State Papers, 1658: July (3 of 7)

Pages 245-253

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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July (3 of 7)

Mr. Downing, the English resident in Holland, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 50.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

Honourable Sir,
Yesterday I wrote to you by the way of Zeland, and so for Dunkerk in a cover to my lord Lockhart, and therein inclosed to you a copy of a letter, which I received out of Flanders, tho' I hope you will have received the same account from the same party directly yourselfe. I also therein sent you a copy of a resolution of the states of Holland; copyes of both which are also herein enclosed. You will perceive by the sayd resolution, how much the states of Holland doe presse my lord Newport to be gone; and indeed I doe perceive, that de Witt, and the rest of them, are a little angry at him for his having delayed so long about his private affaires. The businesse of the trassick of the Baltick sea, and the feare of Danzik in particular, toucheth them very neerly. They say it cannot but be verry bad for them, that that sea should be in a manner in the hands of one man, and much they are concerned about the instance, which is made by the ministers of the king of Swethlandd at Copenhagen for the exclusion of all forreigne men of warre out of the Baltick sea, which they say may as well concerne England as this state. I shewed de W i t that passage in your letter, wherein you write, that his highnesse would be willing to advise with this state in relation to his designes abroad; at which he expressed a very great satisfaction and contentment; and if you can, by turning the king of Sweden from Dantzick, which is, I think, the best way upon all accounts, or otherwise, give them content in relation to your intentions and desires as to the Baltick sea, truly I think you may by little and little have your minde of this state; and that having contentment therein, it will be a meanes, and I think an effectuall one, to keepe them for any kinde of engageing against you upon the account of Flanders. But if they have not contentment therein, and that the treaty of Elbing, with its elucidation, or something like them, be not confirmed, and above all, that the king of Swethland be not kept from attempting Dantzik, I feare the consequences; and that upon the comeing of the Muscovian, Polonian, and Hungarian ministers, of which I formerly gave you an account, being wholy at an uncertainty with the king of Swethland, they may by little and little be drawn into and engage in other counsells, which de Wi t protests he will doe his endeavour by all meanes to his utmost to avoyd, and that nothing but this can bring it about. And the jealousy, which the king of Swethland gives of his intentions to besiege Dantzick, by sending shipps before the towne, doth great hurt here. In discourse lately at large with the forementioned party about the present posture of affaires, he sayd, that my lord protector did wholly manage the counsells of the king of France to the advantage of England; for that, sayth he, France can get nothing by this alliance soe considerable as to counterballance the hazard they run by giving the English a footing upon the continent; but on the contrary, that the king of Swethland did wholy manage the councells of his highness to his advantage, and the prejudice of England; for that it could not possible but be against its interest, that any one person should be so powerfull in the Baltick sea, whereby, in case of rupture with Swethland, England shall be put to such extremityes for the commodityes of that sea, beside the danger of invasion from him, when so powerfull at land and sea. And he further added, that in case at any time hereafter a difference should happen between England and France, that it was to him past all doubt, that Sweden, by reason of its common interest with France in Germany, (which is Sweden's most considerable interest) would take the part against England in France; and consequently the greater the Swede upon the sea-coast, the more dangerous for England; and withall added, that if the king of Sweden would goe up into Germany, that for his part he should wish him bon voyage against Austria. This was the substance of what he sayd to me, which I thought my duty to let you know; to which I returned him in answer, that if the king of Swethland had gained more in the Baltick sea than well pleased them, that the fault was not in my lord protector, but in themselves, who had hindred the making a separate peace between the kings of Swethland and Denmark, whereby affaires came to be driven to the extremityes they are now at, which, had they had a confidence in the advices of his highnesse, had been prevented. As for Dunkerk, he sayd, that it was true, that, while it was in the hands of the Spanyards, by piratry, it had done great mischiefe to particular persons; but more than that it could never doe, the king of Spain being very weake at