Index: P

Pages 1708-1724

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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Pace, Richard, Archdeacon of Dorset, secretary to Wolsey and the King, 629, 1066, 1266, 1447, 2396, 3923, 3963, 3976, 3999, 4040, 4407, 4413, 4421, 4424, 4491, App. 20*, 47.
-, -, -, at the diet at Zurich, p. 43.
-, -, -, executor of Cardinal Bainbridge, 151, 374; formerly his secretary, 1864.
-, -, -, reconciled with the Bp. of Worcester, 151.
-, -, -, coming to England from Rome, 273.
-, -, -, his connection with Erasmus, 1331, 2073, 2321, 2424, 3158, 3798, 3799, 3843, 3850, 3857, 3881, 3909, 3988, 3994, 4059, 4167, 4340, 4417.
-, -, -, sent to Switzerland, 1059, 1067, 1085, 1094, 1105, 1133, 1170, 1201.
-, -, -, his dangers on the road, 1100, 1137.
-, -, -, reaches the Emperor's court, 1136, 1146, 1161, 1231.
-, -, -, instructions to, 1065, 1095.
-, -, -, ambassador to Switzerland and the Emperor, 1179, 1189, 1240, 1241, 1280, 1318, 1331, 1336, 1341, 1355, 1357, 1358, 1377, 1398, 1399, 1404, 1413, 1422, 1476, 1481, 1482, 1483, 1484, 1485, 1486, 1491, 1522, 1551, 1552, 1581, 1592, 1603, 1696, 1697, 1736, 1752, 1774, 1775, 1776, 1792, 1794, 1799, 1813, 1864, 1871, 1877, 1881, 1884, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1906, 1909, 1914, 1932, 1933, 1937, 1942, 1943, 1964, 1965, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1989, 1998, 2002, 2010, 2011, 2052, 2064, 2075, 2099, 2113, 2114, 2115, 2145, 2155, 2166, 2167, 2214, 2215, 2220, 2228, 2231, p. 685, p. 688, 2249, 2276, 2286, 2310 (ii.), 2329, 2385, 2406, 2415, 2441, 2482, 2528, 2531, 2568, 2589, 2601, 2602, 2783, 2878, 2914, 3039, 3071, 3072, 3358, 3417, 3773, App. 19, 28; his diets, pp. 1470, 1472, 1474, 1475.
-, -, -, his authority doubted for want of credentials, 1258, 1298, 1342, 1343; called a "false Spaniard" by the French, 1244.
-, -, -, prevents a treaty between the French and Swiss, 1281.
-, -, -, instructions by, 1469.
-, -, -, requests money for the Swiss, 1564.
-, -, -, his disagreement with Sir Rob. Wingfield, 1565, 1566, 1567, 1582, 1775, p. 633, 2277, 2319; the King orders them to lay aside their disputes, p. 661.
-, -, -, commissioned to treat for confederation with Leo, Max., and the Swiss, 1574 (ii.)
-, -, -, his connection with Galeazzo Visconti, 1561, 1565, 1593, 1816, 1880, p. 555, 1983, 2040, 2045, 2076; commends him, 1564, 1566; alters his opinion of him, 4015.
-, -, -, his audiences with the Emperor, 1593, 1609, 1633, 1634, 1644, 1721, 1752, 1909, 2076, 2089, 2100, 2104.
-, -, -, and Galeazzo, kept by the Swiss as hostages for their wages, 1721, 1754, 1885; in danger of his life, 1799, 1854; imprisoned, 1877.
-, -, -, his signature to acquittances forged by Wingfield, 1813.
-, -, -, at variance with Sion, 1817, 2045, 2055.
-, -, -, money sent to, pp. 1470, 1472, 1482 note.
-, -, -, refuses to advance money to the Emperor, 1892 (iii.), 1896, 2034, 2046, 2076, 2090; threatened with death, p. 650.
-, -, -, his illness, 1892 (iii.), 1896, 1909, 2187.
-, -, -, disliked by the Emperor, 1896, 2076, 2095, 2157, 2178, 2201, 2232, 2277, 2668; ordered to leave his court, 2070, 2077, 2090.
-, -, -, Sion attributes the misconduct of affairs to, 2040.
-, -, -, made King's secretary, 2018, p. 633, 4020, 4340.
-, -, -, Wingfield envious at his advancement, 2177.
-, -, -, offers the Swiss a yearly pension of 20,000 angels, p. 650, 2154.
-, -, -, instructed to treat with the Pope, 2178.
-, -, -, wishes to return home, 2277.
-, -, -, the Bastard of Savoy's intrigues against, 2496.
-, -, -, attempt of the French to poision, 2516, 2517.
-, -, -, commissioned to treat with the Swiss, 2519.
-, -, -, offered safe passage through France, 3247.
-, -, -, dedicates his book "De Fructu" to Colet, 3765, 4128.
-, -, -, recalled from Switzerland, 3885; in England, 3896, 3954.
-, -, -, grant of arms to, 3941.
-, -, -, his influence with the King, 3982, 4020.
-, -, -, his book "Conclusiones de Veniis Pontificum," etc., 3990, 3991, 4514.
-, -, -, Erasmus displeased with his tract "De Utilitate Studiorum," 4005, 4007, 4270.
-, -, -, his proposed return to Switzerland, 4014, 4023, 4057, 4058, 4071, 4082, 4085.
-, -, -, Pope grants a brief for, 4046, 4139.
-, -, -, reported to be in Switzerland, 4218.
-, -, -, his illness at London prevents his going to Switzerland, 4228, 4244, 4277, 4360.
-, -, -, his oration before the King and French ambassadors, 4481, 4559.
-, -, -, letters from, 100, 1065, 1066, 1067, 1077, 1100, 1135, 1162, 1178, 1188, 1224, 1225, 1244, 1258, 1327, 1345, 1466, 1467, 1470, 1480, 1489, 1490, 1561, 1564, 1566, 1567, 1598, 1609, 1618, 1634, 1718, 1721, 1729, 1746, 1747, 1754, 1816, 1817, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1896, 1923, 1924, 1931, 1964, 2003, 2008, 2015, 2016, 2024, 2034, 2042, 2046, 2047, 2070, 2076, 2089, 2100, 2106, 2133, 2152, 2187, 2277, 2299, 2300, 2334, 2350, 2366, 2411, 2428, 2431, 2473, 2495, 2496, 2516, 2562, 2565, 2567, 2586, 2587, 2591, 2616, 2659, 2675, 2798, 3051, 3089, 3090, 3168, 3247, 3248, 3276, 3326, 3463, 3523, 3557, 3578, 3615, 3628, 3693, 3721, 3722, 3724, 3747, 3765, 3859, 3985, 4014, 4023, 4024, 4025, 4034, 4043, 4044, 4045, 4046, 4055, 4057, 4058, 4059, 4060, 4061, 4070, 4071, 4072, 4074, 4075, 4082, 4083, 4085, 4089, 4257, 4266, 4275, 4276, 4288, 4293, 4308, 4320, 4326, 4331, 4335, 4346, 4512, 4680, 4682, App. 23, 29, 37.
-, -, -, letters to, 1328, 1542, 1594, 1753, 1942, 1943, 1965, 1984, 2030, 2035, 2043, 2056, 2082, 2083, 2084, 2151, 2178, 2301, 2387, 2388, 2442, 2615, 2636, 3158, 3590, 3798, 3843, 3880, 3990, 4020, 4053, 4068, 4084, 4128, 4167, 4360, 4379, 4417, 4514, 4559.
-, -, -, his handwriting, 993, 2012, 2043, 2046, 2047, 2070, 2111, 2299, 2300, 2301, 2412, 2517, 2591, App. 23.
-, -, -, his signature, 4469, 4475.
-, -, -, his servant. See Cotton, Th.

Packman. See Pakeman.

Padilla, Don Garcia de, one of Charles's ministers in Spain, 3937.
-, -, John de, usurps authority in Spain, 3078.

Padua, 463, 624, 641, 652, 1266, 1383, 1392, 1592, 1864, 1982, 2003, 2010, 2061, 2673, 3163 note, 3448.
-, -, the Venetians fortifying, 131.
-, -, De Cornariis appointed bishop of, 3040.

Page, Hen., yeoman of the bottles, 2883.
-, -, -, at a revel, p. 1507.
-, -, Sir Ric., gentleman of the chamber, 2735.
-, -, Wm., his obligation, p. 1488.
-, -, -, a rioter, his obligation, p. 1486.

Pagenham, Rob., clk. of controlment, App. 58, 10.

Painter, John, sent to Sir J. Style in Spain, p. 1456.

Paisley, (De Pasleto,) Robert abbot of, 464.

Pakeman, John, horseman at Tournay, p. 1514.
-, -, -, rebel at Tournay, 1509, App. 16.
-, -, -, his confession, 1510 (ii.)
-, -, -, hanged, 1894.
-, -, Th., and Ellen his wife, livery of lands for, 4624.

Pakenham, Nich., his obligation, p. 1486.

Pakington, John, his obligation, p. 1485.
-, -, -, collector of aids, 361.
-, -, -, in com. for Glouc., 713, 1213.

Palatine, Count, 438, 1434, 1479, 2244, 2416, 2891, 3427, 3456.
-, -, -, going into Spain with Charles, 1608.
-, -, -, to marry the daughter of Gonsalvo Ferrandes, 3605, 3641.
-, -, -, dismissed the court of Charles for making love to his sister Eleanor, 3608, 3641, 3646.
-, -, -, married to the sister of Duke William of Bavaria, 4117.
-, -, -, proposed marriage with Lady Eleanor, 4172.

Paleotti, _, a friend of Erasmus, 4340.

Palermo, in Sicily, insurrection at, 3646.
-, -, -, archbishopric of, 4218.
-, -, -, Archbishop of. See Besançon, Dean of,

Palestine, (Holy Land,) 313.
-, -, -, proposed crusade to recover, 3815, 3823, 3830.

Palgrave, John, M.A., schoolmaster to Mary of France, 295, 3486, 3659, 3831, pp. 1459, 1460.

Palice, La, letters dated at, 4193, 4194.
-, -, Lord de la, Marshal of France, 32.
-, -, -, ambassador in Flanders, 577, 581.
-, -, -, French captain in Italy, 839, 1509, 1697, 1746, 2045.
-, -, -, going to Switzerland, 3317.
-, -, -, sent to aid the Pope, 3550.

