State Papers, 1658: July (5 of 7)

Pages 267-283

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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July (5 of 7)

Extract out of the register of the resolutions of the lords states of Holland, &c. taken in their assembly on tuesday the 23d of July, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 139.

The raet pensionary hath reported to the assembly the considerations and the advice of lords their noble great lordships commissioners for the affairs of the sea, who having, in pursuance of their commission of the 20th instant, and a conference with the lords commissioners of the college of the admiralty at Amsterdam, who are here at present, about the subject of the proceedings of the English captains and commanders at sea, plying at present to and again with their ships before the sea-holes of this country; whereupon being debated, and consideration had, that on the side of England here is alleged the staying of the said ships of war before and near to the sea-hoks of these countries, that the lord protector hath certain advice, that a good number of soldiers raised upon the coasts of Galicia and Spain, and there embarqued, to be transported for the Spanish Netherlands, the design of the Spaniards should be to make for one of the sea-ports of this state with the said men, and so to transport them through this country towards the said Netherlands: it is resolved and understood, that this business shall be directed to the generality on the behalf of their noble great lordships, to the end the said lord protector may have full assurance given him, as well by the lord embassador Nieuport, as by the lord resident Downing, that there are such orders given by their H. and M. L. and such provision made, that not only the said Spanish soldiers, in case they do happen to arrive in any one port of this state, to hinder their passage de facto towards the said Spanish Netherlands, but besides, that the said soldiers, with their ships, are forthwith to be ordered to put out to sea again, and, if need be, to force them to it, in the same manner as they came in; and that herewith the serious and precise orders hereunto required may be sent to the respective colleges of the admiralty, as also to the council of state, with this addition, that they do hereafter regulate themselves in respect of the passage of soldiers, according to the placart of the 20th of January of this year, published for the same purpose, that for the executing of the above-mentioned, the resolution, which is to be taken by their H. and M. L. concerning this business, shall be sent to the lord Nieuport, and likewise shall be delivered by commissioners to the said resident, with order to desire of the lord protector directly, as also of the resident, that since by the said assurance given the cause doth come to cease, which his highness might have had for the keeping of the said ships of war before the sea-holes of this country, that thereupon he would be pleased to cause the said ships to retire from thence.

That likewise there may be very earnestly proposed, as well by the said lord Nieuport to the lord protector, as by commissioners to the said resident, the indecency committed by some English captains in the visiting of the ships of war of this state, which is contrary to the orders given from time to time by their H. and M. L. to their officers, not to suffer any such search to be made, but vigorously to oppose it; from which said orders their H. and M. L. can in no-ways go, and to this end to exhibit in specie the resolutions taken by their H. and M. L. upon this subject of the 20th of October, 1628. the 16th and 17th of Decemb. 1649. as also of the 10th of August, 1654. with representation of the great inconveniencies, which in time may happen to arise, by reason of such searches; also with this request, that the lord protector will cause such captains to be punished according to their deserts, that shall be found guilty of the said transgressions, and withal give such order, that the like may not happen for the future.

Mr. Dowing, the resident in Holland, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 150

Honourable Sir,
My lord Nieuport being this morning to goe away, I could not but take the opportunity to lett you know, that I have as yet received no other answer in relation to the Postillion, then what I sent you by the last post. I did exceedingly press de Witt about it yesterday, letting him know, what must necessarily be the consequences of not giving his highness contentment in this particular. I this day presented the inclosed memoriall. De Witt tooke it with him himself to the states general, and said, he would see that right should be done to the persons injured. The East-Indy fleete is come in, consisting of seaven or eight sayle of greate ships. It is said, that the king of Hungary was chosen emperor upon thursday last; and some say, that he was to be crowned yesterday. This news comes not by the post from Franckford, which came away upon wednesday last, but it's said to be come by an express to Collen. I have herein also inclosed a letter, which I received this morning from major-general Jephson, as also a copy of a letter from the per son about whom I wrote to you the last post, and concerning whom I expect your answer by the next post. Not more at present, but that I am,
Honourable Sir,
Your most faithfull, humble servant,
G. Downing.

Hague, the 23. July, 1658. [N. S.]

De Witt spoke to me yesterday about your men of warre, which lye upon the coast here, searching of their men of warr, and said, that although you doe search their merchant-men, yet that he earnestly desyres, that you would forbear searching their men of warr; for that of many yeares they have had orders not to suffer themselves to be searched by any whatsoever, and that evil may come thereof.

The Portugal ambassador had his audience yesterday with the states general. Having received my lord Nieuport's finall answer, that he could not take the present without leave of the states, I prepared a memoriall to give in to the states general; and going to de Witt to acquaint him therewith, he ernestly desired me not to give it, and that he would take it as a courtesy done particularly to himself.

I tould him what my orders were. He prayed me, that, before I did it, I would write once more to know his highnesse's mind, and that I would let him know what had passed between him and me; and that for his part (tho' others might be of another mind) he must oppose it. So I pray your orders what I shall do. Finding it so against de Witt's mind, I thought it best to forbear, till I could know your further pleasure.

I broke open the letter to write this postscript, which I had before forgot.

Inclosed in the preceding.

Vol. lx. p. 151.

I received yours, whereby I perceive you have acquainted the gentleman with my letter, and that it appeares to you he is very well satisfied therewith, but cannot furnish me with the money I desired, until he heare again from England; for he is commanded to part with no money, till I come and speake with him, and discover something of moment to their advantage; but if I will come to him privately (and do what they desire) he will furnish me with money, give me a pardon and a passe. I see he is very punctuall in observing his master's commands, and very carefull not to displease him, which I do soe much commend in him, that I will desire nothing to the contrary. I would very gladly waite upon him; but you know I cannot possibly doe it without money; therefore stay you thereabouts (as he desires) until he have an answer from England, which, you write, will be within 14 dayes at furthest. I am confident he will be as punctuall in performing what he doth promise, as he is in discharging his maister's commands; and I am as confident, if his maister and he did know and believe what I can relate for their safety and advantage, and likewise can doe, by way of preventing danger, they would make more haste, and graunt more then I doe or will desire. Present my service to the gentleman, and lett him know I will have patience, and expect his next answer, which I hope will be within the time limitted; and if it fall out that I joyne with them (which shall not faile in my side) it shall appeare, he never did his maister better service; for truely I will as really and punctually performe all I promise, as he doth his master's commands.

General Monck to secretary Thurloe.

In the possession of the right hon Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.

My Lord,
I returne your lordshippe thankes for our commission for the councill heere, which yesterday came to my hands; for truly wee could nott sitt, till we had itt. As concerning that letter I sent you a copy of, I have since taken a little paines to finde itt out, whence the letter should come; and I have found out the man, that brought itt from beyond seas. Hee is now in prison, butt will not confesse, who gave him the letter; yett after a little time of suffering (I hope) hee may doe itt. I intend to keepe him in prison a while till he does itt, or send him to Berbadoes, in case I cannott gett itt out of him. Since my last heere is noe newes, that I thinke fitt to give you further trouble with; soe I remayne
Your Lordshippe's most humble servant,
George Monck.

Dalkeith, 13th July, 1658.

Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

May it please your Excellency,
I did not heare of the letter, whereof your excellencye's of the 7th instant makes mention, before. There is noe doubt to be made, but Weaver writt it, and yet he of all men could not affirme, that there was noe cause for dissolvinge the last parlament, but groundlesse feares; for he, and severall other of that partye, made it their buissinesse to perswade to a comonwealth, and were confident, that they should carry it; and the petition, whereof your excellency hath heard, was to be the first occasion for the debate of it in the house; and a cheise man of them useinge arguments to another very considerable person to engage with them for the old parlament, and beinge answered, that it was impossible, because the army was against it, he replyed, that he would take it upon him, that the army would declare for it, and that he knew they had beene tryed in it; and there was not a forwarder man in all England in this then Weaver, and therefore, one would thinke, hee should blush to write, that the feares were groundlesse, whenas there was such tamperings as these are to overthrow the government, and bringe us into blood. Truly doctor Winter should be aware of these men, and not manadge himselfe by their informations, if he intends to make truth his guide, and peace his end. And I must needs say, that he and other honest men are weake, and easily deceived, if they are made to beleeve, that their refuseinge to signe the addresse hath put them past retreate. Where is the instance of any such proceedings against any one man? I am sure the practice hath beene quite otherwise; men not only refuseinge to make addresses, but openly opposeinge the government, are soe farre from being ruined, that they have beene invited after that to ymployment. But this shewes how these men would governe, if they were in place. After I had writt mine to your excellency touchinge the chancellor's (fn. 1) writeinge to his highness about his returne, I received yours, whereby I see he himselfe had acquainted your excellency with it. I should have expected, that he had acquainted you with it before he writt, and taken your advise in it, as a matter that concerned very much both the publique and your excellency in particular, more then it could any one person in the world; and I beleeve it were not hard to make hym confesse, that it was an error in kindnes, as well as in many other respects, both to his highnes and your excellency, not to doe it; and that it was an action, which savoured of noe ingenuity at all. And truly I wonder at his carriage in this, and many other things, which (under your excellency's correction) are directly contrary to his interest, and to all those principles, which he professed constantly. Of all men I knowe, I should never suspect him for makinge an interest of his owne, but under the shadowe of another. But however he is or may be now improved in his politiques, I consesse, of all the daungers you are in, I least of all consider that of your excellency's beinge outwitted in this contest. I would you were well as secured in all other thinges. I beleeve wee are out of the daunger of our junto, and I thinke alsoe of ever havinge such another. As I take it, the report was made to his highnesse upon thursday. After much consideration, the major parte voted, that succession in the government was indifferent wheither it were by election or hereditary; but afterwards some would needs add, that it was desirable to have it continued elective; that is, that the chiese magistrate should alwayes name his successor, and that of hereditary avoyded, and I feare the word desirable will be made necessary, if ever it come upon the tryall.

His highnes, findeing he can have noe advise from those he most expected it from, sayth, he will take his owne resolutions, and that he cannot any longer satissie hymselfe to fitt still, and make himselfe guilty of the losse of all the honest partye, and of the nation itselfe; and truly I have long wished, that his highnes would proceed accordinge to his owne satisfaction, and not soe much consider others, who truly are to be indulged in every thinge but where the beinge of the nation is concerned. His highnes is now at Hamptoncourt, and will continue there for some tyme, as well for his owne health, as to be neare my lady Elizabeth, who hath beene of late very dangerously ill, but now is somewhat better.

The French army in Flanders have made noe progresse since my last; they lye still betweene Newport and Ypres. The cardinall was on friday at Dunkirke, to visit my lord ambassador Lockart. He and the French ambassador here doe very much presse for more foot, without which they are not able to undertake any considerable siege, their infantrye beinge very much diminished. I hope wee may be able to make good conditions with them as to any thinge, that will be fitt for us to have. The enemy is retreated into their garrisons. Carasene is at Newport, and the duke of Yorke; Condé at Ostend; Don John at Bruges, and have, upon a solemne debate, quitt the field, beinge able to raise noe foot for the feild.

The kinge of Sweden still lyes still. It is to be doubted his first recounter will be with the elector of Brandenburgh, those two princes beinge upon very ill termes. His highnes useth his best endeavours to reconsile them, and compose their differences. I begge your lordship's pardon for this longe scribble, and remeyne
Your Excellency's
Most humble, faithfull, and obedient servant.

Jo. Thurloe.

Whitehall, 13. July, 1658.

Mr. Downing, the English resident in Holland, to secretary Thurloe.

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Vol. lx. p. 148.

