Henry VIII: May 1538, 10-15

Pages 354-372

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 1, January-July 1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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May 1538, 11-15

11 May. 973. Dr. William Petre to Wriothesley.
R. O Mr. Williams brings the report of their proceedings here. This house is not indebted. Would not have expected to find it so bare, but it was burnt of late and much of the best plate and stuff lost. Help to the despatch of the abbot of Evesham. If my Lord go to the King before our return, would to God he would remember our suit. These times are most meet when I am occupied in his business. Woborn, 11 May.
Hol. p. 1. Endd.: Dr. Peter.
974. Dr. William Petre to Wriothesley.
R. O Sends by bearer the certificate from Evesham with the writing they used for their Royal assent; but because they have that licence only from the
bp. of Rome, they must now have the Royal assent, as others have, and that directed to my Lord because the monastery is exempt. Touching Mr. Crumwell's matter, the abbot says it shall be paid tomorrow morning: "I pray you remember it to be sped as you may."
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.; Doctor Peter.
11 May. 975. Robert Towson.
R. O Examination of witnesses before Ralph Bycardyk, mayor of Cambridge, Edw. Slegge, sergeant-at-arms, Robt. Chapman and Symond True, aldermen of Cambridge, 11 May 30 Hen. VIII.
Alex. Rychardson, sherman, of St. Clement's parish, Cambridge, deposes that on Hock Tuesday Robert Towson, in Thos. Bous' shop, in St. Clement's, spoke against images and the setting lights about the sepulchre, saying "The devyll blynde that Roode, that cannate se at none dayes except he have candelles sette byfore hym." Also, that till this six years there never was a good man in England, and if there was he was burnt. When asked if the King was not a good man, he said, "No, all was nought till within this six years."
Wm, Wade, Bous' servant, confirms this. Sir Win. How, priest, a "conducte" of King's College, Cambridge, heard him say the same evening, "I truste within two yeres to see never an abey, mounkes, chanouns, ner fryers stondyng within the realme of Yngland, ner never an ymage stondyng within any churche within this realme to be worshiped." Wm. Slye, parish clerk of St. Clement's, deposes the same. Edw. Slegge says Towson said he would abide by his words to be burnt therefor, whereupon he committed him to prison.
Pp. 2. Endd.
11 May. 976. Sir John Weddryngton to Cromwell.
R. O Has often demanded redress of the Warden of the Middle March of Scotland for the attemptates of the inhabitants of Lyddersdaill, but he has refused. Wrote to the king of Scotland, and received answer from the Council that he should have good redress according to the truce and at the place accustomed. Can get nothing but fair words and delays. Unless redress is obtained, those injured, with the outlaws of Tyndaill and other evil-disposed persons, will be busy to make a break upon the Borders. Reminds him of the repairs of Harbottell Castle, the chief strength of the Border of the Middle Marches, which is not habitable. Trusts in him for the constableship of Alnwike. Weddrington, 11 May.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.; Lord Privy Seal. Endd: xxj Maij.
11 May. 977. Thos. Thyrleby to Wriothesley.
R. O Thanks him for the letters sent with the packet delivered to the French ambassador. "Your man and mine" and the rest of my train, met me at Valance on Wednesday last. Praises the said person for his good wit, knowledge of Latin, &c.
Has been much discouraged about his own knowledge of French. Went with the bp. of Winchester and Brian to the Constable this morning at 8 o'clock. Could understand them, but not the Great Master's answer, except by conjecture, guessing at a word here and there. After dinner, had audience of the French king, and bore away never one word but, "l'empereur, l'empereur;" often rehearsed. Must diligently apply himself to learn the language or the King will be ill served when he is left alone. Spoke of it to his colleagues, who said they had much difficulty as the King has such an impediment in his speech. Was some deal abashed in his own conceit, but will do the best he can. Valaunce, 11 May.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.
11 May. 978. Card. Mâcon to Montmorency.
Ribier, i 154 As you will hear by Mons. de Lavaur, who left this morning, we ast night received your letters of the 7th, with a packet from Mons. d'Yvree to Card. Farnese. Today Messire Marcel, the Pope's principal secretary, came and read me a letter of Mons. d'Yvree of the 7th. Discussion thereupon. The letter also related that you had said to Mons. d'Yvree that the king of England was the King's friend, and the King wished to preserve his am ty. The secretary said his Holiness had not been pleased at the said words, seeing that the king of England was his enemy; but his Holiness did not wish to take notice of that or other language which he believed was uttered in anger, and thought the King so good a prince and you so wise and virtuous, that, in spite of evil reports, the King would not refuse the peace, and that you would persuade him thereto
* * * *
Savona, 11 May 1538,
11 May. 979. Charles V. to the Empress.
Add. MS.
28,590, f. 167.
B. M.
Wrote on the 4th of his arrival in sight of Marseilles. Describes the rest of his voyage as far as Villafranca. The French king's late illness. Duke of Savoy's unwillingness to entrust Nice to the Pope. News from Venice of the Turk's intention to invade Christendom this year with a powerful armada by sea and in person by land in the direction of Friuli. Directions for the works at Perpinan to be hurried forward. Villafranca de Niça, 11 May 1538.
Spanish, pp. 9. Modern copy from the archives of Simancas.
[See Spanish Calendar V. ii., No. 201].
12 May. 980. Cromwell to the Mayor of Rochester.
R. O Hears the mayor has suffered corn to be conveyed beyond sea without special licence. Charges him in the King's behalf to suffer no more to be conveyed; also to appear before the writer and answer for what he has already permitted. St. James's besides Westminster, 12 May. Signed.
P. 4. Add. Endd: The lord Cromwell.
12 May. 981. The Abbot and Monks of Woburn.
R. O Examination taken in the late monastery of Woborne by Thos. Legh, John Williams, and Wm. Petre, commissioners, 11 and 12 May 30 Hen. VIII.
i. Deposition of D. Robert Hobbes, abbot. Has made two sermons since the King's last visitation, and in both prayed for the King as Supreme Head. Has exhorted his brethren to do the same, but has not otherwise spoken against the usurped power of the bp. of Rome. Immediately after the Archbishop's visitation at Dunstable, Sir John Mylward, of Tudyngton, brought him a treatise of his own making, containing the sayings of divers doctors De potestate Petri He had it copied by D. Wm. Hampton and returned it. Thinks the copy was burned during his late illness with writings concerning controversies between him and the tenants of the abbey, which he feared might cause harm if they came to light. There was nothing among them concerning the King's matters.
