House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 03 March 1626

Pages 829-830

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Page 829
Page 830

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Veneris, 3o Martii

Low's Estate.

SIR Francis Barrington reporteth Vincent Low his Bill, agreed by the Committee, without any Amendment.


L. 2a. - Bribery. - Committed to Mr. Pymme, Mr. Newbery, Sir Ro Harley, Mr. Carvill, Sir Ben. Rudyard, Sir D. Digges, Mr. Coryton, Sir Cl. Throckmorton, Sir Geor. More, Sir P. Hayman, Sir Tho. Grantham, Sir Wm. Herberte: And all, that will come, to have Voice : - Wednesday next, Two Clock, in the Exchequer Chamber.

Norfolke Return.

The Return for Norfolke to be debated upon Friday next.


L. 2a. An Act for the Increase of Trade, and the Utterance -

Committed to Mr. Comptroller, Knights, and Burgesses of London, and of the Out-ports, Sir Wm. Ermyn, Sir P. Hayman, Sir Nath. Rich, Mr. Pymme, Sir Jo. Davers, Mr. Sherfeild: And all that will come, to have Voice : - Tuesday next, Afternoon, in the Exchequer Chamber.

Naming Committees.

Moved, for a select Committee, to consider of an indifferent Course for Naming of Committees; and agreed. 12 to be the Number. -

Sir D. Digges, Mr. Chancellor Duchy, Sir Tho. Hobby, Sir Jo. Savyle, Sir Rich. Titchborne, Mr. Attorney Wards, Sir Edw. Sands, Mr. Herberte, Mr. Sherfeild, Sir M. Fleetwood, Sir Francis Barrington, Sir Geo. More: - To-morrow in the Afternoon, in the Court of Wards.

Ld. Conway.

A Letter from the Lord Conway, excusing his not coming, by Sickness.

Council of War.

The Lords, and others, of the Council of War, came in with the Serjeant, with his Mace before them; viz. Earl of Totnesse, Lord Brooke, Lord Vere, Lord Viscount Grandison, Sir Ro. Maunsell, Sir Jo. Ogle, and Sir Tho. Button.

1. Question, Whether their Advice followed, which they gave for the Four Ends, mentioned in the Act of Parliament, for which the Monies, given by the Act 21 Jac. were to issue.

Earl of Totnesse, Lord Carew excuseth himself, by his Weakness and Infirmity now upon him.

Lord Brooke excuseth himself, by the King's dispensing with him, upon the parting with his Places, and by his Age, being 72.

Lord Vere excuseth himself, by his Absence in the Low Countries.

Lord Grandison: - That sithence July last, they have seldom met, being dispersed by the Sickness. - Desireth, they may, in a Question of this Consequence, confer together, before they answer.

This Motion seconded by Sir Ro. Maunsell, Sir Jo. Ogle, and Sir Tho. Button.

The Lords thereupon, by Mr. Speaker's Direction, withdrawn; and brought in again, set, and covered; Mr. Speaker demandeth, whether, upon this their Conference, they prepared to give an Answer to the Question propounded, They answer, they had not conferred about that Question, but only withdrew, to know the further Pleasure of the House.

Being demanded, what Time they will require, to give Answer to this First Question; they desire this Question in Writing, and will give Answer by Tuesday next. Which

Time the House giveth: To be Tuesday, Nine Clock; and themselves to be again then present.

Much Dispute, whether this shall be given them in Writing, or not.

Upon Question, to be delivered to them in Writing.