House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 09 March 1576

Pages 112-113

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Veneris, nono Martii, 1575

Ld. Norreies.

Q. 1. 2. The Bill for Restitution in Blood of the Lord Norreies, twice read.


3. The Bill for re-edifying the Town of Cryngleford, near unto the City of Norwiche. - The third Reading. - Jud'm.

Bills sent to Lords.

The Bill last passed, and also the Bill for the Hospital in the Town of Leycester, are sent up to the Lords by Mr. Treasurer and others.

Cloth Trade.

1. The Bill touching Suffolk Cloths, and Essex Cloths. - The first Reading.

Conference - Searching Cloths.

Mr. Secretary Smyth, Mr. Lieutenant of the Tower, Sir Nichas. Arnolde, Sir Rowlande Haywarde, Sir Thomas

Scotte, Mr. Seckforde Master of the Requests, Mr. Brunckord, Mr. Norton, Mr. St. Leger, Mr. Baber, Mr. Atkyns, Mr. Owen, Mr. Mershe, Mr. Serjeant Lovelace, Mr. Fleet, Mr. Gargrave, Mr. St. John, and Mr. Grymston; to have Conference, touching the double Searching of Cloths generally, now presently in the Committee-chamber.

Clergy Subsidy.

LL. 2. The Bill for Confirmation of the Subsidy of the Clergy. - The second Reading.

Queen's Answer concerning Church Reformation.

Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, touching the Petition for Reformation of Discipline in the Church, doth bring Word from the Lords, that their Lordships having moved the Queen's Majesty touching the said Petition, her Highness answered their Lordships, That her Majesty, before the Parliament, had a Care to provide, in that Case, of her own Disposition; and at the Beginning of this Session her Highness had Conference therein with some of the Bishops, and gave them in Charge to see due Reformation thereof: Wherein, as her Majesty thinketh, they will have good Consideration, according unto her Pleasure, and express Commandment, in that Behalf: So did her Highness most graciously and honourably declare further, that, if the said Bishops should neglect or omit their Duties therein, then her Majesty, by her supreme Power and Authority over the Church of England, would speedily see such good Redress therein, as might satisfy the Expectation of her loving Subjects, to their good Contentation : Which Message and Report was most thankfully and joyfully received by the whole House with one Accord.

Petition to the Queen to marry.

And immediately thereupon John Crooke Esquire, One of the Knights for the County of Buck', took Occasion, in most humble and dutiful wise, to make a Motion unto the House, for another Petition to be moved to the Lords, for Prosecution unto her Majesty for Marriage.

Lady Weyneman.

1. nova. The Bill for the Lady Weymman. - The first Reading.

Post meridiem.

Ld. Hawarde.

LL. 1. 2. The Bill for the Lord Viscount Hawarde of Bynden, twice read.

Ld. Norries.

Q. 3. The Bill for Restitution in Blood of Henry Lord Norries. - The third Reading. - Jud'm.


1. The Bill touching the Entering of Defeazances upon Statutes of the Staple. - The first Reading.

Clergy Subsidy.

LL. 3. The Bill for Confirmation of the Subsidy of the Clergy. - The third Reading. - Jud'm.

Pheasants, &c.

3. The Bill for Preservation of Pheasants and Partridges. - The third Reading. - Jud'm.


2. The Bill for Repairing and Amending of the Highways. - The second Reading; and ordered to be ingrossed.

Lady Weyneman.

2. The Bill for the Lady Weyneman. - The second Reading; and ordered to be ingrossed.