Henry VIII: July 1538, 21-25

Pages 528-540

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 1, January-July 1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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July 1538, 21-25

21 July. 1431. Henry, Lord Daubeney, Earl of Bridgewater.
Harl. MS.
6074, f. 62.
B. M.
Creation of lord Daubeney as earl of Bridgewater, anno xxx., the xxi. day of July, the King's Highness being at his manor of Ocking at afternoon. He was led by the earls of Derby and Sussex, the sword borne by "the earl of Hertford, the letter patent by Garter; the King's style and his proclaimed in the King's hall. After that done, his Grace with his noblemen went to the park to shoot the popingaey. The earl of Bridgewater at the first shot brake thereof a wing; wherefore he had great praise, a wing of gold of the King.
P. 1. For the patent, which is dated 19 July, see Grants in July, No. 61.
21 July. 1432. Friars at Winchester.
R.O. Certificate of the surrender, 21 July 30 Hen. VIII., of the houses of Grey, Black, and Austin Friars, at Winchester, to Richard bp. of Dovor, visitor. They were asked by the visitor whether they would reform certain misorders known to the mayor and aldermen, and conform to the injunctions, but they all said they were unable to continue for poverty and desired to be assigned to other houses. Their stuff, valued by two men appointed by the mayor, is worth:—Grey Friars, 9l. 0s. 3d.; Black Friars, 9l. 15s. 2d.; Austin Friars, 51. 7s. 9d. , beside plate and bells. The plate is under fourscore ounces, the value of the bells not known. Signed by the Mayor, Thos. Lorkyn, and Thos. Beddam, Thos. Webbe, John Holl, and Adam Wattes, aldermen, and Nic. Knyght.
P. 1.
21 July. 1433. Thomas Evance to Cromwell.
R.O. I waited at Bordesley till Dr. Ligh and Mr. Freman came thither and at the dissolution waited on them. Thanks to your Lordship, I have for my money such stuff as I thought necessary, to be left there as your Lordship is so good to me in the preferment of the house and demesnes. I beg that if any suit be made for the palnage of the woods you will stay it till I come up, which shall be as soon as I have made things safe from stealing. Bordisley, 21 July.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
22 July. 1434. John [Longland,] bp. of Lincoln, to Cromwell.
R.O. Received his letter dated Okinge 20 July on Sunday about 9 a.m. Used all possible patience and soberness in hearing this matter at Wycombe, with none of the extremity or hastiness of which they complain. Used all the means and gentle ways he could imagine, by good counsel and advertisements, by scripture, by the word of God, by prayer, by ensamples showing and otherwise. Has often sent clerks to Cowbredge (fn. n1) to induce him to the truth and to penance, but he is obstinate and vainglorious, trusting to his own wit. His errors and heresies are so strange and heinous that I never read of worse. Showed Cromwell his articles, and Cromwell read them before him in Morton's house, in presence of the chief justice of the Bench and Dr, Incent and bade the Bishop do justice. Asked advice of the Dean and others of the Arches and the two justices, who all agreed it to be lawful penance for him to carry a fagot for heresy. Tried ail ways to induce him thereto, but he refused though the Bishop promised if he did some of that penitently to remit the rest. Sat last Thursday at Wycombe from nine o'clock till one. There was plenty of audience and many of honesty and reputation who can testify to the proceedings. The complaint of the two men of Windsor is untrue, that Cowbridge should be put to death for refusal of penance according to the bp. of Rome's decretals, and that the Bp. would send him to Ailesbury for words falsely surmised against him. God's law and the King's were observed and no word spoken of decrees or decretals, but penance enjoined by the ancient custom of the realm. By attestations and his own confession it appears that there is no false surmise made but all is proved to be true. And where they allege that he putting himself in the grace of God, that I should answer, Thou mayest axe of God 20l. and yet not have it. To my remembrance I did not thou him, but when he said many times, Petite et accipietis, petite et accipietis, despising thereby all open penance and open punishment for open sin, whereunto I said he understood not that text, adding that if he would axe of God mercy, grace, or anything behoveable to the wealth of his soul, God would graciously hear him, but if he would axe 20l. or worldly substance God would not always hear him.
