Henry VIII: July 1538, 15-20

Pages 513-528

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 1, January-July 1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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July 1538, 16-20

16 July.
1386. Cromwell to Lord Lisle.
Has received his sundry letters, by which he perceives that in Calais there is some infection of certain persons called Sacramentaries, denying the Holy Sacrament of Christ's blessed body and blood. Is to have the said persons examined, and if they maintain their errors is to punish them to the example of others, and see such errors totally extinguished. Is to inquire into the variance between the friar (fn. n1) and the preacher, (fn. n2) advertising Cromwell of the same that he may take the King's pleasure. Hopes to send him comfortable words. Cheleshith, 16 July. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
1387. [Lisle to Cromwell.]
R.O. I have received your Lordship's letter, dated 16th July, instructing me to examine the matter in variance between the preacher who came out of Germany and the prior of this town, concerning the Sacrament of the Altar. Your Lordship knows I am not learned in such matters, nor no man of this town. I have therefore commanded both to give me their opinions in writing under their hands and seals, which I send to your Lordship, and staid both the parties to make answer to the King. I have also examined an unthrifty fellow who doth much slander the mass, reserving his punishment till I know your pleasure.
Draft in Palmer's hand, p. 1.
1388. [The Council of Calais to Cromwell.]
R.O. Desire to be confidentially informed, by this bearer, how the King commands the Sacrament of the altar to be honoured and whether they should take it otherwise than the King's book set it forward or no. Ask this of him not as a councillor but as a special friend, not being a-known what either party writes on it to the other, that they may not run in his Grace's indignation.
Copy, p. 1."
16 July.
1389. John Husee to Lord Lisle.
Has received his letter. Trusts that lord Daubeney's comb is cut, if only Lisle and my Lady will be earnest in Mr. Basset's cause at the King's coming to Dover. He had better pay a good sum and secure possession, for by the common law, lord Daubeney may put it away, and friends may decay, for men are mortal. Will return to Calais in seven days. Lisle's friends think that a vigilant eye should be kept on lord Daubeney's proceedings, who gapeth to be advanced to his desired earldom. Hopes he will miss it. Mr. Russell's wine is come. Defers what he has more to say till his coming, when he will bring with him other an erlle or an O. You are to come over at the King's coming to Dover. Sends him my lord Privy Seal's letter, answering his, as well concerning the Sacrament, the preacher, and the frere, as otherwise. Will bring his taffeta gowo, but Mr. Lyee is in Flanders. Will send the saddle, bridle, harness, and foot-cloth with Gyllaum. As for the nag Nywell saith he ehall have one of Sir John Dudley. The letters Lisle wrote to his friends were well accepted. If your saddler or guilder of harness be so honest a man, do your Lordship keep him till your coming to Dover. London, 16 July.
Hol., pp. 2. Sealed. Add.
16 July.
1390. John [Hilsey], Bishop of Rochester, to Cromwell.
Asks him not to be offended with his often writing. Sends to him the constable of Sutton and others, and a man whom they brought to him at Bromleyghe on July 16, accused of speaking against the King's honour. Bromleghe, the day above written.
Reminds him of the monastery of Rochester.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
1391. John [Hilsey], Bishop of Rochester, to Cromwell.
R.O. Since the prior of Rochester resigned, many things have gone amiss, as the elder brethren of the house have at divers times declared. Will go there and redress what is amiss, if Cromwell will declare the prior's resignation void, and call again the sequestration which he granted at the Bp.'s suit, and finally command my poor monk to his former office there. Lambeth Mershe, Tuesday. Signed.
P. 1. Add.. Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
16 July. 1392. Sir William Kyngston to Cromwell.
R.O. There is an ysopprice (a nisi prius) out against the abbot of Gloucester, my friend. I desire your Lordship to stay the said nysopprice at this assize; not to hinder their right to sue, but that the matter might be heard where you shall command. I will be bound in 100l. the abbot shall abide your award. These two men are unequally matched; one is an honest man the other a lewd fellow. Help me for my friend; I beg I may have your letter with diligence, for it must be at Gloucester on Friday morning.
Thus I commit you unto our Lord and send you soon hither for the King hath good pastime here and as merry as ever I did see his Grace; God hold it! Chobbam Courte, 16 July. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Eudd."
16 July. 1393. Geo. Robynson to Cromwell.
R.O. Has shown Cromwell's gentle and comfortable words to the party to whom he sent him. She is not a little comforted, and thankful, as Cromwell shall perceive at her next repair to him. Went to Powlles and found St. Uncombr standing in her old place and state, with her gay gown and silver shoes on, and a woman kneeling before her at 11 o'clock to God's dishonour. If the King puts them all away, he will have the blessing that king Josias had. London, 16 July.
Hol.,, p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: George WyIkynson (sic).
16 July. 1394. White Friars of Sele.
R.O. "The Inventory of Sele," 16 July, appraised by Sir Raffe Barneys, vicar, Hen. Blwmers, Edm. Grene, John Grenear, and John Erlye.
A spit, a sorry bell, three or four old forms, two or three ragged chasubles and tunicles, 3s. 4d.
A bell in the parish steeple which the friars used, but the parish says it belongs to them. Four acres of ground, let for 10s. a year. Stalls in the choir, 20s. No prior there, nor none to serve God. Added by the bp. of Dover: "Subscrybyd with dyverse handdes." Signed: Ricardus Dovorencis.
P. 1. Endd.: The Whyte Fryers of Sele.
16 July. 1395. Ormond to R and W. Cowley.
St. P. iii. 48.
I have written to my lord Privy Seal and told him you will give the news, When i was in Dublin one of OMore's sons took a nest of hawks, which I had bought in Leyse of OMore that now is, his brother for his Lordship, and gave it to my lord Deputy. This has been a bad year for hawks and I have but one goshawk for his Lordship. The Deputy has had a parley with James of Desmond, who had as great a host as he and occupied a separate camp. OBreyne has bribed the Deputy to go with him and Desmond against Murrough OBreyne. For a like reward he will go with Ullike Bourke against MacWilliam. You wrote that Sir John Seyntlo would scant look upon you; I know no cause unless it be some letter of his brother, Wm. Seyntlo; who has no cause to complain of me, although his men spoil my tenants in Dunnbrathie. Murder of Cahir McArte's standard bearer at Rosse on St. Peter's Eve, when the townsfolk were watching the fires, by Watkin Apoell, one Baker, and three or four Englishmen. The said Cahir has subsequently preyed Old Rosse.
