will not believe), his greatest enemy; and, as appears by my letter to the King, he would find a way to be arbiter, though his language is not on the whole very open, but always mingled with complaints, according to his fashion of negociating. I think he has never been in such a difficulty as now. Of course he speaks always confidently, but I think he is afraid qu'on le laisse le cul entre deux scelles à terre. He speaks more bitterly to me than I wrote to the King; for where he said their alliance was not bad for Francis as yet, he added that if he (Henry) left it Francis would suffer. But this is not at all so boldly as I formerly have heard him speak. He would like to ride the one and lend the other, and find a way that these great affairs might not be cleared up except by him. If we wish to dissemble so much the better; if not, let the Pope, by censure and excommunication, forbid traffic with the English, and within half a year he will do as we wish, or else there will be an astonishing uproar in England (il y aura un merveilleux allarme en ce pays).
French abstract.
*** A modern transcript is in R. O.
14 Feb. 275. Nic. [Shaxton], Bp. of Salisbury, to Cromwell.
R. O. Has in custody a monk of Abingdon who is too weak to send up. When two other monks were scraping out the bishop of Rome's name, he said By the mass ye are accursed as many and (sic) set knife or pen to the book. Asks what is to be done with him. Ramesbury, 14 Feb.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
14 Feb. 276. G. Earl of Shrewsbury to Cromwell.
R. O. Wishes to know the King's pleasure in the lady of Northumberland's case and his own touching the late lord Darcy's lands at Temple Newsom. Sheffield Lodge, 14 Feb. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
14 Feb. 277. James V. to Sir Thomas Wharton.
R. O. Has received his writings, and perceives his zeal for the maintenance of peace. Writes to lord Maxwell, warden of the West Marches, who shall have instructions from the Council about Liddalisdale. Striveling, 14 Feb. 25 James V. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Warden depute of the West Marches of England. Endd.
14 Feb. 278. Oudart du Bies.
R. O. "Licence to the servants of lord Lisle to hunt partridges throughout his government until Shrovetide pour subvenir au bacquer (qu. banquet?) of his daughter whom he is marrying. 14 Feb. 1537. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
15 Feb. 279. Henry VIII. to Gardiner and Brian.
Add. MS.
25,114, f. 282.
B. M.
Has received their letters of 7th February, and their others of the same date sent by Franciscus the courier. Wonders that in their conference with Francis, to whom they spoke with great frankness, they omitted to answer the allegation of his letters, whereunto he would now refer himself by telling him that whatever they contained they could not bind Henry to his wishes. They might also have reminded him of the answers made to the bailly of Troyes and the bp. of Tarbes. If the King is bound by anything in his own letters he is ready to perform it. Gardiner intimates that in the discourse of his purgation, he durst not speak of the treaty of Pomeray because he was commanded last year to declare that it did not bind the King to that which they demanded of him, and that if he now insisted upon it, in the matter of comprehensions, they would perhaps demand aid again in case of war, alleging that the King acknowledged its validity. Sees no reason why he should not have alleged, either that or the treaty alternative, when neither of them served to the matter in question without you would have made an whole declaration from the beginning of those matters, which might have reduced things forgotten to memory. What was said about the treaty of Pomeray this time twelvemonth came to this, that as the French had no need of the aid they demanded they sought only a respite of the money due to England. Gardiner might even have told them that his own mission began upon the overture made by the bailly of Troyes for a contribution from England to the war, in consideration of which Francis offered not to make peace nor agree to a General Council without England,—that after long discussion about the contribution, they came to the treaty of Pomeray, and that the King had only refused to comply with their demands for two reasons; first, because he could not ascertain whether the Emperor or the French king invaded the other, and secondly, because the treaty was violated by the French in making alliance with Scotland. But nothing in these matters touched the validity of that league; for in treating of it, with the Great Master, Gardiner perceived that they did not care to have the special aid which the treaty required, and the Great Master made overture for the surceance of payment to England, which Henry granted on condition of Francis not making peace with the Emperor or consenting to a Council without Henry's consent. This offer was most thankfully taken by Francis with the putting off his cap for the same, and the conditions agreed to without qualification. Soon after a bull was promulgated for a Council at Mantua, in which it was stated that Francis had given his consent to it. Henry then wrote to Gardiner that Francis should declare to the world the contrary. In answer to this, Francis wrote letters of his own hand to Henry, of which the King sends a copy to show to him : "whereupon he would now make an evasion. Is to tell Francis that hearing the negociations between him and the Emperor are broken off, Henry having a sincere love for his good brother, though he might take this breach of promise somewhat unkindly, has thought right to make overture for mediation, which he trusts will be for the benefit of both parties; that the Emperor had offered to submit to Henry's mediation, and that he should much regret if Francis did not show him equal confidence; that he trusts Francis will not refer the question to the bishop of Rome, who pretends a title to a part of the duchy" "of Milan, the thing which our good brother most coveteth, and wherein we would earnestly travail to satisfy his desire. Westminster, 15 Feb. 29 Hen. VIII. Signed.
