The Justicing notebook of Henry Norris: 1738-9 (nos 249-315)

Pages 46-56

Justice in Eighteenth-Century Hackney: The Justicing Notebook of Henry Norris and the Hackney Petty Sessions Book. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1991.

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249. Wednesday, 25 January 1738 Jn°: Stubbs complains agt: his Servt: Matthew Ford for embezling his mo: & running away from his Service contrary to his agreemt: & without notice. On oath made granted a warrt for him.

250. Friday, 27 January 1738 George Pickstone of the Parish of St George in the County of Middx Butcher [and] Richard Birch of the same parish Housesmith each bound in the sum of Forty pounds upon Condition that John Harris shall personally appear at the next General Sessions of the Peace to be held for the County of Middlesex at Hicks hall in St John Street then & there to answer the Complaint of John Brookes he having Exhibited articles of the peace against him at the last Quarter Sessions of the Peace held for the sd County and in the mean time to be of the good behaviour & not depart the Court without License. Taken & acknowledged before H Norris Esq Janry the 27th 1738. (fn. 1) [See 244, 247, 256].

251. Sunday, 5 February 1738 Mary Grace complains of a Robbery committed in her house yesterday a Camlet gown & a [Silk deleted] Cotton gown her own pperty wth Severall other goods Stoln in her house in back lane at Bethnall green & Suspects Martha LittleJohn to be concerned in the Robbery also Mary her Daughter. On her Oath made granted a warrt: for her.

252. Tuesday, 28 February 1738 Tho: Williams complains agt: James Conyer for assaulting & beating him. On Oath made granted a warrt: for him.

253. Saturday, 11 March 1738 Mary Mayn complains agt: Jos: Whiffin for assaulting Kicking & beating her in a grievous manner. On Oath made granted a warrt: for him.

Same day On hearing ye Cause it appeared yt She was her Self the Aggressor & caused her own hurt & Jos: Whiffin in no fault So dismissed him.

254. Friday, 24 March 1738 Jean Chambers complains agt: Wm Platt for assaulting & beating her. On her Oath made a Warrt: for him.

255. Wednesday, 19 April 1738 Jean Ross complains agt: Mary Wright for assaulting her in her house beating her & breaking her windows. On Oath made granted a warrt: for her.

256. Thursday, 20 April 1738 Cornelius Dawkins Shoemaker of ye Parish of St: Sepulchre in 3 Fox Court in Long Lane Smithfield [and] George Pickston [altered from Pixton] of ye Parish of St: George in the East at the Head of Anchor & Hope alley near Greenbank Butcher bound each in £40 for Jn°: Harris for his keeping ye peace towards Jn°: Brookes &c & being of ye good behaviour for 1 year to come & discharged Jn°: Harris out of new prison. [See 244, 247, 250].

257. Friday, 21 April 1738 Mary Townsend complains yt She had lost a Camlet Cloak Stoln out of her house ye 15th of this instant Aprill & She violently suspects Eliza: [Pryor deleted] Robinson to have Stolen ye same by Severall concurring circumstances. On her Oath made granted a warrt: for her.

258. Tuesday, 2 May 1738 Gilbert Dudley complains agt: Hen: Robiston for assaulting him & throwing water upon him. On his Oath made a warrt for him.

259. Tuesday, 4 July 1738 Jn°: Stubbs complains agt: George Macgee his late Servt: for defrauding him of milk to the Vallue of 20s & upwards & unlawfully taking away 2 wood Pails a measure & Strainer & a Yoke. Upon his Oath made a warrt: for him.

260. Tuesday, 11 July 1738 Eliza: Allen complains agt: George Sinclair for assaulting & beating her in breach of ye peace. On Oath made granted a Warrt: for him. [See 267, 291].

261. Friday, 14 July 1738 Nathan Cooper complains of Green Goodwin for assaulting him on ye road to Hackney ye 13th July & punching him wth his Cartwhip. Upon his Oath made granted a warrt: for him. On hearing ye Cause at N Coopers desire discharged Green Goodwin.