I am told by persons who will swear it that the Deputy has procured the Kavanaghs to besiege Fernis Castle; and have sent my son to furnish it. Since the taking of OMore, who is now led about in irons by the Deputy, to my great rebuke, the last OMore's sons have wasted his part of Leys. Where my son James wrote that the Deputy had taken Byrr and was like to take Moderyn; both are now taken and delivered to Fergananym, Kildare's son-in-law, contrary to the Council's letters. The Deputy has sent letters over and the mayor of Waterford had to rise out of his bed at nine o'clock at night to forward the messenger. No doubt they are about his proceedings in Munster; but when the truth is known he will win little thanks. He is counselled this journey by Stephen Appare, OConnour, Fergananym OKarrull, Garolt McGaralt, and prior Waishe. Callan, 16 July. Signed.
Add.: To my trusty, &c. councillors, Robert Cowley and Walter Cowley, lying at Mr. Genynges, beside the Crossed Friars at London. Endd."
16 July. 1396. —— to ——
R.O. On Sunday, 14 July, the King left Baulbert and came hither to Aigues Mortes about 2 p.m., knowing that the Emperor was at sea with 50 galleys at a port a short league distant. One could see from Aigues Mortes all the rcasts of the said galleys at about half-past 5 p.m., when the King left in a little boat with the Cardinal and the Constable, and in another boat were the Princes. The King's children had not yet arrived. They came on Monday, the 15th, about 8 a.m. The Marquis (fn. n3) was in another boat, covered with crimson velvet. The King and the Princes with few attendants and no guard came near the Emperor. The Constable first entered his galley, then the King, the Cardinal helping him to mount the ladder and the Constable giving him his hand. The Emperor was in the entrance to receive him and they embraced three or four times, taking off their bonnets. The King pressed the Emperor to cover himself first, which he did. He then received the Princes. They then began to confer with each other. The Constable and the Cardinal frequently approached to speak with them and retired. The Emperor afterwards pressed the King to be seated first, which he refused to do till some one, perhaps the Emperor himself, said to him, You are the elder. The King answered, I confess I am the elder and the more foolish (et le plus sot). In the end both sat down and remained together till it was necessary to separate for the night. The interview passed off very well, each smiling on the other, and taking leave of each other till the morrow with great embraces, when the King returned to Aigues Mortes and the Emperor remained in his galley. On Monday the 15th the Constable left in a little boat and went to the said Emperor, whom he found among some other little barks and saluted him, and they came together to the gate of Aigues Mortes. The King knowing of the Emperor's arrival, lefthis lodging along with the Cardinal, the Queen and the Princess following. I assure you the Queen would not let herself be carried (ne se faisoit point porter). The young Princes, viz., the Marquis and others, walked before the King. The King had no sooner arrived at the water side than the Emperor left his barge, the Constable helping him out. The King immediately embraced him, and so did the Queen, whom he kissed, as he likewise did the other ladies and princesses, the King saying, Foi de gentilhomme, c'est assez baise. The Constable held him continually under his arm because he made so many reverences. On this we all had great joy. The King in leading him kissed him on the cheeks and ears. The spectators shed tears of joy. The young princes, as the Marquis and others, did their devoir. The Emperor disrobed and put on crimson velvet. They then entered the King's lodging, and it was about two in the morning (sic). Afterwards they dined, there being at the King's table the Emperor, the King, the Queen and Madame, the Cardinal, and others, and Madame d'Estambes. They remained together the whole afternoon and made the peace. The Emperor and the King took each a ring of great value and put it on their fingers as a promise of peace. When the King gave his to the Emperor it was said the Emperor never wore rings on his hand; but as soon as he received it he put it on his right hand, and then raising his hand said, Ja ne me garder.iy point de hausser mon espee contre tous reste contre vous, Monsieur mon frere. The King on taking that given him by the Emperor, said Je vous promaitz, foy de gentilhomme, que je me declareray ennemy contre tous ceulx que voldroient entreprendre contre vos courounes, jusques a darniers de tout mon bien ec en exposer ma personne. The Emperor then replied, "My brother, you make me such a promise that I must make the like for you, and moreover against all who would attempt anything against you." But they say he said nothing of his realm or countries, as Francis had done. This was agreed on Monday, 15 July, after dinner. That day the Emperor supped at the King's lodging.
The order in which they sate. The queen of Navarre was at the head of the table, Madaine Margaret, the Dauphiness, the Queen, the Emperor, the King. During the supper there was nothing but good cheer and mutual embraces with great joy. The Marquis that day supped with the Cardinal and a large company of Spaniards and Mons. Dennebault. It is said the Emperor will leave after supper this day. In haste, Aigues Mortes, Tuesday, 16 July.
Fr., pp. 2. Headed. Copie.
16 July. 1397. Sir Clement West to Henry VIII.
Otho, C. ix.,
B. M.
"[Most] high and mighty Prince, and most . . . . . . . . . . former of late gave advice how Barba[rossa the winter] past did much distruction in the Isles [belonging to] Venetians, by the which hath armed th[e galleys of the] Turk that were forth the summer past; and, as [is written] hither of late from Venice and Messina, the[re is now] before Naples de Romanea a 180 gal [leys and other] vessels a 120 and by land a great number, [what is] not said; assaults have been given and much lo[ss to both sides]. Venetians hath written to the League for succ[ours; on that] ordained is the Vice Eoy of Sicily to be [captain] general, and shall be a 100 galleys for Venice [and other] for the Emperor, the bishop of Rome and the [4 of this] Religion, all to the number of 50 galleys and othe[r vessels] as ships galleons about 50 sails, whic[h 200 be] ready to depart with the first weather.