Honourable Sir,
I wrote you upon sunday last by captain Cornelis, commander of the Bramble friggat, and upon tuesday last I sent you a pacquet by one ensigne Povey, a friend of Mr. Noell's, who went that day from hence to goe for England in the friggat, which carryes my lord Nieuport, who also went the same day from hence, in order to his going for England; and I hope you have long ere this received the resolution of the states of Holland, wherein they enjoyned my lord Neiupoort to be gone forthwith, and to returne himself to make report with all speede, whereby they may the speedyer come to resolutions, but espetially in relation to Dantzick and the Baltick sea, concerning which they have yet done nothing, nor given any answer to those of Dantzick, who press very earnestly for assistance, nor yet to the minister of the elector of Brandenburg. They would first see what his highness will doe. I have told them plainly, that they can hardly expect much from his highness in relation to the Baltique sea, unless wee have first satisfaction in relation done to him in the East Indyes; and that he will hardly be induced to make any marine treaty, 390 479, unless he have better contentment as to the keepeing of the land treaty. The most of what is considerable, that I have now to communicate to you, is in the papers, which you will heerewith receive. You will thereby perceive, that the ministers of Sweden and Brandenburg heere are already fighting with paper dayly. I have visited them both, to try and found, what probability there is of doing any thing towards their accomodation. Mons. Appleboom faith, that his master would be very glad of it; but that the elector hath exceedingly wrong'd him, in not onely deserting him, but in makeing allyances with the kings of Poland and Hungary against him, as you will also perceive at large in the two memorialls of Mons. Appleboom herewith sent; that he knows noe way of accomodateing them, but by the satisfaction of the treaty of Elbing, in which the elector of Brandenburg is concluded; and that his master is very willing to rattify the said treaty. But that for the illucidations, that he beleeves he will have nothing to doe with them; and the province of Holland seeme to make little regard of the treaty without its illucidations, though (as you may finde in a paper formerly sent you) the states of Zeeland have given their advice, that the said treaty should be ratifyed and delivered, without insisting upon the illucidations. The whole papers concerning this busines I sent you in the winter. I told Mons. Coubes, resident for the elector of Brandenburg, that his highness was very much afficted to understand, that matters are come to the passe they are now at; and letting him know, how much it was the interest of them both not to fall out, he told me, that while his master did take part with the king of Sweden, the said king did use him very hardly, and in particular in desireing the half of the benefitts of two of his ports in Prussen; and that as he then held Prussen ducall of the king and crowne of Poland, that for the future he should hold them of the king and crowne of Sweden, which, he said, his master took very ill, expecting, that instead thereof, that he would have offered to have made him souveraigne in that country. That it was true, that afterwards the king of Sweden did prosser to make him free; but that it was when the king of Poland was growne againe verry powerfull, and the king of Sweden verry low. That when the king of Sweden and the said elector parted, the king of Sweden did desire nothing of him but to remaine neuter; withall promiseing, that if the Poles and Austrians should come to attacque him, he would come to his releif. That accordingly, upon the approach of the Poles and Austrians, he did write againe and againe to the king of Sweden for succor; but none comeing, he was inforced to make the agreement he hath made, whereby he is also a greate gainer; for that he is to be absolute souveraigne in Prussen ducall, without any homage to the crowne of Poland, and by which he is not obliged to attaque the king of Sweden, but to assist in case the king of Sweden shall attacque them either in Prussen ducall or royall, or in the empire. I made replyes to all this, which would be too large heere to incert, and in fine told him, that his highness would be very glad, if any way might contribute to a peace between them; which he took very kindly, and said, he would give an accompt thereof to his master; but that he saw little hopes, for that, so farr as they could guess, the king of Sweden was resolved not to quitt Prussen for any equivalent, and to attaque Dantzick; which if so, that it was impossible to disengage his master; but that if the king of Sweden would be contented upon the fore-mentioned ground to have a peace with Poland, that at the same instant also a peace would be betweene his master and him; and if otherwise, that he did not doubt, but that the whole empire would take part against the king of Sweden; and that the Poles, at a meeting of the states at Warsoe, will be necessitated to accord the succession of the crowne of Poland to the second son of the greate duke of Muscovye, after the death of the present king; and that thereby that duke will be alsoe absolutely engaged against him; and that he did undoubtedly beleeve, that this state would take part, rather than ever suffer the towne of Dunkirk to come into the hands of the king of Sweden. I told him, that possibly his master might in the conclusion finde he had missed his measures, as much as the king of Denmark did. And this is the substance of what passed betweene us. I had also this weeke much discourse with the French embassador. And as concerning Portugal, he is absolutely of opinion, that the Portugal ambassadour should, in his first propositions, which he shall make to the commissaryes appointed to treate with him, let them know absolutely, that as to the restoring of Brazeel, or any part of it, 18 437 174 40 42 82 416 206 422 408 68 146, it was a thing wholly impossible; but 142 334 358; 244 as to the other satisfaction, such as his master can give, he wil be very willing thereunto, and particularly to give them a sum of money, and a part in the trade of Brazii. 12 422 339 468 145 437 263 408 20 437 174 41 42 358. Further he is wholly of opinion, that all meanes possible are to be used to reconcile the king of Sweden and elector of Brandenburg, and that the king of Sweden ought not to attack Dantzick; 146 174 335 350; for that will also undoubtedly engage this state, 311 469 141 663 466, who will very speedily be strongly courted by the new emperour 90 426 443 154 135, and the king of Poland, and the duke of Muscovia, 155 168, of which I have formerly given you an accompt. In my letters of tuesday last, I give you an accompt of the king of Hungarye's being chosen emperor; which newes wee had three or foure houres after the dispatch of my pacquet upon sunday last. It's said, that the ambassadors of France, having obteyned their desire in the capitulation, did give their consent, that such of the electors as tooke part with them, should give their voyces for the king of Hungary; and so he was chosen by an unanimous voate. But for the king of Sweden, there is no satisfaction given to him in the capitulation; so that he must seeke his satisfaction as he can. As in the said capitualtion the emperor is bound not to assist the king of Spaine against the king of France, no not under the pretext of sending it against the English in Flanders or Italie; so the king of France is therein obliged not to invade the empire, thous under pretext of assisting his allyes therein. For what is further from Franckford, I referr you to the papers heerwith sent. The setting out of the men of warre goes on very fast heere, and they are neare ready. Wee have every day storyes concerning the English shiping, that lye upon the coast. I gave you an account of what passed betweene de Witt and mee 207 379 concerning the title dominationum. Truly I cannot think it fitt for his highness to call them celsitudines. 68 147 302 150 305 534 477 245 81 468 102 251 83 457 155 267 107 287. I myself, in all my memorialls, give them only the title of seignieurtes in French, and lordships in English; 53 393 40 153 441 287 339 46 135 43 107 27 60 207 365 136 32 143 325 124 143 339 44 107 57 362 144 66; and in all letters I have yet received from his highness, he hath only stayied them dominiationum. 103 207 381 387 475 412 287. I am glad that the which writeth to you 287 477 510 by the name of Ford, 305 36, give you such contentment. You would not have much from him last post, nor this; 432 395 136 469; for that he hath bin here, and I have agreed with him for four 136 43 279 500 326 305 304 160 136 hundred pounds per annum: he would not take less; 205 108 518 324 161 113 155 84 35 395 149 464 358 142 140 43; for ge sayeth, 151 66, that it is very exceeding dangetous, and he hath good meanes, and is very faithfull. 205 287 207 346 156 44 441 298 72 149 65 50 155 87. He hath received after the same rate for the time past. 437 466 305 468 476 122 14 144 149. I have discharged Gardiner. 319 136 57 279 308 134 45 339 286. I found him extreame covetous, and his service little; 207 327 143 286 156 71 251 362 151 148 358; so there are onely two 161 115, which write to you out of Flanders, 418 408 50 86 207 286 144, who are both faithful. 149 64 298 71 149 65 50 155 87. And for coloner Palmer, 390 86 124 199 101 286, I herein 41 enclosed sent a paper to you, 143 282 16 124 15 426 136 477 510, which, he sayth 850 65, is most undoubtedly true; 447 42; but he will by noe meanes consent to writhe himself; 466 326 143 44 86 51; for that he faith, he writes so bad, as no body can read it; 459 227 36 217 395 241 267 247 135 41 191 73 150; and moreover he will not run the hazard. 108 468 319 174 213 36.

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I perceive, that there hath bin a report at London, that I was stab'd; and I finde it very often true, that when the cavileeres give out any newes as done, that they have at that time some designe for the doeing it; and this is true, that upon tuesday night last 3 Englishmen about ten of the clock at night, with their haire tucked up under white caps, stood privatly at a bridg neare my house; and a Dutch gentleman going out, my dore was noe sooner shut, but they took him by the collar, saying, Bougre Englishman, what did you there? But findeing him to be a Dutchman, they lett him goe; and the gentleman the next day lett me know what had befallen him, whereof I have given an accompt to Mons. de Witt. Indeede they are very angry at mee, for that I have, by little and little, extreamly disturb'd and spoyled their kingdome here; and exceedingly angry they are at this last action of mine, in obteyning, that Charles Stuart should be noe more pray'd for heere; and the more, for that I have done it in such a way, as to shake off the Scotch minister, and gaine the good-will of Mr. Beaumont, whereby the assembly is kept on foote, there being the last Lord's day scarce any feates empty, save only the queene of Bohemia's; and when noe other devices will take, the q. of Bohemia imployed one to me to let me know, that if I would onely humour her 134 62 286 as to the manner of doing it, viz. that it might not be by a particular order against Charles Stuart, 286 16 310 572, but by a general order forbidding to pray for 305 22 336 267 108 57 477 124 437 170 any foreign prince, 437 71 56 390 124 441 108 251, that then she would 143 324 160 114 come still. 38 255.

The Swedish resident to the states general.

Vol. lx. p. 155.

