The King's Book of Payments, 1521

Pages 1543-1547

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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The King's Book of Payments, 1521

1521 Jan. 12 Hen. VIII.—At Greenwich. New Year's gifts and rewards: To the King's voulteger, 10s. To a woman with a pomaunder, 6s. 8d. To John Sympson, for a branch of rosemary, 3s. 4d. To John Jones, for a basket of oranges, 6s. 8d. To Wm. Oxley, for an Almain, 20s. To John Elys, for a book of wax, 6s. 8d. To a stranger, for three pair of bellows, 6s. 8d. To the wife of the Dove, 10s. To a man that gave the King a carrier, 10s. To a bishop, for a shirt and a coif, 10s. To lady Vampage, for rose water, 40s. Reward to the King's players, 66s. 8d.; to his old players, 4l. To Sir Edw. Nevell, for conveying thieves from Herborough to London, 53s. 4d. To Sir John Pecche, for espial money at Calais for 14 months, 53l. 13s. 4d. To Sir Wm. Compton, by the hands of the duke of Suffolk, for the King's own use, 500l. To the King in gold, for the quarter beginning at Christmas, 2,500l. Loan to Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, 200l. To Nic. Jacson, serjeant-at-arms, riding to Cambridge, six days, 40s. Diets of the Master of the Rolls in Almain, at 40s. a day, 333l. 6s. 8d.; and Richmond Herald, at 4s., 40l. Diets of Fitzwilliam, going to France, for 100 days from 10 Jan., 100l. To the coffer maker, for a square coffer, "gardevian facion," to carry the King's money, and for mending another, 15s. To Thos. Forster, for making a shed in the tiltyard at Greenwich, and other repairs, 100l. To Eglisfeld, houseroom for the standards and guards' coats, from 11 Nov. to 3 April next, 8s. For the conduit at Newhall, 200l. To Wm Buttry, Wm. Corsse, and Mortimer, for silks and velvets, 58l. 7s. 8d. Total for Jan., 5,131l. 12s. 4d.
Feb. (fn. 1) 12 Hen. VIII.—3rd, 10th, 17th at Greenwich; 24th at Wansted. To Nicholas Harvy, for harness for the King, 10l. To Fras. Bryan, for the enlarging and repairing of the toils, 20l. Offering on Candlemas Day, 46s. 8d. To Mr. Toneys, for Hugh Asheton and George Bentley, for the payment of gunners at Berwick, 228l. 3s. To Pynson, "for printing proclamations bokes concernyng Saintuaries," 16l. 6s. 4d. To Lark and Hen. Smith, in full payment of a warrant of 1,000l. for Bridewell, 800l. To the dean of Salisbury, for preaching, 17 Feb., 20s. To a smith of Westminster, for mending locks at the Jewel house in the palace of Westminster, 16d. To_ (fn. 2), for preaching, 24 Feb., 20s. To Mons. Lyny, by his servant, John Barrett, in recompense of the castle of Mortaigne besides Tournay, 666l. 13s. 4d. Reward to John de Breart, Lyny's servant, 20l. To Sir Nic. Carewe, his costs while with the French king, 100l. To cardinal Sion's chancellor, 26l. To a gentleman of the king of Denmark, 13l. 6s. 8d. To Hen. Smith, for paling the Great Park at Windsor, and leading the battlement of the Council Chamber at Westminster, 200l. To the abbot of Feversham, for grounds which the King has taken into Bridewell, 100l. To Amadas and others, for the King's New year's gifts, 1,679l. 15s. 10d. To Hen. Norres, for repairing the lodge within the park of Foly John beside Windsor, 60l. To Mr. Pole, whom the King sends to Italy, finding for one year, 100l. Diets of Dr. Clerk at Rome, for 150 days from 25 Feb., at 20s. a day. To John Burton, wiredrawer, for gold and embroidery for doublets for the French king, 63l. 9s. To Wm. Mortemer, Ric. Gibson and others, for clothes, &c. for the King and others, for the jousts lately held at Guysnes, 3,007l. 16s. 11d. Total for Feb. 8,296l. 7s. 5d.
