Petitions in the State Papers: 1600s

Petitions in the State Papers, 1600-1699.

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Thomas Watkyns. SP 12/274 f. 85 (1600)

To the right honorable lordes of her majesties most honorable privie counsell and the righte honorable Sir Roberte Cecill secretary to the Quenes most excellent majestie

Your honnors poore petitioner Thomas Watkyns being nowe laide in prison for the space of this halfe yeere and more and there yet remayneth by the cruelest customer her highnes hath by reason I have taken her highnes parte in revealinge of great abuses offered to her majesties highenes by the saide customer [illegible] in his sinister dealinge in his office of customershipp in Bristoll as here after ensueth in this booke craveing but justice at your honnours handes againste the saide customer


The copie of customes her majestie is deceived of

Agaynst Master Dowtes the customer of Bristoll

Samuel Aylmer, esquire. SP 46/42 f. 36 (1600)

To the right honourable Sir John Fortescue knight chancellor of her highnes court of eschequer.

Humbly sheweth unto your honor Samuel Aylmer esquier that whereas by the fraud of George Benean gentleman late sub=collector (almost xvii yeres together) an arrerage of 3000 pounds was imposed upon your suppliant, 2500 pounds whereof your orator hath payd accordingly (as by the tallyes doth appear) and this instant term he should pay the rest, forsomuche as your suppliant is greatly indetted for the performance of the former paymentes deeply char= ged with dilapidacions and yet incumbred with many suites, and not rightly informed or assisted by the said subcol= lector for the levying of sundry dettes by him pretended to remayn in the clergies handes, yt may therefore pleas your honour that the premisses considered the said last payment may be respited till the next half yere, at what tyme your orator hopeth the truthe of his most injurius dealing in that behalf shal manifestly ap= pear, and the said payment shalbe duly and truly satisfyed. So shal your sayd suppliant daily pray to the almighty for your honours health with happines long to continue.

Your honours most bounden and humble suppliant,

Samuel Aylmer


The humble peticon of Samuel Aylmer esquier.

By the fraud of Master Benean his fathers sub=collector 3000 pounds arrerage was charged upon him, where= of he hath by tallyes payd 2500 pounds.

He should now pay the rest, he alleadgeth, that he is muche indetted for the former payments deeply charged with dilapida= cions, incumbred with many suits and not wel informed or assis= ted by him for levying the clergies arrerages.

He humbly prayeth your honor that the last payment may be respited til Mi= chaelmas next when it may appear that Master Aylmer is wron= ged, and the remainder may be du= ly satisfyed.

5 May 1600

Master Fanshawe to consider hereof and to speake with me herein

J Fortescu

Elizabeth Wentworth. SP 46/42 f. 61 (1600)

The peticion of Elizabeth Wentworth.


Her humble sute to your honour is that yow wilbe pleased to grawnte a sequestracion of the frwytes of Gestingthorpe parsonage in Essex, whereof there is noe incombente to receave the tythes, mannure the gleabe landes, or to inhabitt the parsonage howse, the rather for that Master Baconn one of her majesties learned cownsell hath certified his opinion therein as the note inclosed will manifeste.


Make out a sequestracion according to Master Bacons opinion xii July 1600

J Fortescu

xxvi July 1600

For that an ordre is shewed contrary hereunto which was to me unknowen make a supersedeas of the seques tracon gone owt

J Fortescu

Garter Principal King-of-Arms. SP 12/279 f. 181 (1601)

To the right honorable the lords and others [illegible] Queenes majesties most honorable [privie?] counsell.

Pleaseth your most honorable lords that your humble suppliant garter principall king of armes passed lately in companie with certaine gentlemen neare the Temple Barre London; and howe that Master John Hele sarjeant at lawe came ryding after your orator faster on horsbacke with footecloth then was for his gravitie convenyent or for him lawfull; and pressed so neare upon your suppliant was in danger to be hurte by the purposed rude carriage, and violent rayninge of his horse; wherby your oratour was forced to say [so sir?], will yow ride over one; wherunto the said Master Hele answered, yt is no great matter to ryde over an asse, thou foole, thou asse and so reytterating those woordes in the audyence of many gentlemen and much people he rode on faster then your suppliant could overtake him, leaving by those and many other reproches by him uttered a perpetuall imputation of defamation to your orator and to his utter discredit and undoing for his name credit and service, in her majesties office, unlesse it may please your most honorable lordships to punishe and redresse the same. Wherefore in humble remembrance that seeing it hath so pleased the Queens most exellent majestie in her most royall and princely [renowed?] wisdome by letteres patentes under the great seale of England, to graunte unto your suppliant that her office of garter to be principall king of armes of England, and the cheefe officer of armes for her highness most noble order of the garter, together with that name style, tytle and preheminence, etc. like to her predecessors in that office wherin your orator hath served her majestie, 38 yeares, employed sundry tymes into France and Germanie, and Italie, and in this late service in great hazard of his life, knowen to your lordships spent his tyme in all dutifull and daylie attendance to her majestie, the judgment for his knowledge experience and intelligence in that office your suppliant doth submitt to the most gratious clemencie of her majestie, and the censure of your most honorable lordships whome the said [illegible] hath touched and defamed in that behalf. And further that the said Master Hele hath continuallie theis x yeares past [discre...nd?] enveighed openlie at the assizes in the cittie of Excester, and other places against the credit of certaine testimony [illegible] matters of armes, and the hand and ancyent seale for the office of the said garter to be a testimoniall for [vaga...?] [illegible] same ancyent seale of his office to be like a pardoners seale and his hand and certificat to be of no credit, and like the [ha...?] [illegible] [...ificate?] of a [paltriny?] constable for vagabondes to begge with all All which the said Master H. hath many wayes and in sundrie places [illegible] to the utter discredit hinderance and undoing of your suppliant (that never gave him cause let him alleage it). And nowe for that [illegible] Master Hele is a man of such wealth and bouldnes a sargeant at lawe, and seeketh all advantages still against your orator prayeth that first his witnesses in this case Master Robert Cotton of Connington esquier and Master Morgan of the Middle Temple counseller at lawe with other his proofes may be produced in your highnes presence. And that the said Master H. sargeant may be commanded to appeare before your lordships humblie beseeching your lordships to take consideration for the satisfaction and future [credit?] and quyet of your suppliant whome your lordships and the knightes of the most noble order of the garter are bounde to defend in his [right?] for all vyolence and injuryes by their justice and equitie. And further that your suppliant being by birthright a gentleman of name and armes sonne and heyre of a knight, and besides the respect of his tyme and place and office which the said Master H: cannot challenge. And for that his parentes of late, and now himself hath taken chopped and changed and unlawfullie purchast and assumed newe cote and achievement of armes etc made without authoritie nether [seene?] nor allowed by your oratour and [illegible] king of armes, and her majesties officers in that behalf [illegible] contrarie to her highness most royall [commandmentes?] and princely prerogative; whom thalmightie preserve and your lordships in all prosperitie [illegible]

William Nutte, William Dugdale and others, poor inhabitants and victuallers of Westminster. SP 12/281 unfol. (1601)

To the right honorable Sir Roberte Cicill knighte principall secretarye to the Queenes most excellent majestie chayncellour of the Dutchie of Lancaster and one of her majesties most honorable privie councell.

Humblie sheweth unto your honour, your honours poore suppliant William Nutte and William Dugdale, and diverse others the poore inhabitantes and victlers within the liberties of the deane and chapter of Westminster, that whereas diverse amercementes have byn ymposed uppon the said inhabitantes by the clarke of the markett, and certyfied into the exchequer; all which the Queenes majestie the last Parlement hath pardoned aswell within the liberties as without, yet so it is, yf it may please your honour, that one Raphe Dobynson (pretendinge himself to be underbailiffe to your honor) hath procured estreates in greene waxe of the saide amercementes, and in most cruell wyse exacted the same of your suppliantes; and for that your suppliantes esteeminge his dealinges herein to be unlawfull did therefore in some sorte stande uppon the payment thereof, the said Dobynson in revenge thereof intendinge your suppliantes utter undoeing, hath without cause, for certen tryffles indicted diverse of your saide suppliantes, puttinge them to extreame charge, to traverse the same indictmentes and hath caused some of them to be cast in Newgate, some in the gatehowse, and hath nowe accions dependinge against them, to the some of sixe hundred markes, comenced for vexacion onely; for redresse of which greivances, your oratours have made their humble peticion to Master Deane of Westminster, but bycause the said Dobynson entertaynes the same place under your honour, the said Master Deane, hath referred your said suppliantes, and their peticions to your honour. May it therefore please your honor, for charitie sake, (for that the cause concernes a great number of poore honest people and howse houlders, who are like to be expulsed ther auncient places of inhabitantes by theise extreamities) to call the said Dobynson afore your honour; and your suppliantes will humblye stande to your honours pleasure concerninge the said contraversies, and praye for your honours health longe to contynewe.

Jane Daniell. SP 12/283 f. 40 (1601)

To the right honourable the lordes and other of her majesties most honourable privie counsell

