Petitions in the State Papers, 1600-1699.
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In this section
- John Edwardes, esquire, now prisoner in the Marshalsea. SP 14/112 f. 11 (1620)
- The drapers of Shrewsbury and Oswestry. SP 14/112 f. 72 (1620)
- John Thorneton of Lydd, yeoman. SP 14/112 f. 80 (1620)
- Phillip Jones, citizen and merchant of London. SP 14/112 f. 88 (1620)
- John Dawson, citizen and stationer of London. SP 14/119 f. 68 (1621)
- Giles Waters. SP 14/119 f. 97 (1621)
- Edward Harwaid, lately a poor prisoner in the town and port of Heith. SP 14/119 f. 129 (1621)
- The attendants of his majesty's chapel. SP 14/119 f. 273 (1621)
- The leatherdressers of the borough of Southwark. SP 14/127 f. 30 (1622)
- The Lady Mary Buckley, widow. SP 14/127 f. 75 (1622)
- John Houlter. SP 14/127 f. 89 (1622)
- Thomas Jenman, a poor and distressed copyholder of the manor of Hartly Mawditt, co. Southampton. SP 14/127 f. 90 (1622)
- Hugo Vanmerof and Jacob de the Wryter. SP 14/138 f. 2 (1623)
- Dame Katharine Mompesson. SP 14/138 f. 76 (1623)
- William Andrew, John Carnaby, John Martin and Thomas Muninge, mariners. SP 14/138 f. 103 (1623)
- Edward Nicholas. SP 14/138 f. 182 (1623)
- Raphe Farmer, one of the gentleman of the royal chapel. SP 14/158 f. 15 (1624)
- Thomas Austyn, gentleman. SP 14/158 f. 97 (1624)
- John Hanmer, bishop nominate of St Asaph. SP 14/159 f. 2 (1624)
- Arthur Newman, prisoner at the prince's suit. SP 46/164 f. 102 (1624)
- Thomas Bedam, a poor condemned seafaring man. SP 14/181 f. 24 (1625)
- The Muscovia Company trading to Greenland. SP 14/181 f. 87 (1625)
- Captain Rychard Gyffard. SP 14/182 f. 95 (1625)
- Certain Scottish captains and officers. SP 14/182 f. 128 (1625)
- Charles Aty, poor distressed prisoner. SP 16/18 f. 24 (1626)
- The barons of the Cinque Ports, two ancient towns and their members. SP 16/18 f. 42 (1626)
- Poor distressed subjects in Dunkarke prison. SP 16/18 f. 46 (1626)
- John Pulford, esquire. SP 16/523 f. 11 (1626)
- Sir Dudly Diggs, knight, prisoner in the Fleet. SP 16/47 f. 10 (1627)
- Peter Canon. SP 16/47 f. 14 (1627)
- Sir Robert Killigrew, knight, captain of the fort of Pendennis in Cornwall. SP 16/49 f. 10 (1627)
- James Wallace, Scotsman. SP 16/49 f. 16 (1627)
- Simeon Fincham and John Dover, prisoners in the Fleet. SP 16/90 f. 82 (1628)
- John Andrewes, gunner. SP 16/90 f. 117 (1628)
- William Sneades. SP 16/91 f. 45 (1628)
- John Cooke, esquire, keeper of Hartwell Park in the honour of Grafton. SP 16/528 f. 17 (1628)
- Sir Allen Appesley, knight lieutenant of the Tower. SP 16/131 f. 4 (1629)
- David Ramsey. SP 16/131 f. 6 (1629)
- John Thornborough, Bishop of Worcester. SP 16/131 f. 7 (1629)
- Hugh Perry, Thomas Eyans, John Hide and others. SP 16/131 f. 13 (1629)
John Edwardes, esquire, now prisoner in the Marshalsea. SP 14/112 f. 11 (1620)
To the right honourable the lordes and others of
his majesties most honourable privy councell
The humble peticion of John Edwardes esquier
nowe prisoner in the Marshallsea.
Humblie sheweth, that your poore suppliant [endevoring?] (by a letter sente unto
Sir Thomas Chamberlaine, and Sir Henry Townshende knightes, his majesties justices
of assize for the county of Denbigh) to sett forth how different the most gracious
clement, and mylde proceedinges of his majestie, your honours and the said justices toward
himselfe, (being a knowne recusant) was from those violent courses, procured at=
=tempted and intended against him by his adversaries, did (though ignorantlie, and
much contrary to your said suppliant his will and intention) in the wryting and penning
thereof, give offence to your lordships, and to the said Sir Thomas Chamberlaine. By reason
whereof hee hath allredy for these 12 weekes and above, beene restrayned of his [liberty?]
and contynueth still a prisoner in the Marshallsea.
Maie it therefore please your honours uppon this your suppliantes harty sorrowe
that anie such ignorance and oversight was by him committed, whereby your
lordships might take the least offence [illegible] to enter into an honourable consideracion [illegible]
commiseracion of him, being aged, (full of infirmities, and not onely [impoverished?]
allmost to his owne utter undooing allready; but having beene [all...?]
lately served with a subpena ad audiendum judicium, in a cause [illegible]
to be hearde the next terme in Chauncery, wherein hee is a defendant and the [which?]
concerneth his posteritie very much in their poore estates and inheritance)
and there out to vouchsafe his inlargement.
And your suppliant shall ever praie for your honours temporall and spirituall prosperitie.
The drapers of Shrewsbury and Oswestry. SP 14/112 f. 72 (1620)
To the right honourable the lords and others of his
majesties most honourable previe counsell:
The humble peticion of the drapers of Shrewsbury and Oswestry.
That whereas the peticioners have longe since founded; and for many yeares maynteyned and continued
a trade of buyinge Welsh cottons at Oswestry; whereby many thowsandes of poore people in
Wales; have ben and yet are daylie sett on worke; and have also ben at greate charges in procureinge
severall actes of Parliament, for freeinge the said clothes from seizure; which course of theirs being
sought to be ympeached; hath ben hetherto approved and maynteyned by severall orders of this
honorable board (wherein the petitioners allwaies acknowledge your lordships favours) untill now of late
one Charlton and Harby whoe were persons formerly restrained by your honourable orderes; doe againe
labour to intrude themselves into your suppliantes said trade; contrary to the said orders; and to that end
have procured the Cittie of London; to countenance theire said intendment; whereuppon the matter
comeinge lately to be heard by counsell on all sides; your lordships found noe cause to alter or goe
back from the said former orders (soe well and soe longe setled) howbeit your petitioners were then
charged with matter of fact; which beinge referred to certen honourable committees; and nothinge
materiall there proved against them; they are notwithstandinge constrayned to attend this
cause; to theire greate charge.
May it therefore please your lordships further to confirme your said honourable orders; and the rather
for that the alteringe and divirtinge of the said trade wilbe the ruine, and decay of his
majesties townes of Shrewsburye and Oswestrye; and of many thowsandes of people; whoe
are only sett on worke and maynteyned; by the drapers of the said townes; and can noe
way be beneficiall to the cittizens of London in generall; but unto a few; whoe not
content to have these commodities weekely brought unto them; doe labour to forestal
and ingrosse all markettes into theire owne hands; not respectinge the generall good
of the countrey: and they (as duty byndeth them) shall daylie pray for your
honors preservacions.
