Henry VIII: March 1530, 2-15

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Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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March 1530

App. XLVIII. 22. B. M. St. P. I. 361.
"I can nat exsprese howe gretly your letters have comfortyd me, beyng in manner in extreme dessperation. I beseche our Lorde to rewarde yow for the same. And wher ye wold I shuld thys day remeve to Richemond loge, (fn. 1) yt ys nat possybyll for me so to do, nat havyng any provysyon ther; wherfor I most hertyly beseche that lyche wyse as ye wer determynyd thys night to me with your holsom medycyne, so ye wold take the payne to bryng the same hyther thys nygth, wych be to the inestymabyll consolacion of me and all my folks. And thus our Lorde send goode spede and exspedicion in al my maters. With the rude hand of yours assurydly, T. Carlis. Ebor."
2 March.
Vit. B. XIII. 56 b. B. M.
6250. [CROKE to GHINUCCI.]
Is suffering from fever, and is forbidden by the physicians to study. Ghinucci's brother, on leaving, told Croke to be secure about money, and to spare nothing in engaging learned men. Has no reason to doubt the faith or sincerity of either of them, but he wonders that they leave him without money or advice. The sum, in addition to the hundred which Ghinucci promised him in his brother's presence, De la Fossa will not pay without new letters from the Bishop, though Croke wants the money down. On Saturday he said he would give it on Monday; on Monday, that the bank was shut, and he must come on Tuesday. On Tuesday he put him off till Wednesday evening. Meantime is miserably in want, and cannot insure the help of those whom he has already obtained for the King's side. "Et jam non putas tu pecuniam ad illos conducendos multos mature multam [m]ittendam qui jam pro nobis sollicitantur? Tu literarum tam Francisci Craucini [quam ... ad] patrem Franciscum, iterum patris Thomasi ad me accipies hoc ... exemplar, et illæ nomina ut conducamus aut rejiciamus ... st. Si conducenda putes, pecuniam justam mitte, et cito; [nullus enim] ignorare potest homo quam tu es omnium rerum peritus ... Nec mihi illud excidere potest illud Catonis * * * Atque adeo suspecta magis omnia habeo, metuoque ut occupatus bolus rapiatur e bucca s ... illic operam quid putes posse conferre non detractavero usque ad mortem ..." Wants power, but will take care that he does not seem to want courage. Franciscus [de] Cruce is, in the opinion of many, learned and upright; but when he asked the names of the parties, we were in doubt what answer to give, as, from the words of Ghinucci's brother, Croke supposes he does not wish anything to be concealed from doctors of the law, lest, after receiving their money, they should turn back. Agrees with Ghinucci that the same should not be done with the theologians; but the following questions should be opened: Whether the Levitical law is divine, moral, and natural, and would have been of perpetual obligation if no new state had intervened, in consequence of the Church; whether the Pope can dispense with the first grade of affinity in the transverse line; and whether the law of Deuteronomy is ceremonial and abolished. Hope of reward should be held out to those who answer in the affirmative. Expects to be able to obtain a written promise from each. Francis has promised the names of his doctors on the first day of Lent; "quo tempore et omnia fere Prioris Thomæ habituros spes est." Sends a new writing by Helias, plainly affirming that the precept was given for the purpose of raising offspring for the inheritance, and therefore "correlaria" to what is written in Num. 27th and last chapters about the daughters of Salphaad. We can have three or four more Rabbis, but they cannot be hired for less than 24 [cr.] Waits for his opinion, and will not spend money without his authority. Hopes to get an old book of the Epistles, but does not yet know the price. The King, in the notes which he gave Croke, mentions it among the first. We have read all Nazianzen's Epistles, but found nothing in the books we have; but in a very ancient book in the library of St. John and St. Paul have found entire the letter of which we sent a portion, addressed to Diocles, not, as we thought, to Amphilochius. Have only found one other passage referring to marriage, which, though it is not to the purpose, we send to show we have not been idle.
