Petitions in the State Papers: 1610s

Petitions in the State Papers, 1600-1699.

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The tenants, farmers and inhabitants of the king's manor of King's Norton, Worcestershire. SP 14/52 f. 30 (1610)

To the Kinges most execelent majestie

In all duetifull obedience shewen to your most exelent majesty your true faythfull and obedient subjectes your highnes tenantes fermeres and inhabitantes of your manour of Kinges Norton within your majesties county of Wigorne that whereas in tymes past your most noble progenitoures kinges of this realme have usually appointed and made noble men and otheres of great worthe and estate their stewardes of the sayd manour who alwayes hav had and deputed under them suche persons their under stewardes there as for their sufficiencie [learning?] and honesty have well dischardged whatsoever to their office in that behalf hath appurteyned to the great comfort of the same tenantes and inhabitantes there and furtherance of justice in the courte of the sayd manour But now so it is if it may please your highnes that one Edward Fielde of verie base parentage hath lately crept into the sayd office by what sinister meanes we know not and there very badly and most corruptlie hathe demeaned hym self viciously dyvers and sundry waies to the great hinderance of justice there and impoverishing and utter roting owt of dyvers of the poore tenantes and inhabitantes there of the sayd manour and is not ony unlearnyd and altogether insufficient to execute the sayd office but also is a lewd man vicious and verye contentious amonges his neighboures a comon medler and buyer of broken and pretended rightes and titles and wholy addicted to fraudulent and indirect courses to enriche hym self and the better effectith his badd purposes by the countenance of the office. In tender consideracion whereof we your sayd most loving and obedient subjectes most instantly besechen your most royall majestie not only to remove the sayd Field from the sayd office but also that your highnes wold be pleased to place in the same office some other person of better state condicion worth and sufficiency both for the better execution of justice in the sayd courte and better usage and generall good of us your highnes poore tenantes and subjectes there who ar altogether weried and tyred with the ungodly [ruels?] proceedinges of so unfitting a steward and we your sayd loyall and obedyent subjectes and tenantes according to our bounden duties will dayly pray to God for your majesties longe lief and blessed happines here long to raigne over us:

  • [J?] Gower
  • Richard Grevis
  • Georg Midlemore
  • Samuell Gower
  • [Edmund?] Benton
  • Thomas Gandye
  • William Collens
  • John Norton
  • William Fielde
  • William Greves
  • Richard Feeld
  • Thomas Lyndon
  • John Lyndon
  • Thomas Fytter
  • William Fyttour
  • John Newey
  • Edward [Wenand?]
  • Thomas Fielde
  • Edward Sergeant
  • Thomas Lea bayly of the manour
  • Balwyne Lyndon
  • William Sergeant
  • John More
  • Walter Rolten
  • John Swyfte
  • John Bidele
  • Thomas Swyfte
  • George Field
  • John Greves
  • Thomas [Carter?]
  • Richard Poole
  • John Roper
  • Edward Fielde
  • John Richardes
  • William Bissell
  • Stephen Harrison
  • Eddward Fielde

John Daniell, esquire. SP 14/52 f. 43 (1610)

To the right honorable Sir Lawrence Tanfeild knight Lord Cheife Baron of the Court of Exchequer.

The humble peticion of John Daniell esquier

Humbly shewinge, that I was fined in the honourable court of Starchamber by way of (ore tenus) to paie 3000 pounds and for the payment thereof I offered and would have given such satisfaccion as the said fine should have ben paied before this tyme, if that agreement had not ben overthrowne by the devices of others, who labored more to take the spoile of my estate, and so to make the world beleeve, that I wrought the late Earle of of Essex his confusion, then they did for the speedie payment of the said fyne to her majestie, or justly to any other. So that the said fyne will hardly be payd before the end of xxxtie yeares, although I am deprived both of my credit, and am also turned out of all my estate, both which at the time of the sentence pronounced was better worth then ten thousand poundes.

For redresse whereof and releif wherein, it pleased the Kinges majestie to referr this my greeves to be examined in the Court of Exchequer, where I had divers suites dependinge against those persons, that have wronged the late Queene and the Kinges majestie in the speedy payment of the said fine: and although I was allowed counsell by the Kinges majestie Sir Julius Caesar knight and your lordship to prosecute suites in that court without charge in lawe yet nevertheles the Earle of Clanricarde by his honours counsell in the absence of my counsell obtained order (upon untrue surmises) that I should not only surcease divers of those suites, but also exhibite a new bill against the said Earle, and his honours Countesse; contrary to my former allowances, and the ordynarie proceedinges of this honourable court: so that considering my ruyne was wrought by relacion of some greate persons upon their bare informacion without oath whereby I am both discouraged and also dishabled to prosecute suites in lawe against the said Earle or Countesse.

My humble suite therefore is, that your honour wilbe pleased to graunt I may without any offence expresse at large in my said bill so to be exhibited, the effect and circumstance of such wronges as I have receaved at their honours handes, and that the said Countesse may either answer the said byll upon her honours corporall oath, or elles that I may proceede in thexchequer against all others accordinge to my sayd allowance. And I will pray to God to encrease your lordship with all health honour and happines.


28 January 1609

Lett the court be moved and his petycion shall have justice

Lawrence Tanfilde

The bailiffs, burgers and commonalty of Tewkesbury. SP 14/53 f. 61 (1610)

To the right honourable the Erle of Salisbury Lord Highe Threasurer of England.

The humble peticion of the bayliffes burgers and commonaltie of Tewkesbury in the countie of Gloucester.

Sheweth unto your honourable lordship that where they have bought of your lordship and others the comissioners for sale of his majesties landes the mannours boroughe and hundred of Tewkesbury in the countie of Gloucester which consiste altogether of free rentes burgars and tenementes which have noe land belongeinge unto them except garden plottes and such like notwithstanding uppon the passing of the said mannours ther is bond demaunded to pay for the tymber groweinge uppon the premisses, as it shalbe valued by comission accordinge to the usuall forme in that case which wold be a greate troble and charge to your poore suppliantes and noe benefitt at all to his majestie there being nether tymber nor firewood uppon the premisses and the inhabitantes have noe fuell but such as they fetch 40 or 50 myles by water.

May it therefore please your good lordship out of your accustomed favor towardes them to give order to Master Cartwright that the premisses may passe without entering of bond for the woodes and they as their humble duty is shalbe ever bound etc.


Let Master [Hercy?] forthwith certefie me his knowledge concerning the truth of theis suggestions 24 March 1609

R Salisbury

May it please your good lordship I have perused the survey of the sayd mannour and borrough and finde that the same concisteth cheifly of freehold tenementes and burgages and very fewe by coppy or lease not having any other then smale quantities of grownde for backsids and gardens some the 10th parte of an acre of grownd some the 8 parte somme halfe a rode and somme a rode or two of growde and none exceeding 1 acre 1 rode on which likewise I doe not finde any woods or underwoods to be expressed in the same survey albeyt the jury had it expressly in chardge to present the nomber of trees and quantitie of timber and firewood yf any were soe noe doubt they would if there had bene any thereon 2 April 1610.

John [Herryss?]

If this be not against [illegible] lett Master [Co...?] [illegible] the premisses [illegible] without entering bond

Inhabitance [illegible] [illegible] Tuexxburie deliver the bonds to

Sir Richard Assheton, late sheriff of Lancashire. SP 14/53 f. 81 (1610)


To the right honourable Roberte Earle of Salesbury Lord Treasurer of England

The humble peticion of Sir Richard Assheton knighte late sheriffe of Lancashire

Shewinge that in Trinitie terme laste the peticioner exhibited a peticion to your honour shewinge thereby that in Trinitie terme 5to regni a writt was awarded to him then beinge sheriffe of Lancashire furthe of the firste frutes office for levyinge of viii pounds of the goodes of Master Brockeholes and Master Caras returnable in Michaelmas terme followinge

That the peticioner levyed the viii pounds and paid it amongest other somes into the receipte of thexchequer to Master Pittes a tellor theere as appeares by the tallie

That thofficer of the first frutes office (affirminge that that viii pounds oughte to have beene paid by a note or warrant from them) made out proces for levyinge that viii pounds againe of the peticioners goodes and cattells albeit the same were paid into the receipt as aforesaid

And therefore the peticioner humbly prayed your honour would be pleased to give order that Master Pittes should repay the viii pounds to the peticioner to be paid by warrant from the first frutes office to his majesties use and that proces mighte be stayed againste the peticioner

Or that your honour would be pleased to refer the examinacion and ordering therof to Master Baron Altham or some of the barons

Whereupon your honour apointed that Master Baron Altham shold consider therof and certefie your honour

Whoe certifieth your honour by the same peticion that the viii pounds was mispaid and therefore must be taken out from thence and paid into the first frutes office

The peticioner humbly prayeth your honour would be pleased to give order that Master Pittes shall repaye to the peticioner the viii pounds to be paid into the first frutes office and soe the peticioner to be discharged

Sir Anthony Ashley. SP 14/61 f. 81 (1611)

To the right honorable the Erle of Salisbury Lord High Tresurour of England.