The humble peticion of Jane Danyell

Who in many her humbles suytes hath mencioned the agrement made by the Lord Tresurer and Sir John Fortescue, for the spedye payment of 3000 pounds ymposed uppon my husbonde in the Starre Chamber for a fyne there, to be payd to her majesti as followeth videlicet 1200 pounds the first yeare, and after 200 pounds yearly tyll the rest were payde, as also his honours letteres of comande for the savegard of all our goodes for the better enablinge, [togethrs?] with his lordships order to Master Attorney Generall for framynge a booke to that effecte, and for her highnes better assurance his honour comanded that I should delyver dyvers auncyent evydences and other conveyances towchinge the estate of the manor of Deresburye and the parsonages of Hackney and Mynshall, togethers with divers bondes statutes judgementes and recognizances about the some of 2000 pounds all which I have delyvered to Master Attorney Generall, who very carefully perfected a booke and sent the same to my husbonde accordinglye, but whilest that booke was in drawinge, and perusinge all these carefull and regardinge courses, were utterly overthrowen, by corrupte and unlawfull actions used by the sheryffe and other officers they all seekinge more the spoyle of my husbonde and praye of his goodes then for her majesties benefytt as maye playnly appeare in that some of them have in favour of Master Fardinando Richardson under valewed the parsonage of Hackney and aunswered her majestie but only 700 pounds for the saide parsonage and all our goodes, for which my husbonde dyd undertake to paye 2000 pounds towardes her highnes satysfaction, by reson wherof we shall not only lose 1300 pounds, which wold nowe (as it semeth) both have satysfyed her majestie and the Countesse of Essex, but also be compelled to paye 1300 pounds more before 2000 pounds be payde, wherfore and for that yt pleased Master Attorney to geve my husbonde notyce the tenth of this instant December that her highnes had bestowed 2000 pounds parcell of this uppon the saide Countesse and that she was contented to take 1000 pounds for the same and to discharge my husbonde of 2000 pounds, which the next daye her ladyship honorably confirmed by her secretarye and solyciter sent for that purpose, who offered to procure my husbonde her majesties free pardon and to clere him owt of pryson, and therfore desyered to knowe howe there ladyship should be satysfyed for these great favours whereuppon my husbonde offered to extende the uttermost of his ablitye, and referred to her honours choyse whether she wolde take the yearly rent of all he had left which was the manour of Deresburye and the parsonage of Mynshall as they were extended for her majestie who refused the same, sainge that there ladyship must be payde 1000 pounds with in the yeare which is ympossyble as we are nowe by these practices dysabled as aforesaide, and then my husbonde offered the rest of 2000 pounds debtes after 300 pounds therof taken for makinge her majesties saide sume of 700 pounds up 1000 pounds, and 200 pounds to redeeme my husbonde out of pryson and to store his demeane with cattell which is unfurnyshed by the meanes aforesaide, and so my husbonde offered her honour 1500 pounds, or nere so much to take and leave what pleased her ladyship to which they answered that yf all debtors wold passe over the same debtes to their ladye in her name they wolde accepte of yt which is hard to be performed for there are two hundred persons in severall countyes and places farr distant one from an other, who can never without great charge and travell be brought to gether to make assurance as is requyred, but yf her ladyship wilbe at the charge, my husbonde wolde do his best in that behalfe and besydes he wold pas over the saide debtes in any sort she or her counsell can devyse all which they refused, but yt semeth the Countesse hath some other meanynge, in that they incysted hardly uppon this extreme poynt, that she wolde urge my husbondes corporall punyshment, and procure a lease of the manor of Deresburye and parsonage of Mynshall to her self and by that meanes she seeketh utterly to extinguyshe me and my posterytye for ever, who are more innocent in these offences then her ladyshipp, for I am very well assured that my ladye would have accepted the least of these two offers before my husbonde made a submyssion to her [illegible] that she gave her worde and promyse to [deale honestly?] with him both by herself and her ladyships honorable frendes although nowe she [pursue the?] contrary, [which?] I most humblye referr to your honors [regard wherfore?] and for that her majestie ys hindered in her payment and deceyved of 1300 pounds, my husbonde dysabled and overthrowen in his estate, and I with my smale children utterly undone unles your honours wilbe pleased to take order that wee maye be restored to our former abylitie, the sheryffe and other offycers punyshed by [illegible] in the Starr Chamber, and my husbonde will performe the saide agrement to the uttermost of his power, and that wee maye have the manour of Deresburye and parsonage of Mynshall as they are valued and extented, acordynge to the auncyent and lawdable usage in tymes past, all which I most humblye crave for the releefe of mee and my foure smale children, and wee will all praye for your honors happynes.

Richard Nicoll of Mylespit, high collector of the subsidy granted to her majesty in the hundreds of Gore and Edmonton. SP 46/42 f. 106 (1601)

To the right honorable Sir John Fortescue knight chauncellour of the Quenes majesties court of exchequer and one of her highnes most honorable pryvie counseile.

In most humble maner sheweth unto your honor your suppliant Richard Nicoll of Mylespit in the parishe of Hendon high collector of this last intier subsidie graunted to her majestie in the hundredes of Gore and Edmunton in the countie of Middlesex that wheras your said suppliantes collection amounteth to the somme of [illegible] iiii c xxvi pounds vi shillings viii pence whereof he hath paied into her majesties court of Exchequor before the xiith day of February last past [illegible] cc pounds which was asmuche and more than he had then receaved. And the greatest part of the residue will be in certificates for that your honor being assessed in Hendon at x pounds money, and dyvers gentlemen and Londoners being assessed in the said hundredes doe pay in other places where they are most resident and the same are to be answered by certificates soe as there will not be above c pounds more in money behinde. Theris notwithstonding an attachment directed out of the exchequer to the sheriffes of Middlesex to attache the body and goodes of your said suppliant for not bringing in his accompt by the said xiith day of February last which your sayd suppliant could not doe by reason that the petie collectors appoynted by the justices had not gathered and brought in all the same money and certificates to your said suppliant. And for that your said suppliant is very willing and myndeth to passe his accompt this next terme which very fewe collectours doe not soever may yt therfore please your honor to graunt unto your said suppliant your honours warrant to the clarkes of thexchequour for a supersedias for stay of the same attachement and processe. And your said suppliant as he is bounde shall daylie pray to God for the preservacion of your honour in helth and prosperitie long to contynue.


Master Fanshaw for that of my knowledg the contentes of this petition is true make supersedeas for the proces gone owt viii Aprilis 1601 J Fortescu

Jane Daniel. SP 12/283a f. 43 (1602)

To the Queenes most excellent majestie

The humble petition of Jane Daniel

Most sacred soveraigne Where it pleased your highnes to signifie by Master Doctor Caesar, that order should be taken with the Lord Treasurer, touching my husbands lands goods and personages: not= withstanding, since that tyme, the sheriff and other officers have ymbeselled and undervalued the same so as your majestie is answered for the personage of Hackney and all our goods but onely 700 pounds and about 60 pounds yearely for the mannor of Deresburie and personage of Mynshull as may nowe appeare by their doings remayning of record in thexchequer. For which personages lands and goods my husband did undertake to paie your highnes 1200 pounds in one yeare, and 200 pounds yearely till the residue of 3000 pounds were paid as may appeare by an agreement made by the Lord Treasurer and subscribed by his lordship and my husband, whereunto Sir John Fortescue being present gave consent. And for your majesties assuerance, there was a booke drawne by your highnes attorney generall as my Lord Treasurer appointed, whereby our estate in [bands?], goods debts lands and personages should have byn passed to your majestie which were sufficient at the making of the said agreement and boke, to have paid more then doble the value of 3000 pounds. But most gracious soveraigne by corrupt usage of inferior officers, my husbands abilitie is ympaired, and he disabled to performe the agreement. The prosecutors of this cause intend nothing but my husbands utter ruine, and your majesties hinderance, as appeares by their former corruptions, and nowe lately by the unusuall and ungodly meanes they indeavour to take all our lands and personages as they are extended; and so to extinguish us and our posteritie forever meanyng thereby to have and enjoy all our living during 40 yeares, for that money, which my husband did undertake to paie in tenne yeares. A heavie and pitifull case, that under your majesties so gracious government, and inclination to admired clemencie and mercie, a gentleman of such abilitie should be somuch oppressed and his familie, by hard courses forced to live in miserie and distresse and that contrarie to your majesties most royall purpose and intent.

My humble suit therefore is, that your majestie wilbe pleased to grant me the mannor of Deresburie and personage of Mynshull, as they are extended: and as your highnes in like cases hath freelie given to others: together with some present releif for my husband, myself, and iiii smale children, who are all greatlie distressed. And according to our bounden dueties we shall daily praie for your majesties long and prosperous raigne over us.

Edward Hall, prisoner in the Gatehouse at Westminster. SP 12/283a f. 100 (1602)

To the right worshipfull Master Cooke her majesties attornie generall.

In most humble manner sheweth unto your worshippe your poore oratour Edwarde [Hall.we?] prisoner in the gatehouse at Westminster: that whereas your said oratour was this last Thursdaie beinge the iiiith of this [instant?] Marche, before the right honourable the Lord Keeper, and examined by his lordship upon such causes as your worshippe saied could be objected [againest?] him your said oratour by witnesses which matter and all other touchinge your oratours allegeaunce, your oratour utterly denieth [and?] will deny the same unto death the wordes objected againest your oratour unto his honour and your worshippe by your [oratours?] accusers onely excepted) soe it is right worshipfull that my Lord Keeper upon the hearinge of the matters objected [againest?] your oratour ys readie to dischardge your orator yf your worshippe doe and will consente thereunto. May it therfore please your worshippe in consideracion aswell of your oratours great chardges beinge in prison as [also?] for that your oratours master is keeper of the castle of Wisbich in the county of Cambridge and hath many [recognizaunces?] to be ingrossed and certified unto the assises to be holden at Ely within these three weekes next ensuinge, [beinge?] in bookes and loose papers under your oratours custodie beinge the said keepers clearke to graunte your oratour a full [dischardge?] or upon his sufficient bonde your worshipps licence to departe into his countrey to certifie the forsaid [recognizaunces?] to save his master harmeles concearninge the same and your oratour will retourne againe, and appeare before [your?] worshippe at a daie by your worship to be lymited to answere to all such matters as nowe or in the meane while [illegible] his apparaunce shalbe objected againest him and your oratour shall daily pray to God for the prosperous estate of your worship in life and health longe to continewe to the helpe and succour of all poore and distressed people.

Jane Daniell. SP 12/285 f. 46 (1602)

To the Quenes most excellent majestie

The humble petycion of Jane Danyell

Moste sacred soveraigne being most gracyouslie comanded by your highnes to manyfest the partyculer wronges to your majestie and oppressyon to my husband my selfe and chyldren thus yt standeth. In trynytie terme the 43th yeare of your majesties raigine my husband being called to the Starre Chamber barre (ore tenus) was censured to pay your majestie 3000 pounds for a fyne which with owt qualyfycation was the same terme estreated into the exchequer. Ande for levying thys 3000 pounds severall comyssyons were presently sent in to Cheshyre and Myddlesex to enquyre and seyse hys landes and goods, but before any proceeding ther upon the Lord Tresurer made agryment with my husband and wrote the same with hys owne hand, which being concluded upon was subscrybed bie hys lordship and my husband in the presence of Sir John Fortescue.

In the tyme of comunycation, and before the effecting of thys agryment the Lord Tresurer appoynted mee to delyver your majesties atturney generall all my husbands bondes statuts and judgments which were the value of 2000 pounds debt due to hym and also the evidences of all hys land and leases, which I delyvered upon trust in part of parforming the agriment, weruppon Master Attorney drew a book betwen your highnes and my husband extant to manyfest the truth. Wherin ys mencyoned to have ben assured to your majestie (amongest other thynges) the manor of Deresburie and the personage of Mynshull being the inherytance of my husband and the lease of the personage of Hackney together with the sayd debtes of 2000 pounds which were then suffycyent to [illegible] answer 3000 pounds at the dayes and tymes agryed upon.

