Henry VIII: May 1538, 6-10

Pages 345-354

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 1, January-July 1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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May 1538, 6-10

6 May. 936. Cromwell to Lord Lisle.
R. O. It has been signified to my lord of Herforde, Mr. Treasurer of the Household, Master Brown, and others that Calais is in misorder by certain sacramentaries there. Is surprised that Lisle, knowing Cromwell's desire for the repression of errors and the establishment of unity in the King's subjects, has given him no information touching such lewd persons. Lisle knows how much Cromwell esteems the importance to that town of avoiding all danger arising from diversity of opinions in matters so high and weighty, doing ever mine office as I might, to quiet all things with an honest charity. The King has commanded him to instruct Lisle and the Council there to meet and inquire into these matters, and send the result by the bearer without favour or affection. St. James's, 6 May. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.
6 May.
R. O.
937. Earl of Wiltshire to Cromwell.
Received today a letter from him by Newman, a servant of Sir Harry Islee's, bidding him send up those of his servants who attempted to steal Islee's hawks. Directly he knew of their offence, sent them to Islee, saying they should never enter his house again except at Islee's intercession, and on finding surety to be of good abearing. Has not heard since from them, but sends a servant of his who will seek them up. Asks him to punish them. These 33 years he has lived in this country, knows of no such act committed by his folk. Hever, 6 May.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
6 May. 938. Sir Everard Digby and Edw. Sapcot to Cromwell.
R. O. Have committed to ward Will. Dyvers, parson of Stoke Drye, for not putting out of the books in his church the name of the bp of Rome as Papa. Stoke Dry, 6 May.
ii. Articles against the said Sir William:—I. That he did not put out of his massbook, &c., the name Papa. 2. That he preferred the bp. of Rome before the King in his "orations" on Good Friday and at the hallowing of the Paschal on Easter even. 3. That in a special "oration" called Pietate tua, quaesumus, Domine, he prefers the bp. of Rome, by the name of dominum Episcopum vel summum Episcopum, before the King's Grace, and likewise in the collects on Good Friday, and so used them openly in the church. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
6 May. 939. John, Abbot of Leicester, to Cromwell.
R. O.
Ellis.. 3 Ser.
II. 320.
I have sent you a brace of fat oxen and a score of fat wethers, not as a sufficient present, but for a declaration of my affection. O, that God would reveal the secrets of my heart, that you might see my wish to do you service! 6 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
6 May.
R. O.
940. Hew Trevanion to Cromwell.
According to his letter, has pulled down Flamake's weir, whereunto he willingly condescended. Sir Thos. Denes and others have made labour for the heiress (of four years old) of a Cornish gentleman named Win. Pentyer, (fn. n1) of 50l. land, though no office has yet been found. Asks for the said heiress for his eldest son, as the lands adjoin his; and desires him not to write to Sir John Arrundell or any other to his hindrance. 6 May.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
6 May. 941. The Council in the North to Cromwell.
R. O. Enclose a bill presented by Sir Wm. Fairfax against 13 persons, for restitution of goods of which he was deprived by them and others to the number of 200 or more, who put into the monastery of Fereby after its suppression ail the expelled canons. These remained for 15 weeks, and wasted his goods to the value, he asserts, of nearly 200l. Asked him why so great a bill was not put forward last year when Norfolk was here, or since our coming, more than half a year ago. He said he had hoped to have had his expenses allowed him by the King, but he was told to sue those that put in the canons. Asked what allowance he asked of the King, and he said 56l. only, explaining that the King had been good to him, so that he asked the less of him, but of those that did the wrong he demanded the whole. Asked why he demanded nothing of the canons that spent it, he said they had nought, and he applied to those that could pay. Considering that such matters in this and other abbeys would make every man name his fellow to join him in contribution, and that the busiest were the poorest, and of those who had anything many joined against their will to save their goods, we have thought it well to consult the King's Council. It was said at the first departing from Doncaster that the religious persons should remain as the King's beadmen till his pleasure were known, and they were not expelled till Norfolk came; but what was done the lords that were for the King at Doncaster can best tell. Robert Morreby, a monk sometime of Fountains, who came from one of the suppressed abbeys in Wales to be re-admitted there, spoke at the abbot's table in presence of Sir Wm. Mallore certain words contained in a bill enclosed. We have committed him to gaol till the King's pleasure is known. York, 6 May. Signed by Tunstall,Magnus, Ellerker, Babthorp Chaloner, and Uvedale.
