Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711. Originally published by [s.n.], [s.l.], 2004.
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April 1693
April. 1st. Satorday, Mr Deane came to me, to enclose a letter to daughter Whitley; Mat. Browne came about Lightfoot's lease; John Mosse about his money, &c. Lightfoote, about his brother; Nat. Lee dined with us; severall people about businesse; Fletcher & Jordan at 5 about new building; Griffith with oates, &c. from Peele.
2. Sonday, was not at church; Warburton, Wood & G.Mainwaring dined with us; Nat. Lee came after diner, went about 2; Broster came from Peele, went past 3; Crosse & Gerard were with me (also Yates) about inviting men to dine with me, &c. 2 Warburtons, Nat. Lee, Wood supt with us; G.Mainwaring came after supper; they all went past 10.
3. Monday, Roger Brereton came about toll corne; old Jackson, Crosse, Pemberton, Hilton, 2 Bradshaws, & about 15, dined with me; also Mainwaring, G.Mainwaring &c. they parted past 4. Walforne went to Peele after diner, (retorned before 7 interl.) Angell came to my daughters, &c. Croughton, Bolland & 2 Halls came neare 8 to acquainte me how Richardson & Humfrey Lloyd had sued Hall for a quarrell at the election; stayd but awhile; Mainwaring came home after I was in bed.
4. Tuesday, Mainwaring went about 9 to a contrey meeting about taxes; (retorned at night interl.) Butcher & Morg. Pemberton to Peele; the coachman after them; I dined at Yates his house, G.Mainwaring, Lloyd, Edwards (& about 30 freemen) with us; Streete came after diner; pasted at 4, then went to ..
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4. to the Penthouse about the taxes; there were severall other Commissioners; parted before 6. I went with Recorder, Ince, Streete & G.Mainwaring to Ridges; Dore & his Lietenant. came to us (for a passe for his men) stayd not; then came Mainwaring & Murrey & Walforne; I left them before 9.
5. Wednesday, Walforne went (past 6) towards Northamptonshire; the 2 Lightfoots came about the lease at Lach, dined, went presently away; Bryan Bolland came with a complainte; Burgesse from Shotwick; the 2 Lightfoots came agen at 5, went to Mainwaring about 6 to Ridges; I went thither to them, 2 Mainwarings & Deane; Lightfoots went before 7, we stayd till 9.
6. Thursday, severall men & women came for passes; I ordered Houseman to goe to Bechin about the horses & cattle of Fletcher's & letting the land, &c. (he stayd out all night) Mercer, Coker & G.Mainwaring dined with us; went past 2; Morgan & Luke Lloyd came after diner & Kinaston & Parry; stayd not long; about 5, I & G.Mainwaring went to take the ayre toward Chaisletowne; as we past Barrell Well, had 2 tankards of ale, from thence another neighbor dranke with us; then we called at Ormes his house; there was Madox &c. we did not light, dranck in the coach; gave the wife 6d; came home; found Johnson & the 2 Treasurers in the streete; they came in; stayd awhile; went over the way to Wright's; the 2 Mainwarings after them; after supper 2 Mainwarings retorned, tooke a pipe & dranck a bottle in daughter Mainwaring's chamber; then came Jackson with letters; parted past 10.
7. Friday, G.Mainwaring, Sam Gerard, Henthorne; 25 or 26 more dined with me; they went past 3; after diner came L. Lloyd; then Streete, they stayd (& Potter) till 5; after supper came G.Mainwaring & Anderson; went about 10; Gerard came before supper, stayd not.
8. Satorday, I went to the Penthouse past 11; retorned past 1; G.Mainwaring, Streete, Comberbach & Stafford dined with us; after diner, 2 lightfoots & Finchet came; I left them with Mainwaring & Houseman; they agreed for a lease at Lach; I went to G.Mainwarings; there was Angell; then came 2 Henrys; I stayd ½ houer with them; went home; Griffith & carts brought hay from Peele.
9. Sonday, was not at church; Morgan Whitley came in the evening; then Farington, supt with us; went presently after; then came G.Mainwaring; stayd till 10.