Yf thys agryment and booke drawen therupon had taken effect your majestie might have ben satysfyed the whole fine in three yeares but at the furthest in ten yeares videlicet 1200 pounds the fyrst yeare and 200 pounds yearlie tyll the rest were payd, but now as matters are handeled wee are depryved of all our estate and yeat your majesties fyne wilbe unsatysfyed these xxxvi yeares during which tyme we have nothyng leafte to sustene us with lyffe

For soe yt ys most dreade soveraigne, that one Thomas Aston esquyer then sheryffe of Cheshyre without lawfull auctorytie entered into my husbands landes, and by strong hand unlawfullie kepte the possessyon therof, and afterward contrarie to an ordenarie course procured a fieri facias aganst hym and proceded therin as yf hee had ben a recusant, knowing ther was a comyssyon to others and that my husband had taken order for his fyne notwithstanding hee devyded our goods betweane hym selfe and his frindes which goodes being worth 414 pounds he hath answered your highnes but onlie 114 pounds and lykewyse for the manor of Deresburie and personage of Mynshull he hath returned to your majestie but threescore and tenne poundes by the yeare wher my husband by the agriment should have payde your hignes 200 pounds [illegible] yearly for Deresburie onlie and the personag of Mynshull should have ben assured to your majestie for [500 pounds?]

The lyke wronge to your majestie and oppressyon to your subjectes hath ben used by the comyssyoners or others in Myddlesex, fyrest our goods at Hackney wer purloyned and embeaseled and the rest and the rest being valude your majestie ys answered but only 110 for those goods which were well worth 330 pounds the lease of the personage of Hakney being worth 1000 pounds was lykewyse undervalued at 420 pounds so ys your majestie wronged and your subjectes mutch oppressed in ther estate videlicet

In toto in Cheshyre 800 pounds In toto in Myddlesex 800 pounds In toto in both countys 1600 pounds besides the yearlie rent of 130 pounds tyll the fyne of 3000 pounds were payd

I have in my husbandes behalfe made suyte to the Lord Tresuror to have the agrymet performed or our estat as yt was extended and in defalt ther of to have comyssyons to advance the worth of our uonder valeud estat with remedie agaynst the ofenders for your majesties benefyt nether of which of can I by any meanes obtaine all though your hignes was very mersifully [encloned?] towards us and that i obteyned (to my grate charge) allowance to sue in the Star Chamber for the redres of thes wronges and mysdemeanors so that now wee have nothing left to releeve us.

For the Countesse of Essex hath all my husbandes inherytance altohough I have deserved beter at her handes as God is my wytness, and Master Fardinadon Ritchardson hath compassed all our estat in the personage of of Hackney far under the value, besydes owr goods are dysposed as aforsayd. And for my husbandes bondes statutes and judgements being 2000 pounds those have ben kepte under comand above xv monthes to our graet losse and hynderanc. So ys your majestie much wronged and my husband by these inderect courses altogether dysabled to performe the sayde agryment where yf oure estate had ben well used wee myght have mayntayned our famelie in resonable sortt and have payd your majestie and the Countess of Essex in lesse tyme by xxxti yeares then ys now undertaken

Wherfor and for that all these proseedinges have ben countenanced by such as I have made long suyte unto and yet rest withowt hope of any comfort for redresse of those wronges unlesse your highnes of your mercie and clemencie wilbe pleased to grante mee your majesties ayde and my husbands lyberte which wee all most humblie beseech and wee will daylie pray to God for your highnes longe lyffe and happie raigne over us.

Jane Daniell. SP 46/55 f. 129 (1602)

To the right honorable the Lord Tresurer of England

The humble peticion of Jane Danyell

Who hath often informed your honour that her majestie was hindred in the her spedye payment of her highnes fyne of 3000 pounds by dyvers inferior officers who have aunswered her majestie but only 700 pounds or there aboutes for the parsonage of Hackney and all our late goodes, and about 60 pounds yearely for the parsonage of Hackney Mynshall and maner of Deresburye, for all which my husbonde dyd undertake to paye her majestie 1200 pounds the first yere, and afterwardes 200 pounds yearly tyll the residewe of 3000 pounds were payde, so that nowe yt maye playnly appeare in what maner her majestie is abused and the agrement overthrowne by conferrynge there doinges nowe remaynynge uppon record in the exchequer with the saide agrement taken before your honour and Sir John Fortescue, by which agrement her majestis fyne of 3000 pounds had byn payde in tenne yeares, though nothinge had byn recovered of the bandes which were about 1300 pounds dewe debtes, but as the matter is nowe used there will not be levyed 3000 pounds before thende of 40 yeares, wherfore and for that we have ever shewed our selves more redye and wyllynge to satysfye her majestie then we can learne any heretofore hath done or thinck ever will doe, and yet our fortune ys such, that we are in daunger to be deprived of all our goodes landes and parsonages which were once suffycyent to have payde more then doble the valewe of 3000 pounds in lesse tyme then is nowe undertaken and besydes mayntayned our famylye in resonable sort a pyttyfull case in a cuntreye of justice and Christyan religyon that a gentleman of his late abylytie should be soe much oppressed as to be brought in daunger to be turned into the comon jaole for want of payinge the charges of his dyett and lodgynge yea and his famylye to extreeme mysery. My humble request therfore ys that your honour wilbe pleased to grante me the mannor of Deresbury and parsonage of Mynshall as they are extended with some present relefe for my husbonde my self and my smale children and wee will all truly praye for your honours happynes


The Countesse of Essex to whom 2000 pounds of this det is due and not to her majestie as is untruly set downe and who in that respect oughte to be preferred hath the graunt of the said [extent?] and if this peticioners husband wil take any resonable order for paiment of the remain to her majesty and [illegible] of the det to the Countesse (which the Countesse constantly affirmes he is able to do if he will [the extent?] shalbe discharged 23 January 1601 T [Buchurst?]

Henry Dobby. SP 46/42 f. 234 (1603)

To the right honourable the Lord Buckhurst Lorde Heighe Treasorer of England

The humble peticion of Henry Dobby

Shewinge that whereas your suppliant having proved the breach of a recognizance of vc pounds to her majestie (by Richard Johnson esquier) by commission for examina cion of witnesses,

The said Johnson for delayenge of the cause procured the examinacion of newe witnesses, by whome also the recognizance was proved to be forfeyted

Your suppliant therefore in regarde that he hath disbursed c pounds about the suite and not able to prosecute the same any longer, and for that the tenantes by the inclosinge of the commons by Johnson are utterly undone, and for that Johnson hath also offered articles of composicion hereunto annexed, it may please your honour to appoynt a daie of hearinge this terme and he will daylie pray etc


Master Fanshaw this caus to be the [illegible] caus the seconde sitting in Ester terme 12 February 1602 T B

Jane Daniell. SP 46/55 f. 218 (1603)

To the right honourable Sir Thomas Egerton knight Lord Keeper of the great seale of England

The humble petition of Jaen Danyell

Wher her majestie hath lately toulde mee that she had refered to your lordship consideration of my destressed husband for whose libertie I have benne longe an homble suiter it is a comfort to me of more price then I can expresse for nowe I hope that God by your lordships good meanes will yealde conforte to our more then desperat case.

Pardon I besitch your honour a greeved woeman trewly to complayne that her husbandes estat hathe ben wronge wronnge from him and nonne but such as were mere strangers to be benifited ther by.

I humbly beseech your honour to set down at wat tayme and in wat manor your lordships pleasure is to procede that som relif maye be yealded to us that are like to perishe wher of one is yeat unborne and I well ever pray for your honours prousperous estat

John Daniell, prisoner in the Fleet. SP 46/55 f. 228 (1603)

To the right honourable the Lord Buckhurst Lord High Tresurer of England

The humble petycion of John Danyell prysoner in the Fleete

I have ben often referred bie your lordship to Master Atturney Generall tuching all those bonds statutes and judgmentes that have ben deteyned from mee above xviii monethes, to my greate losse and hyndrance, and now being referred to Master Atturney, hee comanded hys [servant?] to put hym in remembrance to take order with your lordship in that behalfe, but I am delayd though hee seemed sorowfull for doing wronge in kepyng those bonds from mee,

wherfore and for that I have alreadie used my pryveledge in the exchequer for the obteyning of those debtes due to me upon such bonds as you have allowed for the releefe of mee my wyffe and chyldren, but the shreffes styll returne non sunt inventi upon all my wryttes, so that neyther Master Atturneys course in Master Falshalls offyce, nor the ordenarie course in thexchequer will [serve?] to supplie my wantes in convenyent tyme,

My humble suyte therfore ys that your lordship wilbe pleased to grante me a specyall [illegible] warrant as a pryvie councellour, or bie vertue of your honours offyce to attach such persons as are indebted to mee, for I have nothing els leaft to mayntayne mee, my wyffe and children which I humble refere to your honours regard, and I will dalie pray for the encrease of your lordships helth honour and happynesse


I am informed by Master Fanshaw that the atturny hath delivered in all the said bondes in to his office and now I know no better meane to recover thees detes then by the ordinary proces of the court 3 February 1602


John Daniell, prisoner in the Fleet. SP 46/55 f. 232 (1603)

To the right honourable Sir Thomas Egerton knyght Lord Keeper of the Great Seale of England

The humble petycion of John Danyell prysoner in the Fleete

As I have ever withowt dyslyke most humblie obayed the censure of the Starre Chamber, and bie all meanes endevored to geve better satysfaccion for my fyne then any other hath or will doe, yeat my fortune ys such that my whole estate ys obteyned from mee, and a a greate part therof under hand obscured soe as neyther her majestie ys satysfyed, nor my selfe any thynge leaft to susteyne the lyves of me my wyffe and chyldren, which caused mee (with the consent of your honour and the Lord Tresurer) to ymplore her majesties mercie who most gracyously referred me to your lordships consyderacion as bie my severall peticions (not yeat answered), may more at large appeare, pardon mee my good lord that am soe much oppressed and soe dystressed through wante, to flie for ayde where yt ys to be had, most humblie beseeching your honour to take a charytable and speedie course for my releffe so having nothing leaft but onlie intercessyon, will pray for the encrease of your lordships helth honour and happynesse,

Jane Daniell, wife of John Daniell. SP 14/6 f. 149 (1604)

To the King's most excellent majestie

The humble petition of Jane Daniel wief of John Daniel.

