The Justicing notebook of Henry Norris: 1736-7 (nos 166-248)

Pages 32-46

Justice in Eighteenth-Century Hackney: The Justicing Notebook of Henry Norris and the Hackney Petty Sessions Book. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1991.

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166. Monday, 12 January 1736 Mary Cornish complains agt: Jno. Wheeler for breaking open her door in ye night assaulting & threatning her friday night last. On oath made granted a warrt: for him.

167. Monday, 16 February 1736 Jno: White complains agt: Mary Kingsland for assaulting & Striking him Severall blows wth a Stick last [Wednesday deleted] Tuesday evening in ye house of Mr Brown at Camb: heath. On oath made granted a warrt: for her.

168. Wednesday, 18 February 1736 Marget [Heath deleted] Ather complains agt: John Townsend for abusing Striking & kicking her this morning in ye house of ye Yorkshire grey in Homerton wch She made Oath to & I granted a warrt: for him.

Tuesday, 24 February 1736 Ye Deft: appearing in Custo: of ye Consta: Bolton who made Oath yt ye Plaint: promised to appear but did not discharged him.

169. Tuesday, 24 February 1736 Complaint made by Wm Davis of Church Street yt last night his house was broke open & a great pcell of wet linnen was Stoln from him ye pperty of Sundry psons & he Suspects ye houses of Mrs [blank] Bridge Mr [blank] Bodicoat in Homerton & Mr [blank] Pescod in Marestreet to have ye goods concealed. Granted a warrt: for ym houses to be Searched.

170. Tuesday, 16 March 1736 Catherine Carter complains agt: her Servt: George Maghey for leaving her Service being under covent: to Serve her a year from 16 Feb: last. Catherine Carter [mark]. Sworn before me the day & year first above written, [signed] Henry Norris. (fn. 1)

171. Tuesday, 27 April 1736 John Jones complains agt: Peter Dureau for an assault on him last night at Bethnallgreen. On Oath made granted a Warrt: for him.

172. Wednesday, 28 April 1736 Anne Follet complains agt: Eliza: Ryland for assaulting her last Monday in her own house & Scratching her. On oath made granted a warrt: for her.

173. Monday, 17 May 1736 Tho: Williamson complains agt: Wm Rogers, [deletion] for breaking ye peace & assaulting him & Striking him.

174. Tuesday, 18 May 1736 Jno Thorn complains of having a water tub wth Iron hoops Stolen from him & desires a Search warrt for it on Oath made granted him one to Search ye House &c of Hen: Wheatly in Bethnall green. On hearing ye matter dismisst it.

175. Tuesday, 25 May 1736 Rebecca Middleton agt: Joseph Marwell for assaulting her & Striking her Several blows in ye field near Clopton. On Oath made granted a warrt: for him.

176. Wednesday, 26 May 1736 Jno: Everton complains agt: Geo: Fowler for assaulting & beating him at ye Red Cow at Dorleston. On oath made granted a Warrt: for him. On hearing ye Cause & ye ptyes agreed discharged the warrt.

177. Sunday, 30 May 1736 Eliza: Steward complains agt: James Bull for assaulting & beating her. On Oath made granted a Warrt: for him.

178. Friday, 18 June 1736 James Coo complains agt: John Moslin for assaulting him yesterday in Bishopsgate Strt: & divers times here at Hackney. On Oath made granted a warrt: for him. NB If there be cause to bind him over to appear at Guildhall & Certifye thither. On hearing the cause & Oath made by Coo of the assault it was agreed.

179. Thursday, 24 June 1736 Elisabeth Goodman [altered from Woodman] complains agt: Jno Wheeler for assaulting her 22 June at Cambridge heath. On Oath made granted a warrt: for him.

180. Saturday, 26 June 1736 Mary Fly complains agt: Prudence Sutton for an assault on her & throwing water on her. On oath made granted a warrt: for her.

181. Tuesday, 29 June 1736 Mary Whitaker complains agt: John Woollard for an assault & rudely putting his hand up her Coats. (fn. 2) On her Oath granted a Warrt: for him.

182. Sunday, 6 June 1736 (fn. 3) James Edward Bettell complains agt: Hannah Yane for Striking & assaulting him & threatning him wch being Sworn to granted a warrt: for her. (fn. 4)

183. Thursday, 8 July 1736 Eleanor Atchison complains agt: Mary Kingsland for violently assaulting her & by force taking away from her 2 Aprons & other things being goods pawned by ye Deft: to ye Plf: for 6s:6D agt ye will of the Plf. & offered to return her only 2s: 6D wch being Sworn to granted a warrt: for ye Assault.