John Thorneton of Lydd, yeoman. SP 14/112 f. 80 (1620)
To the right honourable Edward Lord Souche Saint Maure
and Cantelape Lord Warden of the Cinque Portes
and their members:
The humble peticion of John Thorneton of Lydd
Shewinge that whereas about Easter last there was a taxe made by the churchwardens and overseers of
the parish of Lydd for the reliefe of the poore there accordinge to such course as they had ever formerly used
and was prescribed also by decree of the bayliffe jurattes and commonalty of the towne and parish of Lydd made
by the advise of their learned counsell which taxe one Master Maplisden then bayliffe refused to allowe and
withall perswaded the overseers there to make a new taxe in such manner as hee directed and
accordingly the said overseers soly by themselves without the consent of the churchwardens made a
new taxe whereunto the said bayliffe gave allowance which new taxe although it were generally
disliked by the inhabitantes there and apparant in itselfe to be against law being made without the
consent of the churchwardens yet one of the said overseers by warrant from the then bayliffe
did wrongfully distrayne your said peticioners cattle for his scott behind and made sale of the said
distresse at under values to Master Thomas Godfrey by whose advise as it is supposed the said taxe was
made and distresse therupon taken wherewith your said peticioner finding himselfe greeved offered to
repleeve his said cattle according to law or otherwise upon redelivery of his said cattle to enter
into bond to stand to such order as your honourable lordship should sett downe therein but neither of the
said courses would be accepted of so as your said peticioner was enforced for his reliefe to
bringe an accion of trespas in his majestyes court at Lydd against the said overseers for the
wrongfull takinge of his said cattle wherein hee so farre proceeded that the same was
readye for triall and his counsell for that purpose retayned and the same had accordingly
beene tryed if staye thereof had not beene made by your lordshipps letters directed to Master
Allen now bayliffe of Lidd the truth of your said peticioners case being thus may your
honourable lordshipp bee pleased either to give him leave to proceede in his said accion at the
common law for his reliefe or otherwise to give order that your said peticioner may have
his said cattle delivered unto him and hee will humbly submitt himselfe to what order
your lordshipp shall sett downe in the premisses and hee shall ever praye for your lordshipps
increase in all honour and happinesse.
Read 28o January 1619
John Thornetons petition
concerning his taxe.
Phillip Jones, citizen and merchant of London. SP 14/112 f. 88 (1620)
To the Kinges most excellent majestie
The humble peticion of Phillip Jones citizen and
merchant of London.
Most humbly sheweth that in the Parliament holden in the first yere of your majesties most
happy raigne over this kingdome it did appeare that there were divers fraudes deceiptes
and abuses comitted in bringinge in of hoppes from forreigne partes, packed with powder,
sand, loggettes of wood, drosse and other soile to the damage of your subjectes aswell in waighte,
as in the goodnes to the value of twenty thousand poundes a yere at the least besides the
endangeringe of their healthes. For reformacion whereof it was then enacted that if any
forreyner stranger, native Englishman denizen merchant or any other person or persons
whatsoever should utter or sell any corrupt or unwholesome hoppes being packed as
aforesaid the said hoppes should be seised and forfeyted. The said acte beinge to indure but
untill the first session of the then next Parliament at which tyme nor since it hath not ben
Forasmuch as the said good acte is determined, and the fraudes deceiptes and
abuses doe still contynue, and encrease to your subjectes further damage; and that it is desired
by the merchantes and hoppe masters of England that there may be a reformacion of the said
abuses accordinge to the intencion of the said acte. Your majestie wilbe gratiously
pleased to graunte powre and aucthority unto the peticioner his deputies or assignes for the
tearme of one and thirty yeres (by your majesties letteres pattentes) to search all sackes of hoppes
aswell those growinge within your majesties dominions, as those brought from forreyne partes, and
to see that they be good, well packed, and uncorrupt, before they be sett to sale, with
aucthority to marke, and seale the same, whereby your subjectes may safely buy them without
fraude deceipte or losse; and that your peticioner may have for his paines in searchinge
sealinge and markinge the same such allowance as shalbe thought reasonable for every
hundreth weighte.
Maie it therefore please your majestie to refer the consideracion and conveniency of this
peticion unto the lordes of your majesties most honourable privy councell, that they may take order for
reforminge the abuses aforesaide and sett downe [illegible] such
fees, and duties to the peticioner as they in their wisdome shall thinke fitt, and thereof
to certefie your majestie: And your peticioner according to his bounden duty shall ever
praie for your majesties long and prosperous raigne.
At the court at Newmarket 30 January 1619
His majestie is gratiouslie pleased to refer this peticion to the
lordes of his most honnorable privy councell, and that uppon con=
sideracion thereof, and of the writinge herunto annexed they take
such order herein as their lordships shall thinke convenient.
Charles Parkins
John Dawson, citizen and stationer of London. SP 14/119 f. 68 (1621)
To the most reverend father in God the
Lord Archbishop of Canterburie his grace.
The humble peticion of John Dawson, citizen and
stationer of London.
Most humblie sheweth that whereas the place of a master
printer is latelie become void by the death of Thomas Dawson,
the peticioners uncle, and that by an antient decree in Star Chamber
none can be admitted to exercise the arte of printing, or be
master printer as aforesaid, except he be allowed, by the Lord
Archbishop of Canterburie his grace, and the Lord Bishop of
London, or one of them. The peticioner doth most humblie
beseech your grace seing he hath from his childhood been
brought up under his said uncle, in the said art of printinge
and that it hath pleased his said uncle, in respect of the
peticioners good and long service, to give and bequeath unto
him all his presses and other instrumentes. That your grace
would be pleased to give unto him your consent and allowance
to be a printer in his said uncles roome: and that your grace
will signifie to the master and wardens of the stationers
your graces consent and allowance thereunto.
And both he and his wife and children shalbe bound
to praie for your graces long life, and perpetuall felicity.
January 23 1620.
I am content.
George Cantuariensis
The peticion of John
Dawson 23 January
Giles Waters. SP 14/119 f. 97 (1621)
The humble peticion of Giles Waters
Humblie sheweing
Your good lordshipp that Master Maior of the towne of Winchelsea
bearing causles malice against your poore peticioner did
willfully kill a faire masty dogg of your poore peticioners
with a gunne allthough neither your peticioner nor the dogg
did any way offende him at which your poore peticioner being
much greived in regard the dogg was very usefull to him
both for the defence of his howse and ordering of his cattell,
repaired to Master Maior to know the cause why he should
use your peticioner soe hardly and toulde him it was ill done
and said he might live to requite his kindnes, which were
the worst wordes that passed from your peticioner
Neverthelesse Master Maior hath thereupon caused your poore
peticioner to be clapped [up?] in prison where he still lies
and cannot be releast exec without putting in sureties
for his good behaviour which would be to the great discreditt
of your poore peticioner who hath allwaies lived and caried
himselfe honestly amongst his neighbours
That therefore your lordshippes to releive your poore
peticioner in this distres and free him from
oppression would be pleased to take this cause
into your lordshippes hearing and in the meane tyme
to give your honourable direccions for the inlargement
of your poore peticioner out of prison and he
shall ever pray for your lordshippes long health and
Edward Harwaid, lately a poor prisoner in the town and port of Heith. SP 14/119 f. 129 (1621)
To the right honerable Edward Lord Souch: Lord Warden of the Sinke Portes
The humble petision of Edward
Harwaid late a poore prisoner in the
towne and porte of Heith
Shewing that whereas your petisioner was about 3 yeres sinc a prisoner and in
execution in the towne of Heith at the suite of on Larence Baker, at which
time your supliant sued the saied Baker before youre lordship in the honourable court
of chancerie for the portes and it pleased your good lordship then, upon your oraters
petision: to order that your suplyant putinge in sufitient baile to stand to
the order of the court should have his libertie but the said Baker by no means would consent
but rather starve your petisioner in prison to the utter undoeing of his wife
and cheeldren, to prevent soe great amiseri your petisoner made his es
cape for which the sayd Baker sueth the towne of Heith in chanceri
befor your lordshipe
Wherefor your poore petisioner most humbly prayeth your good lordship will
be pleased to prevent the great charge, of hime and the towne by re
feringe the cause to in diferent arbytraters, in the cuntrie to heere
and determine upon bands geeven on bothe parts to stand to ther awarde and
your daily orator with is wife and cheeldren as they are bounde will
ever praye for your lordship longe ahape life
To these 4 here under named both
partes wer once agreed to refer the
cause with condicion that if they
could not end it they should choose
a [haimpere?] which should
For your petision
William Hall knight Jhon Hawtray gentleman
For Baker
William Willcocks gentleman Jhon Allen gentleman
6 February 1620.
Peticion of Edward
The attendants of his majesty's chapel. SP 14/119 f. 273 (1621)
To the right honourable the Earle of Pembrook
Lord Chamberlain to his majestie.