"Non puto posse fieri sine magno incommodo regis nec sui ... nostro, fratris, inquam, tui et mei, denique etiam patris Fra[ncisci] ... ut illos quos Franciscus Crucinus convenit rejiciamus ... de Cruce aliquid singulis in expectationem ... secutus fratris Francisci fidem * * * cognoscendis nominibus solicitudinem nasci a suspicione qua omnes fere sentiunt causam esse regiam. Debes intelligere ex primatibus Mediolanensibus esse hunc Crucinum atque adeo et maxime nobis illic aut prodesse aut obesse posse." Will go thither, if Ghinucci thinks it necessary, and will waste no time while doing it, for he will take books with him to read. Thinks that soon he should go to Rome, though he does not see that he can do much good there, and would rather go to England.
Asks Ghinucci to obtain the dispensation of Alexander VI. for Ferdinand king of Sicily, and Joan his aunt, who still survives, and also that for Emanuel, the present king of Portugal, who married two sisters.
Sent Ghinucci letters by Alexander de Horatio, enclosing a Hebrew writing of father Mark for Stokesley. Asks whether they have arrived. Does not believe that Ghinucci wrote during the coronation of the Emperor, as he says he did. Has received nothing, although messengers arrived from Bologna on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday with letters from Bernardino Mostye to John de la Fossa. Sends a new Hebrew writing of Mark to Ghinucci.
Received Ghinucci's letters late last night, but no money. Wonders that his dispensation is so long detained in Ghinucci's hands, and Foxe's so quickly sped. Sends this messenger at his own expence, to get a quicker answer. Though father Francis and his nephew neither expect nor demand anything, they will consider Croke an impostor unless they have experience of the King's kindness. Cannot divine what Ghinucci means about the middle way, as he has no copy of his letter. 2 March.
Draft, Lat., mutilated, pp. 2.
2 March.
Vit. B. XIII. 58. B. M.
Sent lately the Epistle of Basil, which Stokesley [had said] was Nazianzen's. Has turned over all Nazianzen's, but found nothing to the purpose. Sends two to show his diligence, though they are of no use. Sends two Hebrew writings of Jewish Rabbis, one of whom is a convert. Sends also two other writings by the same, in which one proves that this precept was for the preservation of inheritance. The Bishop sent him word by his brother that he must not spare money with the doctors who are on their side; and the following from Milan can be gained in addition to the names formerly sent: The suffragan of Milan; the vicar general of the bishop of Milan; Jerome a Paradiso, and Cornelius, professors of theology; a master of theology and perpetual vicar, "ordinis humilis," and also a canon; D. Lewis Ciconia, senator; D. Constantinus ...; D. Ambrosius de Curionibus, formerly interpreter of law (juris utriusque) at Bologna; and D. Aurelius Carpanus, doctor of law. Owes these and ten others to money, but more to the favor and industry of father Francis, without whom they would have had no one. The King will certainly suffer unless Stokesley takes care that Francis and his nephew are rewarded, for almost all the theologians and lawyers here look to him. He will not accept and he does not expect anything, but this is a greater reason for the King's liberality. Has already written that if the matter is discussed at Padua, almost all the University will pronounce for us, and all the public lawyers whom we have engaged have given bonds that they will defend the cause. All the Franciscans, both Observants and Conventuals, and the public doctors, professors, and preachers, have subscribed the writings of father Francis. The Dominicans have subscribed the writing of friar Thomas Omnibonus, of Venice, prior of S. John and P[aul], a learned man, formerly profe[ssor] of theology at Venice, now at Padua.
Boninus de Luniaco, provincial of Tuscany, Benedict de Utino, ordinary in theology ..., John de Ecte ..., M. Albertus ... have promised, and others, whose names shall be sent in 14 days.
Johannes Venetus, regent of Padua and Venice, prior of Ravenna; Isidorus de Padua, prior of Padua; Cyprianus Morellus, of Venice, Augustine provincial, and regent of the university (studii) at Venice and Bologna; D. Augustinus Brenzonus, of Verona, doctor of canon law, and formerly professor of canon law at Padua and Rome. Besides these, Archangelus, a young Carmelite, and public reader of theology, has also promised to write for us.