184. Thursday, 8 July 1736 Martha White complains against Thomas Harris for Assaulting and beating her. On oath made granted a warrt: for him.

185. Friday, 9 July 1736 Richd Alexander complains agt: Tho: Fouch for an assault on him last night in house of Mr Wright at Homerton. On oath made granted a warrt: for him.

186. Friday, 9 July 1736 Mary Austen complains agt Wm Coopman for assaulting & beating her Grand Son Wm Austen a child of 8 years. On her Oath made a warrt for him.

187. Thursday, 15 July 1736 Wm [blank] Brown complains agt: Jno: Wheeler for an assault on him & knocking him down. On his oath made a warrt: for him.

188. Friday, 16 July 1736 Geo: Fox complains agt: his Servt: Apprentice Wm Cumberland for assaulting him & tearing his Shirt. On his Oath made a Warrt: for him. [See 233, 731].

189. Tuesday, 3 August 1736 Mary Wormlayton complains agt: Mary Mouse wife of William Mouse for an assault on her ye 31 July at Newington. On her Oath made a warrt: for her.

190. Saturday, 7 August 1736 Mary Cooper complains agt: James Ashley for assaulting & grievously wounding Richd: Davis on ye 5 Aug: in Church Strt: On her Oath made a warrt: for him.

191. Tuesday, 10 August 1736 Anne Cooper complains agt: her husband Thomas Cooper for taking away all their goods & going away leaving her & her family to perish Sworn to. 3 Small Children - Tho: Cooper has lodged ye goods at Mr Grays a broker near ye Coach & horses in Aldersgate Strt: near the George Inn. On Complaint of ye Churchwarden Mr Weston made out a Warrt: for him.

192. Monday, 16 August 1736 Sarah Crew complains agt: James Hart & Anne Hart his wife for assaulting & beating her & kicking her. On Oath made granted a warrt: for both.

193. Wednesday, 18 August 1736 Mary Kingsland complains agt: Anne Follyatt for assaulting & beating her. On her Oath granted a warrt: for her.

Friday, 20 August 1736 On hearing ye cause Mary Kingsland made oath to the assault & bound over for her appearance at next Genll Sessions John Carter of Marestreet [lab deleted] Farmer, Andrew Guy of Do Labourer [both] in £10 each. [Mary Kingsland deleted] Anne Folliot of Do [Do deleted] in £10 in penalty of Imprisonmt Recog: not pd. (fn. 5) [See 121, 194].

194. Thursday, 19 August 1736 Thomas Folliot complains agt: Wm Kingsland for assaulting him in his own house. On his Oath taken made a warrt: for him. [See 121, 193].

195. Thursday, 19 August 1736 Eliza. Heath complains agt: Wm Pescod for an assault & beating her. On her Oath granted a warrt: for him.

196. Friday, 27 August 1736 Thomas Watson Servt: to Rachell Gould brot: a person in custody of Hen: Harrill whose name was Sus: Newcome & charged her wth Stealing fruit out of the garden of Mrs Gould. Hen: Clein Confirms the Same. Both sworn to it. On hearing ye matter & examination of ye woman who did acknowledge ye fact sent her to Bridewell for 1/mo: for labour as a Vagrant &c.

197. Monday, 30 August 1736 Mary Austen complains agt: Joshua Bridgman for assaulting & beating her yesterday. On her oath made a warrt: for him.

Tuesday, 31 August 1736 Discharged ye warrt: & pty at ye desire of ye Plaintiff on her having recd Satisfaction.

198. Thursday, 2 September 1736 Silvester Briggs complains agt: Geo: Ruddle for assaulting & beating him this morning at Temple Mills. On his Oath made a warrt: for him.

199. Monday, 6 September 1736 Swore in Mary Wasley for Searcher of Hackney.

200. Thursday, 30 September 1736 Wm Osborn complains agt: Matthew Penn for an assault and beating him. On his Oath made granted a warrt:

201. Tuesday, 5 October 1736 Kath: Carter complains agt: Jno: Whittell [& deleted] for unlawfully digging up & carrying away her Turneps out of her field back of Bethnall green. On oath made granted a warrt: for him.

202. Friday, 22 October 1736 James Coo complains yt he lost lately out of his Coach at Londo: a bundle of goods being ye pperty of Simon Lambeth trusted to his care to bring in his Stage Coach to Hackney wch goods were feloniously Stolen out of his Coach & he violently Suspects they were taken by Thomas Cook & therefore desires a warrt: to search his house. On his Oath taken granted a Search warrt: to Search Tho: Cooks ho: &c.

203. Saturday, 30 October 1736 Mary Woodyeard complains agt: Richd Smith for an assault on her yesterday & upon her Oath made a Warrt: for him.

