State Papers, 1658: July (4 of 7)

Pages 254-266

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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July (4 of 7)

To the Venetian agent.

Antwerp, 2 July, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 102.

It is credibly reported here, that the king of France is dead, and that they conceal his his death at Calais. We expect every hour to hear of the election of the emperor, the 18th of this month being the day appointed for it: when he is once chosen, he will be soon crowned.

Our army hath abandoned the campaign, and is retreated into such places as are of most consequence, as Ipres, Niewport, Ostend, and Bruges; which are as well provided with strong garrisons, and great store of ammunition and provisions.

If once the emperor shall be chosen, we shall have such assistance from him, as will prevent all further danger threatened against this country by the French and English.


Antwerp, 20 July, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 104.

The news of the death of the king of France is now confirmed, and you may credibly report it. Here is great rejoicing, his army is drawn from Newport, and is retired to Cassel; so that it is thought they will make no further progress this summer.

Letters from Franckfort this week, express for certain the election of the emperor to be past, the greatest obstacle being removed, and that he will be shortly crowned. This is look'd upon here as considerable news.

A letter of intelligence.

Brussells, July 20, 1658 [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 94.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

Since my last, we have had different reports concerning the king of France; some will have him deade; others that he is recovered. Of that you may have more certaine intelligence then we can. You lost a faire opportunity, when the French horse, 3000 in number, appeared before Bruges. They might have carried it, the allarum was so strong, if they had gone on, which they would have done, if they had understood the differences betwixt D. John, and the burgers, and the peasants, which flocked thither for sanctuary. There was D. John and D. Gloucest. in the towne: D. Gloucest. came to Brussells from Bruges the 18 of this monthe, 2 of the clock after dinner. Ch. Stew. was very much glad to see him. D. York is expected 101 every day. 337 303. We shal have another designe 154 91 77 121 61 shortly. Pr. Conde and * ar in Newport, and have 147 161 239 278 effectively ad men 447 beesydes burgers and peasants. You must make no attempt on that town, 453 443 443 465 251 552 114 135 166 484 553 563 178 460 the prince of Lynee is at Ipers with his forces, which is sayde to be very strong. Wee heare, that D. John and the countrye 568 158 are very well accorded, 54, and that the losse of Dunkirk hath brought them to a good 31 369 understanding 549 123 309 78 and accord. They intend a 552 121 54 32 very suddaine levye, 575 of 12 thousand foote. Manie men come daily from Dunkirk to us, 635 563 582: the clergy contribute largely to the levying new foote. The losse here was nothing so greate as was reported. We recruit apace, and hope to be in very a good condition shortly, and try the other boute with your English foote. The reporte of the king of France his death gives great hopes here of a change in France, alterations and disturbances, new embroylements. 'Tis uncertaine when C. Stuart will go to Franckfort, some 124 mony hath 543 451 463 38 37 procured in readiness 61 31 14 91 121 65 for his journey so soon as the K. of 192 544 Hungary 659 shall be crowned 148 128 178 125 68 58 emperor. We assure our selves the emperor will be elected the next thursday, if it be not past last thursday. The marquis de Pineranda writt it peremptorily to don Alonzo de Cardenas. A Hollander went lately from these parts. 55 497. She is two hundred tunn 168 121 122 61, hath 22 pieces of cannon with 2 brass guns in her 159 370 397 379 poupe, where the wild man is 55 63 439 404 painted playing 108 32 190 91 124 80 to the beasts of the forest. 521. Shee hath 2 ca p tai ns, one an English man name d Nash, the brother of Holland, as named John Rocanson. 524 285 545. Shee give s out, shee is bo und for Ply 451 mouth, from the nce to Newfoundla nd, the n 355 554 ce to Malaga, or some whe 488 543 599 554 re about, I came to the knowledge of it by one capt. Home 446 s, an Iri s h man. Shee 439 on ce page 363 to prin 150 95 126 ce Rupert, now lately come 426 293 from Bruges to Brussels. Ch. Stuart gave me command to turne the information 438 561 484 French, for into 7or 125 48 what inte 594 397 552 nt I know no t yet. On 438 e major William Harwood 604 and 154 Sir Ha 151 374 rr y Moo 551 re came out of England in disguise, both da n gero men. us Harwood paseth, 604 500. Ofte 552 n a witty man, long fa ire ha i red cu r led, high 380 986 nose, ho low eyes, a w ide mo 605 541 u th, an 448 309 ordinary 532 15 491 611 statu re. I hope to give you intelligence of his n ext of returne, 461 563, when he will not make so good a voiage. The y came from 77 Gra 34 us end to Zealand, in the co p any of two yo ng gentleme n of France, 481 the 554 ma rqui s of Be rce re and jolly 422 sieur de F le u ri. I brought them both 276 554 to kis Ch. Stuart's ha 374 n ds. 159. The y to 1 d to Ch. Stu. some pritty pleasant storyes that the y venture d seeing the protect all sermon time at Whiteha 552 374 ll, and many such like tale 422 s. There is one Hin n, a black 38 45 110 216 411 ish man come lately out 490 of England, he came to Brussels, 619, he has brought 3 good ho r ses with him 381, I presume for Ch. Stuart. About 3 weeks past, he came from Eng l and. Colte the great cheate 84 320 552 presented Ch. Stuart 2 a little u hile 602 422 since. Last sunday Ch. Stuart did to uch a chi 380 l 301 553 374 d that had the king's il. They sa y, 534 shee shall have a thousand po unds 554 the yea re. Shee is about 6 yea rs of a ge. I should esteeme my selfe very happy to heare from you by the first occasion. I have never yet had the honnor to receive the least of your commands: if there be any thing in these parts that you may either desire for yourself, or your lady, I shall take care to obey and satisfie your desires. I have not heard from Mr. Resident at the Hague ever since I came into Flanders; nor have I had the honnor to receive either letter or mony from him, 381 although I have beene at an extraordinary expence, 309 457 522 339 501 289, I know no r eason 541 for it. I desire you, Sir, to take some care to send me mony to Antwerp, 181 331 501, without putting me to the trouble of running into Holland. 677. I can soone r go into England 667 and returne. He has not used me 446 civily, since I told him truth concerning his brother Phi 380 lli p, 601, which did 1 disco u er my bein g at the resident's. He hath referred me altogether in the business to receive your orders, which I shall obey as I receive commands from you, which I desire may bee by the next poste, directed to Goris Cuning, next the poste-house in Brusils, at the French ordinary.