Denies saying that Cowbridge could not be saved unless he bare a fagot; that he answered that if salvation stood in that it was necessary for the Bp. and other men so to do; and that thereupon he in a great heat excommunicated him and delivered him to Ailesbury gaol. The priors of the White Friars of London and York were present and showed their learning to the party, what error he was in. Has sent the man to Banbury as he himself is going to Burden. Desires credence for his Chancellor, the bearer. Wooborn, 22 July. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
22 July. 1435. Sir Henry Sayvylle to Cromwell.
R.O. Has received Cromwell's letter to Robt. Chaloner and himself. The vicar of Halifax and John Lacy are agreed by the arbitrament of Sir Thos. Tempest and Sayvylle. Gassgone, the younger, knight, his cousin, has obtained letters from Cromwell to the prior of Borton Abbey (fn. n2) for the tithes of Rustone which were never let. If thee are let, he cannot keep such a house as he has been accustomed to do. He wishes to know Cromwell's pleasure. In the commotion time, he was the best friend Sayvylle had among his neighbours. Pomffret Castylle, 22 July.
Hol., p. 1. Add.. Privy Seal. Endd.
22 July. 1436. John Butlare to Cranmer.
C's Letters,
Adam Damlippe, the bearer, is come over purposely to speak to Cranmer. Some who do not favour the truth would hinder him in teaching and preaching the word of God. Their large writing against him and others cannot be justified, no more than their false suggestion that there were persons in Calais who openly denied Christ. Their saying is now that there are certain who deny Christ to be in the Sacrament of the Altar. Trusts they will take little honour of their so writing. The bearer can declare more. Desires Cranmer to be good and gracious lord to him and send him back with letters from himself and Cromwell for him to be curate of Our Lady's Church in Calais, and that the Council may assist him in reading and preaching the word of God. The commonalty, who are very desirous to hear him, will have great hindrance by his long absence. Advises Cranmer to rid the prior of the Friars hence for he does much harm. God send him grace to turn to the truth, as he promised to do last Lent. Has declared to the prior that his third article is not allowable. He replied whoever said the contrary thereto was an heretic. This was on Sunday the 21st inst. in presence of Ric. Bennet, alderman of Calais. Touching the other two articles, the prior and Adam agree. Calais, 22 July."
Hol., pp 2. Add. Endd.
22 July.
Corpus Reform,, iii.
1437. Melancthon to Vitus Theodorus.
557. * * Luther ill of dysentery. You have seen the accords of princes (σπονδας Regum vidisti). There are now consultations between the Emperor and our people at Eisenach. Franciscus and Myconius write from Britain that all things are going on well. They discuss doctrines with the bishops. The first meetings were very satisfactory; for they have learned men there as good as ours and friendly. Sed KaTao-Tpoarjv expectemus, 22 July .
Has heard, since writing the above, that Luther is better. Latin.
22 July.
1438. The Same to the Same.
* * Iterum vale, 22nd July. Franciscus and Myconius write from England that the King has promised all his study to the correction of the Church. They themselves arc disputing about dogmas with some bishops there. There are many learned men in England who desire to propagate the doctrine of the Gospel and who aid our men in this congress.
[22 July.]
Ib. 559.
1439. The Same to Joachim Camerarius.
In the main the same as the first of the preceding letters to Vitus Theodorus. 11 Kal. Aug. (fn. n3)
23 July.
Add. MS.
18,738, f. 15.
B. M.
Ribier,i, 177.
1440. Henry VIII to Montmorency.
Thanks for his continual favour to the amity. Has charged Edm. Boner, archd. of Leicester, LL.D., on his return from Spain to take up his residence as ambassador with the French king in place of the bp. of Winchester, Sir Fras. Brian, and the archdeacon of Ely, and hopes shortly to send another gentleman to be his colleague. Asks credence and favour for them. Oking, 23 July . Signed.French, p. 1. Add. Sealed. Endd.
Foxe v. 153. 1441. Henry VIII to Gardiner and Thirleby.
Extract from instructions on Bonner being sent to replace them.
And whereas the said Master Bonner wanteth furniture of stuff and plate meet for that office, our pleasure is that you, Master Thirleby, shall deliver unto him, by indenture, all the plate you have of ours in your custody, and that you, my lord of Winchester, shall furnish him with all such other stuff as shall be necessary for him, and the King will satisfy him at his return.
[23 July.] 1442. Sir W. Eure and Sir. J. Widdrington to Henry VIII
The undated letter printed in State Papers V, 132 as of 23 July , was written in July 1539.