Pp. 3. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
R O. 2. "The words of Robert Morrebie spoken at Fountains," 3 May 30 Hen. VIII., when sitting at the abbot's table. The abbot asked him, "How do you in Wales?" He answered, "Not well as ye do here;" adding that priests were not well handled there; for when they went to church some called them traitors and said they went to pray for the Commons. The abbot said "Ye were not up in Wales." And he replied "Yea, they were in readiness to have taken your parts if ye had been so happy to have comen forward." Signatures of Marmadaduke, abbot of Fountains and Sir William Mallore in the same hand as the document.
He confessed these words before my lord President and the Council. 5 May.
P. 1.
6 May. 942. Brian Higdon to Cromwell.
R. O. Has today received his letter of the 29th April, speaking of the death of Sir Roger Chamley, late steward of the lands of the church of York. Would be glad to give the office to Cromwell if it had been so, but Sir Roger was never steward. Sir Ric. Chamley, his brother, was so while he lived. Since then we I ave had three stewards, and Mr. Ric. Page, who is our steward now, was appointed by command of my lord Cardinal when he was vice-chamberlain to the duke of Richmond. Thinks he would resign at a word from Cromwell. York, 6 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: My lord of the Private Seal. Endd.
6 May. 943. Sir George Lawson to Cromwell.
R O. Desires to know his pleasure about the books he delivered of the names of the pensioners of the Borders, with a schedule of the articles of such persons as had and hath fees paid by the King's grant before the assignment of these new pensions. Encloses Sir Chr. Danby's letter, with (fn. n2) a schedule of the lands he would have in exchange for his lands in the South. If Cromwell agrees to it, begs he will let his tenants of Kekkisbye and Leppington continue in their farms. Sir Christopher means to be at London this terra to accomplish the King's desire. Reminds him about the repairs of Berwick and Wark. Begs him to be good lord to the monastery of Newburgh, and that he will continue to be his own special good lord in all his causes. York, 6 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
6 May. 944. Ralph Earl of Westmoreland to Cromwell.
R. O. I have received your letters by Sir Chr. Danbye, who showed me the King desired certain lands of his by exchange. There is a covenant of marriage between us for his son and one of my daughters, as appears by indentures which Robert Mennell of my counsel can show you. Begs that the lands Sir Christopher shall have by exchange may descend to his son, as the others should have done. His counsel and mine have met at York, and I have asked my friend Sir Thomas Tempest to call such of my counsel to him as I have commissioned there to conclude it. Thanks for your favourable remembrance touching the lands of Keldham and Rossedale. I have appointed Robt. Smyth and Wm, Burgh to attend you for the same. Brauncepeth, 6 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
6 May. 945. J. de Nouvelle(?) to the Deputy of Calais,
R. O. Sends him a stag he has been hunting today. Hopes to visit him soon, Tournehen, 6 May. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
6 May. 946. Christian III. to Henry VIII.
ninger, iv.l05.
D.K.'s Report,
xlv., App. ii.,
p. 19.
Is rejoiced to receive assurance, from Henry's letters, of his desire to help him at need, and acknowledges the high praise Henry, perhaps undeservedly, bestows on him. Sees not how he can deserve better of the common weal than by the establishment of peace and the reform of Christian doctrine. Notwithstanding the danger from the enemies of Gospel truth, of which Henry may have heard from the Elector of Saxony and the other princes, though Christian knows more than they do, the friends of the Gospel cannot err if they make peace among themselves; and if Henry be disposed for an alliance for mutual aid, will immediately respond. Hamburg, prid. nonas Maii, 1538.