Your most humble servant,
Goris Cuning.


Brussels, 20 July, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 100.

We had news of the death of the king of France the last week, who died at Calais; and it still continueth, and is believed here to be true, the rather because the French with their great army in Flanders do not advance, having only taken Bergen, St. Wynocks, Veurne, and Dixmyden, which were all delivered to them without any resistance. All other places as Newport, Ostend, Bruges, &c. are all well provided, and will not be so easily taken, if their army should besiege any of them; but the king being dead, the duke de Anjou is to be king, who will not be ruled by Mazarin; so that it will require time to settle things: and within two months there will be no staying in Flanders to besiege townes; and it is hoped Mazarin not being sole master, that we may have a good peace between the two kings.

It is generally writt from Franckfort, that the king of Hungary were to be chosen emperor this 18th instant, whereof we expect to hear that it is done, as also when he is to be crowned; which it may be will come to-morrow by the letters of Cologne. This election, and the death of the French king, will make a great alteration. Here is a strange report, how a phantasme appeared to the king when he lay a-dying, in a very fearful manner, with many threats; which I make no doubt but you will have heard from Calais.

Monsieur Fly to Bourdeaux, the French ambassador in England.

Calais, 20 July, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 92.

My Lord,
Monsieur Sanguin arrived here this morning. The health of the king doth encrease. On monday next he goeth from hence, his eminence doth not follow the court. It is sad, that he returneth for Bergen, and that he will stay in those parts so long as the siege, which is to be undertaken, shall continue. It is sad, it will be against Nieuport. A few days more will let us know the certainty.

We are very glad here of the staying of those Holland shipps in the Downes, which are said to have silver in them. Some say they had soldiers on board.

Dormisson to Bordeaux, the French ambassador in England.

Calais, 20 July, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 96.

My Lord,
It is enough to tell you, to confirm to you, the good health of the king; to assure you, that he will depart on monday next, to return into Picardy, and from thence to Compiegne, to recover his former strength. His eminence will either stay at Calais, or pass to Bergen, to give vigour by his presence to the execution of the siege which shall be made. It is not yet known of what place, but certainly it will be of some great place. The army of Monsieur La Ferté is upon the march, and was come near to Armentiers. The conquest of St. Omer is very much desired by all the court: whether this is to be taken in hand next, a few days will inform us of the certainty thereof.

Count Brienne to Bourdeaux, the French ambassador in England.

Calais, 20 July, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 98.

My Lord,
I Received your letter of the 5th of this month, just as the post was departing, so that I had not time enough to accuse the reception thereof; and in regard it contained some points, which required the king's orders, I wish I could have gotten them to have sent them to you by this post, but the resolution, which his majesty hath taken to depart from hence on monday next, to be nearer to Paris, hath suspended all the affairs for the present, which I hope will serve to plead my excuse for not sending an answer to your letter; and I have nothing more to tell you, but that the king doth begin to recover his strength.

To Petkum.

Franckfort, 21 July, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 112.

On thursday last the cries and acclemations here were, Vivat Leopoldus imperator Romanorum. I believe you will not scruple to rejoice likewise; for it is believed, that this election will contribute very much to the peace of all Christendom. On wednesday last all the strangers were turned out of the towne, and the ambassadors of France went for Mentz, with an intention not to return, not finding their account. About ten o'clock the Spaniards went away, and others, who for the most part did not go above half a mile off, and the lords of the city gave orders to have the gates shut about noon; but it was eight of the clock first before they were shut; and the next day at one of the clock, the king of Hungary and Bohemia was proclaimed emperor.

Mr. Downing to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 107.

