Henry VIII: May 1538, 1-5

Pages 330-345

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 1, January-July 1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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May 1538, 1-5

1 May. 892. Cranmer to Cromwell
R. O.
C.'s Letters,
Sends letters, devised to young Mr. Parre, in favour of Sir Thos. Lawney for the resignation of the vicarage of Roydon in Essex, belonging to his chaplain. Asks him to sign them or have them amended. Lambeth, 1 may. Signed
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal.
1 May. 893. Thomas Pope [Abbot of Hartland] to Cromwell.
R. O. I received, 1 May, the King's letters commanding me to certify his Grace or the Council, and especially your Lordship, if I knew any that have multiplied words that his Grace intended to put down more religious houses. The bruit of it has been so common here, it is impossible to remember the principal author; which rumour has caused me great trouble, "for I do daily bill." Our monastery was greatly in ruin at my coming. Henceforth the King's letters and all injunctions for the extinction of the bp. of Rome's power shall be fulfilled. There are so many papistical persons, trusting in "that abominable monster of Rome," that they daily infect these parts. Monastery of Hertlond, 1 May.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Sealed. Endd.: Th'abbot of Hartland.
1 May. 894. Edw. Lee; Archbp. of York, to Cromwell
R. O. Touching Cromwell's letter bidding him cause Dalton of Hull to deliver to Clarvys of London the portion of goods of one Robt. Leryfax, now "under tutell." Has had them both and Master Wade, in whose custody the child is, before him, and taken such order that they all are content. Cawood, 1 May, 1538. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
1 May. 895. Thomas Gryce to Cromwell.
R.O. At Cromwell's command, brought by the bearer, Matthew Tomson, Gryce has delivered to the same all the writings he held concerning his Lordship's office of "justice of the forests by North Trent." Would have come in person ere this to know Cromwell's pleasure, but can neither go nor ride this long time past. 1 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
1 May, 896. Sir Chr. Danby to Sir Geo. Lawson.
R. O. Encloses a list of the lands he would demand from the King and the lord Privy Seal, according to what he said lately to Lawson at York. Asks him to send to London about it as soon as possible. Does not wish the King or Cromwell to think he would delay to come up to conclude the business. Desires Lawson to write to Cromwell that he tarries only till Lawson has surveyed the lands. Thorp Pyro, 1 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
R.O. 2. "These been the lands that Sir Chr. Danby of Thorp Pyro, knt., demands of the King's Grace, as hereafter followeth, if it may stand with his Highness' pleasure."
All the lands in Leppyngton which lady Owtrydhe "hath upon the King's Highness;" the manor and lordship of Kexbye, which he supposes to be of like value to his lordship of Nelande and Nelaund Park.
For his manor of Polles Craye, which is worth 15l. 13s, 4d. yearly, and 140 acres of wood, worth every 17 years 140 mks., he demands of the lord Privy Seal the manor of Bylton with two farmholds in Tokewythe in the holding of Herry Abbaye and Wm. Wylson, and the residue of his Lordship's lands there in purchase.
P. 1. In the same hand as § 1. Endd.
R. O. 3. Lands belonging to the late monastery of Jervaux, Yorks., which Sir Chr. Danby requires for his manors of Neyland and Poules Cray. The site, in tenure of Robt. Cowes. A farm called Newsted, in the tenure of Laurence and Hen. Askwyth. A farm called Hekshall in the tenure of Chr. Askwyth. A farmhold called Kylgramew, with lands called Rukwyth.
The manors of Neyland and Powlles Cray are worth 77l. 1s. a year.
P. 1. Endd."
1 May.
Ribier, i. 148.
897. Card. Mâcon and the French Ambassador at Rome to Montmorency.
* * * "His Holiness has spoken to Card. Trivulce of the coming of M. de Bryam, whom he holds in much suspicion; and likewise of two doctors (fn. n1) whom the king of England would send to this meeting, being content to recognise his Holiness as a temporal prince but not as head of the Church. His Holiness has said nothing to us except to ask if we had heard anything of the coming of the said Bryam to the King. We replied that by letters from Lyons we heard ho had passed that place, "sans autre advis de ce qu'il portoit." * * * Plaisance, 1 May 1538.
2 May. 898. Norwich Cathedral.
See Grants in May, No. 4.
2 May. 899. Henry VIII. to Christian III. of Denmark.
The letter in Vol. XII., Pt. i., No. 1117, bears date at the end "Md. xxxviij." according to Wegener (Aarsberetninger, iv, 96).
