House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 04 March 1626

Page 830

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Page 830

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Sabbati, 4 Martii

Leave of Absence.

Mr. Clarke Leave to depart, to be here within a Fortnight.


Ordnance : - Tuesday next, former Place.


Beswicke. L. 1. An Act -


L. 2. - Apothecaries. - Committed to Sir Jo. Stradling, Mr. Clarke, Sir Rob. Harley, Mr. Newbery, Mr. Herbert, Sir Al. Temple, Mr. Coryton, Mr. Rolles, Sir Bab. Hicks, Mr.* , Mr. Cle. Cooke, Sir Hen. Pooly, Doctor Turnor, Sir Jo. Finch, Knights, Burgesses, London, Southwark, Sir Jo. Savyle, Sir Jar. Clyfton, Sir Will. Boulstred, Mr. Jo. Drake, Sir Eub. Theloall, Mr. Whitby: - Wednesday next. Two Clock, Star Chamber. The Grocers to be heard at the Committee, by their Counsel, if they desire.


Mr. Spencer reports Nicholson's Bill. Amendments twice read.

A Petition read, from Nicholson, to be heard by his Counsel, before the Bill be ingrossed.

The Bill recommitted. All the Lawyers of the House added to the Committee. The Committee to meet on Tuesday next; and Nicholson to be heard with his Counsel on this Day sevennight, in the House, or at the Committee, if he will, according to the former Order.

Ld. Admiral.

Mr. Treasurer, Sir Ben. Ridiard, Sir Dud. Digs, Mr Wainsford, Sir Jo. Elliot, Mr. Pym, appointed by the House, to reform the Order concerning the Lord Admiral. Resolved, upon Question, The Order to be altered, according to this Form brought in by the Committee.


Sir Francis Fuliam to have Privilege, for Stay of a Suit.

Bills reported, &c.

Barrington Manor; and Fishing in America; reported,

- Ordered, To be ingrossed.


A Message from the Lords, by the Chief Justice and Justice Jones: -

The Lords desire a Conference by a Committee of both Houses, upon a Message sent to the Lord Duke from this House : Their Number 32 : - Presently, Painted Chamber, if it may stand with the Pleasure of this House.

Answer : This House will give present Meeting in the Place desired, with the Number of 64.

Mr. Treasurer, Mr. Comptroller, Mr. Secretary Cooke, Mr. Chancellor Exchequer, Sir Will. Herbert; Mr. Attorney Wards, Sir Dud. Digs, Sir Jo. Finch, Mr. Wainsford, Sir James Fullerton, Lord Lambert, Sir Ben. Ridiard, Sir Geo. Moore, Sir M. Fleetwood, Sir Jo. Elliot, Sir Fra. Vincent, Mr. Coryton, Sir Rich. Buller, Sir Jo. Savyle, Mr. Pym, Sir Rob. Harley, Sir Will. Udall, Sir Tho. Cheeke, Sir Fra. Barnam, Sir Gil. Gerrard, Sir Tho. Denton, Sir Fra. Barrington, Sir Hen. Anderson, Sir Wm. Spencer, Sir Hen. Fane, Sir Rob. Howard, Sir Jo. Evelyn, Sir Antho. St. John, Sir Geo. Hastings, Mr. Kirton, Sir Jo. Stradling, Lord Percy, Mr. Herbert, Mr. Spencer, Sir Geo. Goring, Chancellor Duchy, Mr. Cary, Sir Geo. Sands, Mr. Palmer, Mr. Rouse, Sir Tho. Grantham, Sir Alex. Temple, Sir Geo. Fane, Sir Row. Cotton, Mr. Edw. Scot, Mr. Litleton, Sir Tho. Barrington, Sir Will. Crofts, Sir Tho. Cary, Sir Tho. Hoby, Sir Hen. Whitehead, Mr. Jo. Drake, Sir Rob. Killegrue, Sir Will. Massam, Mr. Fines, Sir Edw. Hales, Sir Ar. Ingram, Mr. Whitaker, Sir Rob. Crane.

Sir Dug. Digs to make the Report: Sir Jo. Finch, and Mr. Pym, to assist him.


Mr. Longston to have Privilege, for Stay of a Suit at a Court Baron.


L. 1. An Act setting on Work, and Instruction, of such, as are committed to the Gaol.

Cloth Trade.

L. 1. An Act fof the better Venting of dyed and dressed Cloths.


L. 2. An Act to prevent the Erecting of Cottages in Boroughs and Towns-corporate. - Committed to Attorney Wards, Sir Jo. Stradling, Sir Hen. Poole, Mr. Sherland, Mr. Browne, Sir Tho. Fanshaw, Sir Tho. Hoby, Mr. Noy, Mr. Wentworth, Mr. Litleton, Mr. Sherfeild, Sir Will. Walter, Mr. Moore, Mr. Coryton, Sir Rob. Monson, Sir Jo. Savyle, Sir Clem. Throkmorton, Mr. Spencer: All to have Voice: - Thursday, Exchequer Chamber, Two Clock.


L. 2. An Act concerning Inmates: - Committed to the same Committee : - Same Time, and Place,


Sir Dud. Digs reports from the Conference with the Lords. - They, by the Archbishop of Canterbury, signified thus much; that they, out of a Desire of good Intelligence between both Houses, desired this Conference. Their House informed, that a Lord of their House. -

Asked this Question; Whether that Message was any Summons to that Lord, to make Answer. -

Replied thus much; that this House signified to their Lordships, that they desire also to hold all good Correspondence.

Error in Journal.

This particular Day Notice being taken of some Slip and Error in the Clerk's Book, concerning that Order, they had reformed that Order : Which he read, and delivered to them. - Went, and acquainted their House with it. - Returned this Auswer: That their House is fully satisfied, in that they conceive That to have been the Order of the House, and that nothing had been done to their Prejudice.

Ordered, That the Committee for the Clerk's Book, shall have Power to take out that Leaf, where this Order was written, and to insert this, nothing else being omitted,

Debate to be resumed.

Resolved, On Monday Morning, at Nine Clock, to fall into Debate again of the great Business.


L. 2. An Act against Adultery and Fornication : - Committed to Sir Rob. Harley, Mr. Coryton, Mr. Clarke, Lord Percy, Mr. Pym, Sir Tho. Hoby, Sir Walter Earle, Sir Eub. Theloall, Mr. Crue, Mr. Jordane, Lord St. John, Mr. Moore, Mr. Sherland, Sir Alex. Temple, Mr. Jo. Drake, Sir Fra. Vincent, Mr. Whitaker, Sir Geo. Goring, Sir Jo. Corbet, Sir Fra. Barrington, Mr. Chambers, Sir Fra. Cary. Sir Ben. Ridiard, Mr. Cage, Sir Will. Constable, Sir Will. Stanley, Captain Sackvyle, Mr. Newbery, Sir Fra. Goodwyn, Mr. Rolles, Mr. Litleton: - Tuesday next. Exchequer Chamber, Two Clock.

Duke of Buckingham.

Sir Geo. Goring: - The Lord Duke intimated to him, that he hath Leave from the Lords to give Satisfaction to this House, concerning the Stay of the Peter: Desires, he may do it on Monday. - Resolved.