Pp. 5. Add.: the bp. of Winchester and Sir Francis Brian, our ambassadors in France. Endd.
15 Feb. 280. Cromwell to Gardiner.
Add. MS.
25,114, f. 286.
B. M.
Writes to assure him that the King bears him no displeasure, although his Highness's letters sent herewith make perhaps a longer rehearsal of matters than Gardiner would have thought necessary of matters in which he hug been remiss. It is only to show him that the King keeps in memory the whole train of his affairs and expects Gardiner to do the like. The bearer is commissioned to pass through to Mr. Wyatt, and to see Gardiner on his return. If the letters sent by Barnaby are not gone before his arrival, he can take them. St. James' beside Westminster, 15 Feb. 29 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. S Add.: in Wriothesley's hand. Master Paris will carry over to Gardiner his horses and servants, who are stayed not to delay the courier.
P. 1. Add.: My lord of Winchester, the King's ambassador resident in France. Endd.
15 Feb. 281. Henry VIII. to Wyatt.
Harl. MS.
282, f. 22.
B. M.
Nott's Wyatt,
Understands, by his letters of the 18th ult. to my lord Privy Seal, the good zeal and affection the Emperor has conceived for him, and the confirmation of his promises, both to have joined us as a principal contrahent if the peace had succeeded between him and the French king, and to stay his consent in anything prejudicial to Henry in the Council indicted by the bishop of Home. On receipt of this, Wyatt shall repair to his presence and thank him for his friendliness shown by these assurance, as well as by the report of Sir John Dudley on his return, promising that the King will show a like spirit, so that this knot will be for the weal of Christendom, as, owing to the wars of princes, the Turk is continually advancing. Would be glad to promote a general union against him. For this cause the King made overtures of mediation, from which he desisted when it was said that peace was to be secretly handled between the Emperor and the French king; but as it has not taken effect, he renews his offers, if they will refer the maynyng of it wholly to him. Urges the advantages of this; but if they commit the matter to him they must not give any authority therein to the bishop of Rome, who is the King's manifest and notorious enemy, and from whom no better success can be expected than has attended the efforts of his predecessors, who have ever used such occasions to encroach upon the power of princes.