About Passion Week last, being much pained with the stranguilion, he cried out that he wished God would take him out of the world and that he had died with the good men who had suffered heretofore, meaning Fisher, More, and others, but "he neither spake that it grieved his conscience, nother of the Pope." About Passion Sunday last, being sick, he exhorted certain of his brethren to charity and rehearsed certain words of St. Bernard ad Eugenium, "Tu quis es? Primatu Abel, gubernatione Noe, auctoritate Moyses, judicatu Samuel, potestate Petrus, unctione Christus. Aliae ecclesiae habent supra se pastores, tu pastor pastorum es," and other words which he does not remember. Cannot remember on what occasion or to what purpose, for he was in a great agony.
Since the beginning of Lent, he met Sir William, curate of Woborn Chapel, and said to him, "Sir William, I heard say ye be a great railer. I marvel that ye rail so. I pray you teach my cure the scripture of God, and that may be to their edification. I pray you leave such railing. Ye call the Pope 'a bere and a bawson.' Other he is a good man or an ill. Domino suo stat aut cadit. The office of a bishop is honourable. What edifying is this to rail? Let him alone." Not signed.
ii. Deposition of Dan John Croxton, alias West, monk of Woborne.
Was in the shaving house last Christmas holidays, with Dan Robert Woborne and others, when Dan Laurence Bloneham said the King was dead. Replied that the King was well and advised him to leave his babbling. Bloneham answered, "Croxton, it maketh no matter what thou sayest, for thou art one of the new world." To whom this jurate said again, "Thy babbling tongue will turn us all to displeasure at length." "Then," quod Laurence, "neither thou, nor yet any of us all shall do well as long as we forsake our head of the Church, the Pope." "By the Mass," quod this examinate, "I would thy Pope Roger were in thy belly or thou in his, for thou art a false perjured knave to thy Prince." Whereunto the said Laurence answered saying, "By the Mass, thou liest. I was never sworn to forsake the Pope to be our head and never will be." Then quod this examinate, "Thou shalt be sworn spite of thine heart one day, or I will know why nay." A little before Lent last when the abbot was "somewhat acrazed" Dan Raulf Woborn, subprior, reported to Dan. Wm. Hampton and deponent that the abbot had wished himself to have died with the good men that died for holding with the Pope, and said his conscience grudged him daily for it. Said "If he be disposed to die for that matter he may die as soon as he will."
"On Easter Monday last, at supper, there was communication of wise men, and Croxton said that the King had as wise men to his Council as any king christened, and reckoned my lord Privy Seal by name. Then said Dan Robert Nede cum irrisione "Sapientia hujus mundi stultitia est apud Deum." Then said this examinate, "His wisdom is both godly and worldly, for he is both true to his God and to his prince, therefore his wisdom is not stultitia apud Deum." Signed.
iii. Deposition of Dan Robert Salford, monk of Woborne.
This year last past, but at what time he cannot specify except that it was since the oath given by the abbot and convent for the abrogation of the bishop of Rome's authority, he saw Mylward's book and Hampton's copy in the chamber of the "bowser," Dan Richard Newport. Both he and the "bowser" marvelled that Mylward should send such a book or the abbot receive it. The abbot did not name the King to be Supreme Head in either of his two sermons, made since the King's first visitation, nor speak against the pretended authority of the bp. of Rome. His prayer (fn. n1) was "You shall pray for the Spirituality, the Temporality and the souls that be in the pains of Purgatory." Heard Sir William, parish priest of Woborne chapel, say that the abbot said to him (fn. n1) that if he railed so much against the bp. of Rome he was no meet chaplain for him. The abbot rebuked (fn. n1) him for razing the Pope's name out of the canon with his knife, telling him to do it with a pen, for "it will come again one day." Said if so, they could put it in again, but he trusted he should never see that day. On Passion Sunday eve he and the subprior were with the abbot, who said he was very sore and sick and prayed God there might be love and charity among them, adding, "It is a perilous world; Saint Bernard cal let lithe seat of Rome pastor pastorum (fn. n1) but now it is of another trade;" and he exhorted them never to consent to the giving up of the monastery or changing of their habit. Then "the pang of sickness came so sore to him that he could speak no more at that time." He has often in the chapter house given like counsel touching the giving over of the house and the habit.
The abbot asked him, after he was shriven in Lent, if he were in perfect charity. He said yen, saving that he grudged against those who railed on the Council and spoke against their oath, of whom he meant to complain, which the abbot advised him not to do. Being asked whom he heard rail, he referred to Bloneham's saying, in presence of Croxton, himself, Nede, Hawnes, the subprior, and Dan Eversholt, that he was never sworn to the King as Supreme Head and never would be, and that he said "A vengeance on my lord Privy Seal, much harm hath he done;" and that "we should never do well as long as we forsake our right head." On Thursday last, at supper Bloneham said, "It was no marvel that the bodies went down when the head is forsaken, and being asked by this examinate what head he meant, he answered that he meant the abbey of Fountains." The subprior often rebuked and punished Bloneham for such words. Sir Rauff Woborne, subprior. since the King's last visitation has divers times preached and never named the King Supreme Head nor spoken against the Pope's power. He said, within this quarter of a year, in presence of Bloneham, Hopworth, and this exanimate, "Well, the King hath taken upon him to be Supreme Head of the Church. One church hath granted it but all have not." He commended a sermon preached by Sir William in Woborne chapel "saving that in the end he railed against images and the bp. of Rome, which misliked many men." Replied that men must declare the King to be Supreme Head, to which the subprior said yea, though it be against their conscience. Croxton told him in Easter week that Dan Ric. Hawnes, with whom he had been contending about a. certain book, had just said he would never hold against the bp. of Rome. Advised him to open the matter to the King's visitors as soon as they came.
Thinks that Dan Rauff Woborne, Dan Laurence Bloneham, D. Thos. Toller, D. Robert Nede, D. Ric. Hopworth, and D. Wm. Hampton are papists.
iv. Deposition of D. Wm. Hampton.
Copied, at the abbot's commandment, a book written by Sir John Mylwarde against one North, sometime monk of this house, because he had forsaken the habit and religion, and another book De Potestate Petri (fn. n1) Newport, the "bowser," blamed him for writing it, but he said the abbot commanded him. Heard the abbot, both privately and in the chapter house, counsel the convent not to give up the house, saying "Doubtless a redress will be had in these things." Heard Bloneham say at table about Shrovetide that he was never sworn to the Supreme Head. Confirms Croxton's deposition as to the subprior's report of the abbot's wish that he had died with those who held for the Pope. Signed.
Deposition of Dan Rauff Woborne, subprior, concerning the abbot's words when sick (that he wished he had died). (fn. n1) Said Sir William's sermon was approved save that he railed against the worship of saints. The abbot showed him that .Mylward had made a good collection De Potestate Petri, which was clerkly done. (fn. n1) Thinks it was before the King's first visitation. When preaching, used to pray for the King as chief of the spiritualty, but the abbot bade him call the King supreme head of the Church.