2 May. 900. England and France.
Harl. MS.
7571, f. 35.
B. M.
Commission to Stephen Gardiner, Sir Thos. Brian, and Dr. Thos. Thirlby, as ambassadors, to treat with Francis I., not only for a league of friendship, but for new marriages. Greenwich, 2 May 1538, 30 Hen. VIII.
Pp. 3. Copy, in Vaughan's hand.
2 May. 901. Cranmer to Cromwell.
C.'s Letters,
In favour of the bearer, his friend and kinsman, in certain suits. Lambhyth, 2 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal.
2 May. 902. John Husee to Lord Lisle.
R.O. Has received his sundry letters. I was on May Day with my lord Privy Seal for your Lordship's licence and spoke very plainly to him, saying that as your coming over was so long delayed it will be attributed to his or the King's displeasure, and that if he objected to it he would cease to ask it. He said there were divers difficulties, and that you must not believe what every mean person says;—that the King was resolved you should come over towards Whitsuntide, and he (Cromwell) commanded me to wait upon him when the King returned to Greenwich. This day the King removes to Hampton Court, thence to Chertsey, and so to Chelsea, Hackney, Waltham, Hunsdon, and then to Greenwich. It will probably be 20 days before he returns. It were better, therefore, you should write to the lord Privy Seal, who is your very good friend. I am sorry you should take it so grievously. I have paid Cosworthy 29l. 9s. 3d. I send you a letter to Thos. Fowler for payment of 20l., which I have paid to Mr. Vice-Treasurer here; and touching the 14l. he has written to his brother already. Bonham says he will pay me the 30l. at my coming to Soberton, where he is appointed to meet me on the 8th or 9th. I shall be there on Tuesday and have an inventory made and delivered at Porchester Castle of such stuff as Seller has, as of my Lady's closet or glass chamber. I will bring the indenture between you and Sir John Dudley, and settle with the abbot of Westminster, appoint him three more hogsheads of Gascon wine and recover your bond out of his hands. Do not write to the King, seeing that my lord Privy Seal speaks so gently; "there will be enough left against your coming besides those that are down." I do not think Geo. Rolles will make a fair offer for your woods. He never offered above 100l. He says the rent of Frystock will be here at the beginning of the term. Mr. Eden has been in hand with me touching Mr. Wyngfeld and my father Cookson. I have received the certificate of suffrages for my lord of Northumberland and delivered them to Garter. I have received Guillaume Le Gras's bill. I think you had better write to the lord Warden touching his ungentle dealing, and if that is of no avail, to my lord Privy Seal, for Mr. Richard Cromwell's letter will scant avail in this matter. I have received a letter from Mr. Wynsor, and will send the emerald by Warley, who leaves in three days. London, 2 May.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.
2 May. 903. John Husee to Lady Lisle.
R. O. I have received your sundry letters. Mr. Bonham need not indeed weep for this bargain; but at the delivery of the brewhouse I will have it praised and see what will be given for it, so that Mr. Bonham may know how good my Lord and your Ladyship have been to him. I will not fail to take all things by inventory and see them conveyed to Porchester Castle,—both the things in the glass chamber and in your Ladyship's closet, &c. The man is not yet come who has the travers, but I will get it and send it when he comes. I will do my best to get the sayes changed. I can get no cramprings this year out of the Jewel House, for Mr. Williams says the King had most of the gold. He has promised me a dozen silver which I will send by Warley. Mr. Colpeper and Mr. Knyvet say they will get some for you. I have made means for one gentlewoman, who I hope will consent to serve you, but she has not quite promised. "And where your Ladyship desireth to know who should report that your Ladyship should be sharp, it was told me at my lady of Sussex." I will write by Warley how it came first to pass, or at least who told it me. No "back friends" shall have power to do my Lord or your Ladyship displeasure, and I wish you would dismiss such fantasies. As long as the King is gracious lord to you I would not care a halfpenny for the rest. "It hath been an old proverb that there is no worse pestilence than a familiar enemy." Fear not but any letters of yours that come to my hands shall be past fear of losing. Mrs. Katharine shall have everything she requires. I will see her before I go to Hampshire. I have paid Cosworth in full. I have been "meetly plain" with Mrs. Anne, and I do not fear she will offend your Ladyship in like case. No one shall speak of this more than she and I. She is the best at saving her apparel that I ever saw. I hope you will now be good lady to her for she takes it very heavily. I shall see the gown dyed as soon as possible. John Teborow has delivered Mrs. Harforde's letter. I will endeavour to recover Guill. Le Gras's money. Mr. Rolles is no merchant to buy wood for you. He says your rent of Fristock will be here at the beginning of the term. If Mr. Wyndsor do not come before I go to Hampshire, I will bring my Lord's money with me. Mr. Bonham will not pay the first 30l. till he come to Soberton. I will be there on Tuesday or Wednesday next. I have paid Mr. Treasurer 20l. which he has written to Mr. Thomas Fowler to repay my Lord at Calais. London, 2 May.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.