Let., From a draft.
6 May. 947. Fr. John Homedes, Master, and the Council of the Hospital of Jerusalem, to Henry VIII.
R. O. In times past Desiderius de S. Jalla, Master elect, while in France, gave the commandry of Schingey to Thos. Dingly, contrary to the laws of the order, as he had not yet taken the oath. Meanwhile at Malta the same preceptory was given to Ambrose Cave, and the commandry of Silvez and Barron, vacant by his promotion, to Antony Rogers. Hear that the King has confirmed the collation of Dingly, whereas, by their law, Cave is the rightful holder. Beg that Cave and Rogers may enjoy the commandries. Malta, prid. non. Maii. 1538. Signed by Homedes.
Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd.
6 May. 948. The Same to [the King's Council?].
Otho C, ix.,
B. M.
To the same effect. Malta, prid. non. Maii 1538. Signed.
Lat., p 1 Begins: " . . . . . nunquam dubium fuerit Illmas D.v."
7 May. 949. John Freman to Cromwell.
R. O. Since the surrender of Beulaie some lead has been embezzled, which I have discovered and committed the principal party, Ric. Benger, to ward. Divers honest men have, however, asked me to show him favour, as one who has borne hitherto a good character. I said I would refer it to you, to be first discharged myself. Beulay, 7 May.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
R. O. 2. Copy of the preceding, to which is subjoined the following note:—"Master Wryothesley this is the very copy of my Lord's letter," to which I wish you to be privy. I would have written to him also of my time lost here, and a request to come home, "saving only I knew not how your colloryk complexsion would have take it."
Hol., p. 1. Endd.
7 May, 950. Sir Nich. Poyntz and Others to Cromwell.
R. O. On Saturday, 4 May, at Sodbury, Glouc., Sir Ric. Hoggeson, curate of Hannam and Oldeland, Glouc, delivered them two bills, enclosed, of the misdemeanour of friar Robert, a Black Friar of Brystowe, and Harry Weston, of Hannam, gentleman. Made sure of the friar; and at sessions held at Wotton, 6 May last, both were indicted. Wish to know Cromwell's pleasure. Wotton-under-Edge, 7 May.
Desire the bills returned or preserved as evidence.
Signed: N. Poyntz—John Walsche—N. Wykes—John Poyntz—Thomas Matston.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
7 May. 951. Anthoinette de Saveuses to Lady Lisle.
R. O. I beg to know of your health, because I left you indisposed. I had given charge to the carrier of Dunkirk, the bearer [of this], to speak with you apart, and at his return he told me that you were at table some[times]. I beg if you have enough, that you will pay for the two breviaries that I have received from you.
While writing I have received half a dozen coifs d'hommes, and as many for women, and they told me that but for friendship, I should not have had them so soon, for they are bought up by the Antwerp merchants in great quantities, but they have to send me still a dozen like the present. The price is 39 patars he half dozen coifs d'homme, viz., 6½s. the piece and the smaller 5½ s. a peace, total 72 patars. I think that in payment you lose in nothing so little as in your Rosinbos (que en vou Rosginbou) which pass in Flanders for 21 patars each. "Madame, sy vou pleet de may envoier par le porteur de chette che que luy et baliet pour vou demander madame quele chose que cheet a cause que james ne avoie le sanble (semblable) veu mes bien me sanble que cheet quelque chosse de bien exquise mes a cause que il ne se berlua (?) a demander je luy baliay et la oubliiet a le moy raporter."
Commendations to lord Lisle. Dunkirk, 7 May.
Mutilated. Hol., Fr., p. 1, Add,: Madame la Debite, de Calles.