262. Saturday, 15 July 1738 Tho: May brot: in Custody of Jn°: Stevens Headb°: chgd by Sam. Harris for robbing his Garden of fruit & abusing & assaulting his wife. T: May acknowledged ye taking some fruit, Norman Herbert of Bromley, Sam: Baker at 7 Stars at Bromley, both upon Oath, dischgarged [sic] as Crased.

263. Saturday, 15 July 1738 John Ditto complains agt: Abraham LeSoeur & his Wife Mary Le Soeur for assaulting & beating him last Thursday in their house in Brick lane. On oath made granted a warrt: for ym.

264. Wednesday, 26 July 1738 Patience Dale complains agt: Tho: King for asssaulting & beating her. Granted a Warrt: for him on her Oath made.

Same day On hearing ye Cause upon his being brot: it was agreed & discharged ye Party.

265. Friday, 28 July 1738 Mary Seele complains agt: Jonathan Bull for assaulting & beating her. On her Oath made granted a warrt: for him.

266. Wednesday, 2 August 1738 Jn° Jones complains agt: Jn° Murphey for assaulting him. On oath made granted a warrt:

Same day On hearing ye matter the ptyes agreed & were discharged.

267. Saturday, 5 August 1738 Geo: Sinclair brot: in Cust°: of Dan. Saxendale to answer ye assault upon Eliza: Allen. She Swore to his Assaulting her 10 July on Bethnall green Struck her Severall blows hurt forefinger of her left hand wch is in a great measure yet useless, at length it was agreed & discharged ye Warrt. [See 260, 291].

268. Tuesday, 8 August 1738 Mary Perry complains agt: James Hall for assaulting her yesterday at Oldford & beating her wth a Pitchfork & threatning her wth farther Mischief. On her Oath taken made a warrt: for him.

269. Wednesday, 9 August 1738 Tho: Cross complains agt: Geo: Watts for assaulting & wounding him in the eye & finger. On his Oath made granted a Warrt: for him.

270. Friday, 11 August 1738 Daniel Quint made oath that Ralph Wright hath used such threatening words to him that he goes in Danger of his Life or some bodily hurt that he will do cause or procure to be done unto him. Peace warrant granted to apprehend him. (fn. 2)

Saturday, 12 August 1738 On ye party's being taken & brot: before me, heard the Cause & ye matter was agreed between ym & discharged ye deft: out of Cust°: at desire of ye Plf:

271. Tuesday, 22 August 1738 Richd Say brot: in Cust° of Dan: Quint Headb°: on R Farmer Esqr Warrt: for a breach of ye Peace agt: Cha: Tilbury. On Dan. Quints Oath yt Cha: Tilbury wth [sic] his being in Cust°: & yt he wd: presently bring him before me he refused to come upon wch dischgd ye Warrt:

272. [Wednesday, 23 August 1738 Ebenezer Brathwaite for Walter Morris entry deleted].

273. Friday, 11 August 1738 John Crane was brought by John Stevens one of the Headboroughs of the parish of St. Mary of Stratford Bow in the County of Middx: by virtue of my Warrant Ann Damont having voluntarily before me on her Oath charged him with having gotten her with Child which Child is likely to be born a Bastard and to be Chargeable to the said parish and the said John Crane was bound in the sum of £40 and the [sic] John Stevens in the like sum upon Condition that the said John Crane shall personally appear at the next General Sessions of the Peace to be held for the County of Middlesex at Hicks hall in St John Street to answer the sd Complaint and also to abide & perform such order or orders as shall be made relateing the same pursuant to the Statute in that Case made & provided &c. (fn. 3)

274. Thursday, 5 October 1738 Sam. Johnston brot: Sarah Thompson in Cust°: of Dan. Quid Headb°: of Bow on a charge of picking his pocket of a purse wth 9s & Some Copr: wch he Swore to. Geo: Abbott [and] Mary Bull Sworn was present wn this hapned & both made appear the contrary. On hearing ye whole discharged ye defendant by consent of the psecutor.

275. Monday, 16 October 1738 Nathan Cooper complains agt: Tho: Wilkinson for assaulting him at ye Tollgate 14:8ber on Hackney Road by pushing him in a violent manner & afterwards Striking him Severall blows. On his Oath made granted a Warrt: for him.

