Index: N

Pages 1699-1706

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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* * *Part of this letter was omitted in the Index to the first volume, and is here inserted. Where the number of the volume is not given the reference applies to vol. II.

N_, mentioned by Erasmus, 2001, 3799.

Nagel, (or Nagle,) Hans, employed as a spy on Richard de la Pole, 541, 981, 1299, 1339, 1383, 1388, 1478, 1479, 1517, 1541, 1665, 1680, 1727, 1783, 1822, 1823, 2081, 2136, 2585, 2673, 2767, 2840, App. 39.
-, -, -, said to be a spy of De la Pole, 3690.
-, -, -, -, payment to, p. 1471.

Najera (Nagger), Duke of, 3033, 3705, 4702.
-, -, -, captain general of Navarre, p. 487, 3078.

Namur, in Flanders, 757, 1164, 1296, 1665, 1902, 2117, 2286, 2715, 2754, 2755, 2767, 2803.
-, -, proposed interview between Hen. VIII. and the Emperor at, 2338.
-, -, president of. See Jonglet, Jehan.

Naneaux, [wine of,] 946 (2).

Nancy (Naunce), [in Lorraine,] 1163, 2113.

Nantes, 3314, 4365.
-, -, letter dated at, 506.

Nantkenyn, in Chirk, Wales, 3000.

Nantwich, Cheshire, 911.

Naples, 71, 76, 482, 520, 848, 1006, 1043, 1097, 1113, 1253, 1336, 1352, 1413, 1559, 1599, p. 448, 1639, 1684, 1685, 1697, 1711, 1721, 1727, 1799, 1825, 1835, 1838, 1844, 1848, 1853, 1874, 1884, 1937, 1978, 1979, 1993, 2006, 2010, 2017, 2019, 2033, 2040, 2045, 2052, 2075, p. 633, 2113, 2117, 2132, p. 651, 2194, 2213, 2228, 2249, 2261, 2362, 2387, 2393, 2405, 2420, 2441, 2496, 2530, 2536, 2543, 2585, 2630, 2632, 2670, p. 853, 2719, 2721, 2866, 2869, 2890, 2891, 2921, 2930, 2931, 2985, 2992, 3061, 3088, 3283, 3344, p. 1085, 3535, 3538, 3548, 3591, 3593, 3628, 3702, 3705, 3715, 3818, 3874, 3906, 3937, 4022, p. 1255, p. 1261, 4117, 4136, 4164, 4179, 4188, 4206, 4244, 4246, 4277, 4341, 4419, 4439, 4523, 4660.
-, -, the Emperor promises to make ... (?) Queen of, 746.
-, -, the Pope seeks to recover, from Spain, 839, 3992.
-, -, Francis I's claim to, 1581, 1646, 1764, 1895, 1904, 2327; his determination to recover, 1599, 1895; his claim discussed at Noyon, 2079, 2165; he offers his daughter to Charles for the title, 2099; waives his claim by the treaty of Noyon, 2310, 2382, 2616, 2634, 2710, 2922, 4207; on the death of his daughter the right to it reverts to him, 4478, 4553, 4621.
-, -, disturbances in, 1654, 1665.
-, -, the revenues of, 1665.
-, -, government of, proposed to be given to the Emperor, 1863.
-, -, troops sent from, to aid the Emperor, 2064, 2071, 2082, p. 631, 2104, 2114, 2189, 2230, 2298, 3537. (ref. 1)
-, -, Francis foments insurrection in, 2206.
-, -, great discontent in, 2248.
-, -, the admiralship of, conferred on Chievres, 2663.
-, -, troops sent from, to aid the Pope, 3331.
-, -, embassy from, to Charles of Castile, 3536.
-, -, -, to Sicily, 3646.
-, -, money owing by the Emperor to Francis for, 3588.
-, -, descent of the Turks at, 4282.
-, -, threatened by the Turks, 4588, 4590, 4621.
-, -, Kings of. See Ferdinand I.; Frederic III.
-, -, Queens of. See Isabella; Joan.
-, -, Viceroy of, Raymond de Cardona, 624, 1105, 1201, 1599, 1853, 1862, 1989, 1993, 2019, 2090, 2506, 2536, 2909, 2921, 3317, 3591, p. 1462.
-, -, -, -, acting against the French and Venetians, 463, 482, 507, 641, 684, 838, 858, 900, 968, 1006, 1037, 1043, 1067, 1097, 1198, 1349, 1352, 1392, 1399, 1404, 1413, 1489, 1609, 1678, 1682, 1711, 1727, 1831, 1884, 1960, 1991, 2006, 2056, 2100, 2286.
-, -, -, -, the Emperor displeased with, 1479.
-, -, -, -, governor of Naples on death of Ferd. of Arragon, p. 448.
-, -, -, -, sends a gentleman to Brussels, 1665.
-, -, -, -, French King incites him to rebellion, 1765.
-, -, -, -, ordered to aid the Pope against the Duke of Urbino, 3246, 3283, 3307, 3344, 3495 (ii.)
-, -, -, -, ordered to put down the insurrection in Sicily, 3705.
-, -, -, -, with the Pope, 3771.
-, -, -, -, his cousin, 2985.
-, -, -, -, his secretary, 2071.
-, -, president of, in Flanders, 2569, 2672.
-, -, admiral of, 4282.

