Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711. Originally published by [s.n.], [s.l.], 2004.
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February 1693
February. 1st Wednesday, Sir John Hanmer, Penant, Edwards, Major Price, Parry, Mainwaring, & Streete dined with me; (they went past 4 interl.) after diner came John Wilcox, my old soldyer, to see me; dined, dranck, & went away; Palin came before diner, stayd not; past 5 came Sheriffe Burrows, stayd an houer; a man came from cosen Brereton with a letter, to have 3li for his brother.
2. Thursday; I gave cosen Brereton's man 3li; he retorned past 10. James Mainwaring came to me about accounts; the Poore Gowne men dined with us; also G.Mainwaring; past 3 he & I went to visit Sir John Hanmer; there was with him the Chancelor, Hugh Grosvenor & Kenrick; past 4, Mainwaring & I went to the Penthouse; there was Wilcox, Streete, Lloyd, Williamson, Bennet, Sheriffs, Treasurers &c. Bidolph came to towne about 4; came to the Penthouse; thence he & I went to Angells, then home; supt; after supper came Mainwaring, Streete & Johnson; they went about 10. When I came from the Penthouse I found one Mr Salisbury at my house with papers of verses &c. he stayd not.
3. Friday, about 11, I & Bidolph went in coach to Shotwick; also G.Mainwaring, Streete, Parry, Walforne, Houseman &c. we cald at the Lodge; stayd ½ houer; then to Soughall; dined at the Alehouse; thither came Hucknell & severall neighbors; we parted past 4; came home past 5; Bidolph, Streete & Parry supt with us.
4. Satorday, the Macebearer was with me past 9; James Mainwaring came to settle his father's accounts; Mrs Oulton came about her husband's debt from Roger; Chub about Bechin land; the Butchers about theire seasure ..
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4.. of ill meate; Bidolph dined with us; after diner came G.Mainwaring; stayd till neare 4; Griffith & carts came from Peele & went to Shotwick.
5. Sonday, I went to next church; G, Mainwaring dined with us; he & his wife supt with us.
6. Monday, Mr Birch the minister came to me about the keeper of the House of Correction; about a woman that is there, to get her discharged; then came Aldermen Williamson, Parry, Streete, Gouther, Crosse, a yong taylor that compained of being drawne into marriage by one Birch (who also appeared) & his wife; &c. theire businesse was put off, to the Penthouse, on Satorday; also 2 collectors of the North Gate Streete, who desire to be excused; past 2 I went to the funerall of Mrs Sparks; there were severall Aldermen (Wilcox, Lloyd, Edwards, Wilson, Starkey &c) Randle Ravenscroft &c; I went with the body to the church doore; then home about 5; I went to the next Coffe house; there was Mainwaring, Radford, Johnson, & Murrey; we parted past 6; went into Mainwaring's house, had a bottle of wine; Jones the sadler brought a woman thither on suspicion of having rob d him; who was afterwards sent to the House of Correction, by my warrant; Mainwaring came to me after supper; parted past 10.
7. Tuesday, severall people with me about businesse; viz: the stewards of the taylors with one Williams; Bolland & Dewsbury, about scavingers, &c. there dined with me Bidolph, Captaine Wright, Burrows, Norbery, Kirke, Wright, Murray, Cockayne, Meales, & Buckley; parted past 4; Pugh & Williams came at 5; stayd not long; Farington came after supper; went neare 10.
8. Wednesday, Jackson came about retorne of money to London; severall people about businesse; Streete & Comberbach with a fisherman, about staking & setting nets over the river; Gray, Jackson & Woodfyn came about complaints against Woodfyn; in the evening came Streete, Mainwaring, Johnson, Allen, Bennet,; Gray, Fletcher &c with the models for the new Hall; they stayd till almost 8; Streete & Mainwaring supt; went past 10.
9. Thursday, Griffith & carts brought coales, past 9; then went to Lach for hay (I gave John Griffith 4s for meate, for himselfe & men; he had 5s when he went to Shotwick, from Houseman; he must accompt for all) my Shotwick tenant (Basnet interl.) came about buying Rogers horse, dined with us; past 3, I went with Mainwaring to the Deane; saw him & his sonne; then to Blag's; there was Bradshaw, Brereton, Anderson; then to the Granary; then to Anderson's garden(& to Ince's, but he was abRood) then to sister Whitley's, Lady Bellot's; to Jackson's; there was Bidolph, Walforne, Mercer, Jackson, &c. we parted before 8; went home.
