Henry VIII: July 1538, 26-31

Pages 540-561

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 1, January-July 1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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July 1538, 26-31

26 July. 1462. [Sir] Ric. Gresham to Cromwell.
R. O. Assembled today at the Guildhall for the arraignment of Edmond Conysby, prisoner in Newgate. All the bills sent to Gresham by Cromwell which had any date were dated before 4 Feb. 27 Hen. VIII., which is before the making of the statute. As to the other bills being Signed, and having no date, nor of the counterfeit signet, we have no proof when they were Signed and made. Has therefore adjourned the session till Wednesday next. Asks Cromwell to send his confession and other evidence for enforcing the indictment, which rehearses that he counterfeited the King's sign and privy signet, 1 May last and divers times before and after, since the making of the statute, of which there is no evidence. If your Lordship will lend instructions for declaration of the truth, we will proceed according to our duty, and if we have no other evidence than these bills and counterfeit signet, if it be your pleasure that we shall proceed upon such presumptions as we have, we will do our diligence. London, Friday, 26 July. Signed.
P 1 Add.: Lord Privy Seal Endd.. R. Gresham's letters.
26 July 1463. [Sir] Ric. Gresham to Cromwell.
R. O. After closing his other letter to Cromwell, received one from certain merchants of London now in Dublin, declaring that the mayor and aldermen there will not suffer them to buy or sell nor give them other privileges than if they were foreigners or pagans. Begs him to call the recorder and others of Dublin who are now attending him, and order them to see this remedied. London, 26 July. Signed.
P. 1. Add.; Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: R, Gresham lettres.
R. O. 2. Wm. Lye and Thos. Crocker to the lord mayor and aldermen of London.
"Laus Deo ano 1538 the 17 day of June, at Dublin."—The mayor and citizens of Dublin will not suffer them (freemen of London) to buy and sell without intolerable restrictions. Ric. Wallyngfort, of Dublin, bought j. balle of battry from them, but mad to revoke his bargain. Signed.
P. I. Add.
26 July. 1464. Edward Corbet to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Has delivered his letter to my lord Privy Seal at Oking. He asked me where the preacher was. I replied that I had left him with my lord of Canterbury at Lambeth, which he said was well. My Lord then asked if I had heard any of his sermons. I said, Most of them. I then showed what his opinion was concerning the sacrament of the altar. I said you expected the preacher would say, Your Lordship would latt the sowldyers to come to the preching, and I explained that you never hindered any of them, but often finding no soldiers in the market when there were many strangers in the town, you said, when the soldiers came from the sermon, ye would no more of that fashion, but ye would have the market to be furnished every day with a vintner and a constable and their company, and every one so to keep their turn. I told him one of them had given you over- thwart language, on which you committed him to ward. I mentioned that the preacher had said at his departing off the jetty he would go by no man's compulsion, as he had a licence to remain there as long as he pleased. My Lord asked who gave him that licence, whieh I could not tell, and said no one should be there without Lisle knowing their authority. My Lord says he hopes to see Lisle at Dover when the King comes there, and that he will make a start over to Calais at one tide and return again at another, because he would purge and scour his stomach. I saw my Lord bad delight to hear me speak, and then I showed him how unquietly you lived among a sort there. His Lordship said that should be amended shortly. Your Lordship and my Lady are heartily recommended from my lord Privy Seal and my lord Marquis, Sir William Kingston, and Sir William Coffen, and Sir Herry Knevet, and from Sir Christofer Mores and many other. Sir Chr. Mores says my lord Admiral will not agree that the man in whose favour you wrote shall have the gunner's room, for breaking the act. London, 26 July.
Hol, p. 1. Sealed. Add. Endd. by Lisle : John Wavcher (?) noyrralet (?) demourant aupres de Caalis.
26 July. 1465. [Sir] Richard Ryche to Cromwell.
R. O. Hears that the house of St. Austin's in Kent and other houses shall be surrendered, the survey of which pertains to his office and the Court of Augmentations. Desires to know whether he is to send officers of the Augmentations to make the survey, or whether such as Cromwell appoints for the dissolution shall do it. To be plain, some of the latter have made surveys on which it is impossible to proceed. Does not intend in any jot to touch upon Cromwell's office. Hears the King and Cromwell think him unfit for his office. Reminds Cromwell that he cannot employ auditors and surveyors except those within his office. Austin Friars, in London, 26 July, Signed,
Pp. 2, Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: Chancellor of the Augmentations,
26 July. 1466. John Wellysburn to Cromwell.
R. O. The bearer, who has been a clerk in the King's works at Hampton Court, can tell him about the decay of the locks and mills at Abendon. The workmen say they will not repair the stone work, timber work, &c. for 100l. There will be great danger and greater cost if not amended before winter. Cromwell said at Oking that the King wished him to send a skilful man to Abendon, but he has not done so. If it pass this year, the rents cannot be paid, and the repairs will be more costly. Asks for the stewardship of the manor and lands and my lord of Hartford's convent seal without his displeasure. Abendon, 26 July. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal Endd,
26 July. 1467. Lord Leonard Grey to Henry VIII.
R. O.
St. P. iii.
It was concluded by the Council at Dublin that he should go a journey of eight days'victuals to commune with James of Desmond according to the King's letters. Started on the 17th June accompanied by Gormanston, Thos Nugent, John Darcye, Wm. Byrmyngham, OConnor, the late Omore's sons, 25 of Mr. Brabazon's company, six with Kenyll Obruton, and his own retinue; and lay in Offale. (fn. n1) On the 18th camped in OMulmoy's country and took Eglys castle. On the 19th entered OKaroIl's country of Ely, and was joined by OKarroll and tarried till the 23rd, taking Birr and Modrynnye castles from other OKarroll's who "would not be ordered". Birr yielded ; the other was taken by assault with loss of one killed and four wounded. On the 24th entered OKennedy's country of Ormond where Dermond OKennedy submitted. On xhe 25th entered Ara, McOBryno Aray's country, who likewise submitted; and on 26th entered Owne, Dermond OMolrean's country, and he submitted. Thither came Ulick OBurgb, now captain of Clanricard, and submitted; also James ODesraond with a good band, who did good service. Tybott Burgh, captain of Clan William, also submitted. On the 28th came to Limerick, accompanied by the said earl till within three miles of the city, and swore the mayor and brethren to the Supremacy and against the bp. of Rome, which they did very readily. Also swore the bp. of Limerick : and commanded the mayor to swear the townsmen and the bp. his clergy and certify the same into Chancery. Then OBryne promised peace for a year and service in breaking his brother Morough OBryne's bridge: and gave his son to lord Leonard in pledge, to be left with James ODesmond at his departure. On 4 July, set forward to the Bridge, broke it and camped there two nights. The day after he reached the Bridge, ODesmond and OBryne joined him. On the 8th they invaded Morough's country and took Ballycolome and Clare [Clare More] (fn. n2) castles and burnt the country. [They remained at Clare 2 nights and at their removing a dangerous fray arose between Desmond and Grey about OMulryan's hostage, insomuch that Desmond put his men in array but was pacified by Sir Thomas Butler] (fn. n3) Next day ODesmond and OBryne left and Grey entered the Burghs' country of Clanricard. On the 10th took Baily Clare castle from Richard Ogh Burgh, who did much hurt to the town of Galway, and delivered it to Ulick Burgh, now made captain of the couufry [and knighted by Grey].] (fn. n3) On the 11th removed to Galway, where, during his seven days' stay, the mayor and brethren provided for Grey and the English retinue, and Ulick OBurgh for the Irish, free of charge. Gave the mayor and bishop the oaths as at Limerick. There Hugh OFlart captain of Oyle, Hugh OMadyn, captain of Sylamghnee, Molaghlyn OMadyn, and Thomas McYoris, captain of .Athenry, made submission.