23 July.
R. O.
1443. John Bunolt to Cromwell.
My godson, Bartholomew Baynam, your servant, who has been here by your licence to see to his interests on the death of his father, (fn. n4) desires me to write to you how he has been treated. Those who should be his friends and to whom you wrote to favour him for your sake, are his enemies. The matter is prolix, but he will explain it himself. I assure you within these 12 months his father showed me he would have made him worth 1,000 marks to attain marriage with a gentlewoman in this town. I know his father was a rich man in money and plate, besides wool and fells and lands, and yet the young man can get no account of the executors. He was in the King's service northwards, under your Lordship, when his father died. Calais, 23 July.
Hol. , pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
23 July.
R. O.
1444. Sir Thomas Palmer to Cromwell.
Divers people here slander the mass, saying it was ordained to sing for dogs' souls, hogs' souls, and ducks' souls. This is taken very evil in France and Flanders, and inconvenience must come of the same. Every market day there were accustomed to come 20 butchers of Picardy with 20 muttons apiece, but this market there came not six. This will cause great dearth, for they sell a mutton for 2s. 7 groats, but the towns- men ask a crown, or 4s. Sends a spaniel. There is no better in England or France for the water. Young Basset has a merlin for partridges as good as flies. If Cromwell writes to my Lord he will send him. Calais, 23 July.
Hol. , p. 1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
23 July.
R. O.
1445. Anne Rouaud (Madame de Bours) to Lady Lisle.
I have long wished to come and see you, and would have done so now but for some business to which I must attend. I therefore send the bearer to know how you are, and your daughter Mary, whom I never forget, and also my Lord. Bours, 23 July.
Mons. d'Agincourt and Montmorency and my daughter send their respects.
Hol. Fr. p. 1. Add,
24 July.
R. O.
C's Letters,
1446. Cranmer to Cromwell.
Asks him to direct his letters to the archbp.'s commissary at Calais, giving him power to take away the images in the priory of the Black Friars at Calais to whom any pilgrimage appertained, and all other images of like estimation within his jurisdiction there. Asks Cromwell to comply with the Commissary's requests concerning the bearer, Adam Damplippe, as shown by the enclosed letter, (fn. n5) that he may return thither and proceed with quietness as he has begun. He is of right good knowledge and judgment. If Cromwell would write to the Council there in his behalf, he would do a meritorious deed. Will write himself. Lambeth, 24 July. Signed.
P. 1. Add. (f. 248): Lord Privy Seal.
24 July.
R. O.
St. P. in. 55.
1447. Brabazon, Aylmer and Alen to Cromwell.
Aylmer and Alen arrived on the 20th. Hear the Deputy is in Galway, but cannot deliver the King's and Cromwell's letters to him until his coming. Will do their best to protect the country in his absence. The Council, considering the wastes done in Uriell by them of Ferney (in return for the Deputy's invasion in which Jerome Lynne was slain), and the murder of Kelway and the husbandmen of the Naas by the Tholes, proclaimed a hosting with 14 days' victuals. Afterwards the Deputy said he had promised to meet Desmond and OBrene in OKarvaile's country, but would be back before the hosting advanced. He has never returned, and the truce with the Tholes is with difficulty prolonged.
The Deputy taking OConnour as his principal conductor, preferred Fergonanym OKarvaile, Kildare's son-in-law, to the room of the late OKarvaile, and took and delivered divers garrisons in Ormond, claimed by the earl of Ormond, to OChonor and OKarvaile's friends, Geraldines. At Limerick the pretended earl of Desmond and OBrene met him. OBrene's wife is the pretended Earl's sister. The Deputy, under OBrene's conduct, passed through Thomond to Galway. Donoghe OBrene, Ormond's son-in- law, and Murghe OBrene, tanist of Thomond, fearing OBrene's amity with the pretended Earl was to advance his younger children begotten of this Geraldine woman, attacked OBrene on his way home. The Deputy has deposed MacWilliam, and made Ulicke de Burgo captain of Connaught, who is a Geraldine and conveyed young Gerald, James Delahide, and that rabble of traitors from the pretended Earl to ODonell. OChonour is chief conductor of this journey, and Gerald MacGerald, with a canon called Prior Walshe, a false traitor, and Stephen Aparry, principal councillors. The dissension betwixt Ormond and the Deputy is increased. Ormond sends word that the bp. of Ossory has news from Ulster that ONeill and Odonell have confederated to maintain young Gerald, and have sent Jas. Delahide, for aid, to the king of Scots or the lords of the Out Isles. ONeill is gathering his power, and will be in the borders of Uriell on Sunday. Dublin, 24 July, Signed.
