Henry VIII: May 1538, 16-20

Pages 372-383

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 1, January-July 1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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May 1538, 16-20

16 May.
R. O.
1013. Tunstall to Cromwell.
Ralph Reveley came lately inlo the bpric. of Durham, and, before my lord of Westmoreland, accused Lawrie Beell, a sanctuary man, of treason affirming ho had Cromwell's orders to have him attached. The Earl accordingly committed Beell to ward and sent Reveley to us. His examination is enclosed. Requests Cromwell to consult the justices, whether the deposition contains any treason by which Beell should forfeit his sanctuary, and instruct such of Tunstall's fellows as are now with him. York, 16 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal.
R. O. 2. Deposition of Ralph Riveley, of Berington, Nthld., taken at York, 15 May 30 Henry VIII., declaring that Lawrie Beele, late of Horton, Nthld., servant with Sir Roger Gray 18 years ago, in company with four others, murdered the deponent's brother, Thomas Riveley, and Thos. Bond in the lordship of Chatton, Nthld., of pure malice, and the said Lawrie fled to Scotland, adhering to the King's enemies in time of war. Yet he came into England about Michaelmas last, remaining sometimes with Edw. Musteanes, and sometimes in North Shields with Ric. Beele, alias Gray, and in other places of Nthld., and in Durham sometimes with Dr. Marshall and sometimes with Dr. Patenson at Monk Warmouth, and sometimes at South Shields in one Bowmaker's house, where he was boarded in Lent last. He is outlawed for the murder at the suit of Agnes Rively, Thomas's widow. Sir Roger Graye, of Orton, Nthld., was indicted along with him for the said murder.
In Uvedale's hand, pp. 2.
16 May. 1014. Jacobus Gislenus Thalassius to Cromwell.
Vit. B. xiy.
Absolutis iis negotiis quae mihi cum Bucero, Cap[itone, et aliis Germanise concionatoribus, reverendissimus praesul Here[fordensis mihi injunxerat, vir ornatissime, quantum potui celeriter [in Angliam properavi, uti reverendissimo prsesuli laboris inei rationem ex[ponerein] . . . . : . . . . . . . .nullum operae mese pretium acciperem. Simul a[utem] . . . . . . . . . . . Londinum appuli ex itinere cum terrestri tum m[aritimo] . . . . . . . .certo didici graviter praesulem decumbere et postridie . . . . . . . . . . . . . .insperatse rei nuntio perculsus, 'Heu, inquam, frus[tra] . . . . . . . . . . .reverendissimi gratiam, labores sumpti! Frustra exhausti [noctes] diesque in vertendis Latine Germanicis libellis . . . . . . . . . . . frustra maximis periculis et impensis (relicta d[omi uxore] gravida) ventum in Angliam!' His mecum deplorat[urum ad reve]rendissimum archipraesulem Cantuariensem pergo, omne animi [mei gravamen] ejus gratiae expositurus. Audivit ille me pro su . . . . . . . . . . ter, ac tandem, Fatis (inquit archipraesul) concessit [dominus Hereforden]sis, corpusque mandatum sepulturae, sed animum reliquit [amico suo] Privati Sigilli domino, propenso non solum in fam[iliam praesulis Here]fordensis, sed omnes etiam exteros in utilitatem r[eipublicae] . . . . . . . Hic tibi conveniendus est. Hunc adeas nihil v[erens] . . . . . . . . dominum habiturus sis benignissimum. Magna ill[i aucto]ritas, commissaque regni negotia. Interim te et ex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . teris cognilum non respuerit; sume animum, cum . . . . . . . . . . . [sum]ma benignitate commendato tibi fuerit colloquium. P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . praesul dignissimus, resumptoque animo prius . . . . . . . . . . . . . tuae domunt properavi, istic jam quatriduum prae [ostio] . . . . . . . . commorato propter frequentem nobilium et famul[orum] . . . . . . . no domum quidem ingredi licuit, ob id altero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . has ad gratiam tuam literas ador . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . quae reverendisslmi praesulis Herefordensis * * * misisseque in Angliam. Vixisset (inquam) ille, debitum omne . . . . , exolvisset, teste ejus manu propria et sigillo maximo . . . . . . summam 13 librarum sterlingarum mihi cum moreretur [praesujlis Herefordensis gratia tenebatur, exceptis impensis quas huc [pro]perando saepiusque Argentinam equitando tuli. Nunc vero[mo]rtuum debito libero, ne cum ejus manibus jure agere videar. [Qni]dquid hoe anno ex idiomate Germanico in Latinum verti (non [a]liter quam co vivo et laborum meorum compensatore) propediem[ in]vulgus prodibit. Sed unicus restas, vir clarissime [qu]em pro Herefordensi praesule oratum cupio ne passim in Germania dicant inviduli labores meos ineptiores fuisse quam ut beneficium aliquot meriti sint, dixero licet, dominum in [i]pso ineo advertu e vita discessisse alias futurum mihi Maeccenatem benignissimum; nugas proclamabunt et vulgarein excusationem, [e]go interim cum laborum et cxpensarum turn famae meae jacturam patiar, quod ne fiat, in tua gratia situm est. Non enim solius unquam praesulis Herefordensis sed totius regni negotium curavi, neque ad scribendum doctissirnos Germaniae viro[s] provocavi, nisi quod regnum alias celeberrimum multo redderetur literarum monuinentis celebrius ct praeclarius. Ad haee ego, mortu[o] etiam Heretordense praesule, nunquam ita vitam meam iustituam quin in regni promoveado commodo futurus sim diligentissimus, quorum omnium tuam gratiam memorem iterum atque iterum . . . testor. [londino], (fn. n1) in the house of the archbp. of Canterbury, 16 May 153[8].