On the 19th returned into Clanricard and broke two castles of Richard Ogh OBurgh [Leakagh and Deryviclaghyn]. (fn. n3) Removed 21 July to OKelly's country, and OConnorRoo, captain of his conntry, called McHenry, came in and submitted and that night camped there. [At Beallakery, OConnor Roo was accompanied by the prior of Roscommon, who spake good English, and by one who led his chief horse, who conducted young Gerald Fitzgerald and his aunt from Ulick de Burgh to ODonell. Ap Parry, Gerald McGerald, and the Deputy had long secret communications with OConnor and the prior. OConnor left his chief horse and departed at Aghrim]. (fn. n3) Went, 22 July, through OMadyn's to Machoglan's country, who would not fulfil his promises so Grey took and detains a castle of his. [Taking of the castle not mentioned. Crossed the Shannon at Bennaghor ford] (fn. n3) On the 23rd went to OMolaghlyn's country, and as he had not fulfilled his promises though he had given his second son as pledge, caused him to deliver his eldest son. Camped there, [at Gerald McGerald's house of Croboy]. (fn. n3) On the 24th passed through Mageochagan's country to Tyrrell's country, wheTe he left the ordnance safe and proceeded to Maynooth Castle, where he arrived by 2 a.m. on the 2oth. Sends to the lord Privy Seal a book of the indentures made by the foresaid Irishmen.
At Limerick certain merchants are accused of maintaining Morogh OBryne and other rebels, i.e. Stephen Harrold, treasurer of Limerick, Piers, Walter, Jas. and Edm. Harrolde, Robt. Lewes, and Thos. and Barth. Strych, merchants. Has them in hold. [The treasurer was attached and his goods confiscated; Jas. Harrold and Barth. Strych impeached of feigned treason]. (fn. n3) OConnor has done well: he and Stephen Appary treated with all the Irishmen above mentioned. Maynouth, 26 July.
Add. Endd.
Lamb. 601, f. 7. 2. Copy of the preceding.
26 July. 1468. Lord Leonard Grey to Cromwell.
R. O. To the same effect. Encloses a book of the indentures made by the Irishmen. Begs again for artillery: could have done more in this journey had he bad it, as his servant John Baker will show, to whom give credence about this and about money. Longs to see the King. Maynuth, 26 July. Signed.
Pp. 4. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd. : To be answered for certain merchants of Limerick that victualled the Irish rebels, which be in hold. For artillery and money.
[26 July.] 1469. John Hutton to Cromwell.
R. O.
St. P. viii.
Two days ago a gentleman of the duchess of Milan arrived from England. In reply to her question how he liked England, he said he thought he had seen an[other] Italy. She asked about the King, whom he praised highly. After supper he told her of his good entertainment and said the Emperor's ambassador was expecting further commission concerning her marriage with the King, whereat it seemed she much rejoiced.
The Commissioners who were sent to treat with the towns of Gelderland were told at Nemeg[uen] that they would not treat without the consent of the young duke of Cleves, so they returned, and the matter is scant well liked. Sends the autograph copy of a book against the King by Albert Pighin provost of Utereght. One was sent to the bp. of Rome by the dean of our Lady Church, Antwerp, and another should have been sent to king Ferdinand, but is now in Hutton's possession. Obtained it through the author's chaplain, the bringer, by promise that he should be better entertained than by his late master, who would help to his hanging if he could catch him. My brother Dean will conduct him to England. [B]ruxelles, x [xvi.] day of [July].
Hol. pp. 3. Mutilated. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
26 July. 1470. The Duchess of Milan and Don Luys of Portugal.
Vesp. C. vii:
B. M
Commission of Charles V. to Mary of Hungary to treat with the king of England's Commissioners for his marriage with the duchess dowager of Milan and that of Don Luys of Portugal with the Princess, Henry's daughter; with power to conclude and ratify the latter. Barsalona, 20 July , 19th year of his Empire and 24th as king of Spain.
Fr., copy, pp. 2. Endd.
1471. George Earl of Shrewsbury.
The following letters are of uncertain dates, but seem all to be connected with George earl of Shrewsbury, who died on the 26th July : —
1. Robt. Swyfte to [the Earl of Shrewsbury].
Lamb. MS.
695., Vol. ii.
C. 15.
On Wedy. 21st inst. delivered the letters and privy seals to Wriothesley at Hampton Court. Sends a letter from him with a receipt for 19 privy seals, and the indentures with Wriothesley and Powtrell and Thos. Jeffreayes bill. Legal matters. Mr. Wortle's, &c, will be explained by Thos. Sutton, his Loidship's solicitor. Robert Shakersley is sick of an ague. Roland Shakersley and his wife are in suit for a gentlewoman who was with the late lady Matravers, a sad young woman and a womanly; of good conversation and qualities. As to the apparel in recompcnce of the bequest to Mrs. Grace by her brother Hugh Shakersley, Roland says that after his debts were paid his goods were of small value, but he will satisfy Shrewsbury's reasonable demands, if he will send a bill of particulars. Asks for instructions about Shrewsbury's second gown, coats and doublets, and Mrs. Grace's kirtles, and about sending the gentlewoman if she be obtained. Heard that the Master of the Savoy trusted to have heard from his Lordship before Midsummer. Has paid Sir Brian Tuke. Has sent 14 doz. and 1 napkins by Towtehyll, the carrier. London, 25th day of this present month [qu. June 1531 ?].
Hol., p. 1.
2. Robt. Swyfte, younger, to [the Earl of Shrewsbury].
Lamb. MS.
695, vol. ii.
C. 11.
On Sat. 1st inst. received his letters by Jas. Cooke, with 100l. for the Master of the Savoy, which he has paid, and received from him, Shrewsbury's counterpayne of the indenture and the images mentioned therein. Has intrusted the images to Roland" Shakersley and his wife till Shrewsbury's pleasure is further known. Shukersley will have the things mentioned in the bill of particulars ready in six days. The gentlewoman will come with Shakersley on Saturday or Sunday week, as lady Grey, her mother-in-law willed. Has stayed Steven Sewall here till then. Has had the most uncomfortable suit about the privy seals, but all are obtained but two. As to your chapel roof, Mr. Garter would have you join in every scutcheon a marriage of your ancestors. Has ordered the painter to wait on Mr. Garter and make 12 scutcheons. He thinks the half scutcheons should be set round about with Talbots and Shawffrons. London, 4 July [1531 ?]
Hol, p. 1. Add.: To my Lord.
3. John Popeley to Mr. Sherley.
Lamb. MS.
695, vol. ii.
C. 15.
Marvels that he has not heard from him. Sent him word by Byklay of the chantry of my Lord's at Tylne. (fn. n4) The priest is dead. Has arrested all the goods for repairs. Wishes to know my Lord's pleasure. Asks him to tell Wm. Parker to deliver Popeley's silver to Watt to buy stuff, and also 6s. 8d. to Aburall; and to tell my Lord that Homfrey Hersse and one of his bailiffs oppress his tenants at Clareburgh and Hay ton. Worsoppe, Thursday is Cleansing days.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To Mayster Sherley dwelling with my lord Stuarde.
4. WM. Lord Dacre to the Earl of Shrewsbury. (fn. n5)
Lamb. MS,
695, vol. ii.
C. 25.
My bedfellow of late is wealfarne of a daughter, and since her churching is accraysed with infirmity of sickness. Desires lady Northumberland to come for her consolation and comfort. Kirkoswald, 5 June. Signed.
P 1, Add.
Lamb. MS.
695, vol. ii.
C. 7.
5. Walter Herbert to [the Earl of Shrewsbury]. In favour of Robt. ap Hoell, the writer's kinsman, who has a variance with a servant of Shrewsbury's. His father died lately and left him poor. It is but a lewd matter and of no substance. Roglan, 20 July. Signed.
P. 1. Add.. My lord Steward.
6. Edmond Norton to Wm. Talbot.
Lamb. MS.
695, vol. ii.
C. 13.
According to his Lordship's command, showed his pleasure to the lord President, who called the Council and made him repeat it. They thought much gentleness in him, and praised his wisdom. They asked if my Lord was steward of Doncaster. Said he thought so. My lord President said he thought his Lordship must be called thereto. I said that they were as many as my Lord could make forth of all places. Show my Lord that Mr. Babethorpe and Mr. Challenour asked me of his being at Mr. Savells a hunting, and how long did he did tarry there, and I said about one day and came home at night; and they asked an I were there, and I said yes. As I take it, they thought it had been before my coming to his Lordship with my answer.
