The King's Book of Payments, 1519

Pages 1533-1539

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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The King's Book of Payments, 1519

R.O. 1519, 10 Hen. VIII.
1519 Saturday, New Year's Day, ao 10.—The King's offering, 6s. 8d. The heralds' largess, 6l. Rewards: to the King's trumpets, 100s.; to the marshals of the Hall, 6l. 13s. 4d.; to the King's watch, 40s.; to the porters, 40s.; to the pages of the Chamber, 20s.; to the shakbutts, 50s.; to the still minstrels, 4l.; to the henchmen, 40s.; to the minstrels of the Queen's chamber, Baltazar, Jaques, Evans and another, 40s.; to the drumslads, Hans, Bartelmewe, Richard and Jacob, 40s.; to master Gyles, luter, 40s.; to the servants of the Cardinal, archbp. of Canterbury, bishops of Winchester, Lincoln, Durham, Salisbury, Chester, Exeter, Hereford, Carlisle, Rochester and Llandaff, the dukes of Buckingham, Norfolk and Suffolk, the Marquis (of Dorset), the earls of Northumberland, Shrewsbury, Derby, Surrey, Devonshire and Kent, lords Aburgevenny, Fitzwater, Daubeney, Mounteagle, Hastings, Darcy, Audeley and Broke, the French queen, the lady of Norfolk, lady Marquis, lady Kateryn, ladies Surrey, Verney, Hastings, Daubeney, Bullayn, Salisbury, Shelton, Nevell and Fitzwater, the Princess, the abbots of Westminster, Abingdon and St. Mary, archdeacon of Richmond, deans of the Chapel and Salisbury, master of the Rolls, master Almoner, Dr. Taillor, Dr. Chamber, Sir Andrew Windsor, Sir Stephen Jenyns, Sir Edw. Nevell, Sir Wm. Sandes, Sir Hen. Guilford, Sir John Hussey, Sir John Cutte, Sir John Daunce and Sir Edw. Darrell, sums varying from 6s. 8d. to 4l.; to Dr. Fayrfax, for a "balet boke limned," 20l.; to Sir Thomas of the larder, priest, 20s.; to the lord of Misrule, 40s.; to the blind poet (Bernard André), 100s.; to a scholar of Oxford, 20s.; to a woman, for arrowheads, 20s.; to the King's nurse, for cheese, 6s. 8d., &c.
Jan. 10 Hen. VIII., at Greenwich.—Offerings, 6s. 8d. Reward to the King's old players, 4l. To John Cavalcant, for a diamond set in a gold ring, 533l. 6s. 8d. Thursday, Twelfth day.—Offering, 33s. 4d. Largess for the heralds, 800s. Reward to the servant of the prior of Coventry, for bringing the King a New Year's gift, 20s. To Mr. Cornish, for playing before the King with the children of the Chapel on New Year's night, 6l. 13s. 4d. To Dr. Rawson, for masses said at Our Lady of Pewe, 15l. 14s. 3d. Wages of Thos. Borne, yeoman of the Buckhounds, at 4 mks. a year. Wages of the yeoman of the Chamber, 4d. a day. To young Carre, on Twelfth Eve, playing money for the King, 1,000 cr., at 4s. 2d. Wages of the Almain armourers in Southwark for 28 days, 16l. 13s. 7d. The fees and diets of the commissioners in the marches of Wales, 340l.—Month's wages for January: The 14 trumpeters, Master Gyles, luter, Alexander Shakbut, Jaques Rogers and John Savernacke, 40s. each. Balthazar and Claude Burgion, 31s. Benet de Opiciis, 33s. 4d. Arthur Dewes, Wm. More and Wm. Kechyn, 10s. 4d. Thos. Evans, 6s. 8d. Jas. Worsley, Thos. Appowell, John Madeson, John Kydder and Wm. Rolt, 31s. Robt. Hilton, John Lynde, Roger Dale, John Parker, Thos. Appowen and John Pygot, 20s. 8d. Thos. Higgs, Wm. Lee and John Hopkyn, 15s. 6d. Thos. Walter and John Stile, 10s. 4d. Pieter, falconer, 60s. Hugh, falconer, 70s. Matthew, falconer, 35s. Frederike and Gerard, falconers, 30s. John Browne, falconer, 31s. Henry Pennago, 31s. John Lennolds, 20s. 