Most humbly beseecheth your honourable good lordship that wheras heretofore by sundry fowle and odious offences and crimes maliciously cast on me by Sir James Creighton and his complices, your lordship hath bin justly induced to thinck hardly of me; your lordship would be pleased to afford your honorable presence and assistance to morrow (being Fryday) at the hearing of my cause in the court of Star Chamber for your lordships better satisfaccion, and accordingly in time to come to esteeme of me wherin I shall acknowledge myself very much bound to your good lordship and will ever more rest at your good lordships commandement as your most obliged

  • [illegible] Ashley

Thomas Fortescue, esquire. SP 14/61 f. 107 (1611)

To the right honorable Robert Earle of Salisburye Lorde high Treasurour of Englande and one of his majesties moste honorable Privye Counsell:

The humble peticion of Thomas Fortescue esquier:

My honorable good lorde: having served his majestie as a deputye unto your lordship and otheres your honorable predicessores in the office of alienacions by the space of twentye yeares, and by my paynefull industrye and travell have much advanced his majesties profittes there as to your honour is partlye knowen: nowe for asmuch as your peticioner is of great age very feeble in bodye and troubled with many infirmityes, by reason whereof he is not able to take such paynes as is requisite in the sayde place, and also hath bine greatly hindered by meanes of suertiship and otherwise, whereby his estate is much impayred, most humblye beseecheth your good lordship that I may to favoure me so much that I may nominate a sufficient man to serve his majestie in my place, and so to geive me leave to make my best benefitt thereof, and further that your lordship will be pleased to be a meanes unto the right honorable Sir Julius Caesar to geive his favourable consent hereunto, who I hope will joyne with your lordship in this my reasonable suite, your peticioner intendinge nowe to geive over the troubles and affayres of the worlde, for which he findeth himself unmeete, and hopeinge by theise your honours favoures to settle his quiet shall be bownde to praye for your lordship duringe life:

Robert Swinglehurst, John Proctor and other tenants of the crown, of the manor of Sladburne, Yorkshire. SP 14/61 f. 128 (1611)

To the right honourable the Earle of Salisbury Lord High Treasaurour of England.

The humble peticion of Robert Swinglehurst and John Proctor, with others of his majesties tenantes of the mannour of Sladburne in the countie of Yorke.

That whereas your peticioners holde dyvers landes of the said mannour by coppie of court roule, to them and their heires, accordinge to the custome thereof. Which landes, by meanes of certein suites brought against the said tenantes, in defence whereof the tenantes have spent above 500 pounds that the same are noe parcell of the possessions of the Dutchie, in whose jurisdiction the same lye and for that question hath bene made, that their coppiholde estates canot bee good, in regarde noe coppiholde estate can bee created, de nova, without some acte of Parliament thereupon to bee made, which acte have bene of late passed for confirmacion of the same coppiholde estate, upon composition of the tenantes, with his majestie or the comissioners thereunto appointed.

Humblie your peticioners beseech your good honour, that you would bee pleased, to admitt them presentlie, to make composition accordinge to the said acte, for their said landes, in respect of their often attendance thereupon, orells the next terme at the furthest, for which cause they must come upp purposlie, and that thereby they maie have their fines certein of their landes, and receave the benefitt of the said acte of Parliament accordinge to his majesties pleasure, and they all shall dailie praie to God for your honours longe and prosperous health.


If thes copieholders come to compound they may repaire home and retourne back the next terme, at which time they shall bee hearde; but if they have any purpose to buy, lett them attend my Lord and other the comissioners for sales on Wednesday next in the afternoone.

13o February 1610

R Salisbury

Sir Robert Stewart. SP 14/61 f. 192 (1611)

To the Kinges most excellent majesty

The humble peticion of your servant Sir Robert Stewart.

Whereas your majesty was pleased to restore the benefitt of rootes and stumpes of woodes and trees on your servant, and afterwardes your highnes inlardged the same with like benefitt of your parkes, which he hoped would have satisfied his creditours as alsoe have gyven content to Master Marshall for 800 pounds and Master Lesley 1200 pounds gyven by your majesty out of the same sute:

Yt maie please your majesty uppon much triall made for the space of these fowrten monethes the sute falls soe poore, (as is not unknowen to the Lord Treasurer as your servant nether cane gyve satisfaccion to his creaditors or paie Master Marshall or Master Lesley:

Wherefore most humbly he beseecheth your majesty as yow have byn ever gracious towardes him to graunte unto him only tow trees out of everie hundered of decayed or fewell trees (being not timber) thorowaght your majesties said mannours [etc?] of which your majesty receaveth smale or noe proffitt. To be ordered and sett out by the Lord Treasurer Lord Northampton and the chaunclor of your court of Exchequeor

  • Sir Robert Steward
  • Sir Thomas Monson
  • Lady Southwick

The mayor, bailiffs and burgesses of the borough of Berwick upon Tweed. SP 14/68 f. 29 (1612)

To the right honorable Robert Earle of Salisbury, Lord High Treasorer of England.

The humble peticion of the maior, baliffes and burgesses of the burrough of Berwick upon Twede.

Itt pleased your lordship about June last to give order for payment of 2000 pounds out of thexchequer, being parcell of 8000 pounds assigned to your humble orators for the building of a new stone bridge over the river of Twede at Berwick.

Some part of which 2000 pounds was payd over in satisfaccion of arrerages and debtes formerly due to many poore workmen there, some part in provision of necessary materialles, some part in workemens wages.

So as thereof remayneth as yet undisbursed onely vi hundred and odd poundes.

Forsomuch as the said sum undisbursed will not be sufficient for the work of this spring and the beginning of the next sommer, and for that sondry other materialles, which must be used in those workes this next March, are now presently to be bought here at London and to be sent downe to Berwick by shipps, which within fewe dayes will be ready to transport the same thither.

May it please your honourable lordship of your honourable and charitable disposicion towardes the furthering of so necessary, so great and so honorable a work to give warrant for payment of 1500 pounds more forthwith to your humble orators or of such other summe of money as your lordship shall think meete towardes the proceeding in the said work: and also for 100 tunnes of timber out of Chopwell woodes to be felled in a seasonable tyme for the said worke.

And your humble oratours shall not onely afford their uttmost diligence and best indeavours for setting forward the said work, and be true and faithfull accomptantes to your lordship for the same, but with thankfull hartes, they and theirs shall ever acknowledge your honours manifold favours, and make their earnest prayers to God for your lordships long life and eternall happinesse.

Robert Meverell, esquire. SP 14/68 f. 72 (1612)

To the right honourable Robert Earle of Salisbury Lord High Tresuror of England.

The humble peticion of Robert Meverell esquire.

Humbly sheweth unto your lordshipp that wheras a scire facias was directed unto the sheriffe of the county of Nottingham to summon the peticioner to shew cause why he should not give an encrease of rent or a fine for certaine landes in Darletonne in the saide county of Nottingham which he holdeth by custody from his majestie: it may please your lordship to be enformed that Sampson Meverell esquire, (father to your said peticioner,) and his auncestours were seised and (as their inheritance) have enjoyed contynually by the space of 300 yeares the capitall messuage of the mannor of Darleton aforesaid and certaine other landes and tenementes within the said mannour, as by antient deedes and charters may appeare. which said landes were demised by the said Sampson (not many yeares before his decease) unto certaine of the frindes of Elizabeth his then wife (now Lady Leighton) to her use for the terme of xxi yeares from the day of the date therof, and after the decease of the said Sampson were found by office to be holden of the late Quennes majestie (in capite) by reason wherof there was a wardship accrewed. During the minoritie of which warde, the said Lady Leighton (mother in lawe unto the saide warde), when the terme granted by her husband was more then halfe spente, compounded for a lease or custody of the said landes, and tooke it in her owne name, and being called into the court of wardes by the gardian of the said warde towching the same, it was then ordered by the right honourable the Lord Burleigh then Lord Treasurer of England, and master of that court, that the said lease or custody should be recalled and made voyd (according to a provisoe therin conteyned), and a newe lease therof granted unto the heire, as by the same order yet appeareth. The prosecucion of which sayd order was neglected by the heire (when he came unto full age) being confidently advysed by counsell that soe auntient a tytle would never be impeached, and therefore [seived?] his livery and soe lost the benefite of the same order. After which tyme your said peticioner (being unwilling to enter into troublesome and chargeable sutes and searches) did compound with the said Lady Leighton for her custody lease: not long after which composicion there were other severall custodies therof granted (one after another) with contynewall increase of rente, which your said peticioner likewyse bought in, to his great charge, and afterward surrendered all his interest and estate unto the Kinges majestie, (in the second yeare of his reigne), and caused a newe survey to be taken of the said landes (at his owne charge) and therupon tooke a newe custodye for xl yeares with a newe increase of rente hoping then fully to settle a quiet estate for his terme, yet neverthelesse is at this tyme called by the said writt of scire facias to make a newe composicion for the same eyther for further increase of rent or a fyne.

