Extracts from the records: 1642

Pages 436-439

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 1, 1573-1642. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1914.

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5 January 1642.


The saids provest, bailleis, counsall, and deacons, being informed that Robert Hogisyaird had spred and distribut amongst certane of the deacons of craftis of this brughe certaine letters anent ane minister, and he being ane privat man having no warrand of this place, finding the sam ane great wrang, ordains him to be warnit to Saturnday nixt to answer thairto.

Act anent tysteris to subscryve writtis without warrand.

It is statuit and ordanit that na maner of persoune within this brughe presume nor tak vpon hand heirefter to tyst, intyse, or perswad any persoune to subscryve any kynd of writt quhatsumever concerning the publict good of this toune without speciall consent and warrand of the counsall, certifieing all those who dois in the contrair sall be hauldin and reputt as seditious persones and disturbers of the commoun peace, and thair fredome to be cryd doune and punished conforme to thair burges ticket.

15 January 1642.


The forsaids provest, baillies, and counsall, with the bretherin of the dean of gilds hous, with the deacons of crafts, all for the most parte being present, whose votes and opiniounes being requyrit if this place sould submit any thing concerning thair patronages to any persones quhatsumeuer, who all in one voice dissentit that the counsall sould submit any privilege belonging to the toune.

12 February 1642.


Item, ordains Johne Andersoune to ryd to Stirling to try anent the schoolmaster his qualitie and present conditioune ther, and to trye the man himself if he be willing to transport himself.


Ordains the drummers to touk throughe the toun weik about, and he quha touks for the weik sall onlie have power to touk to the haill lords and strangers sall cum to the toune for that weik; and Johne Cuthbertsoune to begin vpon Mononday morning nixt and to serve so for the first weik; and this to stand onlie during the counsalls will allanerlie; and ordains tham to leave together peacablie as brether and not wrang or injure vthers, and if Johne Jamesone wrangs his colligue be word or deed heirefter he sall lose the place of the right hand quhilk he sould bruik quhill September nixt.

Warrand, poor.

It is statut and ordanit, in respect of the great increse of the poor, speciallie these that cumis from Irland, that the thesaurer give to the maister of wark twa hundrethe merks moneye to be gevin out be him to the vse of the poor allanerlie, and thairefter to gave in his compt thairvpon.

Linen cloathe.

Item, ordains the act of parliament maid anent linnen cloathe to be published at the Crose vpon Mononday nixt that non pretend ignorance.

26 February 1642.


Item, ordanis ane letter to be sent to Patrik Bell at Londone to shawe him how the toune is abusit with theifes without punishment, and to intreat him to doe his best indeavour to gett the sam remeidit and that so soone as can be.

5 March 1642.

Poor from Irland.

Ordanis ane proclamatioune to be sent throw the toune to desyre all these quha will geve or contribut any supplie to the distressed people that com from Irland, that they cum vpon Weddinsday nixt at the ringing of the bells.

Item, ordains the dean of gild, deacon conveiner, Walter Stirling, James Hammiltoune and Niniane Gilhagie to meit at suche tymes as they think convenient, and to tak consideratioune of these poore people, and to give tham support out of the contributioun to be collected for that end according to thair necessitie and as they sall think meit and expedient.

Act anent the schoolmaster.

It is concludit that maister David Will sall have four hundrethe merkes yeirlie at Lambmas and Candelmas, and to have presentlie in hand tuentie pundes, and ane hundrethe pundis at his first entrie.

19 March 1642.

Act in favoures of Capitane Gibsone.

Item, ordains the maister of wark to lend to Capitane Gibsone ane of the tounes tentis, he acting himselff to restor the same to the toune at his hom coming or eles the pryce thairof to be modifiet be the dean of gild and deacon conveiner.

9 April 1642.


Item, ordains ane letter to be sent to Patrik Bell for twa doosane of lether buckets, and to intreate him to dispatche these particulars commitit be the toune to him, and the letter to bear the haill particulars.

23 April 1642.

Mononday mercat.

Ordains ane proclamatioune to be maid with sound of drum on the Cors vpon Mononday nixt discharging the Mononday mercat conforme to the lait act of parliament.

31 May 1642.

Common good set.

[Mills, £5100; ladle, 2300 merks; meal market, 500 merks; tron, 560 merks; bridge, 680 merks; grass of the Green, £50; grass of Little St. Mungois Kirk, 54s.]

16 July 1642.


Ordains the thesaurer to haue ane warrand for twa hundrethe punds money and four punds debursit be him for the touns ratificatione and other writts past in the touns favor at the last parliament, quhilks ar all putt in the touns kist.

6 August 1642.

Ordinance for James Sanders.

Ordains James Sanders, preceptor of St. Nicholas Hospitall, to lend out, vpon securitie, the twa hundrethe markes mortifeit be vmquhill maister Thomas Hutchesone of Lamhill for yeirlie proffeit for the vse of the poor of the said hospitall, and to give in the nixt day the rentall of the hospitall conteining the said soum of twa hundrethe merkes, and the fyve hundrethe merkes mortifiet be Bischope Law to the forsaid hospitall.

20 August 1642.

Flesche mercat.

Ordains the wark about the brige to be first out red and thairefter immediatlie to tak doune the old Tronegait port and the flesche mercat, and to build the flesche mercat in the place of Thomas Brounes borne and yaird appoyntit for that end.

27 August 1642.

Bell, commissioner.

James Bell is electit commissionar to the ensewing conventioune of burrowes at Edinburgh for the manufactories and for maister Johnstoune his legacie.

10 September 1642.

Gallowgait burn.

Ordains these that hathe maid dams and steips hyds in the Gallowgait burne to tak doune the damis and cleange the burne betuixt and Weddinsday nixt at night, vnder the paine of fyve pundis, quhilk being visit and they failyieing ordains them to pay the penaltie and to mak the burne cleane in tym cuming, vnder the penaltie forsaid, toties quoties.