House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 03 January 1643

Pages 912-913

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Martis, 3 Januarii, 1642.


Bailing Prisoners.

THE humble Petition of Simon Carrell and Thomas Broccas, in Newgate, Prisoners taken at Yarmouth: And

It is Ordered, That they shall be bailed, upon such Bail as Mr. Speaker shall allow.

Warrant to Carlin, &c.

Ordered, That Mr. Speaker shall grant his Warrant for the Sieur Carlin, an Italian Gentleman, and his Servant, to go into France, and return; and for Monsieur de la Tour, a French Gentleman, his Wife, a Man Servant, and a Maid Servant, to go into France.

Eley House.

WHEREAS the House of Commons doth require their Serjeant to apprehend and bring to the said House all such Persons who are voted to be sent for, as Delinquents; and them to keep in safe Custody during the Pleasure of the said House: And that the House hath not as yet appointed any convenient House or Place of Strength for the better Securing and Safe-keeping of such Persons so committed unto his Charge: And upon Information given, that Eley House in Holborne, being now vacant, is fitting for such Employment: The Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, do hereby Constitute and Ordain, That John Hunt, Serjeant at Arms attending on the said House of Commons, shall have the Possession and Keeping of Eley House for the Uses aforesaid, during the Pleasure of Parliament; and have the Keys and Possession thereof forthwith delivered unto him: That the Gardens and Trees be preserved and kept from Spoil: And that the Chapel, and Windows thereof, be not defaced by any but those that are authorized by Order of Parliament: And that, for the Reparation of the said House, a Competency be allowed out of the Bishop of Eley his Rents for the Defraying thereof, by the Receiver of the said Rents.

London House.

The like Order for London House to be prepared.

Goods stayed at Hull.

The humble Petition of such whose Names are here underwritten, Citizens of London, was this Day read in the Commons House of Parliament; shewing, That certain Shopkeepers in the City of Yorke, the Petitioners Customers, did, in September last, buy of the Petitioners divers and sundry Parcels of Goods and Wares, which since have been sent down for Yorke by Water; and by the Way were stayed by Captain Hotham, at Hull and Cawood; and not permitted to go thither: Forasmuch as their Customers there do owe unto the Petitioners great Sums of Money; the Petitioners being Persons wellaffected to the Parliament;

It is therefore this Day Ordered, That the said Goods, belonging to the Petitioners, be delivered to them again, or to such as they shall appoint: And the Lord Fairfaxe and Sir Jo. Hotham be desired to deliver the same accordingly to the Petitioners, or their Assigns.

Jo. Warner, Tho. Foot, Tho. Stone, Geo. Hadley, Wm. Underwood, Wm. Thomson, Humphrey Meredith, John Roberts, John Norwood, Cha. Jenney.

Letters of Thanks.

Ordered, That Mr. Prideaux do write a Letter of Thanks to the Mayor, in Acknowledgment of his good Service: And that Mr. Strode do write a Letter to Captain Chudleygh, in Acknowledgment of his good Service.

Mint at Exeter.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee for Dispatches, to provide a Mint and Moneyers; and to send them down to Exeter.

E. of North-umberland to be High Admiral.

A Message from the Lords, by Serjeant Glanvile and Serjeant Whitfield;

The Lords have sent down a Bill, which has passed their House, for the Making Algernoon Earl of Northumberland High Admiral of England, Ireland, Wales, &c.

Affairs in Yorkeshire.

A Letter from the Lord Fairefax, of the Twenty-ninth of December, relating what has past since his last Letter in that County.

Sir Wm. Strickland is appointed to write a Letter in Answer to my Lord Fairefax, in Acknowledgment of God's great Blessing and Mercy upon that Army.

Ordered, That it be recommended in an especial Manner to the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom, speedily to provide and dispatch away Arms into Yorkeshire, for the Lord Fairfax.

Sir Wm. Strickland is appointed to carry the Lord Fairefax his Letter to the Lords.

Neutrality of Cheshire.

Ordered, That Sir Wm. Brereton do, To-morrow, bring in the Ordinance concerning the Neutrality of Cheshire.

Restoring Money.