Hol., Mutilated. Address pasted on . . . . . praestantissimo viro [domino Crom]wello, Privati [Sigilli domino].
17 May.] 1015. Rich. Cromwell to Cromwell.
R. O. On receipt of your letters last night by the bearer, I delivered the packet to the King, expecting to have had an answer from His Grace this day, but his Highness was all day busy in Council with the Lords, and talked long with the French ambassador, who took his leave and is departed. About 4 p.m. his Highness rode towards Hunsdon to the Prince, and on his return told me I should not depart before tomorrow, when he would consult with his Council and send me to your Lordship. Roydon, Friday night, 8 p.m. Signed.
P. 1 Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.: Anno xxx.
17 May. 1016. Jane Calthorp to Cromwell.
R. O. Asks him to obtain licence from the King for her to purchase a house of White Friars, near Polsted Hall, in Burneham, Norfolk, which manor the King granted to her and her heirs males. There are only four friars, and being too poor to sustain the charge and repairs of the house, they are willing to part with it. lias no house to live in bat one poor house in Norwich, from which she is often driven by the plague. Plomsted, 17 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd."
17 May 1017. Archbp. of York to [Cromwell].
R. O. Thanks Cromwell that by his means the King is content that his chaplains shall enjoy the promotions he has given them by the Treasurer's (fn. n9) death. Sends the advowson of the dean's prebend, and will fulfil the King's pleasure when the deanery is void. Doubts not that his chancellor will satisfy the King's request, for the annuity to Robt. Baynbridge. Though he needs it not, he is a right honest man. Cawod, 17 May 1538. Signed.
Add. Lord [Privy] Seal. Endd.
17 May. 1018. John Hutton to Wriothesley.
R. O.
St. P. viii. 29.
Has received, by his page, Dean, Wriothesley's letter dated 5 May, stating that the King has thrice marvelled that he does not write more largely concerning the duchess of Milan. Writes always to the lord Privy Seal, and having no urgent cause at present, daied not write either to the King or him. Will seek occasion lo write to both us shortly as he can. The Lords of the town have given him a fair house for life, the furnishing of which plucks out the lining of his purse. Barrowe, 17 May.
After sealing the above, the bearer asked him whether he had any letters for the King or Cromwell, Wrote accordingly to Cromwell as follows:— Since William Taylor's departure there has been no news worth writing. The lady Regent and the duchess of Milan have been daily hunting, which is the exercise that both have the greatest delight in. Has talked many times with the Duchess, whom he finds of much wisdom and modesty. Since Ph. Hobbie departed she has used much benignity to him. When Tayllor was here, presented to the lady Regent four couple of young hounds and an ambling gelding. The Duchess says she was never so well horsed as now. Told her he would get her such another horse. The lady Regent has kept her promise concerning the tenor cf Cromwell's late letter to her.
Hol., pp. 3. Add. Endd.