Most gratious soveraigne

For that it hath pleased your highnes of your mercie and goodnes long since to discharge divers your loving subjectes by your majesties generall pardon of farre greater matters then ever my husband was charged withall: yet cannot he receave the benefitt thereof in his lesser offence. And although your highnes generall pardon was published and conceaved to be penned more liberally then any former, yet my husbandes fortune is such that he can neither have order to be discharged of his fyne, nor be restored to suche landes as were extended for a common misdemeanor, nor have any part of our childrens estate, which was seized and extended by culler of that fyne, as thoughe it had byn for their offence.

For so it is (most excellent majestie) that about three yeares past, my husband was suddenly called to the Star Chamber barre (ore tenus) and there censured to pay her majestie 3000 pounds for a fyne whiche he indeavoured by all meanes to satisfie and although I knowe smale reason to charge our childrens estate with any part thereof yet suche was my husbandes desire to give satisfaction that order was presently taken with the Lord Treasaurer (sett downe and agreed uppon by his lordship yea and subscribed by hym and my husband) that the said fyne might have byn satisfied before this tyme, yf this agreement had taken place; or yf there had byn asmuche faithfull care taken in thexecution by her majesties officers as there was plotting under-hand by our adversaries, to deprive us and our children of all we hadd, as yf my husband had offended in the highest degree.

But this agrement being overthrowne by the indirect courses of others, and 2300 pounds of the said fyne remayning yet unpaid it is (contrary to justice and your majesties purpose and clemencie) nowe indeavored by some, that neither my husband, myself, nor our children, shall have any thing to maintayne us with lief, till the said fyne be raised uppon our whole estate, whereof part was unlaw fully seized, and deceiptfully intended: yea and the rest purloyned, ymbeselled, and wrongfully detayned. So that, as matters have bynn caried by others, the said fyne will hardly be paid before the end of xxxtie yeares during which tyme your majesties payment shalbe delayed: my husband, myself, and our children shalbe defrauded of tenne thowsand poundes in the value of our estate which is farre differing from your majesties abundant pitty.

In tender consideracion whereof, and for that the failyng of satisfaction of the said fyne is not in my husbandes faulte. Therefore I most humblie beseech your majestie to conceave that it should be a very hard matter for our yonge childrens estate to be charged with the said fyne, being free and innocent from any offence that was laid to my husbandes charge. Or for hym to be condemned with the doings of others in whose default (onely) such part of the said fyne remaynes yet unsatisfied, and by whome our late soveraigne was very muche abused and deceaved in her speedie payment. And by whose indirect dealing our utter ruine hath byn most cunnyngly wrought which will appeare to be a lamentable case that any of our late ability should be so muche oppressed, and our childrens estate somuche ransackt in a cuntry where justice and religion is so muche esteemed.

May it therefore please your majestie of your princely mercie to commaunde that we may be restored to our estate and for redresse of this, with other wronges, we may by your highnes appoint= ment have a commission directed to the Lord Cheif Baron, Master Justice Gawdie, Master Baron Savile, Master Justice Walmesley, Master Justice Kingsmill, and Master Justice Warberton or to any twoe of them, for the examinyng hearing and determyning of all suche wronges and oppressions as my husband or our children have receaved or indured at the handes of any since the censure in the Star Chamber or in anywise have sustayned since that tyme by detayning from us any our landes leases goodes debtes or personages or any part thereof which we ought to have. And we will all pray to the God of glory to multiplie your posterity, increase your kingdomes, and send you a long and happie raigne over us.

The humble petition of Jane Daniel the wife of John Daniel.


Forasmuchas this cause hath already depended in the Court of the Exchequer, and that court is thorowghly acquainted with the state thereof: his majesty is pleased to refer this petitioner to the same place for speedie justice according as the merites of the cause shall require: [illegible] where the poore sup pliant may be admitted in forma pauperis according to the statute in that case provided.

22 Februarii 1603 Julius Caesar

29 Junii anno 1604

Master Grant Harrys junior Master [Snage?] Master [Pridaux?] [assigne?] [illegible] and Master [B...her?] [illegible] with this peticion in forma pauperis.

Roberte [Clerke?]

William Udall. SP 14/7 f. 20 (1604)

My most and ever honourable lord words are but al cyphers to make shewe of the minde being no way being no wayes able to expresse the true conceyts of the same. In true consideration howe I am greved at those wrongs and offences which I have done unto yow I rather feale in the bitter anguishes of my soull then am any wayes able to utter in [circumstance?] of speaches. When I do consider the offence I have made, I remayne despayring and out of all hope finding that to true in me which Cayne untruly spake to the almightye major est iniquitas mea quam ut possit remitti: what I have done I knowe. What yow may do I may deservedly feare. But whereas Cayns despe ration was cause of his damnation who yf he had sought might have found mercy where it did abound I in my offences correct Cayns wilfull errors and rather in most submissive manner make my dependance in hope uppon your most honourable disposition then in the grevousnes of my offence to despayre of the nobilitye and bownty of so honourable a person as my fault done to yow is greate so my shame and sorrowe for the same is far greater let my grey heares, not for age but for greffe contestate. To use reasons to move yow to pardon my offences were to make doubt of your assured wysdome and most honourable compassion. I knowe full well that as Tully sayeth to Cesar nihil [prout?] accidere fortunus tuus [ma...?] [quam?] ut possis, naturus tuus metius, [quam?] ut velis injurias remittere, prostratis et vemam demisissime orantibus parcere. Only this, I will and may alleage yf your honour shall please to deigne me pardon and by your favor to obtayne libertye I shal be able to discover and deliver those who set me in hand with so malitious a worke as an accessary I must ever submitt my self to your honourable pardon but as I am, it remayneth in your honourable dispose to make and take me for principall whylest I am in prison yf I should do as I have done, committ the execution of some matters to trust I should hasard the service and finde that dissimulation in vowes and protestations which I have done experience makes me fearefull to committ that to others which so deeply concerneth your honour, and my self so nearely I have bin ashamed to acknowleg howe hearetofore I have bin dearened in trust when your honour hath had cause to suspect indirect promises I have rather excused matters by circumstances then I wold confesse my simplicitye to be betrayed in trust but nowe right honourable as confession and submission bredeth and beginneth a newnes of lyfe so wold I uppon newe foundations begine a better building I prostrate my self in all humilytye and entire devotion to your honourable consideration protesting that yf yow reserve me in prison for further punishment I have deserved it but yf in the nobilitye of your nature and worthiest disposition yow shall disdayn to take revenge uppon a yelding praye but shall rather comiserate my longe endured misery and unspekable afflictions and shall vowchsafe (far beyonde my desert, and expestation vowchsafe my libertye, as no man under the coope of heaven can be more bound unto yow so no man this day living shall more faythfully and zelously endevour himself towards your honour then pore Udall to make satisfaction for his offences

Thus right honourable wholy committing my self to your most honourable consideration in all submissive manner I take leave from Newgate this fyfth of Aprile

Your honours most humbly and more truly devoted then ever

  • William Udall

Sir John Cuttes, knight. SP 14/7 f. 293 (1604)

To the Kinges most excellent majesty

Most humbly beseecheth your majesty your most humble and loyall subject John Cuttes knight. That where he holdeth and enjoyeth the mastershipp of the game of the parke and chace of Somersham in the countie of Huntingdon for two lives yet in duringe, the keepershipps of the said parke and chace for three lives yet also induringe, and the parties all nowe livinge: the keepinge of the mannour howse there with the bailiwicke of the same mannour for one life expired by the death of the partie. In all which your majesties said subject is and hath bene interessed by patentes of the late Bishopp of Ely. And also the herbage and paunage of the said parke with other groundes parcell of the said mannour by patent under the great seale of England (sede vacante) which was voyde by the makinge of the nowe bishop and yet your subject holdeth and possesseth all by vertue and colour of the said grauntes: and for that the woodes within the premisses could not heretofore for want of warrant be so well preserved for the increase of the game, and that the said parke, chace, and mannour, doe nowe belonge to your majesty by reason of an exchange lately made with the Bishop of Ely it wold please your majesty upon surrender of his said severall patentes nowe in force as aforesaid, to graunt all the premisses together with the woodwardship of the said mannour, and the under woode in the parke for the life of your majesties said subject and two others, with the allowance of such fees (and their arrerages) and reservacion of such rentes to your majesty as hath bene heretofore allowed and answered. And your subject shall (as duty byndeth him) pray to God for your majesties longe and happy raigne.

Sir Henry Fanshawe, knight. SP 14/8 f. 192 (1604)

To the Kinges most excellent majestye

The humble petition of Sir Henry Fanshawe knight.

It maie please your most excellent majestie where your suppliant houldeth the office of your remembrancer of your exchequer by pattent for terme of life, and where hertofore, divers faithfull and diligent officers have ben much discouraged and grieved, by seing in their life time, the revercions of their offices graunted to menn mearlie straungers unto them, and sometimes enemies, who have either laboured, to [di...ace?] the memory of their predecessor, or at least ben coulde in doing any good to their children and auncient clerckes by them lefte unpreferred [illegible] ever after, their offices have ben to them but paine and griefe: maie it therefore please your most excellent majestie to vouchsafe to graunt the revercion of the saide office of your remembrancer of your exchequer unto John Fanshawe and Nathaniell Ducket jointly, who having ben longe time trained upp as clerckes in the said office by your suppliant and his father, and received good by them; he both knoweth to be verie sufficient for the execution of the place when it shall fall uppon them; and is verely perswaded they will shew that kindenes toward the memorie of your suppliant his children and clerks, that themselves have received from him and his father and that your majestie woulde be pleased to referr this peticion to such of your previe councell as to your majestie shall seeme most fitt, to consider whether it be reasonable for your majestie to graunte; and if they finde it is, that then they give order for drawinge of a bill for the same to passe your majesties signature. And according to his most bounden duetie he will pray unto God for the longe contynuance of your most happie and prosperous raigne.


It may please your majestie in granting those offices in reversion the speciall consideracion is that such bee chosen as have beene trained up in the knowledg of the and exercise of the same place, and are menn of honest course and good abilitye. The lack of which in the like grantes hath brought greate prejudice to your service. And in this respect wee are well informed that these two do meritt good acceptacion. Butt to grant a reversion unto two jointly wee thought had beene very rare whereof wee have nevertheless seene in the late Queenes time sixe examples, and since both lives spend togither, wee thinke it no greate matter especially they both being trained up and fitt for the place.

So as if your majestie bee pleased to grant it, wee hold the parsons fitt and sufficient for the office and the sute reasonable.

  • T. Dorset H Northampton
  • [Beweley?]

Lord Treasurer Earl of Northampton and Lord of Berwicke for Sir Henry Fanshawes revercion of his office.

