Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711. Originally published by [s.n.], [s.l.], 2004.
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March 1693
March 1. Wednesday, 2 Bunberys, Kate & Priscilla Whitley, Hardware & his wife, dined with us; after diner G.Mainwaring came & stayd ½ houer.
2. Tuesday [sic.], Houseman went to Peele; Browne with one Evans came to speake with me before diner & Crosse & Proby soone after; my daughters went abRood, retorned at 7; 2 soldyers came at 8 about free quarter for 6 men; but refused; Mainwaring came at 9, stayd till 10.
3. Friday, Parsons, Widdow .., her sonne, Gray & 3 or 4 more came about a difference betwixt Parsons & the widdow about her sonne, &c. Sheriffe Burrows & Fernehaugh dined with me; G.Mainwaring came after diner; they went before 3; Walton came past 7 to acquainte me how he proceeded about the excise; stayd not; Lee came past 7, stayd not.
4. Satorday, I went to the Penthouse at 11; retorned at 1; Streete, G.Mainwaring, Williamson, Kinaston, Parry, dined with us; Baskervile came, but went before diner; Lee came after diner; stayd not; Griffith & carts came from Peele & Burgesse from Shotwick; Finchet came in the morning about a herriot; Palin, Lightfoote, Deane of Lach, &. another came about severall businesse; some of them dined with the officers & servants, &c.. all the company went past 3; past 4, Alderman Allen brought me a bill from Mr Warburton, for 60li to be paid to one King in London which I accepted.
5. Sonday, I was not at church; Baskervile & G.Mainwaring dined with us; in the evening came Allen & Weston (one of Lord Sidney's servants) to see me; went in ½ houer; G.Mainwaring came after supper, stayd till 10; Gray came to get my letter about his man, pressed in Wales, but I did not write &c ; Broster came at 10, went at 4.
6. Monday, Nixon went to visit Sir Willam Aston, &c. Houseman to visit cosen Whitley, Lady Bunbery & to BRoodlane &c. Burgesse calld in his way to Shotwick; Yates & Woodson came with a complainte of his being arrested; after diner I sent for Murrey; then came Baskervile; after them Parsons; also Yates, Woodfin, Coe & severall others about Woodfin's businesse; (also G.Mainwaring & Johnson interl.) sister Lloyd & Priscilla dined with us in the evening; Sir John Mainwaring retorned form London (about 5); Streete, G.Mainwaring, Johnson, Baskervile, Baroby, Fernehaugh, Parry, & sonne supt; we parted before 10; Angell & sister supt with us.
7. Tuesday, Bidolph & his 2 daughters went (past 9) towards Elmehurst; Mainwaring, G.Mainwaring, Murrey, Sparks, Beavand, 2 Leadbeaters, Edwards, Peirce, (Bell, Salisbury interl.) Denson, Jones &c. dined with me; after diner came Hoole, Venables, Anderson &c. all went before 5; Mainwaring came in after supper; also G.Mainwaring & Walforne, who brought Bidolph to Namptwich.
8. Wednesday, I sent Nixon to Ruabon; Roger's groome (with G.Mainwaring) to Wrexam faire; after diner came Hall to complaine of Taylor, a barber; Donald trimmed me; past 4, came Parson Gerard & Sam Gerard to visit me; then Mr Deane Fogg; then Mr Collet & then L. Lloyd, he supt with us.
9. Thursday, Alderman Lloyd's sonne came about money Roger owes him; G.Mainwaring, his sonne, Roger Mainwaring of Keringham, L. Lloyd, dined with us; Collet came after diner; at 3, I went to the Penthouse; then to Mr Danells funerall & to sermon; then to Jackson's; there was Mainwaring & G.Mainwaring; then we went to the Bars; retorned about 8 to Ridge's; there was Baskervile & Parry; Murrey, Sparks & L. Lloyd came to us; we parted at 11.
10. Friday, Mainwaring & Houseman went to meete Crew at Tarvyn; the buttler went to Peele past 11; after diner came Fletcher, Bostock, Jordan & 2 carpenters to discourse of the new Hall; then old Mr Hardware; then Mercer & Coker; then Bingley & Jelico about Glover stone market; they all went before 4; Mainwaring retorned past 9.
11. Satorday, Mr Gleg came about money Roger owes him; I went to the Penthouse past 11; retorned past one; Sir William Gleg, his lady & brother, Mead, Streete & G.Mainwaring dined with us; went before 4; Minshall pd 1g for Bechin; stranger & another came about borrowing of the Cittys money; Fletcher about the new Hall; Burgesse for a warrant about wood that was stolen; in the evening I went to Wybornes, there were 2 Mainwarings; 2 Wrights, Allen, Anderton, we parted past 10.
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12. Sonday, was not at church; nor abRood; Mainwaring & Johnson came after supper; both went before 10.