Pallavicini, the, [an Italian family,] 2045.

Pallavicino, Ant. See Palvoisin.
-, -, Jo. Bapt., made Cardinal, 3495 (ii.)
-, -, -, -, letter from, 3447.

Pallet, Wm. See Paulet.

Palmer, _, at revels, pp. 1498, 1504, 1507.
-, -, Edw., in com. for Sussex, 1160.
-, -, John, justice of gaol delivery, 1145.
-, -, -, late bailiff of Yarmouth, 3425; licence to exercise that office, 3601.
-, -, Marg., and her brothers and sisters, p. 1463.
-, -, -, Pedro de, of Seville, 2295.
-, -, Ric., 3436.
-, -, Rob., licence to, 2103.
-, -, Th., feodary of the honour of Richmond, 3187.
-, -, -, grant to, 3663.
-, -, Th., at Tournay, 4380, p. 1514.
-, -, Wm., sent to Flanders, his diets, p. 1480.

Palmes, Mr., p. 1443.
-, -, Brian, serjeant-at-Law, 236.
-, -, -, on the Midland Circuit, 1474, 1537, 2163, 2919, 3467, 3949, 4317.
-, -, -, on the Northern Circuit, 155, 693.
-, -, -, in com. for city of York, 640.

Palmes, Brian, son and heir of Guy, a minor, 3792.
-, -, Guy, on the Midland Circuit, 99, 181, 1474, 1537, 2163.
-, -, -, in com. for Berks, 202, 430, 1247; Derby, 74, 518; Hants, 170, 670; Leic., 1213; Linc., 789; Northt., 694, 1213; Warw., 1302.
-, -, -, deceased, 3792.
-, -, Joan, widow of Guy, grant to, 3792.

Palshide, Ric., 710.

Paludanus, Johannes, a friend of Erasmus, 2540, 2773, 3653.

Palvoisin (Pallavicino), Ant. Marie, Marquis, French ambassador at Rome, 1111, 1685, 1686, 1741.
-, -, -, letters to, 1669, 1670, 1680, 1700.
-, -, -, -, his secretary. See Thomas, Jean.

Pamber Forest, Hants, 3500.

Pamington, Glouc., provost of, 1074.

Panatry, Th., bedell of Oxford University, p, 1451.

Panell (or Paynell), Geoff., in com. for Northt., 495, 695; for Linc., 789; for Norf., 3038 (here called Pavell).
-, -, Ralph., temp. Hen. I. (?), 4537.

Paniter, Patrick, Abbot of Cambuskenneth, secretary to James V. of Scotland, 27, 1938, 2485, 3706, 3707, 4241, 4647.
-, -, -, -, Henry VIII.'s letter in behalf of, 90.
-, -, -, -, imprisoned by Albany, 788.
-, -, -, -, licensed to alter the foundation of the house of Montrose, 2549; master of that house, 3254.
-, -, -, -, bulls against, obtained by Dundas, 2800.
-, -, -, -, ambassador to England, 3583.
-, -, -, -, ambassador at Paris, 4666.
-, -, -, -, his vow to visit Rome, 4695.
-, -, -, -, petitions for a dispensation, 4696, 4697.
-, -, -, -, letters from, 86, 87, 88, 89, 2128, 4698.
-, -, -, -, letters to, 4081, 4386.
-, -, -, -, his signature, 464.

Pannall, Yorkshire, 699, 973.

Pantaleo, M., servant of [Cardinal Bainbridge], 2187.

Panton, Nich., clk., 497.

Pantre, John, of the Scotch Borders, 3393 (i.)

Para ..., Johannes Fruticenus, letter from, 313.

Parafrancia, friend of Cardinal Sion, 1328. See preceding entry.

Paris, 29, 113, 114, 124, 133, 134, 136, 160, 203, 215, 242, 263, 264, 335, 344, 345, 395, 399, 412, 447, 946 (2), 1227, 1265, 1284, 1413, 1453, 1468, 1479, 1496, 1554, 1581, 1835, 1837, 1855, 1895, 1904, p. 555, 1516, 2027, 2189, 2248, 2417, 2423, 2505, 2612, 2619, 2671, 2744, 2745, 2761, 2952, 2962, 2973, 2974, 3007, 3048, 3088, 3099, 3174, 3193, 3367, 3614, 3680, 3818, 3823, 3826, 3831, 3856, 3968, 3993, 4026, 4158, 4406, 4580, 4617, 4638, 4680, pp. 1441, 1443, 1448.
-, -, French Queen at, 3141, 3234, 3968, App. 6*, 43**.
-, -, Swiss embassy at, 3048 (ii.)
-, -, English spies at, 3120.
-, -, the Duke of Albany at, 3548, 3940.
-, -, churches of, laid under interdict, 3550.
-, -, seditious assemblies at, 4077.
-, -, English ambassadors at, 114; banquet at the Bastille in their honour, 4674, 4675.
-, -, cathedral of Notre Dame, 4649, 4661, 4678.
-, -, Saincte Chapelle, treasurer of the, 3234.
-, -, college of Lombards, letter dated at, 3684.
-, -, governor of, 4154.
-, -, parliament of, 1509, 3314, 3550, 3818, 4154, 4492.
-, -, -, president of. See Prat, Anthoine du; Guillard, Lewis, his father.
-, -, -, presidents of, 3823, 4613.
-, -, the avocats of, 3703.
-, -, the lords of, 3314.
-, -, university of, 1855, 3314, 3703, 3818.
-, -, -, procureur of, imprisoned, 3314.
-, -, -, its dispute with Francis I., 4153, 4154.
-, -, -, scholars of, farce acted by, 2973.
-, -, treaty of, renewed by the treaty of Noyon, 2272.
-, -, letters, &c. dated at, 16, 80, 106, 132, 136, 138, 139, 140, 144, 146, 157, 159, 163, 172, 173, 174, 176, 177, 178, 179, 183, 184, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 204, 214, 222, 230, 231, 240, 244, 245, 253, 267, 273, 276, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 304, 305, 306, 318, 319, 327, 343, 369, 437, 584, 946, 1825, 1936, 1990, 2877, 3029, 3263, 3543, 3830, 3968, 4063, 4128, 4305, 4360, 4379, 4408, 4421, 4422, 4456, 4559, 4581, 4591, 4596, 4597, 4644, 4649, 4652, 4655, 4661, 4663, 4664, 4665, 4669, 4675, 4678, 4694, 4695, 4696, 4698, 4699, App. 4, 5, 7.

Paris, Stephen Poncher Bishop of, 29, 3987, 4154, 4652, 4664, p. 1478, App. 10.
-, -, -, ambassador to Flanders, 344, 577, 581, 609, 1825, 1848.
-, -, -, commissioner at Noyon, 2165.
-, -, -, sent to take Emperor's oath to the treaty of Noyon, 2721, 2761, 2767, 2803, 2804, 2813, 2866, 2891, 3887.
-, -, -, negotiating a meeting between Max. and Fras. I., 2921.
-, -, -, present at the ratification of the treaty of Cambray, 3163 note.
-, -, -, commissioned to treat for surrender of Tournay, &c., 3701, 3714, 3723, 3739, 4135, 4351, 4353, 4360, 4379, 4381, 4396, 4405, 4409, 4413, 4422, 4453, 4457, 4481, 4564 (9), 4649, 4655, 4669 (2), p. 1477, App. 51, 52.
-, -, -, in England, 3788.
-, -, -, sends his secretary over to Wolsey, 4063, 4064, 4166.
-, -, -, his signature to the treaties, 4470, 4471, 4475, 4476, 4477, 4483.
-, -, -, takes his oath to them, 4480, 4484.
-, -, -, Henry VIII.'s presents to, 4491, p. 1476.
-, -, -, interviews with the Venetian ambassador, 4466, 4491.
-, -, -, expences of his and his colleagues' entertainment, 4549.
-, -, -, returns to France, 4559, 4580.
-, -, -, entertains the English ambassadors in Paris, 4661.
-, -, -, letters from, 3701, 4063, 4166, 4255, 4339, 4401, 4479, 4580.
-, -, -, letter to, 25.
-, -, -, his chaplain, 4174, p. 1478.

Paris Garden, p. 1466.

Paris, John, justice of gaol delivery, 844.
-, -, -, sheriff of Camb. and Hunts, 1120.
-, -, Philip, in com. for Camb., 4312.
-, -, Ric., late constable of Berwick, protection to, 4534.
-, -, -, yeoman of the ordnance, p. 1512.

Park, Hugh, clk., 605.

Parker, John, captain at Tournay, p. 1514.

Parker (Perker), Master, 4183.

Parker, Harry, Esq., 4183.
-, -, Hen., gent. usher to the King, 2735.
-, -, -, page of the Chamber, 2735.
-, -, -, his obligation, p. 1487.
-, -, -, Hugh, yeoman of the Chamber, grant to, 2624.
-, -, -, yeoman of the Crown, his fee, p. 876.
-, -, -, payments to, pp. 1466, 1473.
-, -, John, Abbot of Chertsey, his obligation, p. 1486.
-, -, John, yeoman of the Wardrobe, 2735.
-, -, -, yeoman of the Crown, p. 876.
-, -, -, yeoman of the Crossbows, 2945.
-, -, -, -, grants to, 1715, 3176.

Parker, Margery, rocker to Princess Mary, p. 1473.
-, -, Ric., commissioner, to enquire as to woollen cloths, 1018.
-, -, -, of the Buttry, annuity to, 2437.
-, -, Th., horseman at Tournay, p. 1514.

Parkham church, Exeter dioc., 195.

Parkin, Nich., 1369.

Parkyns, John, groom of the Chamber, 2735.
-, -, Wm., bowyer, of London, p. 1449.

Parliament, 118, 215, 297, 894, 1121, 1130, 1154, 1223, 1314, 3082, 3204, 4076. p. 1454.
-, -, Chamber of, at Westminster, 1335, p. 1462; a "disguising" in, p. 1490.
-, -, names of the lords of, 1131.
-, -, acts of, 119, 1803, 2118.
-, -, petition to the King in, 1315.
-, -, clerk of the. See Taylor, John.
-, -, speaker of the Commons in, 3433. See Sheffield, Sir Rob; Neville, Sir Th.
-, -, sub-clerk of the. See Ormeston, Rob.; Ormeston, Wm.
-, -, the Irish, 1366, 2963.
-, -, the Scotch. See Scotland, parliament of.