Wishes the King to write about the discussion of the cause at Padua, and would wish father Omnibonus to be joined with father Francis. Stokesley knows how envy reigns here, and how dangerous it is to be concerned in public matters without the permission of the Senate. He must consult for their safety and the King's honor, which has been prostituted by the Casales. Wishes to speak alone with him when he comes to Bologna. The money he receives from England is not enough for his expences, and he has no money of his own. Must either perish of hunger, beg in England, or incur much debt. Would engage all the theologians and lawyers of Italy, if he had ready money. Perhaps, if the Bishop had money, as he is supposed to have, Croke would not have been so destitute; but the Bishop is deceived. Is ashamed to see how coldly those who at home have all they want, act in reference to a matter of so much importance, measuring our want and the destitution of Italy by the plenty of England. "Parum considerant illi indig[nationem] et murmura universæ Angliæ, quæ nobis ista tractantibus ... ent, qui inique fieri putantur. Cur ergo doctorum omnium ... consensu æquissima esse quæ molimur non ostendimus aut ... suris aliis non ferimus opere. Nihil dico amplius obsecro ... enim hoc stipendiolo durare * * * dietas patietur rationibus inferri rex." The diets are a mark a day, on which he cannot live. Foxe and Stephen know his weakness. Asks him to commend his poverty to the King, and obtain his recal, for he does not see that he can do more service to the King here. Venice, 2 March.
Lat., mutilated, draft, pp. 3.
Vit. B. XIV. 298. B. M. Records of the Reformation, II. 643. 6252. _ to REGINALD POLE.
Being at court, I was desired by the duke of Norfolk to write to you how greatly he congratulated both himself and you that you acted so stoutly on the King's behalf, especially when it was without being asked or ordered by the King. Has heard the King himself express great satisfaction in having Pole at last for an advocate, to whose learning he pays so high a tribute that the writer cannot repeat it. Was delighted to have the task of writing this, on account of his friendship for Pole.
Lat., draft, mutilated.
Vit. B. XIV. 297. B. M. Records of the Reformation, II. 644. 6253. [HENRY VIII. to the EARL OF WILTSHIRE.]
"Mag. ..." has shown us your letters to himself, in which you appear particularly desirous that we should write to the dean and heads of the faculty of theology at Paris. We send you accordingly our letter to them, with a copy, so that if you and our kinsman think it will promote our cause, you may deliver them; but you must take the greatest care to be sure of the good will of the majority beforehand, lest you give an advantage to our enemies, as we have written to ... (fn. 2) We have explained in former letters the credence you are to deliver to them in our name; but we partly permit "ut pro personarum conditione eas tem ... totam hanc caussam in vestra ... ponimus [potestate]."
Lat., draft, mutilated. At the head is written in a modern hand: "To induce cardinall Pool to aff[ord help in the King's] great cause."
Le Grand, III. 408.
The king of England is very anxious that your Majesty would get the faculty of Paris to give its opinion in writing in favor of his Majesty's cause. You could not do him a greater pleasure, or bind him to you more effectually. We hear he is sending the said opinions, along with others, to the earl of Wiltshire to show to the Pope, so as to incline him to the King's will in good time; if, at least, your Majesty, conceiving the cause to be a just one, will take such expedients as shall seem good to you and your Council. For this reason he wishes justifications and final proofs sent by the Pope and Emperor. Moreover, the present earl of Wiltshire, as a person greatly in the King's confidence, interested though he be, and, some say, in order to obtain from the Pope what is desired, had a commission to make great expence, and promise assistance to his Holiness (?) (come serebe sovenir' à S. S.) with a good sum of money. But this I hear from others, not from "S. P.," who thanks your Majesty much for your reception of the said Earl. I can learn no other cause for the Earl's mission, unless there be some promise for the restitution of the Queen's dower to the Emperor, with security for the Queen's good treatment.