Hol., p. 1 Add.: To Mr. Wellam Talbout, stower of lord hous aid or to Mr. Bradshawye, dark of the ketchen, sarvanttes to the erle of Shrosseberre at Hard wake.
27 July. 1472. Thomas Pope to Cromwell.
R. O. Mr. Polsted hath declared unto me that your Lordship was in communication with Sir John Dudeley for the sale of Dray ton Basset, Staff., whereof I knew not.
Mr. Robynson, eight days past, came to my house and told me he had your favour for the obtaining of Drayton Basset, and that Sir John Dudeley had sent for him to have that manor for 20 years' purchase. As he had not the money, most of his substance being in wares, he desired me to purchase it, promising 600 mks. toward the same, if I would grant him a lease thereof for 99 years. So I sold a manor of 50l. a year, lately purchased of John Cope, and part of my plate: and with this, and 400l. borrowed of George Robynson, purchased the said manor and have leased it to Robynson, with the preferment if hereafter I am minded to alienate it. I beg your Lordship not to be displeased with me for this. Robynson is ridden into Staffordshire; if I perceive he had knowledge hereof, I will never trust him again. London, 27 July.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
27 July. 1473. Sir John Dudley to Cromwell.
R. O. I have been so long in obtaining money to pay the King that, your Lordship being with his Majesty so far off, I have been driven in despair to sell Dray ton to Master Pope. Yet I waited till I had answer from Mr. Polsted that your Lordship would not pass the rate of eight years' purchase for my lands in reversion in Gloucestershire; and I had the consent of Geo. Robinson, without whom I could have done nothing. I was always ready to go through with your Lordship for Dray ton, and if the said Robynson would not grant you his goodwill as soon as to Mr. Pope, I do greatly marvel. As for my lands in Gloucestershire or anywhere, let your Lordship approve it and see if I will stick at your own price. 27 July.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Cromwell, Privy Seal. Endd.
27 July. 1474. Allen Kynge to Wriothesley.
R.O. Desiring you to help the bearer to a letter, [for] which my Lord Mayor, certain aldermen and the sheriff, John Gressam, spoke to my lord Privy Seal in the Star Chamber at Westminster, and my Lord commanded me to go with him to have a French letter, and from that day to this day he never came at me." It concerns as well Englishmen as any others, for it is a new custom begun 40 years ago. The then abbot required in like manner; whereupon a sort of mad mariners" broke into the abbey and threw 12 of the monks into a well and from that day to this they were never heard of. If the monks remain in the opinion of their elders, I pray God send them the same sauce as they had, for they be gone a fishing without a net. Dated at the top: London, 27 July .
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To the right worshipful Thomas Wryseley, Squere, at the Court. Endd.
27 July. 1475. [Sir Richard Ryche to Cromwell.]
R. O. Another copy of No. 1465, and in the same hand, dated 27 July. Not Signed or Addressed.
27 July. 1476. Combermere Abbey.
R. O.
Rymer, xiv.
Surrender of the monastery and all its possessions in co. Chester and elsewhere in England, Wales, and the marches thereof, 27 July 30 Hen. VIII. Signed by John Massey, abbot, Thos. Haymond, prior, and 11 others. [See Deputy Keeper's Eighth Report, App. II. 17.] Seal much injured.
Enrolled [Close Roll, p. 2, No. 34] as acknowledged before Ric. Layton, elk., one of the clerks of Chancery.
27 July.Vesp. F. xiii.
86 b.
B. M.
1477. John Earl of Oxford to [Cromwell].
On Thursday last, about 4 p.m., my lord of Norfolk sent to me to my house of Erls Colne to meet him at Esterfforde at five or six o'clock the same night. Did so and rode with him towards Stoke. He showed me, as at your desire, concerning an accusation made against me in the deposition of that arrant traitor the abbot of Wooburn before your good lordship. Thanks for this good advertisement. Protests his innocence, and begs Cromwell's continued favour. Never saw the abbot since the prorogation of the last parliament, and as for such papistical cope or book, cannot remember having such a thing, though he has searched everywhere at Colne for it, and will do so at his house at London and elsewhere. 27 July.
Hol., p. 1.
27 July.
R. O.
1478. George Abp. of Dublin to Cromwell.
Has received Cromwell's letters of 31st May. Takes God to witness that in his preaching and writing he never intended malice. Send to the bp. of Meath for the letter his friend sent him from London, which said that he saw my letter to your Lordship against him. I ask it in charity for my declaration. Your chaplain, my late steward, Thos. O'Reef, priest, whom I dismissed for popish ness, and who now in England has been on pilgrimages to Canterbury and Walsingham, has brought your letters for a prebend in St. Patrick's. I beg you will hear my advice in these appointments. My lord Deputy came today to Kilmaynham: the bearer can tell somewhat therein. Dublin, 27 July. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd. with a memorandum of the contents of the letter, made for Cromwell's use.
27 July.
R. O.
1479. J. de Nouvelle to the Deputy of Calais.
Has received his letter asking for some boar's venison. Sends a young boar, as the Deputy wishes it at once, and will send something better when he can get it. Tournehen, 27 July. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
27 July. 1480. Jenne de Saveuses (Madame de Riou) to Lady Lisle.
R. O. My cousin, Sceur Anthoinette de Saveuses, has come to see me, who is loud in praise of the honour you have done her for my sake. I have for some time been suffering from catarrh. If health had continued (sy la sante meust long temps continue) I had counted upon going to Boulogne in hope of seeing you. When you have an opportunity let me hear news of you and of Mademoiselle, ma commere. Pont de Remy, 27 July. Signed.
Fr., p 1. Add.: A Calles.
27 July. 1481. Hutton to Cromwell.
R. O.
St. P. viii. 41.
Wrote last on July 26. A post has just arrived from the Emperor l. with certain news that perpetual peace has been taken between the Emperor and French king. The Council thereupon has appointed Mons. de Lalayne and Mons. de Leiskyrke to go as ambassadors to the duke of Cleves, but there is small hope that they will obtain the dukedom of Geldar. It is reported that there are English and Scotch ambassadors with the duke of Cleves. Brussels, 27 July.
Hol., p. 1. Add.. Privy Seal. Endd.
27 July. 1482. Giovanni Battista Ferrar to Wm. Panizon or (in his absence) to Cromwell.
Galba x. 79.
B. M.
Today is come from the Queen a brother (fn. n6) of the wife of Mons. Molembes, sent by the French king, who has delivered a letter to Her Majesty and spoken with her at length. He explained the conduct of his King when he went to the interview with the Emperor, and he invited this Queen and Madame to a conference upon the frontier. Madame is sought after by the dukes of Cleves and of Lorraine. Protests his affection for the king of England, and discourses at great length upon the motives which direct human actions. Recommendations to the lord Privy Seal, and also to Sr. Caneutto (Knyvet ?), Sr. Pietro Lasson, Sr. Philippo [Hobby ?], and Sr. Portonario. Brussels, 27 July .
Hol., Italian, pp. 3. Add.
[28 July ?] 1483. Ric. Bp. of Dover to Cromwell.
R. O. The bearer, Thos. Bell, sen., of Gloucester, has brought him letters that two convents in Gloucester, the White and the Black Friars, can no longer tarry in their houses for poverty. Bell has helped him in saving what was spoiled abroad by the friars, and some of it is at his house. Asks that he may have the house of the Black Friars, as he has pan of the gardens. He sets above 300 poor people to work. After going to Harforde, will return to Gloucester, and there set an order for these two houses. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: Rycharde Deveres.
1484. Ric. Bp. of Dover to Cromwell.
Cleop. E. iv.