"The prince Doryo is with 28 galleys a| ttending] upon the Emperor at Villa Franca who [as is said] hath 20,000 men by land to Nice where [the bishop] of Rome is. And the French king at Antybo 12 miles [the which it] is said hath 30,000 or more.
"Of late was written hither the three galleys of . . . . that rested with the Turk be returned w[ith great] presents, and nothing so as the other 10 re[ported here], as then I wrote to your Highness upon th[eir report. Of late here] arrived the galleon of this your Religion [from] Marseilles in Provence and Sir William Terell [upon] her captain said to me, when M. Doct[or did] arrive there it was late; wherefore he wen[t to the Ea]rl captain there to ask lodging for him, who [answered, That ye g]ladly shall have, but never the better for the [king of] England's sake. Whereunto no answer he made, but [for advice showed] it to Mr. Bonam. For discharge of my duty I do [write this].
"Moreover at this time the lord Master and Council [write] to your Majesty testifying that the master Saunta Ya[lle had] none authority to give the commandry of Schyngey to [Sir Thomas] Dyngle. Wherefore, most good and gracious Lord, it ma[y be your high pleasure to tender of your most gracious. . . . .the right of your faithful subjects Sir Ambrose Ca[ve] [and] Sir Anthony Rogerys who hath provision of that c[ommandry] . . . . first had. This to presume to your High Majesty is for [the] discharge [of my] (fn. n4) duty, considering the room in which hath b[een] your Highness' pleasure to maintain me; forced to seek the r[ight] of every one equally. The which I am well sure your Hi[gh Grace] intendeth no other to every one of your true [servants] as alway is my report, and shall be, to hold up the ho[nour] of your High Majesty the which long to prosper dai[ly I] pray to the everlasting Trinity, and for your royal pri[nce] of his infinite bounty. O, what ioy to true English blood!
"Now upon the closing is come news the prince Doryo is general of all the Armada and has many more galleys and other vessels than there were before," and will forth in the haste possible and such a number is said to be sufficient for the Armada of th. . . . . . .[It is] said here the peace is concluded at Nice in . . . . . .comfort to these parts, that daily prays [unto Al]mighty God, who of his infinite bounty . . . . and maintain your High Majesty with par . . . . . so much rudeness presumed which consteyn . . . . . . . Scribbled in Malta 1538, July 16.
P.S.— "Now late is come from C[icily a ?] frigate that saith fyr[me peace] was made; for truce ta[ken for 10] year betwixt the Emperor [and the French] king."
Hol. pp. 3. Much mutilated. Many of the mutilations supplied from the letters to Cromwell and Norfolk. (Nos. 1358 and 1398.)
16 July. 1398. Sir Clement West to the Duke of Norfolk.
Otho, C. ix.,
B. M.
News of the war between Barba Rows and the Venetians, who have written to the League for succour, &c., as in the first three paragraphs of the preceding letter. Asks favour for Sir Ambrose Cave, from whom Sir Thos. Dyngle wrongfully withholds the commandry of Schynerey, Camb.
Goods that were in Mr. Brereton's keeping (as in No. 1358V Malta, 16 July.
P.S.—Truce for 10 years between [the Emperor] and French king.
Hol., pp. 3. Mutilated. Add.
17 July. 1399. Cromwell to Lord Lisle.
R.O. Is to provide the surveyor with such number of men as he may require according to the King's appointment. Chelsheth, 17 July. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd. by Lisle.
17 July.
1400. Wm. Boureman, Subdean, and the Chapter of Wells, to Cromwell.
Received his letters advising them not to offend some noble personages by denying the admission of Dr. Southewood into residence with them. The ground of their delay was and is that in times past they received no canon into residence except by virtue of a papistical bull, which they have surrendered according to the statute, and have it not yet exemplified under the King's seal. If they receive a canon without this, will incur the danger of the King's laws, as Sowthewood knows. Asks Cromwell to obtain the exemplification for them, or to advertise them whether they may admit Sowthewood or any one without peril. The Chapter House at Wells, 17 July. Signed.
P. 1. Add., Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
17 July. 1401. Bordesley Abbey.
Rymer xiv.
Surrender of the monastery and all its possessions in cos. Worc., Warw., Glouc., Staff., and elsewhere in England, Wales, and the marches thereof, 17 July 1538, 30 Hen. VIII. Signed by John Dey, abbot, and 19 others. [See Deputy Keeper's Eighth Report, App. ii. 11.]
Seal slightly injured.
Enrolled [Close Roll, p. 2, No. 52] as acknowledged same day before Thos. Legh, LL.D.
17 July. 1402. Ralph, Earl of Westmoreland, to Cromwell.
R.O. I have received your letters and thank you for your favour to me and my son. I am glad you like him so well. You write that I should be more liberal in sending him money. As he pleases the King and your Lordship, he shall have part of that little I have, and the more as it pleased you to write in his favour. Yesternight was brought to me on suspicion one James Prestwych, who said he was Sir Francis Bryan's servant, "with broken writings." I sent him to my lord of Llandaff and the Council. One of the writings was rent in pieces, the one side written in Greek the other in English. Could not read the Greek, "but from the English it appeared that you would speak with him, but if he came to you afore his master came home he should lose his head." Thanks for your pains touching the lands the King has given me, and also the preferment of the wardship of young Swynborne. Brauncepeth, Wednesday, 17 July. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
17 July.
1403. Ralph, Earl of Westmoreland, to the Council of the North.
Sends a man whom two men of Alandale as they came riding by the way "took suspicious" and brought to the writer. He says he is Sir Francis Bryan's servant, and wears his livery. When they brought him before me Sir Wm. Malery was with me, and we examined him about the writings found upon him. One is written in Greek on one side and English on the other, which latter he tore in pieces. Encloses a writing of the sayings of the two men that took him. Some of the pieces of the letter are wanting, but encloses four. Could get nothing out of him, but when he was ordered to prison he said," I see it is God's will that I should be taken here, and if I die I shall die for my faith." Brauncepeth, 17 July. Signed.
P.1. Add: my lord of Llandaff, and all other my fellows of the King's Council.