7 May. 952.–––––––to the Porter of Calais.
R. O The prohibition to carry victuals or go to Calais is only on account of the plague said to be there. The King will sooner lose his crown than abandon the friendship of England. Has heard this from trustworthy persons since he wrote last, and believes that peace would have been long since made with the Emperor but for that ("sans cela"). Is beginning to lose hope about the peace, it drags so ("pour tant quelle traine fort"), though he has seen nothing to the contrary worth mentioning. Has seen within these eight days a letter from the Grand Master to the Seneschal, dated Easter-day, saying that the Pope, the Emperor, and the King abide by their intentions. Cannot say who has changed since; the policy of Courts is variable, and news so much in season. The letter said the King was fully prepared, in case this peace did not come to a conclusion.
Has heard nothing certain since. Begs to be commended to the Deputy. 7 May. "Votre Humble Serviteur et bon Amy, celuy que scavet."
8 May. 953. John Husee to Lord Lisle.
R. O This day I delivered the letter from you, sent by my fellow Bradfylde, to my lord Privy Seal, who immediately went to the King and declared the contents. At his coming down from the King he said his Grace marvelled what the Picards meant by their sudden restraint of victual, and that I should have the answer from the King and Council tomorrow. Meanwhile you must foresee circumspectly toward their subtle and crafty proceedings, for therein vou shall demerit condign thanks. This morning died the bishop of Hartford (Hereford). There is no little moan made for him; he was your assured friend. Spoke today with Sir Edw. Ryngeley, who has you in suit for 10l. under a bill signed by you. I would he were paid, for he has a large mouth. The room of the Garter of the late earl of Northumberland is kept vacant for the Prince's Grace. John Oxen is not cast for principal nor accessary by the crowner's quest; the other is like to suffer without friendship. No news but that the Council sits daily. London, 8 May.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais.
8 May 954. John Husee to Lady Lisle.
R. O. I have this day received your letter and the two pieces of sayes, which I shall see changed as soon as I can. And now he is come home that hath the travers I will be in hand with him tomorrow. As to the gentlewoman whom I trusted in, howsoever her mind is changed, she has made me a plain nay. I will do my best to get another. The bp. of Hartford (Hereford) died today. I know you will be right sorry for him. He was your very friend. There is much moan made for him. Sir Edw. Ryngeley hath my Lord in suit for 10l. I would he were paid. His mouth is nothing pleasant. I send a dozen silver cramprings that I had of Mr. Wylliams. Gold is very scant. London, 8 May.
Hol, p 1. Add.
8 May. 955. Thomas Legh, LL.D., to Cromwell.
R.O The abbot and convent of Wouborne have surrendered their house to the King. I send you their surrender, under the convent seal, by my fellow, Mr. Williams. They have written to the King, submitting themselves to his mercy; I desire you therefore to write them a letter of comfort of the King's pleasure. Wouborne, 8 May. Signed.
P. 1 Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
956. Abbot and Convent of Woburn to Henry VIII.
E. iv. 9G.
B. M.
Supp. of Mon,
Hear from the King's Commissioners, Dr. Legh and Mr. Williams, that they are accused of divers crimes, enormities, and high treason. Are stricken with sorrow that such things should be imagined of them, and submit themselves, their house and goods, to the King's mercy.
Subscribed in the Abbot's hand.
P. 1. Begins : In most humble and obedientwise showeth unto your most excellent Highness.
8 May. 957. Richard Whittington, cellarer of Bordesley, to Thomas Evaunce.
R. O. Thanks for good counsel at their last meeting. Their father and master (fn. n3) intends to resign, or has resigned, the abbey, "for that he is aged, impotent, sick, and also not of perfect remembrance." Desires favourable letters for his preferment to the same to the lord Cromwell, lord Privy Seal, and promises to follow Evaunce's advice at their last communication, i.e., to resign the monastery of Bordesley into the King's hands, trusting in Cromwell for a means of living. Bordesley, 8 May 1538.
Hol., p.l. Add.: Endd.