Honourable Sir,
Wednesday last I sent a pacquet and 6 dozen bottles of Spaw water to captain Plumley, commander of the Reserve frigatt, to be by him sent unto you; and upon friday I sent you two pacquets by the post, so that I have little to add, onely that yesterday I received a letter from generall Montague, by a frigatt which convoyed some merchant ships for Zeeland; and therein an accompt of the dismissing of the seaven ships of this countrey, which came from Cadiz, which newes we have had about foure houres before, by the ships themselves. Upon the newes of their stopping, together with the lying of your men of warr upon the coast, there was a general apprehension that you would seize all their East-Indy ships, and all their ships which are also dayly expected in great number, and with a most vast wealth from Spaine and the West-Indyes, and five men of warr more over and above the five that went out about a fortnight agoe, were ordered toward the Northward for the conveying in the East-Indy ships; and officers and soldiers were ordered forthwith aboard the rest of the men of warr which are sitting out, upon paine of death. Upon friday night the States Generall sent an express to Sheeveling, and thence to have gone for England about the 7 ships that were stopt, but the wind was so high, that it hindred the goeing away thereof, a very great, if not the greatest part of the goods of those ships, did belong to people in Flanders. I have made use of this gentle touch of their ships bound from Spaine, to let De Witt and my lord Nieuport know, that his highness expects in like manner, and with like readiness, the releasing of the postilion should be ordered, and such other English ships as I heare are since seized upon the same accompt; and, that unless they doe it, his highness will be forced to treate the ships comeing from Spaine and the West-Indyes, in like manner; and indeede unlesse they doe forthwith discharge them, I know noe other way of remedy; and I finde them much more sensible of this action of his highness, then of all the letters and messuages that he could have sent them. De Witt gives me very good words, but I have bin so used, so that I am past beleese of any thing but deeds. De Witt tells me, they will order the release of the ship with this provision, in case the matters of fact prove as it is represented: but that I take to be a meere evasion, and so I shall tell him; for then there wil be onely a gaining of time, for the getting in of their shipping, which now they expect in great numbers from Spaine and the West-Indyes, and afterward some little cavill shall be found out ** the matter of fact from what is represented and s * release of the ship or goods. I was this morning at the English church, where Mr. Beaumont preached, without mentioning the name of Charles Stuart; and withall praying heartily for England's welfare and prosperity; and in such a manner, as to insinuate something also in generall prayer for his highness: the assembly was as full as it hath been knowne, excepting only the queen's appartment, which I found naked and voyd, she having taken away her hangings and cushions. There hath been very great meanes used with Mr. Beaumont not to preach any more in publick, and that they would make his maintenance better then ever it hath bin; but he told them that he was well satisfied in conscience with what he intended to doe, and that they should decict in tempting him any further in that kind, for that it would be all labour in vaine; and if I had not in the way I have gained Mr. Beaumont by kindnesse, the assembly had been broake, which, in endeavouring to doe a good, would have brought another great evil and scandall; but I thank God the business is come to this issue, that onely some few desperate caveleeres are withdrawn, and the assembly continued, and that without the least stirr or disorder; though as to the causeing thereof also, very high endeavours have bin used. The elders came to the church dore, and carried me to Sir William Bosvill's seate. I hope you will be pleased to consider what I have written in my former letters concerning this business.

Whether it will not be fitt for you to dispatch some instructions to major generall Jephson, or Sir Phillip Meadowes, concerning the unhappy busines of the elector of Brandenburgh, I humbly submitt to you. The inclosed papers being but just now come to my hands, the bearer cannot stay the translateing of them; therefore not more, but that I am,

Honourable Sir,
Your most faythfull humble servant,
G. Downing.

Hague. 21 July, 1658. [N. S.]

Major-general Morgan to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 109.

Right Honourable,
Since the surrendrie of Dixmuyde, there hath been little hapened worth your lordshipp's knowledge, save that marshall Thureine, with a considerable partie of his armie, made a voyage into the countrey over to Brudges, and tooke an exceedinge number of cowes and horses, and under the counterscarsse of that towne tooke nighe 300 horses. I had the hapines to waite on him in that expedition.

The enemie have devided their armie into severall garrisons to prevent us from besiegeinge them, and to keep at the head of there country, unto which we are prettie well advanced alreadie. Marqui De Carascen, and the titular duke of Yorke, have cast themselves into Neiuport; the prince of Conde with a part of there armie into Ostend; and Don John with the residue, and another great Don into Bruges and Ipres: and it is creadiblie reported by severall of the grandees of the court in this armie, that if the enemie had not so timely devided there armie into the great Towns, several of them had revolted to marshall Thureine, for the king of France ere this; for I will assure this many yeares the Spaniard hath not been soe heard put to it to defend Flanders as this yeare. About 3 daies since, marshall Thureine went to bargin to meet with the cardinall to consult how to proceed for the rest of the campaigne, and is nowe retorn'd againe to the campe.

Marshall La Ferté is with his armie within a daies march of our campe; and when I was last night with marshall Thureine for order, he acquainted me, that there would be another towne besieged suddainlie, either by marshall La Ferté or himself; otherwise I had an inclination to waited on the lord ambassadors to settle some business, touching the 4 regiments with mee in the field; but the uncertaintie of our removall from hence prevents mee. I shall be ready to observe your honour's commands, and remaine,

Right Honourable,
Your very humble servant,
Tho. Morgan.

Campe nigh Dixmuyde
21st July, 1658. St. No.

Lockhart to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 114.

May it please your Lordship,
Being desyrus to return this messenger with all speed, I shall touch some of the particulars mention'd in your lordshipp's last. That I sent two days agoe will inform your lordshipp, what the cardinal's demands were to me, and what my answer to them was. Not knowing what his highness's inclinations were, I durst give no other at that time; but if his highness could in any short time spare him 2000 men, for the remaining part of this summer service, I should looke upon it as no ill bargaine, provided, that for this succourse, his highness were wholly freed from the obligation of beseeging Graveling by sea. I should not care, if, in consideration of that advantage, I were commanded to spare him 500 foot from this garrison, which I shall not be able to doe, unless the French army should besiege either Nieuport or Ypres. I cannot at present think upon any thing else, which would be hansome for his highness to demand for satisfaction, for the expence he will he put too, if he send over more forces to the French army; for if his eminence should offer Burgh or Furn, which I know he would be loath to doe, I should not as yett think it advysable to his highness to accept of them, for they are not to be kept, unless there be an army to support them; and every day I make soe many new discoverys, of what must necessarly be done, for the preservatione of this place, and the Forts-royall and Mardi k, as the forces will be more put to it how to keep them, then they were in acquiring of them; but I say this without any dispondency, for that same God, who gave them, will, I hope, enable us to defend them, tho' not for our sakes, yet for * * of his own name, and the good of his people, who I ame confident by * * experiences will find one day that the Lord's desygn will not be confined to so narrow ane imprisonment as Dunkirke.