The humble peticion of his majesties chapell
Most humbly shewing
that wheras both the late Queen of famous
memorie, and also his most excellent majestie ever since his happy
accesse to this crowne have been graciously pleased to remitt
and release to your peticioners and their predecessours
from time to time the payment of such subsidies as have
been graunted to them in severall sessions of Parliament
for many yeares past
Their humble suit is, that your lordship wilbe pleased,
out of your honourable care of your peticioners, to
mediate with his most excellent majestie for the
continuance of his highness gratious favour for
That he wilbe pleased to remitt and pardon unto
them the payment of such subsidies which are or
shalbe levied by this present Parliament, according
to his accustomed gratious favour formerly shew=
ed unto them and that therupon your lordship wilbe
further pleased to give order to the clarke of the
signett attending to prepare a bill ready for
his majesties signature accordingly.
And (according to their bounden duety)
they will daily pray for your lordshipps increase
of honour and happinesse.
The leatherdressers of the borough of Southwark. SP 14/127 f. 30 (1622)
To the right worshipfull Sir Robert Heath knight Sollicitour Generall
to his majestie.
The humble peticion of the letherdressers inhabiting in the
burrough of Southwark in the county of Surrie.
May it please your worshipp to be advertized that there being many of that trade, that
have great charge of wife and children, and by reason of some abuses in the trade
many having served seaven yeeres as apprentices have no worke, and so fall to
decay and are impoverished occasioned by divers strangers Dutchmen who imploye
their countrymen as joyrnymen to worke, having never served that tyme
the law appointes, giving forth that they may doe it, and that it is and wilbe
allowed of, that strangers may sett whom they please to worke at such trades
as they use which cannot be but agreat greivance to the native English
yf strangers should have more priveledg then they, besides ther be many
prentices who now are bound for seaven yeares to divers of our trade
take occasion thereby to seeke all meanes possible to goe from their masters
and to be at liberty to work as joyrneymen as the strangers doe having
not served above 3 or 4 yeares to their masters and our great hinderance. And
we having peticioned for redresse herein to the justices of peace in the countye
who toke great paines therein well knowing ours, and the state of the
burrough of Southwarke as now it standes yet uppon some reasons and
motives best knowen to themselves, have referred us and our suite to your worship
for his majesties pleasure herein.
Wee therefore most humbly intreate your worship in regarde of our
povertye not being able dailye to waite and attende as becommeth us
that you would be pleased very speedily to sett downe a day for the
hearing of this matter yourself, or els to referr it to Sir Edmund
Bowyere and the rest of his majesties justices neare unto us in our
county of Surry that by them it may not be long delayed and
we as in duety bound will unfainedly pray for your perpetuall
happines etc.
The Lady Mary Buckley, widow. SP 14/127 f. 75 (1622)
To the right honourable Edward Lord Zouch
Lord Warden of the Cinque Portes.
The humble peticion of the Lady Mary Buckley
Most humbly shewing
that whereas your suppliant hath exhibited her bill of complaint into his
majesties Highe Court of Chauncery against Francis Wilford esquire to be
releived as touching landes assured for her joynture wherwith he stood
trusted as a feoffee to her use and to that end a writt of subpoena [return?] the
fourth day of February next is awarded out of the said cort against
the said Francis Wilford to appeare and answer the said bill,
Now forasmuch as the said Francis Wilford is resident at
Dover within the precintes of the Cinque Portes being under your lordships
jurisdiction whom she is unwilling to displease, your suppliantes most humble
suite therfore is that your lordship would be pleased to graunt her free
leave there to serve the said writt of subpoena uppon him the said Francis
Wilford to thend he may appeare and answer your suppliantes bill according
to the tenor therof and she shall pray for your lordships health and honourable estate.
Read 29o January 1621
the Lady Buckleys
John Houlter. SP 14/127 f. 89 (1622)
To the right honorable Lord Zouch Lord Warden
of the cinqueportes:
The humble peticion of John Houlter
Showeinge unto your honour that whereas one John Fissenden tennant
unto your peticioner holdeth by lease with clause of distresse only a certaine
tenement and landes within the Cinque Portes at Hastings and oweth
your peticioner above thirtie poundes for two yeares rent thereof, the
which he moste wrongfully deteyneth from him, neither will he suffer
your peticioner to enter and enjoy the same, but being of late removed out
of the house he letteth the dores thereof lye open to the great waste and
spoile thereof, and to the ende that noe distresse may be taken upon
the landes, he moweth the hay and presently carrieth away the same
yett notwithstanding your peticioner cannot procure the maior or
officers to serve any processe upon the said Fissenden and yett he
goeth dayly up and downe the towne:
In tender consideracion whereof that your honor would be
pleased to direct your honors letter unto the maior and
officers of Hastings to serve and execute processe upon
the said Fissenden in the behalfe of your peticioner: and your
peticioner as in dutie shall dayly pray for your honors longe
health with great increase of your lordships most deserved honor.
[illegible] o February 1621.
Houlters peticion.
Thomas Jenman, a poor and distressed copyholder of the manor of Hartly Mawditt, co. Southampton. SP 14/127 f. 90 (1622)
To the right honourable Edward Lord Zouche.
Thomas Jenman a poore and distressed coppiholder of the mannour of Hartly Mawditt
in the countie of Suthampton, wherof Doctor Styward is lord, humbly sheweth
that the said Doctor Styward intending nothing soe muche as the utter
subvercion of your poore peticioner (after greate and many trobles and suites in lawe
proceeding from the displeasure of the said Docter Styward) hath for meere
vexacion exhibited twoe severall bills in the Starre Chamber againste your
peticioner thone of 80 sheetes of paper and thother of 60 53 unto the firste
your peticioner demurred, and uppon reference unto Master Justice Hutton
it was certified that the demurrer was good, and that the bill should
bee dismissed, wheruppon Doctor Styward haveing preferred a newe
bill obteyned order to suspend the costes which your peticioner should have had
by course of the courte untill the second bill came to heareing, unto which
second bill your peticioner hath pleaded and demurred, and uppon reference
unto Master Attorney Generall a whole yere sithence, he hath not yet made
his certificate although the same hath byn divers tymes heard
before him, [illegible]
Therefore your peticioner humbly praieth that your lordshipp
would take into consideracion the distressed estate of your
peticioner, and to send to Master Attorney Generall, wherby
your peticioner may receive some expedicion [illegible] from
him, and your peticioner will daily pray for your lordshipp in
all health and happines long to contynue.
Read 2o February 1621.
Thomas Jenmans petition
Hugo Vanmerof and Jacob de the Wryter. SP 14/138 f. 2 (1623)
To the right honourable the Lord Zouch Lord Warden of the
Sinck Portes
The humble peticion of Hugo Vanmerof and Jacob de
the Wryter.
Sheweth unto your honour that whereas the men of one Antony Vanderhap
captaine of a shipp of Amsterdam in his absence about the 18th of December
last came and tooke two half barrells of beare out of a shipp of Ostende
lying in the harbor of Sandwich contrary to the captaines knowledg, and
your peticioners belonging to the said captaines shipp were taken and imprisoned by the
maior of Sandwich and soe by comaund from the privie councell layed in
pryson as though theye had beene guiltie of that offence, where now theye
lye fo still remayne whose innocency is such that theye were not neither present att the offence
doing, nor knew of yt till yt was done not withstanding theye suffer ymprysonment
most wrongfully which wilbe there utter undoing unles your honourable compassion
be shewed towards them herein.