sea; but that being in the hands of English, who have such a navell strength, it might in time, in case of a rupture, become dangerous to the very foundations of their state. I told him, that if they would quit their new maxime of ballancing all the world, with which they have thriven very ill, and keep to their old maxime, which their first prince of Orange left them, of continuing well with and depending upon England, that instead of all these feares they would find nothing but matter of rejoyceing and strength against their old enemy the Spanyard, by Dunkerk being in those hands it now is. They speake of increasing their militia, and compleating their officers. It was printed the last weeke in a gazette here, that the Zelanders were treating with those of Flanders for the putting of Dam, and another place thereabouts, into their hands. Here hath been a report, that Charles Stuart was one night at Amsterdam; yea, a gentleman told me, that another told him, that he saw him there; yet I cannot believe it. I have obtayned an order of the counsel of state, that the English ministers here doe pray no more for Charles Stuart, and Mr. Beumont, who did before declare to me, that, as he could not leave off the doing thereof without command, (being bound, at his entrance into that place, to make no innovation or change) so having now received a command, that he shall very willingly give obedience thereunto. Indeed I have stirred in this businesse to my very utmost, for that this way of praying, with its dependances, made this place a meere nursery of cavallierisme; and you may be sure, that by the doing thereof I have greatly offended many, and much enraged them against me, which doth not trouble me; but there is one thing, which indeed I am concerned in, to wit, that the queen, and many other English, who were a great reliese to the poore and to the ministers, will now withdraw themselves, and thereby both one and th'other want that support which they had; so that I must humbly beg, that in this you would be pleased to take consideration, and that his highnesse and councel would be pleased to order the committee for tythes to order the payment of about 150 l. per ann. for such time as they shall think fit, towards the mayntaynance of the two ministers here. Truly it would be a very great good work, and greatly for his highness honour, there being allowed by the states here only 500 guilders for the mayntenance of the ministers in this place, and the rest of their mayntenance came by collection, which will now arise to very little; and this will not extend to be made an example to other places, for that in other townes there is a very plentifull allowance given by the states. The other minister, who was assistant to Mr. Beumont, a Scotchman, is so much a cavallier, as that hereupon he declares he will continue no longer in this place; and Mr. Beumont hath hinted so much to me, and withall let me know, that he is very willing, that I should get another out of England to be joyned with him; so that I trust, by the mercy of God, here is now a very happy doore open of doeing very much good in this place, which I doe seriously lay before you for your helpe herein both as to the first point of mayntaynance, and also as to the providing of a person of piety, abilities, prudence and modderations; for any other would set all a fire, instead of being an instrument of good; and I trust, by this means, it shall in a little time come to pass, that whereas the vilest of our nation stocked hither, pleasing themselves with the notion of praying for their king, as they call him, and having the church at their command, that now there shall be encouragement for good men and goodness. I have sent this by captaine Plumleigh, commander of the Reserve frigat, who, I doubt not, will take care of the safe sending thereof to you, as also of six dozen of bottles of Spaw water, which I have herewith also sent. My lord Nieuport tells me, he intends to be gone about the midle of next weeke for England. He leaves his lady here behind him, being, as you will perceive by the enclosed resolution, himself speedily to returne, so much they look upon themselves interested in his errand, and in a speedy and thorough account thereof. I know not what to doe about his present: his final answer is, that he cannot receive it without leave of the states; and I find de Witt still passionately bent against giving him leave. I intend once more to speake to him; and if I can do it without angering him, to put in a memorial to the states generall about it; but it would not doe well to anger him about such a thing, and especially at this time, and be denyed to boote. I have herein inclosed to you a copy of my memoriall given in to the states generall concerning the ship Postillion. De Wit hath promised me to take care of that businesse, and that the master shall be forthwith released, and all possible expedition about the other merchandise. As soon as I have the answer, I shall send it to you. No more at present, but that I am,