March 12 Hen. VIII.—3rd and 10th at Newhall; 17th, 24th, 31st, at Greenwich. To the vicar of Croydon, the bishop of Llandaff, the prior of the Black Friars, Dr. Rawlens and the dean of Salisbury, for preaching, 20s. each. To Amadas, for plate, 1,184l.; and for other plate given to Memorance's brother, and other things, 130l. 19s. 10d. To John Porthe, for books bought for the King's robes, and for his attendance on the commissioners, 26s. 4d. To Forster, for finishing the chapel at Greenwich, for Eltham, &c., 200l. To John Stanley for conveying a spy from Warwick to Greenwich, 40s. Wages of Richmount, a Frenchman, 20l. To Sir Andrew Windsor, keeper of the Great Wardrobe, surplusage of his accounts, 571l. 0s. 9½d. To 31 poor men at the King's maundy on Shear Thursday, 2s. 7d. each. 3 doz. purses, 12d. Dealt in alms on Good Friday, in groats, 15l.; in half groats, 115l. To Cornelys Johnson, for the making black of iron guns for the Tower, and for gunlocks, 30l. To Wm. Hayward, for making, righting, heading and burring 200 spears, and seasoning and making 500 spears for Sir John Wallop, to be sent to Ireland, 42l. 18s. To John Shurley, for expenses of the household from 1 Oct. to 25 Feb., 5,000l. To Fras. de Barde, for cloth of tissue, &c., 243l. 10s. Wages of Olyver Richmond, Robt. Stoner, Rouland Ramston, Ric. Johnson and Olyver Rigby, keepers at Waltham Forest, 6d. a day. Wages of Piers and Nicholas Plantart, clock-makers, 4l. a year. Reward to Elizabeth Dannet, one of the Queen's women, 20l. Total for March, 9,633l. 19s. 10½d.
Total from 1 Oct. 12 Hen. VIII. to 1 April 12 Hen. VIII., 37,834l. 3s. 10½d.
Total from 1 April 9 Hen. VIII. to 1 April 12 Hen. VIII., 205,583l. 12s. 5d.
April, 12 Hen. VIII.—At Greenwich. To Mr. Amner, for burying the dead people, and alms to friars, scholars, "ancres" and blind people, 40s. To Sir Hen. Guldeford, for repairing Leeds Castle, 300l. To Sir Wistan Browne, for docks for the King's ships, 340l. To Hen. Pykeman and Wm. Temple, for bows, shafts, strings, shooting gloves, and mending quivers for the King, 6l. 12s. 7d. To John Watkinson, riding two days to Windsor with letters to Dr. Denton, 2s. To Wm. Wyngfeld, riding with letters to Sir Wm. Denys, Sir Thos. Berkley and Sir Edw. Wadham, 13s. 4d. To John Gilkirke, factor to Sir Harmon King, for 2,030 great "colen clyfts" to make spears, at 10l. the hundred of six score. To John Taverner, stationer of London, by the serjeant of the vestry, for binding, clasping and covering 41 books for the King's chapel, 4l. To John Shurley, for household expenses for April, 2,000l For Newhall, 200l.; and for a new gallery and paintings there, 200l. To Spinelly, half year's fee and diets, 182l. 10s. To Wm. Holand, for cramp-rings of gold and silver, 94l. 6s. 3d. To the King in gold, for the quarter beginning 1 April, 2,500l. Total for April, 6,942l. 5s. 4d.
[Total from 1 Jan. 10 Hen. VIII. to 30 April 12 Hen. VIII., 168,472l. 4s. 8½d.]