8d. Jacob and Humfrey, 13s. 4d. Piers Crossbowmaker, 13s. 4d. Wm. Lamberd, 26s. 3d. T. Morice and Nic. Harres, 32s. John Devereux, 5s. 2d. Josselon Percy, 18s. 9d. Mr. Fouler, late gospeller, 19s. 3d. Diets of Mr. Cornishe's children, _. (fn. 1) Ric. Mered, 10s. 4d. Jaques Chastilion, 66s. 8d. John Van Hertell, 22s. 9d. To John Buller, for arras, 300l. To John Whiting, for attending on the French ambassadors, 20l. To Sir Thos. Lovell and Sir Ric. Weston, masters of the King's wards, 200l. To Sir Edw. Guylford, for 10 suits of harness, &c., 110l. 10s. To Walter Forster, toward building the parish church within the Tower of London, 40l. To John Eston, Wolsey's servant, for provision of wine at Calais for the King, 200l. To Thos. Hennege, for a reward to lady Margaret's secretary, 100l. To Gerard Smythyng, merchant of the Steelyard, for 25 ells of arras, at 60s. To Sir John Daunce, for provision made by him of wines, &c. at Tailors' Hall, London, for the French ambassadors, 134l. 19s. 10d. John Waules, for painting and gilding the King's barge, 11l. 19s. Total for Jan., 3,443l. 3s. 5d.
Feb. 10 Hen. VIII.—At Greenwich. To Ric. Dynes, carrying letters from Greenwich to the Cardinal at Hampton Court, 1s. 8d. Offering on Candlemas Day, 46s. 8d. To Sir Wm. Compton, for jewels bought by him for the King from Jenyn Lengeam, 2,730l. Carriage of Jewelhouse stuff from the Tower to Greenwich and back, 7s. Carriage of money from Westminster to Greenwich, 12d. To Asmus, armorer, 6l. 16s. 3d. To Sir Hen. Guldeford, upon a loan to be repaid by recognisance, 1,000l. To John Cavalcant, for cloth of gold, velvet, &c., 441l. 7s. 6d. To Walter Forster, for the chapel and library at Greenwich, 100l.; for the roof of the chapel in the Tower, 100l. To the prior of St. Bartholomew, for the buildings at Newhall, 200l. (fn. 2) To Henry Smith, for the manor of Greenwich, Cornbury and other buildings, 100l. Walter Forster, for Eltham, 100l. To Edm. Frende and Harmon Baghragh, for gunpowder, 200l. To John Hopton, for the King's ships, 100l. To Hen. Redmayn, for making the two new towers at Greenwich, 33l. 6s. 8d. To a messenger with letters from the lady Margaret, 100s. To Fras. Bryan, for playing money for the King, Friday, 25 Feb., 20l. To John Twiselton, Robt. Amadas and Wm. Holland, for the King's New Year's gifts, 747l. 13s. 8d. Total for Feb., 6,234l. 12s. 10d.
March 10 Hen. VIII.—At Greenwich; 27th at Richmond. Wages of John Van Winkel, John Van Artem, Henry Van Artem and Claisse Forcevile, at 55s. 6d. a month. Wages of Hans, Bartylmew, Jacob and Richard Rutter, drumslads, 12d. a day. To Massy Villiard, for repairing the King's stables at the manor of Crane, Richmond, 20l. To the duke of Suffolk, for 200 crowns, at 4s. 2d., given to the King for playing money, 41l. 13s. 4d. Half year's wages of Dr. Vernando, the Queen's physician, 33l. 6s. 8d. Wages of the yeomen of the Chamber, for Feb., 147l. 5s. To Hen. Meleman, for five timber of sables, at 40l., and three of coarse sables, 20l. To Sir Thos. Bollayn, in prest on his diets, being in France, 100l.—13 March: To the dean of Salisbury, who preached, 20s. To John Crochet, for spears &c., for the justs at Greenwich, 3 and 8 March, 25l. 8s. 4d.—20 March: To Dr. Frosset, dean of Hereford, who preached, 20s. To Thos. Compton carrying letters by Peche's orders to Wolsey at Hampton Court, and going to warn the lords and gentlemen about London to wait on the King on Sunday, 20 March, 2s. 4d.