8 May. 958. Bishop Roland Lee to Cromwell
R. O. I have married one of my sister's daughters to one John Bradshawe, merchantman, who has a certain tithe of the abbot of Wigmore for two or three years, and thinks that, at your letters to the abbot, he might have it for life, and for his widow. I desire you to write to the abbot according to the tenor of his letter here enclosed. Holte Castle, 8 May.
I desire your favour to my surveyor in his suits for me at this time. Signed : Roland Co. et Lich.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Cromwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.
8 May.
R. O.
959. Sir Walter Smyth to Cromwell.
Certain bills of complaints were exhibited to your Lordship by Wm. Darley, vicar of Adelstre, Thos. Porter, bailiff of Monks Kirby, and John Drayton, by the procurement of Sir Wm. Fildynge, that I compelled them to give me money for their acquittals. I have not denied receipt of their money, which was by Porter and Dray ton freely given. As for the vicar, I never received any from him. Howbeit, as I promised your Lordship, I, at the last assizes at Warwick before Sir Anthony Fitzherbert and Sir Walter Luke, bound myself in 100l. to abide the judgment of Mr. Wygston, Mr. Catesby, and Fildynge. Fildynge absented himself from the day of meeting that he might send up the said persons to exclaim to Cromwell against the writer. Begs Cromwell to call Mr. Wygston and Mr. Catesby. Cannot wait on Cromwell as he has hurt his leg and can neither go nor ride, and that the bearer will swear to. Will come as soon as he can ride. Sherforde, 8 May. Signed.
P. 1 Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
8 May. 960. Archbishop of York to Cromwell.
R. O Has received his letter touching the divorce of Sir Hen. Everingham. Sir Henry first mooted the matter three years ago, and as nothing was alleged against; a pedigree produced, except by one Burnaunte. who afterwards renounced his objection, sentence of divorce was given last Octoher. Two months after, when lady Everingham had married one Barton, and Sir Henry was "towards marriage," heard from his servant Middleton that Thwaites, the lady's uncle, had said there was no impediment, but that they might have continued together. Sent for Thwaites, who said he was glad to see them divorced, as they agreed so evil, but hearing that she was married and Sir Henry "towards marriage," his conscience charged him to disclose what he knew, and he produced two deeds, which seem to make the pedigree put in by Sir Henry not sufficient. The matter is being examined. Hears that old Sir Wm. Gascoigne, whose wife is lady Everingham's mother, avows that there is no such consanguinity between them. Will discuss the matter with all dexterity and diligence. Cawedde, 8 May 1538. Signed.
Pp.2. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
8 May. 961. George [Brown], Archbishop of Dublin, to Cromwell.
Lamb. MS.
602, f. 123.
St. Pap. iii. 6.
The first Sunday in May was the Translation of St. Owen, in whose church Humfrey, prebendary of St. Patrick's (of whom the Archbishop has written before, and who is the very author of the contempt in which he is held), sang high mass, because he is parson there, omitted to read the beads as set forth by the Archbishop, and interrupted his parish priest, who would have done so. Considering that at first he hesitated to swear to the King, and that he has since obstructed the Archbishop in his endeavours to set forth the Supremacy, has committed him to ward. There are 28 of them (qu. of the staff of the cathedral?) and not three of them learned nor scarce one that favours God's Word. It is well to practise de non idoneis removendis with them. Sends an intercepted letter from the Father of Trim to another of that coat. The great men of these parts gain from them much boldness to do evil, for where thoy rule, God and the King cannot reign. Signed.
Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.; 8 May."
9 May. 962. George Lord Cobham to [Cromwell].
Vesp. F. xiii.
B. M.
"Encloses the accusation made by John Turfet and others, of the parish of Chaulke, on May 9, against a very poor man, Robert Stretyn, of speaking against the King. Has ordered him to be put in the stocks uutil your Lordship's pleasure be known, which he desires by the bearer. Asks him to write to the mayor of Rochester, who suffers the exportation of malt and other corn, which in time coming may cause the price to rise. Cannot reform it, because of their liberties, for the mayor is searcher himself by the King's charter. Cobham Hall, 9 May. Signed,
P. 1.
9 May. 963. Merton Priory.
R. O Pensions and annuities assigned by the King to the late prior and canons of Merton, to be paid half-yearly from Lady Day 29 Hen. VIII.