After writing saw letters from the Deputy, who will be here on Saturday.
In Alerts hand. Add: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
24 July.
Acts of the P. of Sc.
II. 352.
1448. Parliament of Scotland.
Holden at Edinburgh, 24 July , by lords commissioners, viz., George lord of St. John's, Master James Foulis, of Colintoun, clerk-register, Master Adam Ottirburn, of Reidhall, knt., and Thos. Scott, of Petgormo, justice-clerk, &c. Adjourned to 4 Nov. next.
24 July.
R. O.
1449. John Palsgrave to the Seigneur de Gouy, at Amiens.
Since the death of my friend Maitre Nicole, of St. Martin, I have been much desired by Mons. Aldelnie, who has a young child named Jacques Aldelnie in the hands of Pierre Pestel, priest, at Peronne, to beg you to write in behalf of the said child, both to the procureur du Roy at Peronne and to the said Pierre, that his father may be informed how much the child may have spent during the time he has been with him, or with Schion (?), widow of Nicole Puisson, at the parish of Fresne, to whom the child was sent when Mons. de Nassau came before Peronne. It is true that in consequence of a letter from one Antoine de Henaut to his aunt Chion at Genermont in the parish of Fresne, the affair of the said Jacques has been somewhat complicated, for he wrote that his said aunt should demand for the expenses of the said child 74 livres a year, when in truth he made a bargain with Nicole Canet at 12 livres a year, and all because the said Antoine, being a joiner by trade, and having formerly served Mons. Aldelnye in that capacity, but not having been paid to his satisfaction, attempted to pay himself in that manner. But as soon as I knew of the case, by my friend Master Nicolas, of St. Martin, I got the said Antoine to write to Master Nicole Canet and also to his aunt, to make them render a strict account how much the child had spent. Maitre Nicole Canet received with the child 6 livres, and has since received 2 cr. of the sun by you, so that there can be little due to him, especially as he has done his duty so badly, I think he does not deserve a gown, scarcely a jacket. He is very angry with me because his child has thus lost his time, but if you will send these letters to Peronne, and the bearer might have from you the true certificate at his return from Paris, I shall be greatly bound to you, and the child's father also. It was very unfortunate that Master Nicole de St. Martin died during this business, otherwise it would have been settled long ago. Address on back copied.
II. Account of expenses paid for the said Jacques Aldelnie, by Jean de St. Fuscien, Seigneur de Gouy:—T o Pierre Pestel and Maitre Nicole Canet at Peronne, 14 livres. For 10 months' board from 28 Sept. 1537 to the end of July , at the rate of 60s. A month, when he was in the house of the said Sieur de Gouy, 30 livres, and for the remainder of the time at the same rate, which is the smallest sum that can be demanded. It is to be noted that the said Sieur de Gouy took the said child with him to Peronne, by instructions from the said nicolas de st. Martin and some Englishmen, whom the said Sieur de Gouy does not know, because he was badly looked after. For all this the said Sieur de Gouy has received nothing. Amiens, 24 July 1538.
The Sieur de Grouy desires an answer as soon as possible. Fr. , pp. 2. Copy. Endd.
2. Another copy, with some differences in the account.
Fr., pp. 2. Addressed in the hand of Anthoinette de Saveuses to lady Lisle. Endd.
24 July.
R. O.
1450. Joannes a Werden to Cromwell.
Complains of groundless slanders against himself in England, but does not think it necessary to disprove them, as their author has been punished. Has been prevented by the Danish war and other circumstances from expressing his gratitude to Cromwell. Sends four live beavers (castores, quos et fibres vocant) by William Dzamer, an Englishman. Commends to him the merchants and factors of Dantzic. Danzigk, 24 July, Anno &c. '38. Signed: Joannes à Werden, Burgravius et Proconsul in Danszigk, arcisque Noven' et in Preuschmarck Capitaneus, &c.
Lat., pp. 2. Add. : Speclabili, &c, Thomae Crumwel Comiti de N., et serenissimi Regis Angliae consiliario primario, &c.
25 July.
Kaulek, 73.
1451. Castillon to Francis I.
Chelsea, 25 July:—Castillon received, Monday the 22nd, the letters of the 10th. The day before, the king of England heard from his ambassadors both with Francis and the Emperor.