B. M.
of the
Before I received your letter by my servant, I had been at the White Friars of Bristol, and in two houses of Gloucester, where was such clamour about debts that I had men asSigned by the mayors to sell everything and paid the debts, leaving the houses in safe custody. The substance of most of the houses is very small, and the clamour of the poor men to whom they owe money tedious ; but now I know your full pleasure, I shall follow it, and have begun with the Grey Friars of Gloucester. As my return to London is uncertain, I send copies of inventories of houses surrendered. You write that though I have changed my habit, I have not changed my friar's heart. I pray you judge me not so, for it was gone two years before, and the favour I have shown was not for my friar's heart, but to bring things with the most quiet to pass. Could dispatch a great part of the friars of England before the end of his year of visitation if he had leave to license them to change their habits. Begs favour to the poor men who have reSigned their houses, of whom sends list. Has permitted some friars to remain in their houses rather than appear to use extremity, but has not omitted to show them their faults; and, to avoid having their demeanours declared, three houses have surrendered since he last wrote. Cromwell would have been not a little moved if he had known the order of them, some sticking fast in windows naked going to drabs, so that the pillar was fain to be sawed to have him out; some being plucked from under drabs' beds; some fighting so that the knife hath stoken in the bone, &c. Cromwell should write to the mayor of Marlborough to look on a friar imprisoned there for misconduct with a ma«d child of 10 or 11 years. The writer, when there, was desired to deliver him, but he and Mr. York having seen the child and her friends, declined to move in the matter. Left the Black Friars of Winchester in secular hands, only licensing the prior to say mass until he wrote again, which he has now done.
Since writing last has received the White Friars of Bristol and three houses in Gloucester. Describes them. Has at Gloucester received much assistance from Mr. Bell, the alderman. Signed.
P.S. in his own hand:—If Cromwell will send him 100 blank warrants, for those who shall surrender their houses in this progress, will bring them back filled in. Protests his determination to be Cromwell's servant. Vinchelse, according to your commandment, I have sold the stuff; the house is at the King's commandment and yours.
Pp. 3. Add.. Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
Cleop. E. iv.
B. M.
2. List of friars for whom the bp. of Dover desires of Cromwell a discharge to change their apparel.
Black Friars, Gloucester:—Friar John Raynoldes, B.D., prior nuper, friar John Howper, and five others. White Friars there:—Friar Thos. Knyght and two others. Grey Friars there:—Friar Wm. Lightfote and four others. White Friars, Bristol:—Friar Thos. Wraxall and three others. White Friars of Marlysborowe :—Friar Thos. Groldysborowe and four others. Grey Friars, Winchester:—Friar Thos. Parys and two others. Austin Friars there:— Friar John Wyhtt. Black Friars there:—Friar Richard Chessam, D.D., prior, and five others.
Added in the Bp.'s hand: I want three or four friars' names of the Austin and White Friars of Winchester. I left the book at home. If ye could be so good to send to me three or four warrants with a space for their names 1 were bound to you.
Ib. 252*.
B. M.
of the
3. Certificate by the mayor and aldermen of Gloucester, 28 July 30 Henry VIII., that the friars there, having been visited at two times in two days and asked whether they would continue and keep the injunctions, which they acknowledged to be according to their rules, though as the world is now they were unable to keep them, freely surrendered their houses to Richard bp. of Dover, the visitor, in their presence. Signed by Wm. Hasard, mayor, Wm. Mathew, Thos. Bell, sen., and Thos. Payne, aldermen.
28 July.
R. O.
1485. The White Friars, Bristol.
Md. this 28 July 30 Henry VIII., Richard, bp. of Dover, the King's visitor, brought before the mayor of Bristol four friars late of the White Friars there, who confessed that their former priors had sold their jewels and substance, and as the charity of the people is very small they are unable to live. They have therefore given their house to the King. They also confessed that the visitor had given them all their own chambers and the books of the choir and a letter and 20d. each to bring them to their convents, and gave them certain times to visit their friends ; and so he has appraised the moveables, with two honest men of the town, paid the debts, and made an inventory of the goods of the house, which is left in the hands of John Mereke. Signed by Thomas Clifton, sub-prior, Thos. Wraxall, Simon Wagoner (?), and John Hoper.
P. 1.
R. O. 2. Inventory of the White Friars at Bristol.
A suit of Mermaids (Maremaydys,) priest, deacon and subdeacon, 12s.; a white suit with lions, 16s.; a silk cope with birds, 5s.; five old copes, 8s.; and other vestments. Two feather beds, 13s. 3d.; four platters and three pottingers, 3s, 4d.; old hangings of
the choir, 16d.; a tester and a syler green, say 12d.; a bedstead, 12d.; a table, trestles, and a form, 12d.; dornyxe hangings of the choir, 16d.; a feather bed and bolster, 6s. sd.; kitchen utensils, &c. Total, 8l. 2s. 10d.
Added by the bp. of Dover: Two copper chalices which the visitor has; two bells, which the mayor and Evans are to see sold. The house is in the hands of Evans till the King's pleasure be known. 8l. 2s. 1d. paid away, 10d. remaining in his hands, and the two copper chalices. Silver there was none.
Signed: Ricardus Dovorencis. Pp. 2. Endd.
28 July.Kaulek, 75. 1486. Francis I. to Castillon.
Vienne, 28 July:—Has received his letter of the 18th [No. 1405]. Castillon knows what passed at the interview of Aigues Mortes. The assurance taken there was such that henceforth Francis and the Emperor will esteem each other's affairs as their own. Castillon shall continue to entertain the king of England, assuring him of Francis amity. Still thinks it unreasonable to send Mesdemoiselles de Vendome and de Guise to Calais, and that a good and honourable personage should come to see them. It would be one of his greatest pleasures that the king of England should marry in France. Continues on his way to Moulins.
French abstract. *** A modern transcript is in R.O.
29 July.
R. O.
1487. Thomas Wriothesley.
Grant of the site of Beaulieu Abbey, Hants, Terling, 29 July 30 Hen. VIII. [See Grants in July, No. 67.]
Copy, Paper roll of nine leaves, injured by damp.
29 July.
R. O.
1488. Thomas Pope to Wriothesley.
I have received by Mr. Polsted a letter from my lord Privy Seal, which has much troubled me, not doubting but that you are privy thereto. As I have no friend about my Lord but you, 1 beg you to desire his favour to me, as I would not offend him for 10 such manors as he is displeased with me for. I enclose my answer to his letter and beg you to seal and deliver it And say in my name and Robynson's that we will give him a pleasure for his good will herein. Jerves of London, who is the greediest wretch in the world, goes about to procure this manor. I beg your help and will consider your pains. London, 29 July.
P.S.—Tell my Lord, if he earnestly desires the manor I bought from Sir John Dudeley, let him writo to Robynson for his good will, as I am bound in 1,000l. to give Robynaon the preferment if I put it away. Hol., p 1. Add. Endd.
29 July. 1489. Hugh Yeo to Lady Lisle.
R. O. Thanks her and lord Lisle for the warrant and letter to her nephew Mr. Dygory. Today Mr. Tubbe, of Cornwall, came to him at Temple Gate about 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and privately told him that my lord Hertford, lord Beaucham had the Bang's attorney and solicitor and six other learned men at his house that day, from one o'clock, debating the covenants, titles, &c, in the great indenture between lord Daubeney and her "son Mr. Bassett, and the bond of 5,000 marks. They all agreed that lord aubeney may put away the land quiette from Mr. Bassett, by reason of the new statute, and that he shall not be hurt by the bond. Thinks he intends to put away from Mr. Bassett all the land that would have come to him in default of issue male of lord Daubeney, unless they can find some quick means to disturb his purpose. Thinks surety will be made that lord Dawbeney will enjoy it during his life, and, after his death, lord Beauchame and other. Tuppe says that lord Dawbeney will be in London on Thursday next. Whether it be to go through with this matter, and to be made earl, or for anything else, Yeo cannot tell. Has promised Tubbe that it shall not be known that the knowledge came from him. Her counsel have long and oft debated this matter. Perceives little help by the law unless he be letted by the King's means. Hears from Mr. Hussey that my lord Privy Seal is very good lord to Master Bassett. Temple, 29 July.
Hol., p. 1. Add.. wife of the Deputy of Calais.