Returning to the subject of the Pope, the King today told me the Emperor had pressed him to inhibit further proceedings in this divorce case; which the Pope refused to do, much to this King's satisfaction. (fn. 3) He added, that he had heard on good authority that there was little real friendship or confidence between the Pope and the Emperor; but that his Holiness, to please the latter, had, it was said, excommunicated king John of Hungary. This does not please the king of England; nor does any prosperity the Emperor may have. London, "CLV. (fn. 4) Marzo 1530."
6 March.
Le Grand, III. 428.
I know you are informed of all the news from Bologna, where, I think, things are going on favorably for France. But I think it would not be impolitic if De Tarbe would endeavor to pacify the Pope and the Florentines until we have what we demand, seeing it is quite certain that the Florentines can and will keep themselves until the forced departure of the Emperor. This I have shown wherever I had an opportunity, and it has not been found unreasonable, but I know not what resolution will be taken, or if any be taken already.
This evening arrived Master Bryant, with my brother the lieutenant of Mons. de la Roche du Maine, for the other has been obliged to stay awhile at Paris to satisfy the king of England. In any case I can assure you the jewel (la bague) is in my coffers, and all else that is necessary to us on our part, at all events according to the inventory, which I have not yet had leisure to look at. He will see Francis tomorrow, and they will make him such good cheer here that he will have no cause to complain, and then they will send him to you with his commission and his instructions.
I believe you will have received my letters, which I sent you from Gyem, and have understood the duty on which my brother is engaged. You will please to consider what he again writes to me of the "partie" of 20,000 livres, which he is to furnish. So far as I see, it depends entirely upon the General of Normandy; and if you will please to make him do what my brother desires, you will find that he did not mean to abuse the friendship you have shown to him and me by proposing anything which was not to take effect. I have spoken again of it to the Legate, who approves of my brother's discharge. He has arrived here in good health; nevertheless, he has been in danger, although there was little said about it, since our departure from Moulins, of making his benefices vacant. Madame has got another attack of gout, which I fear will be of some duration. Blaye, 6 March.
Fr. Add.
7 March.
Le Grand, III. 446.
Bull, notifying that on the appeal of queen Katharine from the judgment of the Legates, who had declared her contumacious for refusing their jurisdiction as being not impartial, the Pope had committed the cause, at her request, to Master Paul Capisucio, the Pope's chaplain, and auditor of the Apostolic palace, with power to cite the King and others; that the said Auditor, ascertaining that access was not safe, caused the said citation, with an inhibition under censures, and a penalty of 10,000 ducats, to be posted on the doors of the churches in Rome, at Bruges, Tournay, and Dunkirk, and the towns of the diocese of Terouenne (Morinensis). The Queen, however, having complained that the King had boasted, notwithstanding the inhibition and mandate against him, that he would proceed to a second marriage, the Pope issues this inhibition, to be fixed on the doors of the churches as before, under the penalty of the greater excommunication, and interdict to be laid upon the kingdom. Bologna, 7 March 1530, 7 Clement VII.
Lat. Headed: "Primum breve."
8 March.
Le Grand, III. 433.
Bryant is here, awaiting his despatch to go to you with the jewel, the letter, and the obligation of indemnity, quittance of the same, and power to surrender everything to the Emperor's deputies (quittance d'icelle, et pouvoir de toutes lesdites choses rendre ez mains des deputez de l'Empereur). At Paris, whither I am sent back by Francis about the letters to be delivered to the Emperor, and the king of England's matter, I shall obtain authentic copies of the English quittances, already returned to the Chambre des Comptes, and send them to you. While there, I should be glad if you would see the General of Normandy's promise kept to me about the loan of 20,000 francs, as you wrote to my brother, to be paid in full on the 20 July. Bloys, 8 March.
Fr. Add.
8 March.
Le Grand, III. 431.