R.O. 2. The saying of John Sheale, of Alandale, and Hugh Hoochounsoun, of Alandale, this Tuesday, 16 July 30 Henry VIII. before my Lord and Sir Wm. Mallory:—(1.) As they came riding in company with James Prestwich between Lemyng and Perysbreg, they asked him whence he came. He said Loughborough. They asked whither he was going. He said beyond Durham to his kinsman, Dr. Byrche. They said they knew no such doctor there. He then told them he was going over sea to his master, Sir Francis Brian, who was the King's ambassador to the General Council at Vyncent, and that his reason for going was that he was in love with a daughter of George Kingston's, Sir William Kingston's brother, but could not have her without his master's favour. With this they came to Perysbreg, where they dined, and George Werkhope, bailiff of the town, asked the said John and Hugh whether the said James were of their company. They said no, and told the bailiff how he had described himself; on which the bailiff went to see him in the stable. They then took horse to Durham, where the said John and Hugh examined him further about his going abroad and his baggage, which he cast on the ground before them and unpacked. The contents were a riding coat guarded with velvet, a new black camlet jacket, and other articles of satin, &c. Seeing this gear, they said he should not pass out of the realm, but they would carry him to my lord of Westmoreland. He was very unwilling to go thither, and went two miles back to Perysbreg with them. There he began to multiply words, and in reply to their suspicion that he had money or letters about him, he cast forth his purse saying he had none. Nevertheless, 24s. was found there in money, and the bailiff, Robert Werkhope, took certain writings and preased to read one of them. Then" said the same James Let me help you to read it, and when he had it in his hands he tore it in pieces. On this they mistrusted him the more, and got help and took him to my lord of Westmoreland. Signed.
Pp. 2.
17 July. 1404. Sir Fras. Bryan to Cromwell.
R.O. Their letters to the King and Mr. Wyatt's will tell him what has occurred. Asks for a continuance of his goodness. Aquamortes, 17 July. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
18 July. 1405. Castillon to Francis I.
Kaulek, 70. Chelsea, 18 July:—As London is of the towns of the world one of the most subject to the plague, the King has given me a house in the fields which belonged to the late Master More, for the summer. In the same village is lodged my lord Privy Seal, with whom I have frequent communication, for the King is gone to visit his ports and havens, and to make, as they call it here, his progress until Michaelmas. (fn. n5) At the first letters I receive from you I shall follow hire throughout his journey.
Today the lord Privy Seal said that by the last letters his master received from Brian from Lunel, 11 July, it seems he has found you colder towards his said master than usual, and that when he spoke of the marriages of Mesdemoiselles de Vendosme and de Guyse, and their being sent to Calais, you did not approve. You said indeed, that if he would marry in France, all the ladies there were at his command, but it would not be honest to take away daughters of such a house perhaps to receive the shame of being sent back (I had said as much to the King his master before); also that when he spoke of the offers the Emperor made to the King his master at the time of your assembly at Nice by Mr. Hoyet, his ambassador, who returned express to England for this, you replied that these were English inventions. Upon that the lord Privy Seal said more than his master, i.e., that if you met he would show it you written in the Emperor's own hand, and if his master would have agreed with the Emperor, he thinks there would have been neither peace nor truce with you. Further, that when Brian told you I had informed the King his master that you would remain his friend towards all and against all, you answered I had said it without authority from you.
I do not know, Sire, how he put that; but when Brian at Villeneufve-en- Provence pressed you for an answer whether you would declare to the Pope that you would not grant the Council without the king of England's consent, and that you would not make peace with the Emperor without his being third contrahent, you replied, by the Chancellor and one of your secretaries, that you had always preferred his amity to all others, but that to grant these two points would involve you in a long and perilous war, to support which he must grant you at least 50,000 crs. a month for six months and 20,000 crs. for the other six. I said the same to the King, as instructed, and when he would not grant it, I said: How, Sire, you see that the King your brother wishes to declare himself towards all and against all without reserving either Pope nor Emperor, as you can plainly judge, and that what you ask would involve war, and yet you refuse to grant a third of the expense? I never said anything else to him, as I told the lord Privy Seal; but it is one of their customs not to forget what makes for themselves, and to be silent" upon what makes for others. I think they are sorry they did not grant it de bonne heure. Now they are astonished and know not where they are, nor to what end such great alliances as they never thought of will tend. The King still trusts you will not abandon his amity, seeing it is very suitable for you as you will know someday.
My said Lord urges me to write that you will send something of your intention concerning the amity, and that you do not believe he feigned the Emperor's offers by Hoyet: he charges Brian with having misreported your words, and assures me (which I believe) his master was never so willing to be your friend as lately, and before matters between you and the Emperor were in their present state. I await instructions, and. thank God que vous estes à mesmes en la crestienté et pouvez choisir.
French extract.
*** A modern transcript is in R.O.
18 July. 1406. Castillon to Montmorency.
Kaulek, 72. [Chelsea], 18 July:—The interview of Francis and the Emperor has given rise to much talk here, as well among Germans, Venetians, and other Italians as among Englishmen. It seems that already all Christendom is butinée et divisée; for if the Germans and Italians are uneasy, so are the English. I appease all as much as possible, and think their greatest security is that which I give them of the amity of Francis; not, however, without leaving them some fears of the stir that their enemies might make. If an enterprise against them come of it, leur contenance juge qu'on en auroit bon marché. Yet they do not think the Emperor's amity so advantageous to you, and cannot believe that you abandon them for the Emperor, seeing their determination to have been one with you. [It is no small matter to have such a choice. But whatever they have determined, desires instructions, for new enemies require new counsels.] (fn. n6)
(fn. n7) I have written before of extinguishing the pension of England en faisant bonne mine, if you do not hope to get more. The time is favourable for it.
French extracts.
