Extracts from the accounts: 1573-85

Pages 447-473

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 1, 1573-1642. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1914.

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From Whitsunday 1573 to Whitsunday 1574.

THE THESAURARE COMPT of Robert Flemyng, Thesaurer of the Burght and Citie of Glasgw, of his intromissione with the commone guddis, annuellis, males, and vtheris dewiteis quhatsumeuir, of Witsondaye and Mertymes in the yeir of God jm vc lx threttene yeiris, maid be the said Robert in presens of [the provost, bailies and council,] the ferd daye of November the yeir of God jm vc lxxiiij yeiris, and re-examinat be thame and revysit the xxij daye of September the yeir of God jm vc lx fyftene yeiris as followis (fn. 1) :—

Item, in the first the said Robert Flemyng is chargit witht the fermes of the toune myln the said yeir, extending to the sowme of jc viij li. xiijs. iiijd.
Item, witht the males of the mylnland, xiiij lib. xiijs. iiijd.
Item, witht the causualiteis of the mercatt callit the ladill the said yeir, vjxx x lib.
Item, witht the commone annuellis of the toun as the rentall thairof in the self beris, xxx lib. xixs. ixd.
Item, witht the dewiteis of Sanct Rokis chaplanrie, xxvij lib. xiiijs.
Item, witht the small casualitie and gift of the brig, lxviij lib. xiijs.
Item, witht fructis of Sir Robert Watsounes chaplanreis said yeir, xliij lib. xiijs. viijd.
Item, witht certane annuellis of the new kirk contenit in the new rentall the said yeir, xviij lib. xviijs. viijd.
Item, witht the auld proprietie of the brig, xxxijs.
Item, witht ane perdoun of auld, xxvjs. viijd.
Item, Sanct Johneis licht ane lib. walx iiijs. and iiijs. annuel, summa viijs.
Item, is chargit with the burges fynes . . . extendis in haill to xviij persones, ilk ane thairof vj lib. xvijs. iiijd., summa jc xxiij lib. xvijs.
Summa of the haill charge is five hundretht thre scoir nyne pund sax schilling jd.
1573. May 20. Item, gevin be Robert Miller ladleman to the maister of work, xxxix lib.
Item, to Magnes Towris in almous, at the baillies command, xxs.
June 14. Gevin to the maister of work be Niniane Syme, takisman of the brig, xxij lib. xvijs. viijd.
22. Item, to Sibbell Liddell, for the outlandemeris disiones, xlijs.
July 4. Item, to Bessie Douglas for the prouest, baillies, and counsales dennaris on Witsontyisdaye, xiij lib. vjs. viijd.
20. Item, to Johne Moresoun for the copie of the contract betuix the towne and the minister, at the baillies command, xs.
21. Item, to Eufame Campbell, for ane galloun of wyne presentit to my Lord of Argile, xxs.
22. Gevin to Marione Campbell for xvij gallownes wyne propynit to my lord Erle of Argile at sindry times, xvij lib.
28. Item, to ane officiare of armes, at command of the baillies, vjs. viijd.
30. For twa gallounes wyn propynit to the said Erle of Argile, xls.
31. Item, to Archibald Lyoun to ryd to Hammiltoun in the tounes effares twa sindry tymmes, xls.
August 3. Item, to maister Henry Gibsoun for his expenssis in ryding to Edinburght and remanyng thair to the Assemblie of the kirk, haldin the vj daye of August, the toune being chargit to geve up their rentalls be the Regentis grace thairto, vj li. xiijs. iiijd.
10. Item, to ane boye to gang to Edinburght with ane wryting to the Commissionaris, xs.
11. Item, for leding of stanes fra the brig to the croce, at the maister of workis command, xls.
Item, for the copie of ane proclamatioun of the raids upon the theifis, ijs.
1573. August 16. Item, to ane boye to pas to Edinburght to the commissionaris to get liciens to remane at hame, xs.
18. Item, to Dauid Hall for wyne propynit to my Lorde Erle of Argile, iiij lib.
19. Item, to ane boye that came furtht of Dunbertane witht ane bill, xviijd.
20. Item, to George Elphinstoun, James Flemyng, maister Henry Gibsoun and Michael Bard commissionaris to ryd to Dunbertane, iiij lib.
22. Gevin to James Andersoun, fermarare of the towne myln, doun of his ferme be ressoun of the greit droutht, xxj li.
28. Gevin to Archibald Muir, smyth, at the command of the maister of work, xxxs.
29. Item, to James Flemyng for his expenssis in ryding to Edinburght and remanyng thair xvj dayis quhen the towne wes chargit for productioun of thair rentale and sustentatioun of the minister, xiiij lib.
September 1. Gevin to George Elphinstoun to ryd to Edinburgh about the craftismenis complaynt to the Regent, vj li. xiijs. iiijd.
" Gevin to David Lioun for ane pece of tre to the knok, iijs.
" Gevin to ane boye to pas to Irvin, vs.
" Gevin to ane boye at twa sindry tymes to pas to Edinburght, viz., the ane tyme to my lord to stop the men of the towne fra James Glennis assissis, and the wther quhen maister Adame Walles, maister Henry Gibsoun, and James Flemyng wes in Edinburght to consult witht men of law anent the Bischopis warnyng of the new muir land, xxs.
2. Gevin to James Andersoun and Niniane Syare to ryd to Dunbertane to lois ane schip salt, xiiijs.
3. Gevin to ane boye that come fra Dunbartane witht ane bill, at the command of the baillies, xviijd.
" Gevin to James Flemyng to ryd to Dunbertane for to mak ane chartour partie witht George Lokart, xxs.
" Gevin to Robert Duncane, tabroner, to by him claythis, v lib.
4. Gevin for ane half galloun wyn to my lord, xs.
7. Gevin to Crokat and Willie Mitchell for leding of stanes fra the brig to the croce, xls.
" Gevin to George Elphinstoun and maister Henry Gibsoun to ryd to Edinburght to the regentis grace for chesing of the baillies lytis as the rolmont beris for the baillies, xiiij li. vjs. viijd.
12. Gevin to George Elphinstoun and Williame Conyghame for ryding to Edinburght or Haldintoun to ansuer and satisfie the regentis grace writting for ministerii and vniuersitie of this toun, xiij li. vjs. viijd.
1573. September 12. Item, gevin the same tyme to ane boye that come furthe of Edinburght fra George Elphinstoun and Williame Conyghame with ane bill, xviijd.
15. Gevin to Malcum Hammiltoun for keiping of the gers mercatt, xxs.
25. Gevin for twa quartis wyne to the persone of Glasgw, xs.
31. Item, to Sir Richard Herbertsoun for his annuel of the tolbuytht of Witsondaye and Mertimes last liijs. iiijd.
October 1. Gevin and presentit to my lord of Cathnes ane galloun wyne, xxs.
2. Gevin for tursing of ane bill to Dunbertane, xviijd.
7. Gevin at the castell yett to tak ane instrument, iiijd.
12. Item, for walx to seill the commissioun to the baillies, iijs.
" Gevin at command of the baillies for tua quartis wyn to my lord Boyd, xs.
17. Gevin to James Flemyng to ryid to Edinburght to the conventioun of burrois at the command of the baillies and counsale, as the rolmont beris, and remanyng thair x dayis, x lib.
" Gevin to Lord Argile for ane galloune wyne, xls.
19. Gevin for twa quartis wyne presentit to my lord, xs.
25. Gevin for twa quartis wyne presentit to my Lord of Cassilis and ane galloun presentit to my Lord of Glasgw, xxxs.
28. Gevin to Robert Lettrik, officiare, to pas to Dunbertane to arreist schippis for talping of greit salt, xxs.
November 2. Gevin to Malcum Hammiltoun for scurgeing of ane woman throw the towne, ijs.