To the Kinges most excellent majestie

The humble petition of Sir Henry Fanshaw knight


The Kings majesty uppon reading of this petition commanded me that my Lord Threasurer the Earl of Northampton and Sir George Hume shoud consider whether it were a reasonable sute and give order for the byll according ly

Thomas [Lake?]

John Norden. SP 14/12 f. 6 (1605)

To the Kynges moste excellent majesty

The humble petition of your majesties moste faythfull subjecte John Norden

Whoe moste humblie besecheth your majesty that wher he hath bene a petitioner unto your highnes for some recompence for former imploymentes in the describinge of some of the shyres of Englande wherof your majesty gratiouslie accepted some part [.ut?] your poore subjectes handes, with a princelie desire, to have [releyved?] your subjecte, whoe hath spent in the travaile and [in?] attendance for his promised allowance nere 1000 pounds to his undoinge and the honorable persons to whose consideracions your majesty referred his recompence to be sett down, not seeming willinge to drawe anie thinge from your majesty for his reliefe chargeable unto your highnes.

His moste humble sute unto your majesty is, that the same would be pleased to graunte him the office of surver of your majesties landes, belonginge unto the Duchie of Cornwall (as your majesty hath latelie made a peculier auditor for the same). A service which wilbe profitable unto your majesty and wherby your highnes honorable officers of your highnes land revenues, may be truly informed of the estate of everye perticuler humblye referringe the fee and allowance for his charge and travaile, unto your moste excellent majesty, or to such of their honors, as it shall please the same to appoynt to afford consideracion of your poore subjectes [destr...ges?] in the service. And he shall hold him selffe royally recompenced at your majestys handes and shall endevour to performe the service with faythfull care and delligence


The Kings majesties pleasure is that the Lord Ad mirall and the Lord Viscount Cranborn who gave testimony to his majesty of this petiti oners service shall consyder whether this be a meet sute for his majesty to grant him and thereof certefy his highnes

Thomas [Lake?]

Wee thincke this suyte fitt for the petitioner, and he fit for it, if it soe like your majesty

Notingham Cranborne

The Lord Admirall and Lord of Cranborne for John Norden [to be?] surveyour of the Duchy of Cornwall.

The merchants trading for Malaga in Spain. SP 14/12 f. 105 (1605)

To the Kings most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of the marchants your majesties subjectes trading for Mallaga in Spayne.

Sheweth that the peticioners and their factors have beene more molested and injured in that citty then in any other part of Spayne and that neither the articles of peace, nor your majesties letters, nor the intervencion of your majesties ambassadours have avayled to redeeme or releive your majesties subjectes from the said molestacions and injuries, insomuch that they have been forced to doe it by the costlie weight of money, and perticulerly above three yeares past a judge of comission came against them, for importing French lynnens, cloves callicoes, and other contrabando goodes and through the feare of his rigurous proceeding together with the smale hopes of reliefe or defence by the ambassadors meanes, the factours there were inforced to condisend to give twenty thowsand duckettes to his majestie, to bee paid by fower thowsand duckettes yearely, and for the performance thereof the factors did amongest themselves, agree to raise the said summe yearely, by a private contribucion, upon the goodes which they should export and in this secreete manner have provided, money for the satisfying of the said 4000 duckettes yearely. But nowe of late one Thomas Stanton your majesties subject resident in Mallaga hath most trecherously discovered to his majestie in Spaine the contribucion imposed upon their goodes for thabovesaid purpose, and by his sinister relacion together with the firmes of some fewe others (that the busines little or nothing concernes) hath obteyned facultie and priviledge from his majestie there for the collecting of the said imposicion quite contrarie to the will and consent of the marchantes and factours most interessed in the said contribucion, and to their visible damadge above 10000 pounds if the collection of the said imposicion bee continued, by the said royall facultie as the said Stanton pretendes and being the peticioners cannot obteyne remedie of greater injuries, they are out of hope of getting anie for this there, and therefore for the most imediate and effectuall remedie in this case.

Humbly pray your most sacred majestie to graunt them your royall letters to your majesties ambassador in Madrid and therein to order him that the said Thomas Stanton may bee sent home to England in the first shipp to your majesties royall presence to make answere for his said misdemeanour and perfidious practice so prejudiciall and of soe dangerous consequence to all your majesties loyall subjectes trading there and the petitioners et cetera.

Robert Wright and William Barker, treasurer and chancellor of the cathedral church of St Andrews in Wells. SP 14/12 f. 164 (1605)

To the Kinges most excellent majestie

Most humblie doe beseache your most excellent majestie your true and faithfull subjectes Robert Wright doctor of divinitie and treasurer of the cathedrall church of Saint Andrewes in Welles and William Barker doctor in divinitie and chauncellour of the saide church: that whereas by the auncient statutes customes and foundacion of the saide church, the treasurer and chauncellor of the same, beinge accordinge to the statutes therof qualified were alwaies from tyme to tyme and still ought to be by right and priviledges of theire dignities and necessarie offices there; twoe of the number of the canon residentes, and are now kepte out by the dean and diverse of the chapter, and debarred of that theire right: yt would please your highnes to committ the heeringe and [examinge?] of the matter, to the most reverend father the lorde arche byshop of Canterbury his grace, the right honorable the Earle of Devon, and the lorde Vicount Cramborne or any other, and to order and determine the same accordinge to equitie: and wee your humble and poore subjectes shalbe alwaies most bounde in duetie to praie to almightie God for your majesties longe and happie raigne over us.


At court at Whitehall

11o February 1604.

The Kinges majestie hath referred this peticion to the Lord Archbushoppe of Canterbury the Earle of Devon and Lord Viscount Cranburne who are to take such order therein as they in theire honorable and grave wisedomes shall find to stand most agreable to equitie and justice

Julius Caesar

Marie Hills, widow of Gabriell Hills. SP 14/12 f. 167 (1605)

To the right honourable Sir Robert Cecill knight Vicount Cranborne baron of Essindon principall secretarie to the Kinges majestie and one of his highnes most honourable privie councell.

The humble peticion of a poore distressed widowe Marie Hills late wife of Gabriell Hills who was one of the messengers of her late majesties chamber.

Most humblie sheweth unto your honour that whereas your poore suppliantes husbande served our late majestie both in England and in the lowe countries by the space of xxtie yeares and hath spente all his goodes and [illegible] his life in her majesties service and by meanes of his sudden death hath left your poore suppliant greatlie indebted and was chardged with three smale children and in greate miserie that your poore suppliant was forced to goe to service where she contynued till sicknes by force made her to endure noe longer, and nowe havinge nothinge lefte, nor noe freinde to comforte her in her olde age alive and havinge bene at times a suiter to your honour theis vii yeares she is yet forced to contynue and ymportune your honour that your lordship would be pleased in charitie and for Godes cause in consideracion of her late husbandes longe service and for that he dyed suddenlye unpaide for much of his service to the utter undoinge of your said poore suppliant to graunte unto your poore suppliant this lente a licence for a poore kinsman of hers that would sell a fewe rabettes and chickins and somme smale poultrie ware for sick folkes accordinge to the lawes of this realme. And your poore suppliant and her kinsmann shall ever be bound to praie to God for the longe health and prosperitie of your good lordship to contynue.


Let me be certefied by the [stward?] whyther this be fitt


I fynd by the last statute that ther is no provision made against the eating, killing, or dressing of any poultry ware in lent, but onely against butchers that they shall not kill any fleshe meate, saving lames, that lekewyse is not provided for, I do fynd by former presidents that the Lord Chancellour Sir John Fortescue granted licences to poulters last yeare and before without Temple Barr, and I see no reason but that my Lord Cranborne may do as much [or?] more by reason of his [plan?] within [Westminster?] and the libertie:

William Harrison

George Selby, knight, and Henry Chapman, MPs for Newcastle upon Tyne. SP 14/18 f. 78 (1606)

The humble peticion of George Selby knight and Henry Chapman burgesses of the Parliament for the towne of Newcastell upon Tyne.

Yt may please your honorable good lordship that where a bill is preferred into the upper house tendinge by act of Parliament to have the ancient course of ladinge of coales to be otherwise then formerlie by statute the same hath bene appointed and ever used to be att Newcastell aforesaid, the contents of which bill togeather with the answeare of the supposicions of the same, wee doe herewithall offer unto your honour.

Yt may please your honour upon perusall thereof to have consideracion to the good estate of the same towne which a hath bene serviceable and ever more respective in all offices and duties towardes the Kinges majesty and his noble progenitors, and the comon wealth and a very key storehouse and reliefe in tyme of derth for that parte of the country.

The bill is preferred by such as carry an hard opynion against the hostmen of Newcastell in respect that the price of coales did arise this last yeare, which they wrongfully complaine to proceede from combynacion nowe as that ymputacion did arise from a sinister construinge of orders made amongst the said hostmen att Newcastell and longe since by the lordes direccions dissolved, soe by reason the shipmen which transport the cole did find themselves (without any just cause) greived att the same, upon a malicious and perverse frowardnes and upon pevishe counsell amongst themselves, they did forbeare by the space of two monethes in the springe to come to fetche coale, att the ancient and accustomed rates whereby the cittie and country grewe lesse provided, which is the onlie trewe cause of the scarsety and high price.

Att the tyme of the incorporacion of the hostmen of Newcastell and in consideracion thereof they graunted to the late Queene her heires and successors xii pence of everie chalder to be shipped and transported from thence amounteth to a greate yearelie proffitt which his majesty enjoyeth and then promisse was made by divers of the lordes that both the towne and hostmen should have theire liberties corroborated and the foresaid act of 21 Henry 8 kept in force.

Yf this bill should proceede and take effect, to become as is pretended and explanacion of the statute of 21 Henry 8 not only the Kinge should be defrawded of his customs contrary to the good intendmentes of the same statute and the statute itself confounded as also the hostmen frustrated of theire incorporacion and graunt but most of all the towne it self havinge by ancyent charters and grauntes, duties out of such coales as are from thence transported (and whereupon the cheifest maintenance thereof resteth) should thereof be defrawded, and in short tyme would fall to an utter decay, ruyn and depopulacion, and thus humbly desireinge your lordships honorable favor: wee cease etc.