10. Monday, Burgesse came from Peele; had order about fishing the poole; the Macebearer had order to acquainte the Aldermen of meeting to morrow evening at the Penthouse to solemnise the King's Coronation day. I dined at Warmingham's with Mainwaring, G.Mainwaring, Streete & many others; a seaman brought me a letter from Warburton that he had sent 2 hampers of wine; Yates came about his money; Broster & gardener from Peele; we came from Warmingham's neare 5; called at the Ship; Streete, 2 Mainwarings, Warburton, Blackborne, Parry, &c. I left them before 7; past 9 Sir William Williams came to my house; he, 2 Mainwarings & I sate up till past 1. Fletcher & Jordan were with me past 7 discoursing of the new Hall.
11, Tuesday, Gray & Fletcher came past 12, stayd ½ houer; Sir William Williams, G.Mainwaring, Streete & Johnson dined with us; Parry came after diner; they all went past 4; Angell came to my daughters; Coker & Mercer came with a bill; past 6, I went to the Penthouse to solemnise the Coronacion day; there was Sir William Williams & Deputy Recorder; also Mainwaring, Warburton, Wood, Wyborne, Streete, Wilcox, Ince, G.Mainwaring, severall Aldermen, Sheriffs, treasurers & others; we parted about 9; Streete & G.Mainwaring, came home with me; stayd till 10.
12. Wednesday, Captaine Wright & Alderman Bennet came to me about the difference betwixt the Captain & the Collectors; Mainwaring & Houseman went to Shotwick past 11; after diner, Davyes of Brombrow paid 11li; Leadbeater, Bowker & another came about a difference with Coppock; Yates came about his bill, (he had his money interl.) I went with G.Mainwaring & Streete to the Recorders at 7; there was also Mainwaring, Treasurer Cratchley, Hand, Johnson, &c. we parted about 10.
13. Thursday; I went past 10 to an Assembly in the Penthouse; there was the Recorder, Grosvenor, &c. they both, with Wilcox, Wilson, Starky, severall other Aldermen, Treasurers, Comberbach, Deane, &c. dined with me; parted about 4; about 5, I went to the Penthouse; then (with Streete) to the Feathers; there were 2 Mainwarings, Wright, Edwards, Lloyd, Morgan Whitley, Towne Major, &c. I left them about 6; went to Rood Dee; supt at home; 2 Mainwarings came past 9, parted past 10.
14. Friday, (Good Friday) Deane Fogg came to shew a letter from son Thomas wife; Warmingham came with his rent & had his money; Crosse came with 5 widows; I paid them for the last lease; Johnson, Heylain & Mr Penket's son in law came about a herriot; Treasurer Cratchley & Macebearer about charity money to be distributed to the poore of severall wards, &c. we dined past 3 (G.Mainwaring with us interl.) Deane Fog, &c. Alderman Bennet came to discourse of a lease for Cottonhook; about 5 came Deane, Johnson, 2 Treasurers, G.Mainwaring; stayd till past 6; I & Mainwaring went to widow Bennet's (about distributing charity money in that ward) there was G.Mainwaring, 2 Bathos, 2 Treasurers, Sparks, Fernehaugh, the Bayliff, another Constable; we parted at 9; G.Mainwaring came to me at home, parted past 10; Profit & Harison came from Peele.
15. Satorday, Gill came from Peele, & Griffith with hay; at 5, I went to Recorders, then to Hunt, then to Blags; there was he, Farington, Sparks, Anderson, Leadbeater & a man of Aston; stayd ½ houer; went home, calld at G.Mainwaring's, there was Mainwaring & Johnson; went home.
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16. Sonday, Easter day, went to the Sacrament at Parish church; the Poore Gowne men dined at my house; past 7 went to G.Mainwarings; found them at supper; Mainwaring & Parry came to us; stayd not; went home; Parry left us; after supper came G.Mainwaring; stayd till past 10. Comberbach was with me about 5; then Gray; stayd not long.