The King is more ill pleased than I have found him for a long time; for when I detailed your letters and assured him that whatever might be treated he would always find in you the same wish for amity and confederation, he answered that that was only the old way of talking and writing which princes used when they wished to specify nothing ; he had sought you in every way and spoken with me as with one of his own Council, and yet when he informed you of the overtures the Emperor made him at the time of the meeting at Nice, you said it was an English invention; you would know soon he was not one to feign things, and he expected that shortly you would see his daughter duchess of Milan. He had intended to marry in France, but you would not do as much as send the ladies Brian spoke of as far as Calais with the queen of Navarre, and when the Emperor was with you you took no notice of Brian as if you did not know him. I think Brian made this despatch after dinner; he has, however, sent the portrait of Mademoiselle de Gnise, whom this King does not think ugly, as I know by his. face. He has been in great doubt (and his country with him) at the truce and your interview with the Emperor, but now the Emperor seeks him in such a fashion that lie is quite secure. And, Sire, be sure the Emperor does make great instance for this marriage of the Infant of Portugal with Lady Mary, offering to give them Milan, and has told the English ambassador that on arriving at Barcelona he would send a new power to his ambassadors here to conclude it, and likewise that of the duchess of Milan for him (Henry). Am assured of this on good authority, and that the Emperor never sought him so actively (think, if you please, to what end); whereat the King feels quite proud and secure, and the Imperialists of his Council lay much stress thereupon. I however gave him my advice as formerly and think some were scarcely pleased to see me so long with him; indeed he abated somewhat his I-don't-know-what-to-do and his inclination is incomparably to you rather than the Emperor. But as he is marvellously cooled and evidently does not wish henceforth to have great negociations with you (for he revokes Winchester and Brian and sends others) my advice is to tell them at parting, or order me to say, that as this King is willing, for love of the ladies, to cross the sea, you will be at Amiens, and if he wishes to see you, you will bring the Queen and the ladies with you to make him good cheer, and there he can see which pleases him whilst under cover of your interview your honour will be saved in letting him see the ladies. I think he will not refuse. If he take one of them he is done with the Emperor; and since he is so difficult to shoe (ferrer), if you keep him at work, you will bring him to reason. This is all I can write at present. He says you are sending a gentleman to inform him of the interview; I wish he could tell him something to please him.
French extract. *** A modern transcript is in R.O.
25 July. 1452. Castillon to Montmorency.
Kaulek, 74. [Chelsea], 25 July:— The King's letters [i.e., C.'s letter to Francis], show the state of affairs here. You have wasted the good cheer the King and you wrote you had made to Brian; for he could not have written worse, even of this advertisement of Hoyet. I know not if he has been persuaded by someone here who perhaps sends worse news. The best way to mend things is by an interview and by urging on the marriages. If they can be made you will avenge yourselves on him and upon whoever devises such things. (fn. n6) If you intend it, make haste, and do not write by the ordinary post, which always takes 11 or 12 days, while this King's couriers come in five or six. You see in what request he is with the Emperor, and I know not why, unless it is that before we come to treat of peace there may be no more talk of Milan, which will be already put in perpetual safety, besides the Emperor's forces, into the hands of this King and the king of Portugal. I still think that by using diligence we could recover him; but he must be sought, as I have always written. The Emperor, he says, has denied that his deputies wished to prefer the king of Portugal to him, and has said his ambassadors might judge of it, who being ordinarily with him have always been preferred to those of Portugal, and that if Francis had wished it he would have made no objection to Henry's being third contrahent. He is a strange man, the Emperor.
Cannot follow the King because of his debts in London unless he have money.
It would be well to send the portraits of Mademoiselle de Vend6me and the young De Guise, but it must be done with diligence, and lest the ambassadors altogether despair, let the cardinal of Lorraine do his best to entertain them. If you do not intend it, I beg you, as he sends for his ambassadors, to have me sent for. He has spoken so confidentially to me as I wrote to you, and as if on confession, on my oath of secrecy, that if he hears I have written so much to you he would do me a had turn. Vous congnoyssez le seigneur. Quand j'en serai dehors je le soutiendrai plus seurement (fn. n7)
French extract.
*** A modern transcript of the parts not in cipher is in R.O.
25 July.
Otho E. x. 45.