6. Gevin to Archibald Lettrik in full contentatioun of the keiping of the Stabill Greyne port, iij lib. vjs. viijd.
12. Gevin and presentit to my lord of Glasgw quhen he wes admittit Bischop, for ane galloun of wyne, xxs.
December 31. To Sir Richard Herbertsoun for his annuell of the tolbuyth of Witsondaye and Mertimes last, liijs. iiijd.
1573–4. January 2. Gevin to Johne Neilsoun for his laubouris at the brig, iiijs.
5. Gevin to Williame Reid for making of ane dask in the Hie Kirk, xxxviijs.
7. Gevin to Cuthbert Herbertsoun to gett ane robour wyne and wther grayth, vj lib. vjs.
8. Gevin to Archibald Lettrik, at the command of the baillies, to summond Archibald Hammiltoun of the Hill to heir his letteris suspendit, vjs.
18. Gevin for walx to seill the prouestis commissioun, iijs.
22. Gevin to Cuthbert Herbertsoun to send to Edinburgh, for wyne and wther grayth, vij lib. xiiijs. iijd.
1573–4. January 22. Gevin to George Elphinstoun, baillie, for the rasing of the lettiris of suspensioun vpoun Archibald Hammiltoun and for the rest of his expenssis last being in Edinburgh, iiij lib.
23. Gevin to Walter Johnestoun and Robert Burne for twa dayis work at the brig, xxijs.
30. Gevin to Johne Andro in full contentatioun of the keipping of the brig port in all tymes bigane, iij li. vjs. viijd.
February 6. Gevin to maister James Hammiltoun for the Witsondaye and Mertimes annuell of the tolbuyth, ixs.
13. Gevin to Sir Archibald Dickie for thre faddum of tow, ijs. vjd.
23. Gevin to Johne Andro for futt ballis, xijs.
March 4. Item, to ane boye to gang to Edinburght, xs.
Item, to my lord prouest for his fie, xiij li. vjs. viijd.
Item, to George Elphinstoun James Flemyng, and Archibald Lioun baillies, for thair fies, xx lib.
Item, to our Aduocate in Edinburght for his fie, vj lib. xiijs. iiijd.
Item, to his seruand in drynk siluer, xxs.
Item, to the commone procuratour for his fie, vj li. xiijs. iiijd.
Item, to the commone clerk for his fie, vj li. xiijs. iiijd.
Item, to the thesaurer for his fie, vj li. xiijs. iiijd.
Item, to the maister of work for his fie, vj li. xiijs. iiijd.
Item, to the commone hirdis for thair fies, v lib.
To the poyndar for his fie, xxvjs. viijd.
Item, for keiping of the knok, liijs. iiijd.
Item, to Sir Robert Watsoun for the tak of his chaplanrie of the lxxiij yeir, as his discharge beris, xxvj lib.
20. Gevin to George Elphinstoun, baillie, for the rest of his expenssis maid be him for the lang tary, vij lib.
22. Gevin to George Elphinstoun to ryd to Edinburgh to the general assembly of the kirk, x li.
24. Gevin to Williame Watt, maister of work, as his tikat and rolmont beris, viij li. xvjs. xjd.
1574. April 5. Gevin to Catherine Steward and Qwentene Kaye for the bancatt of the seiling of the prouestis commissioun, xviij lib.
" Gevin to twa men that rowit stanes at the gowes and buyir the tymmer of the auld portis to the tolbuyth, at the maister of workis command, vs.
1574. April 8. Gevin for ane disione in Andro Baillies to certane honest men of the towne that mett sum land on Garnegadhill, ixs.
" Item, to Thomas Cliddisdale, for the metting thairof, ijs.
9. Gevin doun to Robert Miller, custumer of the ladill, in consideratioun of the baillies and counsales promeis maid to him of his tinsell as the rolmont beris, x lib.
24. Item, to Williame Watt, maister of work, as his tikat and the rolmont beris, viij lib. xvjs. jd.
" Item, to Williame Watt, maister of work, as the rolmont beris, vj lib. ixs. vjd.
May 25. Gevin to maister Adame Walles, James Flemyng, and maister Henry Gibsoun to ryd to Edinburght for consultatioun taking witht men of law anent the new landis, xx lib.
" Gevin to Williame Cowie, smyth, for twa keyis to the tolbuyth, iiijs.
" Gevin to James Frebarne for taking wp of tymmer to the hiech tolbuyth, xijd.
July 4. Gevin to ane boye to ryd to Ower Pollok about bissynes of the tounes, vjs.
6. Gevin to ane boye, at command of George Elphinstoun, sittand in jugement, ijs.
8. Gevin to Robert Lettrik, officer, for acquavitie furnesit to the bancat, vjs.
27. Item, to Malcome Hammiltoun for scurging of ane theif throw the toun, ijs.
August 8. Gevin to Sir Williame Strutheris, v lib.
30. Gevin to George Elphinstoun and Archibald Lioun, baillies, for the burro male of Archibald Herbertsounes hous, xiijs. iiijd.
" Item, to Sir Thomas Knox, collectour to the vniuersitie, for the thridis of Sanct Rokis chaplanrie and of Sir Robert Watsounes chaplanrie, xx lib.
December 14. Item, to Williame Watt, maister of work, to be deliuerit to the lard of Mynto for the townes palyeoun, xx lib.
1574–5. February 20. Item, to James Mosman, trauellour, for cairage of wyne and flour fra Edinburgh to the bancatt in Katho Stewardis, xs.
1575. June 12. Item, to George Elphinstoun baillie for his expenssis to Dunbartane in the townes effares, iiij lib.
22. Item, to Patrik M'Quhirrie and Williame Andersoun for twa hogheidis wyn gevin and presentit to my Lord Boyd, prouest, at the haill townes command, xxxiij lib. vjs. viijd.
August 12. Item, to Marione Scott, spous to George Elphinstoun, for wyne propynit to Robert Scott, scribe in Edinburght, the tyme of his being in this toun, vj lib.
15. Item, to Williame Andersoun for sax quartis wyne propynit at sindry tymes to my Lord Prouest, xls.
Item, the comptare discharges him, as nocht gottin wp, for ane perdoun contenit in charge and nocht in vse of payment, xxvjs. viijd.
Item, dischargis him as restand and nocht in vse of payment of Robert Glasgw tenement, viijs.
Item, likwyse of Johne Youngareis hous in Troyngait nocht in vse, xijd.
Item, siclik dischargis him as non-payment of twa bornes contenit in Sir Robert Watsounes rentall tane vp be Sir Williame Herbertsoun, xvjs.
Item, likwyse as non-payment of Colene Campbellis hous, xs.
Item, siclik of Sanct Johneis licht contenit in charge and nocht in vse, iiijs.
Item, inlikmaner as non-payment of ane pund of walx of, iiijs.
Item, for non-payment nor vse of Walter Kingis borne, xijs.
Summa of the haill discharge befoir writtin extendis to five hundretht tuenty thre pund foure penneis, and sua restis on the comptare fourtie pund.
Item, xv October, 1575, gevin to James Flemyng for his expenssis in ryding of ane conventioun of the burrois haldin in Edinburght the xvij day of October instant, vj lib. xiijs. iiijd.
November 8. Gevin be the prouestis lettir, and at the command of Williame Conynghame, baillie, to certane cartaris, for carting of aucht hogheidis wyn pertenyng to my Lord Regentis grace send to him be the toun of Aire to my Lord Angus mariage, and for taking of thame to the Queenis fary out of this toun, in all, xx lib.
Item, defalkit and allowit to the comptare be the prouest, baillies, and counsale, as tane vp and resauit fra him be the lard of Mynto, allegeand for his fie, immediatlie befoir the Michaelmes that he past furth of his office of prouestrie, xiij lib. vjs. viijd.
And sua the said Robert, thesaurar and comptar, hes maid compt compleit payment and is dischargit of his office and intromissioun and gottin ane exoneratioun thairupone subscriuit be the prouest, baillies, and counsall.

