409 Mapowder v Parson

The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640.

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Richard Mapowder of Withiel, co. Cornwall, gent v Thomas Parson of the same

May - June 1639


Mapowder complained that Parson had called him 'an old rogue and a false knave', in a public place 'before many witnesses of good credit'. Mapowder entered bond to prosecute the cause on 1 June 1639, but no further proceedings survive.

Initial proceedings

6/126, Petition to Maltravers

'Your petitioner being a gentleman descended of an ancient family, one Thomas Parson of Withiell about a month since did in a publique place very much abuse the petitioner and before many witnesses of good credit tell the petitioner that he was an old rogue and a false knave, very much provokenge the petitioner to duell.'

Petitioned that Parson be brought to answer.

Maltravers granted process on 31 May 1639.

6/125, Plaintiff's bond

1 June 1639

Bound to appear 'in the Court in the Painted Chamber within the Pallace of Westminster'.

Signed by John Seely of St Minver, co. Cornwall, gent.

Sealed, subscribed and delivered in the presence of John Watson.


Neither party appeared in the 1620 Visitation of Cornwall: J. L. Vivian and H. H. Drake (eds.), The Visitation of the County of Cornwall in the Year 1620 (Publications of the Harleian Society, 9, 1874).


  • Initial proceedings
    • Petition: 6/126 (31 May 1639)
    • Plaintiff's bond: 6/125 (1 Jun 1639)

People mentioned in the case

  • Howard, Henry, baron Maltravers
  • Mapowder, Richard, gent
  • Parson, Thomas
  • Seely, John, gent
  • Watson, John

Places mentioned in the case

  • Cornwall
    • St Minver
    • Withiel
  • Middlesex
    • Westminster

Topics of the case

  • provocative of a duel