The Justicing notebook of Henry Norris: 1740-1 (nos 316-355)

Pages 56-62

Justice in Eighteenth-Century Hackney: The Justicing Notebook of Henry Norris and the Hackney Petty Sessions Book. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1991.

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316. Wednesday, 2 January 1740 Edward Pimm complains agt: Thomas Chelsum [recte John Chesson] on suspicion of Stealing a Cheesecutting knife Vall: 4D a box Iron knives & forks & other things. EdwD: Pimm made Oath to loss of ye things. Dan. Tappee made Oath yt ye Prisoner Thomas Chessum owned the Cutting knife as his wch he did not now deny. Sent to Newprison. Edward Pimm of Kingsland Victualler bound in £40 to psecute. Dan Tappee Servt: to Edw: Nutt of Shacklewell in £40 to be a witness. (fn. 1)

317. Friday, 4 January 1740 Rebecca Child wife of Anthony Child complains agt: her husband Ant: Child for assaulting & beating her & threatning her life wch She made Oath of & yt She goes in danger of her life. Granted a Peace Warrt: agt: him. (fn. 2) [See 977].

318. Tuesday, 15 January 1740 George Pritchard charged John Pateman on Oath with having beate Mary his wife on the 26th December last in such a violent manner that she voided blood and languished 'till the 14th Instant & then Dyed. Johanna Pritchard his Daughter saw her. Granted a Warrant to apprehend him. (fn. 3)

319. Friday, 1 February 1740 Letitia Goose complains agt Susan Banister for assaulting & striking her. On Oath made granted a warrt: for her.

320. Saturday, 2 February 1740 Joseph Bourn complains agt: [Thomas deleted] John Coats & Thomas Stacey & others for assaulting him at ye Hackney Tollgate & forcibly passing ye Toll Gate wth their Teams without paying on ye 23 Jan: & on his Oath made a Warrt:

Saturday, 16 February 1740 Jn° Coats appearing wth Bourn acknowledged ye charge & Said yt Robin Hanwell, Wm Martin [and] Sim: Horn were in Compa: wth him at Same time & were guilty of ye same. Jn°: Coats made it up wth Mr Bourn & dischgd him. [See 1132, 1140].

321. Tuesday, 12 February 1740 Nathan Cooper complains agt: Wm Pooll for assaulting him at ye Tollgate & Striking him wth a whip. On Oath made granted a Warrt: for him.

322. Sunday, 24 February 1740 Robert Chambers complained yt there was Stolen out of ye house of Charity Chambers abt 6/ms ago 6 China Plates & 4 Silver tea Spoons being her pperty & yt he Suspects ye Same to be concealed in ye house of Mrs [blank] Jackson in Church Strt: in ye Apartmts: of Hannah Crow on Oath made made a search warrt: for ym.

323. Tuesday, 26 February 1740 Tho: Kirk brot: in Cust°: of Mr James Bolton Alice Racket & chgd her wth Stealing from him a knife vallue 6D wch She acknowledged. Sent her to Bridewell.

324. Tuesday, 8 April 1740 Robt Day complains agt: Mary Wilson for assaulting & beating him &c. On Oath made granted a warrt for her.

325. Thursday, 10 April 1740 Mary Mouse complains agt Samuell Flinton & Martha Flinton for assaulting her & beating her in her house at Newington. On Oath made granted a warrt for them.

326. Monday, 28 April 1740 Jn° Pavet complains agt: Hen: Elsley his Apprentice for being disorderly & absenting himself Severall ds & nights – On oath made granted a warrt for him.

327. Wednesday, 7 May 1740 Elisabeth Gray complains agt: Jacob Hide for assaulting her & bruising her. On Oath made granted a Warrt for him.

328. Saturday, 24 May 1740 Thomas Jarratt brot: in Cust°: of Nathan Cooper charged wth assaulting him at ye Tolgate in execution of his office. On hearing ye Cause ye ptyes agreed & discharged ye person.

329. Thursday, 29 May 1740 Jn° Stubbs complains agt: Jn°: Keeton for assaulting Mary Cornish in Mare Street riding ag her throwing down her load of Milk & Spilling it & hurting her much. On ye oath of Mary Darlington made a warrt for him.

A list of names and dates (relating to burials in woollen) which appeared at this point in the original manuscript has been removed to the end, entry 360.

330. Tuesday, 10 June 1740 Anne Shaw complains agt: her husband Joseph Shaw for assaulting her and threatning to murder her. On Oath made granted a Warrt for him.