From Whitsunday 1574 to Whitsunday 1575.

Ressauit be him fra Mungo Wilsoun, [and four others,] ilk ane of thame xx lib., and fra Gawane Moir xiij lib. vjs. viijd. for the entres of thair buthes, and maid thame and thair wyfis lyfrent takkis thairof, extending the haill to jc xiij lib. vjs. viijd.
Item, with the burges fynes . . . xiiij persones, ilk persone x lib. iiijs., summa, vijxx ij lib. xvjs.
Item, is chargit with the males of the new rewyn out muris of Witsondaye and Mertymes in the lxxiiij yeir quhilk is thair entre of thair first payment, conforme to the particulare rentall, lv lib. xs.
Summa of the haill charge is seven hundrethe threttie pundis, viijs. iiijd.
The comptaris dischargeis thame in the first for the outlandemeris disione on Witsontyisdaye, xliijs.
For the prouest, baillies, and counsales denneris in James Boydis house, x lib.
Item, for twa quartis of wyne seck to the dennare, xxvjs. viijd.
1574. June 9. Item, to James Flemyng to be gevin to the men of law in Edinburgh for thair consultatioun about the warnyng of the muris be the bischop, debursit to thame and to maister Richart Strang for his Witsondaye fie, x lib.
18. Item, to Macolme Hammiltoun for scurgeing of ane theif callit M'Kenzie, ijs.
18. To Williame Stewarde of Bultreis in pairt of payment for his ourgeving in kyndnes of the denys hous to the prouest and toune, v lib.
July 14. Item, to James Flemyng for his expensis in ryding to Edinburght to the conventioun of burrowis for the commone wele, vj li. xiijs. iiijd.
August 4. Item, to Johne Walker for ganging to Edinburght to rais letteres of suspensioun aganis the hornyng gottin be Johne Wyle contrar the provest and baillies, xxvjs. viijd.
October 8. Item, to Christiane Buchquhannane for ane quart of aqua vite, xxiiijs., and to Robert Muir for vj buistis of scrotchertis and confeitis quhilkis wes presentit to my Lord Duke of Chattelarault in this toun, ljs.
16. Item, at command of the baillies, counsale, and dekynnis, gevin to James Rob be vertu of ane rolmont to help his povertie, xls.
Gevin to the toune menstralles samekill blew clayth as to by tua coittis, and for crammasy to be the townes armes to be putt thairon, and for makyng thairof, iiij lib. xvs.
18. Item, to George Elphinstoun and James Flemyng for thair expensis in ryding to Stirling to the conuentioun of burrois to be haldin the 23 thairof and remanyng thair vij dayis, xiiij lib.
Item, to thame for the copeis of the actis maid be the burrois, vjs. viijd.
1574. October 21. Item, for rasing of lettiris of suspensioun of Johne Wyleis hornyng aganis the prouest and baillies for David Grhame and awating thairon vj dayis, with drinksiluer to the clerkis, xls.
November 6. Item, for helping and mending of Cadder brig, iij lib. vjs. viijd.
28. Item, to Alexander Lindsaye to rinnyng to Edinburght with ane bill to the prouest about the towne of Linlythgwis wryting, xs.
1575. March 4. Item, to John Gib to support his powertie, half ane burges fynes, v lb.
Item, to Alexander Lindsaye for rynnyng to Edinburght to my lord prouest about the hardheidis, xs.
26. Item, to James Braidwod to rais act and letteris on witnes betuix ws and Ruglyn for the ladle, xxs.
April 30. Item, for xiij witnessis expensis to Edinburght, to the mesaris, examinatioun of witnes, executioun of the summondis, to the procuratour and his seruand, and als to rais new letteres, and the act, and to maister Henry Gibsoun for his expenssis in ryding, remanyng, and awating thairon, as the particular compt beris, xxvj lib. xvs. vjd.
May 5. Item, to John Scherare, messinger, for the copeis of the actis and proclamations of beggaris, wapingschawingis, and dischargeing of daggis, vjs. viijd.
20. Item, for twa quartis wyne present to my Lady Argyle, viijs. iiijd.
23. Item, for ane irne chimnaye to the counsallhous, iiij lib. vjd.
Item, to James Law for the thre lentall stanes to the bois windois, vijs.
Item, for wyre to the bois wyndois, xlvs. vjd.
Item, to Thomas Downy for inputting of the schoscheheid, vs.
Item, for ane perchement skyn to Robert Muir to cover the scosche, iijs. vjd.
Item, for quhite walx to mak the selis with, xld.
Item, for ane vnce and ane half of reid walx, iijs.
October 9. Item, for wyre to the knok, at the baillies command, iijs.
Item, for ane laid colis to the tolbuytht, xxijd.
Item, for ane laid of petis, xvjd.
November 5. Item, for ane quart aill, ane laif, and tua greit candles to the tolbuyth, ijs. viiijd.
6. Item, to the officeris for dowking of Jonet Fawside, xld.
Item, for ane pund of lattoun to be merkis to the pure folk the tyme of pest, vijs.
Item, to James Speir for erdyng of ane boye that deit in the lonyng, vs.
January 6. Item, for ane coill riddill to the tolbuyth, xiiijd.
Item, to Mertene Pettigrew for hynging of the pallioun in the counsalhous, xxd.
Item, on Fastrinis ewin, to ane fule with the treyn suerd, xviijd.
Item, to the pyper callit Ryall Dayis for playing, xviijd.
Item, to Johne Andro for sax futballis, xijs.
Item, for the copie of ane act publist anentis the plakis and hardheidis, xijd.
Item, to Alexander Lindsaye to ryn to se how neir my Lord Ergyles pece wes, xviijd.
Item, to Sir Robert Watsoun for the tak of his chaplanreis, xxvj lib.
Item, to Sir Thomas Knox, collectour, for the thrid thairof, vj lib. xiijs. iiijd.
Item, to Sir William Strutheris for Sanct Rokis chaplanries, xxvij lib.
Item, to George Elphinstoun to mak furth xx lib. to maister Andro Meluill principall of the vniuersitie, iiij lib.
Item, for making wp of the haill portis of the towne the tyme that the pest wes eist, and for kepyng of the portis to the portaris ane greit space, and for the making of the calsaye of the scule hous wynd, lxvj lib. xvs. xd.
Item, delyuerit at sindry times to vmquhill William Watt, maister of work, to furnis the work maid vpone the tolbuyth, as the said Williames discharge beris, quhilk is to be examinat be the maister of workis compt conforme to his particular, extending to ijc xiiij lib. vjs. viijd.
Item, by that furneist be the thesaurer, xlj stane xiiij lib. of Spanye irne, price of the stane xijs., and thre stane of Danskyn irne, price of the stane xvs. to the wyndois of the tolbuyth, extending in the haill to xxvij lib. iijs. ixd.
Item, to George Elphinstoun as deliuerit to Alexander Lindsaye for his expenssis and for letteres debursit in the caus of Ruglyn and for the commissioun anentis the schip of Aire, xls.
Item, allowit to the comptare for tinsell and inlaik be resate of hardheidis cryit doun, liijs. iiijd.

From Whitsunday 1575 to Whitsunday 1576.