In his sermons he has shown that the bp. of Rome's usurped power was abrogate by common consent of the realm, but never alleged scripture to prove the King's title, or that the bp. of Rome's power was justly taken away. Not signed.
v. Deposition of Sir Win. Shurborn, curate of Our Lady Chapel of Woborne.
Narrates a discussion with the late abbot, when he came after midsummer last to be admitted curate, about the Council at Mantua and the Germans being heretics for refusing to attend it. The abbot gave him a copy of the book of the excuse of the Germans to take to Mylward to examine and report upon. Did so, and, two days after, Mylward said the Germans were heretics. Asked how they could be heretics when they owe no obedience to the bp. of Rome, but only to the Emperor, who is the Supreme Head of the Church of Rome; and though he has not so proclaimed himself as our King hath done, notwithstanding, he does not disallow the Germans in taking him for their supreme head. Mylward replied that he (the bp. of Rome) can be no less taken than he is here in England. (fn. n1) Heard the abbot say that the Carthusians and More and Fisher were taken away that naughty heretics may have their swing. Reports conversations of the abbot touching the Pope's authority, which he rebuked deponent for speaking against, telling him to bid the beads according to the form appointed and go no further, or else he were no meet chaplain for him. He told him to be careful of his preaching for the time might come that he would repent what he has done. About Candlemas the subprior asked (fn. n1) him whether he longed not to be at Rome, and where all his bulls were. Answered "that his bulls had made so many calves that he had burned them. Whcreunto the subprior said that he thought there were more calves now than there were then." Since Candlemas, in the abbot's chamber, a physician belonging to Mr. Brian rebuked examinate for preaching; and the abbot said "Hoo, this is a marvellous world; some will have down Purgatory, some speak against images, some against veneration of saints, some against the Pope. What? Will ye make him any less than a bishop?" In last Lent, in the garden, the abbot advised him to preach Purgatory. In Lent he found certain bulls in his chapel and took them, with a letter from D. Robert Salford, to my lord Privy Seal. Returning home, he told the abbot of his being at London for that purpose. Describes how the Abbot, thereupon, discharged him. Signed.
vi. Deposition of John Grace, monk of Woborne. The abbot, (fn. n1) subprior, and Dan Hopworth have preached without naming the King Supreme Head of the Church or speaking against the usurped power of the bp. of Rome. About a twelvemonth ago, exhorted the abbot that the convent and strangers might have better bread. He answered, "If they like not this let them go further and fare worse. This world is open now, but I trust it will net long hold thus." Heard Bloneham say he was sorry he had forsaken the head of the Church. Signed.
vii. Deposition of Sir John Mylwarde, keeper of the hospital at Tudyngton, that, four years past, he made a collection of doctors' sayings, De potentate Petri, which, after the abbot had taken a copy, he delivered to Dr. Coren, commissary to the archbp. of Canterbury, in his visitation at Dunstable. Last summer the abbot delivered him a book made by the Germans showing why they would not come to the Council at Mantua. Forgets their conversation thereupon. Has a licence of the bp. of Lincoln to preach. In his sermons has read a printed schedule devised for curates, but has not otherwise set forth the King's authority. Further being asked if there were no law, Act of Parliament, nor statute made within this realm for the extirpation of the bp. of Rome's pretended authority, whether he would think better, the authority of the said bp. of Rome to remain, or else such laws and orders as have passed for the abolishing thereof and confirmation of the King's title of Supreme Head should pass in such sort as they now be, he answereth that he doubteth what he would think in that case ; but if it were so he saith he would consult with learned men in that case. Not signed.
viii. Further deposition by four of the monks that the abbot, after the death of the Carthusians and other traitors, commanded them to say in the chapter house the psalm Deus venerunt gentes, saying "Brethren, this is a parlus time. Such a scourge was never heard sith Christ's Passion;" and adding that it was certainly for their offences, but if they repented God would take vengeance on their enemies the heretics. The psalm was said every Friday, with the versicle Exsurgat Deus after the Litany, the monks prostrate before the altar, till some murmured at it. At the dissolving of monasteries (fn. n1) he enjoined them to sing Salvator mundi salva nos omnes, adding other versicles and collects to be said at every mass. He assured them that if they did this with good and pure devotion God would handle the matter so that it should be to the comfort of all England; "And surely brethren," he said, "there will come once a good man that will reëdify these monasteries again, that be now suppressed, quia potens est Deus de lapidibus istis suscitare filios Abmoe, &c." "Teste suppriore cum caeteris confratribus." Signed by Salford, Hampton, Croxton, and Grace.
Pp. 13.
Cleop. E. iv.
B. M.
2. "The declaration of Robert, abbot of Woburn, as touching the accusations of his adversaries proposed against him unto the King's most honourable Council."
(1.) Where in his preaching he neglected to declare the King to be head of the Church, he did it of no malice but (fn. n1) only "for a scrupulous conscience that he then had, considering the long continuance of the bishop of Rome in that trade being, and the sudden mutation thereof." Is sorry if he offended. (2.) Received and caused Dampne Wm. Hampton to copy a book made by Sir John Mylvard, priest of Todyngeton, entitled De Potestate Petri, which quoted divers authorities as Saints Augustine, Jerome, Ambrose, Chrysostom, Cyprian, and others. Fears it was burnt unwittingly with divers things which came out of his study and closet; but no doubt Sir John has the original of the book. Received it four years ago, and for no perverse intent against the King. (3.) As to his words to Sir Wm. Sherburn, priest of Woburn Chapel, about the bishop of Rome; merely advertised him to speak the word of God without slander, and to leave off his blasphemy against the images of our Blessed Lady and other saints. Sir William has divers times complained to the abbot against Dampne Thomas Taler, who is curate of the said chapel and parish church above him, but never could prove anything. Last Lent Sir William asked to have a clerk to serve with him, saying he was an expert young man both in singing and saying his service, and when the abbot had admitted him made suit to have the old clerk continue. Said then to him, "Sir William, I perceive ye be no curate meet for me: wherefore with as good love as we met, so at your day lot us depart," &c. (4.) Where Sir William alleges that he bare a book from the abbot to Sir John Milwarde, made by the Germans refusing to appear before the General Council at Mantua, with certain words calling them heretics; he may have spoken thus of the Germans, but never of this realm. (5.) Where the said priest has delivered certain bulls of indulgences unto Mr. Doctor Visitor, (fn. n13) the abbot says that at the delivery of the other such bulls to Doctor Petre, he knew of no more. He begs pardon for his negligence in this which he had committed to the charge of Dampne Ric. Newport. (6.) As to "thabrasynge" of the Pope's name, he commanded the chaunter, Dan. Ric. Neede and Dan Robt. Salford and the rest of the brethren to do so in their books and weened they had so done. Put the Pope's name out of his own books. (7.) Where he is accused by Dan Raphe Bernes, subprior, of saying "Would God, for his mercy, take me out this wretched world and misery I am now in, and would God I had suffered with these good men" meaning Rochester and More:—has had familiar conversation de potestate papali with Dr. Wattson, in his