How shall he be indifferent in any matter touching the duchy of Milan, who pretends an interest in Parma and Piacenza, and the country of Novaria, being a great part of the same? Whenever princes have been at peace and might have looked into their abuses, they have made a practise of setting forth one bugg or another to produce discord. And now if he (the bishop of Rome) get the mediation of this peace it would produce a greater war, as is like to come of his Council, if he may rule in it, as he must do if it be kept in the place whereto it is called. Seeing this, and that the party who assumes the indiction of it is not sufficiently authorised, a great part of the Christian princes have resolved to refuse it, so that it will be, at most, but a provincial council. If the Emperor, therefore, would prorogue the Council (it appears that he has not yet agreed upon the place) and indict it to" "Cambray or some such indifferent place, it would be most beneficial to all Christendom, and Henry would do all in his power to further it. Finally, Wyatt is to declare that Henry is most desirous to help the establishment of unity in Christendom, and being at liberty from marriage, and having a son and two daughters, we can be content to make conjunction and alliance with us all to be bestowed on either part as shall be thought expedient. The only obstacle being the duchy of Milan, if the Emperor will entrust that matter to Henry he will bestow it as shall be to his honour and the benefit of Christendom. If the Emperor will condescend to that, Henry will assist as liberally as can be desired in any expedition against the Turk. If the Emperor respond to the overtures of marriage and ask for specialties, Wyatt may, as of himself, ask what he would desire therein, and assure him that nothing reasonable will be denied. If the tender age of the King's son be an obstacle, Wyatt may say that Henry will be bound for him that at the years of consent he shall marry the person if both live. Westm., 15 Feb. Signed at the head.
Pp. 6. Endd. by Wyatt: The King's Majesty, 15 Feb., reed. by Franciso, 24 Feb., in Barsolona.
15 Feb. 282. Wriothesley to Wyatt.
Harl. MS.
282, f. 267.
B. M.
Nott's Wyatt,
Where you write to me to help your friends in setting forth your purposes, I think as much how to relieve you as any friend you have here. I will shoot so long for you till at the last I will surely hit somewhat, a fat or a lean. I nearly got you today 13s. 4d. a day increase of diet; and no doubt it will come. In your other great suit I have small courage; but, perhaps, among the rest, we may get a morsel. Satisfy my Lord in the matter wherein he writes so earnestly, and pray take order in the matter whereof I wrote, with the letters in cipher, and signified by Mr. Mason. Set the price yourself. It is but a reversion, and I must agree with Woodall and purchase the frowe's estate for term of life. It lieth even in my nose, and yet my nose is scant a mile long. My lady Mary's grace is merry. London, 15 Feb. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
283. Wriothesley to Wyatt.
Harl. MS.
282, f. 277,
B. M.
Remember my suit to yourself that by next courier I may know my pain. All your doings are well taken. Westminster.
Hol., in cipher, (fn. n4) p. 1. Add. Endd: Received by Francisco.
15 Feb. 284. John Wellysburn to Cromwell.
R. O. Thanks him for his letters, received today. Parys, Tregonwell, and Peter will certify him concerning Ashton and the late abbey, now the King's house, which is the poorest house he ever saw or heard of, being of such a fame as it was named. Wishes to know the King's pleasure against the coming of the surveyors, for there is no household stuff left to receive them. Has nothing but houseroom and wood, and borrows the rest, part of the late abbot, and part of his friends; so that whoever shall survey, must lodge in the town. Mr. Peter can show Cromwell the priest's evil demeanour, lack of learning and buying of his benefice. Asks for preferment. Abendon, 15 Feb.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
15 Feb. 285. John Wellysburn to Wriothesley.
R. O. Thanks for his friendly letters. Loved Thos. Stone before and shall the better for your sake. Please send word when the surveyors shall come and who they be; there is no place in this house to lodge them. Part of his servants lie in the town. All he has here is borrowed. Button has taken the key of the checker from hence, with, it is said, a coffer full of evidences of this house when it was an abbey. Pray show my Lord of this. He said when the key was asked of him it was at London—a crafty fellow! Abendon, 15 Feb.
I trust the priest (fn. n5) shall be proved as he is.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
15 Feb. 286. Knaresborough Castle.
R. O. The certificate of Henry earl of Cumberland touching the decays and deficients of the Castle of Knaresburghe, viewed 15 Feb. 29 Hen. VIII.