Theire humble request unto your honour is, that for Gods cause there
innocent and wronged estates considered you would be pleased to
take such order in theire behalfs that theye maye be released, in which
doing as their duty byndeth them theye will praye to God for your honours
longe lyfe and happines etc
Dame Katharine Mompesson. SP 14/138 f. 76 (1623)
To the Kings most excellent majestie
The humble petition of Dame Katharine Mompesson,
Most humbly sheweth unto your sacred majestie
That whereas it pleased your majestie out of your gracious favour and compassion
to bestowe your peticioners unfortunate husbandes estate upon her towardes her
mayntenance and releife.
But soe it is, that Thomas Mompesson your peticioners husbandes second brother
takeing advantage of his absence doth not only most injuriously deteyne the
greatest part of her said husbandes estate but alsoe withholdeth such present
mayntenance as should acrue unto your peticioner. Soe as the said estate by
reason of manye debtes being much perplexed her husbandes said creditours can
neither be satisfied nor your peticioner receive that benifitt which it pleased
your highnes to bestowe uppon her, except your petitioner should wadge lawe
against him which in respect of her smale abillitye she is not able to undergoe;
and alsoe the title of his intangled estate and certainty of his greatest
debtes are only in her husbandes owne knowledge.
May it therfore please your most excellent majestie out of your
princlye compassion to comisserate her present distresse, and
for the rectifieinge thereof to give leave unto her said
husband that he may now (for some short tyme at your highnes
pleasure) retorne into England without prejudice, aswell to
settle his broken and perplexed estate, wherby to give content
to those whome he is indebted, as alsoe for the establishinge
of what your poore petitioner ought to enjoye.
And howsoever as in duty she is bound shall ever pray for
your majesties long life and eternall happines.
A peticion of the Lady
At the court at Theobalds 17o February 1622.
His majesties pleasure is that Master Secretary Conway prepare a lycence (ready
of his majesties signature) therby giving leave to the petitioners husband to return
into England, and here to remaine without molestacion for the space of three
monethes (soe as it bee in private manner) to the end hee may settle his
estate, take order for the payment of his debtes, and make provision for
the maintenance of the petitioner his wife.
Sydney Mountagu
William Andrew, John Carnaby, John Martin and Thomas Muninge, mariners. SP 14/138 f. 103 (1623)
To the right honourable the lords and others of his majesties most honourable privie counsell.
The humble peticion of William Andrew John Carnaby John
Martin and Thomas Muninge mariners, owners of divers shipes of Ypswich.
Humbly sheweth that whereas divers of your peticioners shipes, laden with coales, and
the passage hoyes, laden with butter and cheese, and bound for this port of London, are
all stayed at Harwich, and not suffered to proceed upon their said voyage, to the greate
detriment, and hinderance of your peticioners: they humbly beseech your lordships, to order
that the said shipes may be permitted freely to come to the said port of London, puttinge
in good securitie, that the said shipes or hoyes, shall not saile to any other place, and
the rather for that some of their said ladinge is perishable, and all most usefull
and necessarie for the said citie.
And they shall daylie pray for the longe continuance
of your lordships in all health and happines.
Edward Nicholas. SP 14/138 f. 182 (1623)
To the highe and mighty Prince Charles, Prince
of Wales, Duke of Cornewall and Yorke,
and Earle of Chester etc.
The humble peticion of Edward
In all humblenes beseeching your highnes to vouchsafe to
take into your princely consideracion the humble suyte of the
right honourable the Lord Zouche (your suppliantes noble lord and
master) on the behalf of your peticioner; and to be pleased to
graunt unto him the execucion of the office of the receavour
of the greenewax under your highnes in such manner as your
highnes shall thinke fitt, if your highnes shall dischardge him
whome yow have lately imployed therein.
The princely favour your highnes shall doe your humble
peticioner, if yow shalbe pleased to vouchsafe him herein a gracious
aunsweare, shall for ever oblige him faithfully to serve your
highnes with all duty and integrity: and ever binde him to pray
unto the almighty for your highnes happines in this and
the better worlde.
Copy of my the first
peticion I I delivered to the
Which was delivered February
Raphe Farmer, one of the gentleman of the royal chapel. SP 14/158 f. 15 (1624)
Wheras your humble peticioner hath beene lately called
unto your royall chappell and is also one of your majesties
standinge chappell of Winsor; and since the deane
and cannones do threaten to putt hime outt of his
place because hee is now your majesties servantt, and yett
there bee otheres which are none of your majesties servantes in
that church th who holde others places by the
leave of the deane and cannones; your peticioneres
humble suite unto your majestie is, that you wilbee so
gratiouslie pleased to write royall letteres unto
the deane and canones thatt hee may have such
favour as others have; and nott to fare the worse
for beinge your majesties servant havinge continued
there these fourteene yeares.
Raphe Farmer servant to
his majestie and on of the gentleman
of his royall chappell.
Thomas Austyn, gentleman. SP 14/158 f. 97 (1624)
To the Kinges most excellent majestie.
The proffytable and most humble request of Thomas Austyn gentleman.
That wheras he preferred unto your highnes on Frydaie laste, in the park at Saint James, at your
graces departure towardes Tybaldes, the subject, or breyff substance of a project of
exceeding great ymportance, which he then had, and yet hath a purpose tofferre to
the prynce his grace, yf your majestie uppon delyberate perusall and consyderacion
therof, shall in your gratyous, and grave wysedome, thinke yt a matter fytt
for the prynce his prosecution.
That your subject therin offred his attendance to delyver the said project unto your highnes,
yf your grace should so commaunde, and gyve such order to my good lord the Duke
of Lyneaux,
That your subject hath attended the said Duke, whoe hath aunsweared that he hath
not yet receyved anie order therin from your majestie.
That the project yt selfe is readye at your highnes pleasure and commaunde.
That yt concerneth onelye to refourme and punishe by a penall statutes execucion,
called the statute of disceyte, the corrupcions, fraudes, disceytes, bryberyes,
extorcions, delayes, and manye other intollerable and hatefull abuses, nowe
most commonlye used in the execucion of justice, by lawers, and offycers of
all sortes, and in all courtes, both of the common and cyvell lawes, the
benefytt wherof maie be to your majestie, the prynce, and the common wealth, to
the value of a myllyon, or a greater some, in short tyme. Besydes
greatlye pleasing to God, and a discharge of your highnes conscyence and duetie
towardes him in that respect, which neglected, wilbe heavye to aunsweare for.
Most humblye therfore beseecheth (syth that the tyme is nowe to short
before the pardon, to consyder of such a project) that your grace wilbe
pleased speedelye and straytlye to commaund your majesties Atturney
Generall, in the generall pardon nowe to be graunted, to putt an
excepcion of all offences comytted against this statute of disceyte
and of all punishmentes penaltyes and forfeytures that shall or maie
growe therby.
Otherwyse your majestie shall pardon (for offences done onely within
fyve yeres laste past) at least three hundred thousand poundes,
which (not pardoned) maie in short tyme come into your highnes coffers,
and the prynces, yf this project be putt in execucion.
And yet scourge none, but such onelye, as have allwaies byn a scourge
theym selves to others.
The proffytable and most humble
request of Thomas Austyn:
John Hanmer, bishop nominate of St Asaph. SP 14/159 f. 2 (1624)
To the Kings most excellent majesty
The humble petition of John Hanmer doctor in
divinity, and bishop nominate of Saint Assaph
Most humbly shewinge that whereas it hath pleased your
majestie of your princely favoure and goodnes, to designe
your suppliant to the bishoprick of Saint Assaph, the
revenues whereof being but smale are hardly able
to sustayne the charge and dignity of that sea
without sum further meanes of support be extended to
him from your royall bounty.