Same day On hearing ye matter bound over by recognisance Richard Smith of Homerton Coachdriver in £10, Joseph Wright of Do Victualler [and] Edward Poole of Do Do, each £5, for appearance of Richd: Smith at next Genll: Sessions at Hicks hall to answer complaint of Mary Woodyeard &c &c. (fn. 6) [See 206].

204. Monday, 1 November 1736 Rebeccah Crofts complains agt: Ralph Middleton for assaulting & beating her at Old Ford in her own yard last Saterday. On her Oath made granted a warrt: for him.

205. Monday, 8 November 1736 Joseph LittleJohn complains agt Matthew Skigg ye elder & [Anne deleted] Mary Skigg his wife of Bethnall green for an assault & wounding him yesterday. On his Oath made a warrt for them.

206. Saturday, 30 October 1736 Middlesex. Mary Woodyard wife of Samuel Woodyard of the Parish of St. John at Hackney in the county of Middlesex maketh Oath that on the 29th day of October [last past deleted] Instant one Richard Smith a Coachman did prophanely Curse twice in the parish aforesaid saying each time Damn you when Speaking to this Deponent. [signed] Mayry Wodyard. Sworn before me the 30th day of October 1736 [signed] Henry Norris. (fn. 7) [See 203].

207. Wednesday, 10 November 1736 Middlesex John Fawcett Servant to Robert Pitts Esqr of Bethnall green maketh Oath that on this tenth day of November instant Samuell Gold of Lambeth Gardner did profanely [Swear deleted] Curse three Severall times in the Hamlet of Bethnall Green in the Parish of Stepney Saying each time God damn you in the hearing of this Deponent. John Fawcett [mark]. Sworn before me this 10 November 1736 Henry Norris. Signed a pper warrt: to Levy ye penalty 3s & dd it to Rob: Pitt Esqr to be put into ye hands of a pper officer.

208. Tuesday, 16 November 1736 Elisa: Chandler Examined upon Oath being a Single woman & Mother of a bastard female Child called Hannah & She charged Richard Scandret of Mare Street Victualler to be the father, was born day before xmas day last.

209. Thursday, 9 December 1736 Convicted my Coachman Tho: Lafford of Swearing in my hearing Saying by God & demanding ye penalty 1s he pd it & dd it to Mr Sadleir to be pd ye Churchwarden for ye use of ye poor of Hackney parish.

210. Tuesday, 4 January 1737 Wm Gibbons complains agt Richd Upton Jno: Wetherhead Geo: Eaton & Richd Masling for an assault &c - made a warrt: for ym.

Saturday, 8 January 1737 Eaton, Wetherhead & Masling were brot: & agreed wth ye Complaint & discharged ym.

211. Tuesday, 4 January 1737 John Curtis brot: in Custody by warrt: frm: Alexa: Garrat Esq chrgd on ye Oath of [blank] Weston Churchwarden for being a loose idle disorderly fellow & leaving his wife & family wth out maintenance whereby they are become chargeable to ye Parish. Committed him to Bridewell to hard labour.

Wednesday, 12 January 1737 [Discharged him deleted] Desired he might be dischgd at discharge of the Gaol. [See 243, 910].

212. Thursday, 27 January 1737 Anne Fischer complains agt: Wm Howard for an assault on her & beating her grievously this morning in Brookho: Clopton. Made a warrt: for him.

213. Wednesday, 16 February 1737 Susannah Baldwin complains agt Elisabeth Wilson for an assault & beating her grievously. On her oath made granted a warrt: for Wilson.

214. Wednesday, 23 February 1737 Wm Gill brot: before me chgd by [blank] on Suspicion of Stealing a brass pound weight but on hearing it discharged him for want of proof.

215. Friday, 25 February 1737 James Bolton complains agt Hen: Fouch for an assault last Tuesday in Church field & misusing him very much. Granted a Warrt:

Monday, 28 February 1737 The matter was agreed & dischargd ye warrt: at desire of ye Complainnt:

A list of names and dates (relating to burials in woollen) which appeared at this point in the manuscript, has been removed to the end, entry 357.

216. Monday, 28 February 1737 Thomas Keeling brot: in Custody of Rob: Loyd charged by Jacob Crew for Suspicion of Stealing from him Severall Iron Smiths tools taken upon him going from Crews house towards London. On exa: Keeling he says he knows nothing how ye goods came into his bag. Jacob Crew of Marestreet in Hackney Smith [and] Richard Orton of Do Do bound in £20 each to psecute & give evidence. Rob: Loyd the Constable of Hackney Gardner bound also in £20 to give evidence ye goods being put in his Custody & committed Tho: Keeling to Newgate. (fn. 8)

217. Friday, 29 April 1737 Danll: Atkins complains agt. Wm Pearson & Henry Coomes for assaulting him & knocking him down last night in Clapton. On his Oath taken granted a warrt: for both of ym.

