Henry VIII: February 1530, 16-27

Pages 2791-2811

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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February 1530

16 Feb.
Dr. Lamb's Cambridge Documents, 19.
In the matter of matrimony between us and the Queen, the greatest clerks in Christendom, both in this realm and without, have affirmed and subscribed the opinion that "ducere uxorem fratris mortui sine liberis sit prohibitum jure divino et naturali," which is the chief point in our cause. (fn. 1) Being desirous of knowing your opinions, and not doubting that, as we have always found you favorable and glad to extend our authority when you have required it, you will not omit anything whereby you should minister to us gratuity and pleasure, specially in declaring the truth in a cause so near touching us, our soul, and the wealth and benefit of our realm. We have therefore sent Gardiner, our secretary, and Fox, for whom we desire credence.
Requires them to send the opinion of the University upon the said proposition, under their common seal. York Place, 16 Feb.
16 Feb.
R. O.
Did not mean to have told him yet of the late accident, but understands Cromwell knows it. "Christofer dyd hynge a candel in a playt to loyk apone hys boyk, and so fell ascleype, and the candell fell into the bedstrawe." There were burnt a new feather bed and bolster, a pair of sheets, three "overleydes" and a sparver, with a pair of hose and a doublet of Christofer's, a pair of hose, a doublet, a bonnet, and a shirt of Nich. Sadler's. "Had not the chamber beyn sylered and pargened with plaister, we had had mor harme." Begs him to send more money by the bearer, "Master Byll, felloy of our howsse." I pay 40s. every six weeks for your men and scholars. 16 Feb.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Maister Thomas Crumwell, besyd the Awstyne Freyrs.
17 Feb.
Rym. XIV. 371.
Indenture between the King and cardinal Wolsey, whereby the latter resigns the bishopric of Winchester and the abbey of St. Alban's, with all appurtenances, except the archbishopric of York, receiving 6,374l. 3s. 7½d., and a yearly pension of 1,000 marks. 17 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII.
Close Roll, 21 Hen. VIII. m. 17d.
R. O. 2. Corrected draft of the preceding.
R. O. 3. Indenture between the King and Wolsey, witnessing that the King had pardoned him, and granted him the archbishopric of York, with certain sums of money and goods to the value of 6,374l. 3s. 7½d.; in consideration of which Wolsey gives the King all the issues of spiritual things belonging to the bishopric of Winchester and the abbey of St. Alban's, and all that otherwise appertains to him not belonging to the archbishopric of York. The part of this indenture remaining with Wolsey has the Great Seal attached to it; the other is signed and sealed by Wolsey. Dated 17 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII. Signed by Wolsey. Seal attached.
17 Feb.
R. O.
Has measured, with Ric. Swift, all the lands in the tenure of the farmer, who has been here but seldom, and, as Brabazon supposes, has gone to Cromwell to make sure of the farm. Advises him to make no grant, for he can make 6l. or 7l. more by it than Mr. Gage did. Asks his pleasure about selling the woods. Proposes 24s. an acre as the price. Shall hold a court at Sutton tomorrow for St. John's, on Sunday for the parsonage, on Monday at Dertford, Tuesday at Kyngsdown, and Wednesday at Edenbridge. If Cromwell will be at Sutton this day week, he shall see their determination. Sutton, Thursday, 17 Feb.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To, &c., Mr. Crumwell.
" ... of the v ... other implements ... knyg Mr. Wm. Burbanke and T[homas Cromwell]."
The goods and catalls of Ravenston, sold for x. [li.] ..., of which received iij. [li.], and in a bill of Wm. Marchall, 26l. The goods of Tykforde sold for 5l. 4s. = 34l.
Whereof, paid, wages of 2 canons at Ravenston, 40s. Wages of servants there, 40s. Wages of 5 monks at Tykforde, 50s. To the praysor, 6s. 8d. Our expences at Ravenston, Tykford, and from London thither, 3l.=9l. 16s. 8d.; and so Mr. Treasurer is in surplusage, 36s. 8d.
Wages to a monk at Canwell, 1l.; to the prior's father, and to servants, 40s.; to praysors, 3s. 4d. Our costs from Tykforde to Sandwell, and staying there 5 days. Wages to a monk at Canwell, 6s. 8d. Wages to the servants of the house, 20s. Our costs at Canwell, 3 days, 22s. Wages of 3 canons at Pougleye, 40s. Wages of 4 men servants, 43s. 4d. Wages of a woman and a boy, 7s. 4d. Costs from Canwell to Pougleye, and 3 days there, 56s. 8d. From Pougleye to London, 18s.
Endd.: ... ns ... salys of Ravenston, Tykforde, Sandwell, Canwell, and Powheley.
R. O. 2. [Goods] and cattalls sold at _ and Poghley, by Mr. W[m. Burbanke] and Thomas Cromwell.
Goods at Sandwell, 21l.; Canwell, 8l.; Poghley, 29l. Expences, 16l. 3s. 4d. Remaining for the use of my lord's Grace, 41l. 16s. 8d. Expences at Ravenston, and on the way to London, 6l. Reward to 5 monks at Tykforde, 33s. 4d.; to 2 canons of Ravenston, 20s. Wages of servants at Ravenston and Tykforde, 40s.
Debts due to my lord's Grace for goods sold at Canwell, Sandwell, and Powleye, due at Lady Day, with the half year's rent, 189l. 10s.
* * * The [bells] of Ravenston are worth [33l. 6s. 8d.]; those of Tykforde, [33l.] 6s. 8d.; of Sandwell, xxx[iii.]l. 6s. 8d.; of Canwell, 13l. 6s. 8d.; of Powgeley, 33l. 6s. 8d. Total value of bells, 146l. 13s. 4d.
* * * Summa, 331l. XV ... 8d.
R. O. 3. Another account of goods sold at Sandwell, Canwell, and Poghley, similar to the preceding; but only 14l. 12s. 4d. stated as expences.
Pp. 6. Endd.
Received his letter by Page, this Friday about 8 p. m. Brabazon and Swift have viewed Sutton at Hone, with Haute, Sir Brian Tuke's servant, and like it very well, as Brabazon will write. Has received 30s. of Turnbull, the fishmonger, for a barrel of salmon; has fetched home the piece of arras, and paid the maker. Frognall has been here to see Cromwell, and desires to be recommended to Wolsey. Encloses a list of those who have been to see him since he left, a clean shirt, one pair of linen hose, a headkerchief. and two handkerchiefs. Cromwell's mother and family are well. London, Friday, 9 p.m.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To his right worshipful Mr. Master Cromwell.
Ashmol. MS.
Oxon. B. M. Ellis, 1 Ser. II. 7.
Begs him at the reverence of God to hasten his suits; as the delay "replenisheth my heart with heaviness, that I can take no reste,—not for any vain fear, but only for the miserable condition that I am presently in, and likelihood to continue in the same, unless that you, in whom is mine assured trust, do help and relieve me therein." Cannot live in this moist and corrupt air, "being entered into the passion of dropsy," with loss of appetite and sleep. Must be removed to a dry air, where he may have the benefit of physicians. "Secondly, having now but York, which is now decayed by 800l. by the year, I cannot tell how to live and keep the poor number of folks which I now have; my houses there be in decay, and of everything mete for household unprovided and unfurnished. I have none apparel for my houses there, nor money to bring me thither, nor to live with till the propice time of the year shall come to remove thither." These things, with his age and sickness, put him in agony and heaviness. "Alas ! Mr. Secretary, ye, with other my Lords, showed me that I should otherwise be furnished and seen unto. Ye know in your learning and conscience whether I should forfeit my spiritualities of Winchester or no. Alas ! the qualities of mine offences considered, with the great punishment and loss of goods that I have sustained, ought to move pitiful hearts, and the most noble King, to whom, if it would please you of your charitable goodness to show the premises after your accustomable wisdom and dexterity, it is not to be doubted but his Highness would have consideration and compassion, augmenting my living, and appointing such things as should be convenient for my furniture; which to do shall be to the King's highness' honor, merit, and discharge of conscience, and to your great praise for bringing the same to pass for your old bringer up and loving friend." This kindness from the King would prolong his life a while, though not long; "by the means whereof his Grace shall take profit, and by my death none. What is it to his Highness to give some convenient pension out of Winchester and St. Alban's, his taking with my hearty good will the residue? Remember, good Mr. Secretary, my poor degree, and what service I have done, and how now approaching to death I must begin this world again." Begs him, therefore, to use his power, which Wolsey knows is great, for his relief, and he will pray God for the increase of his honor. "Written hastily at Ashur with the rude and shaking hand of your daily bedesman and assured friend, T. Carlis Ebor."