Priests.—John Bowlle, late prior, 200 marks; John Debnaham, late subprior, 8l.; Thos. Colson, John Codyngton, Richard Todde, John Haywarde, George Curson, Thos. Michell, John Page, scholar, Edmund Honybee, John Meryvale, John Salyng, and Robert Knyght, 6l. 13s. 4d. each; Richard Benese, 8l.; Thos. Paynell, 10l. Signed by Cromwell, and a note added by him, stating that he has promised to the prior a house and garden in Trinity Lane, London, for life. "T. ixo die Maii, ao xxxo H. viij."
P. 1. Endd.; Warrants for pensions.
9 May. 964. Tunstall to Cromwell.
R. O. Thanks him for his goodness to the bearer who, he trusts, will do good service, and who has a matter to declare touching his inheritance. York, 9 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
9 May. 965. Sir Thos. Palmer to Cromwell.
R. O Wrote to hym to ask why there was a prohibition of bringing victual from Picardy. Encloses his answer. (fn. n4) Calez, 9 May.
Wishes for half a dozen words from Cromwell.
Hol., p. 1. Add: Privy Seal. Endd.
966. –––– to [Cromwell].
R. O. Reports to his Lordship and the Council the information given him on Monday last, 6 May 30 Hen. VIII., by Ric. Mathyson, servant to John Lee of Fytylworth, Suss., of certain words reported by Edw. Umfrey on Sunday last at an alehouse in Fytelworth before his master Rob. Heynson, bailiff, and the said Richard. Examined them all apart and other witnesses also on Tuesday and Wednesday following, when it appeared the said Edward told Heynson, "I can tell by two witnesses of a certain person that did say that they had paid as long as they were able," and the King will have all our money. I pray God a vengeance take the King and his Council. I would they were all hanged. The Avoids were uttered by Will. Hamlyn, of Boguor, on Saturday after Twelfth Day last after a hog of his had been distrained by John Parkeman and Wraxsall, sub-collectors, for 4d due to the King, which he redeemed when Margaret Keynard would have paid the money for him. Set Hamlyn by the feet within the tithing of Bognor, and caused "two honest men," John Parkeman and John Gardiner, to resort secretly "to his house at night to perceive whether his wife did convey anything." She returned home at midnight with Will. Gaston, a poor beggar, to supper, and the men overheard them speak of Cromwell, but could ascertain nothing more.
Sent for Gaston and examined him how he came with Hamlyn's wife that evening. He said he was with her at Petworth to speak with young Ric. Bowyar to ask counsel for her husband in his trouble, and not finding him at home she went to Will. Yong, who refused to help her. Being asked of their conversation by the way, he said she cried, Alas, who (how) shall I do? I am utterly undone that I have laboured, for truly I shall lose it. She did not show him what the words were for which her husband was in trouble, but said he spoke them at the mending of the ways, and that some of the workmen had probably reported them to Sir Will. Goryng. Not signed.
Pp. 8. Endd.
10 May. 967. Cromwell to Wyatt.
Harl. MS.
282, f. 191.
B. M.
By his letters of the 25th ult. the King learns his discourse with the Emperor upon the arrival of the despatch by Francisco. The King and all we of his Council, finding it so cold, are sorry to remember that so many good words should bring forth so slender deeds; and, besides, they hear from sundry parts that this meeting, the Council, and all things done for the glory of Rome, are set forth by the Emperor, who mocks all the world with fair words for his own purpose. Hopes it is false that a prince of his honour should intend so corruptly. Westm., 10 May. Signed,
All in cipher, p. 1. Add.
Ib. f. 202.