Honourable Sir,
Your most faithfull, humble, &c.

G. Downing.

Hague, 17. July, 1658. [N. S.]

You must expect no more Spaw water in haste; for I have bought all in this towne.

The marquis of Cugnac to Stouppc.

Ostend, the 17th of July, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 62.

I writ to you in haste the last time. I do not think we shall stir from hence so long as the enemy continueth in the posts they be in. A trumpeter, who came yesterday from Calais, assured me, that he saw my brother there. I wonder he should stay there so long, and not go for Paris, to dispatch his business. In my mind, his business doth require haste. There may some things happen, which may give him trouble enough hereafter. I wish he would remember me; for I assure you I am brought very low, and at this very moment I live upon a horse, and have not past three pistoles left; and when that is gone, I must eat another, if we do not meet with some good fortune.

Major general Jephson to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lix. p. 256.

Since my last of the 3d instant, I have made noe progresse in my journeye, very little in my businesse; for I have found the king soe busy with his father-in-law, as I have thought it uncivill to trouble him with businesse. Neverthelesse, yesterday I had some discourse with him, and he told mee, that hee would set forward this day towards Oldensloe, from whence hee would speedilye dispatch me. Thither I am beginning my journey, and there I hope I shall meete Sir Phillip Meadowe. It is a towne within a day's journey of Hamburgh. When I received my last letters from thence, the English post was not come, but I had intelligence from my correspondent, that the Maidstone frigatt was safely arriv'd in the river, lying there ready for my transport; for which I give you my very humble thanks, and doubt not (by the blessing of God) but I shall be there the next weeke. I heare it confirmed, that the businesse, for which the commissioners were sent from the electoral colledge to the king of Swede, was to use all meanes possible with him to keepe his armye out of the empire: to which he hath given this answer, that he will begin noe warre in the empire, but will march directly into Prussia to defend his interest there; in which march hee shall bee forc't to passe through some parts of the empyre, where, if any body shall fall upon him, hee hopes the electors will not take it ill, that hee defend himselfe, nor impute it to him as the beginner of the warre. 'Tis reported, that part of the elector of Brandenburgh's forces are joyned with the Poles and Austrians in Prussia, to attempt something upon the king's garrisons there; but I find they are confident here, that their garrisons are soe well provided, that they cannot hurt them; so that it is believed the king will not (or rather cannot) march sarre with his armye, untill the come begin to be ripe. If it shall please God to blesse mee with a fair wind, when I come to Hamburgh, I hope I shall not need to trouble you with many more letters from these parts, but shall have the happinesse to shew you at a nearer distance, how really I am,

Your most faythfull, and affectionate humble servant,
Will. Jephson.

Sleswick, 8th July, 1658.


July 18. 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 78.

There are none at present going for England of those, who are the suspicious persons; but the lord Gerrard is very busy in engaging for another trouble in England. It is to be thought, that when any thing comes to the birth, the lord of Oxford and lord Cambden will be deeply engaged; for the lord Gerrard hath very great influence upon them. Charles Stuart is now at Brussels, also my lord Gerrard. Charles is much troubled to find himself debarred of going for Frankfort. This week there came back two officers, which he had recommended to prince Rupert for employment at Frankfort; but when they came there, they had much difficulty to get in, the gates being shut to all strangers; and the prince told them, he could not help them to any employment there, and sent word to Charles, that there was no coming for him thither. They came out of Frankfort the tenth instant, new style, at which time there was no time appointed for the election, though the king of Hungary and all the electors were there. The chancellor lies still at Breda. Dr. Whitaker stays in the Hague, having taken a house here. Charles hath turned off Sir Henry de Vic, who hath all along been his agent, and followed his busi ness at Brussels, he having lately had a falling out with the chancellor. Sir George Lane, an Irishman, lately made a knight by Charles Stuart, is put into his place. There is captain Holmes and captain Golden have gotten commissions, one from the king of Spain, and another from Charles Stuart, for each of them to set out a man of war to take prizes; and they are suddenly to go away to St. Sebastian to that purpose.

Several things offered in behalf of the inhabitants of Dunkirk, for the preservation of the town, with its concerns.

Vol. lix. p. 181.

May it please the reverend and noble Mr. Peters, at the prayer and instance of the noble burgomaster and sheriffs of the town of Dunkirk, to take a favourable regard and reflection upon the points and articles following, to represent them, and to recommend them, to all such of their superiors and chief governors, whom they may concern, properly serving for the preservation of the town of Dunkirk, and the inhabitants of the same.

First and foremost, that all well-ordered and regulated cities are maintained through two points.

The first is religion, and the second is good policy in worldly affairs.

Concerning the first; it is desired, that the Catholic Apostolic Romish religion peaceably may be maintained, as from old times it hath been, neither more nor less, as it is also bespoken by the capitulation.