Quarter's wages.—Lady Day, ao 10. Sir Ric. Cholmeley, deputy lieutenant of the Tower, 25l. Baron Corson, 100l. Wm. Norres, 10l. The yeoman of the Tower, 36l. 14s. 10d. Sir John Heron, 25l. Pero, the French cook, 66s. 8d. Massye, barber, 66s. 8d. John Porthe, 20l. John Treis, 26s. 7d. Ric. Ale, 33s. 4d. Robt. Draper, 25s. Vyncent, painter, 100s. Hilton, dawkeeper, 15s. 2d. Stephen, vinekeeper, 33s. 4d. Lovell, gardener, 15s. 2d. John Hart, 15s. 2d. Ric. Rumsey, 10s. Ric. Simpson, 10s. John Lennolds, 10s. Denys Marughwhy, 10s. Wm. Armor, 10s. Ant. Trassillon, 30s. 5d. "For th'anker at Shene," 33s. 4d. Hen. Webbe, 50s. Ant. Imers, 50s. Cuthbert Blackeden, 22s. 10d. Raignold Uvedon, 4l. 11s. 4d. Wm. Lewes, 50s. Master Lynaker, 12l. 10s. Sir John Pecche, 27l. Percevall Hart, 100s. Elynor Knyvet, 22l. 8s. 4d. John Staunton, 10s. Robt. Harrison, 22s. 10d. Ant. Lowe, 22s. 10d. Beringer Gosse, 45s. 8d. Wm. Okeley, 25s. Margery Parker, 33s. 4d. Elynor Hotton, 33s. 4d. Marget Couson, 20s. Alys Baker, 50s. Avis Woode, 16s. 8d. Sir Hen. Rowte, 45s. 8d. Thos. Borne, 13s. 4d. Edm. Lyne, 13s. 4d. John Cocks, 13s. 4d. John Yerley, 13s. 4d. John Node, 13s. 4d. Robt. Webbe, 30s. 5d. Thos. Lewes, 10s. Chr. Crevela, 33s. 4d. John Jenyns, 30s. 5d. John Rigmayden, 20s. Robt. Gamell, 20s. Jas. Jacson. 20s. Austin Clerke, 20s. Robt. Bawmford, 20s. Thos. Butler, 30s. 5d. Geo. Lovekyn, 16l. 13s. 4d. Sir John Baker, 100s. Nich. Krazar of Baver, 100s.
Half year's wages due Lady Day, ao 10.—Sir Ric. Cholmeley's fee, 50s. Earl of Essex's fee, 50s. Firewood for the yeomen of the Tower, 26s. 8d. Ric. Eden, clerk of the council, 10l. Mr. Rowson, for priests' wages, 60l. Davy Fraunces, 40s. Hen. Pynnago, 10l. Chr. Knyvet, 10l. The King's priest at Walsingham, 100s.; his candle there, 43s. 4d. Mary Reading, 10l. Sir Hen. Guylforde, 50l. Thos. Tamworth, 100s. Thos. Ferrer, 100s. Sir John Walloppe, paid till Michaelmas. Guyote de Heull, 50l. Ant. Treon, 10l. Thos. Spynelly, in Spain, 150l. Fras. Brian, as master of the toils, 33l. 6s. 8d. Thos. Forster, for the roof of the chapel at the Tower, 100l. John Cavelcant, for necessaries provided beyond he sea for the King by Sir Edw. Guilford, 133l. 6s. 8d. Robt. Amadas, for spangles for the guards' jackets, &c., 1,419l. 18s. 2d. Hen. Smith, for ceiling the great armoury house at Greenwich, the Friar's wharf, the tennis court at Richmond, and other places, 200l. Total for March, 4,427l. 4s. 4½d.