Parma, Italy, 8, 85, 107, 167, 1221, 1389, 1854, 1928, 2045, 2071, 2378, 2420, 2473, 2890, 3089.

Parpoynt. See Pierpoint.

Parre. See Aparre and Ap Harry.
-, -, Lady, 3958, 4364.
-, -, Matilda, wife of Sir Th., grant to, 1713.
-, -, Sir Th., knight of the body, 1759, 3446.
-, -, -, -, grants to, 867, 1713.
-, -, -, -, conducts the Queen of Scots through London, 1861.
-, -, -, -, on sheriff rolls for Warw. and Leic., 2533, 3783.
-, -, -, -, release of his recognizances, 2932, 3533.
-, -, -, -, in debt to the King, p. 1481; his obligation, p. 1485.
-, -, -, -, deceased, 3807, 3879.

Parr, Th., carrier of Derby, 2018.

Parre, Th., licence to, 3877.
-, -, Wm., in com. for Northt., 694, 1213.
-, -, -, grant to, 867.
-, -, -, in debt to the King, p. 1481 bis.
-, -, Sir Wm., in com. for Northt., 695.
-, -, -, at a banquet at Greenwich, 3446.
-, -, -, sheriff of Northt., 3783.
-, -, -, Justice of gaol delivery, 3898.
-, -, -, his obligation, p. 1487.
-, -, -, captain at Tournay, p. 1514.
-, -, Wm., son and heir of Sir Thomas, a minor, 3879.

Parry (or Pauye), James, exchanges a canonry at Tournay with Michael Parry, 3573.
-, -, -, letter of Marg. of Savoy for, 3700.

Parry, Michael, late confessor to Charles of Spain, 3573, 3700.

Parset, Mons. de, 4652.

Parshore, Worc., monastery of, 4295.

Partoun, Scotland, rectory of, 778.

Partridge, (Partriche,) _, the King's servant, p. 1458.
-, -, Th., sent to Flanders, p. 1459.
-, -, -, his obligation, p. 1490.
-, -, -, in com. for Staff., 2474.
-, -, -, grant to, 3793.

Parvyn, John, justice for Northampton, 1580, 2212, 3898.

Parwick (Perwiche), [Derby,] 1915.

Pascasius, _, of Tournay, 4158.

Pasch, Mr., 1954.

Pasfor, (?) John, of Tournay, signs memorial to Wolsey, 3323.

Pasleto, Robert de. See Paisley.

Pasqualigo, Laur., his obligations, p. 1485.
-, -, Peter, in England, 92, 100, 409, 410.
-, -, -, his interviews with Wolsey, 3082, 3204.
-, -, -, letters from, 395, 411.

Passamonte, letter from, 3871.

Passara, Martin de la, licence to, 1270.

Passau, Bishop of, 684.

Passerinus, Sylvius, datary, made cardinal, 3495 (ii.)

Pastilli, John, French notary, 428, 4649, 4655, 4669 (4 and 5).

Paston, Wm., 4624.
-, -, -, justice for East Dereham, 1204.
-, -, -, attendant on the King at a banquet at Greenwich, 3446.
-, -, -, sheriff of Norf. and Suff., 3783.
-, -, -, his obligation, p. 1490.

Pate, _, 1369.
-, -, (or Patey,) John, keeper of the wardrobe at Richmond, 1002; at Westminster, p. 874.
-, -, -, usher of the Exchange in the Tower, 3482.
-, -, -, annuity to, 3683.
-, -, -, grant to, 4497.

Patmer, Hen., draper, licence to, 2595.
-, -, -, merchant of London, 4606.
-, -, -, in debt to the King, pp. 1481, 1482.

Patryke, Th., his obligation, p. 1486.

Pattishall, Ric., com. to, 1455.

Patys, Ric., grant to, 3228.

Paulet, Sir Amias, 1236.
-, -, -, in com. for Somerset, 1220.
-, -, -, in debt to the King, pp. 1481, 1482.
-, -, Wm., to inquire as to imparcations, 3297.
-, -, -, sheriff of Hants, 4562; on sheriff rolls, 2533, 3783.

Paulet, Wm., junr., in com. for Hants, 170, 670, 3917.
-, -, See Poulett.

Paulo, John, p. 684.
-, -, Signor. See Gigli.

Pauncefote (Pauncefold), Hen., in com. for Wilts, 196, 1125, 1200.
-, -, John, of Hasfeld, Glouc., in com., 713, 1213.
-, -, -, -, murder of, 3960.

Paunchardes Cross, Cornw., 3838.

Pauson, Fras., p. 1481.

Pauye. See Parry.

Paver, Wm., his obligation, p. 1487.

Pavia, 1349, 1765, 1831, 4092.
-, -, French King at, 1006.

Pavilions, tents, &c., belonging to the King, account of, p. 1510.

Pavison, Wm., a captain at Tournay, reward to, p. 1465.

Pawne, Fras., son of Wm., 961, 3674.
-, -, Wm., 63, 651, 1780, 1798, 1866, 2584, 2622.
-, -, -, fortifying Berwick, pp. 1442, 1453, 1462; payments to, pp. 1467, 1471.
-, -, -, payments to, for posts, pp. 1451, 1453, 1457, 1460.
-, -, -, receiver of Berwick, 973 (iii.), 2942, 2949.
-, -, -, commissioner for making the citadel at Tournay, 1082, 1655, 1940, 2236, 2260, 2383, 2693, 2902, 2926, 2972, 2984, 3056, 3065, 3098, 3886, 3907, 3912, 4251, 4607, 4617, 4631, p. 1470.
-, -, -, licence to, 1636.
-, -, -, one of the council at Tournay, 2236.
-, -, -, instructions for, 2819.
-, -, -, avener of the Household, 2949.
-, -, -, collector of tenths in province of York, 2949.
-, -, -, victualler of the north fleet, 2949.
-, -, -, grant to, 3505.
-, -, -, indentures received by him for Tournay, 3677, 3936, 4550.
-, -, -, security for John le Sellier, 3720.
-, -, -, letters from, 961, 1118, 1321, 1403, 2265, 4632.
-, -, -, letters to, 3746, 3791 (iii.), 4607 (ii.)
-, -, -, his wife, 3746.
-, -, -, his son. See Pawne, Fras.
-, -, -, his clerk, 4671. See Lovekin, Arthur.
-, -, Sir. Wm., in embassy to France, 4409.

Paxford, Ric., grant to, 442.

Paxston, on the Borders, 75.

Payments, the King's book of, pp. 1441–1480.

Payn, Wales, 582.
-, -, castle of, 4259.

Payne, Edw., his obligation, p. 1486.
-, -, Hugh, constable of St. Martin's, payments to, pp. 1469, 1471.

Payneley, Wm., yeoman of the Ordnance, p. 1512.

Paynell, Geoff. See Panell.

Payton, _, gentleman usher to Marg. of Scotland, p. 1475. See also Peyton.

Peace, Commissions of the. See the counties.

Peachy, captain Jerome, coming to England, 3316.
-, -, (Pecche), Sir John, knight of the Body, 930, 1060, 1153, 4326, pp. 1443, 1444, 1463, 1471.
-, -, -, takes musters, p. 1451.
-, -, -, in France, p. 1466.
-, -, -, loan to, from the King, pp. 1467, 1483 bis.
-, -, -, recognizances by, pp. 1483, 1484, 1488.
-, -, -, at revels, pp. 1504, 1507 ter.
-, -, -, grant to, 1031.
-, -, -, at Tournay, 1518.
-, -, -, at christening of Henry Earl of Lincoln, 1652.
-, -, -, at Calais, 3201.
-, -, -, at a banquet at Greenwich, 3446.
-, -, -, grants lands to the Grocers' Company, 4065.
-, -, -, his diets as ambassador in France, p. 1480.
-, -, -, -, in com. for Kent, 6, 677, 747, 1302, 3748, 4444.
-, -, -, on sheriff rolls, 2533, 3783.
-, -, -, his wages, pp. 1441, 1455, 1466.
-, -, -, letters from, 1689, 1977, 4637, 4666.
-, -, -, his signature, 4469, 4475.

Peanys. See Piennes.

Pearson (Pierson), Th., grant to, 1739.
-, -, Th., apothecary to Mary of France, his wages, p. 1442.

Peawsham. See Pewsham.

Pecche. See Peachy.

Pecke, John, shipmaster, 68.
-, -, (Peke), Ric., of Conway, 1273.

Peckham, _, the King's ward, p. 1488.
-, -, Reginald, in com. for Kent, 6, 677, 747, 1302, 3748.
-, -, -, son and heir of Th., 1031.
-, -, Th., 1031.

Pedington, Glouc., 4515.

Peiton. See Peyton.

Pekelesworth, Glouc., 1808.

Pexsale. See Pexall.

Pells, writer of the. See Uvedale, John.

Peloponnesus, the, invaded by the Turks, 3816, 3891.

Pelston, Sir Roger, 3489.
-, -, See Pilston.

Pemberton, Lanc., 4583.

Pemberton, Hen., his annuity, p. 877.
-, -, Roland, merchant, 466.

Pembridge, Heref., 4516.

Pembroke, S. Wales, 1804, 4506.
-, -, attorney general in, 3959.
-, -, sheriff of, 2452.

Pemsay, John, 4654.

Penago; Pennago. See Pinago.

Pengelle, John, an idiot, 1819.

Pengre, als. Bromfeld, Th., 481.

Penison, Wm., captain at Tournay, 1514, p. 1513.
-, -, See Penneson.

Penmarke, a ship of, depositions concerning, 3549.

Penn, Rob., gent. of the Chapel Royal, annuity to, 1148 (called "Sir" by mistake).

Pennant, Edw., p. 877.
-, -, (or Pennatus), John, of the English hospital at Rome, 2446, 2888.
-, -, -, candidate for the mastership of the English hospital, 2895.
-, -, -, letter from, 972.

Penne, manor of, Somers., 3479.

Pennergoly and Penneallt, in Trillik, marches of Wales, 4585.