Since my last letter my brother has arrived. As he has written to you of his journey, I need only tell you that he has shown me clearly that the words of the treaty of Cambray, on which a scruple might be founded touching the forfeiture assigned by the Emperor to the king of England, are such as my brother had written in the letters I sent you from Gien. Nevertheless, I do not see that they can create any difficulty. But I mention this, as I had formerly assured you that these words of the contract were not such as my brother sent you. This I was led to think, because the Legate had shown me in the treaty words otherwise set forth, but I had not seen another passage which was word for word the same as in my brother's letters. Bryant will leave in two days, in post, and bring to you his whole commission, with such powers that you cannot but be satisfied with his commission. You will see by what my brother writes that he is a man of his word, and that it will only be owing to the General of Normandy if he does not keep his promise, and on easier terms than he asked at first. I know the sum is not worth speaking about so often, but I don't wish you to suppose that he has failed in his promise to you. Blaye, 8 March.
Fr. Add.
9 March.
Lamb's Cambridge Documents, p. 20.
The Vice-chancellor's speech to the Senate upon his bringing up the report of the Delegates, 9 March.
When desired by the King to give their opinion on a certain question between himself and the Queen, certain professors and bachelors of theology and masters were chosen to examine the question in the name of the university. They, the Vice-chancellor being one of them, after consultation, examination of the Bible, and public discussion, have come to the following unanimous decision: "Quod ducere uxorem fratris mortui sine liberis cognitam a priori viro per carnalem copulam, nobis Christianis hodie est prohibitum jure divino et naturali." In Congregation at Cambridge, 9 Mar. 1529.
Cecil MSS. Hatfield, CL. 7. 6260. WOLSEY to GARDINER.
"Mine own good Mr. Secretary, these shall be not only to welcome you home, whose presence I have greatly missed here in the furtherance of my poor pursuits, but also most heartily to desire you, for the love that ye have and bear towards me as your old friend, to lay to your friendly and charitable hand, for the attaining of such things as my trusty friend, bearer hereof, shall open on my behalf unto you; in the doing whereof ye shall administer singular comfort to him that is in as great heaviness and anxiety of mind as any living man can be, as God knoweth, who increase and send you much honor. At the Loge, with the rude hand and heavy heart of him that is assuredly yours with heart and prayer, T. Cardinalis Ebor."
Add.: "To the right honorable and my singular good friend, Master Secretary."
Add. MS. 25,114, f. 28. B. M. 6261. WOLSEY to GARDINER.
"Mr. Stevyns, aftyr my moste herty commendacions, yt may lycke yow to understand that, insuyng the Kynges gracyous pleasure sygnyfyd unto me by your letters, I send unto hys hyghnes Mr. Doctor Marchal with my seale, and have gevyn unto hym full power by mowthe, beyng contentyd yf yt shalbe thowgth so nedfull that the same be commyttyd to wryttyng, and made in effectual manner ther, as wel to admyt the resygnacacions (fn. 5) of suche benyfycys as be undyr my jurydiccion of Yorke, as also to make owt the collacions of suche of them as be of my patronage; the same to be done ayther at Yorke Place or Batyrsey as shal stand with the Kynges hyhnes pleasure, trustyng in Gode, and the rather by your frendly and cherytable medyacyon, that sythyns in thys and all other thynges I have and do moste obedyently submyt and conforme my sylf to hys Grace's pleasure, yt wole now please hys Majeste to shewe hys pety, compassyon and bowntuose goodness towardes me, without sufferyng me any leynger to lye langwyshyng and consumyng awey throwth thys myn extreme sorowe and hevynes. And suerly, Mr. Stevyns, yf hys Hyghnes kuewe and wer informyd in what stat I am in, and howe I am intreattyd on every syd, yt ys nat to be dowttyd, his herte beyng so nobyll as yt ys, and callyng to remembrance myn age and longe contynuyd servys, but that hys Grace wole have pety on me, and shortly extende hys cherytable goodnes, wych that hys Hyghnes may schortly do I moste effectually beseche yow to ley to yowr lovyng, frendly, and helpyng hand, and in suche wyse to set forthe and further as well thys myn and other lamentable pursutes as the late poore deane of Wellys, that I may have and perceyve summe comforte effectualy to arryse and folowe of the same, to the myttygacion of my contynuall sorowe; and I shal dayly pray for the increase of your honor. Wryttyn at Asher, thys Twysday, with the rude hand of your dayly bedysman, T. Carlis Ebor."
