Pages 913-914
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Die Mercurii, 4 Januarii, 1642.
Privilege- Prisoner discharged.
UPON the humble Petition of Thomas Nicolson, aged Eighty Years, now close Prisoner in the Fleete, for Words spoken against the Parliament; for which he expresseth his hearty Sorrow in his Petition;
It is this Day Ordered, by the Commons, That the said Thomas Nicolson be forthwith discharged from any farther Restraint.
Complaint against Dr. Soame.
The humble Petition of some of the Inhabitants of the several Parishes of Stanes, Lalam, Ashford, and Twickenham, in the County of Middlesex, complaining of their Minister, Dr. Soame, was this Day read: And
It is Ordered, That the Petition, and all Matters of Complaint against him, be referred to the Committee for plundered Ministers: And they have Power to send for Parties and Witnesses; and to consider of constituting Ministers to supply the Cures, and to sequester the Means of the foresaid Livings for Them, if, upon Occasion, they shall find it fitting; and to present it to the House.
Warrant to Ld. Linsey, &c.
Ordered, That the Lord Linsey and the Lord Louthian shall have Mr. Speaker's Warrant for Themselves, and Six Servants apiece, with their Horses, to go and come to Oxon.
All Saints, Bristoll, Lecturer,
Upon the Petition of the major Part of the Parish of All Saints in Bristoll;
It is Ordered, That Mr. Tombes may be recommended unto the said Parish, to be Lecturer in the said Parish on the Lord's Day: And that Mr. George Williamson, their Vicar, be required and injoined to permit him freely the Use of his Pulpit, to exercise his Function there accordingly.
Petition from a Prisoner.
The humble Petition of John Cooth, Parson of Shepton Mallett, in the County of Sommersett, a long time a Prisoner, for his Delivery, was this Day read; and, upon the Question, denied.
Proceedings concerning Brent.
The humble Petition of George Brent, a Prisoner in the Gatehouse, was this Day read: And
It is Ordered, That the Examination of the Fact be referred to the Committee for Examinations: And that the Depositions taken in this Business be sent to my Lord General, together with the Prisoner, to be proceeded with according to his Demerits; and according to the Law of Armies.
Prisoner discharged.
The humble Petition of Robert Kellway, now in the Serjeant's Custody, as a Delinquent, was this Day read:
It is Ordered, That the said Mr. Kellway be forthwith discharged from any farther Restraint, upon the Expressions of his hearty Sorrow, and Promise to do good Service to the Parliament hereafter.
Person sent for.
Resolved, upon the Question, That Tho. Lawes, late Mayor of Salisbury, be forthwith sent for, as a Delinquent, for publishing the Proclamation against some Gentlemen of that County.
Army Muster Masters.
Ordered, That the Committee for the Militia in London, to whom the Sending of Muster Masters to the Army was referred, shall have Power to send down as many Muster Masters as they shall think requisite for the Service.
Bailing Delinquents.
Ordered, That Mr. F. Pierrepointe shall have Power to take Bail of those Delinquents of Nottinghamshire, taken by Captain White, and now in the Custody of the Sheriff of that County; videlicet, Mr. Fr. Withington, Parson of Bridgford; Mr. Edm. Lacock, Vicar of St. Marie's in Nottingham; Mr. Edw. Andrewes, Mr. Jo. Combe, Mr. Griffin Divall, Mr. Tho. Broome, all Inhabitants of the said Town of Nottingham; and Mr. Robert Barghton, One of the Aldermen of the same.
Irish Affairs.
Letters from Sir Ph. Piercevall, the Committee at Dublyn, and from my Lord Esmund to Mr. Bunbury, were this Day read; and referred to the Consideration of the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland.
Resolved, &c. That all the Papists shall be speedily removed and expelled out of Dublyn in Ireland: And that it be referred to the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland, to draw up an Ordinance to this Purpose: And that the Lords Concurrence be desired herein.