Penneson, _, man-at-arms of Calais, 4406. See also Penison.

Pennington, _, servant of Cardinal Wolsey, 3446.
-, -, Adam, 523.
-, -, -, his obligation, p. 1487.
-, -, -, grant to, 4592.

Pennington, Adam, p. 1487.
-, -, Anne, wife of Wm., 4634.
-, -, Sir John, his obligation, p. 1484.
-, -, John, of Molkaster, Cumb., 524.
-, -, -, -, his obligation, p. 1484.
-, -, John, s. and heir of Wm., 4634, p. 1487.
-, -, Wm., and Anne his wife, deceased, 4634.

Penrey, Edw., in debt to the King, p. 1482.

Penrith, Cumb., stewardship of, 4541.
-, -, -, farm of, 596.
-, -, -, castle of, 1487, 1674.
-, -, Cornw. See Penwith.

Penrose, Ric., in com. for Cornw., 363, 504, 704.
-, -, -, grant to, 4539.

Pentney, priory of, Norf., 2240.
-, -, prior of, 2998.

Penwith (Penrith), Cornw., stannary of, 620.

Penzance, Cornw., 675.

Perault, _ de, in the French embassy to England, 4409.

Perchey, (misprinted Perckey,) Walter, inspeximus for, 3466.

Percival, Th., servant of Lord Mountjoy, 1082.

Percy, Allen, master of St. John's College, Cambridge, 4183.
-, -, Lady Anne, payment to, p. 1443.
-, -, -, her marriage, p. 1449.
-, -, Geo., lieut. of the Marches, 1365.
-, -, Posselen, the King's cupbearer, wages, p. 1461.
-, -, Sir Wm., of Sutton-on-Derwent, York, his obligation, p. 1487.
-, -, -, late sheriff of Yorkshire, 3346.
-, -, -, -, release to, 419.
-, -, -, -, in commission, 4250.

Perepoint. See Pierpoint.

Perier, Christ. de, merchant of Bean, his obligation, p. 1486.

Perington, Wm., gent. usher to the King, 2735.

Perker. See Parker.

Perkyns, Ric., literatus of Worc. dioc., 129.

Pero, the King's French cook, wages, p. 1441.

Peronne, French troops at, 1599 (i. ii.), 3367.
-, -, Charles of Spain renounces his claim to, 2640.
-, -, Francis I. at, 2804, 2973.

Perosa. See Perugia.

Perot, Sir Owen, and Katharine his wife, grant to, 1919.

Perpignan, 4505.
-, -, proposed meeting of Charles and Francis at, 4205.

Perre, Sir Th. See Parre.

Persia, King of, 2457, 3375, 3816. See also Ismael Sophi.

Persian Gulf, the, 2362.

Perte, Rob., payment to, p. 1456.

Perth (St. Johnstoun), 50, 51, 60, 66, 2313.
-, -, letters dated at, 31, 43, 44, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51.

Perugia, attacked by the Duke of Urbino, 3277, 3283, 3307, 3344.
-, -, Messire Malatesta, "ballion" of, 1678.

Perwiche. See Parwick.

Pery, Th., of Sturmister, Dorset, 2480.

Peryaunt, als. Purion, Hen., pardon for, 580.

Peryent, John, grants to, 602, 921.
-, -, (Puryent), Th., on sheriff rolls for Essex and Herts, 1120, 2533.

Perys, Maria de Savada, 4108.

Pesaro (Pisaurum), in the duchy of Urbino, 2045, 2056, 2079, 2081, 3085, 3111, 3276, 3283.

Pescara, (Pyskayre, Pischeira,) Italy, 1266, 1377, 1684, 1736, 2045, 2386, App. 23.
-, -, -, taken by Barth. d'Alviano, 1097.
-, -, -, burnt by the French and Venetians, 1697, 1698, App. 23.
-, -, -, French and Venetians at, 2244.
-, -, Marquis of, 684, 3344.

Peter the One-eyed, a friend of Erasmus, 2000, 2001, 2094, 2144, 2455 (?), 2492 (?), 2725 (?), 2941, 3339, 3408 (?), 3686, 3727, 3989, 3992.
-, -, -, See also Coclites, Peter.

Peter, Mr., 913.
-, -, an Almain, p. 1470.
-, -, John, musician to the D. of Ferrara, sent to England, 3744.

Peterborough, Northt., 695.
-, -, bridge of, 495.
-, -, monastery of, 4431.
-, -, Robert abbot of, 1444.
-, -, -, in com. for Northt., 695.
-, -, -, John, abbot of, in com. for Norf., 3038.

Petersfield, Hants, 186.

Peter's Pence, 1762.

Petie, John, minstrel, reward to, p. 1444.

Petit, Dorothy, 361.
-, -, John, 361, 747, 1302.
-, -, -, in com. for Kent, 6, 677.
-, -, Nich., son of Wm., 1199.
-, -, Wm., Francis I.'s confessor, 2877.
-, -, Wm., 1199.
-, -, Wm., a captain at Tournay, p. 1513.

Petrucci, the, an Italian family, 2171.
-, -, Alfonso, Card. St. Theodore, 3356 (?), imprisoned for conspiring to poison the Pope, 3261, p. 1085, 3427.
-, -, -, -, degraded from the cardinalate, 3495 (ii.)

Petruciis, _, made cardinal, p. 1111.

Petrus, M., consul of Middleburgh, sent to Albany, 4386.

Pettarre, Scotland, 4677.

Pette, John, secondary for the Pipe, his fee, p. 877.

Pevensey bridge, Sussex, 2164.

Peverell, _, the King's ward, p. 1485.

Pewsham, (Peawsham,) Wilts, 2054.

Pexhall, Master, 4183.
-, -, Ralph, in com. for Hants, 170, 670, 3917.

Peylston, John, annuity to, 3333.

Peyn, John, proctor for the priories of Wraxall, App. 14.

Peynier Ogierdurant, Sieur de, letter from, 3029.

Peyton, (Payton,) Sir Rob., p. 1486. See also Payton.
-, -, -, justice of gaol delivery, 1187.
-, -, -, in com. for Camb., 1196, 1311.

Pfeffercorn, _, his book against the Epistolæ Obscurorum Virorum, 2540.

Phasacreley, alias Brente, John, annuity to, 2955.

Phetiplace. See Fetiplace.

Pheux, the, Ireland, 1366.

Philinger. See Felinger.

Philip, King of Castile, 422, 1262, 2257, 2417, 2713, 3174, p. 1065.
-, -, -, his treaty with Henry VII., 2866, 2930, 2992.
-, -, -, Erasmus's panegyric on, 1999, 3413, 3864.

Philip II. King of France, p. 334.

Philip, Dr., chancellor of Cologne, letter from, 3456.

Philip, Eliz., silkwoman, pp. 1493, 1501, 1508.
-, -, Fras., 3446.
-, -, John, groom of the stable, grants to, 743, 1822, 2120.
-, -, Rob., child of the chapel, p. 1464.
-, -, Sir Th., appointed sheriff of Pembroke, 2452.
-, -, -, grant to, 2453.

Philippus, Jacobus, 1119.

Philips, John, revocation of protection to, 717.
-, -, alias Cogane, Ric., merchant, protection to, 3162.
-, -, Dr. Rowland, vicar of Croydon, pp. 1445, 1450, 1455, 1460.
-, -, Th., B. A., grant of a chantry to, 3903.

Philip's Norton, Somerset, 4144.

Philpot, Peter, on sheriff rolls for Hants, 1120, 4562.

Phipher, Jacob, a drumslade, p. 1468.

Phrysius, Johannes, mentioned by Erasmus, 3687.

Physicians, college of, London, grant of incorporation to, 4450.

Piacenza (Placentia), Italy, 8, 86, 107, 167, 482, 507, 1389, 1928, 2045, 2378, 2420, 2473.

Picard, Graunt John the, French captain at Cambray, 3048 (ii.)
-, -, alias Alexander, James, license to, 4095.

Picardy, 301, 2243, 3141, 3410, 3438, 3528, 4153, 4356, pp. 1445, 1470.
-, -, French troops mustering in, 399, 594, 3548, 4154.
-, -, German troops in pay of the French in, 3033, 3068, 3076, 3088, 3097, 3101.
-, -, report of ships preparing in, 3234.
-, -, Swiss troops in, 3593.
-, -, lieutenant of. See Piennes.

Pichard, John, soldier of Calais, pardon to, 4411.

Pickenham Wade, Norf., 3018.

Pickering, York, honor of, 3466.

Pickering Lith, York, 419, 3956, 4571.

Pickering, Sir Christ., of Killington, Westmor., 236.
-, -, -, cancel of his recognizance, 1899.
-, -, -, on sheriff roll for Cumb., 1120.
-, -, Lady, widow of Sir Christ., 4541.
-, -, Eliz., wife of James, daughter and heir of Sir L. Thirkeld, 1430.
-, -, James, 1430.
-, -, Th., 486.
-, -, Wenefrid wife of Wm., daughter and heir of Sir L. Thirkeld, 1430.
-, -, Wm., pardon to, 1430.
-, -, -, son and heir of Thomas, 486.
-, -, -, obligation for his livery, pp. 1487, 1489.
-, -, Sir Wm., Knight of the Body, 2735.

Piedmont, 1349, 1697, 3163 note.

Piennes (Peanes), Sieur de, 988, 2392.
-, -, -, conservator of the peace between England and France, 301.
-, -, -, lieutenant of Picardy, 1052, 1388.
-, -, -, at Terouenne, 3197.
-, -, -, his son Mons. de Baguene 1837.
-, -, -, -, the Bishop of Amiens, 4638, 4639.

Piero, Zuan, musician at Henry VIII's court, 3259.

Pierpoint, Rob., 152.
-, -, Th., in debt to the King, p. 1481.
-, -, Sir Wm., 152.
-, -, -, on sheriff roll for Notts. and Derby, 1120, 3783, 4562.
-, -, -, his obligations, pp. 1483, 1484, ter, 1486.

Piers, the King's barber, his wages, p. 1441.
-, -, John, prior of Chirbury, deceased, 4149.

Pierson. See Pearson.

Piesnes. See Piennes.

Pigo, Guillam, pewterer of Tournay, 3065.