The under-written resident of Sweden, by his memorandum of the, 18th instant, did assure their H. and M. L. of his majesty's good intentions for the observing of a sincere and good correspondence with this state, doth take the liberty to say again to the same end, that he is sorry to understand, that the duke of Brandenburg's minister here doth endeavour to contradict what he said resident did allege in his former memorandum upon the sudden departure of the lords embassadors of the said duke from Flensburgh, as if it were a breach of the laws of nations, under which he doth also spitefully insert the keeping of their H. and M. L. embassadors at Lauwenburgh. Now it is known, that about the embassador is a common course, first to examine their qualities; as for example, when king Uladislaus of Poland had about the year 1637. married a princess of Austria (being pressed thereunto by his states) instead of another princess (with whom however his majesty was not engaged) and did send his embassador Rey into England, to execuse the same, yet the same could not be admitted to audience in a long time, and in many weeks, which that king however (though a sovereign and a great prince) did never take to be a breach of jus gentium. In the year 1641. the earl, now duke of Awersberg, embassador of the emperor, was kept here for many months; and although at last he received further orders, and offered to give satisfaction to this state, yet it was not thought good to hear him, without that the same was held for a violation juris gentium. The ambassador of Portugal, Lousa Macedo, was kept here several months in the year 1651. before he had audience. The Swedish envoy Spiering was likewise kept without audience; and many more like instances might be given. The observing of order, and of common laws, was never styled an observation of jus gentium; and it would be a strange law to oblige kings and princes to an equal admission of embassadors, whether they come from friends or enemies, although in this his majesty cannot properly be said to have denied audience. Concerning the other, it is therewith beyond all custom, that embassadors, how high and great soever they be, should go or come from or towards hostile places, much less such as are besieged, without a pass; and in the war the same is narrowly observed; so that the commander in Lawenburgh was excused therefrom by the lords embassadors of this state themselves, and never any complaint was made about it, at least the same could not be imputed to the king of Sweden, who was far and deep in Poland. The lord rixchancellor however, (notwithstanding that it could have been otherwise understood) according to the example of king Sigismund of Poland, who rather took it ill, that in the year 1627. the then lords embassadors of this state should go to king Gustavus before that they had been with him, king Sigismund (being advised of the business) suffered the said lords embassadors of this state to pass, and afterwards received them with all manner of honour and respect; so also accordingly did his majesty returning back out of Poland into Prussia, and then concluded with their excellencies the treaty of Elbing, at the request and to the content of their H. and M. L. His royal majesty hath been always very much troubled, that through the ill-willers of the good amity and correspondence between his majesty and their H. and M. L. the ratification and exchanging of the same hath been hitherto hindered; and it is to be lamented, that the lords ministers of the duke of Brandenburg do now again de novo play upon that string. Experience hath already taught, that the same hath only served to hinder the navigation, in regard all what could be thought on was regulated by that treaty, and agreed upon. The under-written resident will say for a conclusion, that there is nothing set down in this memorandum but what can be made out to be most true and real; and therefore he is still of opinion, that their H. and M. L. according to their wonted wisdoms, will not hearken to any persuasions, which may in any-wise cool or alter the good amity between his majesty and their H. and M. L. and consequently no longer delay or hinder the exchanging of the ratification of the Elbing treaty, upon all which he is yet expecting a favourable resolution from their H. and M. L.

Hague, 25th July, 1658. [N. S.]

H. V. Appelboom.

To Mr. Stouppe.

Vol. lx. p. 159.

Ostend, 25th July, 1658. [N. S.]

As for us here, we are still in our old posts, and we have made here a second counterscarp, and have put this place into a condition not to be assaulted by force without great difficulty. I have not been at Newport of late; but I hear they have also provided that place with all things imaginable. The enemy is still in their posts, and no action hath passed since my last. I am still very poor.

Lockhart to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 1624.

May it please your Lordshipp,
I am earnestly desired by some friends of mine (whose requests ought to be prevalent with me) to minde your lordshipp of a businesse depending in the court of admiralty at London, wherein one Monsieur de Quesne is very much concerned, and to beg a letter from your lordshipp to the judges of the said court, not to do justice, (for that they have done by a sentence already given) but to expedite the effects of their judgments. The reasonablenesse of this motion seems to plead sufficiently for itself, and not to stand in need of an advocate; but because good decrees do sometimes loose the greatest part of their virtue by the slownesse of execution, therefore I humbly beseech your lordshipp's assistance to remove such obstructions as retard the case in question, that the judges having already gotten the reputation of just, may also gaine that of good, and I your lordshipp's pardon for useing thus freely that power you give me by being,
My Lord,
Your lordshipp's most humble and most obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.

Dunkirk, the 25th of July, 1658. [N. S.]

Lockhart to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 163.

May it please your Lordship,
This bearer lieutenant-colonel Pepper comes into England for a little time, being to make up some accounts that concern their regiment, and having beside some private affaires of his owne. I should have given your lordshipp a more large and particular account of business by him, but that I am to goe to-morrow to Bergues to his eminence, who is there to meet the mareshalls de Turenne and de la Ferte, and it will be the next day before they have taken and made the full measures for the remainder of action this summer. The result of their conference I shall send to your lordshipp by my brother, immediately after it is concluded.

This lieutenant-colonel is truely a very good, sweet gentleman, and not a little helpfull in this place; but I believe the two old regiments have some longings homeward, not that their condition is ill here, but perchance England is more suitable to their dispositions. If your lordshipp finde, that he moves to have them called back, I shall humbly desire we may be supplyed with as many other before these be taken away; and that his highnesse would be pleased to remember those recruites he promised us; for in earnest, what by sicknesse, and other occasions, our numbers are so thinne, that we are put to duty every third night; and if the enemy were in any posture to looke towards us, we should be constrained to do it every other night.

Here is a troope of horse come to an anchre this evening. The captain, called Bronex, is ashore, and hath been with me. He is a pritty man; but if I may speake my thoughts of him out of the experience of one converse, he seemes to promise no extraordinary matters. He expects armes from me, which truely I have not in the least measure, and without them his men will be but an uselesse burthen; besides, their not going abroad (as till they be armed they cannot) will encourage the enemy to believe it is from some other cause prejudiciall to our reputation, which opinion ought by all meanes to be avoided at the first, and therefore I beseech your lordshipp give order, that they may be forthwith provided with pistolls and carbines; defensive armes may be forborne a little longer, if they be not ready.

I have sent your lordshipp a copie of what goods I have bought dureing the siege, and since I came hither: the last article consisting of oates, and amounting to 670 l. 8 s. 0 d. is still entire in the stores, and the greatest part of the first, being 190 l. 13 s. 00 d. the middle provisions onely are spent, coming to 737 l. 5 s. 2 d. For bread I have hitherto made shift, partly by what we found in store, and partly by what I have bought. Some rie I found here, and have bought wheat to put to it, by which I hope we may have bread for a fortnight or three weeks longer. I must earnestly beg of your lordshipp to supply us seasonably and librally with money; for in truth my credit begins to suffer, considering the extraordinary expences for many unforeseen contingencies, but specially for the works during this season, which is onely proper to make them up, and if I should lett it slip, they would cost much more, and not be half so well done; but I comfort myself with this perswasion, that his highnesse will have such a regard to his subjects here, and your lordshipp such a particular care of us, that we shall not want any thing convenient, much lesse that which is fo absolutely necessary for us. In which confidence I shall still goe on in such chearful1nesse, patience and constancie, as becomes his highnesse's most devoted subject, and,
My Lord,
Your lordshipp's most humble and most obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.

Dunkirke, the 25th of July, 1658. [N. S.]

My lord, I have made bold to say so much by Mr. Cooke's hand, and shall add no more, save that the provisions I have bought and given out shall be deducted from the soldiers pay. I shall doe the same by the oates to the horsemen, for whose winter provision I have bargained for a sufficient quantity of hay, and will have it for about 18 shillings a load.

Mr. Downing, resident in Holland, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 167.