Naquet (?), John, the King's servant, 2560.

Narberth (Merberth), Pemb., 602.

Narbone, Peter, barber to Hen. VII., his annuity, p. 874. See also Nerbon.

Narbonne, 4588.
-, -, bishopric of, 1388.

Nassau, in Flanders, 2767.
-, -, family of, 1863.
-, -, Henry Count of, Lord of Breda, 114, 473, 551, 1085, 1679, 1993, 2317, 2372, 2529, 2767, 3054, App. 4, 10.
-, -, -, -, ambassador from Charles to Francis, 32, 35, 82, 85, 105, 124, 160, 180.
-, -, -, -, seeks the hand of the daughter of the Prince of Orange, 198, 261, 291, 343, 399, (ref. 2) App. 10; the Pope refuses a dispensation, 564.
-, -, -, -, going to Spain, 1608 (ii.)
-, -, -, -, his band, 1780.
-, -, -, -, security for repayment of Henry's loans to Charles, 2330, 3402, 3491 (4), 3524.
-, -, -, -, governor of Holland, 2342, 2343.
-, -, -, -, sent against Gueldres, 2393, 2418, 3472, 3508, 3542, 3585, 3608, 3647, 3690, 4062.
-, -, -, -, Gueldres burns a village of, 2569.
-, -, -, -, disperses the Black Band, 4110.

Naturelli, Philibert, provost of Utrecht, 2750, 4207, 4208; letter from, 4678.

Navarre, 1, 399, 624, 839, 848, 946, 1119, 1281, 1608, p. 448, p. 450, 1721, 1863, 2168, 2206, 2310, 2387, 2719, 3032, 3593, 3705, 3874, 3937, 4136, 4146, 4342, 4672.
-, -, Charles talks of recovering, 1684.
-, -, disturbances in, on death of Ferd. of Arragon, p. 487.
-, -, Francis gives up his title to, 1764.
-, -, proposed interview between Charles and Francis in, 3069.
-, -, garrison of, 3078.
-, -, France demands its restitution to Henry d'Albret, 4164.
-, -, John d'Albret, King of, 124, 370, p. 450, 4658.
-, -, -, -, endeavours to recover his kingdom on death of Ferdinand of Arragon, p. 487; defeated, 1765.
-, -, -, -, his death, 2136.
-, -, -, -, his sister, proposed marriage of, with the Pope's nephew, 2767.
-, -, -, -, his widow, 2405.
-, -, -, -, his son, 3937, 4164. See also infra.
-, -, -, -, his second daughter, marriage of, with the Pope's nephew, 2784, 3987, 3992.
-, -, Henry II. King of, son of John d'Albret, 2616, 3937, 4164, 4419 (here erroneously called Don John), 4652, 4661.
-, -, -, -, his ambassadors to Charles, 4091, 4146, 4164, 4178, 4207, 4383.
-, -, Queen of, sends ambassador to Charles of Spain, 4022.
-, -, Captain General of. See Najera, Duke of.
-, -, Constable of. See Yllorys, Count of.
-, -, -, Marshal of, rebels and is taken prisoner, p. 487, 4207.

Navarre, Peter of, French captain in Italy, 1097, 1111, 1339, 1347, 1921, 2053, 2061, 2466, 2761, 3550, 3593.
-, -, -, taken prisoner, 1249, 1253, 1266, 1318.

Navy, the, p. 1462.
-, -, -, act for maintenance of, 1130.
-, -, accounts, 4606.

Naward, Cumb., 788.
-, -, letters dated at, 783, 3138, 3139, 3393 (i.)

Neal. See Nele.

Nebbio, Angelus Justinianus, Bp. of, in England, p. 1479.

Nedeham, Humph., of Farneburgh, Warw., leases to, 2654, 3290.
-, -, Th., a rioter, his obligation, p. 1488.

Neelles, a French captain in Artois, 3177.

Negro, Peter le, 242.