time, Dr. Panell, of Cambridge, and Mr. Thos. Fossy, parson of Mylton Bryan. Sir John Mylwarde, master of the hospital of Todyngton, has often alleged to him that the King's supremacy was usurped, (fn. n1) &c. The subprior admitted to him that when he made his sermon in Oxford for the degree of B.D. he prayed openly for the Pope, and expected to have been troubled therefor, but was never challenged. Salford, Hampton, Grace, the bursar Dan Ric. Newport, and Dan Ric. Hopwode, have babbled in like fashion, and Doctor Redechin, Mr. Brian's physician, also. The subprior in his sermons this Lent did not pray for the King as supreme head, but did so on Easter Day in Woburn Chapel on the abbot's urgent request. (8.) Where accused of exhorting his brethren (fn. n1) in the chapter house to prayer, considering the affliction of religious men and the suppression of their houses; he exhorted them to prayer, saying that it was for their own shameful living and for no invention of the King or his Council that they were afflicted, as the children of Israel were when they were translated into Babylon; for when they had repented God would put in the King's mind to set up these monasteries as fast as they had been put down. Has said the like to Dan Augustine, the quondam abbot of Ward on, being "commensal" within the house, and to his friend Sir Fras. Brian, Thos. Longvile, Roger Lee, lord Grey of Wilton, and others. Has had much communication on points of scripture with lady Gray of Wrast, but they could never agree. Gave Sir Thos. More's book "of his demands and answer of his friend he wrote unto" to lord Grey. His book against Tyndale and Dr. Barnes, Dan Wm. Hampton, the abbot's secretary, has long had. Mr. James, schoolmaster to the young gentlemen, Mr. Norice, Mr. Carye, and Mr. Hervye, when they were commensals in the house, declared he could never assent to the New Learning, and fell out (fn. n1) with Mr. Lacells, Mr. Brian's servant, about it. Has always stiffly maintained the bp. of Rome's part, and begs pardon. (9.) When the bulls were delivered up to Dr. Petre, the abbot had them all copied (fn. n1) in order that if there might be agreement (by mediation of princes) betwixt the King and the bp. of Rome, they might be again ratified. (10.) Caused Dan Robt. Salford to write the charters of foundation of the house of Medmenham in a pleasant hand, and sent them up to "my Lord our founder" when the bursar brouglit the bulls; and "my Lord" sent his servant Furnage to Dr. Peter with 13s. 4d. to expedite the said bursar. (11.) Recalls a conver sation with Sir John, Frenchman, (fn. n1) maker of the King's arbours, about the New Bible in English, in which some texts were not translated according to the Latin, and would induce errors. Sir Johu said there was to be a General Council, at which the French king and Emperor would be, and it would be good for Christendom if the King were there too if only to set peace betwixt the French king and Emperor. Asked, Do you Frenchmen take the bp. of Rome for Pope? Yea, many, said he. And so do all Christendom, said I, but only we and the Germans. Talked then of concordance of the Gospel, and he said Christ was called "a carpenter the son of the carpenter." Said it was not so, and showed him the text, which is "faber filius Marie." He said it was otherwise in the French. (12.) Trusts Sir Francis Brian is his trusty friend, as he has always considered him. Has in his presence extolled the fathers and reprehended the preaching of the bp. of Worcester touching the veneration of Our Lady, fasting, and church ceremonies; and Sir Francis has perhaps the more readily acquiesced because of his love for the abbot. Considering the great journeys Sir Francis has made in the King's business the abbot has often wished that the King would license him, now growing in age, to tarry at home with his Grace, and sometimes to come to the country to make merry with his friends. Thinks he could have obtained this licence if there were not an object to the contrary to put him forward with such journeys; for it is said he dare boldly speak his mind to the King. Last Lent at Ampthill, after Sir Francis had entertained him and others of the country, he saw a Bible of the New Translation in Sir Francis' bed chamber, and said it was not well interpreted in many places, which might lead to much error. Sir Francis said that interpreters must sometime follow the letter and sometime the sense, and pointed out the words in Luke of the consecration of the blessed body and blood of Christ. The abbot said that was well set out. (13.) At the visitor's being in the monastery, the abbot said to Thos. Lawe, Brian's familiar friend, "I pray you have me most heartily recommended unto my good master, Mr. Bryan, beseeching him to be good master unto my nephew Powntes, and to his poor children, and for a remembrance unto him deliver this ring of my credence which he knoweth right well; for I think I shall never see him again in this world, for I perceive I am compassed by craft of mine mortal enemies, and they have sought their time, he now being out of the realm," &c. Said the like at Holoway on Thursday last to Robt. Mathewe, Brian's servant (14.) At the fall of queen Anne Mr. Bryan was sent for by the lord Privy Seal in all haste "upon his allegiance." At his next repair to Ampthill the abbot went to visit him, being in the Court with lord Grey of Wilton and others. Sir Francis espied the abbot at the gate, and of his gentleness came to meet him. Said, "Now welcome home and never so welcome." He, astonished, asked, Why so? Said he would explain at leisure. Afterwards, in the great chamber with the others, drew a parallel between the fall of Lucifer and that of queen Anne, congratulating Sir Francis that he was not implicated. He replied it was true that when he was suddenly sent for he marvelled; but knowing his truth to his prince he never hesitated but went straight to my lord Privy Seal, and then to the King, and there was "nothing found" in him. Said it was a "marvellous and peremptory commandment." Sir Francis said, What then? He must needs do his master's commandment, and I assure you there was never a wiser man to order the King's causes than he is, I pray God save his life, &c. Often afterwards Sir Francis said the abbot was much bounden to pray for his Lordship, and twice said so in his Lordship's presence, viz., at Ampthill and in Brogburugh Park. Asked why he was so bounden to my lord Privy Seal, and Sir Francis replied that it [...] words spoken to the King. Thanked his Lordship then and thanks [...] in his (the abbot's) great need. Recollects nothing more of Sir Francis. Is sorry to be thus plain in this matter; but my said Lord's command is so urgent. If his Lordship knows anything he has omitted here (for his wit is so attenuated with bodily diseases and with this trouble) he begs his Lordship to show him it. (15.) Has thought (fn. n1) the acts of the abp. of Canterbury in ordaining and consecrating bishops, dispensations of matrimony and capacities to religious men were unlawful without the power of the bp. of Rome; but lie now renounces these opinions and begs the King's mercy and "your good Lordship's" intercession as you "promised me for plainness," &c. (16.) Has in conversation with his brethren the bursar, cellarer, subprior Salford, Hampton, and others, said, It is wonderful the King cannot be content with what Parliament has given him, but evermore breaketh down the holy monasteries his ancestors founded, and has never himself founded a house of prayer; for a better prince to his Church and Commons never was; and though the lord Privy Seal seems to be the maintainer of these wretched heretic books that be set forth cum privilegio regali, neither the King nor he knows the pestilent doctrine that is in them. "It (fn. n1) is an unmerciful thing thus to put down the houses of God and expulse the inhabitants from their living, yea and many one from their life too." (17.) Has (fn. n1) marvelled the King could not be content with his true wife, queen Katharine, who had borne him noble issue, both male and female, for if they had continued together the monasteries had stood.