And therefore humbly prayeth that your honour wilbe pleased upon tender consideracion of the premisses, and in regard of his auntient right and his great charges he hath bene at and losse susteyned, to accept from him some reasonable encrease of rent or fyne for a terme of by lx yeares, leaving out the provisoe of si quis plus dare voluerit etc according to his majesties commission for that purpose granted unto your good honour and Sir Julius Caesar knight.


This gentleman deserveth favour as we thinke because he and his auncestors held the same as ther owne inheritance (and were in warde some of them for it) tyme out of mynde, untill about xxxviio Elizabeth at which tyme the first custodie was graunted as appeareth by the certificate of the clerke of the pipe, before which tyme the crowne had nothinge but a fee farme rent out of thereof.

The rent nowe by twoe late increases we fynd to be lxvi shillings viii pence per annum and he is contented to make his rent 6 pounds 13 shillings 4 pence and to pay C pounds for a fine for a lease for 60 yeares without proviso which we thinke reasonable if your lordship please to allowe of it, his case being considered

31 January 1611

  • James Altham
  • Walter [Cope?]

Agnes Appleby, widow of Robert Appleby. SP 14/68 f. 185 (1612)

To the right honorable the Earle of Salisbury Lord High Treasurer of England.

The most humble peticion of Agnes Appleby the poore distressed widdowe of Robert Appleby yoman purveyour for the black jackes buckettes and [barrowe hidis?] to the Kings majestie

Most humblie shewinge: that whereas your suppliantes said husband served the late Queen Elizabeth and his said majestie in the foresaid place theis 50 yeres past and havinge within theis 3 yeres obteyned a patent thereof from his majestie for his owne life and his sonne who now are both deceased. And her said husband buried even yesterday and left her 100 pounds in debt without any meanes but only the said place to satisfie the same.

In tender regard whereof, and forasmuch as your said peticioner beinge his wife 46 yeres and soe hath asmuch sufficiency and with the helpe of her servantes is as able to dischardge the said place thers as any other.

Most humblie beseecheth your good lordship (of your wonted pittie towardes the poore distressed widdowes) to take such order that your said suppliant may have and exercize the said place as her husband did, duringe her life (beinge above 60 yeres of age) aswell towardes the paying of his said debt as for her helpe from begginge in the end of her daies as to your good honour shall seeme meete. Soe shall she never cease, but even upon her knees praie for your honours everlastinge happines.

Thomas Wilson, clerk, keeper of the king's records. SP 14/69 f. 105 (1612)

The humble peticion and complaint of Thomas Wilson your majestyes servant and clerke of your majestyes records and papers of estate in the office established att your highnes pallace of Whytehale.

Humbly sheweing and complayning unto your majesty, that having served your majestye many yeares in the said office, in reducing those things to order oute of extreame confusion, and never haveing had or made any benefyte therby, but only 30 pounds a yeare which your majesty geveth me, I was bold about Midsomer last to make a peticion to your majesty, to bestowe upon me a certayne rent and arrerages issuing out of certayne landes of my owne which I lately bought in Hartfordshire, but faling dangerously sick presently upon preferring my peticion, as I have ben ever since and yett am, of a quartayne feaver, wherby I was not able to prosecute the same suite to your majestys grante under seale. In this tyme of my sickness, John Hale your majestyes servant and cup bearer understanding of my slackness, and getting some notice of the debt, came to me and claymed the debt by vertue of a patent granted to one Edward Abbott, but when by sight of my evedence he gate more light of the matter (being a concealed debt) and per= ceyved that patent wold not carry it procures in February last a newe patent of that particuler debt and others, to Mistress Midlemore, by which he comes to me requyreing money or composicion, I agreed for quyetnes sake to geve him 200 pounds by 50 pounds a tearme provided that I might have such discharge of my land as my learned counsell shold devise, which he agreed unto, and hath taken 20 pounds in part of payment, and nowe fynding some that offereth him more then 200 pounds he goeth back of his bargayne, and I comeing on Twesday last to talke with him quietly about it, in your majestyes howse, and repeating howe the composition was, he presently even in one of your majestyes gallerys most obprobriously and disgrace fully gave me the lye, in the hearing of divers, and thretneth presently to sease my land, he yett never shewing me any right he hath. My humble suite unto your majesty is that he may make me such reparacion of the wrong and disgrace he hath done me as to your princely mynd shall seeme fitt, that I may quietly proceed in your majestyes service, having a greate worke yett to performe in that place, and office, wherin I serve your majesty and wherin I am assured your majesty will take greate contentment, when it is finished and I shall ever (as I am bound) pray for your majestyes long and happy rayne.

Your majestyes most loyall subject and servant

1 June 1612

  • Thomas Wilson

The clerk of the signet and the privy seal. SP 14/72 f. 11 (1613)

To the Kings most excellent majesty.

The humble peticion of the clerke of your majesties signet and privy seale.

Wheras divers [grantes?], aswell for sale of your majesties landes, as for wardes defective titles, leasses, licenses for selling of wines, composicions for assarts, baronettes, creacion of baronets, and bills of like nature, have within these few yeeres by vertue of sondry your highness commissions, passed by ymediat warrant to the great seale, contrary to ancient custom in the tymee of your most noble progenitors, by meanes wherof (though we do verily asseure ourselves that your princely meanyng never was we should sustaine any losse, it being provided that in som of those grantes so ymediatly passing the great seale the whole fees, and in som but parte of the fees due by statut to the signet and privy seal be aunswered in the office of the hamper, yet the repu= tacion and benefit of the said two offices are herby (as by many other waies) greatly ympared by reason that the ingrossing and writing of the said grantes (which heretofore when they passed the signet and privy seal hath bene beneficiall both to the clerkes themselves and to theire servantes) is now wholly taken from them to theire great hindrance, and utter disabling to do your majestys services in theire places.

For som repare of which decayes, and in regard your majestys said poore servantes do not onely themselves give theire daily attendance for the dispatch of divers your highness affaires, without any fee from your majesty but do allso at theire owne charge bring up servantes in theire offices for your majestys service who depend onely for theire maintenance upon the writing of billes to the signet and privy seal without any other allowance from your majesty: we the said clerkes of the signet and privy seal do in all humblenes beseech your highness, to be pleased to referre the consideracion of this our humble request to the Lord Chancellour, whose lordship can best inform your majesty what course hath bene aunciently held and by statut ought to be continewed for the passing of the said grantes) to thend that your majesty being informed of the convenien= cye of the same, som order may be established that hereafter no billes, other then such as do be directly and meerely for expedicion of your highness service be suffered to passe by immediat warrant, but be presented to the clerk of the signet and privy seal attendant, to passe both the seales according to statut and former practise wherby we your majesties poore servantes shalbe the better enabled to continew our most humble and faithfull service in our places, and the more encouraged to pray to God as in all duety and loyallty we are bound) for the long continewance of your royall estaste and most happy and prosperous raigne over us.

Roger Bassett. SP 14/72 f. 184 (1613)

To the Kings most excellent majestie.

The humble peticion of Roger Bassett:

Most humblie shewinge

That whereas the said peticioner hath endeavoured to inable himselfe, and hath made such croes=bowes for your majestie: as noe man else coulde doe, and in all kinde of such worke is as painefull, readie, and sufficient as any man.

Your peticioner therefore most humblie beseecheth your majestie; to give order unto the right honourable the Lord Chamberlaine; that he maie be sworne servaunt in this kinde for the prince his highnes, or at least to signifie your royall pleasure unto my Lord Chamberlaine, that it may be donne when others are in the like manner sworne, and in the meane tyme noe other to be sworne in that place.

And as in duety bounde he shall dayly pray for your majesties longe and prosperous raigne.


Roger Basset


George Brabant and Richard Dighton, keepers of the East and West parks of Branspeth, co. Durham. SP 14/75 f. 50 (1613)

To the right honorable the Earle of Somersett Lord Chaumberlaine of England

The humble peticion, of George Brabant and Richard Dighton, keepers of the East and West parks of Branspeth in the county of Durham.

