The King's Book of Payments, 1520

Pages 1539-1543

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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The King's Book of Payments, 1520

1520 Jan. 11 Hen. VIII.—1st, 8th and 15th at Greenwich; 22nd and 29th at Richmond. New Year's gifts as before. To the King, by Henry Norres, 1,000l. To Cornish, for playing before the King with the children, 6l. 13s. 4d. To the gentlemen of the chapel, 13l. 6s. 8d. To the King's players, 66s. 8d. To the King, in gold, 4,000l. To Paul Frelande, for the oversight of the King's gilt harness, 25s. To Thos. Forster, timber, lead, &c., for Richmond, Greenwich and Eltham, 300l. To Mr. Sydnor, expenses for my lady Princess, 17l. 10s. Total for Jan., 6,802l. 1s. 1d.
Feb. 11 Hen. VIII.—At Greenwich. To Alen Kent, for providing wine at Rome, 100l. Diets of Sir Richard Wingfield, going to France, for 84 days from 31 Jan., 20s. a day; and espial money for his last time as deputy of Calais, 40l. The King's offering on Saturday (4th Feb.), at the marriage of Mr. Care and Mary Bullayn, 6s. 8d. To Sir Hen. Guilford, for repairing the castle of Leeds, 160l. To Wm. Haywode, for spears, &c., at the jousts, 34l. 15s. To Sir Ric. Wingfield, for preparations for his embassy to France, 100l. To Ric. Sydnor, for the Princess's expenses, 200l. Reward to De la Bastie, ambassador from France, 200l. To the bailly of Cane, 66l. 13s. 4d. To a gentleman sent from the French king and queen with tokens to the Princess, 40l. To John de la Suche, 40l. To Stephen de Tronhen, for anchors and other things, 26l. 4s. 6d. To Cavalcant, Ant. Vyvolde and Wm. Buttry, for velvets and silks, 223l. 3s. 1d. Total for Feb. 2,496l. 17s. 8d.
March 11 Hen. VIII.—At Greenwich. To Amadas, Twiselton and Holland, for the King's New Year's gifts, 1,208l. 17s. 6d. To Amadas, for plate for the French ambassadors who went to Scotland, 104l. 9s. To Hen. Smith, for finishing the armory house, the millhouse, the bridge at Greenwich, and a closet at Windsor, 300l. To Foster and Smith, for Bridewell, 200l. To Wm. Blount lord Mountjoy, for plate bought of him, 386l. 2s. 9d. To the dean of the King's chapel, for the dean of Salisbury, the bishop of St. Asaph, and the vicar of Croydon, who preached the first three Sundays in Lent, 60s. To Dr. Makerell and Dr. Stokesley, for preaching, 20s. each. To John Crochet, armourer, for harness for the King's own use, 18l. 6s. To Robt. Fouler, for presting persons for the King's buildings at Guisnes, 1,505l. 6s. 8d. To Richard Gibson, for the jousts at the marriage of the earl of Devonshire in October last, 200l. 4s. 9d. To Sir Andrew Windsor, for stuff delivered to the "Norcery," 589l. 8s. 11½d. To Thos. Henege, for a reward to the secretary of the Archduke of Burgoyne, 20l. To John Cavalcant, for money advanced last August to the bishop of Worcester, 112l. 10s. To Bryan Tuke, for posts and couriers, 350l. To Thos. Forster, for the armoury house, mill and conduit at Greenwich, 300l. Total for March, 8,322l. 9s. 1d.
Total from 1 Oct. 11 Hen. VIII. to 1 April 11 Hen. VIII., 32,416l. 12s. 6d. From 1 April 9 Hen. VIII. to 1 April 11 Hen. VIII., 114,116l. 19s. 6½d.