Maie it therefore please your majestie as in the like case
heretofore yow have gratiousely vouchsafed unto the bishops of
that sea, to graunt a faculty or dispensation to your suppliant to
hould in commendam the archdeaconry of Saint Assaph, and a
prebendes place within the church of Worcester, whereof
he is nowe possessed, as alsoe soe many other prefermentes
in the church with cure and without, as shall not exceede
the value of one hundred and fifty poundes accordinge
to the tax in your highnes exchequer, and which was formerly
graunted to his late predicessor. And according to his
most bounded duty he will daylie pray etc
Arthur Newman, prisoner at the prince's suit. SP 46/164 f. 102 (1624)
To the right honourable Sir Henry Hobart knight and barronett, chancellor to the prince his highnes and to the
rest of the commissioners of his highnes revenewes.
The humble peticion of Arthur Newman prisoner att the prince his highnes suite.
That it hath pleased your honor and the rest of the commissioners uppon consideracion
had of your peticioners humble request to conferr the baylywicke uppon John Androw
gentleman uppon paiment of 50 pounds parcell of the arreares, there remaining still due to his
highnes 82 pounds or thereabouts uppon your peticioners severall accompts and there remaining in
the tennantes and resiants handes to be collected 124 pounds or thereabouts as appeareth by
a breife lately delivered by your peticioner who being at liberty is very well able to approve
the same to be due and hath formerly paied it out of his owne purse.
And inasmuch as your peticioner being formerly indebted as well to the prince
his highnes as otherwise incombred, did borrow diverse moneys uppon mort=
gage of his landes to pay the same, and hath by his longe imprisonment bin
constrained to forfeite some part thereof for halfe the valew, and the remain
der (being to be redeemed within a short time) is like wise (if prevention be
not speedily had) utterly lost in like kind.
His humble suite now is.
That your honour and the rest of the commissioners wilbe pleased to commisserate his
poore estate and wants, and consider of his long service and release your peticioner out of
prison where he hath layen long and in great mysery to the utter overthrow of him
his poore wife and children and grant to the said John Androwes full power and
authority speedily to collect and gather the same for the payment of the said 82 pounds
so remaining due to the prince his highnes and for the residue to be had to your
peticioner for the helpe and succour of him his poore wife and children being
destitute as yet of all comfort and releife by your peticioners imprisonment
and they all shall pray for your honours longe life, health, and happines.
To the right honourable Sir Hobart
Thomas Bedam, a poor condemned seafaring man. SP 14/181 f. 24 (1625)
To the Kinges most excellent
The humble peticion of Thomas Bedam
a poore condemned sea fairing man
Shewinge unto your majestie that aboute three yeares
[illegible] last past youre peticioner being in his smalle barke in
the river of Rochester followeing his lawefull trade in the
nighte tyme divers seafairing men boarded surprized and
tooke her and carryed her and youre peticioner and his boy by
force away with them and afterwardes at sea with the saide
barke and youre peticioner in theire companie committed
piracie which youre peticioner (being ignorant of the lawe) omitted
to discover and by reason thereof by the parties spoyled was
afterwardes apprehended and being brought to his tryall and
condemned which judgement he acknowledgeth to be most just yet
in all humblenes presumeth to ply to youre majestie for youre
mercie beseeching you according to youre accustomed clemencie
to extend youre grace to him and graunt him youre pardon:
and he will not faile for ever heer after with his uttermost
indeavoure to redeeme the tyme and uppon all occasions in your
royall shippes and otherwise with adventure of his life doe
youre highnes all faithfull service and continually pray
for your happie raigne.
The Muscovia Company trading to Greenland. SP 14/181 f. 87 (1625)
To the right honourable the lordes, and others of his majesties most honourable privie councell
The humble peticion of the Muscovia Company trading Greenland.
Shewinge. That wheras upon their former peticion wherin they complained against
the Hollanders aswell for the non payment of twenty two thousand pounds ordered by his
majestie long since to bee paid your peticioners for depredacions sustained by the Hollanders in
Greenland (alias Kinge James his New Land) as also for the Hollanders intrusions into
those his majesties countryes and their enterrupting the peticioners in their fishing there,
havinge had this last yeare a great fleete, wherof (as the peticioners are informed)
some of them were sett out by Sir William Courten and his brother dwelling at Middleborow,
your lordships were therupon pleased to acquaint his majesty with the contents of their
said peticion.
And forasmuch as the Hollanders have hitherto delayed the payment of the said
22000 pounds or any part therof and doe pretend as much priviledge to the fishinge
in those partes as your peticioners by vertue of a commission graunted them from the
Prince of Orange, declaringe nevertheless that when the said prince shall forbeare
to authorise them, they will forbeare to frequent those countryes.
The peticioners are againe become humble sutors unto your lordships, that some speedy
course may bee taken for the satisfaccion of their former losses either by graunting
them letteres of mart or otherwise as to your lordships shall seeme fittinge. And that
his majesty wilbe gratiously pleased to write his letteres to the Prince of Orange
to forbeare to authorise his people by commission to frequent those countryes or
to graunt them proteccion by shipps of warr for their defence against your
peticioners, and that upon the Prince of Orange his answere thereunto, some
course may bee taken for the quiett maintenance of his majesties right and
the peticioners encouragment in their said trade of fishinge; and etc
Captain Rychard Gyffard. SP 14/182 f. 95 (1625)
To the right honourable the lordes and others of
his majesties most honourable privye councell.
The humble peticion of Captayne Rychard Gyffard.
Shewenge that wheras your suppliant and company his majesties
subjectes, havinge a shipp called the Fortune in trade of
marchandise, taken, robbed and spoyled in the roade of
Saphia the 3 of Aprill 1612 by Captayne Peter Cossen captain
of the Dogg or Hounde of Roterdame, havinge made proofe
in the Highe Court of Admiraltye of the premyses. And havinge
with great travaile and expence sought for reparation of losses
and damages amountinge at that tyme to the valewe of
nyne thousand, ninetye and eight ducates, by way of justyce
but notwithstandinge both the equetie of his cause and the great
mediation that hath been used, could never obtayne of the
lordes the states any satisfaccion.
Your suppliant and companye beinge heerby damnified
to theyr undoinge, most humbly beeseech your lordships and
honours to graunt unto them letteres of marque for the
recoveringe of theyre goods and dameges so unjustly
taken and kept from them
And they as in duty bound shall ever pray for your
Att Whitehall the 28th of Januarie 1624
The petitioner is to attend the Lord Admirall for
his dispatch, because the boarde conceiveth him
to be comprehanded in the number of those who
are to have letteres of reprisall.
- J: Dickenson
- Captain Gifforde
Captain Giffardes petition to
the lordes concerning the
wronges received by the Duch.
Certain Scottish captains and officers. SP 14/182 f. 128 (1625)
Zour majestie is most humblie supplied to take com=
miseration of the captains and officiers who upon the
promesse zour majestie made to the Comte of Mansfelt
to let levey tua regementes in Scotland for zour
majestie his service did leave all other imploymentes
and came over a four moneth agoe or more to London
wheir they have ever remained since oppressed with
neid and famine waitting upon zour majestie his
will. Nayther ar thay able to live any more their
for lake of meins, nor to remoove be reason of the
debtes whiche thay have contracted. The onlie remedy
can be expected in suche extreme distresse is, that
it wald please zour majestie out of zour royall
grace to cause distribut amongst them according to
their places and charges to be alloued by the
general in deduction of the moneys whiche zour
majestie doeth appoint to be delyvred to him. And
because it ware against the gracious inclination
wherwith God hathe blissed zour royalle majestie
that men devoted to spend their bloods and lyves
in zour majesties service should sterve in shame and
cruel famyne zour majestie is again intreated
in all reverence to cause give somme present suc
cor to thoase poore saules who shall be able to
rander zour majestie on day good service by
the grace of God.