Hatfield MSS.
"My own good Master Secretary, I cannot express how much I am bounden to my lord of Norfolk's grace and you, to whom, with my daily service and prayers, I beseech you to give my most humble and effectual thanks, like as I do the semblable to you, praying God (fn. 2) to reward you both for your charitable goodness showed unto me in this my extremity and heaviness, most humbly praying to continue to the final accomplishing of all mine poor suits, and the establishing of my poor state, to the honor of God and His Church, whereof I am a poor member. And doubt ye not, besides my service and prayer, ye shall deserve high merit of God, and excellent fame in this world; and I, with all my friends, shall ascribe to my said lord's Grace and you the preservation of my life, with the redubbing of my poor condition to an honest living, as our Lord knoweth, whom I beseech to send you much honor, and to continue my good master and friend. At Assher, this morning, with the rude hand of your assured bedesman, T. Cardinalis Ebor'.
"I beseech you to give credence to such things as Thomas Alvard shall declare unto you on my behalf, and to interpone your favorable aid with your accustomed dexterity for the attaining of the same."
Cott. App.
XLVIII. 20. B. M. St. P. I. 356.
His comfortable letters arrived tonight at supper time. Begs him to continue the practices he has commenced about the bishopric of Winchester; and though he has been advised not to speak to the King about it, thinks he had better do so, mentioning the advantage which would arise to the King as well as to Wolsey; "and always to consider with yourself that in space groweth grace." The King cannot gain so much at any man's hand as at Wolsey's.
If Cromwell opens the matter properly, doubts not he will hearken thereto. "Take [bo]ldnes unto yow, and be nat afferd to borde hys Grace." Cromwell asks Wolsey to send some one to receive 500l. for his servants and household; but this is far from the 2,000 mks. mentioned by Norfolk, and from the [sum] which Mr. Secretary in his letters [said] Wolsey should have before this time. Great things are promised, but in deed they are very small. The 500l. will not defray all his debts, and it must be considered how he will live afterwards till more comes in. What servants he retains or discharges will depend upon what he has to live on. Will do nothing but by Cromwell's advice. Hopes to hear tomorrow, unless he comes with the money. His heart is full of heaviness. Asks him to remind Mr. Secretary of the [contents] "of his letters, and my lord of Norfolk of his [promise] and sayings unto yow. Thys dayly alteration [keeps] me in suche agony that I had lever be ded [than alive]. Et iterum vale."
Hol., pp. 2, mutilated.
18 Feb.
Le Grand, III. 437.
Having answered on the 8th his letter of the 1st by Gabriel, will not write at great length now.
The King returned from Hampton Court on Saturday, and Dr. Stephen waited upon De Vaux by order of the Council. Had two conferences with him about the expedition of the fleur de lis, the quittances and other documents, which have to be restored to the Emperor on the recovery of the Princes.
The King has determined that the fleur de lis, the indemnity of Windsor, and the quittance, be committed to Brian and "to me De Langes," to be conveyed with all diligence. We have not yet seen this jewel, but by all accounts it is so large and heavy that it is a horse-load so to speak ("che un cavallo ne sera quasi carico"). It is to be placed in a box, and sealed with the seals of the King of England, Bryan, the French and Imperial ambassadors, to be opened at the place and time to be agreed on, when the Princes are delivered. The king of England has commissioned the Grand Master, Mons. de Borges, the bishop of Bayonne, Turenne, and Bryan for the delivery of the jewel and indemnity, and to obtain a quittance of the Emperor. Recites the conditions in case of the jewel being lost or not delivered, &c., as in the treaty. The bonds which Henry had of the Emperor for the sums lent him by the bishop of London and Master More in August last were consigned to the governor of Boulogne and the bailly of Amiens at Calais, who, in return, gave the bond of Francis. As the jewel is to be ready on Thursday, Langeais (fn. 3) and Bryan intend to leave on Friday, and travel post, and will take with them the said indemnity of Windsor, quittance and procuration. As to the depredation and the ship and goods of John Rocquet lately detained at Portsmouth, we have spoken at length with the Lords of the Council, and today with the King, whom we find most favorable. The ship and goods are to be released. As to John Brisse, and his pretended shipwreck, we do not know how we should proceed, and we hope justice will not fail; but to prevent scandals, it would be well that the French officials should administer justice promptly to any Englishmen who had been denied it (ad alcuni Anglesi denegiati), about whom Langeais has been obliged to speak.
The King is very grateful to Francis for the trouble he has taken with the doctors of Paris in favor of his cause. It is the matter he has most at heart; but to conduct it to the desired end, he is in no small anxiety, and begs Francis to get the faculty of Paris to write their opinion as to the truth of the matter, in which case he does not doubt that all will agree in his favor; but quickness is of importance, so that their opinion, along with those of the universities of England and elsewhere, may be shown by Wiltshire to the Pope. London, 15 Feb. 1530.
P.S.—The original of this has been dispatched to Francis. They have since been with the King, who has consigned to them the fleur de lis, in presence of the Imperial ambassador, in a box locked up, and sealed with the seals of the King, the Imperial ambassador, Bryan, and the French, of which consignation the king has caused a public act to be made, stating that the fleur de lis had been seen by the Emperor's ambassador, and that the precious stones and pearls were found according to his inventory sent by the Emperor. Bryan and Langeais will leave to morrow, or at the latest on Sunday. As for the copy of the peace with England, it may be provided by means of the treaty of this peace, which Francis has in his possession, signed and sealed by Henry. Tomorrow we shall visit the bishop of London and Fitzwilliam, who are commissioned to receive the obligations for the said jewel, for the arrears of salt, and the restitution in May, in case the Princes be not restored, and the mutual confession by the two Kings that neither has contravened the perpetual peace.
The king of England is as well disposed as possible towards Francis, and there need be no doubt that the Princes will be restored. The King suggests that the Emperor is much more afraid of the treaty not being fulfilled on your part, than you have any reason to be of your sons not being restored; and points out many reasons for this; among others, the great need the Emperor has of money, especially with a view to his going into Germany, which he could not do without the sum stipulated in the treaty. Moreover, the King considers that the friendship of Francis, as well as his own, is at present of much importance to the Emperor, who has no great confidence in the Pope. London, 18 Feb. 1530.
Italian. The original is endorsed: "Copia della letra alla Chr. M. el 18 Feb. et mandata a Mons. Ill. Gran Mastro."
18 Feb.
R. O. Rym. XIV. 376.
6228. FRANCIS I.
Treaty for the payment of a certain pension from salt annually by Francis I. to the king of England. London, 18 Feb. 1529.
Lat., vellum. Two seals.
R. O.
Rym. XIV. 378.
2. Treaty for the payment of 47,368 gold crowns, 16s., due by Francis I. to the king of England in the event of the Emperor refusing to restore the French princes within a specified time. London, 18 Feb. 1529.
Lat., vellum.
R. O.
Rym. XIV. 380.
3. Treaty for the liberation of the French king's children, and for the restoration of the fleur-de-lis jewel pledged by the Emperor Maximilian. London, 18 Feb. 1529.
Lat., vellum. Two seals.
18 (fn. 4) Feb.
Vit. B. XIII. 47.
B. M.
6229. [CROKE to HENRY VIII.]
Quotes a passage from a letter of Basil of Neocæsarea to Amphilochius, saying that a person who has married his brother's wife should not be admitted to communion until he is separated from her.
Guesses that this is what they sought, and that Stokesley by an error of memory ascribed it to Nazianzen. Sends it to the King, with some writings by learned Hebrews in his favor; by which, what Stokesley wished, is proved indisputably; viz., that the Levitical law has always been holy and intact, and never abolished nor weakened; on the other hand, the law of Deuteronomy was never in force except when the conditions therein expressed were present, and when it is allowed by the Levitical law; and that it was never observed, even by the Jews themselves, after the destruction of Jerusalem, except in matters concerning inheritance. "Ex quo necessario meo judicio infertur istam correlariam duntaxat illius esse quæ [in] ultimo Nu[merorum] contra filias Salphaad a Deo lata est, jam quod adduc[it] M. Rhaphael permissam eam solummodo in linea Salvatoris." Raphael, who is now converted to Christ, was at one time a chief rabbi.
