Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711. Originally published by [s.n.], [s.l.], 2004.
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January 1693
January.1st.Sonday, I was not at church; G.Mainwaring dined with us; he & Streete supt with us; Mrs Mainwaring & Johnson came in & sate by; they went at 9; all parted past 10. The Poore Gowne men dined with me today.
2. Monday, went to the Penthouse; then to the Hall (Quarter sessions) took the oaths, &c. viewed the roome under the Common Hall; then viewed the Flesh Hall, in order to a new building; then to diner; there dined with me, Lee, Recorder, Streete, G.Mainwaring, Ince, Williamson, Edwards, Lloyd, Sheriffs, Wright, Comberbach, Deane, Hall, Wilson, &c. they parted in the evening; Hardware came & stayd awhile; at 7 I & daughters went to the funerall of Mrs Fog; the Chancelor sate by me & discoursed with me; went to the church; her child was first christened then the mother buryed; we retorned home past 9; Mainwaring went this morning at 6 towards London 3. Tuesday, the Macebearer came to me; then 3 Butchers about theire charter, &c. also 4 Taylors came; afterwards 2 Smiths & Streete (theire clark) with them; I stayd within, had no company.
4. Wednesday, Brereton came to me about toll corne & in afternoone Parton & his wife; Parsons & a mayde servant & severall other persons about businesse. (a man brought venison from Peover interl.) 5. Thursday, G.Mainwaring's man (Thomas) came to me about wine; (Brereton brought 14li for toll corne) Croughton, Griffith, Robinson, Kirk, Hall, (& 15 or 16 more of Forest Streete) dined with me; parted past 4; about 7, I & daughters, children &c. went to Jonson's; there was G.Mainwaring, Mrs Bartley, James, Paine, Wright, theire wifes, Cratchley &c. we supt, parted past 10. G.Mainwaring, Payne, Cratchley brought me to the doore; Mainwaring went in with me; read the Gazette.
6. Friday, Huson came to me past 10; Daintiffe about 11, concerning a Hospitall lease; Danold's, the barber's brother & wife with a complainte against him; no company all day; at night came Johnson,& after him G.Mainwaring; they both went before 10.
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7. Satorday, I went to the Penthouse, retorned at one; Lady Bellot, her daughters, 2 Mrs Breretons, sister Whitley, G.Mainwaring & Streete dined with us; they went in the evening; about 6 came G.Mainwaring agen with Mr Davenport to complaine of a man that had stole his wood; they went past 7, &c. Huson & Palin were with me & Fletcher's wife.
8. Sonday, I was not at church; no company at diner; 2 cosen Whitleys supt with us; after supper came G.Mainwaring; went about 9.
9. Monday, John Mosse came about his lease; Burgesse, going to Shotwick; Gray about thenew Common Hall; G. Johnson & Soughall men, about fishing; &c. no company at diner. (Ely & Jackson came about foreign ale-sellers interl.) Kerke & others in the evening about pol money; (Huson came about 5 interl.) after supper I went to G.Mainwaring's; there was Johnson, Cratchley, Payne, Norris, Anderson & a great many women; I stayd till 11.
10. Tuesday, Huson came past 10. also Farington & Bostock (& Mosse to seale his lease of Gungo interl); Streete & his family, Swinton, Parker, Sheriffe & wife, G.Mainwaring, Kinaston & wife, 2 Gunners (in the Castle) dined with us, went about 4. Burrows & Jackson came about 6; went in ½ houer; Jackson & Parry came at 8; Huson came past 9.
11. Wednesday, the Butchers brought some ill beefe to shew me; ordered to destroy it; Huson came with accounts; Crosse to seale a Hospitall lease; Lightfoote came about his brother's taking a lease at Lach; we had no company at diner; in the afternoone came G.Mainwaring; stayd not; came againe before 5; Johnson, 2 Treasurers, Deane, with him (Hall & Wilson came before them & went before them) Deane Fog, his wife & sonne came to visit us; stayd an houer; the rest of the company supt & went past 9; Huson went away past 4; a complainte from the Smiths against Woodfin, a Slater; Roger's groome came from Peele.
12. Thursday, Gerard, Pike & another Taylor came about the company's concernes; Pack with his bill for making the servants clothes; Mrs Olton about Roger's debt; the Smiths with a Constable & Woodfin, about theire complainte, &c. we dined alone; Mrs Olton came agen after noone; I went past 4 to the next Coffe house; there was Mainwaring, Mercer, Holland, Deane, Murray, Kinaston, & Walforne; he stayd not; we all parted past 6; past 8, Streete came to me, then G.Mainwaring & Parry; parted at 10.
13. Friday, the Taylors (& Comberbach) came about the priviledges of that company; then Mr Booth, & Adams, to passe a statute, &c. Mercer, Sparks, Fernehaugh & 2 others dined with me, went at 4; G.Mainwaring &c. supt with us; Johnson came after supper, stayd till past 9.
14, Satorday, 2 Lightfootes came & took a lease at Lach; I went to the Penthouse; dined at home, G.Mainwaring, Streete &c. with me; in the evening (came Lee of Booth; & another, stayd awhile interl.) G.Mainwaring & I went to Hunt's; there was Croxon; we came home past 9 15. Sonday, was not at church; Lee of Booth & another dined with us, went at 2; in the evening came Luke Lloyd, stayd not long; G.Mainwaring & wife supt with us.
16. Monday, I went to the Penthouse & Court at the Hall; dined at home with Alderman Edwards, Lloyd & severall of theire neighbors; G.Mainwaring & Streete came in when we had almost dined; parted past 4; (Kate Ravenscroft came to visit us interl.) & supt with us.