29 July.
R. O.
1490. Ric Snowe to Wriotuesley.
Has received his kind letter and his book to be sealed with speed. It was sealed and despatched this Monday, 29 July, before 9 o'clock. The messenger came with it and the letters that day between 7 and 8. Is glad of Wriothesley's preferment and rejoiced at the contents of his book, but the word Worshipful in the superscription of the letter made him muse, as Wriothesley well knows he has very small living though devoted to his service. Marvels that while paying so much for the land he has no discharge for the expenses of the seal. Headed: From Terlyng, in Essex.
Hol, p. 1. Add. Endd.
29 July. 1491. Anne [Lady] Russell to Lord [Cromwell?].
Letters, 296.
Her husband is sick with a burning ague. Sent to a chaplain of his at London for a physician, but he could get none that her husband had any mind to. Asks his Lordship to get Dr. Buttes or the Spanish physician to come, and also to procure some of the powder that the King gave the Lord Admiral. Cheynes, 29 July.
29 July. 1492. The Parson of St. Margaret's, Lothbury.
R. O. Examinations taken before Sir Richard Gresham, lord mayor of London, 29 July 30 Hen. VIII.
Roger Taillour of London, founder, says he came to Sir John Forde, parson of St. Margaret's, Lothbury, and desired him to begin matins sooner, because a preacher would come and make a sermon in the matins' time. Sir John answered that he would break no hours for no man. Roger said he that should come, should bring the King's authority with him with his seal. The parson said Tush, for the seal if mine ordinary come it shall be received and if the other come I will look twice on it or I receive it. Deponent said, I had thought that you would have put off your cap and to have received the King's seal with reverence. Then the parson asked where it was, and this deponent departed without further communication. Signed: per me Rogerum Tayllor."
And further he says he heard the parson say to one Thomas Archer that the said Thomas Archer might make the King's writing and seal it under a bush. Signed: per me Roger Tayllor.
ii. George Edway of London, founder, says that about March last the parson and one Roger Taillour, being in conversation in the street at one Thomas Mede's stall in the said parish of St. Margaret's, this deponent heard" Taylor desire the parson to begin matins sooner because one was coming to preach that day, &c., much as above. And about St. Peter's day at Mid-summer last the said parson came to this deponent and demanded of him 81/4d. for his quarterage; on which this deponent asked him why he did not preach. And the parson said, that he had not his benefice for to preach. On Midsummer eve last one did preach in the said church of St. Margaret's and began his sermon after the gospel; and the said parson, not willing to hear the sermon, went into the vestry and remained there nearly the whole time. Also the said parson caused the bells to be tolled solemnly on St. Margaret's even and day last, contrary to the King's ordinance. Signed.
iii. Thomas Spertt, founder, confirms the statement about Taylor's conversation with the parson in March last (Taylor is here called church-warden) ; and says when the parson asked this deponent for his wages he inquired why he did not preach. And the parson said that he had not his wages alonely for that cause. Signed with a mark.
Pp. 2. Endd. with memoranda of a bond given by Roger Pynchester of London, grocer, and Thomas Handford, merchant tailor, to George Medley, camerarius, in 40l. condition if William Chamberleyn-–––.
R.O. 2. Depositions taken before Sir Richard Gresham, lord mayor of London, 29 July 30 Henry VIII.
Thomas Archer says that John Forde, parson of St. Margaret's in London, stubbornly refused to preach divers times when desired by him and others, and said he had not his patrimony therefor. Deponent brought one Sir Thomas Rose, having the King's broad seal to preach in the said parish, when the parson was very loth to suffer him, and said that such fellows as he might make and seal the King's writing under a bush.
ii. Robert Brown, girdler, of London, says he desired the said John Forde to preach the Word of God and set forth the King's injunctions according to his duty. And Forde replied that he was not bound to do that but only to minister, for I pay unto the King for it. Further, that the said John Forde went to finish his mass about the midst of a sermon only of purpose to let the preacher to finish his sermon. Also that on St. Margaret's day last he caused the bells to be solemnly chimed before matins, and mass to be sung solemnly with pricksong, contrary to the King's ordinance.
iii. John Gybbys, founder, says Forde never preached in the said parish as commanded by the King's injunctions. Also Wm. Wilford, the elder, asked Forde What is this that is set up on the church door ? when the King's injunctions were set up there. And Forde replied It is a thing to make fools afraid withal, and scornfully smiled and went away. Also Forde hid himself in the vestry one whole sermon time, not to hear it. The bells of the parish church were solemnly chimed on St. Margaret's clay before matins, and mass sung afterwards with pricksong and playing at the organs contrary to the King's ordinance. Signed.
iv. Wm. Blackmore of London, painter stainer, says Forde never preached according to the injunctions, which he declared were but a toy, and that he kept himself in the vestry a whole sermon time.
Pp. 2.
29 July. 1493. William Carnaby to Sir Reynold Carnaby.
Calig. B. in.
B. M.
On St. Jame's eve, 24 July, 6 score Liddisdale men came to the barony of Langley, stole cattle, and were chased by 26 men under Ric. and Gilbert Carnaby, who were made prisoners by the Scots. If the Constable had met the Scots, who made haste to get away, trusts it would have been spoken of to London; but the Scots had better hap than so, and "That I repent. The leaders of the raid were captains Renzen Armstrang, Alex., Archibald and Andrew Armstrang, Eetorson, witli Fosturs, IIemersons, and Nyxsons. The Scots have killed Alex. peerson, a proper man of the barony. If some provision be not made against the Liddisdale men true men say they will leave the country. Tynedale and lliddisdale are delighted as they are minded to ride into Scotland. Begs him, if he has despatched his business, to hasten home. Was glad of Sir Cuihbert Katcliff's coming home ; but he tarried only two nights on the waters of Tyne ; then hastened to Cartingtoi:. IIalton, 29 July.
P.S. (scored out.)—Son, I pray you show my lord Privy Seal that I get no remedy of my father's goods and mine without his Lordship be good lord unto us. Our good is lost, and for myself I have no goods left, nor land have I none to lese.
Hot., pp.2. Add.: To my son Sir Ranald Carnabc, k. A more leyible copy of this letter at f 230.
29 July. 1494. Gavin Dunbar, Archbishop of Glasgow.
Vatican MS Note that in Consistory, 29 July 1538, the Pope commended the Augustinian monastery of St. Mary de Insula Missarum [InchafFray], Dunblane dioc, in Scotland, to Gavin, abp. of Glasgow, chancellor of the king of Scots, at that King's request.
Latin. From a modern transcript in R. O.
29 July. 1495. Jehan du Bies to the Deputy of Calais.
R. O. After receiving your letter Addressed to the Seneschal, who is at present at Le Bies, I made inquiry if the compaiynon who took the horse was within the town, that I might call him before me to hear his reasons; but he has left the town, taking the horse with him, I know not to what place. But as soon as he comes back into the Boulonnais, if I am informed of it, he shall be detained until your man has spoken to him, and if he is found to be in the wrong the horse shall be restored with expenses. I am sorry I cannot get a boar to send you. Boulogne, 29 July. Siyned.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
29 July.
1496. Montmorency to Castillon.
R. O. Castillon will have understood by the last despatch that the friendship of Francis and the Emperor when they parted was as firm as could be. Francis thinks what has been done makes for the benefit of both Francis and his allies, of whom he holds the king of England chief. But to bring him thither, as he asks, young ladies to choose and make them promenade on show! They are not hackneys to sell, and there would be no propriety in it. Henry has his choice of Mdlle. de Vendosme or Mdlle. de Guise, and can judge of their beauty by the portraits and reports made to him ; and if these be not approved there are many other ladies from whom to choose. The selection might be left to his amoassador Briant, who could send portraits. To obtain the extinction of the pension would take a great load off French finances. As to the interview with England, Castillon shall go on dissembling, for he knows the end of it, i.e., to put in confusion what has been done with the Emperor. Castillon can say the King is hastening by way of Blois towards Paris, and when nearer his good brother he will send news. Vienne [29 July]. (fn. n7)
French. Modern copy from MS. in Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, pp. 3.