Same day Hen. Coomes brot: in Custo: of Jos: Hill headbo: & on hearing Dan: Atkins & Hen: Smith upon Oath it appeared yt Hen: Coomes took by force a Crutch from Hen: Smith & put it into ye hand of Wm Pearson who therewth knockt Dan. Atkins down immediately. Bound over Hen: Coomes of [H deleted] Clopton Hackney Cordwainer by his own recognisance in £10 to appear at next Genll: Sessions of the peace to answer ye complaint. (fn. 9)

218. Sunday, 1 May 1737 Anne Godfrey complains of having lost Some linnen put to her to wash Stolen from her garden last friday afternoon abt: 5 or 6 Viz: 3 linnen Shirts & 6 Shifts 2 Shirts ye pperty of Mr Beard 1 shirt of Mr Powell & ye Shifts of Mrs Warner & Suspects they were taken by 3 men one whereof is a Blackman whose name She is informed is George Scipio & She knows not ye names of ye other 2. Made a warrt: to attach Scipio.

Middlesex. The information of Anne Godfrey taken before Henry Norris one of his Majestyes Justices of the Peace for the Said County who upon her Oath Saith that last friday in the afternoon there were Stolen from her out of her Garden 6 Shifts the property of Mrs Warner & 2 Shirts the property of Mr Beard & 1 Shirt the property of Mr Powell & She does verily beleive they were Stolen by 3 men one whereof is a Black & She is informed his name is George Scipio but She does not know the name of the other 2 men. [signed] Ann Godfrey. 1 May 1737 Sworn before me Henry Norris.

Monday, 2 May 1737 Geo: Scipio being brot: in Custody of John Flatman upon my Warrt: Anne Godfrey made oath to her loss at ye time abt: 5 or 6 a clock & was at the Same time told by Sarah Riddle a child of 7 year old yt there were men in Mr Walkers garden, Mary House Same day told her yt one of those men was black & a bro Coat full of Rags. Deb: Plant another child Saw only a mans leg in ye Garden wch the children confirmed. Wm House near 14 deposes yt he Saw ye Black in Mr Walkers garden last friday nearly abt: 4 or 5 a clock. Geo: Scipio alledges yt he knows nothing of ye matter & was at Hackney last Thursday but not on friday. Geo: Bovet [Dow deleted] watchcasemaker at Mary Germains in Spitall fields makes oath yt he was in compa: wth Scipio last friday [till deleted] ½ 11 till ½ 2 at ye 3 Crowns Dowg:hill. Wm Reed confirms ye Same yt he was wch ym till after 1. Geo: Hawksford Sworn Says yt Scipio was at Hackney last friday & he met him in Chur: yd between 6 & 7. Jno Blackwell Sworn Says he verily beleives he Saw him last friday at lest he Saw him 2 ds: last week in Hackney whereas Scipio owns to have been there but 1 day. Geo: Scipio of St. Leonard Shoreditch chapman £80, Wm Sanderson of St Christophers London Linnen Draper £40, John Slade of St Leonard Shoreditch weaver £40, upon Condition that Geo: Scipio personally appeareth at the next General Session of the Peace to be held for the County of Middx to answer Ann Godfrey being charged by her on Suspicion of having feloniously taken out of her Garden in Hackney in the sd. County three shirts & 6 Shifts the property of several persons & to be of the good behaviour & not depart the Court without License. Ann Godfrey of Hackney Wido £40 To prosecute Geo Scipio. (fn. 10)

219. Thursday, 12 May 1737 Esther Young complains agt: her husband Richd Young for beating & abusing her & threatning to kill her on her Oath made a warrt: for him.

220. Monday, 16 May 1737 Oliver Fitsgerald complains agt: Wm Harrison for assaulting & Striking him and threatning to murder him in Well Street Hack. On Oath made by him granted a warrt: for W H. On hearing ye Cause he being brot: in Custo of [blank], O Fitsgerald Swore to ye Assault but it was made up & dischgd.

221. Thursday, 19 May 1737 Tho: Newbery complains agt: Jno Parsley for an assault beating & kicking him & knocking him down wth a brickbatt & wounding him very much. On his Oath made thereof granted a Warrt: for Parsley.

Same Day & on hearing ye cause it appeared as above but it appearing also yt ye wound was by Mr Cottons opinion likely to be cured in a week ye matter was adjusted between ym and ye warrt: dischgd at ye desire of ye psecutor.