Item, with the burges fynes . . extending to xvij persones, ilk persone x lib. iiijs. summa, viijxxxiij lib. viijs.
Summa of the haill charge is sax hunderithe thre scoir ten pundis, xvs and xd.
Item, for the prouest, baillies, consale and wther honest menis dener in James Boydes hous on Witsontysdaye, xvj lib.
1575. May 27. Item, for row lattoun to be merks to the pure folk, ijs. iijd.
June 11. Item, to Quentyne Kaye for the baillies, consale, and wtheris disiwne that this daye past to visee the faltis done in the commone about the haill partis, iiij lib.
July 5. Item, to Malcolm Hammiltoun for scurgeing of ane theif callit Blakwod, ijs.
Item, for stamping of the twa ladles at the townes seill, iiijd.
Item, to James Flemyng for his expenssis to ryde to Dundey to the conventioun of burrowis to be haldin thair the xv daye thairof, x lib.
15. Item, to Johne Wilsoun for four geistis to the woll in Gallowgait and wther tymmer, viij lib.
Item, for ane schule, ijs.
Item, to ane lawde to keip the Deynesyde woll and 1 schenze, viijd.
Item, to Archibald Lettrik to gang to Govane for the colearis about the well, xviijd.
Item, to the officeris for certane wyne propynit to the prouest in Bedlay and Glasgow, iij lib. xiijs. iiijd.
30. Item, to Lawrens Contane to support him for the hurting of his hand att the well in Gallowgait, v lib.
August 5. Item, to Robert Ottirburne, messinger, for ane byble, conforme to his charge, as the cuntray dois, v lib.
September 8. Item, to Malcolm Hammiltoun, for scurgeing of ane wod hussy throw the toune, vs.
15. Item, to Johne Wilsoun for his laubouris and expenssis maid be him in awating on the wellis, and als in compleit payment of his expenssis maid in Air awating att the bischopis command for the Kirk mending, vj lib. xiijs. iiijd.
" Item, to Walter Johnestoun, be wertu of ane rolmont, for bigging of the well at the Wyndheid, v lib. vjs. viijd.
18. Item, to George Elphinstounes wyfe for thre pyntis wyne sek propynit to the bischop and thre pyntis to my lord prouest, xls.
22. Item, to James Andersoun, officer, for thre pyntis of wyne sek and twa quartis Burdious wyne send to James Boydis hous to the prouest sindry tymes, xxxiijs. iiijd.
October 13. Item, to Alexander Lindsay to gang to Stirling withe ane bill to see the wecht of thair breid, vs.
November 4. Item, to Thomas Craige of the New Kirk scule for straye to the mending thairof and for onputting of the samyn, xxiijs.
1575. November 12. Item, to the towne menstrales to by thame claythis, ane burges fynes gewin thame be the baillies and counsale, x lib. iiijs.
December 5. Item, to Dauid Andersoun to ryde to Dumbartane to by salt and wyn fra John Neill in Air now in the raid of Dumbartane, xiiijs.
12. Item, to Alexander Lindsaye to ryn to Edinburght withe the fundatioun buik of the new kirk in Sir Johne Withirspwnes caus, xs.
Item, for ane skyn to beir it in to hald it dry, iiijs.
Item, to Dauid Andersoun, James Andersoun, Maister Henry Gibsoun, for ryding to Dumbartane and avating thair iij dayes for calling of Johne Neill and his souerteis for topping of salt in the ryver and wtheris, vj lib.
16. Item, to Alexander Lindesaye for his postyng in the nyght to Edinburght becaus of his surfett trawell, xs.
20. Item, to George Elphinstone for half ane twn wyne propynit to my lord prouest, xxxiij lib. vjs. viijd.
21. Item, for carying of the half twn to the prouest, iijs.
23. Item, to the baillies and cumpany that past doun in the nycht to Johne Nelis schip for iiij lib. pulder, xls.; for iij lib. leid, iijs.; twa burdene of straye, iiijs.; for hyre of the boit and rolling hir and bringing wp the salis, xxxs.; for bringing the salis fra the waltir to the tolbuyth, iijs.; extending in haill to iiij lib.
Item, for the barrell that the pulder wes in, xviijd.
26. Item, to George Elphinstoun for his expenssis in ryding to my lord Regentis grace anentis Johne Nelis schip, v lib.
31. Item, to Johne Chartouris, banist man, to help to lous his swerd, xxxs.
1575–6. January 1. Item, to ane boy to ryn to Dumbartan to caus the baillies thairof cum wp, ijs.
3. Item, for candill tane doun in the boit be the baillies to the schip, ijs.
Item, to ane boy to ryn in the nycht to Dumbartan to caus the baillies and thair clerk cum on the morne, iijs.
20. Item, to George Elphinstoun as debursit be him for vyne drunkin in Johne Nelis schip quhen the baillies ged doun, lvs.
Likwys, to William Andersoun for aill, aquavitie, and quheit breid furneist be him att the samyn tyme, lvijs. iiijd.
21. Item, to maister Adame Walles for his laubouris gretumlie done and sustenit in the townes necessaris, xx lib.
Item, for mendyng of the lok of the counsalhous dur quhen Ninian Syare wes wardit, xxxd.
Item, for the mendying of the lok of the heychthous that wes brokin be ane theif, xxxd.
Item, for the making of the bandis to the tolbuyth dur, ijs.
Item, for xij lib. Danskyn irne that wes the bandis, xjs. ixd.
Item, for irne work to the quhelis of the commone well to stop the cordis to cum furthe of the quhelis, xiiijs.
Item, to Johne Stobo for ane laid of colis brynt in the consalehous att the first hering of Andro Richeis compt, xxd.
Item, for iij laidis of peittis, ijs.
Item, to ane boye that suld haif rwn to Edinburght, ijs.
March 6. Item, to Johne Andro for sax fut ballis, xijs.
15. Item, to the barrow men for bering of the stanes that fell of the Blak Freir kirk, xiiijs.
April 4. Item, to William Conyngham and maister Adame Walles as debursit be thame for making supplicatiounes to haif bene gottin for abyding fra radis, xiijs. iiijd.
Item, for scurgeing of Babay, xld.
Item, for scurgeing of ane Ros that hurt the persone of Renfrewis nureis, as vagabund, xld.
Item, for ane coird to bind him, xijd.
Item, to ane boy to ryn to Edinburght to the prouest to see quhat suld be done anent the bulzeon, xijs.
May 9. Item, to John Steyn for his gadering of the maill of the muiris, iij lib. vjs. viijd.
28. Item, to Eufame Campbell for vij quartis vyne propynit to my lord prouest, xlijs.
29. Item, for ane pek and ane half pek to the commoun standis, vjs.
Item, for irne to be bandis to thame and makyng of thame and nalyng thame, xiiijs.
June 1. Item, to Eufame Campbell for twa quartis vyne propynit to my lord Glencarne, and twa quartis presentit to the laird Drumquhassill, xxiiijs.
9. Item, to Eufame Campbell for xiiij quartis vyne propynit to my lord prouest befoir Witsondaye last, iiij lib. iiijs.
Item, for j galloun presentit to my Lord Bischop of Glasgw, xxiiijs.
Item, for vj pyntis presentit to my Lord prouest to Bedlay wpone Witsondaye to Eufame Campbell, xviijs.
Item, to the quareouris for wynnyng of four hunderith draght of quhynnis to the calsaye, ix lib. vjs. viijd.
Item, to Matho Miller and James Conyngham for leding thairof to the Drygaite futt quhair thai yit ly in carne, viij lib.
Item, to Eufame Campbell for ane bankat maid to the prouest, baillies, and counsale and wtheris dekynnis and honest men, att command of the baillies, x dayis befoir Witsondaye last in the lxxvj yeir, xxiij lib.
Item, debyrsit be the comptar to the maister of wark and att his command, conforme to his hand writt, for the expenssis maid on the bigging of the Grayfreir woll and wther wollis in the Gallowgait, and for mending of the lones and calsayis, jc iiijxx lib. vs. xd.

From Whitsunday 1576 to Whitsunday 1577.