18 May. 1019. Abingdon.
R. O. "Costs and expenses done at Abendon," from 4 to 30 March 20 Hen. VIII, (four weeks), as follows:—
i. Wages:—Of John Howell, warden of the masons, at 5s. a week, 7 masons at 3s. 4d., and 4 prentices at 3s.; of Ric. Watlyngton, warden of the carpenters, nt 5s., 1 carpenter at 8d. a day and 6 at 7d.; a sawyer and his fellow; a glazier, 32 labourers at 4d. a day; Evan Kelway. clerk of works, at 3s. 6d. a week; and a payment to Ric. Watlyngton, the purport of which is lost by mutilation. Opposite each man's name (except that of the sawyer, who worked piece-work) is a note of the days on which he worked and of the amount paid him.
ii. Cartage of stone from Abcndon to Culneham at 4d. the load:—Names of 78 persons of Reading, Marlow, Henley, and other places thereabouts, with the number of loads they took and the amount paid. There are also four persons named who were hired to cart stones out of the church at 12d. a day to mend the highways betwixt Culneham and Abendon.
iii. Cartage "of square timber for the scaffold from Bagley to Abendon" at 6d. the load:—Names of 17 persons who took one load apiece. There is also 2s. 4d. to a person who felled 40 oaks in Bagley Wood for the same, by convention, and 31s. 8d. to Reynold Ward, ironmonger, for nails; also for the scaffold.
Large paper, pp. 10. Slightly mutilated. Details given, but no general total".
R. O. 2. Similar account of expenses from I to 18 April 29 Hen. VIII. (three weeks):—
i. Wages of the warden and three masons and three prentices; of the warden carpenter with five carpenters; of a sawyer and his fellow (piece-work); of 30 labourers; and of the clerk of works.
ii. Carts at day work carrying "rubble to mend the way in Paradyce Lane between Abendon and Culneham for passage of the King's stuff at 12d. a day":—Names of 28 persons, of places thereabouts, who worked from half a day to two days.
iii. Carts carrying stone from Abendon to Culneham at 4d. the load:—Names of 96 persons.
iv. Carriage of lead from Abendon to Culneham:—Names of 111 persons, with the number of sows each took, and the weight, payment being 3d. for weights under 16 cwt. and id. for weights above that. Also an additional list in another hand of persons who carried lead "from Habynton to Calam" at 4d. a load, comprising 87 names of persons who carried lead, 13 who carried stone, and 4 labourers lading of lead and stone.
v. Carriage of "geyns and other necessaries" from Oxford to Abingdon:—2 loads at l0d. each.
vi. Purchase of "a rope for a gen" and "another rope" at l½d. the lb.
Large paper, pp. 20.
R. O. 3. Similar account of expenses from 18 April 29 Hen. VIII. to 18 May 30 Hen. VIII. (four weeks):—
i. Masons, carpenters, and labourers as in § 2.
ii. Carriage of stone from Abendon to Culneham, 13 persons named; of scaffold timber from Bagley Wood to Abendon, 3 persons; felling and carriage of ash at Middle Grove to make helvis for mattokkes axhis and other necessaries for the wurkes.
iii. Purchase of a rope of 8 lbs. and the battering and mending of mattocks, &c.
iv. Riding costs of the warden carpenter at 12d. a day for him and his horse, four days, 4s.
Large paper, pp. 8.
18 May. 1020. Rowland Philippes to Cromwell.
R. O.
Has received his letters, dated 17 May. Has been near death and is too feeble to go or ride any distance. His breath is too short and his mouth too dry to speak. Here is my lord of Canterbury who can certify this. Asks Cromwell to surcease his command of personal appearance until he is of more strength. Croydon, 13 May. (fn. n2)
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal, Endd
18 May. 1021. John Husee to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Neither the abbot of Westminster nor any of his council will meddle with the wine you sent; so I have taken it from Andrew Morys' quay and laid it in Blagg's cellar, your grocer. I have agreed that he or his cooper shall choose two tuns where he will, and I will pay for them. The piece of French wine and hogshead of Gascon wine sent by you for your own drinking are very good; but the other four hogsheads are but easy. Has had them hooped and filled. I suppose the abbot is weary of his bargain. It is ill dealing with a churl. I would the hogsheads were in his belly, but not the wine. I trust I have all things ready respecting Mr. James's prebend. I expect I shall have some ado with Sir Nich. Wadam, for it is thought he will be loth to part with it. I think that Mr. Bonham will be at Soberton. No one knows where he is gone, but his brother says it is to make shift for money. I will bring all the money I get from Mr, Windsor; likewise Bonham's 30l. Mr. Rolle says, that the rent of Fristock is not yet come. Many will be glad to take your wood there. Mr. Anthonys sent you by Henry Vernaham a hogshead of March beer, and I a gammon of bacon. My lord William is in the Fleet and Geo. Pawlett in the Tower. On Tuesday next, or Monday, the King is to have a great banquet given him at Havering by my lord Privy Seal. I go this day to Soberton and hope to be back in 12 days. Let your ietters be left here at Hubbard's. London, 18 May.