10. Friday, Bolland & the churchwardens of St Mary's came about a child; a woman to complaine of Jackson's seising her clothes; Jones, & one with him, for a Passe; &c. Bolland, Jellico, Pointon, & severall of Forest Streete, G.Mainwaring, Gray &c. dined with me; Ince & Williamson came about 4; stayd awhile; all went before 5; Bingley came past 6, stayd not; also Johnson, stayd till past 7; Mainwaring came past 9, went at 10; Houseman retorned from Bromley.
11. Satorday, went to the Penthouse, retorned past 2; G.Mainwaring, Williamson, Parry &c dined with us; parted past 4; I went past 6 to Levesley's; there was Mainwaring, Kinaston, Murray, Bidolph, Pointon, Madox, Crosse, Levesley & his son; we parted past 9; Wood came at 4, & brought my wooll; a messenger brought me 8 Acts of Parlement about 5.
12. Sonday, was not at church; Clark (the messenger) dined with us; also he, Jackson, his wife supt with us; Mainwaring came after supper, parted past 10; Cratchley came about 5, stayd till 6.
13. Monday, about 10, Comberbach came with Francis & 2 Suertyes, to give recognisance to appeare at the next Court Moote; I went to the Court at 11; stayd there till 3; Booth, Venables, Hunt, Streete, Mainwaring, Ince, Williamson, Edwards, Lloyd, Skelton, Cumberbach &c dined with me; parted about 5; I went to the Penthouse at 7; there was Streete, Mainwaring, Edwards, Ince, Williamson, Lloyd, Burrows, 2 Treasurers, Warmingham, Sparks &c; the occasion was, it being the Anniversary of the King's coming to the Crowne; while we were there 3 stones were flung at the windows; we parted at 9. Barton came from Salmon for money.
14. Tuesday, cosen Whitley came to me, dined above, went past 5; the 2 Sheriffs & Grand Jury dined with me; went about 4; Walton came, stayd not; also Mainwaring & Johnson; stayd not long, came about 8 (with Deane & Cratchley) went at 10; Benson came at 8, gave a bill for 300li; went agen.
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14. Gerard Bromley came this day to live with me.
15. Wednesday, Crosse & Croxon came (at 11) about Sir John Werden's rent; stayd not; Angell & 3 sisters dined with us; at 3, I went to the Penthouse to meet the Commissioners for the new tax; about 5 I went to Jackson's, the Recorder in the coach with me; Streete, Ince, Mainwaring, Cumberbach soone after; then Bidolph, Murray & Parry; we parted past 9; Mainwaring & Bidolph came in to my house; stayd till past 10.
16. Thursday, my daughters went (past 9) to see Mrs Huson; Gray came to get leave to arrest a freeman; Danat trimmed me; Streete & Sheriffe Borrows came at 11, with 2 boatemen, who informed against the fishermen's staking up the river; there dined with me Madocks & his 2 sonns; Levesley & his son; Pointon, & 6 or 7 more of the Forest Streete; they went about 4; my daughters retorned past 5; Bidolph went a shooting in the morning; retorned about 6; Farington brought 8 woodcocks.
17. Friday, Mrs Croughton & her cosen came to me about the scavenger's money & Gray about the new building; Charles Griffith, about the money due to him; sister Lloyd & Priscilla dined with us; in the evening came Gray with his new modell; past 9 came Mainwaring, Bidolph & Walforne; parted past 10; a man & woman came from Golgrey about theire cattle ceised for debt; cosen Morgan & his mother came with them; 2 men came from Shropshire to goe cutt Cooper's wood at Shotwick.
18. Satorday, Moses came from Peele; the 2 Shropshire men going to Shotwick; I went to the Penthouse past 11; stayd there till neare 2; Streete, Mainwaring & Recorder dined with us, went past 4; Fletcher, Bostock & Jordan were with me about the new building; Bidolph & Mainwaring (& Parry interl.) came after supper; went at 10 19. Sonday, was not at church; Walforne preached at Tarvyn; Houseman went to Mrs Huson, retorned in the evening; past 4 Bidolph, Mainwaring & I went in the coach to take the ayre; called, & dranck (in our retorne) at the Bars, but did not light; came home past 6; after supper Bidolph, I & Walforne went to Mainwaring's; sate with him & his wife till 10.