Charles Aty, poor distressed prisoner. SP 16/18 f. 24 (1626)
To the right honourable the lordes of his majesties
most honourable privie councell
The humble peticion of your honours poore
distressed prisoner Charles Aty
Humbly shewing
That your peticioner being indebted not onely to the farmers
of his majesties customes but to sundrie other persons in great sommes of
money, and not having wherewith to discharge his ingagements
but by the sale of his wines and somme other comodities and by
debtes owing unto him by divers persons. Hath bein enforced (by
reason of his restrainte of libertie whereby he could not followe
his affaires) to faile in payment of his said debts att the prefixed
tymes whereby his creditt is not onely much ympaired here
in England but also in the partes beyond the seas and to his
irrecoverable losse many of his debts hath in the interim fallen
badd and the cheife tyme for vending his comoditie past
He therefore humbly beseecheth your good lordshipps to take into your
honours serious consideracons not only the great losse he hath
sustayned in his estate by his long ymprisonment being
first uppon your honoures command comitted for the space of
twentie dayes in to the custodie of one of his majesties messingers
and from thence to the prison of the Marshallsea where he
hath now bein for theis nine dayes, and his extraordinarie charge
during that tyme, but also his losse of creditt the which
will redound to your poore peticoners utter overthrowe if not suddenly
prevented, which your peticinor is noe way able to doe unles your
lordshipps shall be pleased to graunt him his presente inlargement
which favor he humbly prayeth your lordshipps will vouchsafe unto
And hee as bound shall pray etc.
[illegible] Atys petion
The barons of the Cinque Ports, two ancient towns and their members. SP 16/18 f. 42 (1626)
To the right honourable Lord George Duke of Buckingham
Lord High Admirall of England and Warden of his
majesties Cincque Portes.
The joynt and humble peticion of the [com?] barons of
the Cincque Portes, two auncient townes and
their members. Sheweth that.
Whereas diverse priveledges have beene graunted aunciently
graunted to the said portes in consideracion of service done and
to be performed. And the same confermed by charter
and continued by presedente and longe practice.
Amongst which one of the most principall of honour
and esteeme, hath beene the service done by the saide
[com?] barons att the coronacion of the kinges and
queenes of this kingdome.
Humbly beseecheth your majestie grace wouldbe pleased
to afford them your gracious assistance, and be a
meanes that they maie enjoy att this his
majesties coronacion, and be admitted to performe
that service which of auncient tyme hath
beene done by their predecessors, and that
letteres or summons maie be sent accordingly
Poor distressed subjects in Dunkarke prison. SP 16/18 f. 46 (1626)
Moste gratious soveraigne maye it please your majestye to understande
the miserable estates of a great manye of your poore distressed subjectes
which nowe at this instante remaynes in Dunkarke prisonne, ther be
five shippes of us and our companyes which were taken wherof two
Englishe shippes and three Skottishe shippes wherof one of the
Skotishe shippes were put ashore at Callis and they have no benefitt
of hir but the companye be here in prisonne the names of the
maisters are underneath subscribed, who have not onlye made prise
of our shippes and goodes but doe keepe us heerein miserable
bondage and have taken a waye our monyes and clothes insomuch that
wee have nothinge to relieve our selves withall and for creditte and
frindes wee have none heare, our lodginge is the harde plancher
and coveringe wee have none our dyett verye beare and the wether
verye coulde so that your majestye maye see our great wante and
extremitye, so that if wee shoulde continue longe heare it woulde be
a meanes to shorten manye of our dayes, therfore this is to acquainte
your highnes that certayne Jesuitte priestes hath bene in hande with us
and hath informed us that the prince of Weste Flanders will not in
anye case free us of this our bondage excepte that the Jesuitte
prieste which layes in Dover castell be there firste released otherwise
they tell us ther is no hope of our deliverye, and the Jesuittes
therfore motioned us to drawe this pitittion to your majestye for
our reliefe and libertye and desire to knowe howe manye of us
your subjectes you will demande in lieu of that Jesuitte and
they have made inquirye in all Weste Flanders prisonnes howe
manye of your subjectes ther be captivated and they have
founde to be there fowerscore and three so that wee hope if it
please your majestye to sett free the Jesuitte to have all our
freedomes and libertyes, therfore wee all intreate your
highnes for Criste his sake to take commiseration upon us
your poore distressed subjectes and not to suffer us to lye he
heere in this miserable captivitye, and wee are affrayd
they should compell us to serve in ther shippes which wee had
rather dye then to serve agayne our conscyences thus
cravinge pardonne for this our boulde presumption which our miserye
hath constrayned us unto, thus endinge with all our prayers
to God to give your majestye a longe and happie life and a
prosperous raigne over us wee reste
January this 9th according
to our Englishe stile 1625
Your majestyes humble poore distressed
- John Gyles [.actor?] of a shippe of Yermouth
- John Collman maister with tenne more of his companye
- Richard Girling master of a hoy of [Ipswich?] with his company
- James [Lochonhon?] skiper of Kinghorne with tene of his compeny
- William Stein sone of [Sanminens?] with nyne of his cumpeny
- [Stin S.inter?] [illegible] [Lith?] with nyne of his cumpeny
John Pulford, esquire. SP 16/523 f. 11 (1626)
To the right honourable the lordes and others of his majesties
most honourable privy councell.
The humble peticion of John Pulford esquire.
Humblie sheweth. That haveinge heretofore (uppon weightie reasons) obteind
by your lordships goodnes and just favour his majesties gratious letteres of proteccion
under the great seale of England for one whole yeare. By which your
petitioner assured his safetie and defence from all suites and molestacions during that tyme
of anie persons whatsoever accordinge to his majesties roiall prerogative declared
therein; which hee was confident none durst have questioned uppon sight thereof
much leas with disloyaltie and foule contempt have rejected and disobeyed the
same, it beinge an immediate act of his majesties and your lordships, grounded uppon true
wisedome equitie and conscience.
Yett soe it is may it please your lordships, that one Watkins a woodmonger in his
lawles presumption and disobedience to the great seale of England together
with his sawcy and daringe attorney (notwithstandinge that they had notice of
the same) have commencd a suite against your petitioner for a pretended debt of
200 pounds whereof your petitioner never had but 20 nor anie other to his use; and although
that since; your petitioner hath caused his attorney both to shew and read the contentes
of the same great seale of England to the said Watkins and his attorney,
requiringe them accordinge to his majesties royall command to withdraw the suite and
not to molest your petitioner anie further as they would answere to the contrarie; yet
may it please your lordships that even in despight of regall power and authoritie they still persist in
an insolent behaviour therin compellinge your petitioner to a triall at law whereas there is
great conscience to releive hime.
Hee therfore flieth to the shelter of your lordships goodnes and justice; humbly
prayinge your lordships to enjoyne the said Watkins and his attorney to withdraw
the suite; and further to deale with them for there disloyall contempt
of his majesties great seale of England as to your lordships shall (in your gravest
judgment) seeme fitt. And hee shalbee bound ever to pray for your lordships.
Sir Dudly Diggs, knight, prisoner in the Fleet. SP 16/47 f. 10 (1627)
To the right honourable the lordes and others
of his majesties most honourable privey councell.
The humble peticion of Sir Dudly Diggs
knight prisoner in the Fleete.
Humbly shewinge; that whereas some unfittinge wordes fell from
him, att the table, which moved from his too much zeale, but with
noe purpose to offend that honorable board, or wronge any other
The petitioner beinge hartily sorie, for that error, humbly prayes
your lordships to pardon and restore him to your good opinion, which
he more desireth then his libertie, though he hath
many pressinge occasions to desire the same
And the petitioner shall pray etc.
Peter Canon. SP 16/47 f. 14 (1627)
To the illustrious Prince George Duke of
Buckingham his grace Lord Highe Admirall
of England.