Concerning the second point, which is policy, the same consists of divers parts:

First, upon the fact of lodgments of soldiers, that the same, for so much as is possible, may be put in the barracks made for that purpose, the town or burgh furnishing them with pailliasses or dust-beds, with coverlet, and no more.

Secondly, that the lodgments may be made by the direction of the magistrate alone, because they know the faculty of their burghers, and that no officers may meddle with it.

Thirdly, that the aforesaid town hath no other means nor revenues but the ordinary excise-rights, which consist in a certain right upon every quartele of wine, and barrel of beer; and that no man may claim or enjoy any liberty hereof, as heretofore hath been observed, as well in regard of the militia, as other, according to the capitulation.

Which rights or dues, now found to be corrupted wholly by the importation of so notable a quantity of English and outlandish beer, which daily are seen to be cellared, without paying any the least duty or right, yea even without entering it at the comptoir, and without the accustomed beer and wine-carriers.

Desiring therefore and beseeching, that promptly, and without loss of time, the same may be redressed, in regard of the future; and, for so much as concerns the beer cellared, that thereof an inventory may be taken, with order to pay the duty accustomed.

For otherwise, without the due observation of the said rights, the same town cannot maintain herself in her old government, but would instantly fall to decay.

Fourthly, touching the commerce, that the same ordinarily requires liberty and freedom, not only in regard of the lodgments, but also in imposing upon the goods and merchandizes the duties at coming in and going out.

Praying therefore that the merchant, as well in regard of the one as of the other point, may therein be obviated, as much as is possible; and particularly, that upon the goods conveyed hence into the country little or no duties may be imposed, because that otherwise commerce cannot be nursed here, and that the same would be driven away to other places.

For advance and the benefit of commerce, the following (under correction) is convenient and conducible.

First, that the customs upon goods imported and exported be, according to the Spanish and Hollandish list, moderate.

Item, that all things coming from sea, under the fort of Mardike, or upon the road, may break bulk, and only pay duty for such goods as shall be taken out of them, and that the same ships, with the rest of their loading, may sail to other places, without paying any duties for them.

Item, that all goods coming from the allied towns and places in Flanders, and going thither as well by water as by land, may be free of all rights, as from old it hath been observed.

Item, that all passages to and from allied places may be free of all troubles, hindrances, and exactions.

Item, that the commerce may be free, with the correspondence upon all places; and that, to this end, permission may be granted for messengers or posts to travel.

Item, that no man in the ships, lying at the key, may vend any goods in small, or by retail, in prejudice of the inhabiting merchants and shopkeepers of this town.

Lockhart to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 54.

May it please your Lordshipp,
I could not suffer our worthy friend Mr. Peeters to come away from Dunkerke, without a testimony of the greatt benefitts we have all received from him in this place, wher he hath laid himself forth in great charity and goodnesse, in sermons, prayers, and exhortations, in visiting and relieving the sick and wounded; and in all these profitably applying the singular talent God hath bestowed upon him to the two chief ends propper for our awditory; for he hath not only shewen the soldiers their duty to God, and prest it home upon them, I hope to good advantage, but hath lykwyse acquainted them with their obligations of obedience to his highness goverment, and affectione to his persone. He hath labour'd amongst us heare with much good will, and seems to enlarge his harte towards us, and care of us for many other things, the effects whereof I desyn to leave upon that providence, which hath brought us hither. It were superfluous to tell your lordshipp the story of our present condition, either as to the civill government, works, or soldiery. He, who hath studdied all these more than any I know heare, can certainly give the best account of them; wherefore I comitt the whole to his information, and begge your lordshipp's casting a favorable eie upon such propositions as he will offer to your lordshipp for the good of this garrison. I am,

May it please your Lordshipp,
Your most humble, faithfull, and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.

Dunkerk, July 8/18. 1658.

Vol. lx. p. 84.

My lord, Mr. Peeters hath taken leave at least 3 or 4 tymes; but still something falls out, which hinders his return to England. He hath been twyce at Bergh, and hath spoak with the card. three or four tymes. I kept myself by, and had a care, that he did not importune him with too long speeches. He returns loaden with ane account of all things heare, and hath undertaken every man's businesse. I must give him that testimony, that he gave us three or four very honest sermons; and if it were possible to gett him to mynd preaching, and to forbear the trubling of himself with other things, he would certainly proove a very fitt minister for soldiers. I hope he cometh well satisfied from this place. He hath often insinuated to me his desyer to stay heare, if he had a call. Some of the officers also have been with me to that purpose; but I have shifted him so handsomely, as, I hope, he will not be displeased; for I have told him, that the greattest service he can doe us is to goe to England, and carry on his propositions, and to own us in all our other interests, which he hath undertaken with much zeale.