331. Friday, 13 June 1740 Jn° Bell brot: in Cust°: of Cha: Gosdin by warrt of Hen. Trent Esq chgd on Oath of Jn° Coughlin on Suspicion of Stealing SevII: pcs: Timber Vall: 40s his pperty. Jn° Coughlin made oath he lost Severall pcs: of Timber abt 10 or 11 taken from ye Wall of his own h°: in Drury lane in this County Vall: abt 40s abt: 2½ years ago in day time. Chaplin Harris made Oath yt he Saw ye prisoner Bell to unchain ye Timber in question & take ym away abt 2½ years Since. Jn°: Bell alledges being exa: yt Coughlin had bot: ye Timber of him but on his not paying for it he Sued him at law & yt by consent of Coughlin he did take away ye timber in question to make him Satisfaction for ye law charges, & part of this proved to be true by acknowledgmt of Coughlin. [See 333].

332. Tuesday, 24 June 1740 Mary Saunders brot: in Cust°: of Ja: Martin chgd by Francis Studley & Ralph Field Overseers of ye Poor of ye parish of Braughing in Hertfordshire for running away & leaving a child on ye Parish wch is become chargeable. Elisa: Wright Sworn Says ye childs cloths pduced by Ralph Field [were deleted] as found on ye child deserted belonged to M Saunders. Ralph Field swore ye things were found on ye Child. [Mar deleted] Elisa: Wright Says yt Mary Saunders told her yt She was about 14 ds: ago in the SD [M deleted] Parish whereas M Saunders denyes to have been there within 3 wks & did not own to have left ye Child but was willing to go away wth the Overseers to ye Parish of Braughin & did go wth ym.

333. Friday, 13 June 1740 Jn°: Coughlin bound in £40 of St: And: Holborn Carpentr, Chaplin Harris 20 of St: Jn°: Hackney Perrukema: ye former to psecute Jn°: Bell for felony chgd ye other to give Evidence.

Saturday, 14 June 1740 Jn°: Bell of St: Mary Whitechappell in WtChappell road next the Coachma: dealer in Timber bound in £200, Jn° Horne of St Martins in ye fields Carpenter in Thackham Court near St Martins Church in £100 [and] Jonathan Oldham of St: Andrews Holborn Painter in Hand Court in £100 for ye appearance of Said Jn° Bell at next Sessions of Goal delivery at Old Bailey for County of Middlesex to answer an indictmt for felony to be preferred agt him by Jn° Coughlin &c. (fn. 4) [See 331].

334. Monday, 14 July 1740 Geo: King complains agt: Walter Mackensie for assaulting him & pissing on him challenging him to fight – On his oath made a Warrt: for him.

335. Tuesday, 15 July 1740 Richard Insckoo complains agt: Nich°: North for assaulting him beating him & taking away Cherries from him by force & kicking his basket down whereby he lost 6 or 8lb Cherryes & Several halfpence. On oath made granted a Warrt for him.

336. Thursday, 4 September 1740 Edward Dixon brot: Sarah Chandler in Cust°: of Wm Cawn & charged her wth being found in his Garden fenced in &c. Abraham Parker made Oath that this morning between 5 & 6 he took her in his Masters garden wth fruit in her Apron Viz: Plumbs & Apples wch he beleives to be his Masters. EdwD: Dixon made Oath yt he beleives ye Said fruit taken on her to be his & yt he has lately lost fruit Stolen Severall times out of his Garden. Upon Examination of ye Prisoner She acknowledged the charge but alledged the fruit was the fallings under the trees & nott by her gathered. On considering ye whole & ye psecutors desiring it might be forgiven dismissed her wth a reprimand.

337. Sunday, 14 September 1740 Judith Coward brot: in Cust°: of Geo: Kello charged by Tho: Cade wth Stealing from him a Fan Vall: 1½D a pr: old Stockings Vall: 1D & Severall other Small things the whole to Vallue of 10D wch he made Oath & She acknowledged ye taking & Stealing them. Committed her to Bridewell Labour.