Dep. Lieut. of Lincolne.
Resolved, &c. That Sir Tho. Trollop be nominated and appointed Deputy Lieutenant of the County of Lincolne.
Raising Money.
Ordered, That, To-morrow Morning at Ten of Clock, peremptorily, the House shall take into Consideration the Raising and Borrowing of One hundred thousand Pounds, for the Supply of the Necessities of this Kingdom, and of Ireland: And Mr. Speaker is to put the House in mind hereof.
Message to Lords.
Sir Wm. Strickland carried up to the Lords, the Letter of the Lord Fairefax: The Order concerning Mr. Hawkins; concerning the Committee to give Licences for Transport of Corn, &c.; concerning the Train Bands; concerning Lambeth House.
Duncannon Fort.
Upon the Report from the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland, concerning the particular Demands of the Lord Esmond, touching the Supply of Money, Victual, Ammunition, and other Necessaries, for the Fort of Duncannon in Ireland, according to a List presented; the which was read; and allowed of;
Ordered, That the Monies due for the said Particulars should be forthwith paid out of the Adventurers Money for Ireland; and the Particulars mentioned ... the List forthwith sent over to the Fort.
Mr. Speaker left the Chair.
Mr. Prideaux was called unto it; to consider of the Bishops Bill: And
Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair.
Lambeth House.
A Message from the Lords, by Dr. Bennett and Dr. Aylett;
That the Lords do agree to the Ordinance for Lambeth House, with the Alteration of Mr. Fra. Howell for Mr. Dobson.
Resolved, &c. That this House doth consent to the Inserting of the Name of Fra. Howell into the Ordinance for Lambeth House: And likewise, That the Lords be desired, that Mr. Dobson may continue inserted in that Order.
Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House agrees to the Inserting of Mr. Howell; but will send a further Answer, by Messengers of their own.
Adjournment of Term.
A Message from the Lords by Sir Edward Leeche and Dr. Heath;
That the Lords have taken Notice of a Proclamation for adjourning Part of the next Term; and for Removing of some Courts at Westminster to Oxforde; which they do conceive may be dangerous: And therefore desire a Conference, To-morrow Morning at Ten a Clock, in the Painted Chamber.
Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House will give a Meeting, as is desired.
Newcastle Committee.
Ordered, That the Committee for Newcastle, &c. be injoined to sit; and so to meet when and where they please: And all, that will come to that Committee, to have Voices at that Committee: And any Four to meet.
Answer from Lords.
Sir Wm. Strictland reports, That the Lords do agree to all the Orders and Votes sent up unto them, except that of Lambeth: To which they will send an Answer by Messengers of their own.
Turkie Trade, &c.
Ordered, That the Committee for the Trade into Turkie, and the East India Business, shall have Power to receive and consider of any Petitions that concern the Matters referred to that Committee; and of the Petition of James Maulerer, &c. against Mr. Bond and others.
St. Marie's, Wareham, Minister.
Upon the humble Petition of divers of the Parishjoners of St. Marie's in the Borough of Wareham, in the County of Dorsett, setting forth, That one James Crooch, their Curate, is now absent from his Cure, by reason of his Restraint in Dorchester, for traducing and scandalizing the Parliament; and desiring that one Mr. John Sabchiverell, a Man both sound in his Doctrines, and of unblamable Life and Conversation, might supply the Cure;
It is Ordered, That the said Mr. John Sabchiverell be recommended to the said Parishioners, to celebrate Divine Service, and to preach in the said Church, as well on the Lord's Days, as at other Times convenient: And that the said James Crooch, or any other whatsoever whom it may concern, do permit the said Mr. John Sachiverell the free Use of the Pulpit, to exercise his Function accordingly, without any Lett or Hindrance.
Mr. Speaker left the Chair.
Mr. Prideaux called to the Chair.
And the Committee fell into the Consideration of the Bishops Bill.
Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair.
And the House adjourned.
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