2 May. 904. Wm, Banystre, Mayor of Oxford, and Others, to Cromwell.
R. O. In accordance with Cromwell's letters dated 20 March, examined the two priests, Sir John Hatley and Sir Henry Spycer.
Spicer complained that Hatley said he was a traitor. Hatley would not directly answer yea or nay, but said Spycer had a traitorous heart and desired time to prove it. At the appointed day he produced a book of articles and witnesses, which depositions they send herewith. As the witnesses deposed contrary to his mind and saying, he desired respite till the Friday in Easter week to bring three other witnesses, who were Sir Beste, Mr. Waltam, a monk, and Robert, Dr. Croke's servant. At this day he brought Cromwell's letter of discharge of further examination. (fn. n2) Before they could read it, he read a copy of it openly in the Guildhall, "which like thing we have not seen before," with other "unsyttyng" words, slandering some of us, saying that his witnesses were juggled and inveigled. Asks Cromwell to commit the hearing of the matter to some other gentlemen in the shire. Oxford, 2 May. Signed: Willm. Banyster, may re—John Cottysford—Robert Carter—Wyllm. Freurs.
Pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
R. O. 905. John Hatley, Priest, to Cromwell.
You will remember that on my complaint of the partiality of Mr. Carter (fn. n3) in examining the dispute between Sir Spicer and me, you wrote to the mayor of Oxford to surcease the same examination, upon further inquisition to be made by others. Mr. Carter has now conceived so great displeasure against roe, that he has alienated my friends, persuading them that I am contentious and heretical. I beg you will command Mr. Dean and the canons to pay my wages without diminution, and to send up the said Sir Spicer to make answer to the depositions made before the mayor and delivered to Mr. Averie, your servant, and also that you will appoint Dr. Cave, your chaplain, canon of the said college, or any other, to settle the matter.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
2 May. 906. Tunstall to Cromwell.
R.O. Wrote lately for Cromwell's letters to Mr. Tesshe, receiver of the attainted lands in the North, to restore to him 10l. received of the manor of Thorpe Bulmer, in the bishopric of Durham and not within Yorkshire. Tesshe is going up, before he knows Cromwell's pleasure, to make his account. Desires that he be ordered to withdraw the said sum from his account. York, 2 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
2 May.
R. O.
907. Sir Henry Sayvylle to Cromwell.
I have certified you of all things contained in your last letter, and your servant, Matthew Thompson, and I have viewed your wastes of your lordships of Halifax and Heptonstall and drawn certain notes for your information. Pountefret Castle, 2 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
2 May. 908. Edmond Harvell to Cromwell.
Nero, B. vii.,
B. M.
Since my last, of the 16th nlt., "I received his Lordship's letters" of 12 Feb. and 16 March, one in favour of Harry Ferthing, the other of Mr. Rowse. To show how "ponderous" his Lordship's letters are, they shall want for nothing I can give, and Mr. Rowse shall have the money he requires.