The 3 regiments and a half, that are in the fields, are above 2000 effective, besyds officers, reckoning in for said number about 400 sick and wounded, who are heare, many of which dayly recover; and this day capt. Battalla carryed up 150 recovered soldiers to their collars, there is in this garrison, and other forts not above 2500 well men; their are many sick upon whom I spare nothing this place can afford; but the feavors here are very dangerous, even soe as the phisicion and chirurgions share in the sickness, and some of the * * beginn to sicken. I have caused to refresh all the moatts of the town with fresh water; and we keep the streets as clean as is possible. But to returne to the strength of this garrison, Mr. D'Estrade, who was governor heare for the French, told me, when the cardinal was heare, that this place could not be kepd under 3000 foot and 4 or 500 horse; and I am sure that any who see and consithered the circuit of works we have to maintain would be of that opinion; besydes this place is so little secured by the places possessed by the French, as they have enough to doe to secure their own convoys betwixt Furn and this, and that not without my assistance: if your lordshipp will cast your eie upon the mapp, you will find that Furn lyeth a great way of the Strand; and that betwixt Newport and this, which is but four houres march, their is nather dyk nor ditch to pass. I may say the mistake is as great in them, who say if the army (which is weakened by its own disorders, and ruined thorough want of discipline) be not recruitted by his highness, it might be justly said, it had done nothing but served the interest of England; yet is abundantly known to the world, that the gaining of a battle, and the gaining of three such considerable posts as they now possesse, is to have done more for France, then hath yet been done him any campaigne since the beginning of their warr, or will probably be done again, except upon the lyke occasion; I mean a conjunction with the forces of England: but, my lord, this is not all; for is their desyer of grasping too much could be bounded, they might yet take any of the enimies garrisons out, their own frontiers they would pitch upon, but then they must slight Dixmode and Furn; but it will not be sitt his highness give this advice, left they showld think he had some privatt desygn in the womb of it. I shall know this night or to-morrow, whether any further resolutions be taken concerning a siege, as also if the cardinal goeth along with the king, or stayeth in these parts: if his eminence stay, he hath a greatt and generous soule both upon that account, and the particular respect I am consident he hath to his highness and family, I cowld wish, that all thats possible might be done for his assistance, but I prosesse I know not what it is that can be done; for as I understand the state of his highnesse affairs, it will not be safe to send away any more of his old regiments; and there is not tyme methinks to make new levys: for besydes that the season of the year runns apace, I am bold to say, that a recruit of 2000 men, a month or five weeks heare, will make the French army no stronger then, then it is this day; for in that space of tyme, tho' it lyeth and doe nothing, it will loose as many men as the foresaid number will amount too. My lord, though its said, that 1500 men is enough to this place, yet I must beg the sending over of recruitts to the regiments heare, as also the monthes provisions, which I shall keep in store: and tho' so greatt summs of money as wee need cannot now be sent, yett I hope your lordshipp will send us some. It is now near a month since we were heare, and I have yett some creditt left, and I beleeve by the way I have taken of expressing no overmuch haste to rake into the matters of money, and a contempt for some little mean things, their former governors used to squeeze out of them, I shall be furnished with what they have, soe long as it lasts; but that will not serve turn long; besydes most of soldiers want linnen, which cannot be had without money. As for Cesi's money, all that is received as yet is 20000 crowns, whereof there was about 6000 crowns payd by order of his highnesss to Monsieur Westrowe's children. The money I borrowed of the cardinal, for which I drew a bill upon Mr. Wildgoues, amounts to about 7333 crowns; and poor Mr. Agier, who was starving, had some small things out: so that I believe their will not be above 6000 crowns remaining at most, which I shall take up if your lordshipp thinks fitt to order my so doing. There needs no security to be given to any person for it, I having received it as his highness ambassador for his highnesse, disposing of it to the interesses according to their respective rights, which were to be judged by the laws of England; but there will be no great businesse in so small a parcell as this; for besydes that, the garrison is numerous, the repairing of the works, and putting the Fort-royall in will take a world of money; and whatever it cost, the counterscarp, and the half-moons without, and the bastion which we attacqued within, must be made up now; the counterscarp in that place upon which we approached, is almost compleated; but the bastion will not yet be made up in six weeks tyme, for I must goe to the very ground of it, which was all shaken in pieces; and it must be built 10 foot high, with a brick wall 6 foot thick, because the sea washeth in at every spring tyde. A greatt many armes hath been lost and broken at the siege and battle; and therefore I must desyre, that a thousand musketts, and as many pikes, may be sent over to ly in magazine. I shall mend and patch up what we have, so as they shall serve turn, till by a siege or otherwise we be putt to a straitt. Mr. Gurnett appointed by his highnesse to receive the revenew is heare, he is of a choice spirit, and I am confident will answere his trust well. He that is to be collector of the customs, must have Dutch and French, so make him never so active, he will be so cheatted, and so unfitt, as his highnesse will suffer exceedingly by it; but for any thing I know, he may have these languages, or at least Dutch; and then he shall be most welcome; for I would willingly have all things in some settled way. There is no present need of a deputy governor; and if his highnesse be much desyrus to employ the gentleman mentioned in your lordshipp's, as town-major, his place may as to the most materiall part of it be discharged without any other langwage then his own; and for other things, he may doe them by the help of a trusty servant. I have made provision of oatts for the horse only; I shall not know what to do for bedds to the horsemen, the carabins, and good ones, are very needfull to them, for wee must march for the most part betwixt dykes and watter-gauges, and will many tymes be put to use their carabins, when their pistolls will be uselesse. I shall advise against the next, what imployment will be most suitable to the persone your lordshipp gives soe advantagious a character too; and as to the pilotage I shall doe nothing in it till my brother return; the towne claimes that and the excyse as their right. I cannot learn that they have any other revennew; with it they are bound to keep up the magistracy, justice, and all the publick houses, the reparatione of key, and harbor, and the walls and ports of the old towne, and a greatt many other things, by which for this yeare there can be no gainers, for all is out of order: neverthelesse whatever become of the profitts, I am resolved to put ane honest man, and ane Englishman in the place, with allowance of a comfortable sallery out of the profitts of it. I had once some thoghts of captain Groy, but I can find some other employment as good for him, if your lordshipp know of any honest man fitt for that. I have much reason to be ashamed for giving your lordshipp such continuall tedious troubles, but I must stand to your lordshipp's mercy, knowing your lordshipp's readinesse to pardon all the importunities of,

