Pages 441-444
Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 1, 1573-1642. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1914.
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11 January 1612.
Act, M'Lauchlan.
Malcolme McLauchlan, being of befoir convict for hurting and bluding of John Patirsoun, seruitour to Archibald Findlay, customer of the brig, and he haifand na thing to mak satisfactioun to the said John Patirsoun for his hurting and bluding of him, nor yet for his unlaw, nor yit to the barbour quha curit him, of his awin consent is banist this town for evir, and gif evir he be fund in this town heirefter to be nalit by the lug to the trone, except he pay the said John xx. li. for hurting and curing of him, and, submittand him to the jurisdictioun of the provest and bailleis of this burgh, consentis that decreit pas vpoun him in manir foirsaid.
25 January 1612.
Herbertsoun for oppression.
The provest, baillie, and counsall, haifing accusit Richeart Herbertsoun, flescheour, for the maist barbarus bangstarrie done be him against James Watsoun, elder, flescheour, and John Watsoun, his sone, in the hows of Archibald Schelis, merchand, and vpone the morn thairefter for stiking of the said James Watsoun grit dog maist necessar and proffitabill for him, worth to him thee sowme of xl li., and that vpone complante maid be the said James Watsoun and John Watsoun his sone craifand to be fred of his oppressioun, bost, and bangstarrie in tyme cuming, and to mak the said James satisfactioun and recompans for his said dog, the said Richeart, personallie present and accusit, confessit the stiking of the said dog, causles, vpon malice and hattrent; thairefter the said Johnne Watsoun gaif his aith that he dred and ferit the said Richeart Herbersoun bodelie harme and of his lyfe; quhilk being considdrit be the said provest, baillie, and counsall, and that the said Richeart is of dissolut lyfe and disparit in him self, ordanis the said Richeart to be wardet quhill Mononday nixt thee xxvij of Januar, and that day stokit at the croce, and the dog to be laid befoir him during thair will, and thaireftir to be put in sure ward quhill he find lauchfull souirtie to the said John Watsoun that he salbe harmeles and skaithles of him in bodie, gudis, and geir.
30 September 1626.
Ordanes ane warrand to be gevin to the thesaurer for the sowme of fourtie merk deburset be him to ane Grecian bischop.
5 June 1630.
Ordanes the thesaurer to haue ane warrand for fourtie pundis money deburst be him in this maner, to wit; to Linlithgow drummeris ten merk; to the feifearars and drummeris of Air, ten merk; to the drummeris of Paslay, ane dolour; to the post brocht ane lettir fra the secreit counsell, xxix s; to the dreill maister, tuentie merk; and to the tounes drummeris, aucht pund xix s viijd; for thair services the tyme of the muster.
27 January 1638.
Anent ane wall.
Ordaines the wall att the croce to be takin doune and maid equall with the calsay in the best forme can be devysit be craftismen, and that the proveist, bailyeis, deane of gild, and deacon convener speik and deall with James Colquhoun to draw and convoy doun the spoutis of the tolbuithe in maist cumlie forme that can be for saifing of the drop to fall vpone the plaine stones, and that vpon als chaip a pryce as they can.
16 March 1639.
Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the sowme of ten markis money debursit be him at thair command to James Watsoun, fleschour, to help him to saw his land; and for the sowme of aught pundis twa schilingis debursit also be him att thair command to Robert Cawldwall, maissoun, for the hewing of the townis armis to the toune mylne, scherping of the meassounes ironis thairto, and for beitting and mending of Inschbellie bridge.
10 August 1639.
Grave makers.
Forsameikle as Johne Gilmour, merchand, and James Muir, cordiner, did both petitionat the said provest, bailyies, and counsall for that waikand place last occupayit be Johne Young in making of the gravis, and becaus they war equall in voittis, the counsall, having ane respect to them baithe, they have thairfor concludit, statut, and ordanit, for baithe thair weillis, that the said Johne Gilmour sall have the said waikand place, and to begin presentlie; and ordanes the thesaurers of this burghe present and to cum to pay to the said James Mwre fourty schillings, and to begin presentlie, and so to continew whill he be provydit to ane commoun place of als mutche worth as the said monethlie pay will extend to.
11 August 1640.
Nisbit commissar.
Gaend Nisbeit is appoynted to ryd to Barrowstouneness with the fiftie shoulders that ar to convoy thidder the governour and others who wer in the castell of Dumbarttaine.
26 October 1641.
Discharge for the gilderis.
James Bell producit Thomas Conyngham, factour of Campheir, his discharge of his ressait of the tounes proportioune of thair gilders adebted for the amunitioune, togidder with James Murraye his band of corroboratioune, quhilkis ar ordanit to be put in the charter kist.
12 February 1642.
Act anent Patrik Adame.
Forsameikle as the saids provest, bailleis, and counsall was certainlie and trulie informed that Patrik Adam, tailyour, had so far vilependit and vilefiet the magistratis of this burghe in saying to the forsaid Johne Clark, thesaurer, that he regairded not the provest and bailleis of this burgh ane fart of his erse anent his cautiounerie to tham for Jonnet Baird, ane delinquent accused be the sessioune for abusing of the ministers of this brughe, and that he had desyred the said Johne Clarke to tell them that from him; as also being certanlie informed that the said Patrik com vpon Monunday last to the said Johne and avowed and repeited the samein words overagain at several tymes, and did avow and approve the same; and he being conveined this day to answer thairfor, misregarding the saidis provest, bailleis, and counsall, did say in thair presens to the said Johne Clarke that he sould be awenged of him ather ther or some other place; and thairfor the saidis provest, bailleis, and counsall ordanis the said Patrik to enter his persoune in ward and remaine thairin within the tolbuithe of this brughe the space of eight dayes, shorter or langer, at the sight of the saidis provest or bailleis, and to pay tuentie pundis to the procuratour fiscall to be applyed ad pios vsus.
19 March 1642.
Item, ordanis Mathow Colquhoune to have ane roume under the galrie of the castell duiring the counsals pleasour.