Turks have lately invaded Dalmatia and Sclavonia, which the Venetians had left unfortified. The Turk himself will go to Belgrado and enter between the Save and Drave tributaries of the Danube, where Ferdinando's host, by the evil conduct of Cocianer, was broken. As this is the way either to Hungary or Italy, both the Venetians and Ferdinando are making preparations. The count of Ostemberg Salamancha raises 20,000 German foot for Italy. Lately in this gulf of Venice appeared 10 French galleys. The story is that there were 13 French galleys in Chio, three of which went to Constantinople with their caplain, who was summoned thither by the Turk, and who left word that if he returned not by a certain day the rest should flee homeward. Many doubt this; but the truth will soon be known, for this State has intercepted letters from the French orator from Constantinople which will show the practises between the French king and the Turk. Hear from Spain that the .Emperor was to embark on the 23rd or 24th ult. He comes to use his whole weight against the Turk, if the French do not interrupt him; if they do, he will only defend the Venetians. Andrea Doria has such a naval and military force that the Turks will probably only act on the defensive. The Roman bishop has given up his going to Nisa, as the duke of Savoy has refused him the castle there; and many think the parliament of princes will be given up and the Bishop will only get Novara, which is given to his son by the Emperor. The Council of Vincentia, though the three cardinals be appointed to make provision there, is an evident delusion, whereat all men laugheth. The league of Smalkald has concluded in the diet to aid Ferdinando against the Turk. This, if true, is important in the Emperor's favour. This State has collected 1,000,000 crs. for war. The Emperor will land at Genoa. The bishop of Rome is slack in fitting out his galleys, grudging the money in his "extreme convoitousnes." Venice, 2 May 1538.
Hol., pp. 3. Add. Endd.
3 May. 909. Castillon to Francis I.
Kaulek, 43. [London], 3 May:—The king of England consents to make to the Emperor the overtures touching the marriage; although he has gone so far with the said Emperor for the Infant of Portugal, as you know, that he thinks he will be surprised at his dropping the former practises and going over to your side. Still, to show the desire he has for your amity, he will make the attempt. As he could not do better for you, and it will be great shame to him if he is refused, and a great hindrance to the alliances and new confederations which were commenced between the Emperor, the king of Portugal, and him, he would like that, in return, you would not grant the Pope the present or any future Council without his consent, nor make peace with the Emperor without his being third contrahent, as you formerly promised. They (the King's Council) asked if I had power for this.
I answered (especially to my lord Privy Seal, who has always some good invention in his sleeve, and whom, it seems, this affair docs not at all please): "Gentlemen, it would be difficult to specify in one power all the particular things which shall be discussed among us. My power is good; but let us propose only reciprocal and reasonable things. This seems no longer for the marriage, but for the Council and the being third contrahent; and besides is neither reciprocal nor reasonable. For when you have proposed this marriage and its conditions, whether the Emperor agree to it or not you will not go to war about it. But if the King my master declares he will not have the Council nor peace unless your master is third contrahent, then straightway the object of the interview which is to take place is frustrated and open war declared. My master would do much for the King his brother, and intends me to treat promptly, but this is an article of such importance that I must know his advice. Also, if he did what you say, what aid would you give him? You say nothing of that. Would you leave him still to make war alone, as you did before, now when there is great prospect of peace?"
They replied they had declared their charge and were only servants. They thought certainly that if the case happened their master would employ in it a great part of his power; and if the Emperor refused this marriage (which would show he did not want the peace) their King would take it so to heart that he would probably let him know he was wrong. I said I believed them, but would like to know their King's views. They answered, "You wish this overture to be made to the Emperor as soon as possible by the King our master. He will write to his ambassadors to make the greatest instance for it if the King your master will grant what we have said. We will deliver you the despatch, let us know the reply as soon as possible. When our master learns the wish of the King his brother upon this affair he will respond still more amply."
I am not at all sorry for this delay; for if you use good words to their ambassadors and show them frankly that their King must go about this business as openly as you, and that you wish to be assured of the aid he would give, there is no better way to make them consent to a larger contribution. If you feel that your affairs are going well with the Emperor you will easily bring the English to reason; and if not you can get as much as possible from them. They know now better than they did that the Pope and the Emperor are one. I found them so proud and haughty, especially my lord Privy Seal, who has, however, gained nothing of me, that I did not say that in the restitution of Milan you included Genoa and the county of Ast, as I fear they would have thought I was putting so many things forward in order to prolong negociations (de les mener de parolle) and not to treat; for no people are more suspicious. I think that if the King makes this overture it will be commencement to make him join in your dance and put him in great distrust with the Emperor.
French extracts.