1 Oct. 10 Hen. VIII. to 1 April, 31,903l. 16s. 11½d.
1 April 9 Hen. VIII. to 1 April 10 Hen. VIII., 58,158l. 13s. 8d.
April 10 and 11 Hen. VIII.—At Richmond. To York Herald, for Sir Thos. Boleyn in France, to be distributed to the French queen's midwife and the nursery there, 100l. York's costs, 6l. To the dean of Harford, Dr. Caseley, Dr. Standish and the vicar of Croydon, for preaching, 20s. each. To Sir Wm. Compton, for the King's own use, 3,000l. To the bailly of Greenwich, for houseroom for the standards and guards' coats from Oct. to March, 4d. a week. To Lawrence Eglisfeld, for carrying them in two carts from Greenwich to Richmond, 3s. 8d. Sir Edw. Guilford, stuff bought for the armorers at Greenwich and Southwark, 117s. 6d. W. Hayward, the King's joiner, for 206 spears, burres, hydes, nails, &c., 24l. 5s. 8d. Shear Thursday, to 29 poor men at the King's maundy, 2s. 5d. each. 3 doz. purses for the poor men, 12s. For the henchmen for to take their rights, 20s. To John Appolby, riding from Richmond to my lord of Winchester, 3s. To Wm. Oxenbridge, riding to Woborne, for my lord of Lincoln, and to Greenwich twice, for spears and for the King's instruments, 3s. To Ric. Gibson, for garments for maskelers, 60l. 7s. 3d. To Guido Portinary, John Cavalcanti, &c., for silks, velvets, &c., 534l. 7s. 9½d. To Mr. Lark and Hen. Smith, for the works at Bridewell, 200l. To my lord of Ely, for his diets in France, 230l. 12s. 4d. To Thos. Forster, for repairs at Eltham and the conduit there, 200l. To Robt. Draper, for carrying stuff from the Tower to the Cardinal's house at Westminster, 8s. 4d. To John Trees, for work done to the plate and jewels at the Tower, 24s. 8d. Good Friday, dealt for the King's alms to poor people 15l. in groats, and 42l. 13s. 4d. in half groats, at the Charterhouse. Offering on Easter Eve and St. George's Day, 6s. 8d. To the fraternity of St. George, 13s. 4d. The heralds' largess, 100s. Easter Day: Offering at Resurrection, 6s. 8d. Offering at taking of the King's rights, 6s. 8d. Offering at high mass, 13s. 4d. The heralds' largess, 100s. To the cooks, 6l. 13s. 4d. To the porters, 53s. 4d. To the scullery, 20s. To Lewes Traye, for bringing coiners before the Council, 53s. 4d. To Amadas and Trappes, for plats given to the ambassadors in Flanders, 196l. 3s. 9d.
Total for April, 6,803l. 9s. 10½d.
11 Hen. VIII.
May 11 Hen. VIII.—1st at Richmond; 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th at Greenwich. To Wm. Walker, riding with letters to the dukes of Buckingham and Suffolk, the Marquis (of Dorset), earl of Worcester, lord Dudley, and Sir Rice ap Thomas, 20s. To Wm. Wingefeld and Wm. Gentleman, riding with letters to the duke of Norfolk, the earl of Northumberland, and others, 2l. 16s. 6d. To Mr. Cornish, for playing an interlude on Shrove Monday with the children of the Chapel, 6l. 13s. 4d. To John Hopton, half year's fee for the comptrollership of the ships, 16l. 13s. 4d. To John Colynson, groom of the Leash, year's wages, 40s. A cart with the Jewel-house stuff from Richmond to Greenwich, 22d. To Sir Edward Guilford, for red cloth for the livery of the Almain armourers, and kersey for their hose, to be paid yearly, 27l. 4s. To Spinelly, for his fee and diets, 50l. To Brian Tuke, master of the posts, for couriers, &c., 400l. To the bishop of Armagh, diets for 30 days in Spain, 100l. To lord Barnes, 60l.; and Windsor herald, 6l. To Sampson, for Jerningham at Tournay, 200l. To the earl of Worcester, for his diets as ambassador in France, ao 10, 285l. 6s. 8d. To Brixelles, servant to my lady Margaret, 20l. Reward to Sir Guyot Heulle, 10l. To Ant. Knyvet, 10l. To the heralds with the Spanish ambassadors, 10l. To Boton, the Spanish ambassador, 66l. 13s. 4d. To Clarencieux, diets while in France with Worcester, 63 days at 6s. 8d., and for 100 days when sent to Almayn, May 21. Dr. Knight, diets for 27 days, 20s. a day. To Pace, sent into Almain, 11 May, 133l. 6s. 8d. Fees of the commissioners in the Marches of Wales, and of divers knights and squires for one quarter, 97l. 10s. To Fras. Bryan, for repairing the King's hunting toils, 20l. To Hen. Pickman, the King's bowyer, Wm. Tempill, the King's fletcher, and Wm. Pole, yeoman of the bows, for bows, arrows, &c., for the King's own use, 13l. 13s. Total for May, 11 Hen. VIII., 2,909l. 6s. 11d.