May it please your Lordshipp,
Your most humble, faithfull, and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.

Dunkirk, July 21, 1658. [N. S.]

The inclosed paper will give your lordshipp ane account of the bores of the ordinance: most of their carriages are broken, which I patch up as well as I can; onely I will have greatt need of 10 new carriages for Demiculverin; the wheles not too high, nor the carriages not too long. I have spoke with the cheese merchant of this towne, and finds that tho' your lordshipp order me to send for the rest of Cesi's money in Mr. Wildegoes hand, I cannot raise it heare by giving bills for it: if the cardinal doe not goe I may perhaps gett that same favour from him I did formerly; and if your lordshipp think fitt, I shall propownd his payment of the whole marsullas debt, which will be a very considerable summ; but it cannot come in tyme to receive our present necessities, tho' it may prove very usefull in the winter.

Col. Doyley, governor of Jamaica, to —

In the possession of the rt. hon. the earl of Shelburn

The 8th of May last, the Spaniards made good my intelligence to your honour, by landing thirty captains, thirty alferes, and thirty companyes of foote, at a place called Rio Nova, in the north of this island, who were there about 12 days, before they were discovered; at which tyme our ships playing up and downe, saw three sayle of Spanish in that bay, and made an attempt to have boarded them; but being becalmed could not effect it. That night the Spaniards stole away, and a ship came out to acquaint me therewith: I immediately called a counsell of warr, as the affair did importune; and we debated, whether it were most advantageous to assault them presently, or let them partake of the distemper and want of the country; and when sickness had weakned them, to attempt them then, though much might have beene and was urged, how invaders were to be used with delayes, &c. the exceeding desire of the officers and soldiers to be doing with them, cut of all debates, and termed a sudden resolution to sall on them, before they were fortified; so I comanded out 750 officers and souldiers; and on the 11th of June last, wee set sayle from this harbour towards them, and on the 22d in the morning wee attempted the landing on a bay, which was desended by 2 companies and 2 captains, within half shott of their cannon playing from their sort. Our sorelorne went on with such gallantry, and kept into the water with so much chearfullness, that perswaded the enemy they would not be denyed entrance, and so they ranne, leaving one of their captaines and about 23 slaine; the other were took wounded, who dyed since. Then we made all the half, and in an hour landed our men, their cannon playing all the while on us with little successe. That day we spent in playing upon their sort from our ships, though the place being of so vast an height, they they could bear to doe them little harme. The next day understanding their numbers to be more then ours, we were at a stand how to attempt them, having fortified themselves, and having 6 pieces of ordnance, and a river to passe, the depth whereof we knew not. Wherefore after our ladders were made, and other things fitted as well as we could, in the evening I sent a drummer, partly to discover the depth of the river he was to passe, with this summons; "Sir, being here with the forces of the mighty prince, the protector of England and the dominions thereunto belonging, I doe, in his name and for his use, require, and summon you to deliver up the fort of Rio Nova, with the ordnance and amunition therein; assuring you honourable termes and transport to your country; which if you shall refuse, I shall be acquitted of the bloud shall be shed. I expect the returne of my drummer in an hower, and am,

Your very humble servant,
E. D.

"For Don Christopher Arnoldo Sasi, commander in cheife of the Spanish forces.

Who was very civilly treated; the generall gave him twenty-five pieces of eight, and sent me a jarr of sweate meates, and this answere.

"Lord generall don Christopher Arnoldo & Sasi, governor for his majestie the king of Spayne, my lord of the island of Jamaica, answering to your letter, wherein you require me to deliver the fort of Rio nova, and what else is therein, I say, that his majestie, whom God preserve, hath appointed me for governor of this island, being his owne property, and hath remitted me unto it a regiment of Spanish infantry, and twenty foote companies to defend it. The forts and castles of his majestie are not yeilded with soe much facility hitherto. I have received noe batteries, nor have you made any advance. I want noe powder, ball, provisions, nor gallant men, that know how to dye before they be overcome. God keepe your honour many yeares in those commands that you desire.

"To the generall Mons. Doyley, governor of the forces of England these.

Don Christopher Sast Arnoldo.