B. M.
1453. Richard Gresham to [Cromwell].
Mine humble duty remembered to [your good lordship. And] where I have moved your good lordship concerning exchanges] and rechanges, that if it shall not please [the King's highness] shortly to make a proclamation that all [outward merchants], as well his subjects as all other, may ev[er continue] their exchanges and rechanges frankly and f [reely, as they have] heretofore done, without any let or impediment, it will] cause a great meany of cloths and carsses (kerseys) to b[e left] in the cloth-maker's hands. If it be not out of ..... for Bartyllmewe fair will be shortly here, wyc[h is the chief ] time for the utterance of the said cloths and c[arsses, . .] there is diverse merchants that will shortly prepare th[emselves] towards Borduus for provision of wines, and f[or lack of] exchanges I do suppose there will be some conveyance of] gold amongst them. I am sure, my Lord, th[at such] exchanges and rechanges do much to the stay of [the said] gold in England, which would else be conveyed [away]. I do not write this for any commodity for myself, but as my duty to the King. I know it sh[all be] for the common wealth of his subjects, for merchants can no more be without exchanges and rechanges than ships at sea without water.
Last year I showed you a platte for a goodly Burse in Lombard Street, which I suppose will cost 2,000 Ii. and more. I beg you to ask the King for letters commanding Sir Geo. Monnockes to sell to the Mayor and Commonalty certain houses in [Lombard] Street, necessary for the building, at the price for which he purchased them. The letter should be sharply made, for he is of no gentle nature. Will deliver the letter and handle him as best I can. If I may obtain the houses, I doubt not to obtain 1,000l. for the building before I leave my office. London, 25 July.
I have received your Lordship's letter by Doct[or ..... and] perceive that the King's pleasure is th[at the priory of] Walsingham shall be dissolved, whereun[to I shall be] conformable in all things to his H[ighness pleasure], and by the Commissioners I have writ[ten in like] wise to the prior, as I doubt not he sha[ll make no] stay in the same. I beg you to move the King to sell me certain lands in Northeff[olk out of] the Busschopys lands called Thorpe, Blowef[eld], .... Hevyngham, Byghton,and Battysford, worth 150 li. a year, and at 20 years' purchase 3,000 li., of which 1,000 li. should be deducted for money I paid by the Cardinal's order to the duke of Buckingham at his going to Guisnes, as appears by an obligation in the custody of Mr. Whry[ssley], The rest I will pay in ready money.
Hol. Mutilated, pp. 3. Add.. To &c, my lord Privy Seal. Endd.
25 July.
R. O.
1454. Thomas, Bishop of Ely, to Cromwell.
On 21 July there assembled 21 journeymen shoemakers at Wisbech at a mill hill without the town on pretence to get more wages of their masters for a dozen shoes' sewing. Sends depositions of a part of them:— Six were apprehended, among whom was a brother of Captain Cobbler, late of Lowth, in Lincolnshire. Somersham, 25 July. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Cromwell. Endd.
ii. The confession of Henry Leverett, of Wisbech, in the I. of Ely, shoemaker, before John Hynde, King's serjcant-at-lnw, John Goderick, Geoff. Colvyle, Thos. Rudston, Alex. Balam, and Ric. Rede, justices, 22 July 30 Hen, VIII.
(1.) That he joined in an assembly of 22 shoemakers, 21 July, at the mill hill called the Milfeld, in Wisbech, for the purpose of raising their wages, and that none should work unless their masters gave them 18d. for sewing every dozen pair of shoes, instead of 15d, as before; that he took a primer out of his bosom, and one Edward, servant to Robert S my the, administered to him an oath to that effect.
(2.) The confession of Thos. Drabbe, of Wisbech, shoemaker:—That after the assembly 17 of the persons came to his house, he being from home, and sent three of their company to all their masters to come thither and speak with them. On his coming home, Leverett told him their object, when he bade them go to their other masters, and if they were content he also would agree. Leverett said this was but a scorn, and he then said he would give his own servants their old wages, and if they would not stay he knew where to find others. Leverett then said, And if they so do and depart the town there shall none come into the town to serve for that wages within a twelve- month and a day, but we woll haue an harme or a legge of hym, except they woll take an othe as we have doon.
(3.) List of the names of those unlawfully assembled. Pp.3.
25 July.
R. O.
1455. Latimer to Cromwell.
L.'s Letters,
p. 399.