Has carried out the King's wishes in exploring the minds of theologians indirectly. Has found few (p[aucos]) who do not agree with the King; and these, were it not for fear of the Pope, would be drawn to the King's side without much trouble. Sends the writings of Francis Georgius, the chief theologian here, in the opinion of all, and well skilled in Hebrew, fortified by the subscriptions of four preachers and lecturers on theology. Hopes to obtain subscriptions from all the theologians in Padua, Venice, and other parts of Italy,—such is Georgius' authority with all the Orders. He spent_years in religion as a public reader, and then joined the Franciscan order. He is a senator and one of the ten chief councillors of Venice. His cousin, Albertus (Albo.) Marinus Georgius, is master of the gymnasium at Padua, and pays the public lecturers. He persuaded Raphael to write, and, when urged by the papal party to write against the King, refused to desert the cause. Has not been able to hire any Greek writers, but Georgius has induced some Greek nobles to lend him their servants. He opened for him the Antonian library, and gave him true catalogues of the libraries of St. Antony and St. Mark, without which he could never have detected the fictitious catalogue given him by the ambassador. "Hic domino Dominico Tr[evisano] nepoti suo, homini Græce et Latine exacte docto, persuasit ut sua fide et nomine ... primum quidem ex Joannis et Pauli, deinde ex Sancti Marci biblio[thecis] libros desumeret, quos domi meæ perlegendos permitteret. Et hi sunt illi ... antiquitatis Græci libri in quibus epistolam tam diu nobis quæsitam inveni ... Non puto prætereundum, invictissime rex, in canonibus Græcis u ... invenimus foliorum omnium illic margines, non absque literarum etiam [abrasione] recentissime succisos, ut opinor ne annotationes m[arginales] quærentibus, epistolam proderent. Profecto cum absque ... nissemus, nec absque opera patr[is] Fran[cisci] ... felix illud fuisse e ... s * * * mis tentandum atque conciliandum censuit."
Though he has done everything for Croke, could not prevail upon him or his nephew to take a penny in compensation. Has paid him 50 gold pieces, at the desire of the bishop of Worcester, to engage doctors of law ([ju]ris) and theology for the King, of which he will give Croke account. If a stranger, concealing his name and country, has done so much in a month, what could not the ambassador have done in three years, if he had liked. But he has done nothing in the King's affairs, and had not seen a single theologian before Croke's arrival; and after infinite delay and procrastination gave him a fictitious catalogue of the library of St. Mark, which he sends, with the genuine one given him by father Francis. In order to destroy Croke's hopes of seeing books, he pretended that he had often treated with the Doge (Princeps), and could not obtain leave from him to take books out of the library, but only to see them there for two hours, and make one copy. Could not divine why he said that he was ordered to discuss the cause with the King's adversaries, and exhorted Croke to do so, promising to give him a note testifying that he had been ordered to do so by the King, and had advised Croke to do it. He has often [urged] Croke to discuss with Aleander, the bishop of Chieti, and a Jew who is hostile to the King. As Croke did not consent, and pretended that he was ordered to do nothing without orders from the bishop of Worcester, he wrote to his brother that he thought Croke should dispute with the King's opponents, and that the Bishop would be glad for him to do so. But the Bishop, being warned of these tricks by Croke, replied that he had received no such instructions, and would not do it. Seeing that this did not succeed, he went to all the persons with whom he found that Croke had treated, disclosed his name and nation, and the cause of his coming, and told them that the Emperor was opposing the cause, and that the Pope did not dare to favor it, and that there were great disputes about it in England. Fears to say what he has heard him say about the King. Unless the King conceals it, will not escape the sword or poison. He spoke in such a manner to the bishop of Chieti and Francis that the latter, who had lent a commentary on Luke to Croke on the faith of father Francis, soon asked for it back. Encloses bitter letters from him. All this was done by the ambassador to deter this good man from taking up the King's cause; but he is so influenced by his Majesty's learning and eloquence, shown in his book against Luther, that he says he will never desert his just cause, but would readily go to defend it to Rome, England, or anywhere else where the King should wish. Still he might hesitate, as the ambassador does so much to frighten him. But the bishop of Worcester, on the other hand, frequently writes kind letters to him, and gave his brother several blank sheets of paper with his seal and signature, which Croke and he fill up as they judge best; and they have encouraged Francis by them, so that he is beginning a laborious work for the King: "nempe quo omnia adversariorum ... argumenta, authoritatibus pariter et rationibus gravissimis prorsus [eversa]turus.
"Utinam audires, illustrissime princeps, quas nos de tuo in Lutherum [libro laudes] audimus. Utinam cogitares quantum lucis pro te scripturis exhiberet ... adversariorum contra te libri, cum tuo neutiquam conferendi ... [nisi æstima]tionis tui tam esses negligenter prodigus, ut differres ... mitti, sed penitus oblitus sum ... vocatum a patre Francisco ... [in]strumento * * * primum libenter se facturum; cæterum ubi epistola legi cœpta est rogasse an ... judicium esset venturum. Ad quod cum respondissemus nescire nos, statim ille: [Haud] faciam, inquit, citra principis veniam in hoc aliquid, nam video regis ... casum esse. Nec ulla pecunia quamquam amicum, quamquam consanguineum pater Fra[nciscus] ... hominem inducere potuit ut scriberet. Immo etiam indignatus est Fra[nciscus] quasi qui vellet in manifestissimum et maximum ipsum conjicere periculum. Ob[secro] igitur Majestatem tuam ut cogitet quantopere formidare cogatur pater F[ranciscus] ...," unless the King will write to the Venetian senate to allow his case to be discussed by the theologians of the Signory. If the King does this, he will conquer; for before his letters arrive, all, as we hope, will be on his side. Does not think the King can do better than act openly with the Pope to allow the Italian theologians to write about the cause freely. The matter is so known abroad now that the King could not have more adversaries than he has, and yet in the number of his friends he is not inferior to the Emperor or the Pope; and Croke doubts not that the number will daily increase, if he is not short of money, as the theologians and jurists of Venice, Padua, Verona, and almost all the Signory, depend upon Francis.
Asks the King to keep secret the writings sent, until the contest begins. The bishop of Worcester has not been wanting either in advice or assistance. He sent 250 cr., of which 80 have been paid to Francis and others, for hiring learned men, and more is about to be paid for the same purpose, and also to get the books wanted. [He] sent his brother to card. Grimani, and when he came to the ambassador to know "si quos plures doctores centum illis e ... decem scutis quos episcopus ipsi ad hoc dederat," he found that he had not hired any more, nor had paid more than 30 cr. Seeing this error, he himself went back to Padua at night, at his own expence, corrected the error and hired another advocate, settling all the affairs there with the greatest diligence and fidelity. Since coming here has read commentaries on the Pentateuch and Ruth, by Theo ..., Diodorus, Apollinarius, Cyril, Gennadius, Origen, Severian, Acacius, both the Gregories, Chrysostom, and many others. Has seen also a rhapsody of commentaries upon Luke, read Philo and Chrysostom on Genesis, the Ethics and Ascetics of Basil, two [books] of Nazianzen's letters, and the Greek canons of the General Councils. All these books are in Greek, and they have made extracts of what may assist in the King's cause, but there has not yet been time to reduce the extracts to order. Of the books which Stokesley named, there remain to be read a book of Nazianzen's letters, one of Chrysostom upon St. Paul's Epistles, and the Questions of Maximus. Has from the Senate a volume of the canons, with a Greek commentary, which could not be bought for any sum; and Aleander has another, which he values at 2,000 [crowns ?]; and there is a third of no less value. "Et sic tandem, licet sero, habes quid ... ego hic in majestatis tuæ causa fecerim, quæ omnia ante vi. ebdomadas scri[bere] potuissem nisi me continuis procrastinationibus et fraudibus eli ... orator tuus. Non erat enim post acceptum librum triduum quod ego e ... invenerim. Ego tamen hactenus et tuas et meas injurias dissim[ulavi ne] aut mihi noceatur aut causæ tuæ. Venetiis, Feb. xvi[ij]."
Lat., pp. 3, mutilated. Copy by Croke.
18 Feb.
R. O.
Receipt, 18 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII., by Thomas Crumwell, of London, gentleman, from Wm. Capon, D.D., master of Jesus College, Cambridge, of 6l. 13s. 4d., "by way of reward of and for certain pains taken for the said college in the defence of certain lands, messuages, tenements, and gardens" in Southwark, co. Surrey, which shall, after the death of Eleanor, wife of Wm. Midelton, remain to the college, by the will of Roger Thorney, deceased.
Draft, in Cromwell's own hand, p. 1.