*** A modern transcript is in R. O.
3 May. 910. H., Earl of Worcester, to Cromwell.
R. O. A writ of subpoena has lately been delivered to his servant Watkyn Herbert to appear at Westminster in Quindena Paschoe to answer to the complaint of Ric. Hore touching the Valentyne of London, which lately arrived in the Earl's jurisdiction in Wales. As Watkyn did nothing but by the Earl's command (by virtue of the King's, and Cromwell's, letters), has appointed the bearer, Thos. Atkyns, one of his counsel learned, to wait on Cromwell and get a copy of Hore's complaint. Chepstow, 3 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
3 May. 911. H., Earl of Worcester, to Cromwell.
R.O. Upon the King's letter, at the suit of Sir Thos. Spert, apprehended Hore and seized his ship the Valentine, by his deputy Walter Herbert, and certified Cromwell. Whereupon, Cromwell and the earl of Hampton wrote, by Spert, further directions which were executed. Now Hore has obtained a subpoena for Herbert to appear before Cromwell in Quindena Paschae. Walter Herbert is sore sick and has authorised the bearer to make answer for him. Chepstow, 3 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
3 May. 912. Marmaduke, Abbot of Fountains, to Cromwell.
R. O. According to the King's letters and yours, I and my brethren have sealed and delivered to bearer a patent for 40l. fee to Dr. Peter for life. Fountains, 3 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
3 May. 913. Robert Collyngwod and John Horsle to Cromwell.
R.O. Touching the affairs of the Middle Marches and the wild countries of Tindale and Riddisdale:—the warden of the Middle Marches of Scotland will make no answer for attemptates committed in the Middle Marches of England by Scotsmen of Lyddersdale, notwithstanding the letters sent by the King's deputy warden of the Middle Marches to the King and Council of Scotland and the fair words of the Scots. Tindale and Riddesdale continue in their wildness and little regard their keepers. The outlaws remain in Tindale, and the hed surname of the Haulles of Riddisdale. Most of them would not come to the head court at Herbottell Castle on Monday after Low Sunday, where the deputy warden of the Middle Marches was to arrange for redress anempst Scotland. Tindale and Riddisdale have lately made forays on one another, and are holding meetings under colour of making redress, but in reality, as it is thought, to make a league against their keepers in case the latter would attach any of them.
A company is ready in Scotland to go by ship to France to bring home the Queen. Six score of them go from Tevydale and the Marce. The grand captains are lord Maxwell and the Master of Kilne Marres. Remind him of the repairs necessary in the castles of Bamburgh and Wark-upon-Tweed: in the latter the bulwarks made of earth in the "were" are fallen down. 3 May. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: John Horslay.
3 May. 914. John Hutton to Wriothesley.
R. O.
St. P. viii. 27.
Desires to hear from him. Sends a copy of his letter to Cromwell as follows:—
Commissioners arrived yesterday from the duke of Cleves. Their commission is concerning Gelderland, to compass which they treat the marriage of the Duchess. They have been answered that nothing can be done till the Emperor's pleasure be known. Here is much murmuring about the Council (fn. n4) held by the princes of Almain, and it is reported the King should have his ambassador there. There has been talk in the Council that the French king said that the King had done well to pluck from the bp. of Rome the supremacy, not letting therefor to have divine service as solemnly ministered and abuses more sharply punished than before. Therefore it is thought he will do the same, and also because he has refused to attend the Council of Vincens. Those who came last from the Emperor think the French king has no intentions of peace.
The Venetian post arrived yesterday with letters dated 17 April, stating that, on the 8th, 19 ships left Genoa to conduct the Emperor into Italy, the bp. of Rome waiting at Plesans (Piacenza) for his arrival, which known he would go to Genoa and thence to Nice. Earl Guido de Rangona and Peter, son of Philip Strustia, have left Venice to go to the French king. It is thought the Venetians will appoint with the Turk, as neither the Emperor nor the bp. of Rome keep their appointment. 15,000 Turkish horse have arrived at Jara in Ystrea, and 200,000 foot are said to be marching through Hungary to Freola. The Turkish navy left Constantinople 18 March. The king of the Romans will be forced to leave Hungary unless help comes to him. [Thus far to Cromwell.]
Can only get 12 halberds, which he has sent in a ship of Erith, Robt. Libbet, master. Asks Wriothesley to favour "my brother Dean" for his land at Eyton. Brussels, 3 May.
Hol., pp. 3. Add. Endd.
4 May. 915. Henry VIII. to Wyatt, Heynes, and Bonner.
Harl. MS.
282, f. 54.