Humbly sheweth that whereas your lordshipps peticioner Georg Brabant and his auncestours have bynn keepers of the East parke of Branspeth for the most part of 140 yeeres last past by vertue of severall grauntes from the Earles of Westmerland the late Queene, and his majestie, which said park being nowe your lordshipps as parcell of the mannour of Branspeth.

In like humble manner sheweth, that whereas the said Richard Dighton hath beene keeper of the West parke of Branspeth aforesaid for the space of xxtie yeeres last past by vertue of severall pattentes from the said late Quene of famous memory and his majestie both which parkes are now your lordshipps and parcells of the mannour of Branspeth, and having noe other meanes for the relief of him selfe his wife and famylie but only the said office.

Most humbly doe submitt themselves unto your honour praying that it may please your lordshipp to admitt and suffer your said suppliantes to contynue the proffittes and benefittes of theire severall offices during theire natural lives being aged men and not otherwise provided for.

And your suppliantes shall as by duty bound ever pray for your lordships helth and increase of honour


Brabant and Dighton keepers at Brancepeth

David Dromounde. SP 14/75 f. 92 (1613)

To the Kinges moste excellent majestie

The humble peticion of David Dromounde your majesties moste humble servante.

Sheweth whereas your majesties loyall subject Richard Connock some tymes servante and officer and servant to your late sonne Prince Henry standeth seised of the mannor, of Lylesdon in the county of Somersett the moyety of which mannor was sometymes the inheritance of Henry late Marquesse Dorsett and Duke of Suffolke, in the raignes of King Henry the Eight and Edwarde the Sixt. And whereas sondry ould debtes were due to the crowne att that tyme by the attaynder of the sayd Duke and were never yett recovered in respect of the desperatnesse and antiquity of the sayd debtes, which in that regarde with sondry other debtes of that kynde your majestie was gratiously pleased to graunte not longe since sondry grauntes of that nature to sondrey persons your majesties servantes of the sayd debtes and this debte also amongst others is past away ingenerall to them to make proffytt hereof by way of composicion with all persons whatsoever whose landes were lyable hereunto.

Now soe yt is that the moyety of the sayd mannor of Lylesdon beinge lyable by the rigor of lawe to the sayd debte and the sayd Richard Connock havinge already componed with the sayd pattentees of the sayd debtes graunted to them by your majestie, and now havinge extended the moyety of the sayd mannor whereuppon hee hathe reserved a yearely rent to your majestie whereas heretofore nothinge was founde nor answeared to your majestie neyther was yt heretofore any wayes questyoned but was voluntary done by your majesties subject to your majesties benefytt and use

In consideration whereof may yt please your majestie to graunt to your peticioner to the behoofe of the sayd Richard Connocke all such right tytle and interest as your majestie hathe and ought to have in and to all the sayd debtes due to your highnes out of the sayd mannor by the attaynder of the sayd Duke. Togeather with a lease duringe the extent of the sayd mannor of Lylesdon and he shalbe ever bound to pray for your majesties longe and happy raigne.

Julius Watson of Congeston, Leicestershire, clerk. SP 14/77 f. 15 (1614)

To the most reverend father in God Richard by the devine providence Lord Bishoppe of Lincolne:

Moste humbly sheweth unto your good lordshippe your suppliant Julius Watson of Congeston in the county of Leicester clarke that whereas one Robert Ruddyard an appariter of malice to your suppliant without just cause and alsoe without mandate or writt or any presentment before had againste your suppliant did the second daye of June anno domini 1612 cite him to apeare at Harborough in the confines of the cuntry at a courte there houlden before one Master Lambe surrogate to one Master Wyvell chanslour which is twenty miles distant from his dwellinge whereas Leicester is but tenne miles from him to which towne hee and all his brethren of the ministry especially in that part of the county have been allwaies heretofore usually called and noe farther and uppon his appearance at the courte there was aledged against your suppliant as followeth videlicet for strikeinge of a boye about the age of 6 yeares troublinge him in the tyme of devine service and for strikeing of a woman and alsoe for callinge the said Ruddyard paultery fellowe butt of all this could prove nothinge againste your oratour saveinge that hee should call the said appariter paultery fellowe and bribeinge knave and that was proved no other wayes bout only by his owne oath wherein he wronged your suppliant by his untrue oath and yett the said Ruddyard standeth indited of brybery and extortion before the Lord Chiefe Justice of England att the assizes at Leicester and not withstandinge in the saide courte they have proceeded against your suppliant and sentenced him to pay to the same Ruddyard foure poundes and ten shillings and hath excomunicated him for non payment of the said some contrary to all equity and againste lawe as your suppliant is informed. May it therefore please your good lordshippe wee the poore ministers of your diocess have not in our wronges and oppressions any other to complaine unto for reliefe and suckor but to your good lordship at whose handes all the ministers in your said diocess doe assure them selves to have theire wronges redressed accordinge to equity.

His humble sute is therefore unto your good lordshippe the premisses considered that you woulde bee pleased to restore your said suppliant againe to his former freedome that hee may followe his function and charge and alsoe that yt will please your lordshipp to committ the causes aforesaide to the hearinge and determyninge of some grave and learned minister within the saide county whose ende hee is willinge to abide and performe. And your saide suppliant shall praye etc:


Aprill 21 1614

Master Lambe I pray you to read this petition and speake with me tochinge it before you goe out of the towen.

Richard Lincoln.

He shalbe [rediem?] till 24o Junii and then to appeare at the court next holden at Leicester before me and in the meane time some good order by mediacion to be taken for the charges

Samuell Willingham, clerk, parson of Stayn, Lincolnshire. SP 14/77 f. 29 (1614)

To the right honorable Sir Lawrence Tanfeld knight Lord Cheife Barron of his majesties Exchequor.

The humble peticion of Samuell Willingham clerk parson of Stayn in the countie of Lincoln.

He most humbly sheweth unto your lordship that whereas he hath bene [a?] long sutor in his highnes court of Exchequor for this xxitie yeares, for [certain?] landes in Hotoft in the countie of Lincoln, belonging to him in the right of his [illegible] reccory of Stayn a fore said, and having obtayned a decree in the sayd court and part of for the same landes being fownd by jury, certifyed accordingly, and sundry [illegible] a warded for the quyet enjoying therof

Notwithstanding John West one of the defendantes, wyth one Andrew Gedney and Thomas Stevenson servant unto the sayd West, in August or September last dyd in forr in [formable?] [illegible] and violent manner assalt and cast down your sayd orator, and in forcible manner did take and carry a way your said orators corne, being barly about 3 shockes of barly, and not so contented, but seweth your orators assignee for in the spirituall court for carrying the rest, which sute hath conty newed this year and a half to the utter undoing of your said orator and his assignee:

Also one Robert Hastinges of Hotoft a foresaid sonn of Robert Hastinges one other of the defendantes lykwise, being a very disquyet and troblesom person (as appea red at the assizes being found a common barrator, and an extorcioner) hath very maliciously caused certain of your suppliantes ley grownd to be plowed upp and sowed wyth oates and carryed part of yt a way, and this peticioners assignees carrying the rest he hath indited them for it. And more over hath sewed [illegible] your suppliantes assignee at the comon law, being a poor man destitut of meanes to mainteine sutes.

Your peticioner being a poore old man and destitut of mayntenance humbly beseecheth your lordshipp to take spedy order for his releif as to your grave wysdome shall seeme fytt, and he shall duly pray for your lordships long health and prosperity

And having obtayned a decree in the said court for the enjoying of the same landes wherof part being found by jury, and certifyed accordingly, for asmuch as your sayd orator cannot sett forth the resydue by butting and bownding therof a great part therof is held from your peticioner and he being a poore man old man, impotent and over weryed wyth suites is not able to wager law.

He humblye beseecheth your lordshipp to be pleased to call the deteyners into your honours court of Exchequor to shew such evidences as they have concerning the same landes etc


[Graunt an?] injunction to [illegible] both [ther...?] sutes [illegible] and to cause the same to be read this [illegible] [ex...?]

Robert Lathorpe. SP 14/78 f. 164 (1614)

To the right honorable the Earle of Somerset Lord Chamberlaine to his majestie

The humble peticion of Robert Lathorpe.

Shewing that whereas the peticioner hath ingaged himselfe with William Smyth one of his majesties yeoman prickers in a bond of xvi pounds for the payment of viii pounds at a certen tyme which bond hath bin forfeyted theis iii yeares; yet such is the carelesnes of the said Smyth that he taketh no course for payment thereof, but suffered the bond to be sued to an execucion almost theis two yeares, so as the peticioner dare not walke in the streetes to goe about his busines for feare of arrest and imprisoned at his suite.