19 Feb.
R. T. 137.
R. O.
Acquittance by Henry VIII. to Charles V., in accordance with the treaty lately made between England and France, of all debts due to the King upon bonds, and of a debt of 100,000l. due by his grandfather Maximilian to Henry VII., which Charles had bound himself to pay; of the obligation to pay England the debt due by France to Henry and his sister, until it was settled by peace or war, as appears by a public instrument dated Windsor, 19 June 1522:—which claims Francis has undertaken to satisfy by the late treaty of Cambray, whenever the Dauphin and the duke of Orleans shall be delivered. Appoints as proxies for the restitution of bonds and pledges, Anne de Monmorancy, Grand Master of France, Francis de Turre viscount of Turenne, John du Bellay, bishop of Bayonne, and Sir Francis Bryan.
Lat., pp. 3.
Galba, B. VIII.
225. B. M.
2. Draft of the preceding.
Imperfect and mutilated, pp. 2.
[Cal. E. I. II. ?]
I. 20.
B. M.
3. A paper submitted by the French ambassadors to Henry VIII.
That it would please the King to restore to the French king, his ally, a fleur de lis of gold and precious stones left in pawn with him by the Emperor elect for the sum of 50[000] crowns. He will repay the sum according to the terms fixed upon by his ambassadors. 2. To grant letters of quittance in favor of the said Emperor for all the sums in which he is bound, by the terms of the treaty of Windsor, to Henry for the pe[nsions] granted to him in France. 3. Acquittance of the obligation and fine incurred by the Emperor in the event of his not fulfilling his marriage with the princess of England. 4. Acquittance of a pension ... to be employed in the payment of [the ransom] of the Dauphin and duke [of Orleans]. 5. Begs likewise a loan for this purpose during the month of March.
Fr., mutilated, pp. 2.
R. O. 4. Draft of the oath to be given by Francis I. to Henry VIII., who has become security for him to the Emperor, that on the restoration of his sons he will recall his army from Italy, and deliver Genoa and Asti to the Emperor.
Lat., pp. 7.
20 Feb.
Vit. B. XIII. 55b.
B. M.
6232. [CROKE] to GHINUCCI.
Wonders that he has received no letters from him since sending him the epistle of Basil. The name of his benefice is Hurworth, in the diocese of Durham. Asks him to have Foxe's dispensation dispatched, that he may see Croke's diligence and Ghinucci's kindness. The ambassador told him today that his brother had obtained the dispensation from card. SS. Quatuor, and had committed the rest of the business to Ghinucci. He was with Francis today, yesterday, and the day before, offering him money to write for the King, and promising to obtain permission for him from the Pope to do so; but he knew the ambassador's intent, and refused the money, saying that he would not write or speak of the matter until commanded by the Pope. [Casale], however, shamelessly told Croke that he had accepted a present, and had promised to write. He is stupid enough to think that he can persuade Croke that the catalogue he produced is a true one, and he said today that it is much more perfect than that which Faustus has. This is as true as what he writes to the King about Croke and Ghinucci. We shall owe nothing to him if our letters reach the King.
Begs him to write to Stephen and Foxe, and to the King himself, asking that Croke's letters may be shown to no one else. Hears from Father Francis and prior Thomas that seventeen doctors will subscribe to our opinion. Wishes him to try and obtain some reward for Francis and his nephew, to whom he, Croke, and the King himself, owe so much; and to request the King to write to the Venetian senate. Will do nothing without Ghinucci's advice, or without giving him the credit to the King. Asks him in return to commend his fidelity to the King, Stokesley, Stephen (fn. 5), and Foxe, and to ask for the increase of his diets. Does not understand what he wrote about Francis. Surely he deserves more than moderate praise. Has found a Greek oration of St. Clement, De Generatione, which he hopes will be useful. 20 Feb., Venice.
In his letters to Foxe, says that he has paid the money, that he may send it ... and that he may be more willing to ask the King to increase his diets. "Quare omnino velim ut inscribas et ita ... magis commodum nec tibi minus accedat gratiarum, quod si ... habes apertas poteris delere usque ad illa verba, vos" * * *
Lat., draft, p. 1, mutilated.
21 Feb.
R. O.
Rym. XIV. 384.
Bull of Clement VII., assenting to the translation of Cuthbert bishop of London to Durham. Bologna, 9 kal. Martii 1530.
Rym. XIV. 384. 2. Papal provision for the same. Same date.
R. O.
Rym. XIV. 386.
3. Papal bull to the clergy and citizens of Durham for the same. Same date.
Lat., vellum.
R. O.
Rym. XIV. 386.
4. Papal bull to the vassals of the see of Durham for the same. Same date.
Lat., vellum.
21 Feb.
MS. Bibl. Nat.
3034. f. 1.
Desires credence for Sir Francis Brian, whom he sends in the company of the sieur De Langy to make deliverance of the jewel the fleur de liz, according to the treaty of Cambray. Westminster, 21 Feb. 1529.
21 ...
Vit. B. XIII. 49.
B. M.
6235. [CROKE] to FOXE.
Foxe owes his dispensation, both for the canonical hours and for eating flesh, only to the bishop of Worcester; and the more so because another, in whom he put great trust, hindered it secretly in every way, though he will take to himself the credit of other people's labors. Has paid the Bishop from the money which he received from Harwell, the merchant. Asks him to send money as soon as possible, for he would have been obliged to beg if the Bishop had not helped him. He has not taken, and will not take, anything from Foxe for his trouble; and he has not shown him any greater favor than he is accustomed to show to his learned friends. Tells him to trust only in the Bishop and his brother, and to advise the King to do the same. The others betray the King's cause, and say that he is attempting this divorce in consequence of his love for a girl. If Casale (ille) had not made delays for Croke, and disclosed his name and country, Foxe would have had the letter a month ago. He had invited Croke to his house under pretext of going to see the Anthonian library, but really to discuss the King's secrets, and so betray them. Feared he would accuse him of betraying the King, and answered that he had no such orders. He then said falsely that a Jew had written upon our side; but when Croke asked him to show the writings, he said his brother had them, and the writer did not dare to confess that he had written on our side. Said that there was nothing to be done with him, for as soon as the affair comes to light, he would turn his back. In order that he might not see that Croke distrusted him, asked for a note showing that he had done only what he was asked to do. He almost gave such a note to Croke, but, while getting it ready, stopped and said that he would send it. During this conversation, to show his diligence, he said he had seen the letter with Aleander, but that it was not Gregory's, but Basil's. But he was not pleased when Croke asked him to buy a copy, or the book itself, from Aleander; and answered that if Aleander would not give it for friendship, he would not for money. Wonders whence comes this squeamishness of Aleander's, who, as he has discovered, is ruled by money. Had no doubt of obtaining it from him, if [Casale] had not mentioned the cause of his coming, and even the King's amours, though he had given out that he had been sent by More, Tunstal, Stokesley, and other English bishops and learned men, to find out the names of books and authors for a library which they were founding.
The Prothonotary, to make Croke believe that he had seen the passage, showed Croke the place in the Bible where it is forbidden to take the sister "in pellicatum uxoris;" and said that Basil had written upon this text, and mentioned our case, but that we must find out to whom he wrote. While he was talking, cast his eyes on the Latin book of councils, which he recognised as Aleander's. "Ille apertus in ci[vitate] Neocæsariensi casum judicat nostrum. Verto folium. Invenio in antyp[agina] quod diximus de sororibus; curiosius inspicio, animadvertoque utrique Concilio ... Gregorii et Basilii præposita, itaque statim inter epistolas scriptas ab epi[scopis] ejus Concilii conjicio, quæ conjectura effecit ut Conciliorum Græcum cum ... a senatu quærerem, quem mihi pater Franciscus impetravit ... scripsit et ut alii multi pro rege scripserint effecit qui ... et omnium bibliothecarum indices veros paravit ... cum nihil prorsus pro me * * * [Ve]netorum familia; et utinam videres quantæ hic authoritatis sit," and how every one defers to his gravity and learning.
Asks him to obtain from the King letters to him similar to those enclosed, which would cause the chief part of the Italian theologians to pronounce for us. If the King wishes to call him to England he should write himself to the Pope, or cause the French king to write in his behalf, on account of Lutheranism. If the Pope knew that he was doing anything for the King, he would never obtain leave, and there would be danger that they would excite the Venetian senate against him. Prefers other persons to him to prevent the Senate from discovering what he is doing. Suggests that the task of obtaining friends should be committed to Georgius, and that of examining Greek books to Dominic of Treviso, his nephew, who is well disposed to the King, and learned in Greek, while Croke should be sent to Germany to obtain friends. Unless the King keeps everything secret, will not escape assassination by those who betray the King's secrets, not only to the Emperor and the Pope, but everywhere to all persons.