Thursday, 19 October 1738 On hearing ye partyes it was agreed & dischgd ye Warrant.

276. Wednesday, 18 October 1738 James Coniers brot: before me by a Bench Warrt being indicted for an assault on Ja: Bolton.

Morgan Bynon of Hackney brewer bound in £20 [altered from £10] Jn°: Masling of D° Victualler in 20 [altered from £10] James Coniers of D° D° £40 [altered from £20] for ye appearance of Ja: Coniers at next Genll: Sessions to answer to an indictmt: preferred agt: him by Ja: Boton [sic] &c. (fn. 4)

277. Wednesday, 18 October 1738 Wm Trepass complains agt: Rob: Slater for assaulting him in his own house in Homerton. On his Oath made granted a Warrt for him.

Same day On hearing ye cause the matter was agreed & discharged ye Warrt:

278. Tuesday, 24 October 1738 Edwd Marshall brot: in Cust°: of Wm Catherines Headb°: charged by Mary Pryor on Suspicion of Stealing a Silver Spoon ye goods of James Pryor at ye Shouldr of Mutton in Hackney last Sunday morn: abt: 10 or 11 a Clock. Mary Pryor [and] Mary Taylor Sworn. Mary Pryor charges him on Oath wth a Strong Suspicion of his taking a Silver Spoon last Sunday between 10 & 11. She had a Spoon in her hand & laid it down & he came into ye Shop & put his hand in a Suspicious manner undr his Apron & She beleives at yt time he Stole it & yt She has absolutely lost it. Mary Taylor deposes yt: at ye Cock in Church Street She bot: of him a pce: of a broken Silver Spoon & pd him 2s: 6d for it being Sunday morning wch he then declared he found it by ye Sh°: of Mutton. Ed. Marshall being exa: owns he did Sell her a pce: of a Spoon wch he Says he found near the Pond near Mutton lane end in Mare street.

Wednesday, 25 October 1738 Sent Marshall to New prison. [See 281].

279. Saturday, 14 October 1738 Edward Taylor Thomas Page Robert Johnson and Thomas Gray were brought by John Stevens one of the Headboroughs of Bow by vertue of a Bench warrant they standing indicted for breaking the Glass windows belonging to the dwelling house of Edmund Smith in the said parish and entered into the following recognizances. Edward Taylor of Bow labourer in £40, John Page of the same vict [and] Henry Hollis of the same vict each in £20. Thomas Page of Bow Labourer £40, Wm van Leute of Bow Scarlet Dyer [and] James Huggett of Stepney Farmer each in £20. Robert Johnson of Bow Labourer in £40, Wm. van Leute [and] James Huggett each £20. Thomas Gray of Bow Labourer in £40, Wm. van Leute [and] James Huggett each £20. To appear at the next General Sessions of the Peace to be held for the County of Middx to plead to the said Indictment. (fn. 5)

280. Monday, 6 November 1738 Hannah Boucher complains agt: James Butler for assaulting her in a rude manner throwing her on a bed wth intention to lye wth her by force & doing very rude actions to her in her own chamber in Clapton. On her Oath made a Warrt: for him.

281. Thursday, 16 November 1738 James Pryor of Hackney Cook bound in forty pounds To prefer an Indictment against Edward Marshall charged by Mary the wife of James Pryor on suspicion of Stealing a Silver Spoon at the next General Sessions of the Peace and prosecute the Law with effect upon the same and also that his said wife shall give evidence upon the said Indictment.

Thursday, 30 November 1738 Mary Taylor of Hoxton Square wid°: bound in £20 to appear & give evidence agt: Edwd: Marshall foregoing. (fn. 6) [See 278].

282. Tuesday, 5 December 1738 Henry Swell complains agt: his Apprentice Jn°: Spencer for behaving himself disobediently & disorderly & absenting himself [a night deleted] unlawfully from his Masters Service without leave. On his Oath thereof granted a Warrt for him. On hearing ye matter & pmise of amendmt: dismist him.