Hol. Add.: "To the ryght honorable Mr. Doctor Stevyns." Endd.
Cott. App. XLVIII. 17. B. M. St. P. I. 360. 6262. WOLSEY to CROMWELL.
In accordance with Cromwell's letter, has written to the Lord Chancellor (More) and Norfolk, and sends the letters to him to deliver, in which he says that he wishes the indenture signed and sealed by him yesterday to be enrolled. Trusts it will be so, as he has so wholly and obediently performed their devices, and also that he will have his pardon and restitution with the counterpayne of the indenture. Hopes the King will consider his obedience, submission, and [humi]lyte, and the rather at Norfolk's mediation. "And [whe]ras I wrot unto yow of the haly watter of the corte, I trowe ye [are too] depe of understandyng to thynke that I shuld meane [any] or suche thyng to come from yow. Yt shalbe greatly to my comfort to [learn] by the dedys that neyther I nor yow shalbe sprynkyllyd [with it], beyng very glad and desyrows to her and knowe by [the bearer whether I] shalbe more cherytably delt with than I have hytherto [been]...leden a long tyme. I pray God delyver and bryng me [out of this] trobelos and waveryng stormy se to the porte of... thus withoute fayle, trusting to have you tomorrowe... 9th." Asher, Friday, 4 of the [clock].
Hol., p. 1, mutilated. Add.
Cott. App. XLVIII. 11. B. M. St. P. I. 350. 6263. [WOLSEY] to CROMWELL.
Few things since his tr[oubles] have more grieved him than Crumwell's not coming at this time, when he could do him most good in the advancement of his pursuits. Entreats him to come in the morning, and speak with him but one hour, and he shall depart the same night. Begs him not to leave him destitute of all comfort, for on his not coming "resteth the qualyng" of all his matters. Asks him to set forward his pursuits, and bring with him some comfort, especially from Mr. Secretary (Gardiner), who has promised to do him good. Understands that Mr. Treasurer, chancellor [of] the duchy, (Fitzwilliam,) intends to send Mr. Throgmorton for [taking] of possession in the late monastery of Daventry, as the King's grant is void, not being passed under the seal of the duchy. Mr. B[roke] and all other judges thought that the King's great seal was sufficient. Begs he will h[elp] the canons.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To myn entierly belovyd Thomas Crowmewell, in hast.
10 March.
R. O.
Indenture tripartite between Roger Lupton, clk., executor of Hugh Denys, and Sir Giles Capell and Mary his wife, co-executrix of the same, of the one part, Agnes abbess of St. Saviour and SS. Mary and Bridget, of Syon, of the second, and John Joborne, prior of the Carthusian house of Jesu of Bethlehem, of Shene, of the third, touching lands in Middlesex, devised by Denys for the finding of two secular priests in the chapel of All Angels beside Braynford Brygg, at salaries of 9 marks a year each, and seven poor men, who are to have mansions at the chapel.
A book of 29 pages, written on vellum, in a contemporaneous binding, the boards as well as the leaves being indented at the top, and the first page illuminated.
10 March, Colbert MS. 468 V. p. 176. 6265. LANGEY to MONTMORENCY.
Bryant will bring you the jewel, with his master's power and quittance; and my brother, who has been ordered to accompany him, will have the obligation of the indemnity. The rest that I have brought, as it does not refer to the deliverance of the Princes, is to be left in the Chambre des Comptes. I have given a copy of the power, by order of the Council, to the Emperor's ambassadors, who will write to their master before giving an answer. They also wish to know whether any obligation was made for the money lent on the jewel, and, if so, they wish to get it, which is unnecessary, as the jewel, and quittance of the sum for which it was pledged, are returned to them. I am sure, however, that the king of England would not refuse to deliver it, and will ask that Vaulx may be written to about it. There shall be no default in paying the 20,000 francs, if I receive a promise to repay the sum by 15 Aug. by the general or receiver-general of Normandy, or the treasurer of Brittany. Blois, 10 May.