Wee made noe more demurrs, but resolved to march the morrow morning; soe I ordered two of our vessels to set sayle leeward, to perswade them. Wee intended to stand on that side of them; the other ships to warpe asneere as they could, and play in them, while wee sell on the other side. Wee marcht as soon as it was light, haveing two arches to goe being through a wood on the back side of them. About a quarter of a mile from their fort, wee mett a party on a worke on a high hill, prepared to obstruct our goeing over ther river, who onely gave us a fruitless volley, rann to their sort, and told them all the world was comeing. Wee clymed that hill with much adoe, refreshed our weariness, and advanced. When wee came in sight of their fort, we found, to our exceeding joy, that the work on that side was not finished to that hight, as that to the leeward. Wee ordered our business with our forlorne ladders and hand-granades, and without any further dispute received their shott, and rann up to their flankers, which in a quarter of an hower wee gained. Many of them made shift to ruan out of the works, and ours followed their chase about 3 or four miles, doeing execution. The seamen likewise seeing of them runn along the rocks, came out with their boats, and killed many of them.

In this sort, wee took about ten double barrels of powder, shott great store, six peices of ordnance, great store of provisions, wyne, brandy, salt, oyle, and other provisions for eight months, as they termed it. There was slayne about three hundred persons, diverse captaines, two priests, and their serjeant-major, about one hundred taken, and six captaines, which we have sent home; the king of Spayn's standard and ten collours. The rest, especially the strangers, that are in the woods, must of necessity perish. Though this mercy was very great, yet our joy had some abatement, by the losse of capt. Wiseman, capt. Meers, capt. lieutenant Walker, capt. lieutenant Robinson, and ensign Farror, men for their gallantry rather to be admired then comended, about some twenty-three private souldiers killed, and thirty-fower wounded, whereof some are since dead; some other of our officers slightly wounded with stones. Thus hath the Lord made knowne his salvation. His righteousness hath he openly shewed in the sight of the heathen. I have sent this short narration, becuase it comes by colonell Barry, who was an eye witness, and principal actor herein, and rest

Your Honour's
faithful servant,
Edw. Doyley.

Casway in Jamaica the 12 July, 1658.

A letter of intelligence from blanck marshall.

Bruges, this 22d day of July, 1658. New Stile.

Vol. lix. p. 115.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

In my last I gave you a perfect accompt of your affairs heer, so that I cannot ad much to this more then was in that. D. John is still here. D. of Gl. i s g on to Brussels, but is to returne sudanly hit her. What Ch. St. intends is not yet knowen D. of Y. is with all the six poor regiments belong ing to Ch.St. in Neport, wher I intend to go in the morning, then I shall be able to give you full satisfaction, in relation to what goods you have ther. The people heer ar in greate fear, and doth cou nt ther contry lost. I see no apearance of the recru ting ther forces, onely they speake high. The sowr me mbers of Flanders hes offered raise twentie thousand and pay them duel ie, but D. John will not yeeld unlesse he have the pay in g the army him selfe, of which they ar not lyke to agree. Sir, if any thing I send you miscarry, I intreat you to let mee know, that I may take care to send them by a safe convoy. For newes, wee have non in theise parts. They say the king of France is dead, as lykwys the great hopes wee had, that England will sall out with Holland, although now litle apearance of it. The report goes heer of the crowneing the emperour, but no certainty; and many other stories not worth your trouble. Sir, if you think mee worthy you commands at any tyme, be pleased to direct your heer according to your last direction, for,

Your most obedient servant,
Jo. Harrisson.

The secretary Richard's memorial to the States General.

Lect: die Lunæ, 22 July, 1658.

22 July, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 145.

The underwritten counsellor of the king of Spain his secretary, and secretary to his ambassador with the States General of the United Provinces of the Netherlands, thinks it his duty to make known to their lordships the intimation, which he received yesterday from the ambassador of the king his master, now at Francfort, concerning the happy saccess of the election of the king of Hungary, his apostolic majesty having been chosen and proclaimed emperor the 18th instant, with the unanimous consent of all the electors. He doth not doubt but this news will be most well pleasing to their lordships, not only for the interest they have in the repose and tranquillity of the empire, but for the assurance he can give them upon good knowledge, that his said majesty will preserve and endeavour to to increase with this state all friendship, neighbourhood, and good correspondence, in imitation of the emperors his predecessors of glorious memory, and whereof their lordships still have more ample confirmation within a short time on the part of his said majesty. Given at the Hague 22 July, 1658.

V. Richard.

Lockhart to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 132.

May it please your Lordship,
I Have received your lordshipp's letter relateing to the gentlemen concerned in the ship Endeavour. I see your lordshipp's sense (conforme to his highnesse's own judgement) is full and zealous for justice and reason, and according to your commands I have written but to his eminence, and to the count de Brienne, the copies of both which I have likewise sent to your lordshipp by these gentlemen. Having an eye to civility, I have written as effectually as I could, in pursuance of your lordshipp's most rationall and equitable dictates, to which I wish and hope all good successe; but if it come not, and that speedily, I suppose I need not adde my opinion, that his highnesse should act according to the advice of the judges of his admiralty in that case. I rest,

My Lord,
Your Lordship's
Most humble and most obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.

Dunkerke the 12th/22 of July, 1658.

The information of Edward Lockell, taken by me the 12th of July, 1658, at Workesope, Nottinghamshire, Francis Moore,

Vol. lxi. p. 124.

