House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 05 January 1643

Pages 915-916

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Jovis, 5 Januarii, 1642.


Portesmouth Garison.

THAT the Thousand Pounds, Residue of the Two thousand Pounds, borrowed of the Town of Southampton, and now remaining in the Hands of Sir Wm. Lewis, Governor of the Town of Portesmouth, be allowed unto the said Sir Wm. Lewes, for Payment of the Garison there.

King's Pro-clamation.

Ordered, That the Mayor and Sheriff of the Town and County of Southampton be required not to publish the Proclamation prohibiting the Receipt of Tonage and Poundage, under Colour of the late pretended Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament; a Proclamation of his Majesty's Grace, Favour, and Pardon, to the Inhabitants of his County of Southampton; his Majesty's Proclamation to all the Inhabitants of his Counties of Oxon, Northampton, Bucks, Surrey, Berks, &c. commanding them to give Notice to the next Quarter of his Majesty's Army of the Approach of any of the Rebels Forces unto them: And that for their Obedience to this Order, they shall be protected and saved harmless by Authority of Parliament.

It is farther Ordered, That they shall publish his Majesty's Proclamation for the better Government of his Majesty's Army, &c.

Corn from France.

Ordered, That the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland do grant Licences to Mr. Whetcombe, for Transporting of Corn out of France.

Bailing a Prisoner.

Ordered, That Dr. Pinke, a Prisoner in the Gatehouse, be forthwith bailed, upon reasonable Bail.


Ordered, That Dr. Nicolson, a Doctor in the Civil Law, a Prisoner in the Gatehouse, be forthwith bailed.

Prisoner discharged.

Ordered, That Rich. Deane, a Messenger, a Prisoner in the Gatehouse, be forthwith discharged from any farther Imprisonment.

Prisoners released.

Upon the humble Petition of Lyonell Thrift, John Greenwood, Christopher Foster, John Berry, Robert Harde, Rich. Thompson, John Holliday, Edw. Markinson, Jo. Taylerson, and Richard Moore, poor Prisoners remaining in the New Prison, and in the House of Correction of the County of Middlesex;

It is Ordered, That the said poor Prisoners be forthwith released from any farther Restraint; upon their Promise, made to Sir Gilbert Gerard and Sir Jo. Francklyn, or either of them, that they will never bear Arms against the Parliament.

Prisoners of War.

Ordered, That Mr. Pym do, To-morrow, bring in the Declaration, concerning the Usage of the Prisoners taken by the King's Forces.

Prisoner discharged.

Ordered, That Jo. Clerke, Alderman of Coventry, be forthwith discharged from any farther Condition of Restraint: And that the Bonds he entered into for not departing the City of London, be restored unto him.


Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Solicitor, Mr. Grimston, are appointed Reporters of this Conference.

Intercepted Letters, &c.

A Letter from the Deputy Lieutenants and Committees of Bucks, from Aylesbury, of the Second of January; and Letters, by them intercepted, from his Majesty to the High Sheriffs of Norfolk and Suffolk, concerning the Stay, in their Hands, of the Second Payment of the Bill of Four hundred thousand Pounds, till farther Order from his Majesty; and likewise Letters from his Majesty to the Bishops of Lincolne, Norwich, and *, concerning the Payment of their Tenths, and the Tenths of their Clergy, in at Oxon; were read: And it is Ordered, That the said Committees and Deputy Lieutenants be protected and saved harmless for their so doing by Authority of Parliament.

Adjournment of Term.

Mr. Solicitor reports, from the Conference, That the Lords had come to their Hands, a Proclamation for adjourning Part of Hilary Term to Oxon: The Lords had considered of it; and had appointed a Committee of Six of their House, and desired this House to appoint a proportionable Number, to draw up Reasons, to be presented unto his Majesty, for the Withdrawing of the said Proclamation.

Message to Lords.

Mr. Whittacre is appointed to go to the Lords, to desire a Conference, concerning the Stay of some Persons going to Oxon, by virtue of a Pass from the Lords.

He likewise carried up to the Lords the Order concerning One thousand Eight hundred Pounds, or thereabouts, for Shipping, for Transport of Victual into Munster, &c.: The Ordinance for the Making of the Lord Peter's House, and the Bishop of London's House, Prisons.

The House Declared, They thought fit, that the said Persons should be stayed: And that this their Opinion should be delivered unto the Lords, at this Conference.

Adjournment of Term.

The Proclamation, touching the Adjourning Part of Hilary Term, delivered at this Conference, was read.

* Solicitor, * Prideaux, * Maynard, * Rigby, * Hill, * Wilde, * Gerard, Mr. Young, Mr. Glyn, Mr. Whitlock, Mr. Browne, Mr. White;

This Committee is to meet with a proportionable Number of the Lords, to consider of Reasons to be presented unto his Majesty, of the Inconveniencies of Adjourning Part of Hilary Term, and some of the Courts at Westminster, to Oxon; and thereupon to move his Majesty to withdraw his Proclamation.

Commissioners of Array.

Three several Warrants from the Earl of Newcastle and from other Commissioners of Array, for the Levying of Monies within that County, were this Day read: And

It is Ordered, That Mr. Rigby, Mr. Pym, and Mr. Hill, do prepare a Declaration, to shew the Illegality of them: And that they be printed together.

Army Pay.

The Lords and Commons, in Parliament assembled, being truly informed, with what Justice, Care, and Frugality, the Lord Fairefax, Lord General of the Forces raised in the Northern Parts, hath hitherto made Payment unto the Soldiers under his Command, both to the good Liking and Content of the Soldiers, and great Profit of the Commonwealth; they do therefore Order, That the Lord Fairefax shall be desired to continue the same Way of Payment to his Army, as he hath done hitherto: And that his so doing shall be warranted by both Houses; and accounted a Service very beneficial to the State.