338. Monday, 10 November 1740 Hannah Atkinson Widow brought by Henry Hollely one of the Headboroughs of the Hamlet of Mile End old Town & charged by James Huggett the Younger with having this morning pilferred from him a small parcell of Turnipps in the Parish of Saint Mary of Stratford Bow his property. To support the charge Joseph Windsor on oath sayes he saw the above named Hannah Atkinson about seven this morning have Turnipps in her apron in the sD Mr Huggetts field. Robert Smith on Oath confirms what the said Windsor said. She Confessed the Fact but alledged she did it for need. Committed to the House of Correction. (fn. 5)

339. Sunday, 23 November 1740 Daniell Bonam brot: in Cust°: of Hen: Harrill Headb°: chgd by Jn° Burton for pilfering Turneps out of his field last night abt:11. Francis: Boucher made oath yt he last night abt: 11 took ye prisoner wth a Sack wth Turneps in it & cutting more into it. The prisoner confessed it. Sent him to Bridewell.

340. Monday, 24 November 1740 Middlesex Francis Pank of Tilers Ferry in Hackney maketh Oath that Abraham Downam of Homerton in the Said Parish did this day threaten the life of him the Said Francis Pank & that he this Deponent apprehends that he goes in danger of his life or of Some bodily hurt that the Said Abraham Downam will do or procure to be done to him & that he desires the peace not for any private malice vexation or revenge but for very fear & for needfull Safety of his Person. Francis Pank [mark]. Sworn before us this 24th November 1740, Henry Norris.

341. Monday, 17 November 1740 Ab: Rogers brot: before me & Mr Tyssen in ye Vestry in Cust°: of James House Watchman who Said he was brot: to ym by Jn° Upton & Sam: Taylor & dd to their Cust°: but they not appearing nor any matter agt: him he was discharged.

342. Sunday, 28 February 1741 Letitia Hughs complained agt Mary Hardy for assaulting her & made Oath to it on wch granted a Warrant for her.

343. Tuesday, 20 January 1741 Helen Nutbrown complains agt: her husband for beating her very grievously & threatning her life, Miles Nutbrown. On her oath made a Warrt: for him.

Wednesday, 21 January 1741 being brot: in Cust°: of Cha: Gosdin the Wife Helen charged him as above on wch I demanded Sureties for his appearance at the next Sessions. RichD: Spurling bound in £10 of St: John Hackney Cooper, Edward Martin 10 of D° Labourer [and] Miles Nutbrown 20 of D° D°. Recogn not pd, bound to appear & answer ye Complaint. (fn. 6) [See 127, 996].

344. Monday, 26 January 1741 Jn° Bell complains agt: Tho: Cook for assaulting & Striking him in ye face wth a poker. On his Oath made granted a Warrt: for him.

Tuesday, 27 January 1741 being brot: in Cust°: of Mr Gosdin heard the Parties & reccommended an agreemt: wch was made & ye Complaint recd Satisfaction for ye injury & at his desire discharg'd ye Warrt:

345. Thursday, 29 January 1741 James Strutty brot: before me in Cust°: of Dan. Wingfield chgd by him on Suspicion of being a Convict ordered for transportation wch Strutty also acknowledged & yt he had made his escape. Put him in Cust°: of Dan: Bromwell Consta: to convey to the Italian Mercht: Capt: Perry from whence he escaped & to take the Capt: rect:

346. Saturday, 21 March 1741 Eliza: Ingram & Jean Kidd brot: in Cust°: of Jn°: Page Headb°: of Bow chgd wth Pilfering out of ye Garden of Wm Stevens Some Cabbage Sprouts. Sam Edger Sworn Says yt this morning he took both these women in Wm Stevens garden at Oldford in ye Parish of Bow gathering Cabbage Plants ye pperty of Wm Stevens. Committed ym to Bridewell. (fn. 7)

347. Thursday, 2 April 1741 Hen: Flower complained yt: [altered from agt:] he was robbed on Tuesday night of a Cane & Some mo: & Snufbox & yt he Suspects the goods or part thereof are concealed in ye House of [blank] Paul of Virginia Street. Granted a Search Warrt:-

Same day Francis Paul Batchelor brot: in Cust°: of James Rammett Headb°: Hen. Flower, Elisa Spicer [and] Hannah Spicer Sworn declared that ye 1 1st were robbed on Tuesday as above but there appearing no circumstance to charge ye prisoner – dismist him.

Same day Henry Flower of the Parish of St: John at Hackney Gent: maketh Oath that on Tuesday last the 31st March last coming in the evening from London towards Hackney he met with two men in a field near the Shoulder of Mutton who robbed him of a Cane with a Gold head an Iron Snufbox & Some money and that he has just cause to Suspect that the said goods or part thereof are concealed in the dwelling house or outhouses of [blank] Paul in Virginia Row in the Hamlet of Bethnall green in the County of Middlesex. [signed] Hen: Flower. Sworn before me this 2 Aprill 1741, Henry Norris.