4 February 1605/6 8 February read 2o

The inhabitants of the towns on the west side of Cambridgeshire bordering the river Ouse. SP 14/18 f. 154 (1606)

The humble peticion of the inhabitantes of the townes on the west side of the countie of Cambridge which border south uppon the river of Ouss:

Humblie shewe that our lowe groundes lie uppon the skirts of a hilly cuntrie subject cheifelie to the overfloweinge of upland brookes from which the said undertakers neither can, by reason of the scituacion nor ever professed to secure in the summer season at which times they are sometimes hurt: as for the winter overfloweinge by the white waters from the hills we have found by experience they fatt and inritch the groundes makeinge them much more fruitfull in the summer followeinge

And whereas the said groundes are comprised within their demaunds by reason of the comon name of fennes (as we conceive) which is generallie used in regard of the levell rather then for any other cause:

We doe affirme that many of the said groundes are of a perfect uplande soile as earth clay and gravell and nothinge at all morishe affordeinge fine and good feedeinge grasse, as good or better then most river meadowes, and of as great valewe beinge worth some x shillings some xx shillings, and some xxx shillings the acre yearelie:

All which groundes also are much more certen then most river meadowes commonlie are, were yt not for nusances latelie suffered and done by private men for their perticular profitts contrarie to right: so as they beinge already in so good estate they need not the helpe of any forraine undertakers:

Wherefore we most humblie pray that they may be exempted out of their designe:


The peticon of the townes on the west syde of Cambridge

The customs officers in the port of London. SP 14/18 f. 194 (1606)

To the Kings most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of the officers of your majesties customes in the port of London.

Most humblie shewing unto your most excellent majestie that whereas certaine fees have time out of mynd beene accustomed to be paid unto them, and their predecessours by the marchantes upon the passing of coquetes, and warrantes for importing, and exporting of their marchan= dises, which fees upon good consideration by the consent of certaine discreet marchantes before the Lord High Tresorer of England, were latelie in some small measure increased, and sett downe in a table placed in the custome house. And where your majestie and your progenitours have been gratiously pleased, (by the advise of the Lord Tresorer for the tyme being) of mere bountie, and favour, to remitt unto the said marchantes, the customes, and subsidies, which have beene, and are due unto your highnesse upon everie tenth cloth, cotton, and baye. And also the like customes, and subsidies, due and paiable unto your majestie for goodes exported, which were imported within one yeare next before (the propertie not being altered) with other favours as store, and provision allowed, free unto the said marchantes; which your majesties favours do exceede in valewe the fees (in the said port formerlie paid, and now desired) at the least sixty poundes per annum. And yet neverthelesse synce the beginninge of this Parliament, the said fees (by the instigation of some troublesome spirites) have beene, and are by many marchantes (seduced) denyed to be from henceforth contynued unto us your majesties said officers, by reason that your highnesse customes are letten to farme.

For remedie whereof your majesties said petitioners (to the end they may not seeke recoverie of their said losses out of your majesties coffers) do most humblie beseech your majestie to be gratiously pleased to appoint the Lord Tresorer, and Lord Cheife Baron, and barons of the Exchequer to graunt warrant out of the said court, for the receyving of the benefitt of all the said remissions, gratu= ities, and allowances, touching, and concerning the goodes, and marchandises of any marchant refusing to paie the fees in the said table expressed, and for the bestowing of the same over your majesties said officers towardes their said losses. Or else that the whole benefitt of the said remissions, gratuities, and allowances, may be letten to farme unto your highnesse petitioners at, and for such yearely rent, as by the said Lord Tresorer, Lord Cheife Baron, and barons of the Exchequer (the recompence of their said losses considered) shalbe thought fitt to be sett downe, and assessed for the same. And as they are in duty bound, they shall ever praie for your majestie in health, and happinesse long to raigne.

The poor of the Company of Clothworkers. SP 14/20 f. 26 (1606)

The humble peticion of the poore of the Companie of the Clotheworkers.

Wherin they shewe that they have preferred a bill into the Parliament desiringe to have all collored clothes to be drest in England before transportacion.

And to induce the Parliament to graunt the same upon three severall comittees Master Goare deputie for the merchant adventurers and Master Middleton one of the same companie and divers clothiers beinge present and deliberatlie hearde by a grave comittee it was proved that the transportacion of such clothes undrest was agreat losse to the Kinge and comones a hyndrance to all merchantes (except merchant adventureres) a privat benifitt to a fewe a dishonor to our owne countrie and extraordinarie gaine and honour to Antwarpe and the Hanse townes for the reasones in the innerside of this paper expressed.

And that nothinge could be objected whie they should not be drest before transportacion but because the merchante adventurers that nowe transporte them would not transporte them if they were drest and that so our countrie should want vent.

To which Master Cockaine a merchante and divers others their present for answere did offer to transporte as manie as the clothier would make and fynde vent enough for them.

And for that the same upon such grave deliberacion is for the causes abovesaide passed the lower house they most humblie desire your honour (as one of the cheefest pillars of our common welth) to further the same in the higher house and they shall ever pray for your honour.

The foreign merchants trading in this realm. SP 14/26 f. 13 (1607)

To the right honorable the lordes and others of his majesties most honorable privy councell.

In most reverend manner shewe, your humble supliantes the marchantes straungers tradinge in this realme wheareas of late ther hath been propounded to them to pay for transportacion of woollen comodities namely for bayes, cottons, freezes, cloth rashes, serges, perpetuanaes, and all other newe draperies whatsoever, to pay duble customes, like to broad clothes and karsies.

Uppon this proposicion, wee have given to the lord maiour, and recorder, an humble answeare in writing as marchants, shewing that the same proposicion, hath noe ground in reason, nether in lawe nor equitie, and much lesse allowable by treaties with neighbours and entercourses of marchauntes

Under correction of your lordshipps, it is a matter sondry waies mistaken, first that wee finde noe lawe, nether statute, to pay duble customes for all thinges made of woolls.

Secondlie that theis new stuffes or lyninges are not made of wooll fitt for clothe or karsies, but of such lambes and petty woolls, as by statutes are forbidden to bee putt in cloth the which notwithstanding is used, and caused the great complaint in forreine countries, as by the late statute, made by the French Kinge against English clothes doth appeere:

And by the industrie of the Netherlanders, in the late Queenes daies, the forbidden lambes and petty woolls, weare very comodiously and husbandlike appropriate used and turned into the aforesaid new stuffes and had noe use then before.

The makers thereof of Sandwich, Norwich, Collchester, Sutbury, Coxall, Wilton or Borkham, and other places, cannot but find them greately agreeved and endamaged by this noveltie and charge, aswell as the marchaunt straunger.

Wherefore wee beseeche your lordshipps not to proceed in this matter, before the aforesaid makers might bee advertized and sent for as interessed, for to under= stand the mistery of yt, as heeretofore to her late majestie uppon such occasion they have given sufficient reason, so thatt therin nothing was altred.

Moreover enhaunceing of customes and subsidies is a matter of state, wherin forreine nacions and ambassadours ledgers have interest, as cheefely the Netherlanders, who for the invencion of the trade, least of all deserve this charge, whose provinces have valluable contractes and entercourses of late renewed, that noe new imposicions or charge must bee imposed, as matters of greate consequence.

Lastlie our most honorable and especiall good lordes, as men that by dutie are so [bound?] [illegible] to our God of heaven) to the princes of this kingdome, both for our freedome in consciences and goodes, and that in regard, are thus bould to contest with the naturall subjectes of this land, in the due performaunce of service and dutie, both of our wealth and libertie, soe saying the importaunce of this cause to bee greater, then is yet apprehended or our tongues or pennes canne expresse; wee cann not but intreate your honnors specially to bee throughlie enformed, of the full state of this cause of ours now in question, even for the honnour of his majestie and this comon wealth. And thus wee humblie beseech you to accept of a necessary and dutifull caution, whereby wee shalbee more speciallie bound to pray for his majestie and your lordshipps.

The merchants of England most intolerably vexed with the Spanish cruelties. SP 14/26 f. 127 (1607)

To the Kinges most excellent majesty the lordes spirituall and temporall and to the rest of this honorable court.

The humble peticion of the marchants of England now most intollerably vexed with the Spanish cruelties.

Humbly shewing unto your majestie and unto the right honourable the lordes spirituall and temporall and to the rest of this honourable court; that having for the space of these two yeares contynued our complaintes of diverse of our shippes with our goodes taken in the levant seas by the Spaniardes under pretence and colour of peace and to make search for Turkes and Jewes goodes, and other like pretences, and have not only made confiscation of our sayd shippes and goodes, but in most barbarous and crewell manner, have by torture imprisoning, and other evill usage, brought the most of our marryners, in our sayd shippes to untimely deathes with the marchantes in the same: so have they also taken diverse of our shippes and goodes in the West Indies, and throwen many of our marryners into the seas, the rest also they have committed to the gallies where they are in great misery (alleadging we may not trade in those [partes?].

And if all these robberies and crewlties were committed by pirates, we would with patience have borne our losses supposing them not to be in the Kinges power to have done execucion upon them, but all the wrong done us, or the most part were done by the Kinges forces, and not only at sea, but in all places of the King of Spayne his domynions where we trade, they have and do most unjustly vex us (as by our many peticions may appeare). For remedy whereof your majestie [illegible] was pleased to write diverse letteres to the King of Spayne requesting him to do give us justice, comaunding also diverse conferences with the Spanish ambassadour here, we also for these two yeres have kept our servantes at the court of Spaine, at our exceeding great charge seeking justice here, nevertheles for any thing we knowe we are as farr of from satisfaction as we were when we beganne our sutes first.

In tender consideracion whereof we are a very great nomber of your poore marchantes and true liege people, utterly undone without your majesties spedy and due protection, do most humbly desire, that we may be no longer delayed, but may have letteres of mart graunted us to the value of our losse, and according to the statute made in the fowrth yere of the reigne of King Henry the fifth of famous memory upon the like occasion, and that there may may be other lawes ordeyned to make us to trade upon equull equall condicions with the Spaniardes (the differences and unequa =lities of which lawes we herewith present) and we shall dailie pray for the long contynuance of your majesties prosperous reigne, and the encrease of much honour to this honourable assemblie.

Just causes and reasons for the inabling by law the subjectes by way of letteres of mart to recover their damages upon the Spaniardes.

First because the lawes within the domynions of Spayne, do not convict the parties offending, by depredacion as pirates, whereby [their?] lives [might?] be questioned, but only maketh them subject unto restitu =cion of so much, as shalbe made by sale, after their manner, which they so use, as that it shall not amount unto the tenth parte of the trew valew, but the subjectes of the King of England stand con= victed and condempned as pirates and their owne proper goodes [confiscated?] to the King; whereby they may lawfully take any of our shipping upon any suggestion whatsoever.

It is lawfull and common with them upon any suggestion, against our shippes men or goodes, by way of torture in what manner soever it pleaseth them, to extort and force confessions and approbations of what soever they desire, and by the same (how untrue soever it be) to condempe and convict shipp goodes and lives.