Lockhart to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 83.

May it please your Lordshipp,
Upon tuesday last I went out to meett his eminence betwixt Gravelinns and Mardick; and tho' I observed him with all the respect I could, by putting both garrisons under armes, and fyring of our gunns, yett I could not perswade him to dyne with me, nor indeed to give me any measure of that countenance he hath been accustomed to afford me. He spent the most of the tyme I was in his coach in making complaints, and, as I thought, treatted me a little too severely, especially since most of what he had to say was either that which could not be helped, or that which was mistake; for the weaknesse of the forces in the field, upon which he insisted first, is occasioned by the hard service our regiments hath been putt to; and I told him truly, that it would appear our regiments had held out as well as any of the French army; and he having taken notice, that the gunns I promised him for his share were not yett delivered, and that the officers of the artillery were not satisfyed for the bills, I shew him these things had not been refused, and the cause of their delay proceeded more from the indiscretion of those, that looked after them, than any backwardnesse in me to perform what I had promised. The last complaint was, that Peter Minks (who pretends to be proprietor of the frigatt in dispute) had sold that frigatt for eighteen thousand livers to one of his gentlemen, and that I had hindred the delivery of it. I told him, that when the proprietor had cleared his interest in the frigatt, I should be so farre from hindring her being sould to his eminence, as I should take care he had the first offer; but finding all I could say would not doe, I took leave of him so soon as I had broght him through this towne.

Upon weddensday I waited upon him at Bergh, where having a fitt opportunity for it, I told him, that I beleeved some had done me ill offices, and had misrepresented me unto him. After some pause, he said he had some little quarrells with me; but least he might doe me wrong, he would declare the grounds of them. The substance of his accusation was, I had threattned to hang a priest; I had taken a pulpitt out of the church, and had made use of the town-house to preach in without the magistrate's consent; and some other frivolous things, not worthy your lordshipp's trouble, of which I easily cleared myself; but he stuck mainly upon two particulars: The first was, my order of the return of these companys his high. sent after the battle, saying, it was long of me, that his high. had not as many of his old troopes heare, as would have been a sufficient garrison for this place; and so the six regiments might have kept the field. The second was, that I had writt to major-generall Morgan, that our principall worke was the conservation of this place; and that our farther conjunctione with the French was but a businesse upon the by. I confess, being nettled after 2 orders sent to the major-generall for a regiment to put into Mardicke, the third time I writt a little sharply; and I dare not say, that what I then writt would not amount to this; but I did not think it would have mett me, and I am confident its doing so proceeded rather from the major-general's inadvertency, than ill intention. I satisfied him since, I had reason to doe the first, when I told him, that his high. out of kyndnesse to him, had sent upon the suddaine so many of his forces from London, as, till other regiments could have been brought up from the countrie, his own person was in some danger. And as to the second, he knew, that any, who had command, did not love to have their orders disputed; and I meant nothing els to the major-generall, but that he, who is under my immediatte command, should not, upon any consideratione whatsoever, neglect the obeying of positive orders; and added, that I would not trouble him with my complaints in that businesse, tho' I had, after three letters for a regiment, recieved only a battallian, and in a way that held forth, I gott that rather by favour than right. And in conclusion, I besoght him, when any such storys came to his eares, that he would doe me the favour not to condemn me, before he heard what I had to say for myself.