222. Thursday, 26 May 1737 Middlesex Robert Iles of the Parish of St. John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex Farmer [and Elizabeth the wife of deleted] maketh Oath that William Harrison this day used such threatening words to him this Deponent that he goes in danger of his Life or of some bodily hurt that the said William Harrison will [cause or deleted] do cause or procure to be done unto him and that he desires the Peace of him not out of any Malice vexation or revenge but for the causes aforesaid. [signed] Robert Iles. Sworne before me the 26th [apparently altered from 27th] day of May in the year of our Lord 1737 [signed] Henry Norris. (fn. 11)

Same day Committed him W Harrison to Newprison for want of Sureties for the Peace & his good behaviour. (fn. 12) [See 224].

223. Tuesday, 14 June 1737 Jno Wollard complains agt: Wm Rogers for beating & abusing him in breach of ye Peace last Saterday in Homerton. On his Oath made a warrt: for him.

224. Tuesday, 21 June 1737 William Smith living in King Street in the Parish of St George in the County of Middx Cooper Bound in £20 [and] James Holland of the Parish of Christ Church in the said County Reed maker Bound in £20 upon Condition that William Harrison now in Custody of the Keeper of New Prison shall personally appear at the next Quarter Sess of the Peace to be held for the County of Middx to answer the Complaint of Robt Iles he having Sworn the peace against him and that he shall in the mean time be of the good behaviour &c. Taken June 21st 1737 and a Discharge Signed by H Norris & Sam (fn. 13) Tyssen Esqr. (fn. 13) [See 222].

225. Wednesday, 22 June 1737 Sarah Miller complains agt: John Shaw for beating & abusing her this morning in her lodgings near Mutton lane, on Oath made granted a warrt for him.

226. Friday, 24 June 1737 Wm Carter brot: in Custo: of Henry Hollis, George Marwick chgd by him Wth Gathering & Stealing a parcell of Beans to ye quantity of near ½ a bushell out of a field in ye Parish of St: Mary Le Bow. Wm Jagger made oath that on Suspicion of having lost Some beans ye night before out of ye field, yt last night he wth Some others kept watch & found in ye field sd Geo: Marwick wth 2 bags & his pockets filled wth beans gathered in ye field ye pperty of Wm Carter & the prisoner acknowledged ye Same. Sent to Bridewell to hard Labour the Sd Geo: Marwick.

Wednesday, 29 June 1737 Ordered Geo: Marwick to be discharged out of Bridewell at desire of the psecutor Wm Carter.

227. Friday, 19 August 1737 Tho: Lely complains agt: Joseph Swaby & Wm Brown for assaulting him & beating him last Tuesday in ye Brick field at Marestreet. Made a Warrt: for him.

228. Tuesday, 30 August 1737 James Coo complains [agt: deleted] he had lost a Cloth or Rug out of his Coach abt: 14 ds: ago his own pperty Vallue 2s & Suspects yt Tho: Wright had feloniously taken ye Same. Made out a Warrt: for him.

Wednesday, 31 August 1737 On his being brot: before me. Middlesex The Information of James Coo of the Parish of Islington Stage Coach driver taken before me Hen: Norris one of his Majestyes Justices of the Peace for the Said County on [Monday deleted] Tuesday 30th day of August 1737 Who upon his Oath Saith that about 14 days ago he lost out of the Coach he drives a Rug covering for the Coachbox Seat the property of him the Said James Coo and that he vehemently Suspects that Thomas Wright of Homerton in the Parish of Saint John at Hackney did feloniously take the Same and he charges the Said Thomas Wright on Suspicion of stealing the same. [signed] James Coo. Sworn before me 30 August 1737 Henry Norris.

Same day James Coo of the Parish of Islington Stage Coach driver bound in £20 to psecute Thomas Wright for felony &c.

Same day Bound Tho: Wright of St: Jno: at Hackney Labourer in £40 Joseph Wright of Do Victualler 20 [and] Edward Poole of Do Do 20, for the appearance of Tho: Wright at next Genll Session &c to answer James Coo being charged on Suspicion of Stealing Rug out of his Coach &c. (fn. 14)

229. Tuesday, 6 September 1737 Geo: Howe desires leave to Sell drink at ye Plow in Mile end old Town & gave him leave to Licensing time.

230. Thursday, 8 September 1737 Sarah Thompson complains agt: Joseph Whitehead for using threatning Speeches to her that She goes in fear of her life whereof She made oath in usuall form & made a Warrt: for him.

231. Wednesday, 21 September 1737 Mary Dudley [entry incomplete].

232. Sunday, 25 September 1737 Wm Catlin brot: Frederick Eaton in Custo: of Wm Catherines & charged him on Oath wth Stealing a pair of old Stockings of Small vallue out of his Garden in Londo: Field wch he acknowledged. Sent him to Bridewell.