Ordered, That the Money belonging to Colonel Sandys his Troop, and seized by * * * *, taken from Colonel Sandys his Corn, and carried in to the Treasurers at Guildhall at London, be restored to Sir Henry Heyman, Mr. Glyn, or either of them: And they are required to take Care for the Sending of it to Bristoll.

Vindicating Ld. Kimbolton, &c.

1a vice lecta est Billa, An Act for the Clearing and Vindicating the Lord Kimbolton, now Earl of Manchester, and Mr. Holles, Sir Arthur Haselrig, Mr. Hampden, Mr. Pym, Mr. Strode, Members of the House of Commons, from certain Articles of High Treason, &c. exhibited into the House of Peers by Sir Edw. Herbert, his Majesty's Attorney General, on or about the Third Day of January 1641.

2a vice lecta est Billa prædicta: And the Question * * *.

Payments for Army Cloathing, &c.

Ordered, That Five hundred and Fifty Pounds be allowed to Mr. Wollaston, for Four thousand Shirts certified to be received by George Wood, and forthwith paid out of the Adventurers Money.

Ordered, That Four thousand Pounds for Fifteen hundred Doublets, at Six Shillings apiece, delivered for Ireland, as appears by the Particulars, and Mr. Geo. Wood's Certificate, be forthwith paid unto Mr. Wollaston, out of the Adventurers Money.

Ordered, That Three thousand Three hundred Thirtysix Pounds One Shilling be paid unto Mr. Norris forthwith, out of the Adventurers Money, for Cloaths delivered at Dublin in Time of great Need.

Ordered, That Fourteen thousand Eight hundred Fiftyfour Pounds, Three Shillings Four Pence, for Cloaths delivered by Order of the Commissioners for Ireland, as appears by the Bill of Particulars, and the Receipts of the Commissary, be paid unto Maurice Gethin, et al.

Ordered, That One hundred and Thirty Pounds, for Drugs furnished in Ireland for the Service of the sick Soldiers, be paid to the Druggist that furnished them, out of the Contribution Monies for Ireland.

Ordered, That Eighteen hundred Pounds be paid out of the Adventurers Money for the Hire of Shipping to carry Victuals, Arms, and other Provisions, into Munster, Ulster, and other Parts of Ireland.

Ordered, That Thirty-eight Pounds be paid unto Mr. Ball, for Wheat, certified by the Commissary and Lord Dungarvon, to be delivered into the Stores at Yoghall, out of the Adventurers Money.

Ordered, That the Monies due to Mr. Hawkins, being the Sum of Thirty Pounds and Sixteen Shillings, according to the Allowance of Eight Shillings per Diem, be forthwith paid unto the said Mr. Hawkins, out of the Adventurers Money for Ireland.

Ordinance of Assessment.

Ordered, That Mr. Browne, Mr. Glyn, Mr. Cage, and Mr. Whitlock, do forthwith attend the Business referred unto them, concerning the Ordinance for Assessing of Monies, &c.: And that the said Ordinance be brought in To-morrow Morning.

London Apprentices Petition.

The House being informed, That divers Apprentices and other young Men, in and about the City of London, were at the Door, desiring to prefer a Petition;

They were called in; and did prefer a Petition.

Then they were commanded to withdraw:

And the Petition was read.

And then they were again called in: And Mr. Speaker, by the Command of the House, told them, "That the House had read their Petition; and do intend to take it into Consideration."

Papists, &c.

Mr. Solicitor, Mr. Rous, Mr. Browne, Mr. Pym, Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Pierrepointe, Sir H. Vane junior, Mr. Glyn, Mr. Holles, Mr. Whittlock, Dr. Eden, Mr. Noble, Mr. Serjeant Wilde, Mr. Maynard;

This Committee, or any Four of them, are to consider of an Oath of Abjuration, for the better Discovery of Papists; and likewise of the Manner of tendering the said Oath, for the speedier Conviction of such as shall refuse it. It is likewise referred to them, to prepare a Bill for the Educating of the Children of Papists in the Protestant Religion; and to prepare a Bill, that the Two Parts of Recusants Estates may be really employed, according to the true Intention and Meaning of the Statute in that Behalf: And likewise to consider of a Commission to be granted to Persons of Trust, for taking Care, that the Laws against Popish Recusants may be put in due Execution; and to prevent all Ways of evading such Laws; and to consider of some Means of suppressing and extirpating the Idolatry of the Mass: And are to meet To-morrow, at Eight of Clock, in the Exchequer Chamber.