They seeke to subject us to a law made only by the Pope of Rome with whome we have no correspondency inhibiting all trade and comerce with Turkes Jewes, and others not Christian nations; by which papall law, is prohibited the transporting into the domynnions of these nations and people, any kinde of munition of what nature soever, and under that title are comprised not only artillary, shott and powder, but leade iron, tynn and pewter, brasse, copper, steele, wier with infinite other thinges, that are meerely marchandizes, and a principall part of levant trade by our nation.

The cause of justice is inhibited, and interrupted in many places in their [forme?] by the magistrate himselfe, when he is both judge and partie, so that the parties injured are inhibited their course of lawful justificacion, as in Sardigna and Cicillia we have found to our great loss, no man daring to pleade our causes.

In the domynions of Spaine, are many kingdomes, which have their particular lawes, which the King of Spayne may not infring by his authoritie, and therein no meanes of redresse by appeale upon any wronge howsoever apparant offered to our nation.

They conjoyne themselves with other people not confederate and in amitie with our King, as those of Malta, whereby they intrapp us, under pretence of peace with Spaniardes; an in case of restitucion can never recover but in part only.

Wee finde in all their courtes very unequall proceedinges with our nation in the execucion of their sentences, which sentence being obteyned by long following of the sutes with great charge the execucion is wholy stayed, so that one Englishman had thirteene sentences of one imediat cause, and could never gett out execucion of any

Lastly we conclude if the Spaniardes do offer these and such notable injuries in the begyning of peace lately concluded, and may escape in such manner without any justice executed upon them, or restitu cion unto us, what an incouragement will this be to the insolent nation, to follow the like courses to the discouragement of the English the overthrowe of all our trades especially within the streightes the mayntenance of all our good shipping, where their governours have shippes of warre in course contynually against the Turkes and therefore crave your honourable favours, in this so weightie a cause.


Spanish merchantes peticion, and their reasons, for letteres of marte.

Conceipt it might be allowed

Carrying munition to the Turk

[Ch...e?] whyther they will go

[None to us?]

Hereafter we will propound unto them unto the merchants in generall

William Freeman, Robert Brooke and company merchants. SP 14/26 f. 132 (1607)

To the right honourable the Earle of Salisbury.

The humble petition of William Freeman Robert Brooke and companie marchantes.

In most humble manner sheweth, that in the mounth of October anno 1605 the Duke of Medina came aboard of divers English shipps, riding at anchor before the cittie of Saint Lucar, laden with corne; and there [bargained?] and bought for the use of the King of Spaine, the whole lading of sixe of the greatest shipps, to bee by the same English shipps, caried and delivered unto sundry portes on Africa-side, within the straights of Gibraltar: and faithfully promised, that presently after the retorne of those shipps, with certificate of the deliverie of the corne; hee would pay all the monie, to the factors of your supplyants, according to their bargaine and contract. But so it is, that notwithstanding the said shipps did verie orderlie deliver, to the great contentment of the receivers, the said corne, and brought backe to St Lucar certificate thereof, to which no cavill or exception could bee taken: yet cannot the factours of your supplyantes (in this long time sithence) recover their monie, according to their bargaine neither from the Duke of Medina, neither by the sollicitation of the embassador, to the King of Spaine; but that still there resteth unpaid, the sum of 89873 ryalls which with forbearaunce, and charges of suing for the recoverie thereof, amounteth to above 3000 pounds starling mony. But from the Alcaldo or Treasurer, have received answeare that hee hath neither mony nor meanes to pay the same as by a testimoniall at large under notaries hands, dated in Sivill the 12th of March last past, appeareth.

In tender consideration wherof, they humbly desire your honours aide and furtheraunce, for the recovering of their right, in a cause of so great equitie; either by procuring of the Kings majesties letteres in their behalfe, to the King of Spaine, or by anie other good meanes as to your honour shall be thought fit. And they shall be bound to pray for your honours long prosperitie

Sir Fulk Grevill, knight. SP 14/28 f. 26 (1607)

To the Kings most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of Sir Fulk Grevill knight

Shewinge, that whereas his majestie by instruccions geven to his highnes councell within the dominions and principality of Wales in the fowrth yeere of his most happie raigne over us was pleased to graunte unto the said Sir Fulke Grevill (his majesties secretarie there) the fee of fowre pence to be taken uppon all affidavittes, and othes there to be ministred, as by the said instruccions appeareth; by whose gratious graunte and favor he hath ever since quietlie enjoyed the same. He most humblie beseecheth that his majestie will now be pleased to graunte the same fee of iiii pence unto him by patent under the greate seale of England during his life, to hould the same in such sorte as he now doth by vertue of his highnes instruccions: and he accordinge to his most bounden duty shall daylie pray to God for his majesties longe, and most happie government.

Sir William Irvinge, knight. SP 14/31 f. 139 (1608)

To the Kinges most excellent majestie

The humble petition of Sir William Irvinge knight

Most humblie sheweth unto your majestie whereas divers recog= nizances are taken to your majesties use within the Cittie of London for the apparence of divers persons, bound over to answeare for their severall offences and misdemeanours, and are become forfeited, and have not bene at all certefied in your majesties exchequer as they ought, nor anie levy made thereof, since your majesties most happy cominge to the crowne, and whereas certen yssues and amerciamentes are sett uppon divers persons for not appearinge at severall juryes uppon tryalles within the said cittie, and have not bene estreated, wherby there is great losse to your majestie and prejudice to your subjectes, in that the offenders doe escape unpunished

May it please your majestie for reformacion of the said abuses, to graunt unto your petitioner the moyetie of all such fynes and [forteytures?], as he shall cause to be to be levyed and brought into your majesties exchequer

And your peticioner (as in duty bound) will ever pray for your majestie


Sir William Irving

William Mosse. SP 14/34 f. 95 (1608)

To the right honorable the Earle of Salisburie Lord Highe Treasorer of England.

The humble peticion of William Mosse.

Shewinge that whereas your said suppliant beinge tennante to the Kinges majestie that now is of one small tenemente or candall cottage with a litle gardein in Cerincester in the countye of Gloucester, by virtue of one lease made in the xxviith yeare of the raigne of our late soveraigne Queene Elizabeth with the consent and advise of the then Lord Treasurer your honours late father, beinge of famous memory, sithence which tyme your said suppliant and his auncestours have quietlie enjoyed the same by force thereof the same beinge now extant under the exchequer seale.

But soe yt ys right honorable good lord that one Thomas Staughton and Phillippe Breach havinge the fee farme of the same, being of late purchased by others, doe seeke to dispossesse your poore suppliant and frustrate the said Queenes graunte by force thereof, for the better effectinge of which they have sealed a lease uppon the ground, and have brought an ejectione firma againste him your said suppliant, who ys not able to goe to triall with them for the same, he beinge a verye poore man and havinge a greate chardge of children the mainteynance whereof lieth onelie upon the lease of the said tenemente

Maie yt therefore please your good lordshippe in tender commiseracion of the premisses (and for that your said suppliant without your lordshipes good favour herein wilbe utterlye undone and impoverished for ever) to vouchsafe him your said suppliant your lordshipes charitable favour and assistance, that he maie enjoye his said tenemente duringe the tyme of his said lease paieinge the rente in the same reserved, as he hath heretofore trulie done and he shall as in dutie bound dailie praie to God for your lordship in all health and happines longe to continue


Let this be left to the court,

8 June 1608.

R Salisbury

The petitioner hase a lease under the exchequer seale not yet expired.

Staughton, and Breach having the fee farme bring an eject firm against the tenant

He is poore and desires without suite of lawe to be releived.

William Morse. SP 14/34 f. 96 (1608)

To the right honourable the lordes and others of his majesties comissioners for leases sittinge in his highnes exchequer chamber.

The humble peticion of William Morse.

Shewinge that whereas your poore peticioner beinge the Kings tennante of one small candle cottage in Cerincester in the countie of Gloucester by vertue of one lease made in the 27th of our late Queene Elizabeths raigne: soe yt ys that one Thomas Staughton and Phillippe Breach hath of late bought the fee farme of the same by reason whereof they threaten your poore peticioner to dispossesse him of the same, which will be the utter overthrowe and beggeringe of him your said suppliant his poore wief and six small children, yt beinge their cheife staye of mainteynance and releife.

Maie yt please your good honours in tender consideracion of the premisses, even for Godes cause and for that the right honourable the Earle of Salisburie (upon a peticion to him exhibited) referred him to this courte; to vouchsafe him your said peticioner your charitable favour and assistance that he maie enjoye the same accordinge to a lease extant under the chequer seale heare reddie to be seene towardes the releife of himself his poore wiefe and children now in his old age and he shall as in dutie bound dailie praye to God for the preservacion of your honours in all health and happines long to continue


If there be a fee farme granted, he is no more the Kings tenant and therefore it belongs not to me to descide the question for if his lease be good, he can have no harme if it be nought I cannot make it better unless there be some cause for him to complaine in some court of justice, where I have any thing to doe

R Salisbury

Daniell Brames. SP 14/35 f. 45 (1608)

To the right honourable the Erle of Salisbury Lord High Treasurer of England.

Humbly shewing unto your lordship that albeit the petitioner is a free Englishman borne: and a freeman of London as by certificate, and a copie of his freedome may appeare yet the Earle of Montgomerys deputies, who is farmar of the baies will not permitt him transport such commodities without paying his lordship dueties, which strangers are onely bound to pay wherefore his majesties farmers who knew him to be a free Englishman borne were desyrous that he should fetch direction from your lordship that he might transport all commodities for English custome, as by the lawes of the realme he may lawfully doe.

Wherefore he most humbly beseecheth your good lordship to signifie to the said farmers, that you are pleased he shall transport all commodities for English men custome according to his freedome. And he will as duty byndeth him ever pray for your lordship


Because this petitioner is a freeman of London as as well as the sonne of a denizen, and borne within this kingdome himselfe his case is not ordinary, and therefore I doe require you to suffer him to passe his commodities for English custome, not meaning otherwise to give any such precedent xi May 1608


To permitt Daniell Brames to passe his goods as an English man.