Has here declared all he remembers, and begs "his Lordship's" forgiveness and intercession for him with the King, for whom he ever prays.
Hol., pp. 14. Various passages noted in the margin apparently by two hands, one of which marks against them the word "Noa." {notandum?) in small writing, the other makes the figure of a hand. The former is indicated by the asterisks. Endd., at f 99.
R. O. 3. Articles against John Mylward, clerk, and others.
It appears by the confession of the late abbot of Ooburne that Mylwarde made the book called De Potestate Petri or De Potestate Popali (sic) of which the abbot made and kept a copy. Also that the abbot had divers communications with Dr. Watson, Dr. Panell of Cambridge, Thos. Fossy, parson of Mylton, and Mr. Bryan, de potestate popali. Mylward maintained to the abbot that the King's supremacy over the Church of England was of no authority by scripture; and so did Dan Ric. Newport and Dan Ric. Hopwood. Doctor-–––––, (fn. n22) who was physician to Sir Francis Bryan, was of the same opinion.
In Richard Pollard's hand, p. 1. Names noted in margin.
12 May. 982. Cristyne Russhe, widow, to Wriothesley.
R. O. Reminds him of his promise in November last that she should have delivered to her, by Lady Day, the will of her late husband, Thos. Baldry, (fn. n23) and the other evidences touching his land. Has only received eight pieces of evidence, which are very old and of little value. Requests he will send her the will by bearer; which will Mr. Mynysent had. Ipswich, 12 May.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.: my lady Russhe.
R. O. 983. Crystyne Russhe, widow, to Cromwell.
Last November, Cromwell wrote that the evidence of the lands of Thomas Baldry, her late husband, should be delivered to her. It has not been delivered; wherefore certain rents are detained from her. Also lands should be sold to fulfil her husband's will, which cannot be done. Begs that the evidence may be delivered to the bearer. Desires certain obligations delivered by William Reyston to Mr. Mynysent, which should appertain to her, may be delivered to the bearer.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: Lady Russhe.
12 May. 984. G. Lovedaye to Lady Lisle.
R. O. Delivered your letter at Paris, as I wrote to my wife. The French king has departed hence this morning by water, accompanied by the Queen and a great many ladies. He will be tonight at Pounte St. Esperite, and tomorrow at Avynion, 130 English miles hence. The Emperor has come to Nyece and has taken on his way four of the French king's galleys coming from the Turk. Thinks they are given up, but the King takes it very ill. The bp. of Rome is at Savone, near Nece. We shall go with the King to Antibo, a great way beyond Marseilles. The duke of Lorraine and his son and heir came yesterday to the King to ask restitution of the duchy of Bourbon, as next heir by his mother. Cannot tell how he will speed, but the King makes very much of him. My lord of Winchester thanks you for your cade of sprats. He had part sent to him by post and ate them merrily. If the whole had been sent, they would have stood him in 2d. a piece before coming to his hands. He hoped to have come home now after Mr. Brian had spoken with the King, but, the night before, letters came from the King ordering him to stop till further orders. This is the hottest country I ever came into, but we have not yet come where the greatest heat is. Every man says we shall find little meat and drink and much worse lodging, but patience. We are fain to drink more than two parts water, the wines are so hot and strong. Mr. Brian desires to be recommended to lord Lisle and your Ladyship. Recommend me to my Lord if he has retnrned from England. Valennce, 12 May.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: At Calais.
12 May. 985. Melanchthon to Henry VIII.
Cleop. E. vi.,
B. M.
Eccl. Mem.
I. ii. 383.
Is glad Francis [Burchardt] has been chosen for the embassy to Henry. The business is one in which private men need the help of Kings and Orders; and the King has given great hopes to all learned men of aid in reforming the churches. Hopes Henry will be the author of a firm and durable agreement. 12 May 1538.
Hol. Lat. Add. Endd.
13 May. 986. Exemption from Suppression.
See Grants in May, No. 19.
13 May. 987. John [Hilsey] bp. of Rochester to Cromwell.
Cleop. E. vi.
When last at Bromley I preached at Paul's Cray, and found the name of the bp. of Rome unrased in certain books. Not knowing your pleasure, commanded "him" (the parson) to appear at the visitation. He appeared at Dartford last Friday, with a priest who offered to answer for him, and whom I advised not to take so much upon himself, as he did not know what would be laid against him. However, he insisted, and I, wishing to put him to honest silence, for he was somewhat overseen, suggested that little less than treason might perchance be charged against the parson, in which it would not become him to be a proctor; and said that I would come to the pariah and hear the matter. This I intended to do, but at their coming home they quarrelled. The parson and others of his parish accused the priest of felony, and the priest accused the parson of treason, saying that at the visitation I called him traitor, though I only said what is written above. They were both attached and brought before Bere of Dartford, a justice of the peace, who returned them to me on the condition that they should appear before him and Mr. Bowghton "this Monday." When before me and Mr. Hart, Mr. Fereby, and Mr. Heron, the priest accused the parson of treason, saying that he asked Mr. Hart at Paul's Cray, whether the bp. of Rome's power was no more than the King's power, or the King's power were as good as the bp. of Rome's. Mr. Hart being grieved that he should doubt thereof, told him that whoever said that the King's power was not as good as the bp. of Rome's ever was, was a false traitor, and he would be the first to help to hang him. The parson replied that he did but move a question and submitted himself to the order taken by the King and Council.
On Palm Sunday, Mr. Hart told the parish priest of this, saying that if the parson stood in the defence of the said question, which he thought he would not do, then he and the priest would accuse him. The priest affirms that the parson justified the said question to him, alleging the text. "Tibi, sc. Petro, dabo claves regni coelorum" and says that to death he will prove the parson a traitor; desiring me to send them both to you, which I have done. Bromley, 13 May.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: To, &c, lord Cromwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.