*** A modern transcript of the part not in cipher is in R.O.
18 July. 1407. John Husee to Lord Lisle.
R.O. On Sunday next the lord Daubeney will be created earl of Bridgwater by means of the earl of Hertford, who shall have after his death 107l. lands for ever. The Earl has redeemed out of Sir Hywe Pallettd hands a lordship near Bristol mortgaged for 600 marks. I think he will it all he can to make away with the rest, but if he does not make away who Mr. Bassett's inheritance, I care not. It must be redeemed, and I have sent some to feel his mind about it, which I shall know on his coming to Court, when Mr. Russell will reason the matter with him. If you will urge the King about it when he comes to Dover, it may be compassed. This day our late lady of Walsingham was brought to Lambhithe, where was both my lord Chancellor and my lord Privy Seal with many virtuous prelates, but there was offered neither ob' nor candle. What shall become of her is not determined. On Sunday, Mr. Russell and Mr. Coffin wish me to be at Court, where I shall learn more. On Tuesday I shall, leave for Calais. would fain my lord Daubeney left for Devonshire. London, 18 July.
Hol., p. 1. Sealed. Add.
18 July 1408. Fifteenths and Tenths.
R.O. Money remaining in the hands of the collectors of the Fifteenth and Tenth granted by the laity 26 Hen. VIII. on 18 July 30 Hen. VIII. Yorkshire, East Hiding, 17l. 11s. 1d.; North Riding, 398l. 10s. 1d.; West Riding, 197l. 10s. 2d.; York (city), nil.; Dorset, 268l. 18s. 9½d.; Bucks., 181l. 11s. 7d.; Salisbury, 9l. 13s. 4d.; Holland, 164l. 18s.; Kesteven, 375l. 10s. 11½d.; Lyndesey, 46l. 3s. 8½d.; Suffolk, 526l. 16s. 3½d.; Sussex, 559l. 7s. 8½d.; Leicestershire, 103l. 3s. 11d.; Kent, 814l. 12s. 6½d.; Essex, 466l. 17s. 1d.; Herts., 216l. 10s. 2½d.; Surrey, 212l. 3s. 9d.; Hants, 237l. 10s.; Norf., 2,304l. 12s. 6d.; Staffordsh., 214l. 18s. 3d.; Hunts., 56l. 8s. 9d.; Somerset, 760l.; Cambridgeshire, 296l. 7s. 6d.; Northants, 362l. 3s. 6d.; Berks., 677l. 10s. 5d.; Wilts., 658l. 6s. 10½d.; Canterbury, 29l. 19s. 11½d.; Leicester (town), nil.; Devon, 249l. 0s. 4d.; London, 333l. 6s. 9d.; Isle of Wight, 33l. 2s. 2d.; Beds., 246l. 4s. 1½d.; Derbysh., 234l. 9s. 5d.: Cambridge (town),—; Gloucester (town), nil.; Cornwall, 9l. 12s. 6d.; Rochester, 35s.; Gloucestershire, 1,036l. 12s. 9d.; Rutland, 94l. 0s. 8½d.; Southampton, 18l. 2s. 4d.; Notts.,290l. 22½d.; Oxford (town), 41l. 7s. 11d.; Herefordsh., 352l. 9s. 4d.: Oxfordshire, 712l. 5s. 8½d.; Warwicksh., 645l. 7s. 6d.; Bath, 6s. 8d.; Worcestersh., 400l. 17s. 10½d.; Shropshire, 350l. 18s. 3d.; Midd., 300l. 23½d.; Bristol, l10s.; Coventry, 64l. 5s. 1d.; Kingston-on-Hull, 64l. 8s.; Lancashire, 377l. 9s. 5d.; Norwich, 95l. 4s.; Worcester, 20l.; Nottingham (town), 37l. 12d.; Southwark, 17l. 3s.
Total:—16,219l. 1s. 1½d.
Lat. , pp. 11.
18 July. 1409. Edmundus Sheffeldus (fn. n8) to Cromwell.
R.O. When he wrote his rude letters to his step-father, (fn. n9) he had no idea they would be shown to Cromwell. Extols Cromwell's benevolence to men of letters. Profuse expressions of respect and gratitude to Cromwell as a favourer of the Gospel. E Cubiculo nostro ad decimas quintas Ca, Augusti.
Hol. , Latin, pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.; "Edmund Sheffield's scholastical letter."
1410. Edmund Sheffeld to ——— Cavendish. (fn. n10)
R.O. Reads in the Acts of the Apostles that a man cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven without persecution, "bicause that men flesshely mynded (as are sume greate men, yow know whome I meane) folowing the flesshe and the appetites thereoff persecutethe the trewthe bicause they wull not have their dedes reproved."
"Thus it is that my Lorde is muche displeased withe me and wull not leve to lifte that stone that he cannot beare." Hopes Cavendish will come and see him in prison and will move my lord Privy Seal in the matter.
Hol., p. 1. Add: To his most worshipful father-in-law, Master Candisshe. Endd."
18 July. 1411. Bp. Roland Lee to Cromwell.
R.O. Of late I sent your Lordship a bill of such murders and manslaughters in Cheshire, which would not be found till this Council set the same forward. Though at the late assizes many bills, well supported, were put unto the "greate enqueste," yet, contrary to their duty, they have found murders to be manslaughters, and riots to be misbehaviour. This Council have committed the said "greate enqueste" to ward for their lightness. As I think suit will be made to you of my hard dealing herein; to have that country in order, punishment must be done. But I will follow your mind in the same. By the common law, things so far out of order will never be redressed. Give credence to the bearer herein. I beg you send me a warrant for a stag in the forest of Wyer, which the bearer will send me. Castle of the Welshe Poole, 18 July. Signed.
Pp. . Add.: Lord Crumwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.
18 July. 1412. Bp. Roland Lee and W. Sulyard to Cromwell.
R.O. According to Cromwell's instructions they have examined the matter of Roger Vaghan of Clero, as shall appear by the books sent by the bearer, Mr. John ap Rice, and by the bearer himself, his Lordship's trusty servant, for whom they beg credence. Meanwhile they keep Roger and his brother Thomas in several and sure ward. Castle of the Poole, 18 July. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Crumwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.
18 July. 1413. John Prowd to Wriothesley.
R.O. Thanks for forwarding his bill for his office of Carlingford. Will be glad to send him any pleasure he may have for money. Dublin, 18 July.
Hol., p. 1. Add.; Mr. Wressle.
18 July. 1414. Charles V. to the Empress.
Add. MS.