Sends letters of Franciscus. "Quæ hic intellexerat frater episcopi in hoc ab episcopo missus ut explorato an ego me pro regio gessissem, coerceret aut male tractaret, etiam dicat episcopus. Nos omnia quæ ad ipsum scripsimus testibus fide dignissimis episcopo probavimus." If the King had only trusted him and his brother, the cause would not have been in everybody's mouth. Neither the Pope nor the Emperor knows what we [are doing]. The Imperial ambassadors, and chiefly the Spanish princes, are daily with the King's ambassador. It was reported here that the Cardinal had sent some thousands to John of Hungary, the Turk's friend, by the officer of the couriers at Tarentum. Not long after it was reported that the King had sent this money. Thinks the report arose because John's ambassador was often with the King's, not only in public but in private. Desires him to entrust the King's business at Rome and in the neighbourhood only to the Bishop and his brother. Franciscus and his nephew are the only persons to be trusted in the Signory, and they would not be safe if it were known that they are engaged on the King's cause. Letters should be sent to the Senate, and others should be encouraged to follow their example by some great reward. Complains of his own necessity. If he had money the King would have all the Italian doctors. Venice, 21.
Lat., copy in Croke's hand, pp. 2, mutilated.
21 [Feb.]
Vit. B. XIII. 54
B. M.
Sends the letter which he wants, which is not Gregory's, but Basil's, "... eandem cum commentariis." Has collected from the Greek Councils passages which are in the King's favor, and some from a rhapsody of authors on the Old and New Testaments, but has no time to make copies to send. Sends the writings of learned Jews in Hebrew, which prove what Stokesley most desired to have proved. Sends also other writings. Francis was a Venetian senator, and, though destined for the Council of Ten, remained in his Order for 49 years (destinatum nobili illi Veneti consilii decemviratu[i] in religione perstitisse 49 annos.) He was also public and perpetual reader. He urged Mark Raphael to write, obtained Greek books for Croke from Greek nobles, prepared catalogues of the libraries, borrowed 10 ancient books from the Senate on the security of himself and his nephew, Dominic of Treviso, while the ambassador was causing all the delay and hindrance that he could, and would not furnish Croke with a single book, though he pretended that he was daily treating with the Doge (Princeps), but could obtain nothing. He tried to make Croke abandon all hope, by giving him a fictitious copy of the catalogue of St. Mark's library. He disclosed to every one, even to the Senate, the cause of Croke's coming. He told all with whom Croke was dealing, that the King had planned this divorce in consequence of his love for a girl, and that the people opposed it, and that the Emperor and the Pope would never suffer it. Without the help of the Bishop and his brother Peter de Ghinucci, he would have caused many to leave them, for he had even incited Father Francis against them, who, however, was restrained by the King's letters. The Bishop's promises and his brother's diligence and eloquence were of much service. Desires him to ask the King to write to the Venetian senate, and either to reward Francis and his nephew, or at least invite them to England. Through him alone they will gain 100 theologians, in fact all the theologians and jurists of the Signory and Milan. Sends the names of those they have already gained, and the book containing the epistle. Insists on the necessity of keeping secret what he writes. "Quod cupio ut rex scribat est ut uno impetu unanimes pro rege [Angliæ] illius causam orbi ostendant esse æquissimam, quod autem sic pronunc[iabunt] dubii, cum jam illos omnes nos paraverimus. Superest ut me ... qui tenuitate dietarum vix hic vivendo sum quam ... a rege corrigendam putabo ego meam hic ... collocatam. Venetiis, xxi ..."
Sends a draft of a letter to be sent by the King to the Venetians, commending Jerome Aleander, Peter Bembo, Victor Faustus, Baptist Egnatius, and Francis Georgius, and requesting permission for theologians to discuss and give opinions in writing on the questions which the King's subject will show them.
To avoid envy, puts others before Francis. Knows that letters like the above would please the Venetians.
Lat., pp. 2, draft, mutilated.
Vit. B. XIII. 55.
B. M.
Gives him some of the information in the preceding letter to Stokesley. Could not write Casale's daily frauds on three sheets of paper. Would have had the epistle a month ago, if he had not prevented it. He urges Croke to write, but showed to others what he once wrote. Dissembles to avoid injury to himself or the King's cause, and wishes the King to do the same until Croke has left Italy, for he fears poison or the dagger. The names of those whose writings or subscriptions have been obtained through Franciscus are doctors Philip de Cremis, Hannibal, John Maria of Padua, de Barlaan, Donatus de Feltro, Mark of Sienna, Thomas prior of the Preachers. The others are either public preachers or professors, either here or at Padua. Will send a much larger list in a month; for every one at Padua, Verona, Treviso, Venice, and Milan depend on Francis. In consequence of his merits, the King should either invite him to England, or make him and his nephew a handsome present. Advises that the latter should be charged to examine Greek books while Croke goes to Germany to procure friends. Francis will encourage his nephew if a commission is given to both of them, and they should immediately send what they find to the bishop of Worcester. The King would have lost Francis and 100 theologians who depend on him, through the arts of the ambassador, unless the Bishop and his brother had encouraged him by frequent letters. The King should write to the Senate according to the enclosed minute. "Sed ut non a[nte] ... tradantur quam mihi visum sit idoneum pro commodo causæ sc ... et dari et supprimi possent polliciti sunt nobis jam septemd[ecim] ... doctores plures vel scripturos se, vel alieno pro nobis suum ... subscripturos eos quam possumus, primum hoc est au ... opera mittemus. Obsecro sis memor dietæ ... su[m]ptus superant viatici modum ... operam princip ..." * * *
Lat., p. 1, draft, mutilated.
Vit. B. XIII. 42. B. M. 6238. RIC. CROKE to _.
Has so compassed his business that he trusts "to have Padu[a] with a little help wholly to conclude for the King." The Prothonotary [says that he] has seen the epistle for which they seek, in Alean[der's] hand, and that it is Basil's, not Gregory's. The prothonotary De Cassalis has taken great pains to cause Croke to see books, as he says, but has found great difficulty, probably because he is known openly as the King's ambassador, and because he is not a Venetian. Has seen nothing yet, by his means. Those whom he has used as means for this purpose are either abused themselves, or have abused him; for several times when he had appointed Croke to wait upon him, he has sent word that those whom he has to meet could not attend. They also gave him an untrue index, a copy of which Croke sends to the bishop of Worcester, with a copy of the true index of all the "books of Scripture" in St. Mark's library, Venice. By means of a learned Venetian noble, yesterday obtained from the library two books of Nazianzen's epistles, Quæstiones Maximi, Margaritæ Chrysostomi, and all the Canons and Acts of the Councils, with a Greek commentary, and some letters from bishops, though the Duke had refused such permission to the Prothonotary. Four doctors here "have written and concluded with the King's," and their authority is such that there is no doubt of obtaining all Padua. One of them is a noble, and his cousin german is governor of Padua, and pays all the readers. He has promised that if we can find the means our questions may be disputed by licence of the Duke.
Hol., copy, p. 1, mutilated.
22 [Feb.]
Vit. B. XIII. 56.
B. M.
6239. [CROKE] to GHINUCCI.
Advises him not to show the Greek paper which Ghinucci asked him to send, to any Englishmen; for, as it contains nothing concerning the cause, and, in fact, is rather opposed to it, they might think he was laughing at them. "... nostri maxime si in eam Nazianzeni unam aut alteram epistolam incid ... integram quas ego mancas nescio vetustatis vitio aut mali doli ... machinamentis potius dixerim." A leaf appears to have been recently torn off, which [contains] the end of Nazianzen's letter to Stagirion, and the beginning of that to Amphilochius. The following letter, the third, shows that it is to Amphilochius, "quæ postea ad verbum in eodem libro Amp[hilochii] nuncupata inveniuntur, ita ut ne verbum quidem mutetur."
The letter to Amphilochius about incestuous marriages, that is, of a person marrying two brothers or two sisters, has already been mentioned in their letters to the King. The end of the letter, which they judge to be written to Amphilochius, (fn. 6) and of which the beginning is lost, is as follows: "γαμους χριστιανων εχειν το ευκοσ...κοσμος δε η σεμνοτης. ταυτα δωροφορουμεν τω γαμω, συ δε ημιν αν..." Cannot translate these words well without seeing the whole letter. States what he thinks to be the meaning. "Hæc fieri posset ut visa epistola nihil ad rhombum, tamen si hæc pro mea fide ad regem ut etiam ad te et tu jam eam miseris quæ ad me misisti, dabitur magnus suspicacibus et calumniatoribus suspican[di] calumniandique locus, præsertim cum a nepote veniant, quem tu dicis Græcæ linguæ non esse imperitum."