June 11 Hen. VIII.—At Windsor. To Nicol Jenyns of London, skinner, rent and tithes for two years, for a house in Barking parish, 11l. 2s. The King's offering at good King Henry, on his coming to Windsor, 27 May, 6s. 8d. To Mr. Bolney, for the King's offering at St. George, 6s. 8d. Largess to the heralds on St. George's day, 29 May, 100s. To John Appully, riding with a writ to the earl of Northumberland to appear and answer about the work at Harebotell, 13s. 4d. Month's wages of Peter Carmelet, the King's dancer, 33s. 4d. Largess to the heralds on Whitsunday, 100s. To the pages of the Hall, for making the King's bonfire at Midsummer, 10s. To Sir Edw. Ponynges, for half a year's rent of the Crowned Key in Southwark, 40s. To the Collectors of the subsidium magnatum in the West Riding, for money paid to John Hasilwoode for the subsidy of 160,000l., 45l. 7s. 1½d. Half year's wages for Guillam Breton, bit maker, 50s. Half year's wages of Dr. Fernando, the Queen's physician, 33l. 6s. 8d. To Sir Wm Holgill, towards the building of the Minories, London, 200l. To Sir John Cutt and Sir Andrew Windsor, on a warrant for the obsequies of the late Emperor, 165l. 4s. 7½d. To John Cavalcant, for money delivered by him to the legate of Rome, 1,000l. To Cavalcant and Nic. Vanaches, for cloth of gold, velvets and silks, 774l. 13s. 4d. To Wm. Skevington, necessaries for the Ordnance. 76l. 11s. 6d. To Sir [Thos.] Lovell and Sir Ric. Weston, masters of the King's wards, their half year's fee, 100l. Total for June, 3,895l. 19s. 11d.
July 11 Hen. VIII.—3rd at Windsor; 10th at Oking; 17th at Guilford; 24th at Horsham; 30th at Sussex. To Hugh Brabon, one of the yeomen of the Tower, for "conveying of certain mariners that would have stolen unto the sea," 40s. For two carts which carried the standards and the guards' coats from Windsor to the King's great Wardrobe, 6s. 8d. To Richard Pyrry riding into Essex and elsewhere to search for "whole places," 7s. To Sergeant Rolt, for attendance at London on certain business, six days at 2s. To Wm. Temple, the King's fletcher, for 108 sheaves of arrows with cases and girdles for the guard, at 5s. 4d. the sheaf. To Nic. Karzar of Baver, quarterly fee 100s. To York herald, diets in France for 84 days from 1 April, 4s. a day. Reward to a servant of Mons. de Langeley, 20l. Reward to Pace's servant, 10l. To Ric. Lake, sent into Ireland to bring over certain pirates, 26l. 13s. 4d. To a Spaniard, for two guns taken out of a ship in war time, 12l. Diets of Sir Thos. Bolayn, in France, 136 days at 1l. a day. To Wm. Holland, for translating and gilding plate, 221l. 9s. 5d. To Larke and Smith, for Bridewell, 150l. To Cavalcant and others, for silks, 486l. 8s. 8d. To Sir H. Guilford, for repairing the castle of Leeds, 200l. To the prior of St. Bartholomew's, for the lead, glass and finishing of New Hall, 200l. To Norrey king-at-arms, diets for 20 days from 21 July, 6s. 8d. a day. Total for July, 3,452l. 2s. 8d.