Pigott, _, [master of Wolsey's chapel,] 4055.
-, -, _, executor of Marg. Countess of Richmond, 4183.
-, -, _, p. 1477.
-, -, _, his daughters the King's wards, p. 1486.
-, -, _, the King's serjeant, fray with Sir A. Windsor's servants, App. 38.
-, -, _, (Pecock,) serj., p. 38.
-, -, John, 1787.
-, -, Ric., servant of Wolsey, pardon to, 2838.
-, -, Rob., sheriff of Salop, 2533.
-, -, Th., licences to, 1760, 1778.
-, -, -, on the Midland Circuit, 2919, 3467, 3949, 4317.

Pikelidbrigge, Sussex, 2164.

Pikeman, Hen., the King's bowyer, payments to, pp. 1457, 1468; his fee, p. 875.
-, -, -, -, grants to, 1828, 3736.
-, -, -, -, his fee as a gunner, p. 876.
-, -, Th., bowyer, p. 1460.

Pykmer, _, at a revel, p. 1508.

Pile, John de, merchant of Florence, safeconduct for, 4148.

Pilkington, Arthur, in debt to the King, 3087.

Pillino, Jacob, merchant of Venice, licence to, 3502.

Pillith Forest, in Milleneth, marches of Wales, 1626.

Pilly, Bernard de, of Florence, 2953.

Pilston, Hen., his obligation, p. 1489.
-, -, John, his fee, p. 876.
-, -, Rob., presentation for, 1218.
-, -, See also Pelston.

Pilton, John, late prior of Barnstaple, 4269.

Pilyn, James, procurator for redemption of Christians seized by the Turks, 2057.

Pimpe, Hen., his company at Tournay, pp. 1512, 1513 bis, 1514.

Pinago, Hen., 3446.
-, -, -, harbour master in the duchy of Cornwall, 3499.
-, -, -, keeper of the King's goshawks, p. 1474.

Pinchbeck, Linc., 695, 2906.

Pinchbeck, Leonard, yeoman of the Crown, 3361.
-, -, -, grant to, 662.

Pinnock (Pynnoke), Th., his wages, p. 1468.

Pinson, Ric., the King's printer, his fee, p. 875.
-, -, -, grant to, 954.
-, -, -, -, payments to, pp. 1450, 1451, 1457, 1459, 1461, 1463, 1465, 1467, 1469, 1475.

Pipe, clerk of the. See Purdee, Wm.
-, -, comptroller of the. See Waleys, Rob.
-, -, secondaries for. See Cavendish, Th.; Pette, John.

Pipwell abbey, the King at, p. 1452.

Piracies, English and French, indenture concerning, 3520; commissioners concerning, 3762, 3766, 3772. See also Merchants.

Pirate, a Spanish, imprisoned in Ireland, 4019.

Pirates, commission respecting, 235.
-, -, English, 2507.
-, -, French, 826.
-, -, Scotch, 2059.
-, -, Turkish and Moorish, 2117.
-, -, in the Mediterranean, 1874.

Pirckheimer, Bilibald, 1471 note.
-, -, -, his translation of Lucian, 4280,
-, -, -, letters to, 1883, 4280.

Pirton, als. Piriton, Herts, 2146.

Pirton, Mr., in the retinue of Lord Abergavenny, 471.
-, -, Sir Wm., wages as spear of honour, p. 1464.
-, -, -, knight of the Body, 2735.

Pisa, 1106, 1242, 1284, 1874, 3163 note.
-, -, council of, 218, 1748.
-, -, Cæsar Archbp. of, letters from, 3319, 3341.

Pysayn, Lawrence and Hermeloi, p. 1481.

Pisaurum. See Pesaro.

Pisford, Wm., justice for Coventry, 1101.
-, -, -, hatter of Coventry, pardon to, 2606.

Pitts, John, clk., master of the hospital near Bedford, licence to, 4433.

Pius III., Pope, 3431.

Place (Palice?), Mons. la, 2560.

Placentia. See Piacenza.

Plaice, John, master of the ordnance at Berwick, 973.

Plague, the, in England See Sickness, the Sweating.
-, -, -, in France, 3703.
-, -, -, in Germany, 4203.
-, -, -, in Spain, 3692, 3705.

Planis, Gerard de, Lord de la Roche, [president of Prince of Castile's council], 8, 12, 29, 78, 981, 1434.
-, -, -, -, his brother-in-law, Earl of Tyrstaym, 2117.
-, -, John de, French ambassador in Scotland, 1, 248, 1681, 2505, 2612.
-, -, -, -, comes to England with the Scotch ambassadors, 1598 (vi. vii.), 1734, 1757, 1759, 1827, p. 1471.
-, -, -, -, sent to England by Albany, 2234, 2253, 2255, 2611.
-, -, -, -, letters from, 1477, 1598 (i.)
-, -, -, -, letter to, 1598 (ii.)

Plantagenet, Sir Arthur, mentioned as "Master Arthur," p. 1441.
-, -, -, wages as spear of honour, pp. 1460, 1464.
-, -, -, his annuity, p. 1464.
-, -, -, of Drayton, Hants, his obligation, p. 1489.
-, -, -, in com. for Hants, 670, 3917.
-, -, -, in embassy to France, 4409.

Playnys. See Planis.

Playter, Wm., in com. for Suff., 207.

Pleine. See Planis.

Plesaunce, manor of, in East Greenwich, 3837.
-, -, See Piacenza.

Plessiz de Ver, France, commission dated at, 4480.

Plommer. See Plummer.

Plompton Park [Cumb.?], 1084.
-, -, Northt. See Plumpton.

Plough, John à, alias Brewer, 1408.

Plummer, Christ., recognizance by, 3741.
-, -, -, the Queen's chaplain, 4072.

Plumpton (Plompton) Pyrie, als. Plumpton Hall, Northt., 1713.

Plymouth, Devon, 291, 3692, 4091, p. 1450.
-, -, -, customs of, 123, 461, 1217.
-, -, -, customers of, p. 1447.
-, -, -, comptroller of, 417.

Plympton Earl, Devon, bailiff of, 3430.

Po, the river, 1678, 1728, 1735, 1989, 2055, 2056, 2061, 2071, 2104, 2189, 2298, 2442, 2705.

Pocock, John, of Dover, App. 2.

Poer, Glouc., 1808.

Poinings. See Ponynges.

Pointz (or Poynes), Anth., spear of honour, wages, pp. 1460, 1464.
-, -, Sir Anth., 3446.
-, -, -, steward of Berkeley's lands, 3510.
-, -, -, grant to, 3511.
-, -, -, in embassy to France, 4409.
-, -, -, at a revel, 1507
-, -, Fras., squire of the Body, his fee, p. 874.
-, -, -, at a revel, p. 1510.
-, -, Sir Rob., to inquire as to imparcations. 3297.
-, -, -, steward of Berkeley's lands, 3510.
-, -, -, grant to, 3511.
-, -, -, in com. for Glouc., 713, 1213.
-, -, Th., in com. for Heref., 207, 719, 1192; for Glouc., 713, 1213, 3969.
-, -, -, on sheriff roll for Glouc., 1120.
-, -, -, squire for the Body, 2735.
-, -, -, hinders the reformators of the Cistercian Order, 3173.
-, -, -, to inquire as to imparcations, 3297.
-, -, Wm., in debt to the King, pp. 1481, 1482.

Poitou, Mons. de, in the French embassy to England, 4409.

Pokynhore, Nich., of Cornwall, his obligation, p. 1484.

Pol ..., Wales, 3298.

Polanco, Dr., imprisoned in Spain, 3078.

Poland, 3816.
-, -, in league against Turkey, 76.
-, -, threatened invasion of, by the Turks, 3781.
-, -, ambassadors from, to the Emperor, 1831; to the Pope (?), 1876.
-, -, (Poole), King of.. See Sigismund I.
-, -, Queen of, her death, 1070.

Pole, Dorset. See Poole.

Pole, Edmund de la, Earl of Suffolk, 124, 4201.
-, -, -, -, possessions forfeited by, 93, 94.
-, -, -, -, costs of his burial, p. 1461.
-, -, -, -, his daughter, pp. 1446, 1450.
-, -, -, -, his brother. See Pole, Ric. de la.

Pole, Richard de la, called "White Rose," 325, 326, 609, 742, 981, 1094, 1339, 1388, 1510, 1516, 1517, 1541, 1913, 1939, 1980, 2072, 2410, 2672, 2673, 2703, 2767, 2794, 3048, 3923, 4047, 4447, App. 16, 39; called Duke of Suffolk, 2419, 3550.
-, -, -, -, becomes a burgess of Metz, in Lorraine, 105.
-, -, -, -, residing at Metz, 399, 541, 809, 1163, 1299, 1317, 1478, 1479, 1553, 2081, 2244, 2275, 2419, 2585, 2721, 2766, 2840, 2846, 2926, 3108.
-, -, -, -, Albany's messenger goes to, 1299, 1665.
-, -, -, -, Francis I. promises him assistance to obtain the English crown, 1339, 1973, 2081 (ii.), 2113, 2671; supported by Francis, 2205, 4117, 4577.
-, -, -, -, likely to invade England, 1516.
-, -, -, -, report that Henry had sent-a man to kill him, 1581.
-, -, -, -, visits Francis, 1711, 1727, 1783.
-, -, -, -, sends a knight to Brussels, 1727.
-, -, -, -, spies employed against, 1783. 1822. See Alamire; Nagel.
-, -, -, -, going to France again, 1994.
-, -, -, -, in France, 2113, 2136, 2308, 3048 (ii.), p. 1254, 4577.
-, -, -, -, Francis proposes to send him to Scotland, 2767.
-, -, -, -, Sir George Nevill with, 3690.
-, -, -, -, his pension from France, 3690.
-, -, -, -, D'Isselstein offers to send him to England, 4057; Francis threatens to do so, 4071.
-, -, -, -, going to Denmark, 4201.
-, -, -, -, his chaplain, Sir William, 3690.
-, -, -, -, his porter, Th. Stanley, 3690.
-, -, -, -, his secretary, 2081 (ii.), App. 39.
-, -, -, -, his servant, William of the Stable, 1510.
-, -, -, -, his servant, Latimer, 2410.
-, -, -, -, his chief steward, Deryke Rede, 3690.

