Index: O

Pages 1706-1708

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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Oakham, Rutland, 4273.

Obligations to the King, pp. 1483–1490

Obscurorum Virorum Epistolæ, 2492.
-, -, Pfeffercorn's work against, 2540.

Observant Friars, money bequeathed to by Henry VII., pp. 1442, 1443.
-, -, payment to, for masses, p. 1445.
-, -, at Greenwich, wax given to, p. 1458.
-, -, their church in Bretagne, p. 1469.

Occham, mentioned by Erasmus, 1999.

Octovien, Sieur, 1670.

Oculare Speculum, [a work of Erasmus?] 3418.

Ode, als. Wode, Ric., protection to, 3150.

Odeham, Rob., his obligation, p. 1484.

Odell, Nich., sheriff of Northt., 1120.

Oden, in Denmark, letter dated at, 289.

Odiham, Hants, 1777.

Odnet, John Spencer de. See Spencer.

Odonail, [Hugh,] letter from, 21.

Odynsellys manor, als. the manor of Pirton, Herts, 2146.

Oeringe. See Oringen.

Offley, Herts, 2146.

Oggeby, Jakys, a Scot, 261.

Ogglesthorp, Edw., lease to, 4302.

Ogierdurant. See Peynier Ogierdurant.

Ogilvy, Lord, letter from, 2128.
-, - (Ogleby), James, abbot of Dryburgh, ambassador from Scotland, 1442, 1757, 1759.
-, -, -, commissioner on the Borders 2845, 3028. See also Oggeby.

Ogle, Sir Cuthbert, p. 1320.
-, -, Robert Lord, 1350, p. 1321.
-, -, -, attends on Queen Margaret when in England, 1759.
-, -, -, in com. for Northumb., 249.
-, -, -, his wife, Lady Musgrave, 1350.

Okeham, Ric., the King's loan to, pp. 1452, 1485.

Okeley, Wm., messenger of the Prince's Council chamber, pp. 1468, 1473, 1474, 1480.

Okeover, Staff., 2598.
-, -, Humph., of Okeover, 2598.

Oking. See Woking.

Okington, Kent, 4391.

Oldale, Wm., attainted temp. Hen. VI., 2118.
-, -, -, his daughter Mary, 2118.

Oldbridge, Meath, 111.

Oldenburgh and Delmenhorst, John Count of, letter to, 4618.

Oldering, Simon, justice for Yarmouth, 1145.

Oldesheles, Northumb., 3732.

Oldhall, Norf., 2118.

Oliver, servant of Cardinal Wolsey, 3841.
-, -, President, French commr. at Noyon, 2165; ambassador to Charles of Castile, 2483.
-, -, Sir, 134.
-, -, John, presentation, 3613.

Olney, Bucks, 2981.

Ombursley, Worc., 1182.

O'Neill, Hugh Buye, 1366.

Opiciis, Benedict de, "player at organs," pp. 1472, 1477.
-, -, -, licences to, 2818, 3795, 4192.

Opuciis, Peter de, in debt to the King, p. 1481.

Oram, in England, p. 1443.
-, -, Th., yeoman of the "picherhouse," grant to, 1426.

Oran, in Africa, 3715, 3874, 3937, 4277, 4419.
-, -, -, captain of, 4188.

Orange, Philibert, Prince of, 3646, App. 10.
-, -, Prince of, John II., proposed marriage of his daughter with Count Nassau, 198, 261, 291, 343, 399, 473, App. 10; dispensation refused by the Pope, 564.

Orders, the Six Military, of Europe, 3815.

Ordnance, 254, 4108, 4606, pp. 1446, 1450, 1452, 1455, 1456, 1457, 1458, 1461, 1462, 1464, 1472, 1511.
-, -, accounts of, App. 2.
-, -, master of the, 4108, p. 1451. See also Belknap, Sir Edw.; Norton, Sir Sampson; Skevington, Sir Wm.
-, -, clerks of the, pp. 1452, 1512. See also Uxley, Wm.
-, -, treasurer of the. See Nele, Anth.
-, -, yeoman of, p. 1512. See also Hilton, Elias.