B. M.
Notts' Wyatt
Since the departure of Heynes and Bonner to the Emperor, the bp. of Winchester writes that the French king has spoken to him for a marriage between the duke of Orleans and the lady Mary, and has written to his ambassador here about it. The French king thought it a means of obtaining his purpose in Milan, supposing the Emperor would as soon give the duchy with the lady Mary, considering how near of blood she is to him and how much he has seemed to esteem her, as with the daughter of the king of Romans; especially as this marriage would secure the peace of Christendom. Weighing this overture and desiring above all things the tranquillity of Christendom and to bestow himself and his children to that end, the King replied to the French ambassador:—That in thinking over this marriage he found two considerations, one that the troubled state of Christendom made him very desirous to do all he could to set unity between princes and to employ himself and his children in conducing thereof; the other, his great love for the French king, at whose request he would do anything not offensive to the commonwealth of Christendom nor too burdensome to himself. On the other hand it might be thought that the French desired his daughter only as a means of getting what otherwise they could only obtain by the sword; and although the overture was made, as the King knew, for friendship's sake, yet the French king was about to meet with the bishop of Rome and has committed the controversy between him and the Emperor to the mayning of that bishop who reputes and calls the King his enemy. Told him, therefore, that if the French king minded this marriage as earnestly as it was set forth, both he and the Emperor must withdraw, in the doing thereof, from the bp. of Rome; for the King would not "condescend that the said bishop should be a meddler or a mediator" in any treaty whereto he was a party.
After this conference arrived the ambassador's commission, amply conceived, for the conclusion of the matrimony and of a treaty arctioris amicitiae, and commissioners were appointed to confer with him. The French ambassador would have had the matter broken to the Emperor by the English ambassadors, but finally agreed that the French should set it forth to the Emperor in presence of the English ambassadors. He had no powers to treat of a "reciproke," but asked for a bill of articles which he would send over and hoped for an answer in ten days. The King, therefore (weighing the dishonour to himself, if he should be thought an "inturber" of the peace rather than a mediator, in case the thing took no effect, the dishonour to his daughter if the Emperor rejected it, and the unkindness which the Emperor might conceive in him) required that the French king should first bind himself, "for reciproke," that he would make no peace with the Emperor without joining Henry therein as a principal contrahent, and that he would consent to no council indicted by a bishop of Rome without Henry's consent, as he heretofore promised by letter in his own hand. The ambassador could not deny that this "reciproke" was reasonable, and promised to write all to his master.
In case the French king will capitulate these points with the English ambassadors resident with him, has ordered them to signify it to Wyatt and the others. Unless the French king will allow the "reciproke" the overture is not to be set forth ; but if the "reciproke" be allowed, they are, after conferring with the ambassadors resident with the French king (which is to be done immediately upon the arrival of the Emperor), to set it forth to the Emperor. If they know that the Emperor is ready to conclude the matter in communication between him and Henry, they must set it forth coldly and temperately, showing rather a desire to keep promise with the French king than any eagerness for the alliance. If, however, there is no certainty of a conclusion, they must set it forth earnestly, upon the King's zeal for the quiet of Christendom, and show the French king that the stay is only on the Emperor's part. Finally, if the French king refuse the "reciproke," in which case the overture will not be made by Henry's consent, and if the Emperor or his Council mention it by way of overture, they must say that it was here earnestly set forward by the Frenchmen, but that the King, notwithstanding that his zeal for an universal peace inclined him thereto, would conclude nothing therein, as he had already entered some communication of marriage for his said daughter with the Emperor. Hampton Court, 4 May. Signed at the head.
Pp. 6. Add.: Sir Thos. Wyatt, gentleman of our Chamber, Dr. Heynes, dean of Exeter, and Dr. Boner, archd. of Leicester, our ambassadors with the Emperor. Endd. by Wyatt: Rec. upon Friday, 17 May 1538.
4 May. 916. Cromwell to Wyatt.
Harl. MS.
282, f. 200.
B. M.
Nott's Wyatt,
By bearer you shall receive the King's letters, signifying an overture made by the French king, with an instruction thereupon. The King much marvels that you are "not more speedy in your advertisements, considering the time and the importance of affairs now in treaty amongst Christian princes." Westm., 4 May, Signed.
P. 1. Add.
4 May. 917. Henry VIII. to Gardiner, Brian, and Thirleby.
Add. MS.
25,114, f. 297.