Fr., from a transcript, pp. 2.
11 March.
Vit. B. XIII. 59 b. B. M.
Since he came to Italy, has sent four letters to the bishop of Worcester for the King,—three from Bologna, and one from Venice. Had previously sent the Greek of Basil without commentaries, and afterwards the same with commentaries. It is quite plain, from the commentaries of Zonaras, that this is the letter which Basil means, which they send in a notary's hand. Sends duplicates of Hebrew writings by Mark Raphael, who is paid a salary by the Venetian government, two writings by Helias, a Hebrew, doctor in arts and medicine, in which the former proves that Deuteronomy refers to the genealogy of the Saviour, and the latter to inheritance, and is only observed by the Hebrews under certain conditions. Has sent Latin translations of these by father Francis, and writings by him to the bishop of Worcester, who will send copies to Stokesley and the King. Those who have subscribed Helias' writings are Benedict, a German, of great weight among the Jews for his years and learning, and Calo, a doctor of arts and medicine, whose books will be sent to the King. Several doctors, lecturers, and preachers have subscribed to the opinions of Francis. Will send names by the next messengers. Hopes to obtain the writings of the King's chief opponent. Complains of want of money. Sent a fortnight ago new writings of Helias and Marc Raphael, translated into Latin by father Francis; of which one is to prove that the King's marriage is impious, and ought to be dissolved, and the other affirms that the Rabbis consider that Deuteronomy refers to inheritance. Sends some extracts made by father Francis from the Chaldaic commentaries that the Levitical prohibitions are part of the law of nature. The King will also receive letters from Thomas Omnibonus at Venice, with the names of doctors whose subscriptions Croke has seen, "et nobilis illius Mediolanensis Francisci Crucini utriusque juris doctoris ... in scripturis atque Hebraica lingua, ut audio, doctissimi ad patrem [Francis] cum literas, catalogumque doctorum quos ille rogatu Francisci Medio[lanensis] paravit non sine longe majoris muneri[s] spe modo ... reque adesse pecunia posset qua oblatas operas ... non defuerit audeo ego capitis periculo ... theologos paucis illis exceptis quos metus Pontificis et Cæsaris magis contra te con ... quam premium, jam, invictissime rex, si hæc in Italia tempestiv[e] ... fuissent tentata, quos habuissemus adversum nos, immo qu[os] non habuissemus nobiscum bonos et doctos theologos, cum jam turba ... metu Cæsaris et Pontificis rebus tot undique tam eruditi et pii theologi ad patrocinium nostræ causæ turmatim (fn. 6) et vel ... ultro convolent." Many think the case is Croke's; and if they promise help so promptly for a private man, what would they do for the King? He would obtain no less favor from the Italians than the Emperor would have, and much more than the Pope. Owes all he has done to the aid of father Francis and his nephew, and of Dominico of Treviso. It has been the more difficult to get books because those who had mutilated them were afraid of the discovery of their fraud. Venice, 11 March.
Lat., pp. 2, mutilated, draft.
11 March.
Vit. B. XIII. 60 b. B. M.
6267. [CROKE to GHINUCCI.]
Wonders that he has received no answer to his frequent letters. Is in want of money, as the good Bishop is often in want himself. Is obliged to consult him, though so many miles away. Could obtain more than 100 subscriptions if the King would send him letters of exchange. The country does not suit him. Asks his correspondent to procure his recal. Knows he will be pleased with his letters to the King, so he does not send a copy. Desires to be commended to the Bishop. Knows that some are trying to lessen the Bishop's opinion of Croke through envy. Desires the increase of his diets, and credit at a bank here (ut hic nobis mensa pateat), as there are more books to be got here than at Rome. Venice, 11 March.
Lat., p. 1, draft.
12 March.
Giordane, p. 76. Molini, p. 280.