20. Monday, Bidolph & Houseman went a fowling, about 8; Bidolph retorned at 1; the other not till night; past 4, Morgan Whitley came from London; stayd with me till neare 7; Parry came past 9; stayd past 10.
21. Tuesday, Major Price came to me at 10 (I sent Houseman to desire it) to speake of the reception of Lord Galloway, &c. Burrows came to speake about oysters; Parry & Jones of Okenholt came about 12; dined with me, &c. past 3 I went to the Penthouse about making Assessors for the 4s tax; I left my Commissioners there; went to Anderson's; then to Barrell nell with Bidolph, Mainwaring, 2 Treasurers, Deane; Anderson came after us; then Hardwar, Henry & Hall; we parted past 6; Bidolph & I called at Angell's, then home; after supper Morgan came to us; stayd till 10.
22. Wednesday, the Towne Major came to to me & Kinaston; also Treasurer Cratchley & Macebearer; the Keeper of the Northgate for charity for the poore prisoners; Streete & Mainwaring to discourse of Lord Galloway's coming; Donald came to trimme me; at 3, I went to the Penthouse to meete the Aldermen, about Lord Galloway &c; Streete, Ince, Lloyd, Skellam, Bennet, Allen & Sheriffs were there; no more coming we parted neare 5, did nothing; I, Streete & Mainwaring went to wayte on Lord Galloway (who came that afternoone) at his lodgings about 6; Lord Montjoy was with him; we stayd ½ houer; he brought us to our coach; I invited to dine with me, next day.
23. Lord Galloway & Lord Montjoy came to visit me, about 10, but I was not dressed &c; they stayd not; past 12, they came to diner with Major Clayton & 6 or 7 more; Bidolph, Streete, Mainwaring, Angell, &c. dined below (my daughters dined above with us) about 3, the Lords & company parted; I sent my coach with them to Neston; when they parted, Nat. Lee came; he, Streete, Mainwaring, Bidolph, Angell (Salisbury of Leadbrooke, the yonger brother) went in with me; stayd till about 5; Lee, Streete & Mainwaring came agen about 9, stayd past 10.
24. Friday, Houseman went to Hope; Hoole came past 11, went at 12; after diner came Wilkinson, King, his wife, 3 or 4 other women about wrangling businesse, &c. went away in ½ houer; in the evening came Basnet, to desire leave to sue Fletcher; Mainwaring came at 9, went at 10.
25. Satorday, went to the Penhouse at 11; retorned before one; Streete Mainwaring, Edwards, Lloyd, Williamson, Cumberbach dined with us; parted about 4; past 5 came cosen Whitley, & Luke Lloyd, supt; Morgan also came; Mainwaring & Streete &c. parted past 10.
26.Sonday, was not at church; cosen Whitley, his brother, Luke Lloyd dined with us; after diner came Streete & Ned Morgan; they went at 2; Morgan Whitley went towards London; in the evening Payne & his wife came to visit us; past 6 ..
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26. ..we went to Alderman Mainwaring, his child was christend that evening; we supt there with Streete, Cratchley, Randle Ravenscroft, Wyborne, Payne, Whitley, Lloyd, Ned Morgan, Bidolph, Wright, &c. I left them before 10.
27. Monday, went to the Penthouse & Court past 11; retorned about 12; called at Angell's; dined at home with Lloyd, Edwards, 3 Basnets, 2 Radfords & 13 or 14 more frinds with them; also Streete, Bidolph & 5 or 6 more in the other roome; about 3 came Captaine Hamilton to get a warrant for a horse, to carry a lame soldyer; they all went past 4 &c; Gray came at night, complained of the Buttler for speaking ill of him.
28. Tuesday, daughters dined abRood with Lady Salisbury; Bidolph & Walforne with G.Mainwaring; I dined privately with the children; went to the Penthouse at 2; to the Rood Dee at 3; saw the shooting & 2 races; then to the Penthouse againe; thither came Sir Thomas Stanley of Lancashire (that won the races) & Hesket; they presented 2 bottles of sack; went soone away; then all parted; I & Bidolph went to visit Mrs Mainwaring; stayd an houer; came home before 7; after supper came Johnson, stayd till past 9.