Honourable Sir,
By the enclosed memorialls you will perceive what further progresse I have made for the recovery of the ships seised in the East Indyes by the ships of the East company of Holland, as also for the regulation of that trade for the future, that his highnesse may not be continually troubled with complaints of that nature; and I have herein enclosed to you a resolution of the states, which was this day sent me in answer. I have in private dealt very plainly and roundly with Mons. de Witt, and others, letting them know the sence his highnesse hath thereof, and that he will not be mocked nor satisfyed with words. They have promised me a categoricall and positive answer, as soon as possibly they can get information out of the ships, which are newly arrived out of the East Indyes; and that I shall finde, that they will not feed me with words, but deeds, which I shall believe, when I see it; for the East Indy company hath a mighty interest in, and influence upon the state. Betweene this and the next I hope I shall be able to give you some farther account, and am,
Your most faythfull humble servant,
G. Downing.

Hague, 26. July, 1658. [N. S.]

R. Gerbier Douuity to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 169.

May it please your Honnor,
I doe make bould to send to your honnor a memorandum on such concerns of papers, as I have left with his excellence the lord ambassador, and generall Lockhart att Duynquerque, and with the lord protector his ferene highnesse resident in this place; the which may witnesse that, which I doe zealously professe, having further no designe to be troublesome, save in consequence of that zealous profession to say, that the men, whoe doe make proffers, doe incessantly instance to know, wheither I have made their proffers knowne; iff they are reflected on, and so please, as may appeare by resolves, which may enable them to performe their said proffers; which shall be according to the zealous with of
Haghe, the 26. of July, 1658. [N. S.]

Your Honnor's
Most humble and obedient servant,
R. Gerbier Douuity.

Memorandum on such papers, which Sr. Balthazar Gerbier hath left with his excellence the lord ambassador, and general Lockart gouvernor of Dunquerque, and with the right honourable the resident Downing at the Hague.

Vol. lx. p. 170.

First, the certaine Dutch commanders (now at the Hague) proffer to surprise such place pocest by the Spaniards, as would put under contribution all the land from Gulick to Colen, to the gates of Aquisgrana, the land of Limbourgh, Liege, and Little Brabant, as Thienen, Diest, Weert, Loren, Machlen, Bruxels, and other places, to the gates of Antwerpe, besides a revenue of a considerable custome on merchandises transported by water.

That they can make the enterprise with 60 men lesse or more, and with great probability of successe.

That they can maintayne the place with a small number of men.

Secondly, that two severall associations of Dutchmen proffer (on conditions mentioned in theire petitions, incerted in the above-said papers) to declare certayne (never heretofore practised) expedients, whereby a greate annual stock of money would be raysed with ease, advantage, and aplause of the people, which, untill the same could be established by act of parliament in England, it might be put in practice in Flanders, where the English forces have taken theire station.

Thirdly, to introduce at Dunquerque a certayne negotiation with cent. per cent. gaine, and where number of men, women, and children may be imployed.

Fourthly, Sr. Balthazar Gerbier offers to use the same meanes, which he formerly put in practice dureing the siege of Mastricht, and to move the states of Brabant (Flanders, Arthois, and Haynaut) to shake of the Spanish government, so secrecy be kept, and better then it was when late Francis Cottinghton betrayed that business.

As also the said Sr. Balthazar Gerbier offers to endeavour in person the destroying of any port of the Spaniards by a meanes, which is infalible with the Lord's permission.

A letter of intelligence.

Vol. lx. p. 173.

Since me last letter of the 17th, I have bin into Holland, and returned back againe here, with intention to returne againe to 615 443 540. I shall 323 499 267 137 119 131 436 606. In the meane time I doe find no greate alteration of affaires into these parts since me said last letter, but all the busines in such fashion like I did write unto you the 14th; only the election of the emperour of Germanie gives some hopes of assistance from that side unto these countreis, because the said election is come upon the king of Hungrie; besides another hope they have, (the which they doe keepe most certaine, and without any doubt) the king of French should be dead, whereof they have such abundance of particularities and circumstances, that they doe say alwayes opently, that all them that will not believe the said death must be absolutely mad, hoping the consequences thereof to produce a generall changing and alteration in the French and English desiens, be reason duke d'Anjou should be a greate enemie unto the cardinall Mazarin and his deseins, as also of the conquests of the English into the Flanders, makeing also ruine a noise (for the encouragement of the people) the new-chosen emperor should send for their assistance 20,000 men horse and foote, and the like fancies. In the mean time they have mustered all the countrey-people, and given order to provide them of armes, to desend every one his own countrey; but nevertheless the said countrey-people still continue to retire away into the next citties and fortified townes (soe well belonging unto 642 as unto 632) all their cattle and other goods, the Spanish and Condeer doing nothing else than to plunder and spoyle the countrey round about, like the French and English doe the same about Neiuport, Ostend, Bridges, Dixmuyde, and Ypres, and doe undertake nothing of greate concernment or importance, for soe much I can heare hereabout. Some French troupers of about 3000 should have bin betweene Bridges and Gand, and taken som cattle away. Just now comes a poast from Gand, reporting the French should have made a conjunction of all their forces for to undertake againe some seige, whereof the presumption is upon Ostend, Ypres, St. Omar, or Armentiers, the wich we shall see very shortly; and because I am sure you are well informed from other parts of the motions and doings of the French and English, and that I cannot give true information thereof unto you before I shall be 232 499 269 137 119 131, I shall give only unto you a relation of the constitutions of these countreys, the wich are partly in manner aforesaid. On the other parts, the ecclesiasticall or clergimene doe endeavour all their possibel to make new forces of footmen, whereof they are in great want of, having brought together in severall small bodies some 2000, being well newly risen men, but nothing else but straglers from their garrisons, under the wich are some, that put themselves 5 or 6 times into new service for to get some money, and doe runne away into their old comissiones, as soone they come about their former garrisons. The inquisitions of all strangers doe continue still here, and round about the countrey, being here 17 Englishmen apprehended and put into prison, the wich shall not be set in libertie againe, but onely upon witnesse of 603. At Gand, Bridges, Bruxels, and into severall other citties and townes, is the like inquisitions, and also some French and English apprehended and put into prison. The states generall of the United Provinces have given order to change all their garrisons into the Flanders, and draw out the said garrisons all the English and French, and send them into other garrisons farre of from these parts, for to put or send Ditch garrisons insteade of the said English and French. No more for the present, remaining for ever,
Antwerpe, the 26th of July, 1658. [N. S.]

Your dutifull and faithfull servant,
Jeronemuis Von Absbache.

The superscription,
For Mr. Thomas Johnson, at the signe of the Leg, in Crooked-lane, London.

Commissioner Pells to the states general.

Dantzick, 27th July, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 185.

H. and M. L.

My lords, we believe here, that Thorn being still besieged by the Austrians and the Poles, under the command of the generalls de Souches and Sappia, will be forced to yeeld very suddenly, being vigorously assaulted on both sides.

General Charnitzkey is marched with his army towards the frontiers of Pomerania, and marches to the assistance of the duke of Brandenburg, in case the Swedish armies should be designed that way.

A vessel lately come from Riga bringeth news, that the Muscovite was advanced with an army of 20,000 men 10 miles beyond Riga.

Extract out of the resolutions of the lords states of Holland and West-Friesland, taken in their noble great lordships assembly upon Saturday the 27th of July, 1658. [N. S.]

Exhibited the 1st of August, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 177.