William Le Grace's man, Baptista de Casegnys, has a protection, which goes out on the 6 July, but he has got another already; so I see small remedy there. My lord Privy Seal's wine may not be forgotten.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.
18 May. 1022. John Husee to Lady Lisle.
R. O. I sent by Vernham the two pieces saves. When your glasses come Lawden will see them conveyed. If I have not the travers by Whitsuntide I will speak no more for it. The old damask gown you sent will never be good tawny, but will take a good black. The abbot of Westminster will not meddle with the wine, and I have appointed his coper to choose two tuns where he will. I pray God I may have no more ado with monks. The two pieces wine my Lord sent for his own store are very good; the other four hogsheads are but easy. I have had them conveyed to Blag's cellar, your grocer, to be new hooped and filled. Lady Rutland and Mrs. Katharine send commendations. If my Lord had not been sick he would have ridden northwards, but he has delayed 12 or 14 days. My Lady thanks you for the wine you sent her last. She wishes to procure two tuns, one of French, one of Gascon, but will have none unless she pay for it. She is very glad to have Mrs. Katharine with her. On Monday I delivered Skut 2½ yds. velvet and a roll of buckram for her gown, and to Tong 2 ells red taffeta and 2 yds. satin of Brygges for her kirtle. A bonnet of velvet I have received of Mrs. Whalley. This gear will be conveyed to her by Larck, to whom I have given 12d. for horse hire. I gave Mrs. Katharine 20s. in her purse, which is with the least, seeing she goetb so far; howbeit my Lady saith she shall lack nothing. She wishes 3 ells of fine hollaud cloth for sleeves, partletts, and mufflers. If the wine be sent it must be delivered at Helywell.
This matter must be kept secret. I have been asked what you will give with Mrs. Katharine's marriage. I said I thought 300 marks; but if you can make it 500 I think she will have an heir who can spond 1,000 marks a year: to be plain, Sir Edw. Baynton's son and heir. "But this is under Benedieitc." London, 18 May.
Today I ride to Soberton. I hope to be here again in 12 days for Mr, James' prebend. Mrs. Katharine sends you a gold crampring.
Hol., pp. 2. Fine Seal. Add."
18 May. "1023. Hugh Yeo to Lady Lisle.
R. O. Thanks her for the gawishauke and her letter. Never received the hawk, for Thos. Seler delivered her to Sir Wm. Coffyn, who put her in mew, and she broke out and was lost. Will be good to her tenants, as she requests. Encloses the copy of a letter from lord Dawbeney which John Butler showed him secretly at Heaunton, that lord Lisle may know what he intends to do. Fears he will do to Mr. Bassett as much displeasure as can be devised. Butler says also that he makes privy labour to be of the Order of the Garter and would give much money to have it, and that his want of money for this purpose is one of the causes why he is minded to do as afore is said. Butler says he is more minded to do it away, because he is hindered from selling Warham Wood. It were better to suffer him to sell the wood, which will come again, than to put away the land, as he supposes he may sell the land. Whether he may or not, he has had his counsel eight days together upon it, being Wm. Portman, Mr. Willoughby, and Gelis Peny, and thereupon he sent the said letter to Butler. Since then, Butler writes that lord Dawbeney has sent him another messenger on the same matter. He has letted lord Dawbeney by his counsel as much as he could, because he knows Mr. Bassett should have it of right, and that lord Dawbeney had it of the title of [my] master, Master Bassett, for nothing or little, on the understanding that if he died without issue male it should come to Mr. Bassett and his heirs. Has promised that the said copy shall never be seen by anyone but lord and lady Lisle, and that it shall not be known that they know the premises by Butler's means. He intends to do Master Bassett and her good, which he may do as long as he is great with lord Dawbeney, by advising him to restrain his "malinge purpose" and secretly giving knowledge of his pretences and purposes. If this matter is disclosed, he will be put out of lord Dawbeney's favour and be unable to be of any service. Asks credence for the bearer. Offers to buy Houkes Wood at Fristoke if lord Lisle wishes to sell it. "And God send a good tassell, as your most gentle last letter did express." London, 18 May.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Wife to the lord Deputy of Calais.