Negropont, in the Archipelago, 3816.
-, -, Ric. Wilson, prior of Drax, appointed Bp. of, 2200.

Neill, Michael, vol. i. 3719.

Nele, Anth., payment to, p. 1453.
-, -, -, treasurer of the Ordnance, p. 1512, App. 2.
-, -, -, commissioner to receive money from Francis I., 381.
-, -, -, clerk of the works at Calais, 527, 4604.
-, -, -, commission to, 1908.
-, -, John, vol. i. 333.
-, -, Marg., widow and executrix of Anthony, release to, 4604.
-, -, Ric., factor of Ric. Gresham, vol. i. p. 955.
-, -, Rob., vol. i. 4377.

Nelmes, Essex, 1526, 2951.

Nelson, church of, Linc., vol. i. 116.
-, -, Wm., clk., vol. i. 810, 5421.
-, -, -, alderman of York, in commission, 640.

Nemours, Duke of, [Gaston de Foix,] 335.

Nerbon, Piers, vol. i. 471. See also Narbone.

Neronibus, Alex. de, master of the hospital of Santo Spirito at Rome, letter from, 2467.

Nesbit, Ph., vol. i. 782.
-, -, Th., vol. i. 1854.

Nesshe, Wm., vol. i. 1021.

Neswike, Rob., vol. i. 789, 1083.

Nethe, castle of, Wales, 4259.

Netherall, Cumb., 2147.
-, -, als. Braydeshall, Derby, 1463.

Nethercote, vol. i. 4071.

Netherlands, Governess of the. See Margaret of Savoy.

Nether Manor, vol. i. 3027.

Nether Shele, church of, Linc. dioc., 4234.

Nethewood, Heref., vol. i. 703, 995, 1362, 3684, 5272.
-, -, park of, vol. ii. 739.

Nettlecomb, Somerset, 637.

Nettlestead, Suff., vol. i. 3851.

"Netylbed tenements," Calais, vol. i. 1821.

Neubotill, Scotland, abbot of, letter from, 2128.

Neucqua. See Nuca.

Neudegate. See Newdegate.

Neufville, Nicholas De. See Villeroy.

Neustadt (Neustate), near Vienna, the Em peror at, 764, 766, 786.

Neuton. See Newton.

Neuville (Nyvell), France, vol. i. 3226.

Nevers, Countess of, vol. i. 20; vol. ii. 160.

Nevet, Ric., sherman, protection to, 1723.

"Nevile's Maner," in Churchbrampton, Northt., 3186.

Nevill, _, the King's ward, p. 1485.
-, -, Lady, of Hunslaite, App. 43.
-, -, Dorothy, the King's ward, p. 1488.
-, -, Edward, squire of the Body, vol. i. 423.
-, -, Sir Edw., vol. i. 1706, 4642, 4990, 5709; vol. ii. 1363, 1535, 3479.
-, -, -, squire for the Body, in reversion, vol. i. 5442.
-, -, -, in the war with France, vol. i. 3231, 4237, 4632.
-, -, -, challenger on the birth of Prince Henry, vol. i. 1491.
-, -, -, made knight at Tournay, vol. i. 4468.
-, -, -, his possessions, &c., vol. i. 1141.
-, -, -, gentleman of the Chamber, vol. ii. 2735.
-, -, -, the King's sewer, ib.; his fee, p. 874.
-, -, -, master of the buck hounds, vol. ii. p. 1472.
-, -, -, in embassy to France, vol. ii. 4409.
-, -, -, grants to, vol. ii. 1353, 2607, 4130, 4490.
-, -, -, in debt to the King, vol. ii. pp. 1479, 1483; his obligation, p. 1489.
-, -, Edward, loan to, from the King, pp. 1456, 1482.
-, -, -, at revels, pp. 1490 bis, 1496, 1498, 1500.

Nevill, George. See Abergavenny, Lord.
-, -, Sir George, a rebel against Henry VII., in Flanders, 1383, 2585.
-, -, -, going to France, 2136; in France, 2672, 2673.
-, -, -, with De la Pole, 3690.
-, -, Humph., sewer for the Chamber, 2735.