13 May. 988. Thomas Legh, LL.D., to Cromwell.
R. O. I perceive my cousin Legh of Isall is now in London, and no doubt has spoken with your Lordship. His accusers and other gentlemen of that country are in London too: I desire that he may have a trial before their faces, and doubt not you will find you have been misinformed of him. Bear him favour to be the King's servant; and because Sir Thomas Qwarton, Sir Thomas Curwen and he be all my kinsmen in like degree, cause them to put out of their stomachs their private malice and serve the King truly. My cousin John Legh and Sir John Lother can best inform yon of the customs of the Borders or make a book of them: a little cost would "strenke that Borders very well," and they much need it. Wouborne, 13 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
13 May. 989. Sir John Moreton, Priest, to the Earl of Shrewsbury.
Shrewsb, MS.
A. f. 63 (2).
Coll. of Arms.
On Monday last received his letter by Master Edward Eyre at St. Alban's concerning Will. Worme's flewe nets and hobnets. Worme is not at London so far as I yet know, and the nets be in making. Also received another letter from his Lordship on Thursday by my fellow Thomas Lort touching the evidences of Master Wortley,—which Mr. Mollyneux has at London,—and likewise concerning Cumbermeyre and Wenlocke. Has delivered his letters to my lord Chancellor, whom he found very favourable to my lady of Northumberland's suit. He confessed what he knew in the matter when he was of counsel with the Earl, "much as I have heard your Lordship speak in that behalf, saying that he would command all such as appeared by subpoena not to depart until they speak with h[im], to the intent he might move them not to abide in that suit but shortly conclude with my Lady. And the same time my lord of Norfolk's grace demanded of me of your Lordship's good health, and likewise of my lord Talbot, declaring that so much lands as he hath of the late earl of Northumberland he would depart with my Lady for his portion without suit." Has delivered his letters to my lord Privy Seal and the Master of the Rolls, who assured him Mr. Wortley should have no wrong at their hands, but should have all the more speedy justice as he is the Earl's servant. As to the warrant about Master Compton's wardship my lord Privy Seal desired him to have patience. Mr. Justice Porte consents to be an arbiter between Wortley and John Talbot. Business of Wenlok and Cumbermere, a matter touching Chr. Wharton, &c.
Yesterday, at St. James's, where Mr. Treasurer is, with the King, who removed on Thursday from Westminster to Hackney, and thence to Waltham, is appointed by Mr. Receiver to be at Ferneham Roiall on Monday night, and thence to St. Gyles Chawfount to view the Earl's farms. The King's servant Weldon has put locks on every pasture at Swannescomb, and handles the Earl's servant Reynold Boyre "after a homely sort." Has spoken to the later (sic) Queen's receiver and had other locks put on so that he may keep possession according to the promise of the said Queen's chancellor made before lords Rutland and Dacre. Master Mowmford is right glad to come to your Lordship.
Spoke to lord Privy Seal yesterday about the parson of Pleysley's simplicity and age. He said such simplicity must needs be laid aside and learn a new lesson. Spoke also about other matters previously mentioned, in which he said that he would do his best, "and as for my lady of Northumberland, she may leave her mourning apparel when she will." Coldherboro, 13 May.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: To [my] Lorde. Endd.
Shrewsb. M.S.
A. f. 63 (6).
Coll. of Arms.
2. "The names of them that subpoenas be served on, and what lands they have that were the late erle of Northumberland," viz.. Sir Humph. Ratclyff, —Hangleton, Sussex, 20l., Hangleton with Aldrington, 65s. 7d., St. Marten Stret, London, 50l. 12s. 8d. Sir Richard Gresham, mayor of London,— Wyke, Somerset, 45l. 12s. l0¾d., Foston, Leic, 24l. 13s. 9d., Isleham, Leic, 37l. 10s. ll½d. Sir Thos. Jhonson,—Somerton Eyrlie, Somerset, 26l. 12s. 9½d., Poynt Knowlle, Soms., 10l. 17s. 3d., Toller Porcorum, Soms., 66s. 8d., Areayes, Yorksh., 10l., Leythley, Yorksh., 22l. 2s. 2d., Walton Hede, Yorksh., 13l. 13s. 4d. Sir Wm. Percye, Longford, Yorksh., 104l. 6s. 8d. Sir Thos. Wharton, Heikley and Catterton, Yorksh. Sir Thos. Kytson, Durweston, Akeford Paynx, Dunhede and Stockemesis, Terryebrayn, and Dartmouth, Soms. Sir Will. Kempe, Aisshemerfeld, Kent. Sir Wm. Sydney, Somerton Erle and Somerton Randolff. Chr. Wharton, lands in Cumberland. Signed: Sir John Moreton, priest.
13 May. 990. Sir William Eure to Cromwell.
R. O. The East Borders are in good stay, although they were far out of good rule when Eure became warden, as Cromwell will perceive by a book (fn. n24) of all the bills filed and redressed sent by bearer, for whom begs credence. Norham Castle, 13 May. Signed.
P 1. Add.: Lord Cromwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.
"991. Conspiracy against Ormond.
R. O. Indictment setting forth that Peter Fitzgerald, late of Great Grange, near Cloncurre, horseman, Maurice Bakaghe Fitzgerald, late of the same, horseman, Edm.Asbold, of Maynooth, yeoman, servant to lord Leonard Gray, now Deputy, and Jas. Fitzgerald, of Ballisonan, gent., 11 May 30 Henry VIII., procured Kedagh Omore, of Stradballe, Shane McCoyn, of Kilclere, Neill Olayllor, of Disert, and other the King's Irish enemies, to make a raid against Peter, earl of Ormond and Ossory, and Alex. Fitztirrelagh, of Great Grange, 13 May 30 Henry VIII., and carry off' 24 cows from the former, and 176 cows and 100 horses from the latter. Also that Stephen Apperre, of Rathangan, servant to the said Deputy, was aiding and abetting in the above and received ten of the cows.
Copy. Latin, pp. 3.
13 May. 992. Charles V. to Don Lope Hurtato de Mendoça.
Add. MS.
28, 590,f. 172.
Embarked at Barcelona 25 April, but owing to contrary weather did not reach this port of Villafranca de Niça until Thursday, 11 May, where ho awaits the arrival of the Pope at Nice. Mendoça shall inform the Duchess, his daughter, of this: duke Cosmo de Medicis will have already heard it through his ambassador. Alessandro Vitello and Philippo Strozzi.
Spanish, pp. 2. Headed; De Niça, 13 May 1538. Modern copy from the archives of Simancas.
14 May. 993. Sir Thomas Audeley, the Chancellor.
See Grants in May, No. 23.
14 May. 994. Castillon to Francis I.
Kaulek, 47. [London], 14 May:—Has had a long private conversation with the king of England, who said he had always desired peace with Francis more than with any other prince, even to wishing to take a wife in France; but Francis has always preferred to him the Pope and the king of Scots, his enemies. Replied that as to the Pope it seemed reasonable, but that did not concern the case; as to the king of Scotland, in recompense for Madame de Longueville, who had been promised before the death of the late Queen (i.e., Jane Seymour), Francis would give him the choice of any one in his kingdom. He said, yes; but she was of so gentle a race as was not always found. Replied she had a sister as beautiful and as graceful, clever and well fitted to please and obey him as any other. "Prenez la, elle est pucelle, vous aurez ceste advantaige que vous luy ferez le pertuys a vostre mesure." He laughed, tapping Castillon on the shoulder. Then, wishing to hear mass, he dismissed him with a good countenance.