Nott'e Wyatt,
2. Contemporary decipher of the preceding.
P. 1.
10 May. 968. Thos., Prior of Christchurch, Canterbury, to Cromwell.
R. O Thanks him for the goodness he showed him when late in London, and at many other times in matters concerning their church. Sends by John Antony a lease of the reversion of the farm of Apuldore for Cromwell's servant, Harry Thomas. Nothing is altered from Cromwell's device. Canterbury, Friday, 10 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
10 May. 969. John, Abbot of Combermere, to Cromwell.
R. O Has received his letters willing him to come up to surrender the monastery to the King. Beseeches him, for God's sake, to be his good lord. Had his office and the house by the King's grace and Cromwell's, and is ready when it shall please them to take it again. Trusts that he and his brethren may continue in the monastery. Cambermere, 10 May.
Hol., p. 1. Add.; Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
10 May
R. O
970. Sir Brian Hastings, late Sheriff of Yorkshire. (fn. n5)
Deposition of John Thorpe, of Birdsall, Yorks., made 10 May 30 Hen. VIII., that at the sessions held at York upon treasons, in presence of the duke of Norfolk, before Shrovetide, 28 Hen. VIII., Thos. Wentworth, of Gaunton, asked him to point out Wm. Levenyng, saying that though acquitted, there would be new matter brought against him next sessions, and he wished him to get the sheriff's favour. Wentworth then found Levenyng in the Castle chamber, and in conclusion, Levenyng agreed to give the sheriff 20 marks or 20l. at the next shearing of his sheep.
Told Marmaduke Constable, son of Sir Win, Constable of Rudstone, that the bp. of Llandaff, Robt. Bowis, Win. Babthorpe, and Robt. Chalenare had a commission "to seitt off the late sheriff, Mr. Hastynges;" and he trusted they would help that every man should have his own that the sheriff had done any wrong to, or taken money wrongfully of. Intended to complain himself, as the sheriff had 5 mks. of him. Mr. Constable replied that Levenyng, his cousin, had paid the sheriff near 40l., for which he would put in a bill. Two days after, he told Thorpe that the commission was only for attainted men's goods. Signed,
P. 1. Endd.
10 May.
Ribier i. 153.
971 Bp. of Rhodez (fn. n6) to Montmorency.
Dom Loppes, Imperial ambassador, yesterday urged the Signory to move the Pope to get a long truce concluded, as the only way to come to a good peace. Last night, having a letter from card. Macon and the bp of Lavaur of tho 5th from Alessandria, with copy of the letters of the 1st, went to the Signory and urged them to move for a peace to be made; for truces could only lead to fiercer war. Their reply. The king of the Romans.
Hears on good authority that the king of England, having pressed the Emperor to let him decide the differences with the French king, the Emperor replied he would gratify him in anything but that of remitting the said differences to his judgment; for he would not do it to any man in the world, not even his own brother, the king of the Romans. Venice, 10 May 1538.
10 May. 972. A French Dispatch.
Add. MS.
28,590, f. 164.
Copy (translation?) of a letter written in French by the cardinal of Tournon to the cardinal of Carpi.
B. M. Hears he has shown the Pope a copy of a letter to Tournon from the card. of Mascon and bp. della Vaur, which he said had come miraculously to his hands. Upbraids him very severely for his conduct. The letter is a hoax, which he was rash to show, if he did not forge it himself. Valenzia, 10 May 1538.
Italian pp. 6. Modern copy from the Archives of Simancas. [See Spanish Calendar V. ii., No. 200.]


  • n1. Wm. Pentyre died 25 Nov. 1537. See Inq. p.m. 30 Hen. VIII., No. 13.
  • n2. See No. 894.
  • n3. John Day, abbot. He only surrendered the abbey on the 17th July following.
  • n4. See No. 950.
  • n5. See No. 2, which has probably been placed too early.
  • n6. George d' Armagnac, bishop of Rhodez, in France, from 1529 to 1560. he was created a cardinal in 1544.