And forsomuch as it hath pleased your lordship heretofore to promise your peticioner, your warrant for to take course of law against him, which (by reason of a fall that your petitioners wife had in my Lord Treasurers chamber in delivering the peticion to your lordship) could not be obtayned before this tyme.

It would therefore now please your lordship of your honourable goodnes [illegible] either to call the said Smyth before your lordship and cause him forthwith to make present payment to the creditor of the said debt, that the peticioner may not be dampnified there by, or els to give your peticioner your honourable leave and warrant for to take the ordinary course of law against him for the recovery of the same. And the peticioner (as in dutie bound) shall daily pray for your lordships health and happines.


Lathorp. Smyth.

Thomas Chaloner, gentleman. SP 14/80 f. 59 (1615)

To the right honourable the lords and others of his majesties most honourable privey councell.

The humble peticion of Thomas Chaloner gentleman.

Most humbly shewinge unto your good lords that wheras by the expence of a great parte of his estate, and younger yeares in many chargeable trialles of sondry myneralles, he at last discovered and found the allom mynes of Yorkshire, which beinge well ordred cannot but prove both an honourable and profitable worke to his majestie, and the whole kingdome.

In respect wherof there was graunted unto him for his life by the first undertakers of the said workes, and since confirmed by the late Lord Treasurer Salisbury on his majesties behalfe, a small pencion of 40 markes per annum which hath ben duly paid accordingly untill midsommer last since which time there beinge two quarters incurred and a third at hand, the nowe farmours refuse to pay the same, and so have driven your poore petitioner being an aged gentleman of above 72 yeares old to travell on foote above 200 miles to come hither to seeke releife at your lordshipps handes.

Most humbly beseechinge your lordshipps for Gods cause and justice sake, that in a busines of so many thousandes yearly value, some course may be taken, that his small allowance may be paid him quarterly in the countrey as hath ben alwayes used, without inforcinge him to come hither for it. And (as in dutie bound) he will [daily?] pray for your lordshipps.

The ancient Company of Merchant Adventurers. SP 14/80 f. 172 (1615)

To the right honorable the lordes and others of his majesties privie councell.

Whereas it hath pleased his most excellent majestie graciouslie to give leave that those of the auntient company of merchantes adventurers might meete together to treate and conferre touching the cause in question for the dying and dressing of broade white clothes. They with most humble and thanckfull acknoledgment of his majesties gratious favour, have assembled themselves in ample maner, understanding his highnes earnest desire to be, to have that woorke proceeded in for the good of the comon wealth (yf possiblie it may be effected): and although neyther by tracte of tyme synce their surceasing, nor by anything yet done therein by those who undertooke to make the woorke easie and feasible, they have not learned any way to performe nor found any encoragment to promise any thing more then heretofore and consequentlie see noe cause to chang their opinions formerlie declared to his majestie, and to your honours, concerning that matter of dying and dressing and the successe thereof: yet for better satisfaction to his majestie, and for a true triall whither that woorke may be effected for the good of this kingdome or not; they will (yf it so please his majestie forthwith dye and dresse the nomber of one thowsand white clothes, and will transporte the same so dyed and dressed into Germany and the lowe countries, where white clothes are and have ben usuallie vented, to which places (as they thincke) little cloth of that nature hath ben hitherto sent by those of the newe company. And yf they shalbe hable to procure the vent of the said thowsand clothes, or yf by this experiment they shall finde any encoragement, they doo faythfullie promise to proceed in the dying and dressing of a greater nomber, and herein will ymploy their uttermost skill and meanes to advance and effecte that woorke. And the better to be enabled thereunto they humblie beseech your honours to be mediatours for them to his most excellent majestie that they may be restored to their former trade and meanes of lyving.

And they their wyves children and servantes shalbe alwaies bound to pray for the increase and advancement of your honourable estates

Members of the old Merchant Adventurers Company who have joined the new Company. SP 14/80 f. 201 (1615)

To the right honorable the lords and others of his majesties most honorable privy counsaile.

The most humble petition and declaration of divers of the old marchands now joyned to the new.

Whereas your honors with great paines, and patience, have heard the late difference betweene the old and new marchands in that great cause of dyeng and dressing of cloath, wherein many thinges have generally bin affirmed in our names as members of that body, which wee feare may much concerne us in our particulars, as members also of that great body of the whole weale-publique of this kingdome: wee most humbly intreate your honoures to be informed what motives led us into this worke, and what experience wee have gained since wee first assisted the same. For the former of these wee beseech your lordships to pardon us if wee have thought them something violent: partly in respect of our education being brought up to no other course of life, then to the late marchant adventurers trade of white cloath, and other commodities of this kingdome: and partly in respect of our [meanes?] the same being not only much inferiour to the abilities of the rest of the old marchands which stand yet out, and have not subscribed to this project, but also the same lieng in the partes beyond the seas, whence wee could not without great losse bee permitted to receave the same without subscription hereunto. And for the latter if if wee shall deale truely and ingenuously with your lordships wee professe that in our uttermost experience, that hereto wee have had in this worke wee find nothing but discouragementes for venting of died and drest cloathes in any of the places where formerly our trade hath bin exercisted

Now unto this our humble declaration wee beseech your lordships that wee may adde this our earnest protestation also, that wee are not by any incensed hereunto, nor do wee by this meanes either go about to interrupt this great worke, or to bring upon your honors a new trouble herein, as if wee were not still willing to assist the same, to the uttermost of our poore powers, but only to implore your honorable favors for the time to come, that if the successe thereof shall not second his majestyes and your honours earnest desires, and our hearty wishes, that then your m his majesty and your honours will hold us blamelesse, and excusable herein. And that wee may yet more clearly shew our wel-wishing to the happy successe of this great worke, because the skill and experience of many of the new company farre exceedeth ours in dieng and dressing of cloath, wee can be content, (if so it seeme good to your honours) to contribute to the new-marchandes by way of composicions (as already they have done) whatsoever they shall request upon the cloath in reason to excuse us of our partes of dieng and dressing, and to suffer us to go on with them in our trade of white-cloath untill wee have learned of them some better experience therein.

  • William Turner
  • [Rust?] Bennett
  • William Johnson
  • Thomas Eyre
  • Thomas Dangerfeold
  • Timothy Stephens
  • Edward Foord
  • Jhon Wiseman
  • Robert Angell
  • Ralphe House
  • Robert Jeffrais
  • Richard Bladwell
  • Thomas Smith
  • Hugh Perrey
  • Edward Perrey
  • Edward Missleden
  • Stephen Burton
  • Francis Mann
  • Thomas Eyans
  • Ralph Flower
  • Thomas Cleave
  • John Kendrick
  • Robert Palmer
  • Theophilus Brereton
  • Robert Duey
  • William Hawkins
  • Humphrey Berington
  • [J Leawetten?]
  • Garthrop Manninges
  • [J?] Ferrares
  • Nicholas Buckeridge
  • Thomas Browne
  • William Robinson
  • William Johnes
  • Anthony Stubbs
  • J. Holland
  • Francis Bembo
  • Robert Aubrey
  • J. Thorne
  • Thomas Eastcourt
  • Daniel Wates
  • Marmaduke Reckock
  • Isaac Jhones
  • Robert Croft
  • Thomas Brownest
  • George Bray

Martyn Lumley, citizen and alderman of London. SP 14/81 f. 25 (1615)

To the right honourable Robert Earle of Somerset Lord Chamberlaine of his majesties howshould

The humble peticion of Martyn Lumley cittizen and alderman of London

Humblie shewinge unto your honourable good lordship that whereas Patricke Blacke tailour hath for this foure yeares space wrongfully deteyned and kept from your peticioner the somme of foure hundred poundes which he by noe meanes hitherto could gett or obtayne to his greate hindrance nowe your peticioner havinge commenced suite against him for the recovery of the same and can proceede no further therein without your honours good help and assistance

Maye it therefore please your honourable good lordship to graunte unto your petitioner your lycence for the arrestinge of the saide Patrick Blacke for the saide somme of foure hundred poundes which without youre lordshipps good favore and assistance herein he is noe wise like to recover or obtaine the same and your peticioner shall daielie praye to the almighty for your honours health and happines longe to contynue.


Master Black is to cleare the accomptes, and to pay 150 pounds tenne daies hence, the rest by the end of Michaelmas terme, upon shewing of the bondes and bookes by the petitioner, and discharges and acquittances by himself or els to give way to the petition. 20o July 1615.

Robert Godfrey, son of William Godfrey, late porter of the castle of Dover. SP 14/86 f. 24 (1616)

To the right honorable the Lorde Souche Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports and one of his majesties most honorable privy counsell.