1576. June 16. Item, to Eufame Campbell, spous to Andro Baillie, for xvj quartis wyne propynit to my lord Boyd, prouest, sen Vitsondaye last, iiij lib. xvjs.
Item, to the said Eufame for ane gallone wyne presentit to my lorde prouest the xxj of Junij 1576, ane wther the xxij thairof, ane wther the xxvj thairof, and half ane galloun the xxvij thairof, togidder with twa quartis propynit to the persoun of Glasgw, ilk galloun xxiiijs., summa, iiij lib. xvjs.
30. Item, to Dauid Haye in Carraill for his expenssis in remanyng about the knok, he being send for, iij lib. vjs. viijd.
July 12. Gewin to William Herwy to ryn to Carraill anent the knok, xvjs.
24. Gewin to John Neill for rynnyng agane to Carraill, xvjs.
Gewin to Dauid Kaye for the price of the knok and vpsetting of hir in the tolbuyth, quhilk wes borrowit fra Thomas Garne, jc lib.
Gewin to the maister of work and debursit be him vpone bigging of the foir work of the Tolbuitht and setting vp of the bell and graithing of the tolbuith in this symmer, extendis to the sowme of jc lv lib. ijs. viijd.
August 3. Item, to Eufame Campbell for aucht gallonis and twa quartis wyn gewin to the prouest fra the vij of Julij last to this instant, and for twa quartis presentit to Sir James Hammiltoun, extending to nyn gallownes, x lib. xvjs.
4. Item, to Malcome Hammiltoun for scurgeing of Johne Grahame throught the towne, iijs. iiijd.
22. For certane wyn propynit and gewin to the Lordis of Argile, Lyndsaye, Rathois, Dumfermlyng, Provand, quhen thai wer in this toun, xxv lib. iiijs.
1576. July 20. Gewin to Andro Baillie for ane twn of wyn that wes gewin to my Lorde Boyd, prouest, for obtenyng and getting of ane exemptioun of the nychtbouris of the toun for abyding fra all assysis passing on, promeist to him thairfoir, lxxiij lib. vjs. viijd.
September 16. Item, to Dauid Hallis wife for ane gallone of wyne presentit to my Lorde Glamis, chancler, being in this toun, xxiiijs.
22. Item, to Malcome Hammiltoun for scurgeing of ane callit Stewart, iijs. iiijd.
October 4. Item, to ane boy that come fra Dumbartane fra the baillies thairof anent salt tane fra the Larde Drumquhassill, ijs.
9. Gewin to ane boye to gang to Dumbartane witht ansuer anent Drumquhassilis salt taking, ijs.
17. Item, to Dauid Kaye, in Carrail, for the rest of the auld knok mendyng and for his bunteth of the new knok, vj lib. xiijs. iiijd.
24. Item, for certane expenssis maid and debursit be the baillies and certane of the counsall witht thame in Dumbartane at ane court and conventioun haldin thair for calling of Petir Gottraye, Gebb Campbell, and wtheris for topping withtin our fredome, iiij lib.
28. Item, to Johne Watsoun, officiar, for furmes, coilles, and peittis bringing fra the castell, vs.
November 2. Gevin for ane reuersioun making of the siluer tane fra Thomas Bayne and wax to seill it with wther instrumentis, xijs.
7. Item, to Robert Lettrik as restand awand for his expenssis in passing to Garlocht and wther places and remanyng thair to arreist schippis fra topping, xxs.
12. Item, to Dauid Wylie for the copie of the gift gewin be the Quenis grace to the toun, vjs. viijd.
24. Item, Gewin to George Elphinstoun and James Flemyng for thair expenssis in ryding to Edinburght and abyding thair xiiij dayis for ressonyng betuix the Regentis grace and vniuersitie and about our awin effaris concernyng the bischop, xxviij lib., and gewin be thame to maister Alexander Sym for his fee of Mertymes last, v lib., and to his seruand drynk siluer xxs., and for ane disione maid in Dauid Wattis hous at the ressonyng xxs., extending in haill to xxxv lib.
28. Item, to Marioun Schakschaw for thre quartis of aquavitie and tursying of thame send to Edinburght in propyne to Robert Scot and maister Alexander Sym, iij lib. vs.
Item, to Matho Miller for bringing doun of the counsalhous burd furth of the castell, xijd.
1576–7. February 16. Item, for four faddum of towis to the Blakfreir bell, ijs.
Gewin to Eufame Campbell for wyne presentit and gewin to the prouest, xxj lib. xviijs.
19. Item, to Johne Andro for sax futballis, xijs.
March 9. Item, to Sir Archibald Dicky to by bedclathis to ly besyd the knok, xls.
21. Item, to maister Adame Wallace for his expenssis to ryd to Irvin to ane conventioun of the burrois in the west about the new custome, iiij lib.
April 12. Item, to Malcome Hammiltoun for scurgeing of Johne Cochrane, iijs.
16. Item, for ane galloun of wyne propynit to Angus M'Conell, Lord M'Clane, xxiiijs.
Item, in Johne Wilsoun baillies hous that daye that Archibald Graye ressauit the mylne eftir Mertymes, for thair disiones, xls.
30. Item, to George Elphinstoun for fyftene quartis wyne ressauit fra him be James Andersoun, officer, and propynit to my Lorde Argile and wtheris lordis being heir four dayis bigane, iiij lib. xs.
May 9. Item, for ane disione in George Elphinstones hous to the baillies and certane wtheris that viseit the mylne how scho suld be biggit, xviijs.
Item, to Marioun Scott the xiiij daye of Maij for ane gallone of wyne ilk daye of the x, xj, xij, xiij dayis of Maij and half ane gallone in the xiiij daye, witht ane quart awand of auld propynit to the prouest, extending to nynteine quartis, v lib. xiiijs.
Gewin to hir sensyn for twa quartis, xijs.
Item, to James Wilsoun for thre gallones and ane half of wyne propynit to my Lord Prouest in the forther end of Aprile and lattir end of Marche, iiij lib. iiijs.
Item, to Margaret Lyone, spous to Colene Campbell, for sewin gallownes and ane quart wyne propynit to my Lorde Argile, Larde of Ardkynglas and the prouest befoir this instant Maij extending to viij lib. xiiijs.
10. Item, to George Buriel for ane tag to the towing of the hie kirk bell, xxs.
1577. May 18. Item, to certane young men of the toun to thair playing, v lib.
Item, to Johne Campbell for compositioun promeist to him be the prouest and baillies for renunceatioun and dischargeing of his pley contrare the toun, xx lib.
Item, to Sir Archibald Dicky for keiping of the knok, liijs. iiijd.
Item, to Sir William Strutheris for male of ane chalmer to be ane sang scole the said yeir, xls.
Item, to Johne Gib for the maill of the hous that the commone tymmir lyis in, xls.

From Whitsunday 1577 to Whitsunday 1578.