Nevill, John, son of Sir John of Liversedge, vol. i. 452.
-, -, -, yeoman of the horse, vol. i. 720, 1594.
-, -, -, grant to, vol. i. 1937.
-, -, -, in the war with France, vol. i. 3885, 4237, 4307, 4314.
-, -, -, knighted at Tournay, vol. i. 4468.
-, -, John, vol. ii. p. 1447.
-, -, -, grant to, 1584.
-, -, Sir John, 1363, p. 1463.
-, -, -, loan to, p. 1466; his obligation, p. 1487.
-, -, -, knight of the Body, 2735; his fee, p. 875.
-, -, -, grants to, 881, 2608.
-, -, -, yeoman of the horse, grant to, 3921.
-, -, -, sheriff of Yorkshire, 4562.
-, -, -, at revels, pp. 1499, 1503, 1507, 1510.
-, -, Ralph. See Westmoreland, Earl of.
-, -, Ric., knight of Rhodes, brother of Lord Abergavenny, vol. i. 4641; vol. ii. 737, 1264.
-, -, -, -, of Snape, York, cancel of his recognizance, 4143.
-, -, -, -, See Latimer, Lord.
-, -, Sir Ric., his fee, p. 875.
-, -, -, loan to, from the King, pp. 1471, 1482.
-, -, Rob., yeoman of the guard, vol. i. 184.
-, -, -, in com. for Notts, vol. i. 1514, 1735, 1798, 1804, 1964, 3092, 3494, 4127, 4776, 5225.
-, -, -, yeoman of the Crown, his fee, vol. ii. p. 876.
-, -, Th. (or Sir Th.), vol. ii. 3479, p. 1488.
-, -, -, in com. for Kent, vol. i. 3428, 4663, 4847, 4927; vol. ii. 6, 677, 747, 1302, 3748, 4444; for Middx., vol. ii. 427, 1440, 2138, 4435; for Surrey, vol. i. 1762, 3078, 3092, 4693, 4734, 5237; vol. ii. 1220, 4437; for Sussex, vol. i. 3428, 4804, p. 904; vol. ii. 1160; for Worc., vol. i. 1971, 3301, 3709, 4770; vol. ii. 1247.
-, -, -, to enquire as to imparcations, 3297.
-, -, -, sheriff of Staff., vol. i. 1316; vol. ii. 1120.
-, -, -, speaker of the Commons, vol. ii. 119, p. 1468.
-, -, -, the King's Councillor, his annuities, p. 874 bis.
-, -, -, his signature, 4469, 4475.
-, -, -, -, as keeper of the King's wards, 4230, 4611.
-, -, Th., of Gloucestershire, vol. i. 5217; has a pension, vol. i. 447, 5257.
-, -, -, grant to, vol. ii. 1191.

Nevill, Th., esquire for the Body, vol. ii. 2735; his fee, p. 874.
-, -, Th., son of Wm, vol. i. 3020.
-, -, Wm., vol. i. 3020.

Newark, vol. i. 5380; vol. ii. 779.
-, -, St Mary, vol. i. 1672.
-, -, letter dated at, 846.

Newark, W., late master of the children of the Chapel Royal, p. 874.
-, -, Wm., vol. i. 139, 658.

Newbattle, Scotland. See Neubotill.

Newbiggin, vol. i. 1040, 5010.

Newbold, Th., abbot of Evesham, vol. i. 4607, 4614, 4716.

Newborough, vol. i. 155.
-, -, Dorset, vol. ii. 1061.
-, -, [York], vol. ii. 3209, 3278.
-, -, Th., Barker, prior of, vol. i. 3497, 4537.

Newburgh, Sir John, vol. i. 1504.
-, -, Sir Roger, vol. i. 4733; vol. ii. p. 1446.
-, -, -, of Estlulworth, deceased, vol. ii. 1061.

Newbury, 2383.

Newby, _. vol. i. 1924.

Newby (Nuby), Miles, of York, vol. i. 266.

Newcastle-on-Tyne, vol. i 178, 705, 1645, 1924, 3574, 4403, 4520, 4868, 4869, 5723, 5759, 5760; vol. ii. 941, 973, 1759, 3742, 4217, 4323.
-, -, officers in the port of, vol. i. 420, 674, 863; vol. ii. 4126.
-, -, commissions for, vol. i. 5528; vol. ii. 3017.
-, -, prisoners at, vol. ii. 378.
-, -, customs of, 781, 3505, 4602.
-, -, decree concerning the liberties of, 1856.
-, -, mayor of, 1759. See Evers, Sir Wm.
-, -, mayor and burgesses of, annuity to, 4602.
-, -, Friars Observants of, payment to, for masses, p. 1445.
-, -, letters dated at, 2273, 4452.
-, -, See Ships.

Newcastle-under-Lyne, mayor and sheriffs of, vol. i. 742, 743, 1771, 3468.

Newclose, Staff., vol. i. 4303.

Newcomen, Brian, lease to, 4318.

Newdegate, John, vol. i. 1547, 1548, 1942, 4742; vol. ii. 1856, 1857.
-, -, -, vol. i. 5180.
-, -, -, vol. i. 3552, 4663; vol. ii. 427, 4435.