The humble peticion of Robert Godfrey sonne of William Godfrey your honours late porter of the castle of Dover:

Most humbly sheweth unto your good lordship that whereas your said peticioners father in his lief tyme did much desire that your honours said peticioner Robert Godfrey should have made suite unto your honor that your said peticioner might succeed his said father who had lived for the space of thirtye yeares or thereaboutes as porter in very good sort and fashion aswell to your honor as to your lordships antecessours.

But by reason of extreeme great sicknes which hath pleased God to visitt your peticioner ever since the death of his late father and before was the cause that your peticioner could never make suit unto your honor as was his fathers desire in his lief tyme:

In consideracion that your said peticioners father was soe longe servant in the place and his earnest desire was that your peticioner might succeed him and your peticioner wilbe ready to put in such sufficient security for the true performance of his duty in the place and withall your peticioner is like to preferr him selfe soe exceeding well by marriage if your lordship wilbe pleased to bestowe the foresaid place of your peticioner that he may live in as good sort or better as ever his father did. And your peticioner most humbly desireth that your honorable good lordship will soe much favour him that he may in person speake with your lordship who will more at lardge enforme yow of the premisses:

Therefore your peticioner in all humblenes beseecheth your lordship to graunt him the portership of his majesties castle of Dover and he shall not onely be ever bound to your lordship in all dilligent dutifull and faithfull service but shall accordinge to his bounden duty ever pray for your lordship with much increase of honor:


Godfreys peticion

The Company of Merchant Adventurers of the new trade of London. SP 14/86 f. 75 (1616)

To the right honourable the lords and others of his majesties most honourable privy councell.

The humble peticion and declaracion of the governor assistants and company of the Kings marchantes adventurers of the newe trade of London.

May it please your honours that there was of late, a question propounded by your honours unto us, which wee conceive was this, how wee should be able to proceede in our trade, the pointes then redd (which were said not to stand with lawe) beinge reformed accordinge to lawe, since which haveinge as becometh us and accordinge to the importance of the cause considered of the said question, wee have with generall consent resolved and agreed, to retourne unto your honours with all humility the ensewinge answere.

First it may please your honours to consider that our whole worke and buildinge doth rest upon his majesties prerogative and royall authority, and not altogether in point of lawe and that our setter on worke, (and primum mobile) is directly his said majestie, whoe ceasinge his favour wee must of force cease, and that supporte of his prerogative beinge taken from us, our worke must needes fall to the grounde besides priviledges are given to men either for service already done or for service to be done to the prince and comonweale, and the cheifest lawe in our understandinge is the weale of the people

Now if the intended worke received good from us, shalbe soe ajudged by your honours (as wee hope it will) and that wee shalbe deemed able as wee willinge to doe service in the above said worke of his majestie and the comonweale, wee trust that in doeinge the worke of our greate lorde and master upon his majesties invitacion, and expresse condicions before hande bespoken and covenanted, and finally sett downe in our charter and the said worke beinge intended for the weale of the people of this lande, it wilbe understoode by your honours that which wee doe and shall doe here after is lawfull and good by vertue of his said majesties prerogative royall accompanied with effectuall, and convenient supporte; though that which we doe in that sorte be not just accordinge to the precise modele of the lawe.

For which cause as alsoe for that through alteracion of our charter in such manner as is above propounded our company will undoubtedly be dissolved, wee with generall consent humbly beseech your honours that there may be noe alteracion in our said charter, but rather that wee may have confirmacion thereof in every pointe, and consequently mayntenance and strengthninge convenient from your honours in this begune worke and trade, accordinge to the gratious pleasure and mynde (as wee hope) of his most excellent majestie protestinge and affirmeinge playnelie that without the above said confirmacion mayntenance and strengthinge (and that speedely) wee are not nor shall not be able to proceede in the abovesaid worke and trade, as wee willingly and cherefully would; but the contrary shalbe forced to relinquish the same which wee are ready to do upon reasonable warninge if your honours understand of any better course more serviceable to his majestie and profitable for the land and comonweale thereof; but if your honours pleasure be that wee shall still proceede in this begune worke, and shalbe assured of your honours assistance, then wee humbly alsoe beseech your honours to provide that wee may by some publike acte or orders of your honours be cleered of the unjust imputacion of projectors and deluders of the state which wee and every of us deny to be and wholye disclayme and further from all feare of premuniries and other breaches of the lawe which ignorantly or against our wills wee may have fallen into, or may fall into hereafter by reason of our proceedinge in this appointed worke and thus accordinge to our bounden dutie will ever pray for your honours healthes and happines longe to continewe [etc?]


Vera copia [illegible] C. Edmonde

Thomas Mullins. SP 14/86 f. 108 (1616)

To the right honourable Sir Julius Cesar knight Master of the Rolles

The humble peticion of Thomas Mullins

The petycioner being served with a subpoena at the suyte of tw William Whyte hath made his apparaunce by his atturney, but dareth not appeare in person being fearefull of arresting and as he ys enformed the [plaintiffes?] plott ys to drawe him hither by subpoena for that that purpose

Wherefore he having noe suyte at the comon lawe against the [petitioner?] most humbly besecheth your honour to graunte him a comission for taking his answere in the cuntry [ret xv ... as?] next wherin the [plaintiff?] may joyne yf he wyll.


Let him have a dedimus potestatem there being no sutes at law the other party naming a comissioner if he will and the answer to be returned under the hand of a counsellor at lawe 15 February 1615.

Julius Caesar

Thomas Mullins warrant pro [dedimus?]

Peticion for a dedimus

To the right honourable Sir Julius Cesar

Andrew Rand and John Rand of Deal, mariners. SP 14/86 f. 125 (1616)

To the right honourable Edward Lord Zouche St Maure and Cantelupe constable of Dovour castle Lord Warden Chauncellor, and Admirall of the Cinque portes and theire membres, and one of his majesties most honourable privie [counsell?]

The humble petition of your honours daylie orators Andrew Rand, and John Rand, of Deale marriners

Shewing unto your lordship that whereas about the ninth of Januarie laste there came a great ship called the Jonas of Amsterdam upon the Goodwyn towards which many from dyvers places made out with theire boats to get goods, and pillage, without regard to the savegard of the ship or goodes: your honours suppliantes seeing the ship in such perill, went aboord her, and there abode a whole day and a night, and by theire labour and industrie so wrought that they brought the said ship a flote in three fadom and a half, with her yardes a crosse readie to set saile; but the storm still increasinge, and the winde comminge up at the east south east, with such a forceable stresse, that every man forsooke the ship: onlye your orators remaininge in her, at length in the night tyme when all hope of her saveguard was past, and no help left unto them, theye also were constrained to forsake her, and betake them to theire boate to save theire lyves, nevertheles the weather beeing extream, the seas in a rage, the night darck, and having neither light compas, nor lead, and all hope of lyfe now in dispaire, by the will of God they were put to Brodstaires, where not without great perill the got to shore. For which their travelles the merchantes hetherto have not contented them. Wherefore they humbly beseech your lordship to bee pleased to call the said merchantes before your honour that some course may bee taken for theire contentment; otherwise men will not hereafter adventure to save either ship or goods, but only (as manye doo) wait upon the wrack and spoile of the marchant. And herein your said orators shall as in dutie they are bound daylie praie for your honours health and happie felicitie manie yeares to endure.


26 February 1615 touching the wrecke at the Goodwyn Sandes

Mathew Poker. SP 14/90 f. 16 (1617)

To the right honnorable Edward Lord Zouch Sainte Maure, and Cantelupe constable of Dovor castell, Lord Warden, Chauncellor, Admirall of the Cinque Ports, and theire membres, and one of his majesties mooste honnorable privye counsell,

The humble petition of your honnors poore and daylie orator: Mathew Poker

In mooste humble wise, shewinge unto your good lordshipe, your saide suppliante Mathew Poker that whereas upon a certaine difference latlye faline out betweene your suppliante, and William Hale, one of the saide garrisone of Dovor castell uppon words urged, your suppliante in heat of blood rashlye and unadvisedlye, forgettinge where he was, offended the said Hale who complayninge thereof to your lordshipps marshall theire, was by him commytted close prysoner, where he hath remayned ever sence the 13th of December full of greife and sorrow for his offence, but acknowledginge his faulte with hartie repentance [illegible] for his fact, humblie throweth himselfe before your lordships gratious favour and mercie towards him beseechinge your honnor that he may be enlarged till your lordships cominge to Dovor castell at which tyme he trusteth your honnor beinge certified of the matter wilbe further favourable unto him but at this tyme your supplyante only beseecheth releasment out of prysson for that a grandmother of his which hath brought him up lieth sicke at the mercie of God beinge 94 yeares old hath often asked for him, but dare not be tould he is in pryson, whose absence from her will not only with sorrow hasten her end, but by his being from her in this her sicknes wilbe almooste his uttermost undoinge, in consideration whereof your poore suppliante beseecheth your lordship to compassinat his humble sute wherein he shall daylye be bound to praye for your lordshipps health and great prossperritie with increase of manye honnors longe to endure