17. Tuesday, the Mayor's officers were with me about theire dyet when they wayted; Treasurer Cratchley about the engine ; Griffith & carts went to Shotwick; Mrs Barry came to see us & retorned to Peele; past 3 came Sir John Conwey, Hugh Grosvenor & Mr Penant, stayd an houer; then came G.Mainwaring & Parry, stayd awhile.
18. Wednesday, Captaine Wright came with some Frenchmen & 2 women to complaine that one of theire company was arrested; also 2 yong men came to complaine of the Frenchman about a horse he hyred of Denson; they went away about 12; Hunt, G.Mainwaring, Johnson & Major ......... dined with us with theire wifes, Mrs Kenrick, Mrs James, &c. they went about 4, the Frenchmen came agen but stayd not; Nathaniel Lee & Aldersey came about 5, stayd awhile; Kate & Priscilla Whitley supt with us; Houseman was out all night.
19. Thursday, the yong man came agen about the horse & Reece (the officer) that arrested the Frenchman & Wright came at 11, stayd not long; Minshall came about his tenement at Bechin & dined with me; soe did Nathaniel Lee, went about 2; Hall & another came at 11 to complaine of foreigners selling ale; Roger Mainwaring's man brought the money he owed me & had his bond up; Wright & the Frenchman came in the evening, stayd ½ houer; about 3, I gave the Cryer the papers (about the horse, cloak & sword) to give to his sonne & yong Benson & advised them to look after the horse.
20. Roger's wife dined with us (she came to me yesterday) G.Mainwaring & his son came after diner; stayd awhile; past 6 Alban Gray came to me, stayd not; after supper G.Mainwaring & Johnson came, stayd till neare 10.
21, Satorday, I went to the Penthouse at 11; stayd there till 2; Streete, Mainwaring, Lloyd, Ince, Edwards, Williamson, dined with us, parted at 4; the Bakers' stewards came in the evening.
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22, Sonday, I went to church in the morning; in the evening the Recorder, Mainwaring & Lloyd came to me; after them Ned Morgan; then Jackson; also Minshall's man with a letter; they all went about 6.
23. Monday, Farington was with me & Jordan; stayd not; Adams brought me a warrant to signe to summon the Fishermen of Soughall to appeare on Saturday, &c. after diner came 2 men & 5 or 6 women about nursing a child; the businesse was compounded; then came G.Mainwaring; stayd ½ houer; after supper came Johnson then G.Mainwaring & Parry; stayd till past 9.
24. Tuesday, I went to choose wine in Mainwaring's cellar; there dined with us Mainwaring, Bolland, Allington, Farington, Johnson, Jackson, theire wifes, Hachet, Tydder, &c. I left them at 4; went to the Penthouse; then to widow Bennet's with Recorder, Streete, Mainwaring, Ince, Wilcox, Parry, Comberbach, Murrey, &c. parted at 9, came home; Barber came from Namptwich with a letter from Hussey.
25. Wednesday, Broster came past 10; I dispatched the Namptwich about 12; Roger's wife promised to goe back to Shrewsbury this day; she hath not bin at my house since Monday; Mr Hoole dined with us; Broster came from Peele & Jordan from Bechin; G.Mainwaring, Pemberton & Yong came to prefere Yong's son to serve me; Stringer came about the meeting of the Grand Jury on Monday; Mainwaring & his wife supt with us; went past 9, she first, he after.
26. Thursday, Yong & his son was with me at 11; I promised to write by him to Mainwaring at London to get him a place; after diner came G, Mainwaring & 5 or 6 Fishmongers; then Wilcox; the fishmen wentpast 3; Wilcox & Mainwaring past 4; past 6, Mainwaring & I went to the Recorder's; Kinaston was with him; we stayd till 9; then came home.
27. Friday, Lightfoote brought me a (wild interl.) swan that he killed at Lach; the buttler, Nixon & French woman went to Peele; Betty Lee dined with us; Priscilla Whitley & Mrs Breretons came after diner; soe did Hughes & Wrench, his wife about businesse; Priscilla Whitley supt with us.
28. Satorday, I went to the Penthouse past 11; retorned at 2; Streete, Mainwaring, Wilcox, Williamson, Stringer, Parry, dined with us; they parted past 4; at 7, I went to Ned Burrows; there was Cratchley, & Mr ......... .; then came Streete, Mainwaring, Parry, Murrey; we parted at 9; Mainwaring, Williamson & Parry came home with me; stayd till 10.
29. Sonday, was not at church; Mainwaring came after diner; stayd not; & after supper till past 9.
30. Monday, Jackson came about a debt of Roger's & Burgesse in his way to Shotwick; I went to the Court at 11 then home; then to church (before 12) my chaplaine preached; before 3, I & daughter went to take the ayre at Rood Dee; past 4, Recorder, Edwards, Lloyd, Williamson & Parry dined with me (& sister Sidney) afterwards came G.Mainwaring; they parted about 7; then came Johnson & Mayne agen; went at 9.
31. Tuesday, 2 Lightfootes came to me about a lease at Lach; Danot about his rent; the Taylors about theire complaints & 3 men from Stapleford about the businesse of St John Jerusalem; Griffith about cosen Ravenscroft's paying the scavengers & Peter Bostock about the new modell; in the evening the Taylors came againe; after supper came Parry & stayd till 9; I sent Nixon to visit Sir John Hanmer & to invite him to morrow.