283. Monday, 18 December 1738 Dav: Solomon, Rob: Clark, Napthali Franks, Simpson Levi, Solomon Solomons, all charged by Wm Hornby for a [Riot deleted] breach of the peace in his house last night & brot: pr Wm Saxendale in his Cust°: as Headb°: On hearing ye matter reccommended them to make up ye matter wth Hornby wch was done & all things on both Sides forgiven & ye persons dischgd. (fn. 7)

284. Saturday, 23 December 1738 John Wetherhead Grave Digger of Hackney and Katherine Smith Servant to Mr John Singleton Sexton of the said parish Complained upon Oath against James Cooke John Spencer Thomas Wingfield John Russell John Miles John Platt & John Cooke for making a very noise and disturbance in the said parish Church on Sunday the 17th Instant and Assaulted them in breach of his Majesties peace. (fn. 8)

285. Tuesday, 16 January 1739 Eliza: White complains agt: Mary Clark for assaulting & wounding her on the Arm. On Oath made granted a Warrt: for her.

286. Tuesday, 9 January 1739 Cath: Baker complains agt: Jn°: Patmore for assaulting her & cutting her gown maliciously. On her Oath made a Warrt: for him.

287. Monday, 22 January 1739 Robert Smith brot: by Wm Katherines Headboro [for deleted] being charged by Thomas Southwell for putting down a parcell of pales belonging to Mr Thomas Rudge being part of the fence belonging to a Garden in Grove Street in the Hamlet of Bethnal Green in the parish of Stepney on Thursday morning the 18th Instant. Robert Smith Confessed the fact. Henry Vaughan appeared for Mr. Rudge and desired that the sd. Smith might be ordered to make up some fence to prevent persons from going into the Garden and that will be all the Satisfaction he desires which he was accordingly ordered to do and also was ordered to pay 1s to the use of the Poor of the said Hamlet where the sd Offence was committed which he paid accordingly and was then discharged it being his first Offence. (fn. 9)

288. Monday, 5 February 1739 Edwd Pimm complains agt: Jn°Thompkin for assaulting & beating his wife Mary Pimm this day at Kingsland at his own house ye Wheatsheaf. On oath made granted a warrt: for him.

289. Friday, 16 February 1739 James Thompson complains agt: Elisa: Gray for assaulting him & throwing Urine upon him last week on Oath made granted a warrt: for her.

290. Tuesday, 6 March 1739 Martha Nichols complains agt: Joseph Lucas for an assault. On Oath made granted a Warrt: for him.

Saturday, 24 March 1739 Ye pson was brot: in Cust°: of Wm Griffith & on hearing ye matter ye ptyes not being willing to agree Viz: below. [See 292].

291. Thursday, 15 March 1739 Elisa: Allen complains agt: Geo: Sinclair for an assault & beating her Sorely wth a Stick last night. On Oath made granted a warrt: for him.

Sunday, 18 March 1739 Geo: Sinclair brot: in Cust°: of Dan. Saxendale who declared Eliza: Allen was not able to come abroad wch was confirmed by Dan: Delorem who upon Oath Saith yt last Wednesday Sinclair assaulted E Allen & Struck her a blow on ye breast without her having assaulted him. On hearing ye whole matter gave him 3 hours time to find Sureties wch he not doing Sent him to New Prison.

Wednesday, 21 March 1739 Discharged him out of prison at the desire of the Complainant El: Allen. [See 260, 267].

292. Saturday, 24 March 1739 Bound over Jos: Lucas in £20 of Hackney Lab°: Richd Speed in 10 of D° brickla: [and] Tho: Shepperdson 10 of D°, Gardner for appearance of sd Jos: Lucas att next GenII: Qr Session of ye Peace to answer complt: of Martha Nichols &c. (fn. 10) [See 290].

293. Tuesday, 10 April 1739 Francis Rosamond complains agt: James Holms for assaulting him & beating him. On his Oath made granted a Warrt: for him.

Same day On ye pty's being brot: in Cust°: & hearing ye Case they agreed ye matter & dischgd him.

294. Wednesday, 25 April 1739 Everett Jackson brot: by Warrt: of Mr R: Farmer chged on Oath of Mary Johnson for assaulting & beating her.