The humble peticion of Peter Canon your graces servant
Sheweth that it pleased your grace in consideracion of your petitioners
services to conferr on him the office or place of sergeant of the
Admirallty of the Cinque Portes. To settle your petitioner therein it cost
him in ready money 150 pounds and 160 pounds he hath spent since he came to
execute the same, to raise which moneys your petitioner is runne farr indebt
and was inforced to sell his house and barque leavinge all other in
forturnes confidently trustinge through your graces favoure to enjoy
his said place.
But so it is may it please your grace that your petitioner it expelled undeser=
vedly from the same by Sir John Hipesley knight (by order from your
grace as he pretendeth) to the undoinge of him his wife and 7 smale
In regard whereof, and that Sir John Hipesley cannot justely
tax your petitioner for insufficiency or dishonest executinge the said
place, he most humbly beseecheth your grace to referr the examinacion
of the premisses to the comissioners of your revenewe and that
accordinge to theire certificate your petitioner may be dealt withall
and as in duty bounde he his wife and 7 children will ever pray
for your graces happines.
Read 3o January 1626 per [C...e?]
petition of Peter Cannon
serjiant of the Admiralty
Sir Robert Killigrew, knight, captain of the fort of Pendennis in Cornwall. SP 16/49 f. 10 (1627)
To the right honourable the lords of his majesties most honourable privy counsell.
The humble peticion of Sir Robert Killigrew knight captaine of
his majesties fort of Pendennis in Cornewall.
That whereas your peticioner hath wearied this board, and all other counselles
and persons to whom that care hath belonged, by threescore and nyne severall
peticions, for the space of eleven yeres, ymportuning a supply for the said
fort and for the poore souldiers pay there, who have not received any, theis
two yeres and three quarters:
May it therefore please your lordshipps, rather to consider the ymportance
of the said fort, then the unworthines of your peticioner, by giving speedy
order for the pay of the poore souldiers (who are some of them
already perished for want) as also for a supply, all other his majesties
fortes having received some help, and this of as great ymportance
as any, only omitted:
And your peticioner shall pray for your lordships etc.
James Wallace, Scotsman. SP 16/49 f. 16 (1627)
To the Kings most excellent majestie
The humble peticioun of James Wallace Scotsman
Humblye sheueth, whar as on Captan Georg Heriot was indebted to one
Williame Wear in certane soumes of money and the said Williame
Wear indebted also to your peticioner for satisfactioun of parrt of which
debt the said Captan Heriot turned over by his letter of atturnay to
a pryes which he touk frome the Dunkirkar which was laufull
according to the Dunkirkars confession which pryes arrived in your
majestie kingdome of Irland at Castle Heaven, a Dutchman a warre
being thare pretended a titill thar unto whar upon the said
pryes was layed up in deposito, ever and whill the said pryes
by confessioun of the Dunkirkars was ad judged laufull to Captain
Heriot who also was freed by my Lord Deputie upon the
forsaid conffessioun and the said Captain Heriot being thus freed
and set at libertie, Sir Laurence Peirsons Wice Admerall
at that present did intromet with the said shippe and goodis to the
wallue of 370 [pounds?] and doeth yet still reteine thame,
May it pleas your gratious majestie seing your poore peticioner hath no
other meanes to be repayed of the moneyes dew to him by the forsaid William
Wear by the richt and titill of this pryes maid over to him by the said
Williame Wear who haid the said pryes maid over to him by Captain
Heriot to caus Sir Laurence Persones to mak restetutioun of the shippe
and goodes, thay being laufullie adjudged conquered and takin by
the said captaine your majestie peticioner having no hoip to have the said
judgment reversed in Irland the parties interested being wealthie
judges and stronglie allied and the said Sir Laurence being judge
in the court whar the caus dependeth and hes power such also that
your peticioner can have no procidingis against him pleis your
majestie that the caus may be transmitted into Ingland to be
finallie ended befor the Admerallitie thar or els to be ended
befor my Lord Deputie thar and the rather in respect that
your peticioner lost all his whole meanes in the Palatinat whar
he was a wictuallar during the tyme of the warres thar
and spent his whole esteit in furnessing of the armie under
the command of the Lord Chichester, and the Lord Horatio Weere with
And your peticioner, as in dutie bund, will daylie pray
for your majestie longe and happie raigne
James Wallace
Simeon Fincham and John Dover, prisoners in the Fleet. SP 16/90 f. 82 (1628)
To the right honourable the lords and others of
his majesties most honorable privie councell.
The humble petition of Simeon Fincham and John Dover
prisoners in the Fleete.
That whereas there was an order from this honourable board to give
your peticioners warninge to depart theire dwellinge they liveinge in
Cheapeside and not beinge goldsmiths.
That these peticioners then not yeeldinge to departe accordinge to your
lordshipps said order are by your lordshipps justly committed to the prison of the
Fleete for theire said offence,
These peticioners doe nowe most humby submitt
themselves to your lordshipps order and are contented to leave
theire said houses and dwellings att the tyme appointed by
the order. And doe most humbly beseech your good lordshipps to
release your peticioners of theire said imprisonment.
And your peticioners shall dayly pray etc.
- Symeon Fincham
- John Dover
John Andrewes, gunner. SP 16/90 f. 117 (1628)
To the illustrious Prince George Duke of
Buckingham Lord High Admirall of England gennerall
of his majesties forces bothe by sea and lande etc.
The humble peticion of John Andrewes gunner.
Humbly sheweth that your graces peticioner hath beenne his majesties
sworne servant this 14 yeeres, and nowe lately at Calis action and at the
Isle of Re, from the first landinge till the last day where hee without
boastinge) behaved himself soe as that your grace [illegible] tooke notice of his
service, and yet hee never craved any thinge.
The premisses considered hee moste humbly beseecheth your
grace for his better encouragement, to grante him a revercion
of the first guners place that may fall in his majesties
navy, and hee doubteth not, but that the master gunner
of England will answer for your suppliantes sufficiencie
and as bound will ever pray for your grace etc.
Read 15o January 1627
John Andrewes to be
William Sneades. SP 16/91 f. 45 (1628)
To the Kinges most excellent majestie.
The most humble peticion of William Sneades.
Shewinge, that whereas about 13 yeares since, it fell out to the
lamentable sorrowe and greife of your majesties most miserable peticioner, but
most humble and loyall subject, that one Edward Worthington,
enforceinge a quarrell uppon him, challendged him to the feild, which hee
refusinge, the said Worthington laid wayte for him, as he was
retourninge home from London to Hackney, by whome the peticioner
beinge daungerously assaulted, was constrayned to his uttermost,
power to defend him self, in doinge whereof, it was his hard happ, soe
to wounde his adversarie, that hee dyed thereof.
Uppon which facte (hee humbly acknowledgeth) that he unadvisedly wente
beyond the seas, thereby endaungering both his innocencie, and his life, by the
lawes of this your majesties kingdome.
That since for the most parte hee hath byn a souldier, exposinge himself,
in the service of his prince, and countrie, in the Palatinate and lowe countries,
assuredly hopinge that his true penitence hath obteyned his remissionne of
God, for the same, to which hee wanteth nothing in this life, but your majesties
princely mercie and pardon.
For which hee humbly prostrates, both him self att your majesties feete, and
his life to your majesties service, which if your majestie be graciously pleased to
give him, he most faithfully promiseth most zealously to expose
the same, to the service of your majestie and the honour of his countrie, and
soe longe as the same endureth to magnifie your majesties mercye, for
whose happines and longe life, hee shall daylie pray.
Att the court att Whithall 22 Januarie 1627.
His majestie is graciouslie pleased to refer the consideracion of this
peticion to Master Atturney Generall, and if he find him capeable of
the grace and favour desired, that then he prepare a pardon
for him fitt for his majesties royall signature.
- Thomas Aylesbury
- William Sneades
for pardon.
John Cooke, esquire, keeper of Hartwell Park in the honour of Grafton. SP 16/528 f. 17 (1628)
To the right honourable the Lord Duke of
Buckingham his grace.