Item, payit to Marioun Scott fra the saxt of Junij lxxvij to the xv thairof for sax gallownes and ane half of wyne presentet to my Lorde Boyde with wtheris strangeris, vij lib. xvjs.
June 10. Item, to William Herwy for rynning to Edinburght about the letteris of suspensioun concernyng the Hie Kirk, xs.
19. Item, to the said William Herwy to ryn agane to Edinburght to get suspensioun for stenting of the kirk and to paye for the letteris of suspensioun, xxiiijs.
July 2. Item, to Duncane Fynlaye for the maill of the chalmer to the sang scole, xls.
11. Item, Michaell Pudyane for the keiping of the well Whitsondaye terme last, xxs.
12. Item, to Marioun Scott for vj quartis of wyne gewin vpone the xix and xxv dayis of Junij to my lorde prouest, xxxvjs.
19. Item, to Marioun Scot for ane gallone of wyne presentit to my Lorde Glames, xxiiijs.
August 10. Item, to Andro Duncane for his support to mend him of his hurt, xiijs. iiijd.
17. Item, to Robert Stewartis wyfe for ane gallowne vyne presentit to my Lorde Glames, and vj quartis propynit to my Lord Boyde prouest thre dayis thaireftir, iij lib. vjs. viijd.
20. Item, to Marioun Scott for twa gallownes wyne gewin to my lorde prouest in Julij last, viz., the ferde and fift, and vpone the xviij of August witht wther lordis strangeris being witht him, xlviijs.
Item, gevin and debursit be the comptare to the maister of work and to wrichtis, masounes and quariouris for new bigging of the commone towne mylne . . . quhilk wes tane doun and new biggit in the symmer, ixxxviij lib. xviijs. xd.
Item, Gewin and debursit to Colene Campbell for ane twn of wyne gewin to my lord prouest quhilk wes promeist to him for his gratitude done to the toun in keiping of thame fra syndry particular raiddis to the court thaj being chargit thairto, and salfing thame fra wther inconvenientis, iijxxvj lib. xiijs. iiijd.
28. Item, to Agnes Hegat for xxij quartis of vyne gewin and presentit to my lorde prouest and bischop and wtheris being in cumpany witht thame, vij li. vjs. viijd.
September 20. Item, for copeing of the summondis of suspensioun four tymes about the persoun and the contract of the calsaymaker twys, xxs.
October 12. Item, to Robert Lettrik and Johne Watsoun, officeris, for the keyis of the tolbuitht and twa laid of coillis brunt in the counsalhous at the commissiones seting, xiiijs.
19. Item, to Robert Lettrik for using of the summondis of suspensioun aganis the commissionar of the kirk and his officeris about the vphalding of the hie kirk, xxs.
28. Item, to Valtir Brown, calsay maker, for his expenssis in cuming fra Dundey and ganging thairto agane quhen he wes feit, xls.
Item, to Thomas Tempiltoun and Petir Aikin, hirdis, for powertie and almous becaus thai gat na fee, xls.
Item, gevin at the maister of workis command, to Mathow Millar and Johne Brokes for leding of threscoir cartis of stanes to the calsaye fra the tuelt of Nouember to the xvj thairof, xxxs.
Item, at his command to William Brok and Barty Hall vpone xvj of Nouember for bering of stanes furth of the baksid of the Blakfreir kirk to the kirk yarde thairof all daye, vjs.
Item, to Robert Scott for leding of fyve dosand of sand to the calsaye fra the tuelt of Nouember to the xix thairof, xvs.
Item, to John Houstoun for ane oulkis laubour at the calsaye, xxs.
November 16. Item, to Johne Houstoun for the making of ane rude and ane half of calsaye abone the Grayefreris, iij lib.
Item, to Robert Graye for ane plank of aik to be ane breid to the tolbuitht dur, iijs.
Item, for twa burdis to lyn the said dur witht, vs.
Item, for half ane hundretht plenschour naill to naill thame with, xxxs.
Item, to Thomas Hannaye for mending of the ower band of the said dur and making of the bowll thairof new, and laying ane quart of irne thairon, makyng of twa ryngis vpone the cruikis that wes worne, vs.
Item, for xviij new greit nalis, iiijs. vjd.
Item, to Robert Pettigrew for ane dayis laubour vpone the said dur, vjs. viiijd.
Item, for ane leddir in the tolbuitht to gang vp to the bell, xs.
Item, to Robert Pettigrew for ane new brode to couer the mone and putting vp thairof, xld.
Item, to James Ros for poynting of it, ijs.
Item, to Brewhous for twa cruix to put up the brode, viijd.
Item, to twa men for bering of Nicoll Androis leddir fra the freris to the tolbuytht to put vp the brode and bering it agane, xijd.
Item, for ane tong to St. Mungowis bell, ijs.
Item, to William Chalmeris for thre dayis lawbour in bigging of ane deyk besyd the denis place, xvs.
Item, to Robert Scott for leiding of thre dosand of pulder to the calsaye and four dosand of sand vpone the sewint, aucht and nynt dayis of Nouember, xixd.
Item, to Robert Graye for tymmir to be ane meir, iijs.
Item, to Thomas Hannaye for making ane band of irne to it, ijs.
Item, to Andro Duncane and James Forest for sax dayis and ane half waigis in wirking and bering staynes to the deyk besid the deynes place mair nor befoir, xxxixs.
Item, to ane boye to gang to Edinburgh to Johne Lewinstoun to get leif to get calsaye stanes, xs.
Item, for Danskyn irne to be ane calsaye hemmer, xvijs.
Item, to Robert Muir for ane pair of fettiris of irne, iij lib.
Item, for xij threif of quheit straye to theik the Grammer Scole, xlviijs.
19. Item, for Andro Baillie for xxxij quartis wyne gewin to my Lorde Boyd be the officiaris sen Michaelmes last, x lib. xiijs. iiijd.
Item, to Dauid Hallis wyfe for twa quartis wyne, xiijs. iiijd.
21. Johne Muir for Litill Sanct Mwngowis bell, x lib.
December 12. To Dauid Hallis wyfe for vj quartis wyne tane be Robert Lettrik, Johne Watsoun and Johne Stobo on Sondaye befoir Michaelmes and propynit to my Lorde Boyde and the Bischop, xls.
20. Eufame Campbell for wyne, iij lib. vijs. iiijd.
1578. January 11. Item, to James Flemyng to paye maister Alexander [Sym], aduocat in Edinburche, and for his expenssis in ryding to Edinburgh to get suspensioun aganis the persoun of Glasgw and paying the letteris and sindry expenssis thairanent, xxj lib. viijs. vjd.
February 1. Item, to George Elphinstoun for his expenssis in ryding to Edinburght to the conuention of burrowis about the stapill, x lib.
12. Item, to Johne Andro for sax futballis, xijs.
16. Item, to Robert Rowat for expenssis debursit be him in Edinburght, about the secund suspensioun aganis the persone, vj lib. iijs. vjd.
22. Item, to Robert Blair for the maill of Archibald Lyones mylne of Mertymes last, xxvjs. viiijd.
Item, to Thomas Craig for his support in teicheing of the new kirk scole, x lib.
March 1. Item, for twa quartis wyne propynit to my Lorde M'Clane, xiijs. iiijd.
10. Item, for ane quart, ane pynt wyne, with thre breid in the counsalhous to the prouest, baillies, and counsale, quhen price wes makand of the wyne, xijs. ijd.
14. Item, to maister Adame Wallace for ryding to Irvene to ane conventioun and remanyng thair four dayis, iiij lib.
Item, to George Schaw for rynning to Edinburght post diligens with ane bill to the prouest anentis the Kingis graces writting send out of Striuiling about the conuentioun, xxxs.
16. Item, to Madame Wallace and George Elphinstoun for ryding to Striuiling about the conuentioun at the Kingis graces desire, x lib.
Item, for half ane burrell hering send to maister Alexander Sym, iij lib. vs.
20. Item, to Johne Flemyng for ane pund of powder furneist in symmer last to the young men, xjs.
Item, payit to Hectour Dunlop, Alexander Carmichill and Fergus Donaldsoun for keiping of the stepill conforme to the Kingis graces charge, viz., to ilk ane of the saidis Hectour and Alexander Wilkie during the space of ix oulkis xxvs. and to the said Fergus oulklie, xiiijs.
Item, to Patrik Colquhoun for coillis left in the stepill, vjs. viijd.
Item, to James Ros for nalyng on of the leid that blew of the kirk, xls.
Item, to Archibald Muir for making of ane tong to the freir bell, viijs. iiijd.
Item, for lattoun to be selis to the pwir folk, iijs.
May 12. Item, to Dauid Hallis wyf for thre quartis wyne and twa quart breid in the counsalhous the said daye with ane gles quhilk wes broking, xxiijs. iiijd.
Item, for the dowcat on the grene, vjs. viijd.
Item, to Sir Robert Watsoun for his chaplanryis, xxvj lib.
Item, gevin to James Flemyng maister work to mend the grammar scole, viij lib.
Gevin to Thomas Craufurd of Jordanhill last prouest for obtenyng of the exemptioun fra assysis that he first gatt to the toun, vj lib. xiijs. iiijd.

From Whitsunday 1578 to Whitsunday 1579.