17. Monday, Adams brought the orders of the last Assembly; Streete came to borrow 50 guineys, (which I lent him interl.) I went to Rood Dee past 12; retorned before 1; G.Mainwaring, Streete, Leadbeater, Gray, Sparks &c dined with me (14 or 15) Deane, Bolland, &c. came after diner; all parted before 5; sister Lloyd, sister Whitley & Kate, dined with daughters; Lord Warington's servant came to see us.
18. Tuesday, the Macebearer came for orders; Streete, with a petition about the Common Councell; Adams about the Charter; Burges & Robinson, about felling wood, & barke; Sir Willam Aston dined with us; also 2 Mainwarings; Angell & Streete; parted about 4; I went past 5 with G.Mainwaring to take the ayre; called at Bell's on our retorne; he & Salisbury were with us; stayd till neare 8; met Mainwaring in the Row; he & G.Mainwaring went home with me; Deane & Wright followed us; the last stayd but awhile; the rest supt; parted past 10.
19. Wednesday, Mrs Aldersey came to me about money owing to her by my sister; Gill came to get something to releive Thomason in the North Gate; Selsly about the money his father owed me, &c. about 1, came one Hankey for liberty to arrest one Ince's goods; he sent Hughes to me after diner; I orderd him to proceed warily & if he could, to accommodate the businesse; sister Lloyd & cosen Bellot dined with us; past 5, I went to the Penthouse; there was Streete, Johnson & Cratchley; thence (before 7) to Ridge's; Ince & Edwards came to us; Johnson went about 8; the rest about 9; Mrs Mainwaring sate with us but did not sup; 2 Mainwarings came after supper; we parted past 10.
20. Thursday, one of Lord Galloway's servants brought a bill from Roger; then Lord Galloway came to visit me; Alderman Edwards brought plate for the race; after diner I & G.Mainwaring went to wayte on Lord Galloway but he was gone towards London; 2 of his Gentlemen came to me, had 2 bottles of wine, &c. then came Brigadier Steward, his cosen & a Frenchman; stayd till 7; the Recorder came as they went, but stayd not; I went to Rood Dee past 7; supt; then came Mainwaring from Warington; whither he went in the morning; Johnson, Deane, Wright & G.Mainwaring came after supper; parted about 10; an Inisking's soldyer came for a passe.
21. Friday, the Ineskilling soldyer came for his passe; I went to visit Brigadier Steward; then to Shotwick; Mainwaring with me in the coach; G.Mainwaring, Edwards & Deane, (& Robinson interl.) on horseback; we fished a poole, dined at the lodge; retorned past 6; Bellot came to see me; I went after him to G.Mainwaring's; there was he, 2 Mainwarings, Deane, Johnson, Wright; I left them presently; past 8 came Brigadier Steward, his nephew & Captaine Piper; supt, went past 12.
22. Satorday, Streete came to me about the freemen's petition; I went to the Penthouse before 12; retorned at 2; Streete, G.Mainwaring & Williamson dined with me; Lee came after diner; parted at 4; Davyes, Palin & widow Broster came about rent, &c. the Deane came at 5; I did not see him; I went to the Penthouse about 6; there the comitte met about the new Hall; also Fletcher, Gray, &c. we parted about 8.
23. Sonday, was not at church; G.Mainwaring, Lee, &c. came after diner; stayd not; G.Mainwaring came after supper; stayd till 10.
24. Monday, went to the Court past 10; retorned about 2; Mrs Offley, Mrs Aston, some Aldermen, Recorder, Sheriffs, &c. dined with me; Lord Warington came in at diner, but did not eate; Grosvenor, Gleg, &c. came after diner; before 4 Lord Warington went with me to Rood Dee; there was great disputes betwixt Grosvenor & Massey, Hesket, &c. the Comonalty thought there was a combinacion betwixt Grosvenor & Massey to carry away the plate & afford them no sport; they hinderd theire running; I stayd till the horses were withdrawne; then brought Lord Warington to his lodging; then went to G.Mainwaring's where was Mainwaring, Bellot, Deane, Wright, Johnson, Jackson, &c. we parted in ½ houer; I went with G.Mainwaring to Charles Griffith's; there was Pointon, Morgan, Hall, 2 Yongs, we parted about 9. G.Mainwaring & I went to the Ship; there was Mainwaring, Wright & Cockayne; they went presently away; then came Comberbach, Ince, Streete & Cratchley; I left them past 11; came home.