29 July.
1497. John Hutton to Cromwell.
R. O. Left Brussels yesterday, and on arriving at Antwerp received the enclosed letters from the duchess of Milan to be forwarded. Two days ago, M. de Canne arrived in Brussels charged to explain all that had passed between the Emperor and the French king his master, which was as friendly as could be. Thinks he will not remain as ambassador resident. (fn. n8) Wonders that Will Lok has been commanded to write news by the King, as he cannot be so well informed as Hutton.
The enclosed letter has just come from the high secretary with news of the peace taken. Desires instructions concerning the cloth of arras of which he wrote before. Antwerp, 29 July.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
30 July. 1498. Sir John Duddeley to Cromwell.
R. O. I have received your letters dated Petworth, the 27th inst., not a little to my discomfort. I have not deserved your displeasure, but trusted in your Lordship for my preferment above all others. I must call to my help two ancient enemies, sorrow and trouble, which I have never been without, to clear me of this fault. I send by the bearer two letters sent me by Mr. Polsted and Hugh à Lee from Guildford, dated the 24th and 25th inst. They make no mention of Drayton, but only of the reversion in Gloucester shire. I never went from my word to Mr. Richard, and as for Drayton, I will be sworn Polsted made me answer, when Robinson refused to deliver the writings he had of me, that you would not meddle therewith. On this I desired him and Hugh à Lee to ride to your Lordship and bring me word of your pleasure, and they sent me these letters in answer. I had far rather your Lordship had it; but it will be easier for you to get it of the owner for the sum he paid to me than if Robinson had had it. And where your Lordship commands me to prepare your money, I cannot both pay you and certify the King; but 500l. I have which shall be delivered to Polsted for you. I am ready also to make conveyance to you of Morton and Paynswyke, as agreed with Mr. Richard. 30 July.
Hol., pp. 3. Add. . Privy Seal. . . [at the] Court. Endd.
[30 July.]
R. O.
1499. Herry Polstede to [Cromwell].
Sends a bill of the offices and grants which the late earl of Shrews-bury had from the King and Henry VII. There is no mention of his stewardship of the Household. Supposes it was held without patent, though the earl of Sussex had a grant of the reversion of the office two years past. He also had a monastery of the King's gift, whereof is no manner of mention here.
Has been with the bp. of London, who will accomplish all things both for the lands in Wandelesworthe and the lands in Bernes. Begs Cromwell to write and thank him. Mr. Mounsloo, the merchant, has purchased the house that was Mr. Kny vett's, the Serjeant porter, at Putnethe, being copyhold of your manor of Wimbledon. Knyvet is bound in 100 mks. to pay the fine. Advises him to set a great fine, at least 40l.
Went to Mr. Pope and Mr. Dudley for an answer to your Lordship's letters, but they said they would send it by their own servants. They think I have hindered them. Mr. Pope says he is bound to Robynson in 1,000l. to give him the preferment of the purchase foi the gain of 200l., which, I think, is as untrue as his pretended ignorance of your proceedings for the" "purchase. The matter has been contrived to put your Lordship from the land. I would your Lordship had as good a quarrel against Mr. Pope for his land in Puttennethe as you had against the bp. of London in the praemunire. Sends the advowson of the benefice, given him by Mr. Lowe, and the valuation. The Rolls, Tuesday, about 9 a.m. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: My Lord my master. Endd.
R. O. 2. List of the offices and grants obtained by Geo. earl of Shrewsbury from Henry VII. and Henry VIII
Pp. 3.
1500. John Bp. of London to Cromwell.
R. O. As no man is more bound to the King, so no man is more conformable to his Grace's pleasure. Touching the exchange of Loddesworth as you write of, I am not sure how that manor was given to this see. Most of the possessions of this church were given to it, either by St. Ethelbert, the first founder, or by king Offa, that founded St. Alban's, and was reckoned also a saint, and their gifts are written with terrible words and strange imprecations contra alienatores. Thr muniments of these are in the treasury of his church, where they are most safe from skamblengs used on the death of the bishops. The most expert residentiaries are absent, and I myself, what for sickness, what for our travail at Lambeth, have not had time, but I will cause the gift of the said manor to be searched for against the King's return to these parts.
I suppose you know I would redeem this request with any property of my own if I were able, but tho King's goodness at this extremity of my undoing has so bound me that of very duty I must conform to his pleasure. I beg you will shape such answer as will content his Grace till his return, when I doubt not but to make an acceptable answer.
My lord of Rochester appoints preachers, such as they be, for the Cross here, and all others preach that will. Your letters to him and me could partly redress this disorder. London, this Saturday.
Hol., pp. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
30 July.
1501. Thomas Thaoker to Cromwell.
R. O. I have received into your place by Friar Augustines, from William Lawrence, the image of Our Lady that was at Ipswich, which I have bestowed in your wardrobe of beds. There is nothing about her but two half shoes of silver and four stones of crystal set in silver. Household in good health. From your place in London, 30 July.
My Lord, your servant, Gawen t Lancastre, is this day buried, and died, as it is thought, of the wounds he had of the officer, albeit he had a fall in his lodging on Sunday that last was at night.
Hol, p. 1. Add.: Lord Crumwell, lord Privy Seal.
30 July. 1502. Herry Lacy, of Calais, to Cromwell.
R. O. Thanks him for his favour and trusts now to obtain justice quietly. The house by the Exchequer in Calais, which Cromwell bought of him for the King, is in decay and part fallen down. Asks Cromwell if the King is not minded to rebuild it, that he may re-purchase it for 40l., the price he received, with an allowance of one year's rent of his lands in Mark and Oye for repairs. Has asked Thos. Thacker, the bearer, to find out Cromwell's pleasure about it. London, Tuesday, 30 July.
Hol, p. 1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd."
30 July.
1503. Canterbury, St. Augustine's Abbey.
Rymer, xiv.
Surrender of the monastery and all its possessions in cos. Kent and Surrey, the cities of London and Canterbury, and elsewhere in England and Wales and the marches thereof. 30 July 30 Hen. VIII. Signed by John Essex, abbot—John Dygun, prior — Thos. Barham, infirnmarius—John Langport, treasurer, and 27 others, of whom all but 12 hold special offices in the monastery. [See Deputy Keeper's Eighth Report, App. II. 15.] Seal injured.
Enrolled [Close Roll ,p. 2, No. 47], as acknowledged, same day, before Ric. Layton, LL.D.
1504. St. Augustine's, Canterbury.
R. O. Valor of all lands, tenements, &c, in and about Canterbury lately belonging to St. Augustine's monastery, of which lands, &c., the abbot, at the time of his resignation, was seised as of fee.
Names of tenants and tenements, with amounts of rent paid, in the parishes of St. George (28 tenants), St. Mary de Bredyn (2), St. Mary de Castro (5), St. Mildred (16), St. Margaret (3;, St. Mary de Bredman (1), St. Peter (3;, All Saints (3), St. Mary de Northgate (10), St. Andrew (9), St. Mary Magdalene (3), St. Alphege (3), St. Michael (8), St. Paul (38).
Rents are mostly from 3s. to 6s.
Latin, pp. 5.
31 July. 1505. Sir Ric. Riche to John Scudamore and Robt. Burgoyn.
Add. MS.
11,041, f. 26.
B. M.
Supp. 279.
Learning that the late monastery of Bordesley has been defaced and plucked down and the substance thereof sold, requires him to inquire by what authority those who have so defaced the house have acted, who were the purchasers, and what has been paid, and to charge fill touched herein to appear personally next term before the writer in London. Asks him to give the preferment of the glass, stone, &c, remaining to Sir Geo. Throgmerton. London, 31 July.
Add.: officers of dissolved possessions in co. Worcester.
31 July.
1506. W. Earl of Southampton to Cromwell.
R.O. I have received a note, enclosed, of the record of the Duchy of the offices the late lord Steward held in the Duchy. It seems my Lord his son is joined patent in them all. Gulford, 31 July at night. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
R.O. 2. The note referred to.