Pole, _, p. 1098.
-, -, Arthur, squire for the Body, his fee, p. 874.
-, -, -, in embassy to France, 4409.
-, -, -, payment to, p. 1479.
-, -, -, at revels, pp. 1507, 1508, 1510.

Pole, Edmund, at Cambridge, 2268.
-, -, Hen., son of Lady [Margaret], p. 1454.
-, -, -, his obligation, p. 1486.
-, -, Sir Hen., his obligation, p. 1486.
-, -, John, 3821.
-, -, John à, 4550.
-, -, Katharine, wife of Leonard, nurse to Princess Mary, annuities to, 3429.
-, -, Leonard, gent. usher to the King, 2735.
-, -, Dame Margaret, p. 1454.
-, -, -, costs of her board, p. 1442.
-, -, -, her obligation, p. 1486.
-, -, Oliver, in debt to the King, p. 1482.
-, -, -, of London, clk., his obligation, p. 1490.
-, -, Sir Oliver, at christening of Princess Mary, 3489.
-, -, Ralph, clk., 1246.
-, -, Reginald, the King's scholar, p. 1455.
-, -, -, presentation for, 3943.
-, -, Sir Ric., livery of his lands, p. 1486.
-, -, Ric., in com. for Glouc., 713, 1213.
-, -, -, in debt to the King, 3087, p. 1467.
-, -, -, usher of the Chamber, 3446.
-, -, -, grant to, 4349.
-, -, -, lord of misrule, p. 1473.
-, -, -, his wages, p. 1477.
-, -, Rob., protection to, 4292.
-, -, Th., p. 1447.
-, -, Wm., yeoman of the Crown, his fee, p. 876.
-, -, -, payments to, pp. 1447 bis, 1458, 1460, 1465.
-, -, -, serjeant-at-arms, with the Queen, p. 1460.
-, -, -, in debt to the King, p. 1482.
-, -, Sir Wm., 3446.

Pole Place, Berks, 57.

Polegrave. See Palgrave.

Polen, Vincent, falconer, p. 1475.

Politian, mentioned by Erasmus, 393.

Pollard, Lewis, in com. for Berks, 1247, 4445; for Cornw., 363, 504, 704; for Devon, 625, 709, 3485; Hants, 170, 670; Somerset, 1220; Wilts, 196, 1125, 1200.
-, -, -, on the Oxford circuit, 2919.
-, -, -, on the Western circuit, 155, 693, 1441, 1537, 2163.
-, -, _, p. 38.

Polle (Paul Zachtlevent), master of a ship of Amsterdam, 4201.

Pollesworth, Warw., 2918.
-, -, Wm., prior of Coventry, deceased, 2489, 2574.

Pollet. See Poulett.

Polsted, Th., 3932.
-, -, -, release to, 1150.

Polyblank. See Pullyblanke.

Polydore. See Vergil, Polydore.

Pomeroy, Sir Edw., knight of the Body, 2735.
-, -, -, in com. for Devon, 625, 709.
-, -, -, in debt to the King, p. 1482.
-, -, Gilles de, letter from, 288.

Ponatyer, Dagrymyll, in the French embassy to England, 4409.

Poncher, Stephen, Bp. of Paris. See Paris, Bp. of.

Ponder, Sir Wm. (sometimes called Richard), requests pardon, having been with De la Pole, 3048, 3060.

Pondormi (Pont de Remy), Anth. Crequy, Sieur de, 3097.
-, -, -, -, goes to Italy, 285.
-, -, -, -, going to Scotland, 1498, 1509.
-, -, -, -, his band in Artois, 3177, 3367.

Ponte, James de, in debt to the King, p. 1481.

Pontefract, prior of, App. 43.

Pontewe, Ralph, brigadier, p. 874.

Pontgibault, Sieur de. See Fayette, Anth. de la.

Ponthieu, seneschal de. See Fayette.

Pontioviere, Francis de Bordeaux Lord, sent to Scotland by Francis L., 2504, 2505.

Pontzetti, Ferdinandus, 3495 (ii.)

Ponynges, Sir Edward, of Westonhanger, Kent, K.G., 12, 29, 32, 85, 126, 165, 166, 586, 1163, 1296, 1496, 1514, 1541, 1995, 2018, 2236, 2353, 2363, 3872, 4594, App. 3.
-, -, -, payments to, pp. 1451, 1461, 1470, 1471, 1477 bis.
-, -, -, -, for repairs on Dover Castle, pp. 1451, 1456, 1458.
-, -, -, goes to Gelderland with troops (A.D. 1511), pp. 1451, 1452 ter.
-, -, -, ambassador to the Duchess of Savoy (A.D. 1513), pp. 1459, 1460.
-, -, -, ambassador to the Pope, p. 1467.
-, -, -, lieutenant of Tournay, 9, 148, 824, 1750, 1849, 2740, pp. 1512, 1513.
-, -, -, leaves Tournay, 83, 149, 150.
-, -, -, ambassador to Charles of Castile, 423, 499, 520, 534, 538, 679, 686, 701, 742, 757, 809, 820, 1161, 1239, p. 1467; returning to England, 904, 905.
-, -, -, sent to Tournay, p. 224.
-, -, -, commissioner to arrange a treaty with Charles of Castile and the Emperor, 1574, 1622, 1665, 1666, 1679, 1684, 1727, 1766, 1772, 1784, 1822, 1823, 1837, 1870, 1913, 1979, 1994, 2275, 2331, p. 1470.
-, -, -, Charles grants him a pension of 1,000 livres, 2223; receipts for money paid him, 2676, 3443; the pension mentioned, 3588, 4245 (ii.)
-, -, -, commissioner at Calais for settling disputes between English and French merchants, 3205, 3279, 3861, p. 1475.
-, -, -, commissioned to treat for surrender of Tournay, 4469.
-, -, -, comptroller of the Household, 9, p. 1457, App. 3, 58, 10; called "treasurer" by mistake, 3588.
-, -, -, warden of the Cinque Ports and constable of Dover Castle, 1379, 3526, 3541, 3632, 3636, 3642, 3650, 4401.
-, -, -, late Deputy of Ireland, 1704.
-, -, -, chancellor of the Order [of the Garter], 3091.
-, -, -, in com. for Kent, 6, 677, 747, 1302, 3748.
-, -, -, grants to, 1277, 4260.
-, -, -, letters from, 149, 478, 498, 519, 526, 568, 609, 649, 831, 858, 1668, 1706, 1755, 1764, 1824, 3244, 3371.
-, -, -, letters to, 539, 724, 738, 768, 1539, 1838, 2444, 2695, 3069, 3091, App. 21.
-, -, -, his signature, 147, 4469, 4475, p. 1514 bis.
-, -, -, his servant, Edw. Thwaytes, 2223, 3588.
-, -, Sir Th., the King's sewer, 2735.

Poole, Dorset, port of, 1184, 2197.
-, -, collector of customs in, 3947.
-, -, comptroller of, 1325.
-, -, searchers of, 804, 2780.
-, -, See also Ships.

Poole. See Pole.

Pooley, Geo., 3173.

Pope, the. See Leo X.

Pope, John, monk of Coventry, 3464.

Popenruyter, Hans, gunfounder of Mechlin, p. 1449.

Popley, John, chaplain, grant to, 3428.
-, -, W., p. 1478.

Poplyng, church of, near Calais, 141.

Poppyncourt, Jane, pp. 1471, 1502.

Porchester, Hants, pp. 1443, 1447.

Porchester Castle, p. 1454.

Porcyon (Porsen or Porsayn), Count of, nephew of Chievres, 1837, 2019, 4702.
-, -, -, proposed marriage with the daughter of Gonsalvo Ferrandes, 3605, 3641.
-, -, -, goes to Spain with King Charles, 3705; in Spain, 3874.

Port (or Porth), John, 1093.
-, -, -, in com. for Derby, 74, 518.
-, -, -, grants to, 1562, 4657.
-, -, -, the King's solicitor, his fee, p. 875.
-, -, -, clerk of the exchange in the Tower, 3024.
-, -, -, his wages, pp. 1441, 1475, 1479.
-, -, -, payments to, pp. 1459, 1464, 1473 bis, 1474, 1475, 1477.
-, -, -, his obligations, pp. 1486, 1490.

Portbury, church of, 3428.

Portcullis pursuivant, attending on the Pope's ambassador, p. 1464.
-, -, goes to Tournay, p. 1478.
-, -, See Fayre, Rob.

Porter, _, [the King's secretary,] his signature, 4467 (4, 5).
-, -, John, in com. for Somerset, 1220.
-, -, Ric., gunner, p. 1512.
-, -, Roger, his obligation, p. 1486.
-, -, -, in com. for Glouc., 713, 1213.
-, -, Th., prisoner in St. Martin's, pp. 1469, 1471.
-, -, Wm., deceased, 1338.
-, -, -, serjeant-at-arms, killed by G Throkmarton, 3922.

Porth, John. See Port.

Portinari, Guido, 3841.
-, -, -, protection to, 4148.
-, -, -, payments to, pp. 1441, 1443, 1448, 1449, 1502.
-, -, -, in debt to the King, pp. 1481, 1483.
-, -, -, his obligation, p. 1484.

Portman, John, in com. for Somerset, 1220.
-, -, -, to inquire as to imparcations, 3297.

Portocarriero, Don Grazia Lopez, 4702.

Portpole, Middx., 1778.

Portsmouth, 1650, 1688, 3952, pp. 1457 ter, 1488.
-, -, the King's ships at, pp. 1447, 1456.
-, -, the King at, p. 1457.

Portugal, 198, 540, 4228, 4244, 4246, 4282.
-, -, its relations with Charles of Castile, 3818, 3832, 3844, p. 1254, 4136, 4178.
-, -, its relations with Venice, 3230.
-, -, included in treaty between England and France, 4469.
-, -, ambassadors of, to England, 3218, 3230; presents to, pp. 1446, 1475.
-, -, -, to the Emperor, 286, 3059.
-, -, -, to the Pope, 1417, 1876.
-, -, -, to Charles of Castile, 2393, 3937, 4277, 4478, 4485.
-, -, ambassadors to, from Charles, 3076.
-, -, King of. See Emmanuel.
-, -, Mary Queen of, her obsequies celebrated at Brussels, 3246.
-, -, Eleanor, Queen of. See Eleanor.
-, -, Prince of. See John.
-, -, Don Frederick of, 3184.
-, -, Don Georgy of, 4702.