My lord, this being over, he resum'd his old way of kyndness, and told me, he had not resolved upon any thing to be undertaken by the army, till he had advised with me; and then proposed all his difficulties, which certainly are many and great. His army at present is more numerous in horse than foot, and the service of this country requires a great many more soot than horse. If they have the post they are now in, he will goe near to loose Dixmuyde and Fern; if he ly still their, he may fortifie Dixmuyde, but not so as it will be able to hold out against a considerable seige. The enemie hath no place on the fronteer of France, which the army might not, in all probability, carry, provided they could withdraw the foot they needs must leave in Bergh, Fern, and Dixmuyde; so that they have a fair opportunity to doe some considerable and handsome action this yeare, if their infantry were in good condition. Upon the whole, I tooke the boldnesse to offer to him, that, as things stood at present, it was best to slight Dixmuyde and Fern, and keep Burgh as their advanced post this winter; doeing which, the army might be hidd either before Cambray, Hesdin, or St. Omer. I told him, the slighting of a place was not at all dishonourable; he that would be master of the fielde next spring, would be master of them; and in the mean tyme the army might be employed advantagiously, and the expence of the defence of the foresaid places saved. This advice did not please, tho' it was honestly the best I could give, and I feare they may be put to follow it, or doe worse at a more unseasonable time. The card. proposed to me, that in lieu of his high. obligatione to besiege Gravelinns by sea, that 3 or 4000 foott may be sent over by his highnesse, who shall be bound to serve for the space of 2 months or 10 weekes, and noe longer, and mantained by the French during the tyme of their said service. Withall, he would have into the bargaine the loan of ten frigotts at some seasonable tyme, by giving two months advertisement to prepare them. The time, for which the aforesaid number of frigotts is to be imployed, shall be limitted. If this cannot be, he desyres his highnesse to send him 1000 foot for 2 months tyme. He would have sent over one of his favouritts, count Morett, to have pressed this and some other things; but I diswaded him, knowing that such visitts are both troublesome and expensive. In the next place he overtures, that his highnesse and his majesty of France may send a fleet of 20 men of warre to waite upon the returne of the Spanish plate fleet, which he sayth will be exceeding rich. The king shall furnish 10 ships, the least whereof shall carry 36 or 40 gonns: his highnesse is desyred to send the like number; the pryzes made to be equally devided. The ground of this offer, as I take it, is, he hath not taken his measures right touching his designs in the Mediterranean; and having now his ships idle upon his hands, he would willingly undertake any thing, to be a pretext to the world, that the mony he hath expended upon this fleet is not throwne away; for by the best information I can find here the Spaniards have changed their method in that businesse, and all their shipps from the West-Indies come home by 2, or, at most, 3 in company; and that, which confirms me in the oppinion, that he is rather seeking worke for his ships, than that he has any great hopes to raise a benefit from such a voyage, is, when I spoke to him of the orders captaine Stokes had to keep company with and assist his fleet, he gave his highnesse many humble thanks for the favour and honour done him, but his designs were there subject to so many charges and uncertainties, as he durst not give his highnesse the trouble of waitting longer; and so your lordshipp may order captain Stokes to follow his own businesse, without minding the French any more. The returne I made to the foresaid overtures was; I assured him, if his highnesse did not answer his desyres in any or all of them, it would be, because he could not doe it upon so short a warning, and not because he was unwilling to give his majestie and him all the proofs imaginable of the firmnesse and sincerity of his friendship. He replyed, that he doubted nothing of his highnesse's goodnesse, and your lordshipp's kyndnesse; and was confident, if I push'd it with that earnestness he expected, the greatest part of his desyeres would be granted. There is soe little probability, that his highnesse, were he never so willing, that he could performe these things, as I gave so little encouragment to his eminence, that I believe he is half jealus, that I am not so zealus for him, as he supposeth I should be. Hearing there were some Holland shipps comming from Cadiz stopped in the Downs, and not knowing what the consequence of it might prove, I founded his eminence as to his intentions towards the Hollanders, in case any misunderstanding should happen betwixt his highnesse and them. I found him (as to prosession) willing to break with Holland, whenever his highnesse should think fitt. After all this had past, and I had assured his eminence of the necessity, that lay upon me to serve him, both upon the account of my master's commands, and my owne inclination, I tooke leave of him, and he told me at parting, he would see my wife next morning, and would be beholden to her for his breakfast. He was as good as his word, and my wife made him and his traine the best cheare this place could afford. I brought him on his way towards Gravelinne so betymes, as he would with ease reach Calais that night. The king begineth his journey to Compeigne on monday next. The cardinall is devyded betwixt the desires of accompanying the king, and staying behind to manage the businesse of the army. There is nothing resolved upon concerning the settling of the distribution. It's delay'd till the army withdraw from these quarters. The enemy within this three days have gott up some 3 or 4 regiments to strengthen them. Their whole forces are at Newport, Ostend, Burges, and Ypre; they can draw together in 24 howers time, and I feare the French will coole their courage by lying so long at Dixmuyde. Haveing lost so much of your lordshipp's tyme by this long story of what past at the cardinal's being heare, I shall mention nothing touching the particular affairs of this place, but shall leave it till the next, and rest,

May it please your Lordshipp,
Your most humble, faithfull, and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.