Upon ye Complaints: desire was discharged.

295. Friday, 4 May 1739 Wm Gray & Christ°: Plaice complain [altered from complaining] agt: Jn° Dumbleton for assaulting & beating ym in breach of ye Peace &c. On Oath made granted a Warrt for him.

296. Saturday, 12 May 1739 Jn° Price complains of his Mistress Dorcas Carter for [detai deleted] turning him out of her Service contrary to agreemt: & detaining his wages. [Entry deleted].

297. Wednesday, 16 May 1739 Mary Catgitt complains agt: Mary Clark for an assault on her in Mrs Gregory's house in Church Strt: & Striking her divers blows & threatning her. On Oath made granted a Warrt:

298. Wednesday, 9 May 1739 The Information of John Stubbs living on the Green in the Hamlet of Bethnal Green in the County of Middlesex Dary Man Taken the 9th day of May 1739. Who upon his Oath sayes that on Sunday night last or the next morning a Door belonging to a room in his dwelling house at Bethnal Green aforesaid was broke open and that there was taken out of the said room a large Copper boiler and a box Iron and that about a Week before he [had taken deleted] lost out of the said room about twenty shillings in money & a Linnen Sheet out of a Chest that stood in an other room in the same house & several other things and he this Informant charges one James Darlington who had been his Servant on Violent Suspicion of having Feloniously taken the above mentioned goods and money out of his said house and further sayes not. John Stubbs [mark]. Sworn before us the day and year first above written [signed] Henry Norris. (fn. 11)

299. Thursday, 14 June 1739 Ruth Clemms complains agt: Tho: Parton for Assault on her & tearing her Cloths & cramming her Mouth full of dirt. On her Oath made granted a warrt: for him.

Saturday, 16 June 1739 On hearing ye matter it was agreed between them & discharged.

300. Wednesday, 20 June 1739 Margaret Bridgman complains of her husband Matthew Bridgman for beating her in a cruell manner & threatning to murder her. On her Oath taken granted a Warrt for him.

Same day On hearing ye Cause he acknowledged ye beating her & She charged him wth threatning her life & demanded Sureties for ye peace and took her Oath accordingly. He offering Sureties [bound Matthew Bridgman of blank in £40, blank £20, blank £20 deleted] he went away in Cust°: to pcure them but as ye Officer Bolton alledged Run away & made his escape.

A list of names and dates (relating to burials in woollen) which appeared halfway through the previous entry in the manuscript, has been removed to the end, entry 359.

301. Thursday, 28 June 1739 Catherine Macguire complains agt Jn° Shaw for assaulting & beating her. On her Oath made granted a Warrt: for him.

302. Monday, 18 June 1739 Francis Trumble brought by Henry Harrill one of the Headboroughs of the parish of St John at Hackney and charged by Thomas Browne on Oath on Violent Suspicion of having about Six of the clock in the Evening of this day Assaulted him in a certain Field or open place near the Kings high Way near Brook house in the said parish and Feloniously took from him a Silver Watch his property. Committed to new Gate. Thomas Browne of Hackney Cloth Worker bound in £100 to prosecute. Edward Dixon Gardener, Samuel Pamplin Labr, Joseph Rotherford D°, Thomas Harris D°, Edward Batty Victr, Henry Harrill Butcher [all] of Hackney, Edward Hawkins Labr, Job Griffin D°, William Evans D°, [all] of Stoake Newington, Bound in £50 each to give evidence against the said Frans. Trumble. (fn. 12)

303. Saturday, 7 July 1739 Mary Cornish complains agt Mary Overton for assaulting & kicking her. On oath made granted a Warrt for her.

304. Friday, 20 July 1739 Sarah Hutchinson complains agt: Eliza: Richardson Jean Bennett Edward Upperton Jn°: Upperton & Hannah Upperton. On her Oath made a warrt: for ym.

305. Monday, 23 July 1739 Elisa: Liddall complains agt Abigail Cawdell for assaulting & Striking her wth a large key & wounding her near ye Eye. On her Oath taken granted a warrt: for her.