April 11 and 12 Hen. VIII.—At Greenwich. To John Hopton, for making two great cabins ceiled with wainscot in the New Bark, 100l. Quarter's wages of Thos. Okle, one of the riders, 50s. To Dr. Powell, for preaching, 20s. To Mr. Cornisshe, for playing two interludes with his children before the King, 13l. 6s. 8d. To John Cavalcaunte, for tapestry with the story of David, 410l. 5s. 9d. To the henchmen, for to take their rights, 20s. To Thos. Spinelly, half year's payment in advance, 182l. 10s. To lady Anne Grey, widow, half year's annuity, 6l. 13s. 4d. Offering on Good Friday, 20s. To 30 poor men at the King's maundy on Shire Thursday, 75s. Dealt in alms at Greenwich on Good Friday, in groats, 20l.; in half groats, 64l. To the dean of Salisbury, who preached, 20s. 3 doz. purses for the maundy, 12d. For standing of the standards and the guards' coats for 2 months, 4d. a week. To Wm. Gurre, armorer, for scouring 1,000 pair of Almain rivets, at 12d. a pair. Easter Day, offering at the Resurrection, 6s. 8d.; at taking the King's rights, 10s.; at high mass, 13s. 4d. To Mr. Ric. Pace, for a certain lecture in Greek to be read and taught within the university of Cambridge, 10l. yearly. For coffers and canvas for trussing jewels and plate to be sent to Calais, 20l. Reward to Sir Roger Darcy, of Ireland, by the lord Admiral, 40l. To Wm. Hayward, for making, garnishing, and burring with leather 800 spears, 39l. 3s. 2d. To Mr. Sydnor, for the Princess's household, 200l. For two carts to carry the standards and guards' coats from Greenwich to London, 16d. To Henry Smith, for providing timber, &c. for Guysnes, 200l. To Sir John Style, for rigging the ships to take my lord Admiral to Ireland, 66l. 13s. 4d. To Clarencieux, going to the French king, for 30 days from 2 April, at 6s. 8d. a day. To Norrey, going to Almain, for 40 days from 2 April. To John Shirley, John Meklowe, and Thos. Byrks, for providing victual for the King going to Calais, 8,000l. Largess to the heralds on Monday, St. George's day, 100s. Offering on Tuesday at the mass of Requiem, 6s. 8d. Offering on St. Mark's Day, 6s. 8d. Half year's wages of Antony Berghes, lord of Grenebrege, one of the King's cupbearers, 39l. 10s. 10d. To Sir Wm Fitzwilliam, wages and victuals of mariners and soldiers, 259l. 10s. For the fraternity of St. George's guild, Southwark, 13s. 4d. To John Hopton, for rigging ships to transport the King to Calais, 100l. To Hen. Smith, timber for Guisnes, 100l. To Henry Sadeler, for canvas and buckram, 700l. To Cavalcaunte, for cloth of gold, velvet, &c., 2,355l. 17s. 4d. To Sir Wm. Skevington, for gilt halberds and javelins for the Guard, 91l. 6s. 8d. To Wm. Byrche. groom porter, for providing for the King's chamber beyond the sea, 40l. To Fras. de Barde, for cloth of gold, &c., 1,497l. 12s. 2½d. To John Brome, the King's painter, for gilding and garnishing the roofs of the building at Guisnes, 333l. 6s. 8d. To Sir Wm. Skevington, for repairing ordnance for the Admiral's voyage to Ireland, 10l. To John Haselwoode, for gunners' wages for Ireland, 163l. 7s. 11d. To Sir Chr. Garnish, half year's rent of his house at Greenwich, 100s. To Laurence Atherenson, of Holland, for 28,000 blue slate, 28l. Wages of the lord Admiral and retinue, for a half year beginning 1 May, ao 12, 3,317l. 15s. 10d. Total for April, 20,147l. 13s. 10½d.