B. M.
Has received Gardiner's letter, touching his conference with the French king, about the marriage of princess Mary to the duke of Orleans, and his conversation with the Constable of France upon that matter; also his letter to the lords of the Council. On Maundy Thursday the French ambassador told the King how earnestly his master desired the marriage, and showed the Council a letter to him from the French king, corresponding in every condition to what Gardiner had written, except that it seemed to imply a full engagement to fulfil the promises in his letter, on which point he had made an ambiguous answer to Gardiner, and that he would give no assurance not to make peace with the Emperor if they agreed upon the marriage, unless the Emperor also would accept the condition of it. The letter intimated that although he had no commission, at that time, to treat with Henry, instructions would be shortly sent for that purpose, but he pressed for an answer touching the King's inclination. Another audience was given him on the Thursday following, when the King told him that in discussing the matter with his Council he had specially considered two things; first, the disturbed state of Christendom and the desirability of peace among princes, and secondly, the love he bore to the French king, for which he would undoubtedly do all he could to advance his interests without prejudice to the weal of Christendom or unreasonable charge to himself. He had also much noted two other points ; first, that they seemed to desire princess Mary rather as a means of obtaining what they could not otherwise get without fighting than for any estimation they had of the Princess herself; second, that although the overture proceeded from friendship it appeared strange that Francis would now meet with the bp. of Rome, who treated the King as his enemy, and to whose arbitration, it is said, he has referred all the matters in dispute between him and the Emperor. The letters of the King's ambassador with the Emperor, forwarded by Gardiner, proved the Pope's enmity to England. If Francis really desire the conclusion of the marriage it would be well that he and the Emperor should withdraw from the bp. of Rome and treat with England, for Henry cannot consent that the said Bishop should be a meddler in any treaty to which he is party. After this conference the ambassador's commission arrived. It was amply conceived for the conclusion of the marriage and of a treaty arctioris amicitiae. Commissioners were appointed to confer with him, who on their first meeting" held this discourse:—1st. In answer to the demand that the King should intimate to the Emperor that he would be glad to conclude a marriage between princess Mary and the duke of Orleans, if the Emperor would agree that the said Duke should have possession of Milan, the ambassador was told that if the French king would make the overture to the Emperor in presence of the English ambassadors, these ambassadors would intimate the King's inclination to it, and advance it to the Emperor as much as could be desired. This proposal, although the ambassador accepted, he said he would gladly have had more, viz., that it should be first proposed by the English ambassadors rather than in their presence. As to the points of the reciproque demanded of him, he said he had no commission to grant any such thing, and demanded a bill of articles. If the thing thus broken by the French king's party in presence of the English ambassadors do not come to effect it will be a dishonour to the King and his daughter, the Emperor may be displeased at the matter having been arranged without his knowledge, and the King may have cause to repent if he ventures so much without assurance of any reciproque. Thinks it necessary therefore, before the matter is opened, that the French king should bind himself by treaty to make no peace with the Emperor without England being joined with him as a principal contrahent, and that he will not assent to the Council now indicted by the bp. of Rome or any other, without the King's consent. These terms the French ambassador could not deny to be reasonable. If the French king will agree to them the ambassadors are to give notice to the King's ambassadors with the Emperor, informing the French king that the King thought it better the subject should be opened to the Emperor by ambassadors with whom he was already acquainted. Sends a commission to conclude on the two points above mentioned. If the French king will not bind himself to them, the ambassadors with the Emperor are to be made privy to it, but not to set it forth, and the French king is still to be spoken to in such gentle language that he shall not despair of England's friendship. As soon as the Emperor shall arrive, or if he come not according to the appointment, they are to confer with the English ambassadors resident with the Emperor, touching this overture, so that they may instruct each other how the Emperor and the French king are mutually disposed, and how each is inclined towards England, so that the ambassadors with the Emperor may know how best to proceed. Wonders he has heard nothing from the ambassadors with the Emperor since the dispatch of Francis. They are to inquire whether the courier has been stopped.
P.S.—Their letters by Barnaby have arrived. The King desires them "to make speedy addresses till this matter of meeting shall be finished," that he may be informed of the state of occurrences. Hampton Court, 4 May 30 Hen. VIII.
Signed and sealed, pp. 7. Addressed: To, &c., the bp. of Winchester, Sir Francis Brian, knight, gentleman of our Privy Chamber, and Dr. Thurleby, archdeacon of Ely, our ambassadors in France. Endd.
4 May. 918. Cromwell to Gardiner, Brian and Thirleby.
Add. MS.
25,114, f. 302.
B. M.
The French ambassador has so gently offered to convey the King's letters to them by his courier, that the King could not refuse without some show of distrust; nevertheless, considering the importance of their having immediate information and the possibility of delay if sent by the ambassador, has sent them by Muryell, Gardiner's servant; but lest the ambassador should conceive mistrust, sends the present letter by his courier, as if it were the King's packet containing the principal dispatch. St. James', 4 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd."