The castle is of three wards, with high and strong walls. It stands en a strong rock, and is surrounded on three quarters by a deep dry ditch hewn in the rock. The fourth quarter stands on a high scaur and rock above the river Nyd. The walls are of clean hewn stone, so well set at the first building that a small sum will mend the circuit. Within are privy stairs, vaulted, going to the bottom of the ditches for making privy issues and excursies. It would be hard to find a stronger site.
The Utter Ward.—The gatehouse, bakehouse, brewhouse, horse mill, garners, and barns want repairs. There is stabling for 16 horses. Posterns at the south and east want iron gates. At every quarter is a solid tower to hold ordnance and carts. The bridge at the entry is a lieng brige, and should be and was a drawbridge. The gates should be of iron.
The Inner Ward.—Description of the state of and repairs necessary for the gates, my lady Lucy lodging adjoining the chapel, the resayt, the corner tower, Blaunch tower (which is for keeping ordnance and has no window), the hall, great chamber, buttery, pantry, cellar, ewery, kitchen, pastry and oven house. There is a large draw well hewn in the rock, and it is farr unto the watter and goth with a myghty grete wheil. The timber house over it is almost down. The armoury between the gates and the resayt is down.
The Grete Dongeon.—The dongeon is a marvellous house of strength, the walls thereof 4 yds. thick, and more, and is of fine hewn stone, clean polished within and without, and strongly fortified with work and man's ingyne to abide all assaults, and hath but one stair upward, and that is defended with three gates and three portcullises, albeit, they be but of timber, and aloft above the stair, a strong vawte with open vents to make war downward. Certain repairs are needed for the seven houses in the bottom, the King's hall in the middle story, the chapel, the watch towers, and the treasure house. There has been no ordnance nor artillery for many years.
Requisites for repairs.—118 oaks, 17 fothers of lead,—— (fn. n6) tons of stone, — (fn. n6) tons of iron and either to have a lime kiln or to buy, by Easter, 700 quarters of lime. Signed: Henry Comberland.
Pp. 8. Docketed at the beginning by Tunstall: Knasborgh.
15 Feb. 287. Mary Basset to Lady Lisle.
R. O. Was very glad to see one of your men yesterday, who told me that my brother's marriage was [to be] on Tuesday. I expected to be there as you had written to Madame de Bours to say that you would send for me after Nostre Dame. She has been waiting here, not daring to go to Pondermi, expecting some one would come and fetch me. I beg you to let me know by the bearer the day you will send for me. I have not sent the bills of Madame de Bours' expenses for me, but will wait till the person comes for me. I shall be glad to be with you, but shall feel regret at leaving Madame de Bours, who has been so kind to me. Begs her to send her a crown. Bours, 15 Feb.
Hol. Fr., p. 1. Add.
15 Feb. 288. Pierre du Val to Lady Lisle.
R. O. I write to give you news of your son James Basset, who has been my scholar in this College of Navarre for two months. He is a very diligent student, and makes good use of his time and of the money you spend upon him. I have no doubt he will do well in whatever position you places him. He is very intelligent. College of Navarre, Paris, 15 Feb.
Hot., Ft., p. 1. Add.
15 Feb. 289. Robert [lord] Maxwell to Sir Thos. Wharton.
R. O. Desires that the day of march which was appointed for Wednesday, 20 Feb., be continued to that day 15 days, viz.. 6 March next, at Lochma-banstane, as he is commanded to wait upon the King at Striveling. Edinburgh, 15 Feb. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To ye Rycht Honorable schir Thomas Quhertoun, knycht, wardane of ye West Merche off Ingland foranent Scotland. Endd.
290. Lewes Priory.
R. O. Valor of all possessions of Thos. Crumwell, knight, lord Crumwell, which lately belonged to the monastery of Lewes, Sussex. [See Grants in February, No. 74.]
Sussex.—Lands, &c., 313l. 7s. 7d.; rectories, 97l. 13s. 3d.; pensions, 116l. 18s. Total, 527l. 18s. 10d.