Portuguese, navigation of the, 2362.

Posterl, Peter, 1119.

Poston, [Heref.,] 2533.

Posts, the, in England, pp. 1444, 1451, 1452 bis, 1453, 1457, 1458, 1460 bis, 1462, 1463, 1464, 1466, 1472.
-, -, -, -, master of, p. 1454. See also Tuke, Brian.

Posts, master of the, in Flanders and Germany, 160, 981, 1095, 1096, 1097, 1388, 1393, 1419, 1468, 1599 (i. ii.), 1711, 1792, 1794, 1939, 2052, 2373, 2466, 2527, 2585, 2767, 4246, pp. 1470, 1474, App. 19.
-, -, -, -, letter to, 1554.
-, -, -, -, his nephew, 3064, 3076.
-, -, -, -, his servant, Jakes Hesbek, 1994, 2081, 2136, 2317, 3108.
-, -, -, -, See also Taxis.

Potkin, —, mentioned by Erasmus, 4052, 4520, 4523.

Potellys, Lord of, 32.

Poticary, als. Clarke, Wm., of Oxford, excommunicated, 2509.

Potnoll park, Windsor forest, 3971.

Pott, Thomas, executed for a riot in Northumberland, 4676.

Potter, Lancelot, soldier of Tournay, 1408.

Pottilberg, —, receiver-general of Flanders, 1388, 2921, 3108, 3212, 3546.

Poulett, Geo., captain at Tournay, pp. 1513, 1514.
-, -, Th., captain at Tournay, pp. 1513, 1514.
-, -, See Paulet.

Poulison, Abraham, of Burgundy, denization, 462.

Pound, John de, armorer, his fee, p. 874.
-, -, John, Somerset herald, p. 875.
-, -, Wm., in com. for Hants, 170, 670, 3917.
-, -, -, surveyor of the Bp. of Winchester's lands, 4540.
-, -, Wm., merchant of Brabant, 4549.
-, -, -, protection to, 3778.

Poundre, Wm., 1973.

Poussyme (?), De la, 1477.

Powder, Cornw., bailiff of, 765.

Powell, —, at a revel, pp. 1508, 1509 (? Arthur Pole).

Powell, Dr., rewards to, for preaching before the King, pp. 1445, 1474.

Power, John, messenger of the Chamber, wages, pp. 875, 1445, 1454.
-, -, -, protection to, 2086.

Powis, Edward and John, Lords. See Grey.

Pownde. See Pound.

Poxwell, Edw., grant to, 4030.

Poynes. See Pointz.

Poynynges. See Ponynges.

Pragmatic Sanction, the, (between the Pope and Francis I.,) 108, 109, 110, 1284, 1835, 2667, 2889, 2961, 3550, 3702, 3703, 3818, App. 35, 43**.

Prat, Anthoine du, Chancellor of France, 128, 139(?), 304, 437, 2610, 2761, 3163 note, 3330, 3702, 4091, 4655, 4661, App. 43*, 43**.
-, -, -, -, president of the parliament of Paris, 1414.
-, -, -, -, at Brussels, treating for peace with the Emperor, 1290, 1291, 1296, 1299, 1316, 1581, 1678, 1773, 1782.

Pratt, Isabella, pardon to, 2937.
-, -, Wm., 403.

Pray, manor of, [Herts,] 959.

Preda, Alberto de la, 1741.

Prégent (Pre John, Prester John), French captain, 2466, 2761, 3141.

Prego, Marquis of, 1581.

Preischueth, Wolfgang, sent to England by the Emperor, 4531.

Prendergast, on the Borders, 75.

Prestende, marches of Wales, toll of, 517, 4496.

Prester John, Christian King of Ethiopia, 2362, 3815.
-, -, See Prégent.

Prestgrave, Wm., his obligation, p. 1489.

Prestlande, John, his obligation, p. 1484.

Preston, lordship of, parcel of Warwick's lands, 3552.
-, -, church of, Linc. dioc., 1503.
-, -, Rutland, 3256.

Preston Laundy, co. Meath, 111.

Preston, Rob., goldsmith, 2957.