28,590, f. 192.
B. M.
Details what has passed since his letter of the 13th, his interview with the French king at Aigues Mortes, and the agreements made between them. Left Aigues Mortes on Tuesday [the 16th], but the galleys have been forced by stress of wind to return thither. From a galley in the port of Aigues Mortes, 18 July 1538.
Spanish, pp. 18. Modern copy from Simancas. [See Spanish Calendar V. ii., No. 228.]
18 July. 1415. Francis I. to Castillon.
Kaulek, 69.
Vauvert, 18 July:—Wrote last that the Emperor and he, being so near together, expected to see each other at Aigues Mortes. The Emperor with his galleys and 21 French galleys arrived there on Sunday afternoon about 3 o'clock, and Francis the same day went to see him in his galley. Next day the Emperor came and dined with Francis and stayed until Tuesday afternoon, when about 5 p.m. he departed to embark in the galley, accompanied by Francis and his children. Their only question was to make good cheer and never princes parted more pleased with one another than they. Hopes that from the effects of this interview people will be able to esteem the affairs of the Emperor and him as one thing. Begs him wisely and dexterously, as seems best, to let the king of England know this, although no doubt Brian, who has been all the time at Aigues Mortes, will not fail to inform him. Is sure it will be a pleasure to the king of Scots to hear this news, and sends him a letter to be forwarded surely and as soon as possible.
French, p.p. 2. Modern copy from Bibliotheque Nationale."
18 July. 1416. Francis I. to Castillon.
R.O. Nimes, 18 July:—Since writing his other letter has determined to send the Sieur de Lassigny, his groom of the Stable (mon escuyer d'escurie) to declare so the king of England, in Castillon's presence, the news contained in it. He will then carry the news to the king of Scots.
French, p. 1. Modern copy as above. Abstract in Kaulek, 70.
1417. Francis I. to the Empress.
Add. MS.
28,590, f. 350.
B. M.
Sends Brissac primero panatier and gentleman of his chamber to announce the pleasure he received from the Emperor's visit on Sunday last at Aguas Mortes.
Spanish translation. Modern copy from Simancas, p. 1.
18 July. 1418. Montmorency to Castillon.
Kaulek, 70. [Nimes], 18 July:—The King is in good health and is going to Moulins, Blois, and so towards Paris, where he expects news of the king of England.
French abstract.
*** A modern transcript is in R.O. It refers to a previous despatch about the interview at Aigues Mortes and mentions the sending of Lassigny.
19 July. 1419. Henry Maunke to Lady Lisle.
R.O. Immediately after coming to London I delivered your letter to Mr. Hussey. Two days after I met Thos. Seller and told him he had not acted honestly towards your Ladyship and Mr. Bassett, in not informing you of my Lord his master's intention of doing Mr. Bassett great wrong in putting away his inheritance from him. He assured me that as soon as he knew of it he opened the whole matter to Hussey. This morning, Friday, the Chancellor of the Augmentations entertained me to his service, otherwise I would have seen you shortly, for I would not have tarried in England with any man but him. Before dinner I met lord Daubeuey in Cheapside, and he went very gallantly. Seller told me he should be created earl on the Sunday after. Heard say that my lord of Wolshyre will marry lady Margaret Dowglas. London, 19 July.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: At Calais.
19 July. 1420. Robert Cowley to Cromwell.
Lamb. 602,
f. 111.
St. P. iii. 50.
This Friday, 19 July, received a letter from lord Butler, abusing the lord Deputy's proceedings as tending to extol the Geraldines and favour the Papists. Delivered it to Mr. St. Leger to show Cromwell. Grieves to hear that the King's treasure is exhausted to strengthen the Geraldines, and, still more, that the Papists increase. The King presented Dr. Nangle to the bishopric of Clonfert, but one Rowland Burke purchased bulls from Rome and expelled him; and when the King wrote to the lord Deputy to correct this, nothing was done. There was never so much suit to Rome from Ireland as now. There are five bishops lately made by the bishop of Rome's authority, besides abbots and priors. The news brought by Stephen Appary's servant is indeed glorious, but until some more credible personage signifies it it is not to be trusted. Begs favour in his suit for Holmepatrick. Mr. St. Leger promises to declare his services, bringing him registers of the King's inheritance and naming offenders to be fined. Spoke but for one who least offended, and he was fined ten times more than they which offended ten times as much, to Cowley's rebuke and shame, all by Master George Poulet. London, 19 July.
Thinks Mr. Cusac should be despatched. Signed.
Add.: Lord Privy Seal."
Lamb. 602,
f. 150.
2. Declaration of Rob. Cowley of his true service to the King.
When none in Ireland dared declare the abuses of the late earl of Kildare, Cowley came and declared them, in the Earl's presence, to the Council in England. For this his goods were seized and his friends threatened by the Earl's adherents, although the Earl was detained in England and the duke of Norfolk made lord Lieutenant. Then the Earl married the lord Marquis' sister and returned to Ireland and to the office of Deputy. Then he and the earl of Desmond sent Ant. Daeley to the French king, then at war with England, to send a force to Ireland; and afterwards, when Desmond was declared a traitor, waged the Brenes and others to assist him. Intercepted and sent to the Council a letter from the Earl to the said Desmond, on the strength of which the Earl was committed to the Tower. Cowley was detained here a whole year to justify it, but obtained no reward. Then by Kildare's procurement his brethren and kinsmen rebelled, and Cowley, coming hither to certify it, was waylaid everywhere, but escaped to sea. The Earl was committed to the Tower, but Cowley got no reward. Once more Kildare was pardoned and went to Ireland with Sir Wm. Skeffington as councillor and guide to the said Sir William, whom he used as an instrument to revenge himself and whom he finally supplanted in the office of Deputy. Then he openly incited his adherents to rob the King's true subjects and to take to ransom knights and burgesses going to and from Parliament. This being declared by Mr. John Alen and Cowley, Kildare was committed to the Tower, where he died. Now at the Commissioners' being in Ireland, has taken pains to assist them. As long as any of the Geraldine sect are in power the King's affairs wiU never prosper, nor Irishmen be subdued.