This morning there came to see him Mr. Russell, a gentleman of the King's Chamber and Privy Council, and Comptroller of his Household. After long conversation and praising his master's love for Francis, he asked if it were impossible to make this marriage of Madame de Longueville with his master. Castillon explained it. Then said he, has she no sister or near relation, or is there no one in France that we might break the practices of the Emperor and prevent his marrying elsewhere? Replied, France was a warren of honourable ladies; let him choose. He then said, as of himself, Is her sister beautiful: Replied she was the very counterpart of Madame de Longueville; Castillon had not seen her for a long time, but had heard her esteemed above any other lady in the kingdom. He then asked Castillon to find some way that Francis (to show it was not as a refusal that he could not have Madame de Longueville, but because she was promised beforehand) should offer him her sister, and say something of it to M. Briant, who would then send her portrait.
These are the King's own words, for no one here would dare go so far without the King's express command. Castillon replied that it troubled him to write such proposals to his master; but Russell was of the Council, and in such authority with the King that he would do his best to let it be known, trusting in Francis' affection for the King, his brother; otherwise, he feared it might be taken as great lightness on Castillon's part. Knew well he was at pains to disguise that he came from the King, his master; "mais si est il aysé à congnoistre qu'il se veult attacher là et s'il y est encores plus mal aisé de l'en divertir." [Francis will consider what to say of it to Brian, and what answer Castillon shall make.] (fn. n25) The King does not write to Francis of it, and has not spoken of it to me. Probably he is troubled that it must be known that his great instance made for the one is so suddenly changed for the other, and it would give great displeasure to the Emperor, seeing the other proposals of marriage on which they are entered. Sees well that he finds no amity so suitable as that of Francis; he always says that if Francis would be open with him, he should find no better friend. If this marriage were entertained, he might be guided to give great offence to the Emperor, and then would he not be alone and altogether in Francis' hands?
French abstract.
***A modern transcript, headed 19 May, is in R. O.
14 May. 995. Castillon to Montmorency.
Kaulek, 49. [London], 14 May:—After being three or four times at the Council, I found the lord Privy Seal so opposed to my negociation and so proud and ungracious, that I could not help telling the King one day that I did not seem to be before his Council but that of the Emperor, for I saw more debated for the Emperor than for him. He then reprimanded my lord Privy Seal, saying he was a good manager, but not fit to intermeddle in the affairs of kings, and did no less to three or four others of the Council. He then sent for Norfolk, whom the lord Privy Seal prevented, as much as possible, from coming to Court. The said Lord is so snubbed and so suspect for the affairs of France, that for the present his advice is not much asked; and now most of the Court visit me, which is a good sign.
This King has had stopped one of the fistulas of his legs, and for 10 or 12 days the humours which had no outlet were like to have stifled him, so that he was sometime without speaking, black in the face, and in great danger. God knows if that cheered (a ouvert les esprits) the Lords here, seeing the things that would supervene in such a case. There would be much folly, and my Lord would not be safe if he did not quickly cross the sea. They dare show so little what they think that I only know things by halves. I hear, however, that one party is for the young prince, and the other for Madame Mary. But the King is now so well that no one ever expected it. Norfolk is more welcome than he has been for a long time, and my Lord is suspected for his great Spanish passion. If you think this King should be entertained, we can lead him as you think good, and when, as I write to the King, he has only us as friends, he must come to reason. Would God tho Pope had done him some turn to which he thought the Emperor was consenting; or if we made him amorous there is no better way to catch him. (fn. n26) Please think over all I have written, and make me a pasty of it. I will take pains to add whatever sauce you command.
French abstract.
***A modern transcript, undated, is in R. O."
14 May. 996. Cromwell to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Learns by his letter of the 8th, and the other writings therewith, that parts of the town of Calais ought to be repaired, and of "the dissension among you upon certain lewd words and the pulling down of the image of Our Lady in the Wall." Will obtain the King's order for the reparations. Is to join others with him in counsel and examine the truth touching the words spoken in contempt of the Sacrament, and on his advertisement justice shall be done on the offenders. As for pulling down the image, though it is thought that many abuses and superstitions were connected with it, if it were done in contempt of authority or might have caused a tumult, like order shall be taken. From St. James', 14 May.
Thanks him for his letters. Begs he will provide for him three tuns of Gascon and one of French wine, and he shall have the money on signifying the price. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.: My lord Privy Seallis.
14 May. 997. John Husee to Lord Lisle.
R. O. The bearer has the answer of my lord Privy Seal, who desires you to send him 2 tuns of French and 2 tuns of good Gascon wine, with the bill, which he will pay immediately. He says you shall be here at Whitsuntide. I trust the Holy Ghost doth now speak in him, and that this his late promise shall take effect. There is a spiritual house here, which by your friends' procurement will consent to surrender upon reasonable pensions; in this you shall know more at my return. Has had some trouble respecting Mr. James's prebend. Cannot hear of Mr. Bonham or his money. He appointed to meet me at Soberton last Saturday. His brother says he is gone for money. The abbot of Westminster's man can find no wine to his liking. "He is ill bested that is in a churl's danger." Mr. Ryngeley will have the uttermost of the law. London, 14 May.
Anthony Hegges, surveyor of the King's Ordnance, sends you a hogshead of March beer in Hen. Vernham's [ship]. "The skantlin is here enclosed."
Hol., p. 1. Add.
14 May. 998. John Husee to Lady Lisle.
R. O. I have delivered to Henry Vernham today two pieces of green say, which I have exchanged with much ado. The others were so brayed and handled that he would not take them. The green are dearer than the red and cost 48 f. Lawden will send your glasses in 10 days. I thank you for the favour shown to Warley at my suit. There is no fear that Mistress Anne will behave so as to deserve your displeasure in future. The man who has the travers will deliver it after Whitsuntide. I would rather buy a new one than have so much trouble about it. If I am deluded now again, I will never speak more about it. Touching Mr. Ryngeley, if the debt is for Mr. Marshal he must discharge it. Mrs. Elizabeth shall have her gown. Mr. Bonham promised to speak with mo before he departed. He had determined to meet me at Soberton on Saturday, but he left without seeing me. His brother says he has gone for money. I hope my Lord has received 20l. of Mr. Fowler. As for Mr. Bassett's coming, your Ladyship had better wait, for the world is very hot here. I have written to Mr. George, but cannot yet hear of his old coat. Mr. Spycott showed me you did not now "pass upon" the hat you wrote for. Suggests a man for lord Lisle's service. London, 14 May.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.