George earl of Shrewsbury and Francis lord Talbot have the stewardship of the honour of Tutbury, Derb. and Staff.; of Newcastle-under-Line, Wyrkesworth, Assheborne, and all the King's lands in the said counties pertaining to the duchy of Lancaster ; also the constableship of the castles of Tutbury, Melborne, and High Peak ; mastership of the forests of Duffelfryth, &c.; custody of the parks of Castelhay, Staff., and Morley and Ravensdale, Derbysh., and mastership of the game in these counties; in survivorship, by letters patent dated London, 18 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII.
Lat.,p. 1.
31 July.
1507. John Thompson to Cromwell.
R.O. Of late Cromwell wrote to the bailey of Dover for the avodance ofand old ship of his which is noyful to the harbour and prevents the labourers easily cleansing it of "probell" and mud. The bailey has done nothing."Desires Cromwell's command, by letter for his discharge, to clear her away. As Michaelmas approaches (when the seas are not a little extreme), now while the weather favours them they must make jetties to prevent the harbour again filling up. Requires that hereafter the charge of persons sent about the King's works may be allowed in the books. The west pier goes but meanly forward for want of timber, which is difficult to get. The bearer can declare more. Begs pardon for not coming in person, because of the disease in his legs. Dovor, St. Peter's Even. Signed,
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: master of works at Dover.
31 July.
1508. Sir Wm. Parre to Cromwell.
R. O. Last night arrived here his neighbour Ewsebye Iseham of Rignestede, Wm. Carre, Sir Humfrey Taillour, and Sir John Barron, parish priest of Denforde, bringing with them Sir Roger Walcot, vicar of Denforde, lately presented by the bp. of Chester. About 16 days ago, while talking of a chapel in Rignestede, where the vicar had to find a priest to say mass, he said he trusted to be discharged of it, for the King was about to convert three parish churches into one, and lately had pulled down a church within Crepilgate in London, and laid the same to another. They think he spake it rather to prevent them making suit to have a priest there than from malice to the King or to disquiet his subjects. Sends him up to Cromwell. Horton, 31 July. Signed.
Pp.2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: Mr. Parre.
31 July. 1509. Thos. Blount and others to Cromwell.
R. O. By virtue of the King's commission have called before them at Kidderminster, 31 July 30 Hen. VIII, Miles Denyson of that town, tailor, a seditious person, drunkard, and despiser of the preachers and doctrines of Christ. Send depositions taken against him, and have committed him to ward till Cromwell's pleasure be known. One of the preachers was Dr. Taylor, chaplain to the bp. of Worcester, who, on Saturday, 27th July, preached at the place of execution, where eight men and two women suffered death, setting forth the King's supremacy and persuading the prisoners to take their death charitably, for the satisfaction of the world only, and Christ for the satisfaction of their sins; who did so, thanking the King and his officers for their just execution. The second preacher was a chaplain of the said bishop, and M.A., who preached in Kidderminster Church next Sunday a notable sermon, by which the people were much stirred to Christ. Signed: Thomas Blownte — Wyllyam Brace — John Buttelar — Robert Nevyll.
Pp. 2. Add. at the head : Privy Seal.
ii. Depositions against Miles Denyson, of Kidderminster, tailor, before the above commissioners.
John Cownde of Kidderminster deposes that he and Hen. More, clothworker, were standing at the church pate of Kidderminster on Sunday last, when Denyson asked him for a pot of ale. He said he would not drink until high mass were done, and More said, We shall have a sermon today. To which the said John answered he was glad of it. Then said Miles, There is a foolish knave priest come 10 preach of the New Learning, which I set not by. Then answered the said John Cownde Miles, beware what ye say, for if some men did hear you, ye should sit by the heels. Miles answered, Oh, now thy master and thou be the Bishop's servants, we must beware now what we say before you. He Added, The Bishop sent one yesterday for to preach at the gallows at Whoobroke, and there stood upon the vicar's colt" (which was a bier), and made a foolish sermon of the New Learning, looking over the gallows ; I would the colt had winced and cast him down.
Hen. More, of the same town, clothworker, confirms Cownde's statements with some slight Additions. He accuses Deny son of saying, My Lord hath sent a foolish puppy and a boy to make a sermon of the New Law. During the sermon Cownde asked Miles how he liked it; who replied I would he were gone that I were at my dinner.
Robert Eyere, of Kidderminster, wire drawer, Adds that Miles drew his knife upon John Cownde, which Thos. Saryeaunte, fletcher, confirms. Simon Bekynsall, brought before the Commissioners by Denyson to declare his innocence, deposes that Denyson offered him a reward to depose in his favour. Signed as above.
Pp. 3. Endd.
31 July. 1510. James V. to Henry VIII.
Add. MS.
B. M.
No. 47.
In favour of Madam de Montroyule and the remnant of the train of
his Queen, whom God aasoilye, who are now departing to France through
England. Palace of Edinburgh, 31 July 25 Jac. V. Signed.
Add. Endd.
31 July. 1511. Margaret Queen of Scotland to Henry VIII.
R. O.
St. P.v. 135.
Thinks it very long since she heard from him. The King, her son, is in good health, and the Queen, his wife, and great love between them. Great honour is done to her now she is come into the realm. It is well seen that she has good friends. Hopes she will prove a wise princess. She conducts herself very honourably towards Margaret, and asked what news she had from Henry. I said but short sen I heard from you. Begs now that there is another princess here Henry will let it be seen that he is a kind and loving brother to his only sister. His silence looks as if he cared not how she was treated. Edinburgh, 31 July.
Hol. pp.2 Sealed. Mutilated and partly illegible. Add Endd..
31 July. 1512. Thirleby to Heynes and Bonner.
Foxe, v. 153, With my hearty commendations and the desire of your company, and now so much rather that I shall thereby have a great benefit, viz., the deliverance from trouble to ease, from a strange country to mine own, from the waiting upon him [Francis I.], that forceth as little for me as I am acquainted with him, to the service of him [Henry VIII.] whose prosperity and love I account as my life. Pray make no less speed hither than you would to a good feast when hungry. Master Bonner shall know many tilings, but when you come I shall tell you more. 1 would fain be at home. I saw not my master these four months. Advises Bonner, on coming to Lyons, to go to Bonvise. He is a good money maker. The sooner they come, the better welcome to Lyons, where this was written, 31 July.
1513. Friars' Houses, Worcester.
R. O. The copy of the inventory of the Black Friars of Worcester. Ten suits, 5 single vestments, 4 old chasubles, 12 copes, one for Marteres, 2 surplices, hangings, altar cloths and palls, a pair of organs, a great bell and a small in the steeple. Other articles in the kitchen, brewhouse, buttery, and chambers. Plate, 1781/2 oz. Pour chests, a cross banner, staves for the canopy, &c, in the nether sextry, the ostry, the frayter, and the prior's chamber.
Pp. 3. Endd.
K. O. 2. The copy of the inventory of the Grey Friars of Worcester. Ten suits, crosslets of gold, blue silk with fishes of gold, red silk with stars of gold, birds, harts and lions, our Lady with burned gold, 13 single vestments with dragons, pelicans, ragged staff, stars and Katharine wheels, green popinjays and silver heads, &c, 3 poor chasubles, 12 poor altar cloths, 12 copes, &c. A little bedding and some kitchen stuff. A pair of organs, a frame for the sepulchre, &c, in the choir. Plate, 86 oz.
Pp. 3. Endd.
1514. Jacobus Gislenus Thalassius to [Dr. Bellasis]. (fn. n9)
Nero B. yi.