May 12 Hen. VIII.—6th, 13th, 20th at Greenwich; 27th at Canterbury. Offering on Thursday, Inventio S. Crucis, 6s. 8d. To Sir John Style, for payment of captains and yeomen, and of Mr. Hart and 11 gunners who came from Tournay, 117l. 18s. 3d. To the Admiral, for 400 jackets for his retinue, 40l. To Hen. Smith, for presting 100 carpenters, 50 glaziers, 24 painters, six foulder of lead, and six ewt. of tin, for the buildings at Guisnes, 66l. 13s. 4d. Reward to the earl of Essex, towards preparing to go across the sea with the King, 333l. 6s. 8d. To Norroy, going to Almain, 2nd May, 13l. 6s. 8d. To John Hopton, for cutting the docks to bring out the King's ships, 40l. To Sir Wistan Browne, Miles Gerard, and Thos. Partriche, for presting hoys to transport the King to Calais, 500l. To Sir Andrew Windsor, master of the Great Wardrobe, for preparing stuff for the King, 746l. 3s. 8d. To Amadas, for mending and making "gold stuff," 414l. To Clement Armeson and Hen. Saddeler, for making buttons and other garnishing for the new house at Guisnes Castle, 366l. 13s. 4d. To Mons. Maryne, the French ambassador, 100l. To Mr. Secretary, for the French herald who proclaimed the jousts at Greenwich, 40l. For the loss of 152l. of Irish pence which were received by the tellers at the receipt of subsidy, and molten, 62l. To Thos. Henage for the Emperor's chief ambassador, 100l. To the second ambassador, 66l. 13s. 4d. To the Secretary De la Sale, 40l. To another secretary, 26l. 13s. 4d. To Sir Andrew Windsor, upon a warrant, which was spent before Candlemas last, 1,250l. To Sir Wm. Skevington, for the hire of carpenters, &c. for the ordnance, 200l. To Pieter Van Halft, on a warrant for 484 ells of Arras, 971l. 0s. 5d. To Ric. Gressam, for sables, 442l.; for velvets, 1,033l. 12s. 1d. To the Friars Minors, for their general chapter to be held at Staunforde, 10l. To John Hopton, wages of the Swepestake rowbarge, and for rigging other ships, 100l. To Thos. à Price, for the King's offerings at St. George, St. Edward, and King Henry, 18 May, 20s. To Sir Hen. Guildford, for repairing Leeds castle, against the King's going there, 66l. 13s. 4d. To Ric. Sydnor, for the Princess's household, 500l. To Thos. Forster, for the buildings at Eltham, Greenwich and Richmond, 200l. To Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, for wages and victualling of five ships to transport the King to Calais, 259l. 10s. Whitsunday, 27 May, at Canterbury. (A note in the margin states, "the Emperor landed at Dover on Whitsun even.") Offerings on Tuesday at Crechurche, St. Thomas, and Our Lady Undercroft, 20s. Offerings of the Emperor and the King at the high altar in Crechurche at their first coming and receipt, 20s.; and at high mass, 20s. Largess to the heralds, 100s. Offerings on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 20s. To Sir John Cutt, to provide horses for the Emperor from Canterbury to Sandwich, 20l. To Mr. Knolls, for making a partition in the hall of the palace of the archbishop of Canterbury for the banquet, 6l. 11s. Reward to lord Shevers, 500l.; to the Emperor's Chancellor, 100l.; to the Chamberlain, 100l.; to the Master of the Horse, 100l.; and to the Secretary, 13l. 6s. 8d. To a gentleman usher who brought the King "a goodly flower," 10l. Total for May, 14,774l. 14s. 6½d.
June 12 Hen. VIII.—1st at Calais; 9th, 17th and 24th at Guisnes. Offerings on Trinity Sunday, 13s. 4d.; and on coming into Calais at the procession, 6s. 8d. To Ric. Gresham for 1,050 yards of velvet, 12s. 8d. a yd. To Trewlove, master of the Christopher of Hyde, for carrying the King's jewels from Dover to Calais, 20s. "Wednesday at Guisnes, and Thursday, Corpus Christi Day, met the kings of France and England betwixt Guysnes and Arde." To Sir Ric. Wingfield, ambassador in France, diets and rewards for 50 days ending 12 June, 100l.; and for 50 days from that time, 100l. To Sir Wistan Browne, &c., for the payment of hoys, 200l. For Leeds castle, co. Kent, 200l. Wages of Sir Griffith Rice and 60 servants, Sir Wm. Bulmer and 20 men, Sir Ric. Tempest and 20 men, 30 servants of the earl of Essex, 20 servants of Sir Wm. à Parre, and 5 of Nicholas Marland, provost marshal, the knights at 2s. a day, and the men at 6d. and 9d. Livery coats for those of the earl of Essex and Sir Wm. à Parre, 4s. each. To the pages of the Hall, for the bonfire on Midsummer eve, 10s. Reward to Rochepott, a gentleman of the French king, 200l. To De la Batye, 133l. 6s. 8d. To Parker, gentleman of the French king, hurt at the camp, 20l. To the gentlemen of the "Equite," 333l. 6s. 8d. Reward to Bryan, a gentleman of the French King, 100l. Offering at Our Lady at St. Peter's without Calais, at the King's coming from Guysnes, 6s. 8d.; and at St. Thomas of Canterbury, on Whit Monday, 6s. 8d. Given to the King at Guysnes "this Monday" (25th) a bag of nobles, 1,000l. To Mr. Cofferer, &c., for victuals, 1,000l. To Amadas for 3 chains had of Wolsey's servants, given to Saintmer, the bailly of Caen and Breean, 305l. 1s. To Sir Andrew Windsor, for a gold chain given to Brosse, a Frenchman, 101l. 6s. 8d. To Amadas, for a chain had of Sir J. Heron, and given to Potton, a Frenchman 101l. 6s. 8d.; and another had of the Cardinal, and given to one Buckehalf, a Frenchman, 55l. 16s. 8d. To Sir Ric. Weston, for 3 chains given to "Moret the Frenchman valet," 120l. To Fitzwilliam, month's wages and victuals for the ships, 105l. 6s. 8d. Total for June. 6,693l. 17s. 5d.