Sir Wm. Armyn carried up this Order to the Lords.

Stay of Persons going to Oxford.

Mr. Whittacre reports, That he had acquainted the Lords, that some Gentlemen had been examined, that were going to Oxon; and with them was found a scandalous Book, intituled, "A Complaint to the Commons," and other Letters and Matters concerning the Signet: That they had been stayed, had they not produced their Lordships Warrant: The Lords did own the Warrant; but, in regard they had abused it, they were willing to withdraw it, and that they might be sent for back.

Ordered, That the Serjeant send a Man forthwith to stay Sir Edward Wardour, Dr. Dukeson, and the rest, notwithstanding the Lords Order.

Lambeth House.

Mr. Trenchard reports, That the Lords do agree to the Amendment, in the Order concerning Lambeth House.

Merchants of the Intercourse.

Ordered, That the former Order, for Restraint of the Levying of Monies upon Merchants of the Intercourse, whose Names are delivered in a List, be renewed, and in Force, till the House take farther Order.

Ship stayed.

Ordered, That Clerke, the Ship-master, formerly sent for, as a Delinquent, and now come up on a Ship from Newcastle, be stayed; and his Ship likewise.

Stay of Ships going to Newcastle.

Ordered, That there shall be a Stay forthwith made of Ships, that go to Newcastle, or Sunderland, for Coals: And that the Lords be moved to join herein.

Ordered, That it be referred to Mr. Solicitor, Mr. Cage, Mr. Blakeston, Mr. Vassall, Mr. Bents, Mr. Bond, Sir Hen. Heyman, Mr. Rolls, Mr. Pym, or any Three of them, to consider how the Ships, stayed from going to Newcastle or Sunderland, for Coals, may be employed elsewhere for Coals, or be put to Sea upon other employment; and also to draw a Declaration, to satisfy the Kingdom, and the Owners of Coals in those Parts, of the Necessity that enforceth this House to make this Prohibition, by reason the Earl of Newcastle imposeth such a Tax on every Ship, as will maintain a Popish Army: And have Power to send for Parties to treat withal: And are to meet To-morrow at Eight of the Clock, in the Treasury Chamber.

Person sent for, &c.

Resolved, &c. That * Clerke, Master of a Ship that trades to Newcastle, shall be forthwith sent for as a Delinquent; and his Ship be stayed.

Hales' Loan.

Upon Mr. Trenchard's Report from the Committee;

It was Resolved, upon the Question, That Sir Edw. Hales be desired to make up that Sum he hath lent upon the Propositions, Two thousand Pounds.

Loans from Napper, &c.

Resolved, &c. That Sir Gerard Napper be desired to lend the Sum of Five hundred Pounds; Sir Robert Napper, One thousand Pounds; Mr. Venables, Five hundred Pounds; Sir Tho. Heale, Two hundred Pounds; Peirce Edgecombe, One thousand Pounds.

Members Assessments, &c.

Ordered, That the Committee, where Mr. Trenchard has the Chair, do take Care to send to the several Committees, in every County, a particular List of the Names of the Members of this House, that are rated by this House, and are in their Counties; and also a List of the Sums of Money they are to advance: And that the Committees in the said Counties do take Care to receive the same, and send it up accordingly.

Ordered, That the Members of this House, that have not yet declared themselves, upon this last Advancement of Monies by the Members of this House, What Monies they will lend, shall declare themselves within Two Days; or else the Committee, where Mr. Trenchard has the Chair, is to consider, What Rate to set them at.

Army Arrears.

Whereas the County of Kent hath advanced several Sums of Money upon the Propositions, which they have sent to the Treasurers in Guildhall, London; and have this Day also delivered in Plate, amounting to good Value, to the Treasurers aforesaid: It is this Day Ordered, by the Commons House of Parliament, That Three hundred and Twenty-eight Pounds Six Shillings be forthwith imprest by the said Treasurers to the Committees of Kent, or any Two of them; towards the Payment of the Arrears due to Captain Withers his Troop, now residing in that County.

Restoring Money.

Whereas Francis Cornish and Antony Foster, out of their Affection to the Parliament, made Stay of certain Sums of Money, informed to belong to a Person disaffected to the Parliament; which indeed were the Monies of some Tenants, which they intended to pay unto their Landlords: It is this Day Ordered, That the Sums of Money hereunder written, belonging to the Persons hereunder named, shall be forthwith restored to them again: And that, for so doing, this shall be their Warrant.

£. s. d.
To Nicolas Pordage - - - 38 - -
To Jo. Rootes, for Jane Bulsteed, - 82 - -
To Rob. Lownes, for Edward Wood, - 15 - -
To Samuel Reynolds, for Phil. Reynes, 29 - -


Ordered, That the Preamble to the Propositions, as it was formerly brought from the Committee, was this Day road; first all over, and then Clause by Clause; and voted Clause by Clause; and, by Vote upon the Question, assented unto.

Person committed.

Ordered, That Captain Verney shall be forthwith committed close Prisoner to the Fleet.

Person sent for.

Ordered, That Serjeant Major Hebborne shall be forthwith sent for, in safe Custody.


Ordered, That the Committee for the Bill for Bishops do sit upon the Bill To-morrow Morning.


Ordered, That the House do take into Consideration, To-morrow Morning, the Debate concerning the Proposition for the Militia.

Cessation of Arms.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth lay aside the Proposition for Cessation of Arms.


Ordered, That the Committees do bring in the Propositions To-morrow Morning.