B. M.
On his mission to Vienna had procured from the abp. of Canterbury, then ambassador to the Emperor, a pension of 10l. a year. In Italy Dr. Nicholas Hawkins, who succeeded the abp. of Canterbury as ambassador, and was designate bp. of Ely, was despised by all his servants and trusted entirely to the writer, his clerk, to whom he promised a salary of 6l. if his master should return safe. Master Turner (Tornerus) can witness what pains he took four years ago in Italy, Hesse and the other Protestant states in promoting the King's affairs, for which Edward Fox, bp. of Hereford, gave him a pension of 8l. a year by letters under his seal written by Turner. By Hawkins' death he has lost 6l. a year; by the bp. of Hereford's, 8l. Only the abp. of Canterbury remains by whom he has been enabled to live with his family at Heidelberg these three years, translating into Latin whatever is printed in Germany relative to the gospels, and informing my lords of Canterbury and Privy Seal of all that passes. Considering he has but 10l. a year to support his family, and his writing so frequently to England may create suspicion, desires to be made a servant either of the King or my lord Privy Seal, with increased remuneration. The abp. of Canterbury has induced him to make this request. My lord Privy Seal promised to assist, him eight weeks ago, in the hope of which he has remained in London till his passport is almost expired; if his Lordship have no need of his services, hopes the expenses of his stay will be allowed him. Desires particularly to return now, as he has to revise a volume dedicated to the lord Privy Seal, which will be published at Frankford fair.
Lat., pp. 2.
1515. Jacobus Gislenus Thalassius to Dr. Bellasis.
R.O. It will be injurious to his fame if he do not attend the Frankfort fair, for his volume printed at Basie, is about to appear, which he has dedicated to the lord Privy Seal; for it requires revision to free it from printers' errors. Has also a private reason for desiring the briefest despatch of my lord Privy Seal,—that his wife died at Heydelberg two months ago [in the house] of the Count Palatine, and his affairs would suffer if he remained here longer. Besides, living is so dear at London, that, but for the aid of the abp. of Canterbury, he should have been without means for the journey. Finally, his study is interrupted, which ought to be the great aim of every learned man. Begs, therefore, that in fultilment of promises made to him four years ago by the lord Privy Seal and Foxe bp. of Hereford, he may be allowed to spend his life in Germany, in the service of the King or the lord Privy Seal, transcribing any tiling found in Germany that may be useful. The abp. who supported him for eight years in Germany knows he is trustworthy. Translated for him some things printed in German about religion into Latin. But he is now in debt and less able to help him. It is hard for a man to seek everything in a foreign land ; but it is safest when one relies upon a prince. Such a man the King has for many years brought up (educavit) at Noremberg, another at Cologne and several in Saxony find Hesse; so that nothing done in Germany can be hid from the King.
Has been living hitherto solely by the gifts of Englishmen, without a salary from any prince. Had much of old from Hawkins, Foxe, bp. of Hereford and Nich. Heth, the King's almoner; but far more from the abp. by whom he was encouraged to seek a pension of the King, lest writing continually from Germany he should fall into danger. But if he cannot live there as the King's servant, will arrange his affairs at home and serve his master here. Thinks he might be more useful than others in France or Germany.
Hol. Lat., pp. 2. Add.
1516. Intrigue against the Fitzgeralds.
R. O. The writer (fn. n10) proposes that on being furnished with a ship, men, and ordnance, he should steal away ; on which the King should send commands into Ireland to the lord Deputy to proclaim him and the others rebels. Then on coming to James of Desmond's country, he will show him that the King has determined to banish him and young Gerad; wherefore it is best that ye send for Gerad and Delahyed and cause them to bring O'Nell and O'Donell's letters with them to the bishop of Rome and to the cardinall Poull that and he would come with sarten ordnance and powder that the said O'Nell and O'Donnel, O'Bryen and James of Desmont, with divers others Irish men, shall meet the said Cardinal in ony place in Munster or in the borders of Galway, and that they shall take the strong towns in that parts and deliver them to him. To put James of Desmond and the others out of suspicion, recommends that when any ship comes to Limerick or Galway that we take some wines of them, and that I let them go upon obligations, as it were, that they should pay a certain sum of money by a day. And in case that Gerad nor Delahide will not go over sea and that they would have me to go, it shall be at your pleasure whether I shall do so or to wait for the taking of Gerod and Delahide, which I trust in God I shall well bring to pass in some castle of my friends in that parts. Must be as an outlaw for the time and all his lands and goods be seized. Most of the friars in Ireland are in Desmond's country, and will probably spend their chalices to forward this purpose, as they are the greatest papists that can be, especially Dr. Browne and his company. Beseeching your Lordship to take this my poor advice in worth.
Hol., pp. 2. Headed : A devic for sarten maturs in Irlond.
July. 1517. Granvelle to Charles V.
vi. i. No. 2.
The English ambassador called this morning with state news from England, and letters written more than 12 days ago, which he said were so pressing that he must inform the Emperor. His master complained of not having been included in the last treaty of truce with France, and also of being named after the king of Portugal. The ambassador slso spoke of the proposed marriage of the Emperor's daughter (fn. n11) and the Pope's grandson. (fn. n12) Gave explanations on ail these points, and said the marriage was not settled, but nothing would be done prejudicial to England. The ambassador said he was satisfied, but wished the Emperor to write to Henry that nothing should be done against him at the General Council. Said the request was unreasonable, as Charles had already declared. On a second visit the ambassador said he gathered from the Emperor's letters that he was going to send full powers to treat concerning the General Council. Replied that the Emperor had never told him so, and he could not see what purpose it could serve. He said he thought the friendship between the Emperor and France would increase; which Granvelle said would be all the better for England. The truce, however, G. is convinced, is a morsel the English cannot easily digest.
Told him then that before the Emperor left Barcelona, full powers had been drawn up for the Queen Regent, and as Don Diego de Mendoca would no longer be required in England, the Emperor was thinking of sending him to her. On this the ambassador again insisted on instructions being sent about the rights of the duchess dowager of Milan, and the cession by the
Duchess Palatine of her rights to the kingdom of Denmark. Replied that this would be done, and that the abp. of Lunden had gone to visit the Duchess and her husband by commission of the king of the Romans, and would soon bring back their final resolution.
The ambassador further questioned him about what the Emperor would do if Francis refused to pay the English pensions, and what assistance he would give if the French invaded Milan, &c. Reports his answers. Barcelona, — July 1538.
Fr. From a MS. at Vienna.
1518. Robt. Ferrar, Prior of St. Oswald's, to Cromwell.
R. O. Thanks him for his liberal goodness. Is unworthy such preferment. Asks him to accept the token presented by the hands of Mr. Wrysley. Cannot make the first payment due to the King at the next Feast, of the Nativity, and asks for licence to exchange plate and other things. There is great scarcity in these parts of faithful preachers and diligent schoolmasters, to the great famine of the right hungry people. The priory of St. Oswalde.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.


  • n1. Another narrative of this journey, which will be noted hereafter, supplies various details omitted by lord Leonard, to whom it is throughout unfavourable. It is called the confession of Gormanston, Darcy, and Birmingham, and was forwarded to Cromwell by Brabazin, Aylmer, and Alen on the 24 August. According to this account the Deputy began his journey on the 19 June and encamped on the borders of O'Conor's country at Monaster Oresse, where he was entertained by O'Conor at an abbey of Gray Freris. Next day, the 20 July (sic), O'Conor conducted them through the moors and woods of his country to Ballanyvalley, on the borders, and on the 21st they marched into O'Molmoghe's country to another abbey of Freris called Kilcormoke, where O'Karull came to him. They took Eglishe from Donyll O'Molmoghe's son and gave it to O'Molmoghe, who had been in the last rebellion, and who gave Stephen APary 20 kine, besides what he gave the lord Deputy, &c. On the 22nd they marched to O'Karulle's country, and lodged that night beside Skyerkeran, &c.
  • n2. These further details are derived from the confession above referred to.
  • n3. These further details are derived from the confession above referred to.
  • n4. Tilne or Tylney, near East Ketford, Notts. See Valor Eccl. v. 180.
  • n5. George, fourth earl of Shrewsbury (of the Talbot line) was father-in-law to William lord Dacre.
  • n6. M. de Cannes. See No. 1947.
  • n7. This date is taken from the abstract in Kaulek, 76.
  • n8. The extract relating to De Canne is printed in S.P. VIII. 41, note
  • n9. "Addressed as tua Dominatio, excellentia tua, and eximie doctor, like the letter following."
  • n10. The handwriting is that of a very illiterate writer.
  • n11. Margaret.
  • n12. Ottavio Farnese.