See Carew Calendar, Vol. I., p. 143.
19 July. 1421. Anthoine de Noyelle to Lady Lisle.
R.O. I thank you for the great honour you have done me in having left your daughter here with me this little time. My aunt and all of us are sorry she leaves so soon. I beg you not to think more about the chain. I have more regret at giving concern to you than I have at the loss. From your monastery of Bourbourg, 19 July '38. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
19 July. 1422. John Bekynsaw to Lord Lisle.
R.O. Sent him on Sunday (fn. n11) last a letter concerning his son James. Le Gras and I have been with the archdeacon of Paris, who is vicar-general, to license a suffragan to give orders to Mr. James. He tells us that without his letters dimissory or dispensation from the Pope, no bishop out of England can do it. No reason of mine would prevail with him, but he, knowing [was an Englishman, thrust me from him and said I smelt of the fire; howbeit it was done laughingly and merrily, but in no manner would he comply. Paris, 19 July 1538.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: at Calais.
20 July. 1423. John Gostwyk to Cromwell.
R.O. Please remember my suit for my friend Oliver Leder touching Stonley farm, which he has already by lease of the King, and now the freehold to be purchased from him only by the pure malice of Charles Wyngfeld in the despite of Mr. Richard's quarell. Leder will give you 40l. for your goodness and satisfy Mr. Richard; if you will speak or send by Mr. Polsted to the Chancellor of the Augmentation. I beg your favour for Rob. Catelyn in the suit he will now disclose to you, the obtaining of which will enable him to do you better service. London, 20 July. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd."
20 July. 1424. Cranmer to Cromwell. (fn. n12)
R.O. Desires a lease of the demesne lands of the Charterhouse, in the Isle of Axholme, fox his friend Henry Stoketh. Lambeth, 20 July.
P. 1. Add.. Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
20 July. 1425 Baptist a Montesa to Wriothesley.
R.O. Begs him to move the lord Privy Seal for the King's licence to the writer to export 1,000 dolia, Anglicé tonels, of beer, on which he expects to gain l,000s. London, Saturday, 20 July 1538.
Latin, p. 1. Add.: Magº Dno. D de Hurysle secretario serenissimi Regis Angliae. Endd.
20 July. 1426. John Warner to Mason.
R.O. Read the letter he sent to Dr. Barber and Dr. Barret dated about the end of May. Dr. Woodward, parson of the Moor, is dead. No one has yet succeeded, because Dr. Peter is in the North Country. Came to London on the matter, and returns re infecta, because of his absence. Is sure Mason has heard of the death of the bishop of Herford, for it is Dr. Roper's tidings, like as it is that lord Pentecost of Abyngdon is now Sir Rowland of Cumner. Dr. Lyell commends himself to Mason. From Dr. Lyell's chamber in Paternoster Row, 20 July.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: in the Emperor's Court. Endd.
20 July. 1427. Wm. Paget to Dr. Daye, Provost of King's College, Cambridge.
R.O. In answer to his letters by Mr. Hawtrye, has been to Riselip, and found there felled by Byrde, the purveyor for the new park beside Westminster, 300 oaklings. He has confessed that he did it out of malice to Amerye. Has never seen such miserable fellows. Under colour of serving the King they go about, for their own lucre and the increase of their estimation among their neighbours, or rather hatred, to undo the whole country. Gives further particulars about their conduct and words. The remedy lies either with the King or the lord Privy Seal. Sends a warrant for him to have written in parchment and signed by the King. He should show the King the loss to the college and the undoing of the tenants and lordship (the same standing all by the making of brick, tiles and lime), which will fortune by the waste of the woods, and that there is store elsewhere. Bids him show this letter to Wriothesley, and ask his help. If he can find means that they fell no more, the matter will not go much amiss, for they have left 500 timber trees. Asks for an answer at his return from the Court. Paget and Hawtrey will do what they can here. From my cottage at Drayton, Saturday, St. Margaret's day.
Hol., pp. 3. Add. Endd.
20 July. 1428. Council of the North to Cromwell.
R.O. One James Prestewiche suspiciously taken in these North parts going out of this realm to his master Sir Francis Brian, as he says, was lately sent prisoner to us by my lord of Westmoreland, as your Lordship will see by the said Lord's letters and by a letter rent in pieces by the said James, which mentions you in two several places. Find from his examination that some persons near Woborne are to be examined before your Lordship and the Council, and thinking you have something else to charge him with, we send him up to the King with his examinations. York, 20 July. Signed by Robt., bp. of Llandaff, T. Magnus, Thomas Fairfax, Wm. Babthorp, and Jo. Uvedale.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
R.O. 2. Confession of James Prestwich at York, 19 July 30 Henry VIII.
Had been discharged out of his master's service by the bailey of Olney on Saturday in Rogation Week. On asking the reason was told that Master Care must go to Mr. Comptroller—the bailey knew no other cause unless Lacels owed him displeasure, and if Lacels accused him in his master's absence, deponent had enough to lay against Lacels. Went to London hoping to obtain by Mr. Brocke the farm of some benefice, and remained from Friday to Monday, when he met Mr. Leson, who said he had looked for him in Westminster Hall for that day; my lord Privy Seal had spoken to him there about deponent's qualifications for teaching. Said he would consult Mr. Brocke. Went afterwards three limes to my lord Marquis's house of Dorset, but could not speak with Mr. Brocke. Began to be afraid and durst not go to Leson again lest he would have kept him. Went to Smithfield and caused the ostler that night to go for his nag, which was four miles out of London. On Tuesday came by St. Albans and so to Northampton, Leicester, Nottingham, Worsop, Lemeyng, Perisbrigg, intending to have gone to Newcastle and taken ship to his master. Met two men of Northumberland at Perisbrigg and spoke according to his conscience. Never thought the King could be Supreme Head of the Church of England, for if so other princes might take the same in their dominions. Hopes this is not treason, and if it be desires forgiveness. Will receive his Maker on it that the clause in his letter found in his purse is false, in which he wrote that if he awaited his master's coming home he would lose his head. Wrote it only that the gentlewoman should more mind me in my absence; for he was not accused. Signed by deponent.