[14 May.] 999. Sir William Poulet to Cromwell.
R.O. Desires favour for his brother George, that Cromwell will hear the matter of which he is accused in person and show him favour and pity; and thenceforth he will no more offend Cromwell or any other nobleman. Waltham, Tuesday. (fn. n27)
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
1000. Sir John Hampden to Sir John Russell.
R. O. I beg you will speak in favour of a certain cause of a friend of mine. My son-in-law, George Paulet, is of late taken and laid in hold, for what I know not. I beg you will be beneficial in his cause, that, if he is to be retained in prison, he may have one of his servants to attend him, as he has been sick of late. Signed: John Hampden, k.
Please send an answer by the bearer.
P 1. Add. Endd.
14 May. 1001. Ralph Buffkyn, Mayor of Dover, to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Has received his letter dated at Calais the 10th inst., with one from the captain of Dieppe, whom he would be glad to gratify for his Lordship's sake; but the matter is before the King's Council and till it is determined he can do nothing. Dover, 14 May 1538.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
14 May. 1002. John, Bishop of Bangor, to Wriothesley.
R. O. In behalf of the young man, the bearer, who has long been in suit for a fellowship of All Soulen College, Oxford. Northstonham, 14 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add, Endd.
14 May. 1003. Feancis I. to Castillon.
Kaulck, 46 Has received his letters of 26 and 28 April and 3 and 4 May. Winchester, Brian, and the doctor (fn. n28) who accompanies him, came to Francis at Valence and spoke of the marriage of Madame Mary of England with Orleans, urging very strongly that while their master made suit with the Emperor for the restitution of Milan in favour of the said marriage, Francis should agree with them not to grant to the Pope this or any future Council without Henry's consent, nor make peace with the Emperor [...] he were third contrahent, as Francis had formerly promised. Rep[...] they had little reason to mention that promise, which was conditional, seeing how they had aided him in these last wars: to grant them the two points which they demanded would put them in perpetual security and himself in great danger, committing him to a long and perilous war. Castillon shall therefore say that to grant these two points without other security from England would be unreasonable; that the Pope and Emperor being so united and each having amassed a vast sum of money to be employed against the Turk, if the Turk does not come and peace is not made, they will probably convert the said money to make war on Francis, who must therefore, like Henry, see to his own security and that, therefore, if he grant the above, he must have, in the event of war, an aid of at least 50,000 cr. a month.
The power shall be made as the English wish. Castillon shall continue very gracious and keep watch to learn what they really mean,—if they are preparing for war or have some treaty with the Emperor. Leaves tomorrow for Nice. Avignon, 14 May 1538.
French extracts.
*** A modern transcript is in R. O.
14 May. 1004. Montmorency to Castillon.
Kaulek, 47. Avignon, 14 May:—The King leaves tomorrow to join the Pope and Emperor, who are now near Nice. The cardinal of Lorraine and the writer will not leave him till he is near the Pope.
P.S.—The negociations of England may be carried on in writing, but Castillon shall give them nothing until he has first sent it hither, for they could make profit of it with the Emperor. M. de Lavaur, who arrived today, says the Pope has the greatest desire for peace.
French abstract.
*** A modern transcript, undated, is in R. O.
15 May. 1005. Evesham Abbey.
See Grants in May, No. 26.
[15 May.] 1006. Rich. Cromwell to Cromwell.
R. O. Upon receipt of your letters I went to the Court to deliver the packet, but being advertised by Mr. Hennage that his Grace was not yet up, sent them to him, and partly lying in his bed, "and partly up, and not yet ready, read them before his coming forth of his chamber." I have not myself spoken with the King, but he has declared his pleasure to Mr. Sadeler, whereof ye shall be advertised by his letters. Today in riding I hope to commune with His Highness on your letters and other matters, and will send you his sayings therein. Mr. Culpepper showed me that His Highness much desires to have a hawk of Mr. Brydgos', and desires to get her through you. You had better require her in your own name, and because Mr. Bridges very shortly departs out of the city he would be moved therein out of hand. Waltham, Wednesday, Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.: Ao. xxx.
15 May. 1007. Philippe de Beures to Lord Lisle.
R. O. As Vice-admiral in the Admiral's absence, I have opened your letter, containing certain informations on the part of the captain of Dieppe. As to his statement that he makes the Flemish prisoners pay only 3 crowns for ransom, 3 crowns for passports, and 30s. Tournois a week for expenses each man, it may be that he has made some pay no more, but much higher ransoms have been exacted in France, viz., 6 cr. a man, without passports and expenses, and sometimes more. As to the treatment of François Reuel, captain, and his companions, they have been assessed at 5½ cr. for ransom and passport together, the expenses being alone reserved. And they only pay together I cr. a day for expenses, which amounts only to 28 sous Tournois a week for each man. In prison I know they are much better treated than ours are there. As to the safe conduct you ask for your servant Adrien Reuel, brother of the said François, I am assured he resides at Dieppe, so that it is not lawful for me to arrant one, but if they mean to send the said ransom, I have given my safe conduct to some of the company of the said François, who have gone to procure it, and who will be able thereby to return safely hither or find means to send the money from Calais. La Vere, 15 May 1538. Signed.
Fr., pp. 2. Add.
15 May. 1008. John Bekynsaw to Lady Lisle.
R. O. This week I received two letters from you with a crown of the sun to buy canvas, which this messenger will convey if he can carry it. My Lord's sprats lay long at Le Gras's house and, after Mid-Lent, as he could not tell how to convey them to my Lord, he sent them to me; so I wrote that I had them. If I had sent them, every sprat would have cost much for carriage, yet he would not have got them before Easter. I therefore sent by one or his men as many as he would carry, and wrote that I and my company would eat the rest; yet the most part are "in my house still and cast away." Mons. Du Vall had none unless Le Gras gave him some of his. Paris, 15 May 1538.
Hol., l. Add.: Calais.


  • n1. Noted in margin.
  • n13. Dr. Legh.
  • n18. John Wolf. See Grants in April 1538, 29 Hen. VIII, No. 2.
  • n22. Blank here, but in the abbot's deposition he is named Dr. Redechin.
  • n23. Probably Thomas Baldly, weigher in the port of Ipswich, who seems to have been dead in 1525. See Vol. IV., No. 1136 (14). After his death she must have married Sir Thomas Rushe who died in 1537. See Vol. XII., Pt. ii., No. 88
  • n24. Perhaps No. 489.
  • n25. Omitted in Kaulek.
  • n26. "De la mieux avoir" in Kaulek seems to be an error. Baschet's transcript reads le
  • n27. The King was at Waltham on the 13 May 1538, and probably on the 14th also, which was a Tuesday.
  • n28. Thirleby.