Asks him to show his charitable goodness to Mr. Lucy, whose letters i, he has sent him. If Mr. Wm. Clapton can be suffered thus to rage, it will be but folly for any true preachers to come into that part of the diocese. Requires the use both of Cromwell's authority and his counsel. Asks him to send for the priest and for Mr. Clapton and end the matter, which is now made treason, and so not appertaining to Latimer's court. Refers to Cromwell in what case they are who have concealed treason so long. Does not wish Master Lucy to be discouraged. This S. Ja. day even now going to horse when Master Lycy's (Lucy's) servant came to me, which, if your Lordship be at leisure, can tell the whole process. At Harlay (qy. Hartlebury ?).
Hol. , p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd
[25 July]
R. O.
1456. Ric. Bp. of Dover to Cromwell.
Since lie left Cromwell, has been to the White Friars at Aylesford. Much of their necessaries were sold. The convent say that two men came to the prior saying that his house was given, and they had commission to put them out at their pleasure, so they sold what they paid and paid their debts. That house is in meet state. Went from thence to Losenham, where he had been before. There be honest men. The stuff is priced at 6l. 10s., with the bell and chalice. The house is poor in building and no lead, but tile, and much of it ready to fall. It is to be let, with the orchard, garden, and land, at 5 mks. a year, and the rent paid till Christmas. There was a lease out for 40s. a year, but he has it in again. At Winchelsea all the stuff of the Black Friars is sold for about 10l. The house has no lead, but slate and tile, and is falling down. There is a close let for 20s. a year, but the rent for four years to come was taken five years ago. The rest is not worth 10s. a year. The Grey Friars are very poor and not able to continue. Thinks the warden would have given it up if he had been at home. Has provided that there shall be no waste in the house. Mr. Lowes has the sight of it. Went thence to the White Friars at Sele, when he found neither friar nor secular, but the doors open. No one had been there for six days. The stuff was appraised at 3s. 4d. , 8d. more than it is worth. There are four acres of land, a little house, and a chapel, which all belong te Magdalen College, Oxford, and was held by the Friars by composition after their house was destroyed by the sea. At Arundel, found a poor house not able to pay a penny of his costs nor yet the contribution. There were three friars, in good name and favour. At Chichester found two houses in good order and so left them. At Southampton and Salisbury found them also in good order. At Winchester, where he had been before on Ascension Bay, had before him 25 priests from three houses; but in all three were but three masses, in each house one mass, the rest sung abroad. Found other misorder, and gave them injunctions, but they refused them, and would not forego their singing abroad. Was then summoned by Cromwell, so that he did not finish his business, and now at his return, desired the mayor and his brethren to go with him to each place, and sends the order thereof under the hands of the mayor and aldermen. All these houses were given up, but afterwards the prior of the Black Friars, a servant of the bishop of Winchester, and the mayor, desired that the prior might have the house and he would keep there four friars without celebration abroad. Answered that he could make no grant till he heard from Cromwell. The Austin Friars is a great house, in building after the old fashion. Small gardens and open, no lead except two or three gutters, but all tile. Their rents are a mark a year, and they pay out 16s. 8d. a year. They were in debt 40s., and all they had worth only 5l. The Grey Friars is a proper house in building, no rents, small gardens, and no lead but two or three gutters. The city will make suit for it. The Black Friars is an old house after the old fashion, with no rents, small gardens, all tile but 10 or 12 foder of lead on the choir and part of the church. Is now at Marlborough. When there before, the prior was not at home. Has now received his house. It is priced at 9l. 6s. 8d. , of which the house owes 4l. 7s. 7d. Yt was tyme to take yt, for yt was to for in abomynacyon. I have not hard of suche. It receives yearly 5l. 6s. , and pays out 26s. 0 ½ d. There is no lead, but a little steeple, not 5 cwt. Master York came to me in your name by that token that I sued to you for the deliverance of a friar, that I should leave both the house and the stuff with him, and so I have by indenture. He will see the debts paid. Rides to Bristowe, where one house of White Friars is ready at the King's pleasure and Cromwell's. The prior and sexton were gone before his last being there. Made sure of all the substance that was left. The prior of the Austin Friars has sold everything, but will not give up, as he has the King's patent, and says he may sell house and all if he list. Goes thence to Gloucester, where the Black and White Friars are ready to give up. On coming to London, will present to Cromwell a book with the order of every house, the number of the persons, the quality of every man, the state of every house, and the inventories. It is pity to know the penury of the houses. Thinks no better deed could be done than to set every man at liberty that would go. They have nothing to purchase their capacities with and live in misery. All is sold in the more part of the houses, and the chalices changed to tin or copper; so that there is nothing left. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal.