Aug. 11 Hen. VIII.—7th at _; (fn. 3) 14th at Greenwich; 21st at Haveryng atte Bowre; 28th at Newhall. To Wm. Holland, towards the making of the King's gifts for New Year's day next, 200l. To John Shurley, for St. George's Feast, kept at Windsor, 400l. To John Hopton, victuals and wages for the King's ships, from 21 April to 10 Aug., 117l. 13s. 4d. To my lord Cardinal, by Mr. Tonyes, 1,000l., besides 1,000l. given to the legate of Rome. To the Cardinal, in part payment of 460l. for the bishop of Worcester, 225l. For Bridewell, 150l. To John Appulby, riding with a letter to Mr. Sacheverell in Derbyshire to bring up Lucy Pole, 10l. To Ric. Bromley, riding with privy seals to the executors of Sir Ric. Jerningham, &c., 20s. To Edw. Forest, riding "to Mr. Sakfeld's place in Sussex unto Asshor to my lord Cardinal," 5s. To Fras. Pawne, riding with letters four miles beyond Mr. Saxfild's place to my lord Cardinal, 3s. 4d. Reward to the Venetian ambassador at his departure, 100l., and to the secretary 20l. To Mons. Gregory, for 18 coursers of Naples, 500l. To Sir Ric. Wingfield, for a collar of Esses at making the same Gregory knight, 55¾ oz. at 40s., and 6l. for the fashion. To Mons. Coll, for a courser, 66l. 13s. 4d. Reward to the riders and keepers, 20l. Their costs at Greenwich from their coming to 15 Aug., 72l. 19s. 6d. Reward to the Legate of Rome at his departure, 200l.; to his brother, 66l. 13s. 4d.; to his secretary, 33l. 6s. 8d. Reward to Hanyball, a farrier who came with the said horses, 66s. 8d. To the fraternity of Our Lady Guild at St. Dunstan's in the West, 40s. To Wm. Wyngefeld, riding with a letter from Penshurst to the Cardinal at Asshere, 2s. Foreign expenses, fees and diets of the commissioners in the Welsh Marches, 340l. To Frauncis de Rege, Ambros de Millan, and Hanyball de Modena, horsekeepers, diets, 20d. a day. Total for Aug., 4,267l. 18s. 2d.
Sept. 11 Hen. VIII.—4th and 11th at Newhall; 18th at Wanstede; 25th at Greenwich. To Henege, for the prince of Shemy's servant, 10l. To Robt. Wilson and Bryan Warde, for bringing Robt. Goldsmith, a false coiner, from Lincoln to the Tower, 40s. To the cooks, for their diligent service at the banquet on Sunday night, 13l. 6s. 8d. To Spinelly, for a year, besides 200l. already paid to him, 165l. To his servant, Osborne Ichingham, 20l. To Cavalcant, for money paid over sea to Pace, 308l. 6s. 8d. To Hen. Smith, for repairs at Greenwich, 300l. To John Hopton, for the ships, 50l. To the Legate's two chamberlains, 20l. Total for Sept., 2,202l. 15s. 10d.
Total from 1 April 10 Hen. VIII. to 1 Oct. 11 Hen. VIII., 23,531l. 13l. 4½d. From 1 April 9 Hen. VIII. to 1 Oct. 11 Hen. VIII., 81,690l. 7s. 0½d.
Oct. 11 Hen. VIII.—At Greenwich. To Ric. Dynes, riding with a letter to Mr. Baynton, near Bristol, for a greyhound for the King, 13s. 4d. To Dr. Rawson, for the King's candles before Our Lady of Walsingham and King Henry at Windsor, 33s. 4d. To Mr. Almoner, for the King's daily alms to 13 poor men, 5d. a piece, beginning 3 Oct. ao 11, which the King's father was used to give. To Wm. Gurre, armorer, for scouring Almain rivets in Tower Street, 20l. Annuity of David Bastard Emery, lord Howterroshe, for the half year, 133l. 6s. 8d. To Ant. Guenas, his steward, 20l. yearly. To John Thruston, for painting and "latesyng" the King's great boat, 15l. To John Shurley, for the feast of St. George, 17l. 17s. 1½d. To the commissioners in Wales, 97l. 10s. To Thos. Forster, for repairs at Eltham and Greenwich, 200l. Diets of Sir Thos. Boleyn in France, for half a year, from 12 Oct., 12s. a day. To Gerard van Hartell, for plumes and feathers for the King, 34l. 16s. 8d. Offering on Tuesday, 25 Oct., at the marriage of my lord of Devonshire, 6s. 8d. To Sir Wm. Compton, for the King's own use, by warrant dated 16 July 11 Hen. VIII., 3,000l. Total for Oct., 5,281l. 2s. 5½d.