348. Sunday, 12 April 1741 Nathan Cooper charges David Morris wth assaulting him on his duty wch he made Oath to.

Monday, 13 April 1741 bound him in Recogn: in £40 of St: Ja. Clerkenw: Coachma: Jn° Dell of St: Giles Crippleg: 20 Stocking presser, Griffith Evans of St: B°: Aldersgate: 20 Coachma: for appearance at next genll: Sessions. (fn. 8)

349. Thursday, 4 June 1741 Frances Shepherd complains agt: Eliza: Windsor for assaulting & beating her wth a broomstick. On Oath made granted a warrt: for her.

350. Saturday, 2 May 1741 Alice Sale complains agt Jn° Swift for assaulting & kicking her & bruising her by ye Sh°: of Mutton in ye field yesterday. On her Oath taken granted a Warrt: for him.

351. Thursday, 9 July 1741 Arthur Ellis of Hackney, Lab°: complains yt had lost taken out of his house in Well Strt: in Hackney a gown of silk & Petticoat of Stuf & other things & he apprehends they may have been stolen by Frances Shepherd of Well Strt wife of [blank] Shepherd. On his Oath granted a Warrt: to search her h°:

352. Saturday, 11 July 1741 Natha Bamford complains agt: Wm Miles for threatning his Life on his Oath taken in ye form granted a Warrt for him.

353. Sunday, 12 July 1741 James Huggett Jr: brot: in Cust°: of Noah Payne Headb°: [Edw deleted] Abell Brierly & Eliza: Cox & chgd on Oath by Jn° Nevill being found this morning between 12 & 1 Stealing beans in the ground of Sd Ja: Huggett in ye Hamlet of Mile end old town allotted them to pay each 20s to Mr Huggett to make Satisfaction wch they declared themselves unable to pay. So made a Warrt: to Jos: Wright Headbo: to whip ym.

354. Friday, 17 July 1741 Thomas Hacknett Servt to Mr Edward Nutt of the Parish of St John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex Farmer Maketh Oath that on the 16th day of this Instant July a person who calls himself by the name of John Fowell was in a Field belonging to his said master called Shacklewell Field in the parish aforesaid and had then & there gathered in a parcell of Beans the property of his said Master. Thomas Hacknett [mark]. Sworne before me July ye 17th 1741 [signed] Henry Norris. (fn. 9) Upon this awarded him to pay 10s wch he refusing to do ordered him by Warrt to Hen: Harril Headb°: to be whipped.

355. Thursday, 30 July 1741 Thomas Booth complains agt: Thomas Snow & EdwD: Anderson for assaulting his wife Anne Booth & beating her in his garden in Grovestreet. On his Oath taken granted a Warrt for ym.


  • 1. An attempt to indict John Chesson failed at the January sessions. MJ/SBP/14/524.
  • 2. Child entered into a recognizance the following day (977) which was discharged at the February sessions on his entering a fresh one (probably to keep the peace for a year). MJ/SR/2731, recog. 68.
  • 3. This entry is from a loose piece of paper in the notebook volume. Norris committed Pateman to Newgate the following day, to await trial for murder. However, a coroner's inquisition found that Pritchard had died of natural causes, which made it extremely unlikely that a grand jury would find that Pateman had a case to answer. There was no attempt to indict him and he was therefore discharged at the delivery of the gaol later that month. MJ/SR/2730; MJ/GBB/316/58.
  • 4. The sessions roll shows that the recognizance was taken before Norris and Tyssen. An indictment against Bell was thrown out by the grand jury in July. MJ/GBB/316/108; MJ/SR/2740.
  • 5. This entry is not in Norris's hand.
  • 6. Nutbrown was discharged at the February sessions. MJ/SR/2752, recog. 107.
  • 7. Ingram and Kidd are both listed in the House of Correction calendar of April 1741 as to be discharged on paying fees of 1s. each. Marginal notes identify each as 'poor'. MJ/CP/P/68.
  • 8. Morris, together with James White and William White the Elder, was indicted at the May sessions for assaults on Nathan Cooper and on Richard Stokes. Morris and William White were convicted and fined 1s. on each charge on 12 October 1741. No verdict against James White is recorded. MJ/SBB/978, recog. 81; MJP/SBP/14/660.
  • 9. The preceding part of this entry is not in Norris's hand.