25 July.
R. O.
1457. Bic. Bp. of Dover to [Cromwell].
If his Lordship will read his long letter, he will see more of the clearness of this thing. Lossenam, the Black Friars of Winchelsea, Seylle, the Black, Grey, and Austin Friars of Winchester, and the White Friars of Marlborough, are all at the King's pleasure and Cromwell's. In four days there will also be the White Friars of Bristol and the Black and White Friars of Gloucester. Asks whether Cromwell will have the Black Friars still at Winchester or not. Thinks it is not best. Wishes to know what to do with the friars that give up their houses, for there is so much penury that other houses are not able to keep them. In ten houses there are not two able to continue a year. Many that he has passed are ready to give up. In many houses, is obliged to pay all his costs and receive never a penny. It were a charitable deed that capacities were cheaper, so that friars might make shift to have them, for none can get thorn but priors who sell the convent's goods, or lemytors who purchase them with their lemytacions. 25 July. Signed.
P. 1. Endd.
R.O. 1458. The White Friars, Marlborough.
Inventory of the White Friars of Marlborough, appraised by Robt. Brown and Wm. Symondes assigned by the mayor. Vestments and furniture, 9l. 6s. 3d. Debts, 4l. 7s. 7d. Left in the hands of Master Yorke. Signed; Ricardus Dovorencis.
Pp. 2. Endd.
25 July.
R. O.
1459. Lord Sandys to Cromwell.
Thanks the King for his letters enforcing him to the right execution of justice, observing his laws and performing his admonitions. Asks Cromwell to advise him if he fails through ignorance. Has not waited upon the King in consequence of infection in his house. The Vyne, 25 July. Signed.P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: My lord Chamberlain.
25 July. 1460. John Saltsbury to' Cromwell.
R. O. The King's tenants and subjects of the lordship of Denbigh complain that Perys and Sic. Lloid have sued out two patents upon their commons and the King's lands that were in their hands and their ancestor's time out of mind, and if they lose them their wives and children will go begging. Wrote about this before, and Cromwell answered he knew of no such takings, and if any such were, they should be reformed. Denbigh, 25 July. Signed.P. 1. Add,: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
25 July.
R. O.
1461. Thos. Agard to Cromwell.
The Deputy is not yet returned. He left on Monday after Trinity Sunday, a hosting with 14 days' victuals having been appointed for the Tuesday week following. At which day all was prepared, but he came not, to the great cost of the poor country. He has all the ordnance of Dublin castle with him, which I never saw all out at the same time except at the siege of Maynooth. And now he, with only 100 Englishmen, trusts himself at\d the King's ordnance to the conduct of the Geraldines, who will never be true to the King; for with him went Gerald MacGerald and Okonogher, whose wife is Kildare's daughter. The first thing he did was to make Ferdinando Okarell captain of his country, who married another of Kildare's daughters and has ever since I knew this land been the King's worst enemy; as the good earl of Ormond and his son James can tell, who shed their blood in the King's service. Whenever there was any service to be done the earl of Desmond, as he calls himself, this Ferdinando, Okonour, Gerald McGerald, and prior Walshe, were earthed like foxes or else openly against the King. The week before Whitsuntide I was told at Waterford that the pretended earl of Desmond had conducted young Gerald, with his aunt, Elynor late wife to McKarte, Delahide and certain of fihe Walshes, to OBreene, from whom they went to Uleke OBurghe, and thence to ODonell, whom the said aunt would marry on condition that he maintained young Gerald. Now it is said that the Deputy, aided by Desmond, has put down Mac William and made Uleke OBurghe captain of the country. At this journey has been much inventing against Ormond and his son, lord James ; they say the Deputy never speaks their names without adding those traitors, which is grievous to be heard unless it can be proved, and that would be as difficult as to turn the course of the sun. Of late Mr. Sentlow has offered me, having your favour, his seneschalship and farms, and all the gentlemen of the county press me to take it. It rests on your pleasure. The Bektyffe, St. James' Day. Hol., pp. 3. Add.: Lord Privy Seal.


  • n1. See Vol. X. No. 1253.
  • n2. Monk Bretton.
  • n3. Printed in M's71etters, iv. Ep. 208, as of the date 5 Kal. Aug.
  • n4. Robert Baynham. See Vol. xi No. 1,289.
  • n5. See No. 1436.
  • n6. In cipher in the original.
  • n7. This passage is in cipher in the original.