July 12 Hen. VIII.—1st, 8th, 15th at Calais; 22nd, 29th_ (fn. 1). To Sir Wistan Browne, &c., for transporting the King from Calais to Dover, 600l. Wages of the servants of the earl of Essex, Sir Wm. à Parre, &c. Offering on Saturday, St. Thomas the Martyr, 7 July, 6s. 8d. To Mr. Cofferer, &c., for providing victual, 1,000l. Offering on Tuesday, St. James's Day, 6s. 8d. Reward to the officers of the Emperor's household, 100l. To De la Roche, 100l. To Hunneton, 50l. To the Emperor's minstrels, 20l.; to his trumpets, 10l. To Heding, by Hennege, 50l. Freight of the King's ship with the jewels from Calais to London, 9l. Reward to the mariners, 20s. To Lawrence Eglisfeld, for carrying the standards and guards' coats from London and back, 6l. 2s. Total for July, 3,392l. 4s. 8d.
Aug. 12 Hen. VIII.—1st at Greenwich; 5th, 12th, at Windsor; 19th at Litelcote, Mr. Darell's place; 26th at Fairford, Mr. Tames' place. To the King in gold, for the quarter beginning at Midsummer, 2,500l. To Mr. Skydmore, for the King's offering at his landing, at the parish church of Dover, 6s. 8d. To Wm. Temple, for 100 sheaves of arrows with girdles and cases for the guard, 5s. the sheaf. To Cornish for the diets of 10 of the children during the King's voyage to Calais, 62 days at 2d. To Guysnes pursuivant, for carrying the King's letters from Calais to London, four days at 2s. Quarter's wages of John de Ventre Bastard Faulconbridge, 10l. To Edw. Forest, riding from Windsor to Colchester with letters to the Cardinal, 6s. 8d. To Dr. Patenson, vicar of Barking, for the title and yearly rent of the harness house there, 7l. 1s. To Sir Ric. Weston, for the new lodge in Cranborne Chase, Windsor Forest, 79l. 17s. 8d. Offering at Our Lady, Caversham, on Lady Day, 6s. 8d. Total for August, 3,890l. 15s. 7d.
Sept. 12 Hen. VIII.—2nd, 9th, 16th, at Woodstock; 22nd_*; 29th at Reading. Offering on Thursday, Holy Rood Day, 6s. 8d. To Ric. Gibbons, riding from Woodstock to Notley with letters to the Cardinal, 7s. Reward to Floren, the legate's secretary, 10l. To the bailly of Cane, 100l. To the lord of Burgon's son, 40l. To the Emperor's servant that brought horses, 40l. To Mons. De la Roche, 100l. Diets of the Master of the Rolls sent to the Emperor, from 3 Sept., at 40s. a day, 333l. 6s. 8d. To Richmond Herald, sent with him, 4s. a day, 20l. To Griffith Sadler, for keeping the butts at Windsor Castle, 15s. 2d. To Breswoode at Calais, "for depeching of the Emperor's diets and his company," 500l. Half year's wages of lady Anne Grey, 6l. 13s. 4d. To a scholar of Cambridge, for reading Greek, 100s. To Antony Berghed lord of Grenberg, 39l. 10s. 10d. To Wm. Est, freemason, for repairing Woodstock and Langley manors, 60s. To Thos. Forster, for finishing the chapel in the Tower, 20l. To Wm. Buttry, &c., for silks, 657l. 2s. 2d. To Ric. Silkcote, Wm. Mortimer, &c., for gold wire, sarcenet and embroidery of a cloth of estate, doublets and hose for the King, 113l. 16s. 3d. To Spinelly, diets for half a year from 1 Oct., 20s. a day. To Sir Ric. Chamberlayn, for the repairs of the lodge in the New Forest beside Woodstock, 13l. 6s. 8d. Total for Sept., 4,743l. 2s. 11d.