Newell, alias Hewell, (Ewelme?) the King going to, 4025.

Newelme, (Ewelme?) church of, vol. i. 4256.

Newenden, Kent, vol. i. 274.

New Forest, Hants, 1035.

Newgate, _, a soldier, vol. i. 4743.

Newhall, 2598.

Newhall, Essex, vol. i. 778, vol. ii. p. 1470.
-, -, -, privy seals dated at, 3888, 3914, 4033.
-, -, -, the King at, p. 1476.
-, -, -, payments for the King's buildings at, pp. 1470 bis, 1472, 1473, 1474, 1476, 1477, 1479.
-, -, -, tapestry at, pp. 1477, 1480.

Newhall, Cheshire, vol. i. 682.

Newhall, Leic., vol. ii. 729.

Newham, Ralph, vol. i. 1679.

Newham, port of, vol. i. 3214, 3751, 3882.

Newington Green, Middx., vol. i. 5197.

Newington, John, kinsman of Wm. Knight, vol. i. 4932.
-, -, -, merchant tailor, vol. ii. 1676, 2938, 4274.
-, -, Reginald, merchant tailor, protection to, 1676.

Newland, vol. i. 316.

Newland, Northumb., vol. ii. 1159.

Newland, York, vol. i. 3650.

Newland, John, monk of Lanthony, vol. i. 5789.

Newman, _, chaplain, vol. ii. 1954.
-, -, John, vol. i. 1824; clk., ib., 3939.
-, -, Th., 2998.
-, -, -, -, clerk of the Chancery, presentation, vol. ii. 2433.

Newminster, abbot of, 1350.

Newnham Chulmelegh, Devon, vol. i. 1996.

Newnam, als. Ayleston, vol. i. 2080.

Newnham, John, deceased, vol. ii. 992.
-, -, Ralph, vol. i. 4780; vol. ii. 357.
-, -, Th., vol. i. 692.
-, -, -, son and heir of John, vol. ii. 992.

Newnhambrigge, vol. i. 1605, 3923, 4253.

Newport, Isle of Wight, vol. i. 5188; vol. ii. 352.

Newport Pound, Essex, vol. ii. 4121.

Newport, Flanders, vol. i. 3847, 4030, 4081, 5021, 5154; vol. ii. 2513, 2738, p. 1450.
-, -, -, taken by the Duke of Gueldres, vol. ii. 2322, 2342, 2343.
-, -, -, surrendered to Francis I. by Lady Vendôme, 4136, 4160.

Newport, Anth., loan to, from the King, p. 1456.
-, -, John, serjeant-at-law, in com. for Berks, vol. i. 4341, 5166, 5684; vol. ii. 202, 430, 1247, 4445;—for Glouc., vol. i. 4764, p. 906; vol. ii. 713, 1213;—for Hants, vol. i. 904, 1388, 1812, 3071, 4159, 4676; vol. ii. 170, 670, 3917;—for Heref., vol. i. p. 907; vol. ii. 207, 719, 1192;—for Herts, vol. i. 1020;—for Oxon, vol. ii. 674;—for Salop, vol. i. 1981, 3071, p. 904;—for Wilts, vol. i. 898, 1489, 1938, 3157, 3605, 4583; vol. ii. 196, 1125, 1200;—for Worc., vol. ii. 709, 726, 1247.
-, -, -, other commissions to, vol. i. 1236, 1813, 3198, 4979; vol. ii. 3297.
-, -, -, sheriff of Salop, vol. i. 1316.
-, -, -, on the Oxford circuit, vol. i. 4215, 4702, 5183; vol. ii. 156, 693, 1441, 1537, 2919.
-, -, -, grant to, vol. ii. 3938.
-, -, Rob., vol. i. 3601.
-, -, -, in com. for Herts, vol. i. 309, 706, 1971, 3102.
-, -, Sir Th., in com. for Leic., vol. i. 656, 1094, 1425, 1971, 4706, 4783, 4812;—for Linc., 657, 1120, 1169, 1716, 1979, 3137, 5691.
-, -, Sir Th., bajulius of Rhodes, vol. i 3942, 4562, 4604; vol. ii. 18, 715.
-, -, -, -, takes Turkish transports, vol. ii. 1756.
-, -, -, -, letters from, vol. ii. 2760, 2898, 3611, 3814.

Newsham farm, in Longnewton, duchy of York, 4302.

Newton, [Northumb.,] p. 469.

Newton, Long, duchy of York, 4302.

Newton Morrell, York, 2137.

Newton Regis, Warw., 2918.