On Thursday or Friday the other [book] of Nazianzen will be given them. As it is entire, will soon see whether the letter is to Amphilochius, and whether it makes for us, and he will immediately inform Ghinucci. This will not vex Ghinucci more than it will Croke, who said that by a failure of memory Stokesley attributed to Nazianzen what was Basil's. If he find it in Nazianzen's works, what will he think of Croke and of Ghinucci? Sends for Stokesley the Hebrew writings of Mark Raphael, and will send others. Asks him how many, and what, theologians he shall engage. Sees that there are a great troop of theologians and jurists who sell their work, and have not yet been engaged by any one. Friar Francis promises ten more doctors in six days, and many more afterwards. Friar Thomaso, prior of the Dominicans, promises seven. Croke has not spoken to any of them. Sends all his letters to Ghinucci open, but not to be shown to any one. Ghinucci's brother takes charge of them, and has promised to send him a copy of the Bishop's letter to the King, that there may be no discrepancies. 22.
Lat., draft, p. 1, mutilated.
22 Feb.
Vit. B. XIII.
56 b.
B. M.
... "si is essem qui essem qui agere quam habere aut referre ... s mavelim, multis verbis tempus extraherem, nunc vero cum nunquam non habere possem nunquam non cogitare ut referam, satis erit indicasse me tibi cupere velleque referre gratiam." Begs him not to show his letters to any one except the Bishop (Domino) as long as he (Croke) remains in Italy; after his departure he may do as he pleases. Reminds him of his promise to send him a copy of the letter which the Bishop is about to write to the King. Asks him to inform him if any news comes from England, and when the ambassadors come to Bologna; and to send the dispensation. Wishes the Bishop to write to him about the theologians and jurists who he thinks should be engaged; to commend Croke to the King; to obtain an increase of his diets; to send to Stokesley as soon as possible the Hebrew writings of Mark Raphael, and to commend Croke to him. It is reported here that 30,000 Turkish cavalry are near Vienna. 22 Feb., in the evening. "Per Joannem Mαριαμ."
Lat., draft, p. 1, mutilated. Headed: Domino Petro.
22 Feb.
Add. MS. 6,113, f. 108. B. M.
6241. CHARLES V.
"The coronation of Charles the Emperor in Bonony, otherwise called Bullein le Grace, in Italy." 1530, 22 Feb.
Pp. 4.
24 Feb.
Vit. B. XIII. 46. B. M.
6242. GHINUCCI to [CROKE].
Ghinucci's brother has returned, bringing writings, letters to be sent to England, and one from Coke to him, saying that he is surprised that Ghinucci has not written about the receipt of the epistle of Basil. Delayed writing about that and other things till his brother's arrival. Has sent the epistle to the King, according to the letter he received from his brother in Croke's name. Has sent the dispensation to Foxe, and has made no mention of the money lent. Will send Croke's dispensation when he knows the title of his benefice. Wishes he could satisfy him about the expression which he wants, but could only obtain it "sub verborum qualitate." Had already heard what he had done with his brother and the Prothonotary. Does not think much of what he (the Prothonotary) has written to the King, for he considers the King to be of such a nature that the Prothonotary can do them little harm or good. Will tell Stephen and Foxe not to show Croke's letters to any one except the King. Will try to obtain from the King a recognition of brother Francis' assistance, who deserves it. Will mention also the nephew, as Croke desires. Writes to the King about Croke's letters to the Senate, and sends a copy of them to Stephen. (fn. 1) Has written also about Croke's industry and other merits, and will write about his diets. Has never written to England since Croke left, without mentioning this to Stephen, Foxe, and the Treasurer, (fn. 2) and has also spoken of it in his letters to the King.
"Quod autem in literis ad Foxum interserebas, numerasse mihi pecuniam, cum præter id quod non satis id verisimile fuisset, etiam his, quæ meis literis semper scripsi, adversari fuisset visum, deducente te rem ad arbitrium meum, partem illam elegi qua consentis ut verba illa c ... Sed ita etiam Foxo scripsi ut sperem quod verba illa effectura put ... non minus effectura quæ ad eum scripsi, quamvis etiam in literis ... Foxi alia verba remanet satis urgentia quibus possit ... ad id Foxus induci ad quod per verba illa cassat ... eum putabas. Quod scripseram de incedendo m ... propterea scripsi quod prudentiss ... ex parva recognitione" * * *
The matter thus remains in suspense till they have an answer from the King. Will write about the oration of St. Clement and the other things mentioned in the memorial given by Croke to his brother. Promises to act towards him as to an only brother. Bologna, 24 Feb. 1530.
Has received a letter from Stokesley, dated Feb. 15, Cherbourg (in oppido Caritatis). Believes he is now at Lyons. The Emperor was crowned today with great pomp. Received, March 1.
Lat., pp. 2, copy by Croke, mutilated.
24 Feb.
R. O.
Account of silver and gold tinsel, &c. received by John Parker yeoman of the Robes, for the King's use, of Anthony Carsydony. Signed by Parker.
P. 1.
25 Feb.
Le Grand, III. 386.
6244. G. DE GRAMONT, Bishop of Tarbe, to BRION.
Private matters touching the abbeys of S. Jean d'Angely and l'Estoile.
You will see by the report I have sent to the King about the Emperor's coronation, and the apostyles in the margin, the order of those employed to do him service at it. I can tell you the Pope tried to show him the best cheer possible, giving him the sword, and putting the first crown on his head; but I think he never in his life performed a ceremony which touched him so near the heart, nor of which less good is likely to come to him. For, several times, when he thought no one saw him, he heaved such sighs that, heavy as his cope was, he made it shake in good earnest. Nassau and I were together between the chair of the Pope and that of the Emperor, resting against the latter. I fancy you would not believe that we kept silence while the ceremony was taking place, and that I did not answer him all his questions, and assure him of Francis' great satisfaction, and that if they could have understood each other long ago they would have had the gratification they had then, as Francis for a long time has desired nothing else than the Emperor's happiness, and that as they were doing this in peace it might be understood what amity would follow hereafter. "Ils sont tousjours à leur oguinerie, (fn. 3) disans que mes que eux deulx se fient l'ung de l'autre, ils feront de belles choses." And I replied to him, laughing, that they might easily see, by what Francis had done since the treaty, that he had some confidence for his part, and that I was sure they knew very well it was true. He asked me if I did not think the Emperor should send a gentleman to Francis to inform him about his coronation. I said I expected he would not do otherwise, considering the amity between them, and that he could not intimate it to any Prince who would rejoice more at it than Francis. He then said that he saw no longer any difficulty about the deliverance of the children. It was true that Francis, as I knew, had raised some doubt about Fontarabia, but he took it on his honor that the Emperor did not desire the deliverance to be made at Fontarabia for any other reason than for the difficulty raised by the constable of Spain, and that he did not mean to take any advantage by having Fontarabia and the other castle there. These he could not take away, but he meant to have them put in such a state that one might say in truth they were not there to help them any more than Francis. He told me the Emperor had said to him that day that he would like his wife to go into France with the Queen, and that he was very glad of it, to have an opportunity, if possible, of seeing Francis.
The duke of Milan is always ill, and you may believe that if the chancellor of Spain were to do him the favor he has done him, it would be with great difficulty, for the Duke had made him great promises, and, as I understand, does not keep the half of them. The Pope had great fear he would die; and, as he told me, he lives in the hope of seeing the said duchy in the hands of one of Francis' children; and believe me that the long intercourse they have had together has rather created enmity than friendship in him. He has confessed to me he knows very well they are deceiving him, but he means to dissemble. Such being the case, you may rest assured that time will produce results which will please Francis. He is enraged at Florence, and has determined, if the Emperor leaves before it is taken, to retain 6,000 Germans and the Emperor's horse, which he expects the Emperor to pay, though I think he will not; and for his part he will have 5,000 or 6,000 Italians, and keep the town besieged, without giving the assault, if the prince of Orange do not surrender before the Emperor's departure. I hear such news of the Turk and the Lutherans that I think as they have begun so early, and con- tinue by all the couriers that come from Germany, they will do something to his disadvantage. He continues in the same goodwill touching Ferrara. Boulogne (Bologna), 25 Feb.
French. The original is endorsed: "Copie de la lettre escripte par Monsieur de Tarbe en chiffre à Monsieur l'Admiral."
27 Feb.
Le Grand, III. 391.