1578. May 22. Payit to Archibald Wilsoun for ane twn of wyne gevin to my Lord Boyd for his help and procurement to salf the toun fra Harlaw wod and stent thairof, iiijxxvij lib.
June 3. Item, to James Ros for completing of his laubour to the steple, iij lib.
7. Item, to Alexander Carmichill, Hectour Dunlop and Fergus Donaldsone for xv dayis vaige for keping of the stepill, at the Kingis command, vj lib. viijs.
Item, to George Elphinstoun for his expens remaning in Edinburght anent the pley of the teyndis of the muris betuix the toun and the persoun, x lib.
Item, to Thomas Craufurd, prouest, for his expens in passing to Stirling and remaning thair at the Kingis graces desire, xx. lib.
Item, to the messinger of armes that gaue the charge thairto, vjs. viijd.
17. Item, James Andersoun, officer, for help to defend his caus befoir the lordis being persvit be Johne Campbel the tyme he wes in office, iij lib.
Item, to Hectour Dunlop, Alexander Carmichill and Fergus Donaldsoun in compleit payment of thair waig and in all tymes bygane for keping of the stepill, vj lib. viijs.
26. Item, to Willie Hervy to pas to Dundey for the calsay maker, xxs.
Item, to Ker the Kingis graces post that brocht ane writting fra Stirling, vs.
July 10. Item, to Serjand Steill in almous to help to cure his leg, xls.
17. Item, to Johne Lokert, prouest of Aire, for our townes pairt of expensis maid in the pley the custumaris seikand nouationes befoir the lordis for waris to Irland, xxvjs. viijd.
Item, to ane boy fra Dumbartane about ane schip of salt of Robert Houstones and ane vthair for Mungo Stewardis, iiijs.
Item, to ane boy to turs ane bill to our prouest, xijd.
Item, to the commissionaris that past to Dumbartane to by the salt at twa tymes, xxjs.
20. Item, to Mergaret Spang for xx li. pulder send to the prouest to Sterling, x lib. xviijs.
29. Item, to Willie Hervy to ryn to Stirling to the prouest, viijs.
August 5. Item, to maister Adam Walles and George Elphinstoun to ryde to Stirling anentis the charge gevin and send to the toun be the lordis in Falkirk, vj lib.
6. Item, for ane ell taffatie and v vnce silk to be ane pensall to the raid of Stirling, iiij lib. xs. iiijd.
7. Item, to James Riche to pas to Dumbartane to by ane schip of salt, xiiijs.
8. Item, to Johne Scherar, messinger, for the copie of the proclamatioun of Stirling raid, vjs. viijd.
Item, to Valter Muntgumry for ane pair breikis and schankis gevin to Johne Cuthbert, iij lib. vjs. viiijd.
Item, to Katerine Hunter for vesyng of frenzeis to the pensall, vjs. viijd.
Item, to Johne Mure for the disione to the young men that day thaj raid to Stirling, iij lib. xiiijs.
17. Item, for twa hors to Stirling and ij boy is with the prouestis peces, xlixs. iiijd.
18. Item, to Robert Rowat for sustenyng of ane of the commissioneris at Stirling parliament, v lib.
Item, to him as debursit at the prouestis command to the commissioneris of Edinburght, xiijs. iiijd.
Item, to him as debursit to Johne Cuthbert drummeris expenssis thairto, xxvjs. viijd.
25. Item, to Andro Baillie for wyne propynit to my Lord Boyd sindry tymes resauit be the officiaris, xxiiij lib. xijs. vd.
September 9. Item, to Effe Campbell for iij quartis wyne gevin thre sindry dayis to my Lord Boyd, xxiiijs.
12. Item, to Willie Hervy for tarying in Dumbartane about my Lord Argyles oist, xiijs. iiijd.
October 3. Item, to Effe Campbell for v gallones of wyne presentit to the Erle Lennox and wther lordis being in the toun at this Michaelmes, vij lib. iiijs.
15. Item, to Johne Scherar, messinger, for the copie of the proclamatioun to the raid of Dumfreis, iijs. iiijd.
Item, to ane boye that brocht ane writting fra Dundey, iijs.
Item, to Malcolme Hammiltoun for scurging of Siluertoun, ijs.
16. Item, to Gawane Grhame to ryd to Sterling to my Lord Lennox, prouest, about licence to byd fra Dumfreis raid, iij lib.
December 9. Item, to George Elphinstoun, William Conynghame and Robirt Rowat to ryd to Dumbartane to by ane schip of wyne, vj lib.
12. Item, to ane boy fra Dumbartane about the schip of Air, ijs.
15. Item, to Marione Ros for vj gallones ij quartis of wyne tane be officiaris and presentit to my lorde Erle Lennox, prouest, x lib. viijs.
1578–9. January 5. Item, to James Wilsoun for ane gallone wyne presentit to my lord Arbroath, xxiiijs.
February 9. Item, to George Elphinstoun debursit be him for obtenyng of ane new exemptioun to the toun tua crownes of the sone pece iiij lib., iiijs., with ij half merk peces drynk siluer, iiij lib. xvijs.
11. Item, to ane boy to pas to Irvin about the pilleit geir be Ingland, vjs. viijd.
Item, to Niniane Swan for summonding the persone of Glasgw, vs.
Item, to maister James Hammiltoun for his annuell of the tolbuyth, ixs.
20. Item, to Gawane Grham to ryd to Cowper to conuentione of burrowis, x lib.
Item, to Agnes Hegate for wyne presentit to my lord Boyd this last yeir, xxviijs.
Item, to Sir Richert Herbertsoun for his annuell of the tolbuyth this yeir 1578, liijs. iiijd.
Item, to George Elphinstoun and William Conynghame, baillies, for ryding to Stirlyng and remanyng thair the secund parliament, xx lib.
Item, becaus thai remanit in haill xiij dayis, gevin tham mair, vj lib.
Item, to Agnes Gilleis for xxij pyntis aill gevin to the townis men at Cadder quhen thaj met the artalzerie to Hammiltoun, xiiijs. viijd.
Item, to Agnes Hegait for ane gallone wyne propynit to my Lord Angus, xxiiijs.
Item, to Marione Scott for ane gallone wyne presentit to the bischop of Glasgw be the baillies, xxs.
Item, to the menstreales for thair expens to Hammiltoun sege, xs.
Item, to ane boy that remanit at Kilsyth about the ordinance bringing, vs.
Item, to Johne Andro, cordiner, for sax futballis, xijs.
May Item, for thre gallones wyne presentit to the crowner and cannonaris, iij lib. xijs.
Item, to Dauid Hall for half ane gallone wyn gevin in Aprile to the bischop of Glasgw, xijs.
Item, to William Smyth for thre gallones wyne presentit to my Lord Mortoun, and half ane galloun to the bischop of Glasgw in Aprile last, iiij lib. iiijs.
Item, to Colene Campbell for v quartis wyne and ane laif gevin to my Lord Lennox on the greyn on horseback on Vitsontysdaye, 1579, xxvs. iiijd.

From Whitsunday 1581 to Whitsunday 1582.