Friday, 27 July 1739 On hearing the matter of the Parties She the Deft: acknowledged the assault & offered Sureties to appear at ye next Genll: Sessions of the Peace. Bound Abigail Cordwell of Hackney Spinster in £40, Matthias Cordwell of Castle Street Spittallfields Stocking weaver 20, Wm Balmes of Castle Street Victualler 20, for her appearance &c. (fn. 13)

306. Monday, 6 August 1739 Frances Webb complains agt: [entry incomplete].

307. Wednesday, 8 August 1739 Christ°: Fox & Jn°: Page brot: in Custody of James Bolton chgd by Josiah Eberall. [August deleted] Josiah Eberall upon oath sayes that the said Fox & Page play'd with him at Skittles at Mr Panks lost 9s:6d in money a Silver Watch and a pair of Silver Shoe Buckles. Christopher Fox in Montague Street White Chappel Butcher £20, Joseph Gibbs in the Hay Market White Chappel Butcher [and] James Bolton of Hackney Cordwainer £10 each. John Page in Mag Pye Alley Bishopsgate Street in the parish of St Botolph without Bishopsgate London Butcher £20, Joseph Gibbs [and] James Bolton £10 each. Each of them to appear at the next General Sessions of the Peace to be held for the County of Middx for a Breach of good Behaviour in playing unlawfully at a game called Skittles & Cards in the parish of Hackney [at whi, deleted] and to answer the Complaint of Josiah Eberall who then lost nine shillings & Six pence in money a Silver Watch and a pair of Silver Buckles & a green plush Coate wt [illegible] Buttons & to be of the good behaviour & not depart the Court without License. (fn. 14)

308. Monday, 20 August 1739 Hearty Heart complains agt: Geo: Spencer for assaulting & beating him wth a Stick in a violent manner & wounding him in his right eye. Upon his Oath taken granted a Warrt: for him.

309. Tuesday, 18 September 1739 Elisa: Catlin complains agt: John Wheeler for assaulting & beating her on Cambridge heath. On oath made granted a Warrt: for him.

310. Thursday, 20 September 1739 Judith Edwds: [& Ma: Schofield deleted] complains agt: Josh: Hodges & Mary Cross for assaulting her & beating her. On her Oath made a Warrt: for them.

Friday, 21 September 1739 Jos: Hodges & Mary Cross brot: in Cust°: of Wm Cawn Headb°: who made oath yt he [altered from she] gave J Edwards notice yt he had ye prisoners in Cust°: & She came wth them pt: of ye way but then turned back & refused to come to make her complaint good, for wch reason I discharged ye prisoners.

311. Saturday, 22 September 1739 Mary Kingsland complains of [ye deleted] her husband Wm Kingsland for assaulting her & beating her in a very grievous manner & threatning her life. On her oath made granted a warrt: for him.

312. Friday, 26 October 1739 Mary Williams complains agt: John Squire & Francis Rosamond for assaulting her Sundry times & breaking her earthen ware to the vallue of 8s. On Oath made granted a Warrt: for them.

Monday, 5 November 1739 Francis Rosamond being brot: & ye matter heard he made ye woman Satisfaction & was dischgd at her request.

313. Tuesday, 27 November 1739 Richard Grately complains (in behalf of Mary Ogilby) of Sarah Always for assaulting ye said Mary Ogilby & throwing her down & grievously wounding & bruising her. On Oath made granted a Warrt: agt: her. On hearing ye Cause Mary Ogilby made oath to ye assault & her hurt & refused to make it up. Gave her time to pcure Sureties wch she did not do

Wednesday, 28 November 1739 so on ye 28:9ber [committed her to New prison for want of Sureties deleted Mar deleted] Sarah Always of Hackney. Wife of Jeremiah Always of [the parish of deleted] Putney near Wandsor [sic] bound on pain of Imprisonment, Thomas Read of St: Leonard Shoreditch Hog butcher bound in £10, Francis Poulter Victualler [of deleted] at Jacobs Well in St Leonard Shoreditch in £10. (fn. 15)

314. Saturday, 8 December 1739 Richd Wilford complains agt: Joseph Green for assaulting & Striking him. On Oath made granted a Warrt: for him.