13. Monday, I went to the Court past 11; retorned past 1; Recorder, Hunt, Booth, G.Mainwaring, Streete, Ince, Lloyd, Edwards, Williamson, 2 Sheriffs, Comberbach, dined with us; parted past 4; Streete & G.Mainwaring stayd longer; the gardener (came from Peele; Burges came with the men that had taken some of my wood &c. I remitted the trespasse, &c. interl.) 14. Tuesday, Mainwaring, Walforne & Houseman went a setting into Werrall; a Londoner came with a complainte & brought one Foster (with Wilcox warrant) before me by reason of a fray in the streete the last night, where the Londoner lost his hat & a glove; upon examination it appeared that the Londoner gave the occasion soe he paid the Constable's fee & were all discharged; Moses Donat came about the land he holds & money he owes; Alderman Williamson in behalfe of a yong constable that counterfeited my hand to a passe, which I remitted & one Turner Eaton to complaine of a man that had assaulted him; I desired Alderman Williamson to take up the matter; Peck came about 3 to get a passe for a poore woman; Comberbach came in the morning, to give account that Glover Stone was mentioned in one place in the Charter, &c. Burrows, Baker came about the difference betwixt him & the company; Hardwar came in the evening, stayd till 7; Walforne retorned at 7; Mainwaring past 9.
15. Wednesday, past 11 came Bolton & the assessors of Tatenhall about the tax; then I & Mainwaring went to the Commissioners of Appeale at Glovers Stone; there was Grosvenor, Booth, Hurlestone & Hardware; we retorned before 1; Streete dined with us; after diner, Woodfyn & Colston had a hearing about a difference; then came G.Mainwaring & Comberbach; they all went past 4; Griffith came with carts, went to Lach for hay; Kerison came to desire that he might build his house of wood rather than brick; about 6 I went to Ridges, there were 2 Mainwarings, Johnson, 2 Treasurers, Deane; then came Hand; Johnson & Deane went first; we all parted at 9.
16. Thursday, Donat trimmed me; at 11 Sir Thomas Delves' buttler came to visit us; stayd not; Streete dined with me & about 30 cittisens came with him; Mr Murrall, Comberbach, &c. G.Mainwaring came after diner, all went past 4; some sooner; John Griffith retorned with his carts to Peele; Gerard & Ratcliffe came past 6 about the irregularity of the assessment.
17. Friday, Crew, Sherwood & G.Mainwaring & Angell dined with us; Streete came after diner & Norbery & Commander; about 4, we went to G.Mainwaring's; (Jackson came with us interl.) parted past 5; in the morning old Jackson & Gerard came about the concernes of the taylors.
18. Satorday, Mainwaring went about 9 to meete Crew towards Wetwood to course; Comberbach & Murrey came to me to signe an affidavit & Bagnell (& Span) about the assessment at Brombrow; I went to the Penthouse past 11; retorned past 1; G.Mainwaring dined with me; after diner came Streete, Crosse, a Constable, Brereton, Fletcher; all went by 4; Griffith came with the carts from Peele; went about 5; Claxton came past 11, about the timber in the old Hall, &c.
19. Sonday, was not at church; after diner went to G.Mainwaring's; there was Baroby, Fernehagh, a man from Carnarvon, Mainwaring & Parry; stayd but awhile; went home; the rest went to the great church, where Walforne preached; past 5, Baskervile came to see me; then Ned Morgan & Dod; they went before 7; afterwards came Baroby, Streete, G.Mainwaring, Fernehagh; supt with me; then came Jackson; they all went past 10.
20. Monday, Hatchet (& Farington) came about taking a hospitall lease; Foulks & 2 or 3 other Carpenters came with a complainte; also a Taylor with a complainte; after diner came Brereton; then G.Mainwaring, then Mercer; all went before 3; about 6 I went to the Bars (Mainwaring with me) then to Mr Madox's (Priscilla & Mrs Bumbery with us interl.) then to Lady Bellot's; then to Sam Gerard's; there was Mainwaring, Cratchley, Deane, Kinaston, Wright &c. we parted past 10 21. Tuesday, Roger Brereton & the other Brereton were with me about toll corne; the Fishmongers & Cryers about Mr Brereton's oysters; Bryan Bolland about dining in Hambridge; Alban Gray to goe view the wood, &c. in the Flesh Hall; George Swetnam to visit us, &c. about 2 came Streete, but stayd not; then came Brereton & Williams to complaine of the Macebearer's exacting of toll for cheese; I went to the Penthouse; there was the Recorder, Streete & G.Mainwaring & Comberbach about the militia; past 7 we went to Ridges; Baskervile & Parry came to us; we parted past 10. Mainwaring went in the morning to Peover.
22. Wednesday, Baskervile came past 9 to take leave, being on his retorne to London; Bryan Bolland came past 10 & Evans about dining on Friday at Handbridge; Brereton & the Welsh boateman came about the corne ship; severall men came with a wheelewright that was arrested by the Carpenters & Yates & another man, &c. past 3, I went with G.Mainwaring & Walforne to the funerall of Alderman Ince's child; I went back in my coach; went out neare the church but did not goe in; Jackson & Deane came to me at 6; G.Mainwaring soone after; then Jackson; they all went past 8. Houseman went in the morning to Colebrook, retorned at night; the Bishop retorned from London in the evening.