Sir Peter Lawis prebendarie callit Nomine Jesu, x li. xiijs. iiijd.
1581. July 24. Item, gewin to Thomas Craig for the Witsonday deutie of his tak of the benefice callit Nomine Jesu, set to the toun, iiij li.
August 29. Item, gewin to Jhone Mwire, carter, for careing fedder beddis to the castel, xxxd.
September 20. Item, gewin to Robert Semple in Dumbartane for outsetting of the pastyme to the Kingis Majestie, xiij li. vjs. viijd.
October 5. Item, gewin to Jhone Flemynge fowre schilling for stampes to the puire follok, and to Marioune Ros iij li. vijs. for wyne tane fra hir and propynit to noble men, iij li. xjs.
13. Item, gewin to Dauid Hallis wyfe for fowre quartis of wyne propynit to my lord of Errane, xxxijs.
21. Item, gewin to the officiaris for coilis they coft to seil the commissiounes and for nailis to hing the tapestrie quhen the duik wes procleamit to be duik, ixs. viijd.
November 18. Item, gewin to Thomas Craig for the Mertimes dewtie of his benefice callit Nomine Jesu, iiij li.
20. Item, gewin to Jonet Grahame, spows to William Hegait, for wyne and scrotchertis gewin to the clarkis of the secreit [counsal], xls.
21. Item, gewin to Margarit Hunter for blew claithe to be the officiaris claithis againis the Kingis cummen to the toune, xx li.
December 22. Item, gevin to ane Harrat Hay for procleaming the actis of parliament at the croce, xiijs. iiijd.
1581–2. January 2. Item, gevin to Archibald Cleanne and Williame Dunlope to be thair expensis to Edinburgh, they passand to craife the siluer auchtand be the soldiouris to thame selfis and vtheris of the toune, xls.
26. Item, gevin for rasing of the actis of parliament anent the jurisdictioune, xls.
March 15. Item, gevin to Mergaret Ros for ane disione gevin be hir to the bairnis, makeris of the pastyme to the Kingis Majestie, xxs.
20. Item, gevin for twa quairtis of wyne propynit to the King, being in this toune, xiijs. iiijd.
1582. May 22. Item, gevin to the man that brocht letteris to the toune for proclamatioune of the queinzie, xxs.
June 2. Item, for ane lok to put on the theif that brunt the wyfe of the Cowcaldennis, xxs.

From Whitsunday 1582 to Whitsunday 1583.

1582. June 28. Item, gewin to Willok, the post, to gang to Dalkeyth withe letteris to Hectour Stewart to direct to the Duikis grace, xxs.
July 20. Item, gewin to Mathow Wilsoune for ane dure to the croce, xxxs.
27. Item, gewin to James Gray, tailyour, for his labour in makeing the anseinye, v li.
28. Item, payit for the anseinzie, fullie furnesit in all things, xxxix li. viijs. xd.
August 11. Item, gewin to Jonet Stewart, spows to Gavin Grahame, for ane banquet made be hir to Williame Mwrray, warlote in the Kingis chalmour, iij li. vs. iiijd.
Item, to Marione Wilsoune for wyne quhilk wes presentit to my Lord Lewingstone, xxvjs. viijd.
Item, gewin to Jonet Stewart at eftirnone for wyne and desertis thairefter to the proueist and young men, lixs. iiijd.
September 13. Item, to ane boy of the Justeice Clarkis anentis the air, vjs. viijd.
November 28. Item, gewin to Thomas Craig, maister of the schole, for the Mertemes dewtie of his benefice, iiij li.
1582–3. January 23. Item, gewin to Jhone Burne, messinger, to charge the bailleis of Rutherglen, xxs.
February 8. Item, gewin to James Stewart for furnesing of pouldir and leid to the castel, viij li. xvjs. iiijd.
9. Item, gewin for wyne at the Duikis gangeing to Dumbartane and at his graces bak cumming, iiij li. ixs. iiijd.
1583. May 4. Item, gevin to Dauid Hallis wife for vij quartis wyne presentit to my lord of Glencairne, my lord of Maxuel, and to the capitane of Dumbartane, xlvjs. viijd.
June 11. Item, depursit as the particular compt beiris, for coillis, peitis, candle, and sum boyes wadgis, ane polk to the hanseinyie, and for mending of the cheinyeis of the knok, vj li. vjs. viijd.

From Whitsunday 1583 to Whitsunday 1584.

1583. June 18. Item, gevin to Agnes Browne for wyne presentit to the proveist in tyme of trublis, beand causit to abyde in this toun for pacifeing thairof, xiij li. vjs. viijd.
Item, gewin to James Lyoun for denneris, afternoones drink to the proveist, bailleis, counsell and deacones the tyme the proveist remanit in this toun for pacifeing of thee trublis betuix the merchandis and craftismen, xlviij li. iiijs.
Item, gewin to William Conynghame, baillie, for the copie of the appointment brocht furth of Edinburgh be him betuixt thee merchandis and craftismen, iiij li. xs.
Item, gewin to Robert Nemok for ane burde tane fra him be the maister of work, the Kingis Majestie being in this toun, put in the castell and nocht delyuirit agane, liijs. iiijd.
Item, gewin to Johnne Cuthbert, drummar, thee tyme of the Falkirk raid, iij li.
Item, the samyn tyme gewin to thee officeris to mak thair expenssis to the Falkirk, vj li.
Item, gewin to Mr. William Strutheris for to pay the maill of ane sange scole, xls.
Item, gewin to Thomas Craig, maister of the Tronegait scole, for his chaplainrie, viij li.

From Whitsunday 1584 to Whitsunday 1585.

1584. June 20. Item, gewin to Robert Rowatt for the Kingis Majesties exemptioun delyuerit be him to Mr. Adame Wallace and Robert Steward, baillies, and send with Archibald Hegait, clerk, to be admittit befoir the Justice for the said Robertis expenssis maid thairon, xls.
October 9. Item, gewin to Barbara Ramsaye, ane pure wowman with mony barnis, in almous, xxs.
24. Item, gewin to William Stobo and William Forthuik, cartter, for waching the brig and Stokwolheid, xxs.
1584–5. January 1. Item, gewin to ane Franchman and thrie Inglismen att twa seuerall tymes being schipbrokin, v li.
2. Item, gewin for ane hogheid of wyn send to the prowest that come hame in aventure schips to the Frenchman thairof, x li. vjd.
1585. April 20. Item, gewin to Hew Newing, baillie of Irwing, for cariing of the Kingis Majesties testimoniall to Dewilling for releif of certan nychtbouris of this toun, x lib.

From Whitsunday 1605 to Whitsunday 1606.

1605. May 30. Item, to Mr. John Ros, for his expenssis in ryding commissioner to remove the bucket fischeing in the wast, xvj li.
June 3. Item, to the menstrillis, officeris, and belringeris for pastyme making that nicht the benfyris was furth, v li.
8. Item, for coirdis and parchimount to the drume, for wyne to Williame Muris wyf, for wyne and confeittis presentit to my Lady Duches, vij li. ixs. viijd.
August 17. Item, to Archibald Faulis for biging of the seait in the New Kirk, xxvj li. vjs. viijd.
September 2. Item, to Hew Elphinstoune for puting up twa glasin windois in the Tolbuith and mending of the rest, iiij li.
14. Item, to ane misterfull gentilman of Atholl, xxvjs. viijd.
15. Item, to Waltir Young, bower, for four lances to the Controller, liijs. iiijd.
October 12. Item, to Mathow Calmeroune for peiris presentit to the Controller, xxvjs. viijd.
18. Item, to Mr. John Ros for his expenssis to Edinburgh for our libertie and for his hors waiges, xiij lib.
24. Item, to Alexander Lawsoune for ane fundatioune bwik and for carying ane lettre to Dunbartane, xij lib. vjs. viijd.
December 6. Item, to John Smyth for cleingeing of the Tolbuithe privie, xxs.
12. Item, to James Lyoune and his spous for furneising the banquet to the secriter and controller, iijxx v li. xijs.
Item, to Marioune Bell for furneising of the banquet to the provist balleis and ane numbir of the counsale quhen the provist past to Londone, xxiij li. xs.
1606. February 14. Item, to Archibald Heygait for peper to be ane bwik for this bruch and Dunbartane, xxviijs.
March 29. Item, to James Buk, messinger for bringing lettiris to the towne and to ane puir daft man that wes put af the toun, xxvjs. viijd.
May 5. Item, to Marioune Bell for wyne and schoirt breid send to the Tolbuithe that day the Erll of Argyll sould have beine maid burges, iij li. vjs. viijd.
18. Item, to Thomas Pettingrew, gevin to him that wan the bell reace, xij li.
31. Item, to John Stirling for ane reid seadill maid be him to the bell reace, ix li. ixs. viijd.


  • 1. Each item in the first account is noticed, though all the entries are not printed in full.From subsequent accounts selections only are given.