Francis Galbreth, serjeant of his majesty's pantry. SP 14/43 f. 14 (1609)

To the right honourable the Lord High Tresurer of England

The humble peticion of Francis Galbreth sargant of his majesties pauntrie

Most humblie shewinge unto your honour that wheareas his majestie was pleased to give to your lordship at Hampton Courte a peticion with a survaie in parchment concerninge Kerkeoswould parkes in Cumberland for the which I have beine an humble suter unto his majestie this foure yeares and such thinges beinge graunted then and since unto his majesties servantes inregard of service and inregard I have served his majestie ever from a child and hetherto have got nothinge that your honour would be pleased upon pittie of my estate to give furtherance unto his majesties gratious favour towardes me and I and myne shall remayne in all dutie ever bound to pray for your honours happines


Master [And?] King I pray you let me know the state of Kyrkes Wold Park in Cumber =land that I may judg of this [illegible] sute

R Salisbury

Let Master Osborne certifie me whether it appeare by the survay of these parkes that there hath bene are any deare in this parke, or that it be disparked, and at what valewe it is survayed.

R Salisbury

Marey Carliell, widow of Christopher Carliell, governor of Nocfergus in Ireland. SP 14/43 f. 47 (1609)

To the right honnorable the Earle of Salisbury Lord High Threasurer of England.

The humble peticion of Marey Carliell widdowe late wife of Christopher Carliell governour of Nocfergus in Ireland deceased.

Shewing, that aswell in consideracion of her said husbandes faithfull services, as allso of 150 pounds then owing him by her late majestie, it pleased her highnes to promise him the benifitt of such landes as should fall unto her majestie by the attainder of one William Vaux which was prosecuted by her said husband to his charge of 400 pounds at the leaste, and so died before her majesties promise was effected.

That the said Vaux stood bounden in a statute staple of 2500 pounds unto her husband for payment of 1300 pounds.

That the said Vaux by the only meanes and charge of her said husband, did leavie fines and suffer recoveries, whereby Vauxs his landes being formerly intayled and so not lyable to the attainder, became chargeable to the statute and subject to the attainder.

That this your suppliant was a long suitor both unto the late Queene, and ever since to Kinges majestie, for a graunt of the inheritance of the said land.

That the consideracion of her said suite was by his majestie referred to the late Lord Threasurer, who deceased before he did any thing therein: and therefore is enforced to become a new suitor unto his majestie againe, eyther to be pleased to confirme the inheritance as our gratious Queene Elizabeth promised, or ells his majesties free leave to extend the statute made by Vaux to her said husband, and so humbly beseeching your honors favour and furtherance in respect of a poore widdowe unable to attend.


21 January 1608.

For the first part of this gentlewomans suite I have nothing to do with all, neither (yf there were any such promise as shee pretendes) hath shee any reason to prefer it now considering his majesty, (who is tyed in honor to performe no other promises then his owne) hath otherwise disposed of the land. But for the statute, which shee desires leave to extend upon the land, yf by lawe shee may do it, shee needes sue for no licence.

R Salisbury

William Coombe of Dorset, shoemaker. SP 14/43 f. 65 (1609)

To the right honnorable Robert Earle of Salisburie Lord High Threasurer of England

The humble peticion of William Coombe of Dorset shomaker

Humbly shewinge that where one widdowe Lambert beinge possessed of a smale tenement parcell of his majesties mannor of Kinges Beere in comitatu Dorset of the yearly auncyent rent of ix shillings which shee held for terme of her widdow hood: one John Allian late rentgather for his majesty there, uppon some composition caused her to surrender her estate: and havinge so don pretended and gave out that he had an estate in the premisses for 3 lyves which he would assure to any that would compound with him: whereupon one William Wilsheir bargayned with the said Allyan for an estate of 3 lyves in the same and gave him lii pounds x shillings uppon receipt whereof Allyan promised to assure a good estate therein to Wilsheir for any iii lyves he would appointe.

Shortlie after, Wilsheir sould the premisses to the peticioner they both supposinge that Allian could and would have made assurance of the premisses accordinge as he pretended, and the peticioner remayned uppon the same for iii yeares untill of late his majesties officers uppon survey there made, found that Allein had no manner of estate therein but had defrauded the said Wilsher and your suppliant of their moneys which tendeth to their utter undoinge.

In tender consideracion whereof the peticioner most humblie besecheth your good lordship to direct your honours letteres to the steward of the said mannor and such other gentlemen as are joyned in commission with him thereby referringe this matter to their examynacion and that the peticioner for reasonable composition may have the preferment of buyinge the same before an other, and further that they may call the said Alian before them and take some such course with him for the restoringe of the peticioner his money or to their discretions shalbe thought fytt and the peticioner with his poore wife and children shall ever pray for your honourable lordship


Lett the steward and the rest of the commissioners for assessing copiehold fynes and granting estates examine this matter and yf they fynd the suggestions true, to admit him a tenant according to the custome of the mannor for such reasonable composition, as they shalbe directed by the late letter, and instructions sent downe to them, as the like is to all other his majesties stewardes in that behalf and for the somme of 52 pounds 10 shillings payd to Alien, lett them take some such course as the money may be payd againe to this petitioner or else to certifie me why they cannot order it that the said Allian may be forced by some other meanes to give the poore man satisfaction whom (as it seemes) he hath so fraudulently abused. R Salisbury

Combes peticion

This be delivered to William Combes shoemaker dwelling in Subwrucke in the parish of Beere with speed. I pray you

The poor fishermen of the cinque ports and other haven towns in England. SP 14/45 f. 31 (1609)

To the Kings most excellent majestie

In most humble wise sheweth unto your sacred majestie, the poore fishermen of the cinque ports, and of other haven townes within the realme of England; that whereas in the fiveth yeere of the raigne of our late dread soveraigne (of happy memory) by act of Parliament then passed for the maintenance of the navigation and fishing of the land, it was enacted amongst others, that it should not bee lawfull for any person or persons to buy of any straingers, borne out of the said Queene her obeysance, or out of any straingers bottome, any herrings being not suffitiently salted, packed or casked, uppon payne of the forfeyture of the said herringes or the valew of them; with other good provisoes tendinge to that purpose, as by the said act appeareth. And so long as the said statute was duly observed all sorts of fish and herrings, weare in good request, by the bennefitt of the sales whereof, wee weare encouradged and enhabled, to adventure our estates and persons in fishing fare to Izland and to other places, and to build yeerly many good barks and shipps, and encreased many good marryners and seafaringe men to the greate honor and defence of your majesties realmes. But so it is (our most gratious soveraigne) that as all things heere being subject to mutabillity so our happynes and felicity in this continued not long: but by the cuninge practizes of straingers and others, (envying our good and seeking theire owne advantadge by our spoile) it hath for divers yeeres past been decreased and eclipsed; almost to the utter decaying and impoverishinge of our whole estates and substance, and so still in most lamentable manner remayneth. For the said straingers, being most of them of the lowe countries or some few of Fraunce, having found out uppon our coaste so good [a vayne?] for fishing doe usually somwhat before the fishing seasons, with there shippinge preoccupate and envyron the best places, and enclose with theire nombers (as in a circle) the sculls of herrings amongst them; therby preventing your humble suppliantes to fishe amongst them and by this meanes (as in many things ells) doe cast us out of one of the best commodeties and proffitts of our land: and having thus taken good quanteties of our herringes; they doe vent them uppon our coastes and to our people fresh and unsalted, contrary to the statute, transporting for the same our reddy monneyes out of the land, to the impoverishing of this state, and enriching of themselves. And having formerly by peticion (both unto your most excellent majestie, and the lords of your most honnorable privy councell) been humble sutors for redress of theise evills, and no remedy or amendment (as yeatt) being provided for the same, and well perceiving to our further greife, that though the lawes of this land hath bothe wisely and carefully provided redress for us heerein, that yeat the observation of such penall statutes in generall are not so duly observed and looked unto, as might well bee wished. And seeing on the other side, the ingenious dexterity of the Netherlanders, whoe in the care and pollecy of theire estate, and for the maintenance of theire navigation and fishing, doe impose uppon your majesties subjectes and all other straingers xv shillings uppon every last of herringes, that shalbe so brought in into any of theire portes, by which practizes, theire shippinges and abillities are wonderfully encreased. Wee are therfore imboldned, uppon the equallity and justice of lex talionis, humbly beseech your majestie uppon our knees, to bee pleased to impose uppon them or any other, so buying theire herringes contrary to the said statute, the like imposition which they lay uppon us, wherby the multitude of foraine nations which oppress us wilbe lessened; and your majesties poore fishermen (the semynary of marryners) encouraged to hould on there wonted trade, to the generall good of the whole kingdome. And wee will daly pray for your sacred majesties longe life, and happynes.

For Yarmouth

  • John Smithe thelder
  • William Gosse
  • Robert Cooper
  • Robert Callingwood
  • Ezechias Harris
  • John Waller


  • Henry Detiman
  • Jeames Neales
  • Thomas Harte
  • Robert Garrett
  • Thomas Ruddes
  • Henry Goodin
  • William Tatam
  • Jeames Trapone
  • Christopher Teddyman
  • Eleazer Kerten
  • Lawrence Gilbert
  • Edward Butler
  • William Dettiman
  • Thomas Reader
  • William Tadnall
  • Richard Neales
  • Jeames Yonge


  • Jeames Strayle
  • George Bever
  • [John?] Doves
  • [Ja...?] Trapham
  • Michell Gilbard
  • Daniell Kerten
  • Bartholomewe Smyth
  • William Penne
  • Michell Wallop
  • Lawrence Gilberd
  • Raphe Pascall
  • William Wood
  • John Davies
  • William Eaton
  • William Earle
  • John Jacob
  • John Lucas
  • Stephen Awsten


  • Richard Sissely
  • John Tooke jurats
  • Jeames Sawle
  • Symon Jurden
  • John Tayler
  • Jeames Harris
  • Robert Eaton
  • William Tompson
  • John Goodin
  • John Perkin
  • Robert Browne
  • Cornelius [Nocke?]
  • John Woodgreene
  • Timothie Harte
  • John Neales
  • Richard Finnis
  • William Baker
  • Henry Sarjant
  • Thomas Morris


  • Thomas Palmer
  • John Serjant
  • Marke Serjant
  • Roberte serjant
  • John Bailie
  • Edward Tanner
  • Grumbard Standmore

For Rye

  • Henry Wayte
  • William Palmer
  • Henry Swayne
  • Robert Swayne junior


  • Thomas Hudson
  • Richard Hudson
  • Peeter Hudson
  • Thomas Wallop
  • John Wallop
  • Thomas Bates


  • John Miller
  • Thomas Kennett
  • Andrew [Cleese?]
  • John Christopher
  • Thomas Baker
  • Henry Tedtiman
  • John Teddiman
  • William Teddiman
  • Salomon Harvey
  • Silvester Wood
  • Richard [Chistopher?]
  • John Miller