233. Tuesday, 27 September 1737 Geo: Fox complains agt: his apprentice Wm Cumberland for being a disorderly & ungovernable Servt: & on his Oath made a warrt: for him & on his appearance & fair promises it was made up. [See 188, 731].

234. Tuesday, 4 October 1737 (fn. 15) Susan Ditty complains agt: Abraham Downham for assaulting & kicking her in a barbarous manner at her own door in Hummerton last night without any provocation. On oath made granted a warrt.

235. [Friday, 7] October 1737 Henry WebbLen [sic] [brot: deleted] did bring in Custo: of Hugh Warren, Samll: Dent chgd on Suspicion of robbing him on ye highway last night near Newington Turnpike of a pr: Silver Shoe buckles & knee buckles &c. On his oath sd [&c deleted] yt last night abt: 8 a Clock as he was coming from Londo to Newington he was met by 3 psons near Kingsland turnpike who Stopt him & robbed him of a pr: Silver Shoe buckles a pr: of Silver knee buckles & 8 or 10s in mo: & he violently Suspects Sam: Dent to be one of the 3 & ye person who actually put his hand in his pocket & took his mo: knowing him by his voice & lower pt of his face. Bound Henry Weblen of St: Ethelburga Londo: Cabinetmaker in £40 to psecute at next Genll: Qr Sessions at Hicks hall &c & Sent Samuell Dent to Newgate. NB Samll: Dent denyed any knowledge of ye matter & alledged yt he was at home at his Cottage near Newington Causeway at ye time ye Robbery was committed & called a woman (who sd She lived at ye Palatine houses as a lodger) to prove ye same but it was not well made out. He Says he gets his living by his & a woman yt: lives wth him Selling apples & Gingerbreads & drams. Medall found in Sam. Dents pocket large of Copper as 10s pce Maria II D G Mag: Br: Fr: et Hib: Regina on one Side Velut inter ignes Luna minores on Reverse. There was found also in his pocket a ½ Cro: & 1s together 3s:6D & Some Copper ½ pence. On inquiring how he came by ye mo: ye woman Said She had pawned Some linnen last Monday for 5s & this was pt: of it but they did not alledge yt it was any of it taken in ye trade wch they pretend to drive. (fn. 16)

236. Sunday, 30 October 1737 Geo: Sully complains yt he was robbed last night of part of a Calf wch was killed & ye 2 hind Quarters carryed away On oath made & yt he Suspected George Saintclair and ye People who live in ye 2 houses adjoyning to the Eastward & Westward of him to have Stolen ye Same made a Search warrt:

237. Friday, 4 November 1737 Wm Rogers & Jno: Woodward brot: in Custo of Cha: Gosdin Headbo: chgd by Wm Shrubsall of Queen Street Londo: & Ezek: Cotchett wth assaulting them last night in ye fields beating & bruising ym. On hearing ye matter discha: Jno Woodward who appeared innocent in this affair & ordered Wm Rogers to find Sureties for his appearance at ye Sessions (& gave him 2 hours to do it) to answer complt: of Wm Shrubsall. William Rogers of St: Jno at Hackney Labourer in £20, Isaac Wintell of Do Victualler in 10 [and] Charles Gosdin of Do, Victualler in 10 bound for ye appearance of Wm Rogers at next Genll: Session &c to answer complt: of Wm Shrubsall for assaulting beating & bruising him. (fn. 17) [See 240, 242].

238. Tuesday, 8 November 1737 Dianah Grainger complains agt Edwd Wright for assaulting & beating her. On her Oath made a Warrt: for him.

Same day On hearing ym it was agreed & he discharged.

239. Tuesday, 15 November 1737 Richard Price complains agt: James Grimsdale & James Harris for an assault on himself & his wife Eliza: Price on ye 12:9ber near Newington.

240. Wednesday, 30 November 1737 Benja: Stevens of Epping Forrest underkeeper complains agt: Wm Rogers of Hummerton Labourer for Hunting & killing & carrying away unlawfully a Fallow deer out of the Forrest & on ye Oath of Jos: Mason made out a Warrt: for him. (fn. 18) [See 237, 242].