Dunkerk, July 8/18. 1658.


Cologne, 9/19th July, 1658.

Vol. lx. p. 86.

I hope to God we shall shortly have a glass of wine to the new emperor, who was certainly chosen yesterday. An express past this day to Brussels, to signify as much to Don John. In haste I rest

Yours, &c.

Mr. Downing to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 90.

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Honourable Sir,
Upon wednesday last I wrote to you, and sent to capt. Plumley, comander of the Reserve friggat, then before the Maes. I also sent to him 6 dozen of bottles of Spaw water; which pacquet, together with the said bottles, I doubt not will be speedily conveyed to you, so that I have little more to trouble you with; and I am the rather desirous, if possible, to send what I have by such wayes, then by the post, considering the present lying of the armyes in Flanders, and the greate danger of intercepting letters.

They are in a most miserable distracted condition in Flanders, the people runing all away from their houses; and I am certainly informed, that lately the fowr members of Flanders 286 140 408 47 355 105 34 286 141 being lately at dinner together at Bruges 55 287, there publique discourse was of changing of their masters; 53 468 68 131 371 139 145 286 140; and one of the company saying, that if it had not bin for pr. of Condé, they had bin all over-run 286 447 105 some yeares agoe, the others answered, that he had done them nothing but greate mischief in leangthening out their paine, whereas otherwise the busines had bin long agoe over; and so farr as I can finde, they would much rather bee under the English then France, could they be assured, that they should have liberty of religion. 475 408 132 40 362 312 412. When mareshall de Turenne came upon saturday last neare Brudges with a party of horse and foote, he might very well, had he had intelligence thereof, snaped Don Jean; for he was then without the towne, with onely 50 of his life-guard. There is no garrison in Bruges, 133 393 140 412 339 19 447 53 287, and it is much wondered, that you do not attaque it, or Damm, 148 416 260 88 379, and with them Newport and Ostend must fall; 150 207 112 142 149 282 386 298 82 87; and we also thinke heere, that you will have much to doe to keep Dunkirk, 582, without haveing also Winox, Berg, 231 133 55, and some other out-garrisons. 133 393 459 107 141. Heere hath bin much debate in the assembly of the states of Holland about the increase of their militia, and the putting officers on the head of the vacant companyes; but in fine have resolved to resume this debate about the middle of August. They are very loath, if they could help it, to increase their militia; but yet it is probable, that, in fine, that they will doe it. There is a letter come from the admiralty of Rotterdam to the states generall, making greate complaint, that our ships lye before the mouth of their harbours, and search their ships. I told the president of the states generall, that his highness had reason to looke after his owne safety, but that none of his shiping had orders to doe any of theirs any wrong, nor would. De Witt spoke to me this weeke about the title, (Dominationum) which his highness gives them in the subscription of his letter, which I lately gave them. I told them, it was the same that he had given them in all other letters, which I had tendered to them. He faith it should be celsitudinum. At the beginning is, celsi & potentes domini. I told him I would give an accompt of what he said, and shall also give you an accompt, how the king of France his letters are. You may heerin see their pride. 552 468 67 137 121 441 263. By the last letters from Frankford they write, that the electors intended to enter into the colledg as yesterday, and that probably yesterday or to-day would be the choice of an emperor. By mine upon wednesday last I gave you an accompt of what I have done in relation to the praying any longer for Charles Stuart in the English church here, at which many of the English, Scotch and Irish heere are infinitely enraged. The queene of Bohemia declares she will come noe more. I hope it wil be a meanes of a great change in this place. I pray your serious consideration and help, according to what is hinted in my forementioned letter; for it is of great importance. Sir John Marlow his son was this day with mee; 365 161 327 462 488 469 261 500 379; he faith, that his father would very willingly trust me, and come hither, 468 134, before he receive any money; but that he cannot stirr without fourtie pounds to pay his landlady, 418 304 159 135 475 431 154 107 34 142 477 423 327 355 108 27 355 267, who without ready money will not suffer him to stirr; 395 148 142 155 48 50 286 326 477 141 475 134 137 44; and he is resolved not to come, 477 255, rather than to leave his ladie and children 355 267 207 25 325 82 33 136 42 107 to be affronted and abused, as in that case they will certainly be; and that, if he knew how in the world to doe it otherwise, he would not desire this; and his son offers to go aboard Arive ship; 180 206 256; for surely I told him my orders were that hee should come hither first; but he telling me, that it was impossible, I promised to give you an account thereof, and by the returne of the post to let him have your finall answer, which I desire I may have.