25. Tuesday, Danat trimmed me; Deane Fog came to visit me; also Mrs Offley, Mrs Aston, &c. Davyes the baker came to speake with me about wheate; I sent for him; Johnson, Deane,Yeomans, Hales, Parry & Morgan dined with us; after diner came G.Mainwaring & Noris; all went before 4; past 5, William Wright came to me, but he could not stay; I called at the Penthouse about the review of the pole but no body there; I went to Lady Bellot's; there was Mrs Offley & many more ladys; then to sister Whiltley's; Luke Lloyd went with me to the Feathers, to see Mr Mostyn, &c. they were abRood; then to the Court in the castle; then to Passers in Castle Lane, with Bolland & Ely; then home; past 7 came Lord Warington, Johnson, the Deane, Mainwaring, G.Mainwaring; Warington went past 9; the rest past 10.
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26. Wednesday, I wrote to the Attorney Generall about Chester concernes; I sent for Mr Deane to advise me how to direct Mr Wright; past 12, I went to Jackson's to wayte on Lord Warington; there was with him Mainwaring, Booth, Bellot, & severall Justices of Peace; I left them, dined at home; none but my family with me; about 5 came Mercer & Fernehall; then Bingley & Jelico; they stayd not long; I called at Jackson's to speake with G.Mainwaring; then at Blag's; lighted at neither place; then went to the widow's house by the Chapell; there was Mercer, Bell, Rummer, Parry, Fernhall, & G.Mainwaring; parted past 7, came home, supt, Streete & G.Mainwaring with us; then came Mainwaring & Lee, parted at 10; Brock was rude, sayd he would leave me the morrow morning.
27. Thursday, Mainwaring went to Utkington, retorned at night; Roger Mainwaring came to see me in the morning; also after diner with G.Mainwaring, Captaine Hamilton & Hardware; went before 3; William Wood came to me & G.Mainwaring, (being sent for) about drinking King James' health &c ; Denson came to know if I would lend a frind 100li; Deane Fog came past 5; I went with him to his son Alderman Bennet's house; the Bishop & yong Fog came after; we discoursed of the Charter & of Common Councell; also of the disorder (about the race) on Monday last; we parted about 8; after supper came G.Mainwaring, Captaine Wood, Kinaston & Davyd Parry; parted past 11.
28. Friday, my 2 grandsons retorned to Peover; I dined at home, no company; after diner came G.Mainwaring & Lee, stayd not; past 4, I went to the Penthouse about the Poll; about 6, I & G. Mainwaring went to Hanbridge; called at Adam Kemp's; there was Shelley, Danat & Meadows with us (& Bolland) retorned about 8; called at Ridge's; there was Bellot, Wood, Warburton, 2 Mainwarings, Johnson, Deane, Lee, &c. I left them, before 11.
29. Satorday, Griffith came with carts from Peele; Booth brought me the copy of Brereton's will; I went to the Penthouse at past 11; retorned past 1. Streete, 2 Mainwarings, Williamson, Edwards, Lloyd, dined with me; Lee came after diner, went past 3; the rest past 4; the Butchers brought some bad meate &c ; went presently; Burgesse, the workmen from Shotwick came for money &c ; they had some; I went to the Rood Dee at 7, retorned at 8; the steward of the Bakers came for the example of corne, stayd not; past 8 came Johnson; past 9, Mainwaring, Kinaston, G.Mainwaring & Recorder; went past 10.
30. Sonday, was not at church; Wood dined with us; in the evening I went to Rood Dee; G.Mainwaring came after supper, then Mainwaring; parted at 10.