As the Emperor has delayed to give us an answer about the testament of king René of Sicily, and the marriage contract of Madame Valentine, which Francis desires to keep on account of their importance, I shall also delay to make answer upon the contents of the letters written by Francis to Morette and me. But I wish to tell you that the Pope and Emperor have been informed, and the Pope tells me it is certain, that the duke of Ferrara holds his chin high to the Florentines. At this they are much dissatisfied, although I think the Emperor will dissemble it, whatever promise to the contrary he may give to the Pope, for he must be gone, and will be very glad to fill his purse. They have had news here that twelve galleys have been burnt that they were making at Genoa; no one knows by whom. Andrea Doria is rather better treated than the others here, for the need they have of him. The duke of Milan is always ill. Since yesterday he has been declared dead two or three times, but the Pope told me today that he is better than he has been for two days. I had rather that some one else wrote to you of the practice that is said to be begun here (la praticque que l'on dit se mener) about the matter of Mons. de Boulan. It shall not be my fault if I do not give you full particulars, but I think the best way to learn them will be by the Pope, if there be any truth in it. The greatest fear that the Emperor has about this affair is that Francis will favor it; and, seeing the terms which he has held to the others (i.e. the English ?), he trusts, now that he has begun to have confidence in the friendship of France, not to meet with a terrible rebuff. I beg you will learn from Francis, since the Grand Master was absent, in what way we ought to conduct ourselves; for by showing less or greater familiarity, we shall, perhaps, cause those here who are suspicious to regulate their conduct to us. Bologna, 27 Feb.
French. The original was in cipher.
27 Feb.
R. O.
See No. 3974, which should have been inserted here, as Sir Ric. Lyster was not appointed chief baron of the Exchequer till 12 May 1529.
Vit. B. XIII. 51. B. M. Burnet, Pt. I. Bk, II. No. 32.
Arrived at Cambridge last Saturday at noon. Talked that night with the Chancellor and others, how to further the King's purpose. Found much towardness in the Vice-chancellor and Dr. Edmunds. Nevertheless there was as much done by others in opposition. As we assembled they assembled, and as we made friends so did they, to prevent anything passing in the name of the University. On the first day they were superiors, having circulated many stories too tedious to write. On Sunday afternoon all the doctors, B.A.s, and M.A.s were assembled to the number of nearly 200, when we delivered your Grace's letters, which were read by the Vice-chancellor. The Vice-chancellor then called the doctors apart, and asked their opinion; when they gave different answers, and great confusion arose. At last they were willing that answers should be made to the questions by in-different men; but they make exception to the abbot of St. Benet's, Dr. Reppes, Dr. Crome, and generally to all who had approved of Cranmer's book, as having declared their opinion already. We said by that way they might except against all, for in so notable a question every learned man must have told his friend what he thought. At last the Vice-chancellor commanded every man to his seat, and bade him state his mind secretly, whether they would be content with such an order as he had conceived for answer to be made by the University to your Grace's letters. Could not get them to agree that night, and the Vice-chancellor adjourned the Congregation till I next day, when he proposed a grace after the enclosed form. This was at first refused. On being asked again, parties were balanced. At last, by labor of friends, some of the opponents were induced to depart the house, and it was carried according to the form in schedule. Two points we should have liked to leave out, but by inserting them we allured many; viz., 1, the expression duæ partes, instead of quicquid major pars decreverit; and, 2, the provision that the question be openly disputed. This, however, is very honorable, and we have arranged that the abbot of St. Benet's, Dr. Reppes, Gardiner, and Fox shall reply to all objections. Also, as Dr. Clyffes has given notice that he will say something about the canon law, Gardiner will be joined to them to make answer therein. In the enclosed schedule the names marked A. are already of the King's opinion. Cambridge, Feb.
In Gardiner's hand; mutilated.
f. 53. ii. "The grace purposed and [obtained]," referring the question in the King's letters to the following persons; the decision of two parts of whom shall be taken as the determination of the whole University, provided the matter be disputed publicly, and be read beforehand in presence of the University:—
A. Vice-cancellarius.
Doctores:—A. Salcot, abbot of St. Benet's. Watson. A. Reps. Tomson. Venetus (de isto bene speratur). A. Edmunds. Downes. A. Crome. A. Wygan. A. Boston.
Magistri in Theologia:—Myddelton. A. Heynes. Mylsent (de isto bene speratur). A. Shaxton. A. Latymer. A. Simon. Longford (de isto bene speratur). Thyxtel. Nicols. Hutton. A. Skip. A. Goodrich. A. Heth. Hadwey (de isto bene speratur). Dey. Bayne.
A. A. Duo Procuratores.
Your Highness may perceive by the notes that we be already sure of as many as be requisite, wanting only three; and we have good hope of four; of which four if we get two, and obtain of another to be absent, it is sufficient for our purpose.
Feb./GRANTS. 6248. GRANTS in FEBRUARY 1530.
1. Geo. Nevile lord Bergevenni. Inspeximus and confirmation, as tenant of the manor of Kedermestre, of patent 27 Oct. 6 Hen. VI., inspecting and exemplifying the enrolment of charter 7 Aug. 10 Ric. II., being a grant of liberties to John Beauchamp of Holt, and Joan his wife, in their lordship and fee of Kedermestre. Westm., 1 Feb.—Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 6.
1. Edmund Staunton, woolpacker, of London. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Thos. Clifford. York Place, 14 Jan. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 Feb.—P.S.
2. Robt. Cassy alias Carssey. Livery of lands as brother and heir of Leonard Cassy alias Crassye, deceased, s. and h. of Wm. Cassy, jun., deceased, and kinsman and heir of John Cassye, viz., brother of the said Leonard, s. and h. of the said Wm., s. and h. of the said John. York Place, 20 Dec. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 2 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 3.
3. Roger Radclyf, gentleman usher of the Chamber. Custody of the site of the manor of Knaptoft, Leic., and certain other land, parcel of the said manor; also the advowson of Knaptoft church, and an annual rent of 10d. out of the township of Sadyngton, Leic.; all which belonged to John Turpyn, deceased. Also wardship of Wm. s. and h. of the said John Turpyn. York Place, 3 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 20. (Undated.)
4. Baptyste Gold. To have the pension which the bishop elect of Durham is bound to give to a clerk of the King's nomination till he be promoted to a competent benefice. York Place, 4 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Feb.—P.S.
4. John Trenans. Grant of a tenement called Barne gate, with an orchard, and 7 small closes in the parish of Lelynerey, Cornw., not exceeding the yearly value of 8s. 10d., at the rent of a red rose at Midsummer, if asked for; lately held by Thos. Carmynow. York Place, 31 Jan. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Feb.—P.S.
5. John Blackden, clk. Presentation to the parish church of Kenmarton, Worc. dioc., void by death, and in the King's gift by the minority of Blanche, a d. and h. of Edw. s. and h. of Robt. Willoughby lord Broke. 2 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 5 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 6 and 8.
5. John Hyggons, yeoman, late of Southpetherton, Somers. Pardon for having, in conjunction with David Mathewe and Hen. Thomas, stolen certain property belonging to Philip Fulford at Shepton Malett. Del. Westm., 5 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
7. To the Deputies, &c. of Calais, Guysnes, and Mark and Oye. Protection for merchant manufacturers of wools and fleeces, of the towns of Legh, Harlam, Delf, Tergowe, and Hamsterdam, and other places in Holland, Selland, Brabant, and Flanders, trading to and from Calais. York Place, 7 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 7 Feb.—P.S.
8. Robt. Reynoldes. To be a spear at Calais, with 1s. 6d. a day, when a vacancy occurs. York Place, 1 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 Feb.—P.S.
8. Nich. Robynson, of Redbourne, Herts. Pardon for having accidentally killed Ric. Elyott while shooting. Westm., 8 Feb.—Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 16.
8. Rich. abbot, and the convent of Malmesbury. Inspeximus and confirmation of patent 11 May 14 Hen. VII., inspecting and confirming patent 22 Mar. 5 Edw. IV., inspecting and confirming patent 26 Mar. 8 Ric. II., inspecting and confirming the following grants to the abbot and convent of Malmesbury; viz., 1, a charter of St. Edward, dated 1065, indiction IV. 2, a charter of Matilda wife of Will. I., dated Feb. 1081, 15 Will. I., indiction IV. 3, a charter of Ric. I., dated Sept. 6, at Westminster. 4, a charter, dated 18 July 17 John. 5, a charter, dated 3 Aug. 36 Hen. III. Westm., 8 Feb.—Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 17.
11. John Brynklowe and Dorothy his wife, one of the ds. and hs. of Edward Hawte, of Petham, Kent, and Elizabeth his wife, one of the ds. and hs. of Thos. Frognall. Licence to alienate the reversion of the third part of the fourth part of the manor of Bukland, Kent, and of the advowson of the parish church there, (which purparty is now held by the said Edward Hawte, and should, on his decease, revert to the said John and Dorothy, and the heirs of Dorothy,) to Ric. Dryland, sen., of Feversham, Kent, and his heirs for ever. Westm., 11 Feb.—Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 6.