Pp. 208. Lists of monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and yearly wages, and New Year's gifts, occur periodically.
ii. OBLIGATIONS. (fn. 3)
"Had of Haselwoode, 8 June ao 11." Ric. Fermor, Wm. Browne and Thos. Watts, 70l. Fras. and Raynard de Barde, &c., 1,354l. Thos. earl of Surrey, 600l. Wm. Lloid ap John ap Mered, 60l. John Cavalcant and Ph. Calterot and their fellowships, 8,000l. Sir Wm. Parre, 100l. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, Sir Ric. Tempest, Sir Edw. Nevell and Sir Rauf Ellercar, 200l. Wm. Browne the elder, Thos. Hynde and Edm. Wotton, 1,000l.
Pp. 2.
iii. OBLIGATIONS. (fn. 4)
Jan. 10 Hen. VIII. Wards.—Edm. Denny, for the ward of Mordaunt. Sir John Sharpe, Amadas and Rauf Roulet, for the ward of Cotton. Sir Ric. and Thos. Tempest, for the ward of Freschewell. Lord Mountjoy, Sir John Gefforde and John Vernon, for the issues of Montgomerie's lands. Sir Edw. Grevell and Sir Edw. Ferres, for the ward of Edw. Willoughby's daughter.
Sir Wm. Brereton, for his fine. Robt. Sheffelde, for his father Sir Robert's debt. Ric. Wykes and Geo. Roll, for the livery of Ric. Wykes.
Obligations for the customs of Hampton, due Michaelmas 10 Hen. VIII.—Nic. Paule, Barth. Salviati, Fras. and Ph. Sbarra, Thos. Cavalcant, &c. Total, 1,946l. 19s. 4d.
20 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII.—Lord Mountjoy, John Copynger, Isabel and Sir Wm. Hatclif, clerk.
May 11 Hen. VIII.—Sir Arthur Plantagenet, for livery of lord Lisle's lands. John Speke, Hugh and Wm. Clopton.
Aug. 11 Hen. VIII. Wards.—Sir Rauf and Wm. Ellerker, for the ward of Widdrington. Sir Wm. Compton and Sir J. Daunce, for the ward of Rauf Sherley. Thos. earl of Surrey and Thos. Jermyn, for the ward of Robt. Ashefeld. John Smyth, for the ward of the daughters of Eustace Fitzherbert. Thos. Baskervile, for the ward of Thos. de la Hay. Eliz. lady Dawtry and John Dawtry, for the ward of Dawtry. Adam Penyngton and Walter Strickland, for the ward of Derby and Bate. Alex. Maigne and Robt. Egmanton, for the ward of Bocher.
Livery lands.—Thos. Pekeman and Thos. Asketell, for livery of Packman and his wife. Roger Copley and Edw. Lewkenor, for livery of one of the heirs of Wm. Talke. Wm. Lowth, for livery of Ric. Batell's lands.
By Laurence Bonvix.—Sir Edm. Bray, Sir Ric. Carewe, Sir Thos. Wyndham, Sir Wm. Sandes, Sir Wistan Browne, Thos. Creswell, Robt. Bolt. Total, 1,086l. 12s. 5d.
Sept. 11 Hen. VIII.—Received from Thos. More, Sir Edward Guilford, Sir Nic. Vaux, lord Fitzwater, &c., for money lent to Sir E. Guildford. Erasmus de Yrestureiaya.
Nov. 11 Hen. VIII.—Hen. Frowyke, John Spilman, John Raynsford, John Ricrofte.
Oct. 11 Hen. VIII.—John Cavalcant, Peter Crosse, Ph. Friscobald, Wm. Browne, Ric. Fermor, &c.
For the customs of Hampton, Michaelmas 11 Hen. VIII.—John Capon, Reynold de Ricasalis, Stephen Fesaunt, Laurence Pascalego, Nic. Dodo, Rasame Reveliastico. Total, 3,959l. 7s. 11d.
Obligations delivered by lord Broke, 12 Feb. 11 Hen. VIII.—Sir Edw. Pomery, John Copleston, Ric. Code, John Trelawny.