Saith, that about three years ago, or thereabouts, when he was a servant to Sir George Saville at Rufford-Abbey, that he knoweth that all the horses that Sir George and the lady Saville had, but the coach-horses, which was a dozen in number at least, was all made ready for the design, upon order from three consederates out of Yorkshire; and he saith, Mr. Benitt's man brought three horses of Billstrough in Nottinghamshire, and that Mr. Wilkinson of Pontisract sent two horses, and that Mrs. Holder of Wheatly in Nottinghamshire sent one or two horses, and Mr. Kea of Pontisract in Yorkshire was there that night; and this informant faith, that he saw him charge his pistols, and that one Allen Ostick of Pontisract in Yorkshire was there that night, and had been kept at the abbey a quarter of a year aforehand for the design, and changed his name for fear he should be known; and one capt. Oadsley staid there a month beforehand on purpose for the design; and several that came from Wakefield in Yorkshire, that was to be mounted on Sir George Saville's horses, or the gentlemen's horses, that were sent into Sir George Saville's house. And moreover he saith, that Sir George maintained them a long time, for the informant saith, he brought horse-meat for all the horses that was kept at Sir George's, and that Sir George Saville, his master, spent 5 or 7 quarters of oats a week, by reason of the number of horses kept, and the constant coming of the plotters; and he saith that on the second of July, 1658, he was talking with Mrs. Forster of the New-inn by Rufford, and she told him, that she knew, that Sir George Savile went to London on purpose to buy pistols for the horsemen, that they might be in readiness; and the saith, that the thursday night they should have risen, there was pistols left at their house by gentlemen; and they are there yet; and he saith, that young Gossling brought a horse that night, and went away himself. And this informant saith, there is hid in several places in the house of Sir George Saville swords and pistols, and brave armour, and the number may be great for any thing he knoweth, for they were hid in a false floor, and that the steward hath now removed them, and hid them in some other place in the house, and tlat one Browne, servant to Sir George, and another of Sir George's servants went out with either of them a horse amongst them that night, and that Mr. Sisley and Mr. John Couper of Shurgerton, and col. Gilby of Everton, in Nottinghamshire, was constantly coming and going to the Abbey, about the time they should have risen; and he saith, that this Browne, a servant to Sir George, did kill a horse, worth sixteen pounds, in riding about to gather the plotters together; and he saith, that he would have discovered it sooner, but that he would be very certain of what he said, for they durst not trust him; and he saith, that Mr. William Coventree, he that was my lord keeper's son, came post from London the night before they should have risen; and he verily believes came on purpose to the meeting, and all these things he can prove.

A state of the cash.

In the possession of G. Duckett, Esq;

July 12th, 1658. l s. d.
Resting in the receipt of the Exchequer 7210 9 7
Against which
Farmers of excise 3885 7718 13 6
Fines for new buildings 2314 9
Lord Strickland 250
Lieutenant of the Tower 908 12 4
Mr. Smithsby upon his discovery 245 18 10
Captain Orpin upon Mr. Murford's discovery 66 13 4
Col. Messieris 8
Serjeant's men attending the parliament 40
Ordered more than there is in cash 508 3 11
Pressing payments, viz.
Cofferer of his highness's houshold 4500 32650 1 11
Surveyor of his highness's houses 2000
Treasurers at warr 3700
Treasurer of the navy for Mardick 1500
Remainder of 3000 l. for Flanders 1351 5 8
Remainder of 3000 l. for contingencies. 2534 8 0
Remainder of 1825 l. 14 s. 10 d. for contingencies 525 14 10
Remainder of 5000 l. for salaries 3000
For contingencies 3000
For contingencies 600
For Sir Thomas Viner and Mr. Backwell 1750 4 5
For Mr. Noell 2719 3 4
For the commissioners of fraudulent debts 800
Mr. Sharp and others for provisions for Mardick 1605
Mr. Trapham for medicaments 136
Mr. Simon for seals and meddals, &c. 1028 5 8
Mr. Hodges for the affairs of Jamaica 2900
Salaries, viz.
Lieutenant of the Tower for lady-day quarter 809 3 10072 8
Sir Oliver Fleming remainder of 1000 l. 400
Serjeant Keeble remainder of 1050 l. 550
Baron Tomlins 1003 5
Masters of requests 500
Mr. Fell, keeper of the seale of the Dutchy of Lancaster 217 4 4
Mr. Scobel, clerk of the lords house of parliament 375
Mr. Smith, clerk of the commons house ditto 150
Mr. Darnall, clerk assistant 250
Serjeant Birkhead 388 13 9
Serjeant Middleton 150
Sir Henry Crook, clerk of the pipe 188 16 8
Mr. Williams, clerk of the estreats 173 6 8
Mr. Satterthwaite, clerk of the vichills 80
The secondaries in the pipe 80
The sworne clerks in the pipe 18 6 8
Thomas Cook, treasurer's remembrance of exchequer 830 10 5
The first secondary there 25
The secondary there 526 13 4
The sworn clerks there 45
The secondaries in his highness's remembrancers office 32
The sworn clerk in that office 30 13 4
Mr. Elvelyn, forreign apposer 200
Mr. Fleetwood, clerk of the privy seale 75
Mr. Whitehead, the like 75
Mr. Nutley, clerk of the signett 75
Mr. Morland 75
His highnesse's wardrobe-keeper 300
Surveyor of his highnesse's houses 82 12 6
Coll. Thomas Kelsey, lieut. of Dover-castle, and other officers of Dover 104 1 8
Mr. Brereton, and the rest of the late officers at Haberdashers-hall 902 10
Mr. Graves, councell to the trustees at Drury-house 400
Mr. Billinghurst, secretary to the said trustees, and Mr. Smith his assistant 937 10
Mr. Vine and Mr. Carvill, tally-joyners 20
Annuities and stipends.
King's colledge in Cambridge 20 881 19
Eaton colledge 114
Doctor Owen upon 100 l. per ann. 75
Mr. Sterry upon the like 125
Mr. Baron upon the like 100
Mr. Sedgwick upon the like 50
Mr. Dorislaus upon 200 l. per ann. 100
Mr. Haake upon 100 l. per ann. 200
Mr. Blondane upon 100 l. per ann. 75
Mr. Vasall for interest 22 10
Payments of sundry natures.
Sir Tho. Viner Rememb. of 1000 l. 600 5728 17 5
Sir John Savile 194
Captain Leverett 2000
Mr. Brayne, executor of lieutenant-generall Brayne, in satisfaction of all arrears 1372
Mr. Brereton, and others, for their service to the comittee of parliament for improvement of the excise and customs 200
Countess of Clanricard for the funerall of her lord 100
Mr. Beecker 333 11
Mr. Palmer 200
Mr. Dunne 300
Mr. Sayer's 70
Mr. Dewy's surplusage 39
Liberates of the court of Exchequer 315 15 11
101841 1