Orell, Sir Lewis, in com. for Northt., 495.

Orenge, John, 1236.
-, -, -, in com. for Devon, 709, 711.
-, -, -, licence to, 3932.

Oringen or Oeringer, Daniel de, goldsmith of Basle, robbed at Calais, 2304, 2311.

Oristagni, Cardinal, a Spaniard, his death, 3040.

Orkney Isles, 588.
-, -, Earl of, 2612.
-, -, abbot of, 2128.

Orleans, 296, 297, 304, 369, 3703.
-, -, French King at, 2423.
-, -, wines of, 183, 3807.
-, -, Lewis Duke of, letter from, 3007.
-, -, -, negociating with Worcester in Flanders through the dean of Tournay, 3007.

Orleton, Heref., 4536.

Ormeston, Rob., als. Dikynson, 3479.
-, -, -, underclerk of Parliament, 185, 1583.
-, -, Wm., underclerk of Parliament, his fee, p. 875.

Ormond, county of, 1366.
-, -, Sir Piers Butler calls himself Earl of, 1269.
-, -, Thomas Lord, 825, p. 1441.
-, -, -, in Parliament, 1131.
-, -, -, deceased, 1230, 1277.
-, -, Lord, his livery, p. 1488.

"Ortwini Prognostica," 2727.

Orval (Dorval), Mons. d', governor of Champagne, 2973.
-, -, -, ambassador from France to Charles of Castile, 2444, 2484, 2560, 2585, 2761.
-, -, -, reported to be leading troops against Tournay, 3068, 3076.
-, -, -, proposed marriage between his second daughter and Prince of Orange, 3646.
-, -, -, meets the English ambassadors in France, 4613, 4617, 4628, 4638, 4639, 4652.

Orwell, the, (river,) 3192.
-, -, Rob., of Kenilworth Abbey, 2421.

Osbaldeston, John, in com. for Oxon, 674.
-, -, Wm., of Leicester, tailor, 3919.

Osborn, Gerard, vintner of Tournay Castle, letter from, 3321.
-, -, Ric., protection to, 4296.

Ose, Mons. de. See Aussy.

Osnaburgh (qu. for Augsburg?), diet to be held at, 4246.

Ospring, Kent, hospital of, called "le Meason Dieu," 1647.
-, -, -, -, proposed union with St. John's College, Camb., 2194, 4183.

Ostia, Raphael Cardinal, Bishop of. See St. George, Raphael Cardinal of.

Ostinghanger, letter dated at, 3244.

Oston, J., 2737.

Otermouth, Devon, 79.

Otford, Kent, 4348, p. 1451.
-, -, -, the King at, p. 1465.
-, -, -, the Abp. of Canterbury's place at, 4333.
-, -, -, letters dated at, 2074, 2196, 2367, 3386, App. 46.
-, -, -, Privy Seals, &c. dated or delivered to the Chancellor at, 9, 15, 19, 504, 704, 791, 792, 793, 797, 800, 801, 804, 805, 806, 811, 815, 816, 817, 822, 835, 837, 843, 844, 854, 859, 860, 864, 867, 878, 881, 3391.

Otley, Th., chaplain, presentation, 316.
-, -, -, grocer, protections to, 1526, 1550, 2951.

Otrechi, Dr., 2301.

Otterburn, [Northumb.,] p. 469.
-, -, Adam, 4677.

Ounfray, Philip, p. 1510.

Outlawry, Act concerning, 119.
-, -, reversals of, 364, 376.

Outlawries, fines of, p. 1458.

Outrede, Outright. See Ughtred.

Ovenell, Kent, 4391.

Over, [Camb.,] 901.

Overay, Walter, 4654.

Over Bernton, Scotland, 4677.

Overcompton, Devon, 2518.

Overende, Earl of, at war with the Duke of Gueldres, 564, 1782.