Newton, Eleanor, wife of Ric., 2158.
-, -, Peter, 523.
-, -, -, late surveyor of the earldom of March, 3112.
-, -, -, -, in com. for Glouc., 713, 1213; Heref., 207, 719, 1192; Worc., 709, 726, 1247; Wales and marches, 726, 4141, 4528.
-, -, -, -, sheriff of Salop, 3783.
-, -, Ric., 614, p. 1488.
-, -, his daughters and heirs, Joan and Isabella, 2028, 2158.

Niccolao (Fra Nicholas?), in Flanders, 2308.

Nichol Forest, Cumb., 1084.

Nicholas, Friar. See Scombergt.

Nicholas, mentioned by Erasmus, 3857.

Nicholas, Griffin, 557.

Nichols (Nicollys), Hen., grant to, 950.

Nicholson, Wm., of the garrison of Tournay, pardon to, 3979.

Nicksons, the, a family on the Scotch Borders, raid by, 2711.
-, -, -, murder committed by, p. 469.

Niger, Th., vicar general of the Bp. of Vesprim, 1709.

Nile, the river, 2898, 3607, 3816.

Nivelle, John de, pensionnaire of Middleburgh, 2295.
-, -, Marie de, widow of John de, letters in her behalf, 2295, 3600.

Nobyll, Bernard, 1369.

Nogerole, Count Jerome de, of Verona, 3375.

Noir, Jean le, French commr. at Boulogne, 3762.
-, -, -, letter from, 3750.

Noon or None, Hen., 1364.
-, -, -, his recognizances, pp. 1482, 1484.
-, -, -, in com. for Norf., 207, 1152; for Suff., 207.

Norburghilles, enclosure called, 1155.

Norbury, Sir John, 95.

Norden, Th., 1199.

Nordlingen, 3456.

Norfolk, 1510 (ii.), 1893, 3192, pp. 1468, 1486.
-, -, wool of, 358.
-, -, Crown lands in, 555.
-, -, issues of, 1272.
-, -, subsidies from, 1371.
-, -, inquisition as to imparcations in, 3297.
-, -, commissions for, 207, 1152, 3038.
-, -, and Suffolk, sheriffs of, 1120, 1256, 2533, 3783, 4562.
-, -, Circuit. See Circuits.

Norfolk, [Elizabeth,] late Duchess of, 1368.
-, -, Duchess of, godmother to Princess Mary, 1573, 1585, p. 1476.
-, -, Thomas, second Duke of. See Howard.

Norge herald, ambassador from Denmark to Scotland, 206, 401, 588.

Norham Castle, 4217, 4258.
-, -, the King desires an indulgence for restoration of, 108, 109, 110.
-, -, soldiers at, 2949.
-, -, letters dated at, 861, 1557.

Norkarme (?), Lord, in Spain, 4091.

Normandy, 22, 301, 849, 1265, 1642, 2520, 3050, 3088, 3117, 3344, 3548, p. 1254, 4356, 4613, 4652.
-, -, French troops in, 399, 3367.
-, -, earthquake in, 1227.
-, -, French preparing a fleet in, 2767, 2774, 3234, 3550, 3818, 3952.
-, -, English spies in, 3120, 3234.
-, -, the people of, refuse to levy tenths, 3702.
-, -, canvas of, p. 1494 bis.
-, -, native of, made denizen, 1186.
-, -, minstrels of, the King's reward to, p. 1446.
-, -, general of, 1880, p. 1465. See Bohier.
-, -, herald, in England, reward to, p. 1478.
-, -, president of. See Selva.

Normanville, _de, in French embassy to England, 4409.

Norragh, church of St. Patrick, Kildare, 998.

Norris, Henry, gentlemen of the Chamber, 2735, 4409.
-, -, -, -, payment to, p. 1477.
-, -, -, -, at a revel, p. 1510.
-, -, -, -, grants to, 567, 3955.

Norris, Sir John, knight for the Body, 2735.
-, -, John, gent. usher to the King, 2735.
-, -, -, his obligation, p. 1485.
-, -, -, John, pardon to, 2907.

Norris, Lionel, squire for the Body, 2735.
-, -, Ric., squire for the Body, 2735.
-, -, -, on sheriff roll for Oxon and Berks, 3783, 4562.
-, -, Th., yeoman of the Ordnance, p. 1512.
-, -, Sir Wm., 567.
-, -, Wm., 567, 3841.
-, -, -, squire for the Body, 2735.
-, -, -, cancel of his recognizance, 3147.