Besides this he affirmed when asked whom he thought head of the Church of England, that it was the bp. of Rome. Signed in the presence of the Council: Jo. Uvedale.
Pp. 2.
R.O. 3. The fragmentary letter, Greek on one side and English on the other, addressed to Master Jamys this be delivered. The person is addressed at the beginning as Mr. Melton. The Greek on the otherside is theological.
R.O. 4. Fly leaf with the inscription Herein are enclosed other writings that was found upon James Prestwyche when he was taken.
R.O. 5. Copy in Uvedale's hand of the English letter in § 3, to the following effect:—
Mr. Melton, this shall be to advertise you that Maistress Anne is changed from that she was at when we three were last together. Wherefore I pray you that ye be no devil's sack, but according to the truth ever justify as ye shall make answer before God, and do not suffer her in my absence to be married to any other man. I must go to my master wheresoever he be, for the lord Privy Seal desireth much to speak with me; whom, if I should speak with in my master's absence, it would cause me lose my head; and yet I know myself as true a man to my Prince as liveth, whom, as my friends informeth me, the lord Privy Seal sayeth I have offended grievously in my words. No more to you but to have me commended unto Maistress Anne, and bid her remember her promise which none can lowse but God only to whom I shall daily during my life with my prayer commend.
Below is added by Uvedale: Some words in the original hereof be rent out of this letter, which John Uvedale by guess hath made sententious as is before deciphered, as near as he can imagine."
20 July. 1429. Ormond to R. Cowley.
St. P. iii. 52
O'Donell and Tiege McKabill Oge, now called O'Connor Connaught, hitherto rivals for the castle of Sligo, have united with young Gerald against the King, by means of Eleanor Fitzgerald, Kildare's sister, who has practised with others in Con naught and Ulster. Bishop O'Donyll, James Delahide, Mr. Lurous, and Kobt. Walshe are gone to the Scotch king from O'Donell, O'Neill, and young Gerald, to ask aid. Dreads this stirring in Ulster, seeing how small the King's retinue now is. The Deputy's going into Munster and Connaught with such a slender retinue will encourage them, and is not to the Kind's honour. For a reward of kine he delivered Byrr and Modder Inn Castles to Fergananym O'Karoll, contrary to the Council's letters. My farmers of Ormond were persuaded to give him certain kine in the King's name and think thereby to be discharged of their rent to me. Omolrian gave a hostage to James of Desmond for payment of 40 mks., and 40 kine to the Deputy. When it was paid Desmond refused to restore the hostage, and he and the Deputy were ready to fight. The Deputy, however, went to Desmond with only four companions and begged for the hostage as he had written to the King that he had it and would be undone, and said further that he had put all men against him for Desmond's sake, meaning the same by me. This was at Thomen in O'Brene's country. Never feared Kildares practices so much as I do the Deputy's.
After the Deputy, with O'Brene and Desmond, had burned Murrough O'Brene's country and left, the said Murrough burned a good deal of O'Brene's country. The Deputy and Desmond promised Donogho O'Brene, my son-in-law, to do his lands no hurt in the said invasion; but Desmond burned none other and the Deputy gave no remedy. McO'Brene Arhe would give no hostage until the Deputy told him he hated me and mine. He has taken an infinite sum in bribes in this journey. He went from O'Brene to Connaught upon Ullike Bourke's safe-conduct with but 100 Englishmen, 2 battle of galloglasses, 30 Irish horsemen, and 2 falcons. They took Castle Clare by surprise and delivered it to Ullike Bourke for money. The ordnance and stuff left at Limerick was sent to Galway by sea, where it lies far from the succour of Englishmen.
The Deputy has so strengthened this James of Desmond that the young man (fn. n13) now with the King is never likely to come by his inheritance. I hear he has counselled James of Desmond to make war on me for the lands my son James has by his wife, and has sent writings under his seal of arms to Sir Thomas Butler to assist Desmond. Callan, 20 July. Signed.
Add,: To my trusty servant, Robert Cowley, at London.
20 July. 1430. Adrienne de Mortaigne to Lady Lisle.
R.O. Mademoiselle Marie has taken the trouble to come and see me, which has given me such pleasure as I cannot write. I am sorry I could not entertain her as well as she deserves, but she is so wise and so courteous she will take the will for the deed. She has greatly pressed me to keep her company, which I should have very gladly done, but that a son of mine is dangerously ill. Otherwise I have the greatest desire to come and pay my respects to you. Graveline3, 20 July.
Hol. Fr., p. 1. Add.: Madame la debitisse de Calles audyt lyeu.


  • n1. John Dove, prior of the White Friars at Calais. Fox mentions him first as prior of the Grey Friars, afterwards as prior of the White Friars; but there does not appear to have been any house of Grey Friars at Calais in Hen. VIII.'s time, whereas of the White Friars or Carmelites we find frequent mention, and it will he seen from No. 1219 that Damplip preached at their house.
  • n2. Adam Damplip.
  • n3. The marquis of Pont-à-Mousson.
  • n4. Words accidentally omitted.
  • n5. According to R.O. transcript, till St. Martin's day.
  • n6. This passage is supplied from the R.O. transcript.
  • n7. This last paragraph is in cipher.
  • n8. Created lord Sheffield of Butterwick, Line, in 1547.
  • n9. His father, Sir Robert Sheffield, died 15 Nov. 23 Hen. VIII. (1531) leaving him 9 years 10 months old und over, or according to another inquisition 9 years 11 months 25 days and over, at the time of his death. Inquis. p. m. 26 Hen.VIII., Nos. 96 and 108. His mother Margaret, heiress of Sir John Zouche of Codnor, afterwards married——Candish. See pedigree in Stonehouse's Isle of Axholme, at page 276.
  • n10. This is probably the letter referred to in the preceding No. It is written, however, in quite a different hand.
  • n11. 14 July. The letter was written on the 13th.
  • n12. This letter was printed in Vol. XII., Pt ii., No. 288, but it must have been written in 1538, just after the suppression of Axholme priory.
  • n13. James FitzMaurice of Desmond.