A letter of intelligence to secretary Thurloe.

From Hamburg the 13. July, 1658.

Vol. lx. p. 22.

His majesty of Sweden is come yesterday to Oldensloe, a little towne about five miles from hence, where he intends to stay a fortnight. The two English embassadors, Sir Philipp Meadowe, and major-generall Jephson, are there at present, with the king of Sweden: the one is taking leave of his majestie for to returne into England, and is expected here everie day for to be one with the French of late come here; the other is conferring with the king concerning his commission sent unto him of late from his highness out of England.

This day morning is arrived at Oldensloe the French embassador, monsieur de l'Umbre, out of Poland, bringing from thence new propositions of peace from the king of Poland to the king of Sweden; for within six weeks before the great parliament in Poland be ended, (not extending it longer, according to the Polish law, above 6 weekes) there must be peace made, or none at all. It happened well, and is verie much à-propo, that Monsieur De l'Umbre hath mett at Oldensloe with the English ambassadour, Sir Philipp Meadowe; it is a fair oppertunity for them both to conserr together about peace betwixt the king of Sweden and Poland; for the time urges the king of Poland, either to make peace with the Swede or the Muscoviter.

The French embassader, Monsieur le chevalier de Terlon, remains yet in Denmark, because of some differences betwixt the two Northern kings, concerning something in the articles of peace; and till it be done, the king of Sweden will not evacuate the towne Fredericksode, notwithstanding the king of Dennemark hath evacuated Brehmer Vohrde.

Letters from Riga by the last post mention, that a Swedish party, strong 2000 horse, went out for to pillage in Sameyten above 12 miles; and because they found no resistance there, they took in the country above 3000 cattle beside the horses, and brought them to Riga; and if the Lithuanians doe not provide in time to defend this province, they are neare to loose it.

The Polish generall of Lithuania, called Gonsiewsky, hath written of late to prince Radtzivill, that the commissaryes of the Muscovites are come to Wilna (the metropolis of Lithuania) with 30000 men; and not finding there the Polish commissarys according to promise, they was very much displeased; and therefore sent for the Polish generall Gonsiewsky for to come to Wilna, where he cannot but expect a great reproach from the Muscoviter.

Letters by the last post from Mittau in Curland mention, that there is held a general meeting of all the nobility in Curland to consult for the security of their country, as also concerning the demand of the king of Sweden, who demands from the duke of Curland a great summe of money, and provision for the new Swedish army in Livonie. It's feared the duke cannot denye him his demand, for to avoid great trouble. There is in Lithuania, and round about, great feare of the Swedes, because there are great forces coming on to Riga; and field-marshall Duglass is daily expected there. Concerning the treaty between the king of Sweden and the Muscoviter, there is no certainty of it yet; except the cessation of hostility betwixt them, there is nothing more yet about the treatie; neither are the Swedish embassadors yet returned out of Musco into Livonie, that it may be seen they are at libertye.

The French envoye, Monsieur de Minieres, being sent from the king of France, to offer his mediation to the great duke of Musco, betwixt him and the king of Sweden, is arrived at Narva; from thence he is come up to Musco: we shall soon hear, if the Muscoviter will accept the offer of the French mediation or not.

The Swedish resident, Monsieur Wolffsberg, hath upon order of his master retired him from Berlin, the duke of Brandenburg his court, and is gone from thence; so that nothing but hostility is to be expected.

From Danzig, letters of the 17th of July by the last post mention, that the Swedes have plundered Curland near to the walls of Mittau, and since are fallen into Samoyten, and plundered also there.

The duke of Brandenburgh doth garrison Dirshau and Mere upon the Missett, and suffers no amunition to pass the Pillow's-port for Elbing. A rupture is feared suddenly betwixt the Swede and him.

The lords of the citty of Danzig are to go to the parliament in Poland now houlden. Thorn is belaguered by the Poles and the Austrians: the Austrian generall Susa desires canon and balls from the citty to force Thorn with; and the Poles desire from the sayd towne provision for 2000 men for to keep and watch the sea-coast, that the Swedes may not land.

Just at the conclusion of our letters, there comes newes from Frankfort by an express, that the king of Hungaria is chose a Roman emperor; the certainty of this newes we expect to hear from thence to-morrow by the post.