Norroy King of arms, sent to Scotland (A.D. 1509), his wages, p. 1442.
-, -, -, at Tournay, 2236.
-, -, -, with the ambrs. in Flanders, 2847, 3006. 3048, 3059, 3127, 3231, 3236, 3260, pp. 1473, 1475.
-, -, -, in France, 4128.
-, -, -, See Walle, Th.; Yonge, John.

Northalverton, York, 4490.

Northampton, county of, 4337 (ii), p. 1486.
-, -, -, subsidy granted by the laity of, 1371.
-, -, inquisition as to imparkations in, 3297.
-, -, lands in, 241.
-, -, -, keepers of swans in, 350.
-, -, -, commissions for, 495, 694, 695, 1213.
-, -, -, sheriffs of, 1120, 2533, 3783, 4562.
-, -, town of, 695, p. 1443.
-, -, -, the King at, p. 1452.
-, -, -, mayor of, 1580.
-, -, -, justices of gaol delivery for 1580, 2212, 3898.
-, -, -, house of the Friars Carmelites, at, p. 1445.
-, -, -, the "Rode of the Wall" in, p. 1452.
-, -, -, Th. Yorke, prior of, elected abbot of Whitby, 3833, 4120.
-, -, -, subprior and convent of, congé d'élire to, 3931.
-, -, water of, 495, 695.

Northay, Glouc., provost of, 1074.

Northcote, Middx., 3147.

Northcotis, John, 901.

Northern circuit. See Circuits.

Northfleet, Kent, 4601, p. 1480.

Northumberland, 598, 1044, 1786, 3365, pp. 1452, 1467.
-, -, complaint of the gentry of, against Dacre, 4452.
-, -, riots in, 4676.
-, -, crown lands in, 355.
-, -, sheriffs of, 596, 1120, 2533, 3783, 4547, 4562.
-, -, -, nominated by Dacre, 2460, 2481, 4541.
-, -, commissions for, 249, 3016.

Northumberland, Henry fifth Earl of, 1815, pp. 1448, 1451, 1499.
-, -, -, committed to the Fleet, 1836.
-, -, -, examined in the Star Chamber, 1861, 2460.
-, -, -, liberated, 1870, 1893.
-, -, -, going on pilgrimage with Shrewsbury, 1935, 1969.
-, -, -, proposed as a hostage for Albany's safety in England, 2253.
-, -, -, attends the Scotch Queen on her return to Scotland, 3336.
-, -, -, his lands in Calais, 4637.
-, -, -, in parliament, 1131.
-, -, -, in com. for Sussex, 1160; for York, 4250.
-, -, -, his wife, 3209, 3278.
-, -, -, his son, 1935.
-, -, -, letter from, 3278.
-, -, -, letter to, 3209.

Norton, Cheshire, abbot of, 1364.
-, -, Wm. Martin, abbot of, his obligation, p. 1484.
-, -, Northt., 2932, 3533, 4546.
-, -, Andrew, son of Thomas, livery of lands to, 137.
-, -, -, obligation for his livery, p. 1487.
-, -, Geo., captain at Tournay, p. 1513.
-, -, Joan, wife of Sir John, 3449.
-, -, Sir John, 1199, 1364, 3446, 3449.
-, -, -, knight of the Body, 2735.
-, -, -, his obligation, p. 1483.
-, -, -, in Lord Abergavenny's retinue, 471.
-, -, -, release to, as sheriff of York-1454.
-, -, -, to inquire as to imparcations, 3297.
-, -, John, 3841.
-, -, -, clerk of the ordnance, p. 1512, App. 2.
-, -, -, grocer of London, 570.
-, -, Rob., yeoman of the guard, 1796.
-, -, Roger, rector of St. Peter's in the Tower, 2771.
-, -, Sampson, yeoman of the guard, p. 1451.
-, -, -, appointed Chamberlain of the Exchequer, 2355.
-, -, Sir Sampson, 4608, p. 1458 ter.
-, -, -, marshal of Tournay, 147, 148, 325.
-, -, -, his accounts, p. 1511, App. 2.
-, -, -, master of the ordnance, 254, p. 876.
-, -, -, -, his wages, p. 1512, App. 2.
-, -, -, chamberlain of the Exchequer, p. 877.
-, -, -, payments to, pp. 1448, 1453, 1460.
-, -, -, commission to, 1908.
-, -, -, letters from, 171, App. 4*.
-, -, -, his signature, p. 1514.
-, -, -, deceased, 3025, 3745.
-, -, Th., deceased, 137.

Nortriche, Rob., constable of Walton-on-Thames, 2278.

Norway, King of. See Christiern II.