241. Thursday, 1 December 1737 Joseph Miller & Samuell Smith brot: in Custody of Robert Barnes Headbo: chgd by Margaret Parker for Stealing off her line in her yard 3 Shirts Vall: 4s. Marg: Parker made Oath to an informa: of ye taking of 3 Shirts by 2 men whom She believes were ye prisoners & yt on her outcry they run away & dropt ye Shirts near ye Gate. Wm Cox made Oath yt on hearing Mrs Parkers outcry he saw ye two prisoners run from her Gate & pursued them thro Church Street where they were taken. The Prisoners denyed all knowledge of ye affair. Marg: Parker [and] Wm Cox of Hackney Gardner, bound in £40 to psecute & give evidence & Sent ye prisoners to Newgate. (fn. 19)

242. Wednesday, 30 November 1737 Middlesex The Information of Joseph Mason taken before me Henry Norris one of his Majestyes Justices of the Peace for the Said County who upon his Oath Saith that William Rogers of Hummerton Labourer on the 12th of August last past, in company with another person to this Deponent unknown, did in Epping Forrest near Sr Thomas Websters warren kill & carry away one Fallow Deer the property of his Majesty contrary to law. [Signed] Joseph Mason. Sworn before me this 30th November 1737 Henry Norris. [See 240].

243. Friday, 2 December 1737 Mary Curtis complains agt: her husband Jno: Curtis for assaulting her & abusing her very barbarously & threatning her life driving her out of ye house & neglecting to pvide for his family. On her oath taken made a Warrt: for him. [See 211, 910].

244. Friday, 2 December 1737 Hen: Johnson Philip Liscomb Jno Harris Jno Badger brot: before me on Suspicion of Stealing Lead from Mr Brewis house. Jos: Cottrell made Oath yt he met on Wednesday Philip Liscomb &c but not to ye purpose. Jno Crawley made Oath yt he met ye 3 first today between Bethnall Green & ye Globe in Mileend 2 [bein deleted] having each a Sack wch Seemed heavy as tho Lead were in it & on exa wtt was in yt Sack Liscomb would Not say wtt was in the Sack Saying he did not know. Jno Brooks on oath charged ym on Suspicion of Stealing Lead from ye house late Mr Spencers. Sent ye 3 first to Newprison on Suspcion &c for further Exa:

Saturday, 3 December 1737 Found 2 Sacks & 2 Plaisterers Hammers for cutting up Lead & Committed Jno: Badger to Bridewell Suppose those tools dropt by ym Some at my Gate & others in ye Field where they had been brot along.

Same day (fn. 20) Middlesex Thomas Williams Servant to Mr. Valentine Brewis maketh Oath that there hath been lately feloniously taken from the House late in the Occupation of Mrs Katherine Spencer in Grove Street in the parish of St John at Hackney in the said County of Middlesex several Parcels of Lead and that he Suspects the said Lead or some part thereof is concealed in the house of or out houses Known by the sign of the Shepherd and Shepherdess in the parish of St Dunstan Stepney otherwise Stebonheath in the said County of Middlesex. [signed] Tho. Williams. Sworn before me the 3d day of December 1737, [signed] Henry Norris. (fn. 21) [See 247, 250, 256].

245. Thursday, 8 December 1737 Patr: Lindsay complns: agt: Wm Reeves for an assault last night & beating him being Sworn made a Warrt.

246. Tuesday, 13 December 1737 Mary Chittum complains agt: her husband Charles Chittum for assaulting & beating her in a very grievous manner & kicking her & throwing her down Stairs & threatning to murder her - on oath made granted a warrt: for him.

247. Thursday, 15 December 1737 Bail offered for Hen: Johnson. Jno: Loyd Cordwainer over agt: 3 Tons in Putney near ye River, Benja: Biggs Carpenter in Windsor Strt: in Putney known to Mr Fletcher a Haberdasher at ye Sun in Cheapside, to Mr Marks a Glover in Cheap cornr Gutterlane, appointed ym Monday next to come at 12. (fn. 22) [See 244, 250, 256].

248. Wednesday, 28 December 1737 Middlesex The information of John Shepherd of London field in Hackney Labourer taken before me Henry Norris one of his Majestyes Justices of the Peace for the Said County Who upon his Oath Saith that on Monday the 26 of this instant December his House Situate near London field was broken open in the night time about 7 or 8 a clock and there were Stolen out of his house a Guinea in gold a pair of Stays two womens Gowns Six Linnen Aprons three Cambrick handkerchiefs one Holland handkerchief all his own property & he doth vehemently Suspect that the Said Burglary and Felony were committed by Mary Clark and he is informed and doth verily beleive that part of the Said goods So Stolen are concealed in the house of Elisabeth [recte Eleanor] Hutchinson near Cambridge heath. John Shepherd [mark]. Sworn 28 December 1737 before me Henry Norris.

Same day Made out a Search warrt: for ye goods in Atchinsons [altered from Hutchinson] house.