23. Thursday, R. Brereton came to me about the toll corne in the ship; Griffith came with coles; Houseman went to Denaw; the buttler to Peele about 11; about 5, I & Walforne went to wayte on the Bishop, saw him & Antwisle; at 6 I went to visit cosen Ravenscroft & Booths; then cosen William Ravenscroft; supt at home; then came Morgan from London; also Johnson & G.Mainwaring; parted at 10. the buttler & Houseman retorned at night.
24. Friday, Mrs Berry came from Peele; Captaine Dore came for permission to beate his drums; about 1, I went with G.Mainwaring to Hanbridge; dined at Evan's house with Streete, Morgan, Ridge, Calcot, Smith, Ende, Bolland & many more in 2 or 3 roomes; I left them past 2; called on Captaie Dore at the Feathers, then to the Penthouse, then to Angell's, then to visit cosen Mainwaring's; then home, past 7.
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25. Satorday, Griffith came with coles, &c. & Carington with goods from Peele; Gray was with me about the building. I went to the Penthouse before 12; retorned past 2. G.Mainwaring, Williamson & Captaine Dore dined with me, went about 5. Burgesse came from Shotwick; Browne & Evans were with me with a bill for diner yesterday at Evan's house; Fletcher & Jordan about the new Hall; the Bakers' stewards were with me past 6; Mainwaring came home about 8; G.Mainwaring after supper, parted past 10.
26. Sonday, was not at church; in the evening came cosen Whitley, Morgan, Ned Morgan, Angell, Streete, G.Mainwaring, Jackson & his wife; they supt with us; also cosen Whitley & Morgan; all went before 10.
27. Monday, Broster came from Peele about 10; went in the evening; I went to the Court at 12, retorned past 1; Mainwaring, Warburton, Streete, G.Mainwaring & neare 20 out of the North Gate Streete, &c. dined with me; they went past 4; then came Bostock's wife, to speake about dining at her house on Thursday; then came the Bishop of Lichfeild's secretary & Mr Williams, due, when he was Bishop of St Asaph. Nixon went to the funerall of Ales Wright at Hawerden & Houseman to Palin & Fletcher about money & rent due to me; Walforne went abRood before diner, retorned after supper.
28. Tuesday, a messenger brought Acts for review of the Poll & the 2nd Proclamacions about Lord Nottingham's seale, &c. Mainwaring went to Utkington past 10. Bingley was with me about Selsby's debt; past 4 came Dore & his Serjeant; stayd ½ houer; then Gray & Eaton, a seaman; then Morris & Quick about glasing at Shotwick; then Johnson; then Jackson & the Lottery man; stayd not long; (Ormes & Bostock came about dining at Bostock's on Thursday interl.) Priscilla & Mrs Bumbery dined with us. Mainwaring came home past 10; I gave order to the Macebearer to summon the Aldermen to meete at the Penthouse to morrow at 8.
29. Wednesday, Crosse came to me about his assessment; Johnson, to tell me that Parker would be with me at 5; Isack, to complaine of Woodfyn; after diner came G.Mainwaring, then Arderne; they went presently to Mainwaring's house; I after them; Richard Hughes came thither to me; paid Houseman 13li; I & G.Mainwaring went to the Penthouse; there were severall Aldermen & Sheriffs about the Lottery man; we desired him not to open till we saw a coppy of the King's Grant; Mr Henry & others appeared, about taxes; were retained; I went home past 5; then came Johnson, Deane & Parker to me; then Mainwaring; we read part of the Charter (which Mr brought to me) they went after 8; Morgan came past 7, supt, went past 9.
30. Thursday, I gave Adams the Charter book againe; I dined at Bostocks with Mainwaring, G.Mainwaring, Streete, Ely & 30 or 40 freemen of those parts; parted at 4; went to Jackson's; stayd till neare 6; went home; Yates came about dining at his house next week; after supper came Mainwaring & Treasurer Cratchley; then G.Mainwaring; parted at 10.
31. Friday, a Hawerden taylor came to complaine of being arrested by the company, &c. Jackson & one of the serjeants came to me about it; also a periwig-maker & his wife to complaine of a woman that kept a periwig from them; then came Aston, a Skinner (in drink) stayd neare an houer; Bostock's wife came for money on her bill for yesterday's diner & a servant from Ruabon to know how we did; Mrs Cratchley to see my daughters; I went to the Deane past 5; saw him & his sonne; calld at Jackson's doore; spoke with him, came home at 7; in the afternoone Murray & Johnson came to me; then Capt Wood from Ireland; stayd not ½ houer; after supper came Potter, stayd till neare 10.