The humble peticion of John Cooke esquier keeper
of Hartwell Parke within the honour of Grafton
Humblie shewing your grace that some fewe yeares since he bought the
interest and profitt of the keepershipp of Hartwell Parke within the
honour of Grafton of his nephewe Captayne William Cooke for which
purchase he did engage a great parte of his estate hopeing to have
theirby settled himselfe his wife and children. Since which purchase
he hath employed much care and paines in the preservation of the deere
and hath disbursed much money in paleing, building and otherwise
accommadating that parke for his majesties better service, but now to his
unspeakable greife it hath pleased God to expose his nephewes life
to the sword of the Frenchmen in this late retriet, by which he is not
onely deprived of the life of his frend, but himselfe his wife and
children are therby brought to an extreame distresse and misery
in there estate, there interest in the parke wholly resting upon the
life of ther deceased nephewe, unlesse they may be graciously releived
by your grace in whom the power and ymmediate intrest of that parke
is now revolved by the death of this captaine in his majesties service.
He doth therfore most humblie beseech your lordship to be pleased soe
much to commiserate his sorrowe and losse in his death, gratiously
to continew his service in that parke and that he may happily
enjoy under your grace his entrest and employment in the same
soe shall he be ever faithfull in what your grace shall trust
him and shalbe ever most bound to pray for the increase
of your graces honor and happines etc.
January 2o [illegible] 1627
John Cookes petition
Sir Allen Appesley, knight lieutenant of the Tower. SP 16/131 f. 4 (1629)
To the Kings most excellent majestie.
The humble peticion of Sir Allen Appesley knight
lieutenant of the Tower.
Humbly sheweth.
That whereas in your majesties late fathers tyme of blessed memory by a decree in the
courte of Duchy the tennantes of the honour of Cletherowe in Lancashire were to have the
said mannor for 40 yeares purchase, whereof the paied but 20 yeares purchase and for that
there is a clause in the said decree, that they should have an act of Parliament for
confirmacion thereof, they have for about six yeares past retained the said other 20
yeares purchase in their handes amounting to 5000 pounds or thereaboutes.
Forasmuch as there is due to the peticioner and his creditours divers great summes of
money aswell before as for the late voyage to Rochell. And for 18000 pounds thereof the
peticioner did choose to accept your majesties royall word before all other securities then offered
which hee hopeth your majestye remembreth
May it therefore please your majestie, to graunt that the peticioner may have the said
arreare payable by the tenantes that remaines in their handes in part of such monys
as are due unto the peticioner. And that your majestie, will bee graciously pleased to
signifie soe much to the Lord Threasurer and the rather, for that (not withstanding
all his extremities) hee hath not importuned your majestye nor the Lord Threasurer beinge very
confident that his lordship will satisfie the rest assoone as may bee. And hee shall
(as nevertheles in dutie bound) praye for your majesties present and ever lasting happines.
Att the courte att Whitehall, 2o January 1628
His majestie is graciously pleased to graunt the peticioners request and that the right honourable the
Lord Threasurer take this peticion into his consideracion and give order for the peticioners good
concerning those landes or otherwise as shall bee most convenient, for his majestie well remembreth
that soe much monyes are due unto him.
Edward Powell
David Ramsey. SP 16/131 f. 6 (1629)
To the Kinges most excellent majestie
The humble peticion of David Ramsey
your majesties servant:
Most humbly shewinge, that your peticioner is informed that there is remaininge
in the handes of Sir William Eyres knight the some of 140 pounds or thereaboutes of moneyes
by him received within the county of Wiltshire, for the colleccion of the hundred of
Bradford as a benevolence for the maintenance of the warrs of the Kinge of
Bohemia which money doth of right belong to your majestie and hath been a long tyme
Your peticioner most humbly beseecheth your majestie to be gratiously pleased for the
better enabling him to performe your majesties service, to graunt unto him all such
monyes as are in the handes of the said Sir William Eyres or any other upon the
said colleccion, and that your majestie will vouchsafe to give order to the right
honourable the Lord High Treasurer of England for passinge a graunt by privie signett,
or his lordships warrant for the same, as he shall thinke fitt.
And your petitioner (accordinge to his bound dutie) shall daly pray
for your majesties long and happie raigne.
Att the court att Whitehall 2o January 1628.
His majestie is gratiouslie pleased to graunt the peticioners request, and the
right honourable the Lord Treasurer is to give order therein as his lordshipp shall
finde most convenient.
Master Attorney I herewith send you the coppie
of Master Ramseyes peticion and his majesties pleasure thereon
signified in persurance whereof I pray you to prepare
a byll for his majesties signature for grauntinge to Master
Ramsey the mony in the peticion mencioned. And for
soe doeinge this shalbe your warrant.
10o Martii 1628
R Weston
John Thornborough, Bishop of Worcester. SP 16/131 f. 7 (1629)
To the Kinges most excellent majesty
The humble peticion of John Bishoppe of Worcester
Sheweth to your most excellent majesty that whereas both before the conquest and often since divers
of your majesties predecessoures kinges and queenes of England have of theire grace beene pleased to graunte and
confirme to divers of your subjectes predecessours bishopps of Worcester and theire successoures divers libertyes
immunityes priviledges issues fynes and amerciamentes within the hundred of Oswoldslowe in the county
of Worcester as by divers grauntes and charters remayneinge of record in your highenes Courte of
Exchequer and by twoe actes of Parliament it doth appeare, and whereas your majestie for and in
consideracion of the summe of fiftye poundes payde into your highenes exchequer the 30th daye of
Maye laste past did confirme unto the Bishopp of Worcester and his successoures divers
libertyes as by the letteres pattentes bearinge date the xxth daye of June under the greate seale of
England yt doth appeare.
Yet not withstandinge divers questions and doubtes by reason of some generall and ambiguos wordes and
a provisoe in the saide letteres pattents doe arise concerninge the validitye of the saide confirmacion
and divers persons doe endeavour to impeach the same for theire owne benifitt and doe incroache
uppon your saide subjectes libertyes and rightes whereby there maye daylie growe many vexacious
suytes and troubles to the great prejudice of your saide subjecte.
Maye it therefore please your most excellent majestie for the avoydeinge of further questions and
doubtes to graunte and confirme to your saide subjecte and his successoures bishopps of
Worcester the libertyes menconed in the saide letteres pattents accordinge to the intent
thereof with such further wordes for the cleeringe of the saide doubtes and questiones
aforesaide as your councell learned to whome your majestie shalbe pleased to referre yt shall thinke fitt
And your peticoner shall ever praye etc.
Att the court at Whitehall 2o January 1628
His majestie is gratiouslie pleased to graunt the peticioners
request, and Master Attorney Generall is to prepare a bill
of the same fitt for his royall signature as is desired
Edward Powell
For the Bishopp of Worcester
for explayninge of a grant
February 1628
Hugh Perry, Thomas Eyans, John Hide and others. SP 16/131 f. 13 (1629)
To the right honourable the lords commissioners of the
The humble peticion of Hugh Perry, Thomas Eyans,
John Hide and others.
Whereas the peticioners having about 7 yeares past let to
freight for Lisbon their ship called the Lyon, whereof John
Hide one of the peticioners was master, she was surprized
on the coast of Portugal by certaine pirates of Algier,
and by them carryed to the same place, from whence the
said master after some misery was redeemed by
disbursement of a great ransome.
Now so it is, that their said ship was lately descried by
some watermen to be in the river of Thames manned
by Italians, Turkes, and English bound for Holland:
whereof the said watermen having given notice
unto the peticioners, they have caused their said ship
to be arrested by the officers of the Admiralty.
The peticioners humble suite therefore is, that
seing the said ship was most unjustly taken
from them by pirates, your lordships would be
pleased to take such order, that the peticioners
being the true owners may have the possession
of their ship againe. And they shal daily
pray for your lordships in health and happines long
to continue.
Read 3o January 1628
petition of Master Perry.