March 11 Hen. VIII.—John, Henry, Chr. and Thos. Sydenham, for the ward of Speyke. Edw. Knyyet, for the ward and marriage of Hugh Hastings. Sir John and Christopher Savage, for the ward of Chr. Savage. Sir Randall Brereton and Randall Brereton, gent., for the ward of the heir of Conwey. Leonard Musgrave and Wm. Skelton, for the ward of Myddelton of Northumberland.
April 11 Hen. VIII.—Ric. Hobson and John Gostiwyke, for the livery of Ric. Hobson. Sir John Norton, for the livery of the heirs Langeley. Sir John Lyngeham, Chas. Knyvet and Robt. Gylbert, clk., for the ward of Fitzgarard. Geo. Guildford, Wm. Litton, John Gage, John Okynden, John Morton.
Aug. 12 Hen. VIII.—Reignold Digby, Thos. Rotheram, Rauf Nevill earl of Westmoreland, Piers Dutton, John Towneley, Laurence Bonvix.
Liveries received.—Dec. 12 Hen. VIII. John Hercy, for the heirs of John Stanley. Wm. Ingleby, for the livery of Thos. Ryder. John Witton, for his livery. Sir Thos. Bollayn, for the livery of Anne Tempest. John Vavasour, for the livery of Nicholas Vavasour. Chr. More, for the ward of Alys Cobbe. Sir Wm. Aparre, for the ward of Mydelton. The abbot of St. Edmund's Bury, for the heir of Cotton. Ruff Fulhurst and Sir Edw. Chamberlayn, for the custody of the late Sir Edw. Rawley's lands. Sir Wm. Skevington, for the ward of Ant. Coly. Sir Wm. and Thos. Skevington and Geo. Dethike, for the ward and marriage of Robt. Belgrave. Sir Ric. Cholmeley, for the ward and marriage of Cholley's son and heir.
Received of Sir Wm. Tyler, by Ric. Hill, ao 12.—Laurence Bonvix, Jerom Molyn, Massyn Barnard, Sir John Savage the elder and Sir John Savage the younger, Sir John Biron, &c.
Obligations of customs of Southampton, due Mich. ao 12.—Nic. and Ant. Dodo, Rasmus Reviliasco, Ant. Guydot, Andrew Capello, &c.
Pp. 16.
"The esteemed charges of the building of the plat of Bridewell, that is signed by the King's grace."
Payments for freestone, 4,000 tons et di', at 5s. the ton, 1,050l. Masons' wages. Steps "with nowelles" of hard Kent stone, "with six vyces to be ready wrought;" sum total, 3,841l. 4s. For the part not yet built on, every wall to be in height 2 perches of 18 feet each: bricks, 500,000 at 4s. 4d. the hundred; lime, 375l.; sand, 75l.; wages for bricklayers, 500l.; sum total, 2,033l. 6s. 8d. For digging foundations and piling, 2,033l. 6s. 8d.; timber, 6s. a load; sawing it, 2s. a load average. Carpenter's work; planche board; timber for the long gallery; sum total, 2,130l. 12,000 wainscot, 480l. Lead, 4l. a fowder. Plumbers' wages and solder. Iron work, 1,200l. Glazing, 686l. 13s. 4d. Plaster. Lathes and nails. Tiles; making chimneys, and hewing for shafts, 40l. Scaffolding. The kitchen, with other houses of office, and lodging for officers, 4,000l.
Grand total, 19,424l. 10s. 8d., over and above 2,500l. spent already.
"Md for the Corbell tabull, and so upwards, and for performing of the battlements.—Item, the glazing is esteemed too little after the view of Richmond.—Item, the digging, walling and flooring of cellars.—Item, the making of convenient entries to the said houses, as well by land as by water.—Item, levelling of the ground unto such a convenient height as the cellars may be of sufficient depth, and room for windows for light and to the said cellars."
Paper roll. Endd.


  • 1. From this date the book is kept by a different hand.
  • 2. Blank in MS.
  • 3. At page 293 of the same volume.
  • 4. At page 351 of the same volume.