315. Monday, 31 December 1739 Tho: Fletcher charges Mary Main wth assaulting him this evening in ye house of Mr Masling at ye Rising Sun Church Strt: wch he made Oath to. Mary Main chgs Tho: Fletcher wth assaulting her last Wednesday at ye same house & laying her upon ye fire wch She made Oath to being brot: in Cust°: of [blank] Griffith Headb°: [Wm Fletcher deleted] Sent Mary Main to new prison for want of Sureties but was brot: back & on agreemt: made between the pties dischgd. Rowland Mitchell [bound deleted] Whitster of Hackney in £5 Wm Griffith Gardner of D°. 5 [and] Th°: Fletcher D° D° 10, bound for appearance of Tho: Fletcher &c. (fn. 16)


  • 1. This entry is not in Norris's hand. The process here is not clear. The recognizance does not appear to have been returned to the sessions. Harris entered into a recognizance to keep the peace for one year on 20 April 1738 (256). MJ/SBB/952, recog. 78.
  • 2. The preceding part of this entry is not in Norris's hand.
  • 3. Crane, a dyer, failed to appear to his recognizance in September and it was ordered to be estreated. In October, the estreat was cancelled and the recognizance was respited until the following quarter sessions. It is again marked as estreated in the sessions book for January 1739. MJ/SBB/954, recog. 229; MJ/SBB/955 p. 61, MJ/SBB/ 958, p. 8.
  • 4. James Coniers was convicted at the December sessions and fined 1s. MJ/SBB/956, recog. 1.
  • 5. This entry is not in Norris's hand. The four men were tried on 4 December following. Taylor and Gray were convicted and fined 13s. 4d.; Johnson (who is described as a gardener in the indictment) and Page were acquitted. MJ/SBB/956, recogs. 2–5; MJ/ SBP/14/423.
  • 6. Marshall was discharged by proclamation at the gaol delivery in December. MJ/ GBB/315/234.
  • 7. Napthali Franks (1715–1796) and his cousin David Salomons were members of a prominent and wealthy Anglo-American Jewish mercantile family. Their companions were almost certainly drawn from a similar background. Unfortunately, Franks' surviving correspondence throws little light on the origins of this particular escapade. Leo Hershkowitz and Isidore S. Meyer (eds), Letters of the Franks family 1733–1748, (American-Jewish Historical Society, Waltham, Mass., 1968).
  • 8. This entry is not in Norris's hand. The accused all entered into recognizances before Norris and were discharged at the February sessions. MJ/SBB/959, recogs. 113–117.
  • 9. This entry is not in Norris's hand.
  • 10. Lucas was discharged at the April sessions. MJ/GBB/960, recog. 88.
  • 11. This entry is not in Norris's hand. Darlington was tried at the June Old Bailey sessions for breaking and entering the house and stealing goods to the value of 13s. (a capital charge). He was found quilty of the theft only (thus reducing the gravity of the charge) and was sentenced to transportation. MJ/GBB/316/6.
  • 12. This entry is not in Norris's hand. A much fuller account of the capture is given in the Old Bailey Proceedings. Trumble, a cabinet maker, was convicted of highway robbery at the July Old Bailey sessions and sentenced to death. His defence amounted to a plea of mental instability, falling short of actual lunacy (which at this time was generally accepted to be the total inability to distinguish between right and wrong). He was pardoned. MJ/GBB/316, 17, 31. O.B. Proc., July 1739, R v Trumble. Nigel Walker, Crime and insanity in England (Edinburgh, 1968).
  • 13. Abigail Cordwell was discharged at the August sessions. MJ/SBB/964, recog. 28.
  • 14. Apart from the first sentence, this entry is not in Norris's hand. Page and Fox failed to appear at the August sessions and their recognizances were estreated. MJ/SBB/964, recogs. 26, 27.
  • 15. Always was indicted at the December sessions; she was convicted and fined 1s. on 14 January 1740. MJ/SBB/966, recog. 100; MJ/SBP/14/521.
  • 16. Fletcher was discharged at the January sessions. MJ/SR/2729, recog. 101.