Norwich, 216, 2600, 3161, 3916.
-, -, subsidy granted by the laity of, 1371.
-, -, justices of gaol delivery for, 1214, 2583, 3829.
-, -, letter dated at, 1397.
-, -, St. Clement's of Fibrigge in, 2994.
-, -, castle of, justices of gaol delivery for, 3829.
-, -, -, constables of, 1309.
-, -, friar of, reward to, p. 1445. See Bryket, Dr.
-, -, Richard Nix, Bishop of, 1153, 3063.
-, -, -, -, in parliament, 119, 1131.
-, -, -, -, in com. for Norf., 207, 1152; for Suff., 207.
-, -, -, -, grant to, 359.
-, -, -, -, in council, 2464.
-, -, -, -, to inquire as to imparcations, 3297.
-, -, John, and Katharine Baskerfield his wife, 3186.
-, -, Ric., monk of Hulme, 2931.
-, -, Rob., pardon to, 2875; in com. for Essex, 4573.
-, -, Simon, livery to, as son of John, 3186.
-, -, -, obligation for his livery, p. 1489.

Note, John, release of recognizances to, 3752.

Notgrove, Glouc., 1808.

Nottingham, county of, 2537.
-, -, -, subsidy from, 1371.
-, -, -, inquisitions as to imparcations in, 3297.
-, -, and Derby, sheriffs of, 33, 1120, 2533, 3783, 4562.
-, -, -, escheator of, writ to, 4329.
-, -, town of, subsidy granted by the laity of, 1371.
-, -, -, sweating sickness at, 4061, 4074.
-, -, -, the King at, p. 1452.
-, -, -, Whitefriars at, p. 1452.
-, -, Castle, repairs of, pp. 1450, 1451.
-, -, -, the King's wardrobe in, 1916.
-, -, -, the new park under, 2995, 3445.
-, -, -, constable of, Sir Th. Lovell, p. 873.

Novara, in the duchy of Milan, 848, 873, 886, 968, 1581, 1833, 1842, 3085.
-, -, battle of, 1792.
-, -, archbishopric of, 1348.
-, -, archdeacon of. See Langus, Melchior.

Noviomagus, Gerardus, letter from, to Erasmus, 2540.

Nowkerk (?), in Scotland, letter dated at, 40.

Nowne, Hen. See Noon.

Noyon, meeting at, between the ambassadors of France and Castile proposed, 1764, 1773, 1782, 1822, 1848, 1862; takes place, 1895, 1904, 1913, 1973, 2006, 2027, 2063, 2079, 2150, 2165, 2189, 2192, 2206, 2209, 2219, 2220, 2244, 2248, 2261, 2269, 2270, 2275, 2298, 2303, 2331, 3507. (ref. 3)
-, -, treaty of, p. 660, 2192, 2271, 2272, 2279, 2322, 2328, 2329, 2343, 2358, 2366, 2392, 2405, 2417, 2418, 2484, 2508, 2516, 2543, 2605, 2632, 2635, 2662, 2667, p. 838, 2719, 2790, 2866, 2909, 2931, 3032, 3059, 4136, 4553, 4687, App. 29.
-, -, -, Henry VIII. included in, 2340, 2450.
-, -, -, the Emperor enters it, 2707, 2865, 2891, 2892, 2910, 2940, 2958, 2964, 2968, 2991, 3083, 3106; going into Flanders to "break" it, 2713.
-, -, -, disputes relative to, 4478, 4505.
-, -, -, partly invalidated on the death of the French King's daughter, 4658.

Nuca, Don John de la, 4146, 4188.
-, -, -, ambassador from Ferdinand of Arragon to the Prince of Castile, 124, 198, 609, 1299, 1316, 1388, 1393, 1668, 1837, 1841, 1853, 3537.
-, -, -, -, sent to France, 1841, 1848.
-, -, -, -, sent to England, 2653, 2765, 2767; Henry does not wish him to come, 2804, 3343.
-, -, -, -, Lady Margaret displeased with, 2663, 2671, 2672, 2685, p. 855, 2766, 2923, 3343, 4178, 4244, 4257.
-, -, -, -, knight of the order of Calatrava, 3343.
-, -, -, -, reconciled to Chievres and the Chancellor of Brabant, 3343.
-, -, -, -, accompanies Charles of Castile to Spain, 3705 (?)

Nudry, Th., [archdeacon of Murray,] sent by James V. to the Pope, 776.

Nuneton, prioress and convent of, App. 59.

Nuremberg, 1558, p. 1086, 3456.
-, -, Hans van, drumslade, p. 1464.

Nutbene, als. Barnaby, Marg., 578.

Nutfield, Surrey, 1857.

Nutley, abbot and convent of, grant to, 4264.

Nymay, Noel de, letter from, 3117.

Nynes, John, App. 15.