The lord pensionary Van Slingelant hath reported to the assembly the considerations and the advice of the lords their noble great lordships commissioners having, in pursuance of their resolutions of the 14th of March last, pondered and considered the report made upon the said day to their H. and M. L. of what had passed and happened in the generality in the business of the princess Van Zollern, concerning the carrying away of the princess Louisa, daughter of the queen of Bohemia: whereupon being debated, it is resolved, that on the behalf of their noble great lordships, the business shall be referred to the generality, to the end the resolutions of their H. and M. L. of the 19th, 16th and 30th of January last respectively, by which the said princess Van Zollern is ordered to desist by provision in the appointing of magistrates in the town of Bergen up Zoom, with the consequences thereof, till such time there shall be otherwise disposed by their H. and M. L. and moreover the drossart and the aldermen should take upon them the judicature in the name and behalf of their H. and M. L. also in their name and behalf, as formerly, administer right and justice, with all what is concerning the same, may be looked upon as void and of none effect, as if the said resolution had never been taken, the council of Brabant being to take notice of this, and to proceed according to the rights and custom formerly used by them: that to this end the complaint of the said queen of Bohemia, together with all the proofs, papers, and informations belonging to that business, shall be sent, without any delay, to the said council of Brabant, with express command and precise order to take the said business in hand before all others, and to determine the same by their definitive sentence within some certain time peremptorily set down for the dispatch thereof.

A letter of intelligence.

Brussels, 27. July, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 179.

As I wrote you the last week, the king of Hungary was chosen emperor the eighteenth of this month, and is to be crowned upon tuesday next. We had the news by expresses from Franckfort upon sunday last.

The bishop of Mentz, and the bishop of Triers, and the Palsgrave, did not oppose him, but the other five did. If the king of France were dead, you would see great alterations in Christendom.

The French army is not yet laid down before any town in Flanders.

To the Venetian agent.

Antwerp, 27th July, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 181.

We have no news. The French army is drawing towards Ypres. That place is well provided; but yet, I believe, it will not hold out long, if once besieged.

They write me from the emperor's court, that his majesty is resolved to send assistance hither this campaign. Unless some do come, it will be a hard matter to keep the French from over-running most part of the country.

Lockhart to the protector.

Vol. lx. p. 69.

May it please your most serene Highnesse,
Their being several vacancies of field-officers in the regiments heare, I esteem it my duty to give your highnesse an account of them, and have taken the bouldnesse to offer a list of such persons, as I can judge fittest for the vacant employments. I humbly submitt the whole to your highnesse pleasure, and shall interest myself no further in that affaire then to begg, that if the persons I offer be not agreable to your highnesse, that such as your highnesse shall judge more fitt may be sent over with all possible speed, because the regiments will suffer by not having all their field-officers present. I have informed my brother of all things relating to all the present posture of affairs heare: he will give himself the honor to offer your highnesse ane account of them, at such convenient time as your highnesse shall appoint. He hath begg'd a company in my regiment, which did formerly belong to one captain Sherwine. I have given him no assurance of it, unlesse he bring a commissione for it from your highnesse. The haste I am in to dispatch him by this tyde must be my apologie for the rudenesse of this humble addresse your highnesse doth receive from,
Dunkerke, July 17/27 1658.

May it please your Highnesse,
Your most obedient subject, and
most faithfull servant,
Will. Lockhart.

A list of vacancies.

Vol. lx. p. 68.

The lieutenant-collonell's place of my own regiment, for which I humbly offer lieutenant-collonel Fleettwood.

His place to major Kingwell.

Sir Bryan Cockrane's lieutenant-collonell's place to major Hinton, major to my regiment.

Major Kingwell's place to collonell Umphrais, lately sent over a captain, and recomended by your highness for preferment.

Major Pickering's place to captain Battalia, eldest captain of that regiment, and a deserving man.

The major's place of my regiment to captain Coats, eldest captain, and a deserving gentleman.

Collonell Jones, lately a prisoner, and now gone for England, is offered to your highness's consideration, as one of great meritt, in case any of the forementioned doe not please your highnesse, to whose pleasure the whole is humbly submitted.

My brother hath prevailed with my wife to command me to importune your highnesse for a company in my regiment, which did belong to captaine Sherwine.

Lockhart to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 66.

May it please your Lordshipp,
Yesterday his eminence gave a meeting to both his generalls at Mont Cassall. This morning he sent for me, and acquainted me with what was resolved upon, viz. that Mr. Turenne shall keep the fielde, and observe the enimies motions with the greatest part of his army; and mareshall la Ferté in the meane tyme shall forme the seige of Link and Graveling with his army, to which are joyned some forces, that came from France, and as many horse and foott as can be spared from Mr. Turenne. I have desyered the English may be employed in the field as most propper for that service; and have given them hopes, that when all the horse come over, I shall lend them my own regiment (which hath got reputation amongst them) for a fortnight or three weeks tyme. I have satisfyed his eminence, that the body of our fleett being in the Channell and Downes road, their will need no more of his ships before Graveling, than 2 third-rate ships in the road, and 3 sixth-rate frigatts to ly closs under the shoar. I have writt to that purpose to my lord Montagu, and I hope this siege shall pass without any extraordinary expense to his highness. I have advysed the cardinal to stop the mouth of the river of Graveling with a double row of strong pallisadoes, which he resolves to doe; and then that place can have no succoure by sea, tho' we had neare a vessell in the road. His eminence prayeth, that since he is so willing to lessen his highness's charge by sea, that his highness would doe something considerable for France, by sending over 2000 foot at so seasonable a time a this will be: he alledgeth a promise to Mr. de Crequi, that will amount to as much; and sayth, it may easily be done by comanding a company out of each of his highness's old regiments. I tould him, I doubted not but his highness would keep all his promises; only I thoght it would be aheard matter for him to draw so many men together upon the sud daine, and for the way he proposed, it was impossile to doe it that way; for his highness's regiments lay at so great a distance, as before the companys drawn out of them could be joyned and embarked, I hoped the seige would be over: however, I undertooke to move his highness, that some foott be sent over; and consithering that the seige of Graveling is lyke to goe off so easily upon his highness's account, I think it would not be disadvantagious to his highness's other interests here to spare them 1000 or 1500 foott, provyded they may be raised or drawn out without weakening his highness's forces about London too much. The cardinal (whether to conjolle me or not, I know not) was very kind to me, and tould me he hop'd ere long to close a traitty with me, that should be no lesse honourable for his highness then that of Dunkirk had been; and hinted something touching Ostend. I dare not say he did it without ends, I mean to spur me on to pushe his designs with the more earnestness; and yet I durst undertake, through the Lord's assistance, to bring him to agree to it upon reasonable terms, if the particulars for the generall peace have not gott a better interest with him, than I can yet believe they have. He informs me of a great victory the Portugalls have gott over the Spaniards: his news of it comes from England, and since your lordshipp doth not mention it, I dare not believe it, though I could wish it were trew with all my soul. I had long disputes with his eminence concerning the settling of contributions: I have been earnest in it, not because I expect any thing considerable this yeare; for the enemy's army and ours must eat up all in this country, before the seige of Graveling be ended; but what shall be agreed upon now will be pleaded as a rule for the future, and the French doe generally so envy our settlement here, as Mr. de Turenne was not ashamed to argue this day, that two of our principall stores here, that are within our works, belonged to the government of Bergh. 'Tis true the distinction of de Mains and Castellnaries was observed, when these places belonged either to the king of France, or the king of Spayne; and they might make what divisione betwixt their subjects seemed good to them; but when they come to be devided betwixt two sovereigns, the rule will not hold; for whether the sluces belong'd to the government of Dunkerke or Bergh, it was all one to the kings, because they belonged to them upon either of the accounts; but his highness cannot pretend to Bergh, and therefore must justifie all that he possesseth in Dunkerke, as belonging to him in quality of a free and soveraign prince, without dependance on any other power or person whatsoever. Many other things past concerning the contribution, of which at present I shall give you no further account save this, that if the cardinall did not moderate and brydle the humours of the French, I am confident we should have been by the ears ere now. I gave his highness an account of the considerable vacancies, that are heare, and have offered my humble opinion concerning their being filled. up with able and well-quallified officers, all which I submitt to his highness's pleasure; and shall omitt what further I have to say to my brother, whom I have as fully informed in all particulars as I could, in the short time I have to dispatch him; and shall give yourself no further trouble, save to assure you, that none can be more faithfully yours, then,
Dunkerke, July 17/27. 1658.