Mathew Pokers peticion

Margerye Bredgate and Elizabeth Poker, grandmother and mother of Mathew Poker. SP 14/90 f. 74 (1617)

To the right honourable Edward Lord Zouch, Sainte Maure, and Cantelupe, constable of Dovor castle, Lord Warden, Admyrall, and Chauncellor of the Cinque Portes, and their members, and of his majesties most honnorable pryvie counsell

The humble petition of Margerye Bredgate the grand mother, and Elizabeth Poker the mother of Mathew Poker, now under your lordshipps mercye

Most lamentably, and humbly, beseechinge your good lordshipp, that whereas it pleased your honnor, to bestowe upon their sonne Mathew Poker, a goonners rowme in the castell of Dovor for which himselfe, and your poore suppliants are (in dutye bound ever to praye for your lordshipp (soe itt is (most honourable that by an offence by him rashlie commytted, he is fallen into your lordships great displeasure, and althought for his forgettfullnes he hath beene woorthily punished by manye dayes imprisonment of which your lordshipp of honnorabl disposition upon humble petition gave him enlargment till your honnor where more certaynlye informed of the misdemeanour (your poore suppliants most humblie beseecheth your honnor, out of your wisdom and mercifull compassion to consider of him, and onlye for this his first offence with that punishment he hath already indured and your lordships further sharp rebukes of advertizement to bee pleased to admytte him to the discharging of his place againe, this beinge a warninge for him and others to beware how they offend in the like sort anye more (and herein your lordshipp shall comfort the heavy harts of your suppliants the grand mother and mother of theire sorrowfull harted sonne for his offence and binde them all to praye for your lordshipps health and great prosperitye (with increase of manye honnors longe to endure.


27 January 1616.

A peticion in the behalf of Mathew Poker.

John Clavell, esquire. SP 14/90 f. 120 (1617)

To the right honourable Sir Julius Cesar knight master of the rolles.

The humble peticion of John Clavell esquier

The defendant dwelling an hundred myles from this court was served with a subpoena but the daye before the returne therof, yet in obedience to the sayd processe hath made his apparaunce by attorney, the waters beinge soe daingerous to passe that many have peryshed therbye.

Wherfore the petycioner most humbly prayeth he may aunswere by commissyon [ret] next


Let a dedimus potestatem be granted, the peticoners staying sutes at lawe in the meane tyme, if there be any; the other party naming a comissioner if he will. The answer to be returned under a counsellors hand 15 February 1616.

Julius Caesar

Peticion pro dedimus

Henry Gibbe. SP 14/90 f. 222 (1617)

To the Kings most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of Henry Gibbe.

Who sheweth thatt whereas Sir Thomas Roberts and Robert Shea= pard being to purchase the manner of Cheyne Courtt in Kentt of one Byrd, and because the sayd manner was holden of your majestie in capite, plotted among them selves, not to purchase the same in their owne names, butt did purchase itt in the name of one Henly, of purpose to defraud and deceave your majestie of a wardshipp and lyverye (if any should happen)

Henly aboutt the beginning of your majesties raigne of this realme of England dyed, and left his soonne and heir (now Sir Thomas Henly) under age who having other landes holden of your majestie for which he was found in wardd, itt was contryved between him the sayd Sir Thomas Henly and Roberts and Sheapard, thatt he should omitt and leave the sayd manner of Cheyne Courtt outte of his office and lyverye, which he did, and yett became bound to your majesties use in a reconusans or obligacion taken by the master and [counsel?] of the courtt of wardes, thatt all the landes whereof his father dyed seised were duely and truely found in the sayd office and lyvery, and thatt none of them were omitted. The said Roberts and Sheapard geving him the sayd Sir Thomas Henly collaterall security to save him harmelesse against your majestie if ever after he should be called in question for the forfeiture of his sayd reconusanc or obligacion

Now because itt playnely appeereth that all this was plotted and contryved between the partyes aforesayd of purpose to defraud cozen and deceave your majestie of the profittes and revenue of Cheyn Courtt which is worth 400 pounds per annum at the least and because Sir Thomas Henly did contrary to truth and his owne knowledg enter into the foresayd reconusanc or obligacion, which ipso facto became forfeited, he having security from Roberts and Sheapard to be saved harmelesse therefrom: may itt please your most excellent majestie to bestow the forfeiture of the sayd obligacion or reconusanc uppon your humble peticioner. And he will ever pray as in duety etc


Peticion Master Henry Gibbe

The court at Whitehall 16 March 1616.

His majesties pleasure is that the Lord Viscount Wallingford should call Sir Thomas Henly before him, and examine him of the perticulers conteyned in the petition; and if it shall appeare that the recognizance within mentioned is forfeyted to his majesty; then is his lordship to give present order that the petitioner may proceede to recover the forfeyture thereof, upon whome his majesty hath been pleased to bestowe it.

[Daniel?] Winwood

John Folkingham, preacher at Burton upon Trent. SP 14/95 f. 125 (1618)

To the Kinges most excellent majestie.

The humble petition of John Folkingham clerk master of art and preacher at Burton upon Trent in the countye of Stafford.

Sheweth that wheras the rectory or parsonage of Tatnil alias Tatenhil in the county a foresaied appurtayninge to the Dutchy of Lancaster is now voied by the death of the last incumbent there and beinge in your majesties guift now to dispose of by reason of the vacancye of the chancellorshipp of the said dutchy

Humblie beseecheth your majestie to be pleased to graunte unto your saied peticioner (whoe hath noe eclesiastical preferment) the saied parsonage, and as in all dutie bound, hee shall daily praye for your majesties most blessed and happie reigne.


Folkinghams petition for a benefice in [illegible] dutchy 1619

The fellowship of Merchant Adventurers. SP 14/96 f. 97 (1618)

To the Kinges most excellent majestie

The humble informacion and peticion of the fellowship of marchantes adventurers.

Humbly shewing, that whereas after many intolerable discomodities which our land trade hath long endured by our residence in the city of Midleburgh in Zealand and which are now lately much increased without any hope of redresse, we have beene enforced to take up a resolucion to chaunge and remove our said residence into some parte of Holland, in hope thereby to remove many present grievances of our trade: although we have already obtained of your majestie free power and liberty to make such removall and further choice of the place of our residence, as is most comodious for our owne bussines; and your majestie hath made publicke declaracion of your gracious pleasure herein, by a proclamacion of the 12th of August last yet we thought it our duty to give your majestie knowledge and informacion of our said resolucion, humbly praying your majesties gracious approbation thereof.

And whereas the senate of the said towne of Midleburgh taking notice by some preparacions we made of our purpose herein, have sente over their agent to make labour a stopp in this our proceeding, and he not resting in our answere hath plainly protested professed unto us, that he will make suite to your majestie for the overruling of our designe as here =tofore, we also thought it our duty to send our deputy herewith, to give your majestie further satisfaction in any thing concerning this our remove, wherein your highnes shall command.


Marcy 1617

Thomas Napleton of Feversham. SP 14/96 f. 165 (1618)

To the right honourable Edwarde Lord Zouche Lord Warden of the Cinque Portes. Of his majesties most honorable privie councell.

The humble peticion of Thomas Napleton of Feversham.

Humbly beseecheth your good lordship to looke upon me with mearcy and favour and to consider, the malice and dissolute condicion of my adversary who after so many yeares doth informe against me and bringes noe proofe to make good his suggestion. And I humbly beseech your good lordship to remember the certificat which I shewed your lordship under the handes of the best knightes and gentlemen of this countie of my former honest course of life which draweth teares from my harte that I shoulde now beeinge so neere my grave, be called in question for such wickednesse, and to consider my many yeares, and my ill health, which troubleth me verry much since I came to this place

Most humbly beeseecheth your good lordship because my phisition hath prescribed me to goe to the Bath and to take the benefitt of this springe, for the recoveringe of my health, and cureinge of my infirmitie which if I loose I may loose my life

That your lordship woulde be pleased mearcyfully to dischardge me at this tyme of my imprysonment upon good securitie to appeare againe whensoever your lordship will commaund me. And I shall ever be bound to praye for your lordship:


Master Napletons peticion

William Brereton. SP 46/70 f. 164 (1618)

To the right honorable the Earle of Suffolke Lord High Trasorer of Englande

The humble peticon of William Brereton

Sheweth to your lordship that the peticoner was servant to Sir Randall Brereton knight nowe deceased and that a litle before his deathe the peticoner was by his saide master called to be a witnes of his saide master his will.