Has received his reply by the messenger of De la Morette. Thanks him for his good offices with the French king, for whose offers Casale is greateful. Whether in England or elsewhere, will always be ready to serve him. Has done his best in England to procure that the "gran scudiere" of England shall be sent there (to France) as ambassador. Gioachino should be instructed to speak to Casale's agent there (in England) on the subject, and through him to propound the matter to the duke of Norfolk, who is Casale's good lord, the agent being a confidant of the Duke's. If Mons. lo Grande (Scudiere ?) cannot come, they should endeavor to find another person of equal rank. Has certain important affairs in Lombardy, and desires Montmorency to write to Cagnino Gonzaga, directing him to favor Casale against his adversary there. The duke of Ferrara has been here four days. The Emperor is to depart on Thursday the 17th. The English ambassadors will be here tomorrow or the next day. Bologna, 12 March 1530.
12 March.
Le Grand, III. 435.
I believe you are informed of the new demands made by the Imperialists, that the obligation of the emperor Maximilian for the money advanced on the fleur de lis be delivered to them, or else the contract which was passed thereupon, not being satisfied with having the said fleur de lys unless they have the contract as well. (fn. 7) I have no doubt that if there be any one behind (riere) the king of England, he will be sent express by a courier who goes today, of which you will be informed as soon as possible. You will learn by the bearer that Bryant is on his road to you. He can make no great haste, as he has the care of the jewel. I assure you he left here with a good will, and my brother will endeavor not to lessen it. Blaye, 12 March.
Fr. Add.
12 March.
R. O.
Licence to the merchants of Venice to export wool and tin for five years from 1 April next, notwithstanding the Acts of 3 and 4 Hen. VII. 12 March 21 Hen. VIII.
Copy, pp. 4.
13 March.
R. O.
Received for one half year's pension due to your Grace, 47,368 cr.—Paid by your Grace's command to De Vaux, for so many crowns delivered by him to Master Secretary in Italy, 3,000 cr. Reward to the bringer of your Grace's pension, 250 cr. Balance to be delivered to your Grace, 44,118 cr.; which, at 4s. 8d. the crown, amounts to 10,294l. 4s., but at 38s., "as your Grace doth receive them," (which is 4s. 2d. sterling and 1d. Flemish,) amounts to 9,313l. 16s. Thus you gain 980l. 8s. stg.
Money received of Rob. Fowlar by the King's command at Windsor, 8 March 21 Hen. VIII.—10 bags, each containing 4,285½ cr. and 12d.=10,300l.; and another containing 1,260½ cr. and 20d.=294l. 4s. Delivered to Mr. Peckam, cofferer, 13 March, 2,000l.
Pp. 2, partly in Wyat's hand. Endd.
13 March.
Er. Ep. App. 348.
Finds his contest with Luther dangerous. Thanks him for correcting his address to More ("titulum ad Morum"). Corrects the spelling of his name. Harris, an Englishman, used to call him Wendelstinus, from the place of his birth. Dresden, 13 March 1529.
15 March.
Le Grand, III. 410.
My last was dated London, "el Marzo (fn. 8) " 1530. The original of this was sent that day to your Majesty by the ordinary post. Nothing has since occurred requiring me to write at great length. This King has been certified of the Emperor's coronation at Bologna on the 24th ult., and was informed at the same time that he meant straightway to pass into Germany. He again presses his request to have the opinions of the faculty of Paris in favor of his cause. The cardinal of York is now near Richmond, and earnestly entreats your Majesty and Madame to help him in his need, remembering the services which he rendered to you at opportune times; adding, that if you and Madame help him, as he not only hopes but fully expects, by keeping your promise to him, in proportion to the greatness of his fall, this will be the greater demonstration of your bounty. London, 15 March 1530.


  • 1. Was at Richmond 15 March (?)
  • 2. "ad D. ...;" certainly not Bryan, as Pocock supposes, who reads the "D." as "F."
  • 3. "El se (qu. el che ?) S. S. ricuso fare, cosa che à S. M. e grandemente stata aretta (qu. accetta ?)"
  • 4. So in Le Grand:—qu. "el v."?
  • 5. Sic.
  • 6. "Sturnatim" in MS.
  • 7. This is an exact translation of the passage as it stands in Le Grand.
  • 8. So in Le Grand.