I believe the thing may be considerable; I have no answer as yet from the States to my memoriall, concerning the ship Postilion. Heere is a report, and the States have advice of it, that generall Mountague hath stoped in the Downes 8 or 9 ships of this country; and its said, that it is upon the accompt of this ship Postilion, and not to lett them goe till he have satisfaction therein. Noe more at present, but that I am,

Honourable Sir,
Your most faithfull humble servant,
G. Downing.

Hague, 19 July, 1658. [N. S.]

I pray let me know how many pacquets you receive from me every post.

Yesterday the Portugal ambassador made his entry into this towne. The princess Royall went away a day or to before. I have heerein inclosed to you a memoriall of Monsieur Appleboom, concerning what is past betweene his master and the elector of Brandenburg and Monsieur Weyman, one of the ambassadors that was now with the king of Sweden, and had audience refused him, is expected heere within these 10 or 12 dayes; and you may very well guess what is likely to be his business.

The French ambassador and my lord Beverning do earnestly expect his highnesse's picture.

Just now my lord Neupoort came to me, by order of the States Generall, to let me know that they had taken order for the releasing of the master of the ship Postilion, and for the ship and merchandize, that they had put it into a way of examining, so that I doe not see it is like to come to any suddaine issue, unless they be pressed, which they are indeede by the stop of their ships from Spaine in the Downes, which doth touch them, and about which the States of Zeeland have written to his highness and coll. Montague, and he did desire, as from the States General, that I should write to his highnesse about them; he said also, that the states of Zeeland had written to the States Generall, that they would write to his highness, but that they had thought fitt not to doe it for the present, but they desire that I would; but he delivered me nothing in writeing, neither concerning the ships nor the Postilion, and I told him, that I did beleeve that they could not expect long to enjoy their trade neither in Spaine nor in the West-Indyes, unless they did treate his highness's subjects after another fashon in the East Indyes; and I desire him to let Monsieur De Witt know so much, for that I knew noe privilidge they had of tradeing with his highness ennemies more then his highness subjects have of tradeing with theirs; and I perceive by my lord Neiupoort, that he hath writeing from London this last post, of two English ships more served in the like manner, in the East-Indyes.

Secretary Thurloe to Mr. Downing, resident in Holland.

Vol. lx. p. 88.

I Understand by your letters of the last post (for those of this are not yet arrived) that the Portugal ambassador was arrived at Rotterdam, which occasions me to send to you these further directions of his highnesse in that businesse; to wit, that you do represent in his highnesse's name to the lords the States Generall, how necessary his highnesse thinks it, as well in respect of their own state, as of their neighbours and allies, that a peace be made betwixt his majesty the king of Portugall and them, for many weighty considerations, which you by your former instructions, and of yourselfe, being well acquainted with the state of affairs, are able to demonstrate. And whereas you did by his highnesse's command, offer his mediation, and friendly interpretation, for accommodating the differences between the said king and states, that being accepted, and his highnesse continueing in the same good intentions, you are as well toward the said state as the Portugall ambassador to use all your endeavours, and to do all good offices for the ending and composing of the said differences; and to use your utmost diligence to obtain in the firste place a cessation of acts of all hostility, as a necessary preparative for a finall conclusion. This I write by his highnesse's immediate command, and am

Your affectionate friend to serve you,
J. T.

Whitehall, 9 July, 1658.