May it please your Lordshipp,
Your most humble and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.

The enemie at Nieuport and Ostende have made bonsyers, fyred all their guns and small shott, for the joy they pretend to have, because of the electione of the new emperor. We cannot heare, that there is any such electione; but I believe they use that stratageme for seint, to encourage their dejected and despairing party.

Instructions from the king of Sweden to his embassador in England.

Oldesloo, the 18th of July, 1658.

Vol. lx. p. 81.

What concerneth Dantzick, you know sufficiently how to answer it; and for the elector of Brandenburgh, it is thus: he hath not only departed from that alliance, in which he was bound to us, manned Frawenburgh with his garison against that agreement, that we had made with him in that business, prosecuted our people in Prussia to his utmost power, taken away in the Pillaw divers times the ammunition we had sent for the maintenance of our garison in Prussia; but concluded an alliance, first defensive, after offensive, against us, tanquam contra communem hostem, with Austria and Poland, as well in the empire as in Prussia, dealing before-hand amongst themselves our provinces as a prize; and afterwards laid their counsels, how they would utterly rout us out of Germany; had private intelligence with Denmark, assuring them of several diversions, strove to hinder that peace; cast obstacles in the assembly of the Lower Saxon circle, when they were treating of the guarantee against the Danish eruption into the dukedom of Bremen; and lastly, endeavoured, in the highest manner, by his inventions, to bring upon us the hatred and jealousy of all states; and had long since fallen out into an open rupture against us, had not the continued success of our righteous arms, by God's assistance, hindred and deterred him from his intended resolutions. Notwithstanding all this, to shew our inclinations in friendship and good correspondence with the elector, we gave him to understand out of Gothenburgh, that if he would lay aside and compose all past misunderstandings, we should be found on our side very ready to do it. But when his embassador came to us in Flensburgh, in place of making an accommodation, (as we hoped) we found the contrary, that in aliena causa, as concerning the Austrian and Polish business, he would impose laws upon us, or denounce war against us, in case we would not submit to their wills; upon which grounds we could not give them audience: but they declared themselves better, ordaining certain deputies, who should in the presence of the embassadors of Brunswick, Lunenburg and Hessen, confer with them; in the first place, to compound our own differences, then could we the better heare what they had more to propound; for neither could we except the elector for a mediator, so long as he is a fæderatus cum hoste, neither could we endure threatenings before our eyes from our enemies. The reasons we desired the beforementioned embassadors at this conference are these; that the Brandenburgs in the presence of witnesses could not wrest words, or delude us with contradictions, and not stand to what was once determined, as they often used to do heretofore; and herein did notoriously in the new Brandenburgh treaty. But this they would not understand, but rather to avoid it departed thence secretly, in all haste, before we understood the least of it, all which you will more fully see out of those inclosed deductions placed orderly after the alphabet, so that you can sufficiently demonstrate to the lord protector the great injuries we have received from the elector, without the least cause given; and that he hath thus wholly combined and joined himself to the Austrian party, contra rei evangelicæ et communis libertatis bonum.

A letter of intelligence from Blanck Marshall.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

Newport, this 28th of July, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 187.

Charles Stewart and the duke of G'oucester is in Antwerp. 86 18 69. It's thought Charles Stewart will go to Cuden to see the emperour crowned. 57 19 to 10 82 46 47 39 55 77 58 75 20 21 the 22 48 62 59 70 60 71 11 72 56 83 52 18 15. Prince Kupert 12 70 84 64 4 71 71 is presently expected with seven thousand from Germany; 37 80 32 76 22 4 84 18 54 77 34 58 85 76 5 55 17 23 72 59 49 28 19 69 50 5 52 94; there is noe preparations 64 1 71 2 78 35 56 53 76 makeing here 21 22 72 for the raising of any forces. 54 30 56 24 4 55 96 26 58 70 10 18 74 Don John is in Bruges, 111 Conde in Ostend, 19 39 54 60 76 77 20 54 14 Duke of York and Caracene is here, 73 21 35 52 22 36 74 34 18 19 72, and expects 17 dayly a seige. 94 4 76 20 37 14 27 21. This place is well provided; 39 73 89 18 45 46 61 70 60 85 36 15 16 19 17; there is at least four thousand horse and foot in it; 82 73 5 52 14 32 58 72 73 3 55 17 24 59 60 79 35 54 36 80; yet the officers 26 37 10 21 69 and soldiers are starving. 22 70 38 75 76 77 5 71 81 39 55 30. This day the duke of York went out, 77 58 82 79, and beat in 79 35 53 the French guards, 54 12 27 4 70 14 73, and took some few 40 75 83 51 24 21 86 prisoners. 35 75 76 56 55 22 72 76. I cannot with credit leave 181 4 35 77 44 19 1 84 20 this place beseiged; 73 22 36 15 18 16; neither doe I know how the duke of York doth intend to dispose of me. 17 78 56 14 38 73 61 57 74 20 58 26 48 21. I am afrayed I cannot send you those things you expect, if that bee; but I shall use my best indeavour. Sir, when you think fit to lay your commands on your servant, direct as I desyred in my last. Sir, unless you please to doe me that favour to consider my want 35 14 18 69 48 94 86 1 552 79 of a horse 57 70 44 or two, I know not what will become of mee. 19 11 58 49 59 23 50 20 21. I humbly beg pardon for this bouldness, and reste,
Your most obedient servant,
B. M.

General Montagu to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 79.

My Lord,
I Understand just now from my lord embassador, that the French are resolved to beseidge Gravelinge; and that he hath sent 2 of the small vessels I left with him, and hath sent for 2 fourth-rate frigates from captain Blake before Ostend, which, he faith, he hath perswaded the cardinall is sufficient, whilst I ride here in the Downes, and I think it . . . . . unlesse it be for keepinge a continual . . . . . boates in the mouth of the river, which, it may be, may be too hard duty for them, and is as considerable as all the rest. I desire to know, how I shall behave myselfe, whether I shall saile thither or noe. I cann ride there with securitye (through God's mercye); and, if I be there, is it of soe great concernment to you, that I should be at any chardge to synke vessells in the river's mouth, or other extraordinary matter, more then guards as good as can be kept ? or is it better for mee to ride her, as my lord Lockhart intimates ? Your next, I hope, will full advertise me of all these; in the meane tyme I remaine,
Nasebye in the Downes, July 18. 1658.

My Lord,
Your lordshipp's most faithfull and humble servant,
E. Montagu.

Mr. Downing to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 188.

