House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 10 March 1576

Pages 113-114

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Page 113
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In this section

Sabbati, decimo Martii, 1575

Murders, &c.

3. The Bill for repressing of Murders and Felonies, in the Counties of Northumberland and Cumberland. - The third Reading. - Jud'm.

Leather, &c.

3. The Bill against the Transportation of Leather, Tallow, and raw Hides. - The third Reading. - Jud'm.

Bills sent to Lords.

The Bill for setting the Poor on Work, and for Avoiding of Idleness, with the Provisoes and Amendments; and the Bill against the Transporting of Leather, Tallow, and raw Hides; the Bill touching Dilapidations; the Bill for Preservation of Pheasants and Partridges ; and the Bill for Confirmation of the Subsidy granted by the Clergy, sent up to the Lords by Mr. Treasurer and others.


LL. 1. 2. The Bill against the Excess of Apparel. - The second Reading; and committed unto all the Privy Council being of this House, Mr. Captain of the Guard, Mr. Treasurer of the Chamber, the Master of Requests, Sir Thomas Scott, Sir John Thynne, Sir George Penrudock, Sir Henry Knyvett, Mr. Serjeant Jeffreyes, Mr. Popham, Mr. Yelverton, Mr. Snagge, Mr. Digges, Mr. Stanhopp, Mr. Alford, Mr. Mershe, Mr. Norton, Mr. Layton, Mr. Boyer, Mr. Marburye, and Mr. Dalton; to meet at the Chequer-chamber, this Afternoon at Two of the Clock.

St. Cross's Hospital.

Mr. Doctor Barcley and Mr. Powle do bring from the Lords an Act for the Hospital, called the Hospital of St. Cross; with special Commendation for Expediting thereof, and Declaration of the Assent of the Parties given in that Behalf before their Lordships.

Lady Weyneman.

3. The Bill for the Lady Weyneman. - The third Reading. - Jud'm.

Rapes, &c.

3. The Bill for taking away the Privilege of Clergy from such as commit Rapes, &c. and a Proviso added. - The third Reading.

Bills from Lords.

Mr. Serjeant Barrham and Mr. Doctor Vaughan do bring from the Lords Two Bills with Amendments and Provisoes, which before passed this House; viz. the Bill for Repairing and Amending of the Bridges and Highways near Oxeford; and the Bill for Maintenance of the Colleges in the Universities, and of Eaton and Wynchester.

Bill against Hall, &c.

1. The Bill against Arthur Hall Esquire, Edward Smalley, and Matthew Kirtleton, his Servants, once read.


Edward Smalley, Servant unto Arthur Hall Esquire, appearing in this House this Day at the Bar, it is pronounced unto him by Mr. Speaker, in the Name, and by the Appointment and Order, of this House, for Execution of the former Judgment of this House, awarded against him; that he the same Edward Smalley shall be forthwith committed Prisoner from this House to the Tower of London, and there remain for One whole Month next ensuing from this present Day; and further, after the same Month expired, until such Time as good and sufficient Assurance shall be had and made for Payment of One hundred Pounds, of good and lawful Money of England, to be made unto Will'm Hewett, Administrator of the Goods, Chattels, and Debts of Melchisedech Malorye Gentleman, deceased, upon the first Day of the next Term, according unto the former Order of this House, in that Behalf, made and set down; and also Forty Shillings for the Serjeant's Fees; the Notice of such Assurance for the true Payment of the said Hundred Pounds, in Form aforesaid, to be certified unto Mr. Lieutenant of the Tower, by Mr. Recorder of London, before any Delivery or Setting at Liberty of the said Edward Smalley to be in any Mise had or made, at any Time after the Expiration of the said Month, as is aforesaid; and that he shall not be delivered out of Prison before such Notice certified, whether the same be before the said first Day of the next Term, or after.

Post meridiem.


The Bill for Butlerage and Prizage of Wines. - The second Reading: Upon the Question and Division of the House, is dashed.

Bills sent to Lords.

The Bill for taking the Benefit of Clergy from Persons convict of Rape and Burglary; and the Bill for Redress of Murders and Felonies in the Counties of Northumberland and Cumberland; and the Bill for Confirmation of an Arbitrament to be made by certain Persons, between Richard Huddleston Esquire, and Dame Izabell Weyneman his Wife, on, the One Part, and Francis Weyneman Gentleman, on the other Part; are sent up to the Lords by Mr. Secretary Smythe and others.

Lords desire a Conference.

Mr. Doctor Vaughan and Mr. Doctor Barcley do bring Word from the Lords, that their Lordships do desire presently to have Conference with some of this House, touching * * *

Ld. Sturton.

Q. LL. 1. 2. The Bill for Restitution in Blood of the Heirs of the late Lord Sturton, twice read.

Wharfs, &c.

LL. 1. The Bill touching Wharfs and Keys for Lading and Discharging of Wares and Merchandises. - The first Reading.

St. Crosse's Hospital,

LL. 1. 2. 3. The Bill for the Hospital of St. Crosse near Wynchester, thrice read. - Jud'm.