Nov. 11 Hen. VIII.—6th to 20th at Greenwich; 27th at Richmond. Offering on Tuesday, Allhallow Day, 13s. 4d. Largess for the heralds, 100s. To the children of the Chapel, for singing Audivi, 20s. Offering on All Souls' Day, at mass of Requiem æternam, 6s. 8d. To John Hopton, comptroller of the ships, half year's wages, 16s. 13s. 4d. To Amadas and Hollande, for plate delivered to the card. of Rome, 298l. 10s. To Thos. Forster, for repairs at Eltham and Greenwich, 200l. To Spinelly, for half a year, at 20s. a day. To Brian Tuke, for costs of couriers, 100l. Reward to the maitre d'hotel, Helding, ambassador from the king of the Romans, 100l. To the secretary of the king of the Romans, 40l. To Calais pursuivant, attending six days on card. Campegius, 12s. Hire of a boat with money from Westminster to Greenwich, 8d. To Clarencieux, diets in Scotland, 50 days from 14 Nov., at 6s. 8d. To Sir Ric. Wingfield, half year of his annuity, 100l. To Sir Ric. Weston, half year of his annuity as knight of the Body, 50l., and half year's fee as master of the King's wards, 50l. For Bridewell, 500l. To Hen. Smith, for finishing the tilt and bridge at Greenwich, and repairs at Windsor, 300l. Total for Nov., 2,653l. 1s. 0d.
Dec. 11 Hen. VIII.—1st to 11th at Richmond; 18th at Lambeth. To Wm. Wynnesbury, lord of Misrule, 13l. 6s. 8d. To St. Nicolas Bishop, 6l. 13s. 4d. To Ambrose Pudsey, going from Greenwich to London at midnight, to fetch my lord Ernley, 12d. To Fras. Bryan, for taking 50 live deer to store Greenwich Park, 16l. 13s. 4d. To Hugh Trevanion, for bringing up persons who escaped out of the Tower, 13l. 9s. 8d. To Thos. Forster, for the buildings at the Tower, 66l. 13s. 4d. To Benedick Morvello, Wm. Buttry and Wm. Mortimer, for cloth of gold, &c., 572l. 14s. 5d. To Jenyn Lengram, for jewels bought by the King, 1,250l. To Wm. Est, of Abingdon, yearly fee for repairing the manors of Woodstock and Langley, 6l. To Ric. Gibson, for a "maskelyn" at Newhall, 207l. 5s. 1d. To John Hopton, for the eight keepers of the Barbara and John Baptist for three months, 12l. To Dr. Rawson, for 54 priests singing for the King at Our Lady of Pewe, on All Souls' Day, 8d. each. To Mr. Sydnor, towards keeping the Princess's household this Christmas, 100l. Offering on Christmas Day, 13s. 4d. Offering of the King at taking his rights in the morning in the closet, 6s. 8d. Largess for the heralds, 100s. To the children of the Chapel, for singing Gloria in excelsis Deo, 40s. To Mr. Hone, going to St. Thomas of Canterbury, 20s.; and the offering, 20s. Boat hire of money from the Tower to Westminster, and thence to Greenwich, 16d. To Sir Wm. Compton, for the King's own use, 1,000l. To John Porth, for attending on the duke of Suffolk, my lord Armachan, and other commissioners, in his wardrobe of robes and in the Jewel-house at the Tower, 60 days, at 8d. a day. Total for Dec., 6,861l. 1s. 2d.


  • 1. Blank in MS.
  • 2. This occurs monthly. The sum is occasionally 400l.
  • 3. Blank in MS.