18 May. 1024. Latimer to Cromwell.
R. O.
L.'s Remains,
p. 391.
Ellis 3 Ser.,
ii. 202.
If Cromwell wishes him to play the fool after his customable manner when Forest shall suffer, wishes his stage to stand near Forest, that he may hear what he says and perhaps be converted. Hears that Forest is not duly accompanied in Newgate for his amendment, with the White Friar of Doncaster and monks of the Charterhouse, in a fair chamber more like to indurate than to mollify, whether through the fault of the sheriff or the gaoler or both, no man could sooner discern than Cromwell. Some think he is rather comforted in his way than discouraged; some think he is allowed both to hear mass and also to receive the Sacrament. If it be so, it is enough to confirm him in his obstinacy, as though he were to suffer for a just cause. It is to be feared that some one instilled into him that though he had persevered in his abjuration, yet he should have suffered afterwards for treason, and so by that occasion he might have been induced to refuse his abjuration. "If he would yet with heart return to his abjuration, I would wish his pardon, such is my foolishness."
Thanks him for Gloucester and desires the continuance of his goodness to Master Nevell. Doubts not he will remember Latimer's nurse. (fn. n3) Advises him sometimes to scud for masters of colleges at Oxford and Cambridge and their statutes, and if the statutes be not good, change them. "If the masters be not good, but honorares and drawlachys, change them." 18 Ma.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal.
18 May. 1025. Three Monks of the Charterhouse at Axholm to the Prior of Shene. (fn. n4)
Ceop., E. iv.
B. M.
of the
Complain that their goods are conveyed away by their prior, who since he came from London said he had given up his office, the house and lands, but not the goods. At his going to London he left them but 3l, to keep the house, though he told Dr. Layton he had divided the money received of our bailly since Michaelmas among the brethren, The fact is that when Prior Austen died, this man, who was the vicar, delivered to us portions of what we had, but when he became prior he called it in again, and now we can get nothing of him. He has conveyed out of his cell 40s. worth of wax, three score pewter vessels, three pieces linen cloth and two of woollen, a great quantity of spice, &c. Our cheese and fish are greatly wasted, our riding horses all gone. His privy carriers conveyed the things by night till at last they were taken by our servants. After giving up the house and lands our father would have let a farmhold by the convent seal to one of his kinsmen, but part of the convent opposed it, and he is sore grieved with them. He let my lord of Derby's officer take "copyes" cut of our "copes" that we hold of his Lordship; who then discharged us of them and our fishing waters, the most profitable things we had. He refused to let us have a key with him to keep the convent seal. Of late we heard that Mr. Stokwith said to our father If the visitors of your religion come to visit you, abide him not, but convey yourself with the convent seal and tarry not his coining. He is going to send Henry Stockwith to London, probably with the convent seal. Henry Stockwith was there at All Saints, and had with him 20l. of our money, of which he says he gave my lord Privy Seal 20 marks that our father should not preach when he came home. When our father is troubled with us he will send for Mr. Stockwith to reform us; and Stockwith slanders the convent, calling the house a den of thieves. Our husbandry is neglected and the land is untilled. When our father came home and told our servants that he had given up the house, he bade them shift for themselves and many went away at Easter; and shortly hay time will come. He is trying to undo the house, and in case another have his office be means to leave him little to keep house with. He and his friends say all our trouble comes of letters we have written to the lord Privy Seal. Charterhouse in the Isle of Axhiolm, xv. kalendas Junii. (fn. n5) Signed: Dan Bryan Bee, vicar; Dayn Thomas Aired; Brother Thomas Convers. (fn. n6)
P. 1. Add.
18 May. 1026. The Mayor of Kingston upon Hull and Three Others to Cromwell.
R. O. According to the King's Commission, they have sat, both at Kingstonupon-Hull and elsewhere, for inquiry into the conveying of victuals beyond sea. Butter which was sold at Hull and thereabouts for 20d. a stone is now sold in open market by owners and fanners of dairyhouses for 8d. a stone. But the owners of tenantries and dairyhouses have confederated together and bought in Hull many empty barrels to convey "(as well butter, beefs, muttons, veals, porks, cheese, tallow, as other victuals therein)," and offer their tenants 11d. a stone for butter to th'entent to enhance the prices. Beg that a new commission may be directed to appoint searchers to make inquisition upon farmours, ownners, broggers, grociars and other victuallers, as to barrels of butter so packed and conveyed contrary to the King's ordinances; victuals will then be kept at a price reasonable. If forfeitures of victuals, by virtue of this commission, be not briefly executed, offenders will be encouraged. Remind Cromwell that they have sat according to their commission at their own cost. Kingston-upon-Hull, 18 May. Signed by John Henryson, mayor, (fn. n7) Sir John Eland, Sir Wylliam Knoylles, and Roger Buschell.
Pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Sealed. Endd.
18 May. 1027. Edw. Earl of Derby to the Earl of Southampton and Cromwell.
R. O. Has received their letters dated 3 April, desiring him to write to his officers of the Isle of Man that a certain ship which had been piratically taken from a Breton, and was last in the hands of John Maccristy and some of the Earl's officers, might be put in safe custody till the King's pleasure be known. Finds that Walter Soly to whose confession they refer, sold nothing to his officers and they were not privy to any sale. Sends a book of the parcels sold by him to the inhabitants, and concerning a small bark left by Soly with John Mor Maccristyn. The Scot mentioned in their letter, whom Soly accused of speaking traitorous words against the King, arrived in Scotland 29 (sic) Feb. last. The Earl's chief officer was not privy to the going nor coming, and never heard that he spoke the words alleged.
If there is any forfeiture or escheat of the said ship it belongs to him. It has been so used in his ancestors' time, since they were first lords of the Isle. Has no doubt of their favour and goodwill therein. Lathom, 18 May Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd.
R. O. 2. Inquisition taken by command of the earl of Derby, upon his letters of 9 May 30 Hen. VIII., concerning the goods sold and unsold by Walter Soly, with the names of the buyers.
i. The names of the inquest ("the most substantial persons next adjoining to a place called Rammyssey within the Isle of Manne") are:—Thos. McKarrid, John McSale, Gilbert McCorlet, John McQuerk, Gilbert and John McKelle, Malowne McKnelle, John McGilhast, Mark McCristian, William McQuerk, Gilbert McCristian, and Thos. McCole.
ii. Detailed account of the goods, consisting of herrings and empty hogsheads, which fetched in all 10l. 3s., with a list of the purchasers.
Walter Soly left 2 hhds. of herrings to the water-bailiff's deputy for his master's duty, as he had no money. The water-bailiff gave one hogshead to the Breton who was robbed, and the other remains in his hands. With this exception none of his goods remain with any of the Earl's officers. To this I, Thos. Norres, lieutenant, and other my Lord's officers there have subscribed their names.
iii. Goods left unsold by Soly with John More McCristy, by indenture:— A small bark with mainmast and foremast, bowsprit &c
Pp. 4."
18 May. 1028. Anthoinette de Saveuses to Lady Lisle.
R. O. "I have received jour letter and a gold angel (angle door) by the hearer. He says he lost the letter mentioning the breviaries and what they cost. I thank you with all my heart for having given me such great presents. I send a little present, which has been sent to me. Dunkirk, IB May.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.: Madame la debite de Caleis.
1029. The Meeting at Nice.
Vit. B. xiv.
B. M.
"Ex literis... (fn. n8) " Nizae jam agimus, quo multa veluti pollicitatione quod Nizae a....nescio nune, quam ob causam fiat....consignetur, nee Pontifex adhuc Nizam....sus, et in hoc nostro itinere innumeri...ultro citroque destinati sunt, polliceb.... Sabaudiae) nunc unum, mine aliucd, se....modo Pontifici, modo Caesari credi... adeo quod in hac ambiguitate retroa.... ad quatuor milliaria, signihcatum nam ... Ducem contentum esse, ut in manu[s]....consignaretur arx, sed ejus filius....bat. Utcumque tamen Nizam traducti sumus...hoc superest gravioris momenti, scil[icet, Rex] Gallice hue accedere nequit, absqueper.... quum enim misellum hunc ducem omni... statu nudaverit, parum equum, aut tu[tum] .. . ut in illius vires se conjiciat, quu[m]... conventum, ne Ccesar seorsum a R[ege Gallorum] ad colloquium congredcretur cum Pon[tifice] et cum eo jam sit congressua, Gall[iae oratores] hoc separato colloquio in suspicion[e] ....runt, videlicet quod Pontifex jam ante....esset se arcem non potuisse obtin[ere]... nihilominus se ea in expecta.....simulans, decreverit per hanc......rerum privatarum respectu ad..... ....tasse ut aliquam iniret allinitatem cum eo [u]t olim cum rege Gallorum inivit Clemens, sermoque jam fertur, quod Pontificis filia vidua duci Sabaudiae desponsata sit, constituetque eum Caesar ducem Mediolani; sed hoc novum dubium et incertum est. Illud certum est, parum sperari de pace, Non enim creditur Caesarem velle ducatum Mediolani relinquere, et sine illo Rex ne verbum quidem de pace vult audire. Caesar vero, ne videatur per eum stare quo minus pax concilietur, ait se relicturum esse ducatum Mediolani, hac apposita conditione, ut prius securus sit, ne post hanc cessionem Rex iili reddatur inimicus; sed quis Caasarem de hac re securum reddet ? Nos interim successum expectamus. Isti presbyteri aiunt quod vestri oratores apud Regem adsunt, et apud Caesarem, ut aliquam cum eorum altero affinitatem ineant; sed neminem futurum Christiauum principem qui felem aut catnm vobis sit daturus in affinitatem, eo quod heretici sit; et multas alias addunt [inep]tias quas me piget audire, et quas ipse [mecum] rideo. Scio enim serenissimum Regcm.......s jam fuisse ab omnibus requisitum. Verum tamen est quod Polus ait quod . . . ....uxorem duect neptem quan[dam Regis vestri], Ducis Suffblkiae filiam.