11. Sir Ant. Poyntz, Sir Edm. Tame, Sir John Bruges, Sir John Walsshe, Thos. Whityngton, Wm. Tracy, Robt. Wye, and Rowland Morton. Commission of sewers, for the waters which fall into the river Severn from Upton bridge, Worc., to Newenham, Glouc. Westm., 11 Feb.—(This instrument is enrolled inversely on the membrane.)—Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 25d.
11. Ric. Cappon, stockfishmonger, of London. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Robt. Wingfield. York Place, 5 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 Feb.—P.S.
11. Thos. Curwen, Esq., of London, alias of the King's Household. Protection; going to Berwick-on-Tweed in the retinue of Sir Thos. Clyfford. Signed by Clyfford. Del. Hampton Court, 11 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII.—P.S. writ.
12. Baldwin Malett. Custody of possessions in Combeburgh and Clyston Dartemouth, Devon, lately belonging to John Carow, of Hakcombe, deceased, with wardship of Thos. s. and h. of the said John. Del. Westm., 12 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 16.
12. Thos. Glosse, husbandman, of Halberton, Devon. Pardon for felony. York Place, 9 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 Feb.—P.S.
12. Brian Jepson, clothier, of Wakefield, Yorks. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Thos. Clyfford. York Place, 7 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 Feb.—P.S.
12. Oswold Grice, clothier, of Wakefield, Yorks. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Thos. Clyfford. York Place, 7 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 Feb.—P.S.
13. John Copleston. Licence to hold a market and two annual fairs in his town of Chagford, within his manor of Chagford, Devon. York Place, 13 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 15. (Undated.)
13. David Williams, clothier, of Reading. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Robt. Wingfield. York Place, 13 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
13. John Chereton, merchant, of Exeter, Devon. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Robt. Wingfield. York Place, 12 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 13 Feb.—P.S.
14. Sir Bryan Case, one of the ministers of the Chapel Royal. To have the pension which the next prior of the monastery of Marten, Surrey, is bound to give to a clerk of the King's nomination till he be promoted to a competent benefice. York Place, 9 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 Feb.—P.S.
16. Thos. Purpet, merchant, of Norwich. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Robt. Wingfield. York Place, 28 Jan. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 16 Feb.—P.S.
16. Wm. Wyllyngton. Lease of the site of the manor and demesne lands of Braylee; the toll, market, and market-place, and the water-mill, &c. there, parcel of Warwick's lands, for 21 years, from 1549 on the expiration of the lease held by John Banks. Del. Westm., 16 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 8._Vacated on surrender 13 Mar. 30 Hen. VIII.
16. Anthony Lisle of Rouen, France. Denization. York Place, 14 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 16 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 8.
17. Thos. Greve, of Shenley, Herts., gent., alias Grevys. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Robt. Wingfield, deputy of Calais. Del. York Place, 17 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII.—P.S. b.
17. Thos. Rising, worsted weaver, of Norwich. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Thos. Clifford, vice-captain of Berwick. York Place, 6 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 17 Feb.—P.S.
17. Edm. Baker, sherman, of Norwich. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Robt. Wingfelde. York Place, 14 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 17 Feb.—P.S.
20. Sir Hen. Wyat. Licence to enfeoff Hen. earl of Essex, Thos. Vaus lord Harrodon, Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, jun., Sir Wm. Parre, Thos. lord Brough, Sir Edw. Darell, Edw. Brough, Thos. Pykeryng, Thos. Butler, Jas. Rokesby, Christ. Goodman, and Alan Sheppard, clk., of the manor of Cargo, Cumb., and certain messuages and lands therein, the manor of Kendall, and the moiety of the manor of Gresmere, Westmor., and certain messuages and lands therein, and 14l. rent in Hutton, Haye, Gilthwaytrigge, Strikland, Hugyll, Greynrigge, Ullathornes, Ruston, and Kyrby in Kendall, Westmor.; to hold to the said Earl, &c., and their heirs for ever. Westm., 20 Feb.—Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 32._Enrolled also on Pat. Roll, 22 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 2.
20. Ric. Birdsall, clk. Presentation to the parish church of Ampthill, Linc. dioc., void by death. York Place, 20 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 16. (Undated.)
21. Thos. duke of Norfolk. Wardship of Thos. s. and h. of Wm. Tymperley. Del. Westm., 21 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 23.
21. Edward earl of Derby, the King's kinsman, s. and h. of Thos. late earl of Derby. Pardon of the forfeiture he made in marrying Katharine, d. of Thos. duke of Norfolk, without royal licence. Del. Westm., 21 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 23.
21. Thos. duke of Norfolk. Pardon for the abduction of Edward earl of Derby, and marriage of the said Edward to Katharine, d. of the said Thos., without royal licence. Del. Westm., 21 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 23.
21. Thos. Greve of Shenley, Herts. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Robt. Wingfeld. York Place, 17 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII. Teste Westm., 21 Feb.—P.S.
22. Notts: Sir Brian Stapulton, Nich. Stirley, John Basset, and Hen. Sutton. Commission to make inquisition p.m. on the lands and heir of Sir Ric. Bozom. Westm., 22 Feb.—Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 19d.
22. Thos. Hennege. To be steward and bailiff of the manor of Hampton Court, Middx., and of the town of Hampton; also to be keeper of the North and South Parks, and warrener of the warren in the said manor; with 6l. 13s. 4d. a year. York Place, 3 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 20.
22. Thos. Barthelet, the King's printer. Annuity of 4l. for life. York Place, 15 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 17.
23. Ant. Daly of Newcastle, in the parish of St. David, co. Conolagh, Ireland, alias late servant of the earl of Desmond. Pardon. Del. Westm., 23 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 17.
24. Hen. Norreys. Custody of the possessions of Edw. Fynes, deceased, with wardship of Ric. s. and h. of the said Edward. Del. Westm., 24 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 1.
24. Sir Wm. Pawlett. Custody of the reversion of the manors of Weston, Bannfyld, Donkerton, Ham, and Wemerham, Somers.; also reversion of the moiety of the manor of Northmolton, Devon, lately belonging to Edward Bannfyld, deceased; with wardship of Edward, s. and h. of the said Edward. Del. Westm., 24 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 2.
25. Sir Ant. Fitzherbert, Sir John Biron, Wm. Coffen, John Curson, and Arthur Aire. Commission to make inquisition p.m. on the lands and heir of Roger Fuljambe. Westm., 25 Feb.—Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 19d.
25. Sir Ant. Fitzherbert, Sir John Biron, Wm. Coffen, John Curson, and Arthur Aire. Commission to make inquisition p.m. on the lands and heir of Robt. Lee and_ (fn. 4) his wife, d. and h. of John Laythbury. Westm., 25 Feb.—Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 19d.
26. John Baynes, mariner, of Feversham, Kent. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Robt. Wingfeld. York Place, 14 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII. Teste Westm., 26 Feb.—P.S.
26. Peter Powell. Lease of the manor of Penbeder, in the lordship of Ruthin, alias Deffreneloid, marches of Wales, for 21 years; at the annual rent of 26s. 8d., and 6s. 8d. of increase. Del. Chelsea, 26 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
28. Kent: Commission to John Hales, baron of the Exchequer, and Wm. Draper of Erith, Kent, to make inquisition p.m. on the lands and heir of Thos. Denny. Westm., 28 Feb.—Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 19d.
30. Maurice ap Henry, of New Kermerden. Lease of the lordship of Llanlough, Carmarthen, S. Wales, for 21 years; at the annual rent of 8l., and 10s. of increase; with reservations. Del. Chelsea, 30 Feb. (sic) 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 16.
30. Thos. Lichefeld. Lease of the grange in the fee of Liquith, and 2 watermills, and houses under Cardiff Castle, in the lordship of Glamorgan and Morgannok, parcel of the lands late of Jasper duke of Bedford, for 21 years; at the annual rents of 6l. for the grange, and 3s. 4d. of increase, and 15l. 12d. for the mills, &c., and 6s. 8d. of increase. Del. Chelsea, 30 Feb. (sic) 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 17.


  • 1. See Gardiner's letter, No. 6247.
  • 2. "Good" in MS.
  • 3. "Jo. de Langes" in Le Grand occurs repeatedly instead of "io, de Langes."
  • 4. Supplied from modern heading.
  • 5. Gardiner.
  • 6. To Diocles. Epist. ccxxxii.
  • 7. Gardiner.
  • 8. Tuke.
  • 9. Qu. from hoguiner, to vex or trouble?
  • 10. Blank in orig.