Prices of—
-, Account books, pp. 1441 ter, 1459, 1474, 1477.
-, Ale, pp. 1496, 1514, App. 58.
-, Almain rivets, pp. 1457, 1472, 1474.
-, Almonds, p. 1515.
-, Apparel, p. 38, p. 39, 3065, p. 1462.
-, Aqua vitæ, p. 39.
-, Armour, pp. 1466, 1467 bis, 1468, 1473, 1479.
-, Arras, pp. 1467, 1476.
-, Arrows, pp. 1457, 1478; cases and girdles for them, p. 1476.
-, "Ashen coppis," p. 1514.
-, Ash hoops, p. 1497.
-, Balances for weighing gunpowder, p. 1512.
-, Banners for trumpets, p. 1458.
-, Barley, pp. 39, 1515.
-, Barrels, App. 2.
-, Baskets, p. 1476.
-, Bedding, 4183.
-, Beef, mutton, &c., p. 1515.
-, Beer, 3065, p. 1462.
-, Bells, p. 1494.
-, Berries, p. 1515.
-, Billets, p. 1456, App. 2.
-, Billets for casting gunshot, p. 1511.
-, Boat hire, pp. 1455, 1469, 1473, 1479, 1493, 1504, 1506 bis, 1510, 1511, App. 2.
-, Bole armeniac, p. 1495.
-, Bonnets of Milan, p. 1509.
-, Bookbinding, pp. 1464, 1479.
-, Bowls, pp. 1446, 1454.
-, Bows, pp. 1446 bis, 1447, 1448, 1449, 1451, 1460, 1478, App. 2.
-, Bowstaves, p. 1474.
-, Brass, App. 2.
-, Bread, p. 1514, App. 58.
-, Bricks, 3849, 3867, 4464.
-, "Brodds" for ordnance, App. 2.
-, Buckram, pp. 1492, 1506.
-, "Butturs," App. 2.
-, Calves' skins, p. 1512.
-, Candles, 4108, pp. 1494, 1496.
-, Canvas, pp. 1494 bis, 1510, 1512, App. 2.
-, Cart hire, pp. 1478 bis, 1504, 1506, 1511, 1512.
-, Cattle, p. 1320.
-, Chains of gold, pp. 1442, 1453, 1465.
-, Chairs, 4183.
-, Charcoal, 3065, p. 1494, App. 2.
-, Chests, pp. 1441, 1456.
-, Chisels, App. 2.
-, Clay, App. 2.
-, Clock mending, p. 1466.
-, Cloth of gold, pp. 1442 ter, 1449, 1454, 1456, 145, 1464, 1504.
-, Cloth of gold tissue, pp. 1443, 1460.
-, Cloth, Holland, pp. 39, 1506.
-, Coal, 3867, 4108, pp. 1502, 1515, App. 2.
-, Coffer, p. 1448.
-, Coifs, p. 1495.
-, Comfits, long and small, pp. 38, 1515.
-, Copper, 4108.
-, Copper plates, p. 1511.
-, Cordage, App. 18.
-, Corn. See Wheat.
-, Cotton, Florence, p. 1505.
-, Cotton cloth, pp. 1491, 1493.
-, Crest cloth, pp. 1491, 1493.
-, Culverins, p. 1467.
-, Cushions, 4183.
-, Dairy produce, pp. 39, 40, 1515, App. 58.
-, Damask, pp. 1495, 1502 bis, 1504, 1506.
-, Damask gold, pp. 1503, 1504, 1506 bis, 1508, 1509, 1510.
-, Damask silver, p. 1510.
-, Damask water, p. 1515.
-, Darts, p. 1494.
-, Embroidery, pp. 1446 ter, 1456 bis, 1463, 1508.
-, Faggots, pp. 1514, 1515, App. 1.
-, Felts, p. 1497.
-, "Fine glase," p. 1515.
-, Fish, pp. 40, 41, 1515, App. 58.
-, Fishing net, p. 39.
-, Flail bands, p. 1515.
-, Flour, pp. 1494, 1496, 1499, 1515 bis.
-, Freight, pp. 1511, 1512 bis, App. 18.
-, Fringe, pp. 39, 1493, 1495, 1506.
-, Fruit, p. 1515.
-, Furs, 3065, pp. 1453 ter, 1474, 1479, 1491.
-, Fustian, pp. 39, 1491.
-, Garbage for horses, 3065.
-, Garters, p. 1494.
-, "General," pp. 1494, 1499.
-, Gilding, pp. 1446 bis, 1495, 1506.
-, Girths for horses, p. 1499.
-, Glue, p. 1494.
-, Goblets, pp. 1444, 1463.
-, Gold of Venice, p. 1508; fine gold, p. 1515; party gold, pp. 1497, 1499 bis, 1509, 1515.
-, Goldbeating, p. 1506.
-, Gold foil, p. 1494.
-, Grain, pp. 39, 1515.
-, Green foil, p. 1497.
-, Grindstone, a, p. 1504.
-, Gum Arabic, p. 1494.
-, Gunpowder, 4108, p. 1451.
-, Guns. See Ordnance.
-, Gunstones, p. 4108.
-, Hair for mortar, App. 2.
-, Hairbrushes, p. 1494.
-, Hairlaces, p. 1499.
-, Halberts and bills, 3065.
-, Handguns, p. 1456.
-, Handstaves for barriers, p. 1506.
-, Harness mill, a, p. 1467.
-, Hats (felt), p. 1491.
-, Hawk, p. 1458.
-, Hawsers for cranes, p. 1511.
-, Hay, p. 39, 4216, pp. 1478, 1515.
-, Herrings, 3632.
-, Hobby, a, p. 1447.
-, Honey, p. 1515.
-, Hooks and hangs, 4464.
-, "Horn bowtips," p. 1511.
-, Horses, p. 39, 254, p. 1452, App. 6; sumpter horses, p. 1475; a horse bard, p. 1465; horse harness, pp.39, 1499, 1503, 1511; horse hides, 1511, App. 2; horse hire, pp. 1443, 1478.
-, Hose, p. 38, p. 39, 3065, pp. 1499, 1508.
-, House rent, 3065, 4606, pp. 1476, 1479, 1494, 1511, 1512 bis. App. 2.
-, Ink, p. 38.
-, Iron, App. 2.
-, Iron shot, for guns, pp. 1454, 1476.
-, Jackets of the guard, pp. 1459, 1463.
-, Javelins, p. 1491.
-, Jewellery, pp. 1451, 1466, 1472, 1474.
-, "Kendal," p. 1504.
-, Kersey, p. 38.
-, Kirtle laces, p. 1499.
-, Knives, pp. 38, 39; Turkish, p. 1491.
-, Ladles for charging guns, pp. 1512, 1522, App. 2. See also "Organ ladles."
-, Ladle, a turned, p. 1494.
-, "Laten maylles," p. 1495.
-, Laths, 4464.
-, Lead, 2018, 3807, p. 1321.
-, -, white and red, pp. 1494, 1496.
-, Leather, p. 1511.
-, Leather shreds, for size, p. 1496.
-, Lights, white, p. 1515.
-, Lime and limeashes, 3849, 3867.
-, Linen, 4183, p. 1515.
-, Links, p. 1495.
-, Loam, 4464.
-, Lock, a, 4464.
-, Lozenges, gilt, p. 1515.
-, Manacles, App. 2.
-, Malt, 2817.
-, Marmalade, p. 1515.
-, Masts, p. 1473; a mast for a spear, p. 1510.
-, "Morns," p. 1506.
-, Mustard, p. 1515.
-, Nails, pp. 1499 bis, 1504, 1512, App. 2.
-, Needles, p. 1496.
-, Oatmeal, p. 1515.
-, Oats, p. 39, 4216, pp. 1478, 1515, App. 1.
-, Oil, p. 1494.
-, "Oldrynnes," p. 1456.
-, Onions, p. 1515.
-, Ordnance, 4108, pp. 1456, 1457, 1473.
-, Organs, pp. 1441, 1449.
-, "Organ ladles," p. 1512, App. 2.
-, Orpiment, p. 1494.
-, "Orsade," pp. 1494, 1495, 1499.
-, Ostrich feathers, pp. 1491, 1493, 1497, 1509.
-, Oxhides, 3867.
-, Paper, pp. 1494, 1496, 1497, 1499, 1509, 1512, 1515.
-, Parchment, pp. 38, 1515.
-, Pasteboards, pp. 1491, 1493.
-, Pearls. See Jewellery.
-, Pigs, p. 1515.
-, Pincers, App. 2.
-, "Pink," pp, 1494, 1502.
-, Pins of wire, p. 1491.
-, "Piscades," pp. 39, 1515.
-, Pitch, 4606.
-, "Poldavys," p. 1456.
-, Pomegranates, p. 1494; pomegranate moulds, p. 1494.
-, Poultry, p. 1515.
-, Powder of anise and liquorice, p. 1515.
-, Printing, pp. 1461, 1463, 1465, 1467, 1469.
-, Prisage of wine, 4461.
-, Puncheon, a, 4464.
-, Purses, pp. 1445, 1450, 1470.
-, Quarter staves, p. 1502.
-, Quinces, p. 1515.
-, Raisins, &c., p. 1515.
-, Reeds, App. 2.
-, Regall (instrument), p. 1477.
-, Ribbon, pp. 1491, 1493, 1495, 1499, 1501, 1506 ter; ribbon points, p. 1501.
-, Rigging and caulking ships, 4606.
-, Ropes and cables, 3867, p. 1497; fine line, p. 1510.
-, Rose water, p. 1515.
-, Rushes, pp. 39, 1494, 1497 bis.
-, Saddles, pp. 1471, 1503.
-, Saffron, pp. 39, 1496, 1515.
-, Salt of silver, a, p. 1470.
-, Saltpetre, p. 1488.
-, Sand, 3849, 4464.
-, Sarcenet, pp. 39, 1502, 1503 bis, 1504, 1505, 1506, 1509.
-, Satin, pp. 1444, 1449, 1453, 1463, 1502, 1503, 1504, 1505, 1506, 1509, 1510.
-, "Saunders," p. 1515.
-, Scissors and shears, pp. 1494, 1497.
-, Shaving, 4623.
-, Ships, pp. 1455, 1475.
-, "Shoyng hambres," App. 2.
-, Shovel, p. 39.
-, Silk, pp. 1491, 1495; silk roses, p. 1495; silk points, pp. 39, 1506 bis; silk tassels, p. 1508.
-, Slops, p. 1499.
-, Smith's bellows, App. 2.
-, Soap, 3541, p. 1496.
-, "Socate," p. 1515.
-, Spangles, pp. 1448, 1457, 1460, 1461, 1494, 1509.
-, "Spanish brown," p. 1494.
-, Spices, p. 39, 3065, p. 1515.
-, "Spleters," p. 1499.
-, Spurs, p. 39.
-, Standish, a, p. 1496.
-, Steel, 4108.
-, Steel plate of, "Isebroke and Lymbrikes stuff," pp. 1471, 1474.
-, Stone, 3849, pp. 1446, 1449, 1454, App. 2.
-, Strainers, p. 1515.
-, Straw, p. 39.
-, Sugar, p. 1515.
-, "Sultwith," 4183.
-, Swords, pp 1442, 1480, 1506.
-, "Sypers," pp. 1505, 1509.
-, Tallow, 3867, p. 1494.
-, Tappets for windows, p. 1444.
-, Tares, 4216.
-, Targets, p. 1491.
-, "Tartorn," pp. 1494, 1502.
-, Thread, pp. 1491, 1493, 1494.
-, Tiles, 4464.
-, Tilsent, pp. 1449, 1454.
-, Timber, 3065, 4464, pp. 1449, 1494, ter, 1497, 1509.
-, Torches, p. 1500.
-, "Trash," p. 1499.
-, Travelling expences, p. 1450.
-, "Turnesall," p. 1515.
-, Varnish, p. 1496.
-, Velvet, p. 39, 3065, pp. 1444, 1453, 1454, 1456, 1464, 1469, 1502, 1503, 1504, 1506, 1509.
-, Verdigris, pp. 1497, 1499 bis, 1502.
-, Verjuice, p. 1515.
-, Vermilion, pp. 1494, 1499.
-, Vinegar, pp. 1494, 1515.
-, Virginals, a pair of, 3065.
-, Visors, pp. 1493, 1495.
-, Wages, p. 38, 3847, 3849, 3867, 4108, 4251, 4464, 4474, 4606, p. 1441 et seq., pp. 1494, 1496, 1499, 1500, 1502, 1504, 1506, 1509, 1511, 1512, 1513, 1514, 1515, App. 2, 6, 45, 58.
-, Wainscots, 3541.
-, Wax, pp. 1448, 1458, 1497, 1515.
-, Wheat, 2588, 2595, 2708, 2764, 2786, 2811, 2817, 2818, 2844, 2945, 3795, 3877, 4253.
-, Wheels, pp. 1496, 1499.
-, White for bakemeats, p. 1515.
-, Wickers, white, p. 1494.
-, Wicks, p. 1515.
-, Winch, a, App. 2.
-, Wine, p. 38, 3065, pp. 1448, 1514, App. 58.
-, Wire, pp. 1491, 1494, 1499.

Priests, parish, petition to the King concerning, 1315.

Primaute, Sancho de, 4108.

Prince's wardrobe, the, London, keeper of, 638.

Principe Instituendo (de), of Erasmus, 1976, 1999.

Pringle (Pringill), David (or Dande), 898, p. 469.

Prinsthorp, Warw., 2598.

Printer, the King's. See Pinson, Ric.

Prior John. See Prégent.

Priour, John, 4557.

Prisage, 4461.

Pritwell, 883. See also Britwell.

Privy Seal, keeper of. See Fox, Ric., Bp. of Winchester; and Ruthall, Th., Bp. of Durham.

Progymnasmata, a work of More, 3627.

Propter, Hen., soldier of Tournay, 1408.

Protector (Cardinal) of England. See Medicis, Julius de.

Prous, Patrick, 4108.

Prout, Th. See Prowde.

Provence, 276, 482, 1638; troops in, 250; ships of, 1727, 2118.

Proverbia, of Erasmus. See Adagia.

Provisions, scarcity of, in England, 3844.

Prowde or Prout, Tho., 2872; bailiff of Mark and Oye, 242, 1052, 1725, App. 2.

Prude, Mr., 195.

Prunne, or Pwnner, Jerome, 1813; letter from, 1776.

Pruston Park, 2542.

Prye, Mons. de, French capt. in Italy, 1701.

Pucci, Anth., 3685; ambass. at Basle, 1378; nephew to Card. St. Quatuor, 3693.
-, -, -, sent by Leo X. to the Swiss, 3589, 3693, 4340.

Pudsey, Ralph, 621.

Pulbertofte, Rob., 495.

Pulley, Ric., in com., 1435, 1455.

Pulleyn, John, 2098.

Pullyblanke, Will., 2542.

Pulteney, Th., in com. for Leic., 1213.
-, -, -, justice of goal delivery for Northt., 1580, 2212.
-, -, -, on sheriff roll for Warw. and Leic., 1120.
-, -, Jo., 2252.

Purbeck, isle of, Dorset, 989.

Purde, Wm., 1814; clerk of the Pipe, 2736.

Purfleet, Essex, 4606.

Purfray, Th., 1213.

Pursel, Mons. de, chief counsellor of Rouen, 4201.

Purvis, David, "massar" of Scotland, sent to Dacre by Albany, 790, 799, 834 (ii.), 1598 (ii.); accompanies Ross Herald into Scotland, 2293.

Puryent, Th. See Perient.

Putney, Surrey, letters dated at, 1960, 1961, 1991, 2004, 2036.

Puys, Jo. de, 2939.

Pwnner. See Prunne.

Pyeton, Jo., 3404. See also Payton and Peyton.

Pykenham Wade, 3018.

Pyme, Reginald, p. 1483.

Pymentell, Don Barnardin, a Spaniard, 4702.

Pymme, Th., 2736.

Pyne, Martin du, Suffolk's servant, 144, 370, 4567.
-, -, -, grant to, 792.

Pyrie, West, Northt., 1713.

Pysayn, Lawrence, and Hermeloi, p. 1481.