Latin, p. 1. Endd.
291. Herry Polsted to Cromwell.
R. O. Sir Thos. Eliot offers 750l. for Carleton, 24l. 5s. less than what Polsted asked. Gilbert Claydon, farmer there, has a fee of 40s. by patent which Eliot must take, and an acre of wood for fuel. For these Eliot desires abatement on the 750l. Cromwell and his heirs must pay the tenth, as in the gross sum which be pays wholly for all his lands of Lewes and Castelacre, viz. 77l. 14s. 5¾d. Is riding into Essex tomorrow. Eliot asked him to write to Cromwell by Mr. Androwes, the bearer, that he might settle before leaving. Sunday.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
292. Herry Polsted to Cromwell.
R. O. Has concluded with Mr. Elyot about Carleton. Has instructed his clerk to engross the deeds and take an obligation of Elyot and Androwes for payment. Cromwell has the patronage of Carleton church, with Willingham chapel annexed, 2s. yearly pension of the parson there and another pension of 2s. 6d. of the parsonage of Weston Colvile, but not the patronage. Elliot names the incumbent and Cromwell presents him. Cromwell has also two portions of tithe, 13s. 4d. and 20s. a year. Has agreed that Eliot should have all these at 21 years' purchase. The benefice of Carleton is worth 8l. 19s. 5d. a year and Weston Colvile 21l. 12s. 2d.
Has also made a letter to the lord Chancellor for presentation to Fovent church for one of his pensioners at Lewes, and another for Harvy Mellershe. Asks Cromwell to sign them and send them by Parry. Reminds him to call upon the Commissioners for putting in and returning the surrenders of monasteries. If one that were found faulty were put in the Fleet, the residue would be more diligent. At your Lordship's house in London. Monday. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: My lord my Master. Endd.
293. Herry Polsted to Cromwell.
R. O. We have granted all your demesnes at Falmer at 20d. the acre, discharged of tithe. All other farms that pay corn we have taxed at 6s. 8d. the quarter of wheat and 3s. 4d. barley. States the rents to be paid by the farmer of the monastery, for Estham. Westham, the windmill, the marshebrokes, the two ryes where the coneys be, the brew house and vessel, the water-mill for winter and the horsemill for summer, the parsonage of Kingestone, Knowland and Frithland, &c. The farmer is minded to occupy making of cloth, and would beg as many trees as would make a fulling [mill?]. Shall have much ado to get a tenant for the fishing of the Broadwater at 6l. 13s. 4d., the old rent. The farmer of the site is very loth to pay his rent quarterly.
The park of Mote is not more than 200 acres beside the pounds, and not worth more than 8d. an acre. Cromwell's oxen in the stall had better remain here and be spent for his household or at Halden. Does not see how fat oxen can be sent to Leeds or Halden, as it seems almost impossible this time of year to provide fodder. The oxen in the pastures that bear beef shall be driven to Nasyng and the others sold. A wether's wool is worth 5d., a ewe's 4d., a teg's 3d.; a wether, shorn, is worth 19d., a ewe 16d., a lamb 10d., a teg 14d. Hopes, therefore, to sell wethers at 2s. a piece, ewes and lambs at 2s. 6d. a couple, and tegs at 17d. a piece.
Has as yet granted nothing but what Cromwell may revoke. Lewes, Friday afternoon. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Sealed. Endd.


  • n1. It is not clear with what precise object this list was compiled, but it was presumably drawn up when all the houses named were still standing; and some of them surrendered early in 1538, though most of them in 1539. Perhaps it may have been drawn up after the return to the preceding paper had been received.
  • n2. Prior William Bolton, who died in 1532.
  • n3. He was made Constable on the 10th Feb."
  • n4. A decipher written below.
  • n5. Sir John Maim. Sea No. 260.
  • n6. Blanks.