Thursday, 29 December 1737 Wm Catherines Headbo: attended wth a return of ye Warrt: & brot: a pr: Stays found in Eleonor Hutchinsons possession wch Mary Shepherd wife of Jno Shepherd made Oath was her husbands & pt of ye goods Stolen & Hutchinson declared She bot: ym on Monday of a woman a Stranger whom She beleives She Should know again. Bound over Wm Catherines, Eleonor Atchinson [altered from Hutchinson] in £20, & Mary Shepherd [each £40 deleted] on pain of imprisonmt to give evidence at next Qr Sessions &c.

Wednesday, 11 January 1738 Jno Shepherd bound in £20 to psecute ye Same. (fn. 23)

A list of names and dates (relating to burials in woollen) which appeared at this point in the manuscript, has been removed to the end, entry 358.


  • 1. The final sentence of this entry is not in Norris's hand.
  • 2. That is, her skirt or petticoats.
  • 3. This entry is perhaps misdated. It was not customary to transact judicial business on a Sunday, and the position of the entry in the notebook suggests it was more likely to have taken place on Tuesday, 6 July 1736.
  • 4. Yane was already bound in a recognizance (taken before Tyssen, 26 May 1736) to answer for an assault on Mary Pugh. She failed to appear and the recognizance was estreated. MJ/SR/2656, recog. 82, MJ/SBB/935, recog 82.
  • 5. The recognizance was discharged at the September sessions. MJ/SR/2661, recog. 4.
  • 6. Smith was discharged at the December sessions. MJ/SBB/940, recog. 47.
  • 7. This information has been inserted into the volume; it was originally taken on a loose sheet of paper. Apart from the alteration to the wording noted above, the entry is not in Norris's hand.
  • 8. Keeling died in gaol awaiting trial. MJ/GBB/315/92.
  • 9. Coombs failed to appear at the May sessions and his recognizance was estreated. MJ/SBB/944, recog. 126.
  • 10. Scipio's recognizance does not appear to have been returned to the sessions, nor has any indictment against him been traced. The affair was almost certainly compromised. As the offence is clearly stated to have been felonious, this suggests that both Norris and the prosecutor were acting improperly (see introduction).
  • 11. The preceding part of this entry is not in Norris's hand.
  • 12. The sessions book notes that Harrison was not to be discharged without reference to Norris, Tyssen and Garrett, or any two of them. MJ/SBB/944, p. 82.
  • 13. This entry is not in Norris's hand. Harrison was discharged at the July sessions. MJ/ SBB/945, recog. 114.
  • 14. An attempt to indict Wright at the September sessions failed and the recognizance, which was signed by both Norris and Tyssen, was discharged. MJ/SBB/946, recog. 16.
  • 15. This entry is dated 1736 in the manuscript, but its position suggests that 1737 is more likely.
  • 16. Dent was acquitted at the October Old Bailey Sessions. MJ/GBB/315/142.
  • 17. Rogers, a notorious deerstealer with a reputation for violence, was discharged at the December sessions. MJ/SBB/948, recog. 23.
  • 18. Rogers was the leader of a notorious deer-stealing gang. He was eventually arrested in December 1738 after a violent struggle and was subsequently tried and convicted at the Essex assizes on charges of assault/shooting at various keepers of Waltham Forest. He was sentenced to death. Barlow, Dick Turpin and the Gregory Gang (Chichester, 1973), pp. 29–30.
  • 19. Miller and Smith were acquitted at the December Old Bailey sessions. Samuel Sadleir acted as Margaret Parker's attorney and the prosecution costs of £1 4s. 4d. were paid by the parish, 'she being very poor'. MJ/GBB/315/148; P79/JN1/142/5.
  • 20. The remaining part of the entry is not in Norris's hand.
  • 21. Liscomb, Johnson and Harris appear to have been committed to Bridewell rather than the New Prison. The sessions book notes that they were to be bailed only by Norris, Garrett or by Justice Richard Farmer. At the January sessions, Thomas Williams and John Crawley exhibited articles of the peace against Philip Liscomb and John Brooks exhibited articles of the peace against Henry Johnson; articles of the peace were also exhibited against John Harris, although the precise details are unclear. On 18 January 1738, Liscomb and Johnson were bound over to keep the peace for a year. Harris was similarly bound over 20 April 1738 (256). MJ/SBB/949, recog. 32, pp. 51, 52, 92.
  • 22. The bail were acceptable and a recognizance was returned to the January sessions. It was discharged 18 January 1738 on Johnson entering a fresh recognizance to keep the peace for a year (see 244). MJ/SBB/949, recog. 32, p. 52.
  • 23. Clark was convicted of stealing to the value of 39s. at the January Old Bailey sessions. She was sentenced to transportation. MJ/GBB/315/166.