That in the sute betwene Sir Richard Egerton plaintiff, and Sir Thomas Brereton and others defendantes in the honourable court of Starr Chamber, the peticoner was also named a defendant, for so beinge a witnes of the saide will and was in Michaelmas terme in the xith yere of the Kinges majesties raigne by the saide court, censured amongest others to paie to his majestie a hundred poundes which without abatement is estraited into thexchequer

The peticoner beinge a poore servingman, and havinge no meanes to satisfie the saide 100 pounds to his majestie, or to maintayne himselfe, but by his service

His humble sute is, that your lordship wilbe pleased that the saide 100 pounds maie be enstalled to the yerelie payment of xl shillings which the peticoner shalbe hardlye able to paie [illegible]. And if more be required of him, he shall have no meanes to paie it, but by renderinge his bodye to prison, and there to remayne unprofitable forever

And the peticoner will daylye praie for your lordships healthe with encrease of muche honour.


Master West forasmuch as credible informacion is given that the peticioners estate is so smale as he cannot pay this fyne of one hundred poundes to his majesty but by a very smale yerely some. Lett the same be enstalled to be payd by forty shillinges yerely, the first payment to be made in Easter terme next, and so yerely untill the whole be satisfied, for performance whereof you are to take sufficient security and this shalbe your warraunt this last of February 1617

  • T Suffolke
  • [Lord W: Tanfielde?] Edward Bromely
  • [Thomas?] [illegible]

[illegible] xxviiio February 1617 For Bruertons estallment of a fine of C pounds impost in camera stellata [term?] Michaelmas anno xio regni

Paule Vinion. SP 14/105 f. 25 (1619)

To the Kinges most excellent majestie

The humble petition of Paule Vinion.

Sheweth that whereas your peticioner haveing bene from his childehood exercised and trayned up in the mistery of arte of glasse makeing which hath alwaies bene the meanes of his livelyhood and maintenance, and that before your majesties proclamacion of restrainte from the said trade, your petitioner had provided and laid to the value of 250 pounds in a stock of wood and other materialles to be imploied and used in his said trade of glasse makeing for the which stock hee standeth still indebted unto divers of his freinds to whome he is no waies able to make payment or satisfaccion nor keepe and maintaine himselfe from misery and out of prison, unlesse your majestie be soe gracious unto him, as to grant him [leave?] for the space of 14 moneths to worke out his wood and materialles for his saide [trade?] provided: the like have bene granted unto Isaack Bungard and Edward [and?] Tobie Hensey glasse makers by the right honourable the lordes of your majesties most honourable privie counsell

Most humblie therefore [beseecheth?] your royall majestie that you would be pleased out of your princely [...ency?] and in comisseracion of his poore and distressed estate to allowe and grant your petitioner your gracious leave that hee may worke out his said materialles for the time before specified

And hee (according to his bounden duty) shall daylie pray to the lord to blesse you with many peacefull and happie yeeres.


At the court at Royston 10o January 1618

His majestie is gratiously pleased that the lords of his majesties most honourable privie councell doe consider of the contentes of this peticion and thereupon [make?] such order for the peticioner touchinge his request as their lordships in their wisedomes shall thinke fytt.

  • Raphe Freman
  • Paul Vinion

The Eastland merchants. SP 14/105 f. 54 (1619)

To the right honourable the lords and others of his majestties most honourable privie councell.

The humble peticion of theastland marchants.

Whereby they humbly desire a favourable assessement towardes the present charge against pyrates,

And humbly shew, that their trade is soe small that in cloth conyskins leather and all other commodities they doe not ship from this porte of London above the proporcion of seaven or eight thousand clothes one yeare with another, which is not the eight parte of the marchant adventurers exportacion from the said porte in clothes kersies baies and other commodities as by the custome bookes may appeare.

And that they in their trade are soe decayed by meanes of their greate losses lately susteyned by banckrupts, the extraordynarie bad sale of cloth, and the intollerable losse in their retornes, that the greater parte of the company are disabled and the rest discouraged from tradeinge.

Humbly referringe the due consideracion of the premisses to your lordships favourable construccions prayinge that a charge may not be laid uppon them above to the proporcion of their trade.

And they shall accordinge to their bounden dueties daylie pray to God for the preservacion of your honours in all happynes.

The Commissioners of Sewers for Cambridge and Ely. SP 14/105 f. 72 (1619)

To the right honourable the lordes and others of his majesties most honourable privie counsell.

The humble petition of

Humblie shewing your honourable good lordshipps, that wheras the commission of sewars was latelie renewed, and your lordshipps sollicited by some fewe as at the humble sute and instance of divers the commissioners of sewars of Cambridge shire the Isle of Ely, and other counties, to order that noe duplicate of the said new commission should be made but onelie one for the countie of Norfolke which your lordshipps ordered accordinglie: these are humblie to certefie your honours that this their sute exhibited to this honourable borde was not onelie without the assent and knowledge of anie of us (being commissioners of sewars inhabitinge within the countie of Cambridge and Isle of Ely) but also contrarie to the humble desires both of us, and the said countrie wherin wee live: for sithence the commyng downe of the said newe commission, and your lordshipps order for restraynte of a duplicate, [their?] is a generall session of sewars summoned (by warrant onelie under six commissioners handes) for all the counties conteyned within the said new commission, which said sessions is to be held the twentieth of Januarie at Stilton beinge a towne in the remotest parte of Huntington shire, which is an innovation not formerlie knowne in our partes to have a generall session of sewars summoned in this winter season of the yeare, the whole levell of the surrounded groundes subjecte to the authoritie of the commissioners of sewars (lying usuallie as nowe it doth deepe under water) so as neither the sewers nor the defectes therof can be discerned, neither can the commissioners or the countrie (the ordinarie passages being all drowned) travell out of their owne lymittes without greate inconveniencie and hassard.

In consideracion of the premises and for that the number of acres of the groundes subjecte to inundation within the countie of Cambridge, and the Isle of Ely are more then dubble in number all the rest of groundes of the same nature conteyned within the whole compasse of the said commission of sewars. Wee doe humblie beseeche your lordshipps to graunte us a duplicate of the said commission for Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely, as in all former tymes wee have hadd.

And that your honours would be pleased to voughtsafe your letteres downe to the commissioners meeting the xxth of January at Stilton, therby requiring them to respite the confirmacion and execution of such lawes of sewars and their penal= tyes, as concerne workes to be done within the countie of Cambridge or Isle of Ely except the [outfalles?] of Neane and Welland to a sessions of sewars to be held at some convenient place eyther within the said countie or isle and at some fitter season of the yeare, when the wayes are passable and the sewers with their defectes survayable; where wee wilbe readie to give our attendance and doe our best indeavours for the generall good. And rest ever bounde to pray for your honours.

  • Thomas Stewarde John Cotton Jhon Cuttes [illegible] Richard [Cohers?] John [Cage?]
  • Henry Caesar Edward Hind: William Wendyes William [Branthearst?] [illegible] John
  • Richardson Henry Smith John Croply Francisse Brakin
  • Henrye Vernon Henry Binge Isake Barrow John Durant
  • maior of Cambridg: Richard Willis Robert Clincher Edward Roxton
  • Daniel Wigmore
  • Daniell Goodrick
  • [illegible]
  • Thomas Goodricke
  • Henry [Upehor?]
  • John Orwell

David Sampson, a poor labourer and now prisoner in the Marshalsea. SP 14/105 f. 104 (1619)

To the right honourable the lords and others of his majesties most honourable privey councell

The humble peticion of David Sampson a poore laborer and nowe prisoner in the Marshalsey.

Humbly sheweth. That where your poore suppliant honestly and faithfully served the late Queene and his majestie as a laborer for the space of thirtie yeares, without blame or mistrust, untill nowe of late by reason of that unfortunate fire which happened in the banquetting howse, for which cause albeit it was altogether unwillinge to the petitioner, he lieth nowe imprisoned, and is in great [misery?] and distresse, aged and sickly and the conceaved greefe of this [mischaunce?] in regard he is taken to offend therein, hath made him [illegible] miserable then the rest, his wife and three children, beinge [also?] ready to perish for want of mainteynance, which depended [onely on?] your poore suppliantes labor

He therefore most humbly beseecheth your lordshipps to comiserate his distressed estate, [illegible] to vouchsafe to graunt him his enlargement out of prison upon sufficient baile to be given for his apparance at all times when your lordshipps shalbee pleased to call upon him. And (as in dutie bound he with his wife and children shall daily pray for your lordshipps continuall happines.