Total from 1 April 11 Hen. VIII. to 1 Oct 12 Hen. VIII., 53,642l. 9s.
Total from 1 April 9 Hen. VIII. to 1 Oct. 12 Hen. VIII., 167,749l. 8s. 6½d.
Oct. 12 Hen. VIII.—1st to 14th at Windsor; 21st at Eltham; 28th at Greenwich. To Dr. Rawson, for the King's candle at Dancaster, for a year, 20s., and another before king Henry at Windsor, 13s. 4d. To Wm. Armer, for keeping the King's greyhounds, 10s. To Hen. Smith, for setting up a great pair of organs, and for the butts and stables at Windsor, 100l. To Sir Ric. Wingfield, ambassador in France, diets and rewards, 40s. a day, 36l. To Thos. Forster, for the repairs of the manors of Greenwich and Eltham and the privy kitchen at Richmond, 20l. To Sir John Wallop, to be given to Sir John Style, treasurer of Ireland, for the army there, 4,000l.; and his costs conveying the same from Westminster to Ireland, 20l. To the fraternity of Our Lady Guild and St. Dunstan in the West, 2l. Total for Oct., 5,592l. 5s. 6d.
Nov. 12 Hen. VIII.—At Greenwich. Largess for the heralds, 100s. To the children of the chapel, for singing Audivi on Allhallow's Day, 20s. Reward to a gentleman of the duke of Savoy, 21l. 13s. 4d. To the King, for the quarter beginning Michaelmas, 2,500l. To Sir John Nevell, "premyre de quere" of the Stable, half year's wages, 10l. For Newhall, in full payment of a warrant for 4,000l., 200l. Reward to lord Willoughby, 300l. To Fras. Bryan, for taking 60 live deer in Raylegh Park, Essex, to stock Greenwich Park with, 20l. To Bryan Tuke, for conveyance of letters from Michaelmas 11 Hen. VIII. to 16 Nov. ao 12, 400l. To John Hopton, for bringing divers of the King's ships into the Pond at Deptford, 40l. To a knight of St. James, sent to the King by the king of the Romans, 46l. 13s. 4d. To a servant of the queen of Scots, who brought letters to the King, 40s. To Sir Ric. Jerningham in France, his diets from 6 Sept. to 4 Jan. next, 40s. a day. To Corneles Johnson, for cleaning iron ordnance, and making locks for 208 pieces of ordnance, 50l. Total for Nov., 4,486l. 10s. 6d.
Dec. 12 Hen. VIII.—2nd, 9th, 22nd, 25th, 30th at Greenwich; 16th at Endvylde. To Wm. Tolly, to be lord of Misrule, 13l. 6s. 8d. Offering on St. Nicholas' Day, 6s. 8d. To St. Nicolas Bishop, 6l. 13s. 4d. To Lewez Tracy, for his costs in taking certain evil-disposed persons, 60s. Wages of Frederick Gracian, a Venetian, 20l. a year. For Newhall, in part payment of a warrant of 2,000l., 200l. To Rougedragon pursuivant, for attending on the lieutenant of Ireland, his diets from 25 May to 12 Sept., 2s. a day. To John Shurley, for household expenses, 3,000l. To Wm. Wingfield, carrying letters to the bishop of Exeter and Sir Piers Eggecombe, 4s. To Mr. Sydnor, for the Princess's household, 200l. To Thos. Forster, for finishing the chapel at Greenwich, the building at Eltham and the privy kitchen at Richmond, 200l. To Wm. Rothwell, serjeant of the vestry, for cases for images, binding books, &c., for the King's voyage to Calais, 16s. 4d. Wages of John Russell, late of Tournay, for three years, 50 mks. a year, Offering on Monday, Christmas Eve, 6s. 8d. Christmas Day, at Greenwich. offerings, largess, &c. as usual. To Mr. Ley, one of the King's chaplains, going to Canterbury with the King's offering for St. Thomas's Day, 40s. Quarter's wages to Wm. Norres, master of the King's hawks, 10l. To Vyncent Vulp, painter, 100s. To John Haywood, singer, 100s. To "th'anker at Shyne," 33s. 4d., &c. Total for Dec., 4,693l. 8s. 3d.


  • 1. Blank in MS.