The House declared their Intention to be, not, that the Propositions should be retarded in relation to the Preparation of these Bills; but that these Desires be brought in by way of Propositions: And the Committee, notwithstanding, to proceed with the Preparing of the Bills.

Sir Basil Brooke.

Ordered, That Sir Basil Brooke, a Prisoner in the King's Bench, be kept close Prisoner; and not suffered to go abroad.

Lambeth House.

WHEREAS, upon the urgent Occasions of the Commonwealth, in these Times of Hostility, it is necessary to make Provision for the Receipt of such Prisoners as shall be committed by the Parliament; and upon Information given that Lambeth House being now vacant is fitting for such an Employment: The Lords and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, for the Intent and Purpose aforesaid, and for the due Ordering of the said House, and for the Regulating of the Officers and Fees belonging unto them, do hereby Constitute and Ordain as followeth:

1. That the said House of Lambeth, during these Times of Hostility, be delivered into the Hands of Dr. Layton, for the Securing of such Prisoners as shall be committed to his Keeping: And all such of the Archbishop's Servants, as are now residing in the said House, are hereby required to depart the said House, and to leave the Keys of all the Rooms, except of the Gallery, and Rooms where the Books; Evidences, Goods, and Writings are, in quiet Possession, unto the said Dr. Layton: Only Mr. Dobson is permitted to have a Chamber, and remain there; keeping such Hours of going in and out as shall be allowed by the said Keeper.

2. That it be lawful for such of the Archbishop's Servants, who are intrusted with the Goods in the said House, upon Inventory taken of them, and shewed unto the Committee for Contributions, to remove unto any other Place such and so many of them as the said Committee shall approve of to be removed: And such other Householdstuff and Lumber which shall not be removed, but left for the Keeper's Use there, the said Keeper shall be responsible for the same, at his going forth.

3. That it shall be lawful for such as have bought the Hay that is now in the said House, to carry the same thence as Occasion shall be, so as they do it at seasonable Hours, and within the Space of One Week after the Date hereof: And that such Wood and Coal as are now in the House, shall remain there for the Use of the same.

4. That the Gardens, Orchards, Fishponds, and Grounds about the House, with the Trees therein, be preserved and kept from Spoil: And that the Chapel, and Windows thereof, be not defaced by any but by those that are authorized thereto by Order of Parliament: And that, for the Reparation of the House, a Competency be allowed out of the said Archbishop's Rents for the Defraying thereof, by Mr. Dobson aforesaid.

5. That Colonel Manwaring, and the Militia of London, be desired to appoint such a continual Guard to reside there, for the Defence of the said House, and Securing of the Prisoners, as in their Judgment, with the Approbation of the Keeper for the Time being, shall be thought necessary.

6. That for the Regulation of the Fees of all such Prisoners as shall be committed to that House, the Keeper, for the Time being, may receive of ordinary Persons, at Entrance, Twenty Shillings, and not above; of Esquires and Knights, Forty Shillings, and not above; and for any of higher Degree, Five Marks, and not above.

Lastly, That the Keeper for the Time being may take of every Prisoner, for his Chamber, weekly a reasonable Allowance, according to the Room or Rooms he shall desire to make use of: And for such as shall provide their own Furniture, to have so much abated of their Rent, as the same is worth, to be hired from an Upholsterer.

Provisions, &c. for Ireland.

IT is this Day Ordered, by the and Commons, in Parliament assembled, That the Select Committee of the House of Commons, appointed to take Care of the Affairs of Ireland, may give forth Warrants and Licences unto all the Officers of his Majesty's Ports, and to the Governors and Captains of Castles and Forts, and Captains and Masters of Ships, whom it may concern, for the free Shipping and Transportation, from any the Ports of this Kingdom into Ireland, .. all such Victuals, Cloaths, Arms, or Ammunition, as shall be from time to time provided here, and appointed by the Parliament, for his Majesty's Armies in the several Parts of that Kingdom: And that all his Majesty's Officers and Ministers, and all others whom it may concern, do give due Obedience to such Warrants and Licences, as they tender the Service, and will answer the contrary.

Whereas * * * *

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