Overeys, prior of, App. 48.

Overeytington, Worc. dioc., chantry of, 316.

Overstone, Northt., 3036.

Overton, Guthlac, gent. usher to the King, 2735.
-, -, -, assessor of the Duchy of Cornwall, 4286.
-, -, -, grants to, 351, 620.
-, -, John, pewterer, protection to, 3637.

Ovyrlynge or Overlingen, in Swabia, 1392, 2315, 2536.
-, -, -, letters dated at, 1318, 2104, 2531.

Owen, Sir David, present at the christening of Princess Mary, 1573.
-, -, -, the King's carver, 3446; his fee, p. 873.
-, -, -, in com. for Sussex, 1160.
-, -, -, his signature, 4469, 4475.
-, -, Sir Hen., the King's sewer, 2735.
-, -, -, at a banquet at Greenwich, 3446.
-, -, -, in embassy to France, 4409.
-, -, Ric., 602, 921.
-, -, Th. Ap. 1821, 2058.

Owoode, coppice called, in Droitwiche, Worc., 517.

Owter, Cornelius, shipmaster, 68.

Oxenbridge, Mistress, her wages, p. 1443.
-, -, Sir Edw., in com. for Sussex, 161.
-, -, (Oxonbrige), Sir Godard, 1641, 3446.
-, -, -, in com. for Sussex, 1160.
-, -, -, sheriff of Surrey and Sussex, 2533.

Oxford, town of, 1851, 2509, 4124, p. 1452.
-, -, -, repairs on the highways, p. 1451.
-, -, -, subsidy from, 1371.
-, -, -, commission of the peace for, 2292.
-, -, fair held in Austin Friars at, 4125.
-, -, sweating sickness at, 4125, App. 56.
-, -, gloves of, p. 1454.
-, -, Benedictines of, App. 33.
-, -, Friars Minors of, annuity to, 1141 (ii), p. 875.
-, -, Friars Preachers of, annuity to, 1141 (iii)
-, -, White Friars of, their church, p. 1455.
-, -, letters dated at, 934, 3770, 3909, 4080, 4171.
-, -, parish of St. Mary's in, 1075.
-, -, the Northgate of, 1075.

Oxford, university of, 2492.
-, -, -, letters from, to Wolsey, 934, 3770, App. 33, 54, 55, 56.
-, -, -, letters to, 4042, App. 46.
-, -, -, colleges in, viz. Canterbury, Oriel and Merton, 2597.
-, -, -, Corpus Christi college, licence to found, 2597.
-, -, -, college of St. Mary of Richmond at, founded by Henry VII., 3151; the building of, App. 48.
-, -, -, house of St. Frideswide's at, 2597, App. 48.
-, -, -, bedells of, p. 1451.
-, -, -, commissary of, 3770, 4125; Dr. Ligham, 2509.
-, -, -, a scholar of, reward to, p. 1473.
-, -, -, prior of the students in, App. 48.

Oxford, county of, 3807.
-, -, -, subsidy from, 1371.
-, -, -, inquisition as to imparcations in, 3297.
-, -, -, issues of, 1304, 1629.
-, -, -, lands in, 241, 630.
-, -, -, commission of the peace for, 674.
-, -, -, and Berkshire, sheriffs of, 1120, 1545, 2533, 3783, 4562.

Oxford Circuit. See Circuits.

Oxford, John de Vere, 13th Earl of, pp. 1451 bis, 1454.
-, -, -, -, his obligation, p. 1483.
-, -, -, -, late constable of the tower, p. 873.
-, -, -, -, his property, 697, 2172.
-, -, John de Vere, 14th Earl of, 2963.
-, -, -, -, in parliament, 1131.
-, -, Elizabeth, Countess of, wife of John 13th Earl, and widow of Viscount Beaumont, 697, 1363, 2172, p. 1098.

Oxoryo, Alvaro Peres de, a Spanish noble, 4702.

Oye. See Mark and Oye.

Oystre, York, 1695.