"De concilio, quod celebrari debe[bat Vincentine] calen. Maii, non differtur in a[lium locum] ne ex nova iterum dilatione et....homines etrisum concipiant, qu....nee canis, nee Christianus ullu[s].... veniret, destinatum fuit breve....legntos illos, ut in negotio co[ncilii] supersedeant. Legati ad id deput[ati hi] sunt, Campegius vester, Simoneta [et archiepiscopus] Brundisinus, qui triduo antea in [cardinalem] designatus fuit, ut concilio adess[et]...harum revum, quae in concilio tract[anda] videntur aprime expertus, alioq....hac sublataoccasione, nunquam in [cardinalem] fuisset creatus, licet id multis i... magnopere ambiverit. Ex hoc c....non alius fructus provenit, nisi [quod] cnrdinales metu adducti, facti sunt doct.... "Ad hoc concilium pro certo .habete.....quidem accessisse, utcnnque illi Car[dinales]....expectant, veluti mannam de [caelo] ....Caetere, vestro judicio colligite.......licet Pontifex adhuc extra.........non procul * * *
In Vriwics' hand. Mutilated.
19 May. 1030. John Hennege to his brother, Sir Thomas Hennege.
R. O. My mother, giving you her blessing, is in good health. Of late a monk of Bardenay spake lewd words, as you will see by a little bill within a letter the abbot of Bardenay sent me, which I enclose, and also by the depositions of certain persons to Mr. Willoughby, the bearer. I beg you will show them to my lord Privy Seal, on whom I will wait in the beginning of next term. Have committed the monk to ward. On sight of your patent, I will ride to Knayth and keep a court. Benyngworth, 19 May.
Hol., p. l. Add. Endd.
19 May. 1031. [Lord Lisle] to Cromwell.
R. O. I have received your Lordship's letters of the 14th, and have accordingly called to me Thos. Skrevyn, mayor of this town, the upper marshal, the chief porter, and Sir Rob. Wyngfield, kts. We have examined the truth and send depositions. As to your inquiry whether Our Lady ] in the Wall were taken down in a manner to imply contempt of authority, though we think no such thing should be done without express orders, yet as there was no order to the contrary, we esteem the offence as it pleases the King and your Lordship to take it. There has been no tumult. I only wrote on the 8th to have knowledge bow tumult might be avoided. Calais, 19 May. Not signed.
P 1. Add. Lord Privy Seal.
19 May. 1032. Lord Leonard Grey to Henry VIII.
R. O.
St. P. iii. 7.
Since writing last has cut passes into Afale and Farney. In the latter was letted by ONele, because his wages were not paid, who succoured those of Farney, and would have burned Drogheda. Sent to Drogheda, Athyrde and Dundalk for assistance, and they responded well, especially Drogheda, for whom he begs a letter of thanks. Repaired towards ONele, who withdrew his men and begged for peace, which was concluded. Proceeded then against OReyle, who had raised a great host, and who was so afraid that he conformed himself. Trusts to be the next messenger himself. Dublin, 19 May. Signed.
Add. Endd.