Honorable Sir,
According to your order, I have furnisht the bearer heerof, collonel Blackfall, with a passe for himselfe and his friend Dr. Sutton; but in the passe he is under the name of collonel Henry More, and his friend under the name of Jean Johnson. Himselfe will acquaint you with what he hath to say, and not more, but that I am,
Hague, July 29. 58. [N. S.]

Honorable Sir,
Your most faithfull humble servant,
G. Downing.

General Montagu to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 190.

My Lord,
This afternoone I have received two letters from Mr. Downinge, which import little save that the ships I stayed here had plate in them, and much of their goods belonged to Flanders. He hath written the inclosed pacquett to you, which I suppose will informe you at large what he knowes. I also inclose two intelligences I received from Flushinge from an unknowne hand, such as did formerly correspond with vice-admiral Goodson. They have not much in them, but I thought it requisite to send them unto you, hearinge that the French army is come before Gravelin; and judginge, that the ships my lord Lockhart wrott unto before Ostend, could not soone come there, I sent 2 frigates out of the Downes thither to assist them, untill the other come, and then to returne to mee againe. I was willing they should see wee would not neglect theire affaire, after wee had been served ourselves. This is all the trouble you shall receive at present from,
Nasebye in the Downes, July 20. 1658.

My Lord,
Your lordshipp's most faithfull and humble servant,
E. Montagu.

General Fleetwood to Henry Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

My Lord,
The acceptance, which you were pleased to owne from my wife and selfe, in our desires to serve my lady Reynolds, is an obligation upon us. She being a person of such true worth, may challenge from us, upon her owne accompt, our readinesse to serve her ladishipp; besides the relation she hath to your lordshipp and my lady, that is enough to induce our uttmost to be serviceable in what may concerne her. She is a person truely deserveing your lordshipp's affection and care of her; but of this I may forbeare to mention, your lordshipp being soe tender of her. Be pleased to present my humble services to all those noble relations. His highnesse and counsell hath considered of your lordshipp's desires, in order to the securinge of the trade; and have accordingly ordered Kingsale to be the victualling place; and doe thinke it necessary, that your lordshipp and counsell should have the whole management of the sea affaires, concerning which some of the councell are to conferr with some of the commissioners of the admiralty, how it may be effected; which probably may prove of more security to the trade, and lesse charge to the publique, if you can be from hence supplyed with moneys to answere that occasion. We are at a vast charge in maintayneing the fleete; and yet there are very greate complaints amongst the marchants, of their losses. My lord, I must intreate you would excuse my not being my owne penman, being under some phisicall observations; and therefore shall only add, that I am
20. July, 1658.

Your most affectionate brother, and humble servant,
Cha. Fleetwood.

Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

My Lord,
I can adde very little to what I have formerly writt about affaires here, noe resolutions beinge yet taken as to the maine question, which cannot now be longe delayed. Our great necessities, which much encrease every day, will necessitate to six somewhere, though perhaps some had rather be still stuctuatinge. Your excellency shall not want the knowledge of what passes here, soe farre as I am capable of informinge you thereof; but truly I have nothinge at this tyme to informe your excellency of.

I wonder, that the letters about the thanks giveinge day came not in tyme. I have spake with the clerkes of the counsell about it, to whose care it was comitted, who assure me, that the letters were dispatched that very night. In the meane tyme, that which your excellencye did about it was very necessary.

The letter which was writt to his highnes about the guards of shippinge for the coast of Irelande, was read this day in the counsell; and it is positively ordered, that the ships, that shall be appointed for the guard of that coast, be victualled at Kinsale, and that more ships be appointed; and I will doe the best I can for to procure effectuall orders from the admiralty for that purpose.

I had a simple and malitious paper about doctor Petty, which truly I sett nothinge by; and I hope your excellency will not thinke, that any thinge of that kinde can stick with me after soe good a character given of the person by your excellency; and my freedome with him since that will, I trust, evince it to hym; which I shall continue, till your lordship forbids it.

The French have at last resolved to beseidge Gravelinge; and as I think they invested it saturday last, as alsoe a fort neare Bergen, called Linke. These seiges are to be managed by mareshall la Ferté, and Turene is to keepe the field with the best parte of his army, to attend the motion of the enemyes, who is yet in their severall garrisons; but Don John is endeavouringe to draw into the feild, hopeinge to get some foot out of his garrison, after the French are fixt upon one place. My last letters from Germany speake, that the election of the kinge of Hungary was to be two dayes after the date, and the enemy in Flanders made 2 bonefires dayes since for the election; but the truth of this will want the confirmation of the next letters. The kinge of Sweden hath not yet declared any designe. The Dane and he are yet disputinge about the performance of the last treatie; and some are of oppinion, that he will never quitt Denmark. A warre is alsoe very likely to fall out betweene the Swede and the elector of Brandenburgh; and that will drawe on a warre alsoe between hym and the Dutch; soe that in appearance things stand as ill stated as to the Protestant cause as can be, it beinge very probable, that they will be involved in warr one with another; and in the meane tyme the house of Austria, Poland, &c. doe not only unite amongst themselves, but drawe in some of the Protestant party into their confederation, as Brandenburgh, and I feare the Dutch alsoe. But I truste the Lord will better dispose of things. I rest
Hampton-court, 20. July, 1658.

Your Excellencye's most obedient,
and most humble servant,
Jo. Thurloe.

My lady Elizabeth continues very ill. My lord Fauconberge was very honourably received in Yorkshire; above 1000 horse of the gentrye and others met him neare York, besides the mayor and aldermen of the place.

Dr. Thomas Clarges to H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

May it please your Excelency,
Being lately to attend the commissioners of the customes, in order to summe directions from your excellency and the councell, they told me, your excellency had lately written to their officer at Chester, concerning some seizure or seizures lately made there of mony belonging to some gentlemen or other persons transporting themselves to plant in Ireland; in which, they say, they cannot comply with your excellencie's desires, in regard, by the law, all summs above a proportion limmited to be carried into Ireland are to be forfeited; and till a parliament provides to the contrary, they conceive no relief can be given to any in such cases, but by privy seale from his highness. Yet they entreated me to acquaint your excelency, that they think the law too strict in such cases; and till a remedy can be obtained, it might be well for your excelency to move his highnes in it, that privy seales may be graunted accordingly, as occasion shall require. By the last from Dunkirk, we heare that marshall de la Ferté has beseiged Gravlin with that part of the army, which he commanded; and that the toune was incompassed on saterday the 17th instant; and that another part of the army continued at Dixmude. And the feild army under marshall Thureine was observeing the motions of Don John and the prince of Condé. Letters from Holland mention, that the Portugall ambassidor made a very magnificent entry into the Hage, the 8th of this month, according to our account. His busines is to endeavour an accomodation betwixt that king and the states of the United Provinces, which will skearce be effected. The king of Sweden has desired audience to the Brandenburgh ambassadors, which will be ill resented in Germany, and makes their differences hardly reconcileable. There is yet no certaine newes of the emperour's election; but rumours are very strong. Haveing had at this time some little affaire to make knowne to your excelency, I hope you will pardon the length of this paper, which, though it brings you nothing more of newes then what I have written to your excelency and the councill in a joynt adress, will neverthelesse in some small proportion testify the duty due to your excelency from,
London, this 20th of July, 1658.

May it please your Excelency,
Your excelency's most obleiged, humble servant,
Tho. Clarges.


  • 1. Chancellor steele.