20 May. 1033. Chapuys to the Queen of Hungary.
Dissatisfaction of the French ambassador on leaving. Three messengers lately sent into France. Visit of Henry VIII. to the princess Mary, who seems to trust the Emperor less in consequence. Return of the envoy sent to the Diet at Brunswick, who has desired an interview with Chapuys. The King displeased at the treatment of his ambassadors in France. The Venetian secretary has had a cold answer from the King about aid against the Turk and a complaint against the Signory for having granted Vieenza to the Pope to bold the Council in. London, 20 May 1538.
French. From a MS. at Vienna.
20 May. 1034. W. Earl of Southampton to Lord Lisle.
R. O. The King at my request was content you should have the pinnace lately taken near Calais; but on her arrival in the Thames I was away from Court, when the King viewed her. Of late, however, 1 motioned His Highness for you, and he is still well pleased you shall have the keeping of her, keeping her always ready to do him service. I will shortly send you her. Commend me to my Lady. Havering at the Bower, 20 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais, Endd.
20 May. 1035. John Bishop of Bangor to Wriothesley.
R. O. Desires Wriothesley's counsel as to the bearer, who must shortly depart from his farm of Hyde Barton and is not sure of a place to dwell in. The Bp. would let him have his farm of Byctone (?), but he wishes to have it to him and his assigns contrary to the common form of indentures. Asks Wriothesley to write his advice. Intends on Tuesday next to be at Looner ? to see there a final end of that business. Stonhame, 20 May.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.
20 May. 1036. Sir Henry Sayvylle to Cromwell.
R. O. I wrote your Lordship for gressyng in Pountefret Park. Most part thereof is common, and little grass therein. The King has grass at Knottyngley, one mile from Pomfret, which Sir Henry Wentworth and all who have been constables of Pomfret Castle have had, and which I, expecting to have it, caused to be fenced; but Ralph Hogeson, a servant of the late lord Darcy, has put cattle therein, claiming a lease thereof, which he said was in the keeping of Sir Arthur Darcy at London. Sends by bearer a draft of all the parks within the honour of Pomfret, what gain is in them, what compass they be, and the yearly herbage of each. It is apparent they have been evil ordered. The woods cannot be viewed until winter. Ponntefret Castle, 20 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
20 May. 1037. Abp. Brown to Cromwell,
R. O.
St. P. iii. 8
Had for pervieacity and negligence imprisoned one Humfrey, a prebendary of St. Patrick's, but when away at the Observants to swear them, the Deputy released him. Is persecuted by the Deputy, the bp. of Meath, and the pecunious prior of Kilmainham. Dublin, 20 May,
Credence for bearer, his chaplain. Has committed to ward the bp. of Mcath's suffragan, who prayed for the bishop of Rome and Emperor, and lastly for the King, that he never depart this world until that he hath made amends. What shall the bishop be that hath such a suffragan ?
Hol Add: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
20 May. 1038. Joannes Aepinus to Henry VIII.
R. O. Asks the King to continue the payment of the pension of Dr. Adam Paceus to his widow and children. Hamburg, 20 May 1538. Signed.
Lat., pp. 2. Add. Endd."


  • n1. Struck out.
  • n2. Rowland Philippes resigned the vicarage of Croydon and was succeeded by Peter Burowgh, who was collated on the 9 May 1538, a pension of 12l. a year being assigned to the retired incumbent on account of his great age. See Garrow's Hist, of Croydon, 298. It is therefore most probable that this letter was written, not in 1538, but in 1537, when he first received notice that it was proposed to examine him. See Vol. XII., Pt. ii., Nos. 293, 361. At the same time, it is possible that he may have been still at Croydon on the 18 May 1538, nine days after his successor way collated to the living.
  • n3. Mrs. Stathiun.
  • n4. This letter was evidently written in the same year as the two letters, Vol. XII., Pt. i. 489, 693; but whether all three belong to 1537 or to 1538 is not quite clear. The report mentioned in both the letters in Vol. XII. that Cromwell had chosen Thos. Barningham to be the prior, receives no confirmation elsewhere. The last prior, whose signature is attached to the surrender dated 18 June 1538, was named Michael Mekenes; and he may possibly have been the prior here complained of.
  • n5. The date is omitted in Wright.
  • n6. Apparently this is the signature of Brother Thomas Smythe, converse, the last signatory of the letter in Vol. XII., Pt. I., No. 693.
  • n7. Tickell gives the name of John Harrison, as mayor of Hull in 1537 29 Hen VIII. I presume his mayoralty began in that year. Hist, of Hull, 675.
  • n8. The mutilated passages at the beginning of this letter may be more clearly understood by reference to Baronius xxxii. 475, § xi.
  • n9. Lancelot Collins.