4 May. 919. Castillon to Francis I.
Kaulek, 45. "[London], 4 May:—Since my letters written yesterday, my lord Privy Seal sent a secretary to say that the King, his master, thinks it better that his ambassadors with the Emperor should speak of the marriage than those who are with you; because they know him and have already negotiated with him (i'ont ja practiqué), so that he will take it better from them. He writes to them very amply on the understanding (moyennant) that Winchester and Brian assure him that in return you will not agree to the Council nor treat with the Emperor unless he be third contrahent. But he made no answer about aid in the event of war. If you think fit to agree before learning more from him I think it would be well that you knew what instance they would make and with what aim (de quelle affection) the said ambassadors with the Emperor would discuss the subject. For, if they only mentioned it to redeem a pledge la réxcompense en seroit bien grande.
Fr. Extract.
*** A modern transcript is in R. O.
4 May. 920. Castillon to Montmorency.
Kaulek, 46. [London], 4 May:—Is he to execute his instructions or await new orders? Has promised that in ten or twelve days he will report the King's intention.
French abstract.
*** A modern transcript is in R. O.
4 May. 921. A Priest in Kent.
R. O. Articles alleged against Sir Lancelot Pocoke, curate at Hunton, Kent, before John Colepeper, commissioner of the peace, 4 May 30 Hen. VIII. by the oaths of Win. Ippynbery, Thos. Riche, and John Stodarde.
That he said on Good Friday that he had not read the King's injunctions, nor would read them, though he knew they had been out a year and a half. That he commonly lies in the alehouse, though he might lie in the parsonage or vicaiage, and uses unlawful games contrary to the said injunctions.
P. 1.
4 May. 922. Sir John Gage to Edm. Bocher.
R. O. Wrote lately that the lord Privy Seal desired the goods of Alayne Rowlandson, Frenchman, in the searcher's house at Hastings to be stayed. Has since received a letter from him, ordering that the said wine, canvas, prunes, and other goods, if any, should be appraised by the bailiff. Asks for particulars by bearer. Firley, 24 April.
ii. Memorandum, dated 4 May 30 Hen. VIII., that John Easton and Nicholas Jeny, servants to the lord Privy Seal, received of Edm. Bocher, upon a letter from Sir John Gage, 7 puncheons of claret, 2 barrels of prunes, and certain canvas. Carriage of the same to Sefford, 12s.
iii. "The praisement of the said goods":—The wine at 60s. the tun, 600 canvas at 35s. the hundred, and prunes at 10s. the barrel.
Copy, pp. 2.
4 May.
Harl. MS.
604, f. 66.
B. M.
923. Abbot And Convent of Bitlesden to Cromwell.
Have received his letters of 24 April, desiring them to lease to Master Edgare two closes in Evershawe for 40 years. Upon his former letters of 18 March for preferment of Edw. Wylkynsone to the same they showed that the one close was already let and the other could not conveniently be set out; but they contented the said Edward with the reversion of closes called Helmeden Stokking, and trust Cromwell will be content. Bitlesden, 4 May.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
4 May. 924. Thomas Parry to [Cromwell].
R. O. Had sued to his Lordship by Mr. Richard Cromwell and Mr. Polsted for the preferment of Mr. Butler, of Gloucestershire, esquire of the Body, to the farm of Hawkesbury, Gloue., which the abbot of Parshore has in fee farm from the King. This morning, in journeying towards Wells, met with the abbot, who has already promised to Butler on the King's letters 12 months ago all that he might grant him of the said lordship, and referred the rest wholly to your Lordship's order. This morning he offered me rewards to surcease my suit for my friend. Begs Cromwell will move the abbot at his coming in the matter. Maidenhead, 4 May.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my most honourable lord and master. Endd.
4 May. 925. Nicolas Robertson to Cromwell.
R. O. Has received his kind letter concerning John Baptist Portenare, whom, he is informed, Robertson and a priest belonging to him, daily molest. Denies this, as the parish whereof he (Portenare) is curate, (fn. n5) can testify. The priest is not his, but the bp. of Lincoln's officer, who by Dr. London's commandment at the King's visitation sequestered Portinare's benefice and received the fruits till he would be bound to repair certain houses that are decayed belonging to his benefice, which was complained or' by his parishioners. Will do the best for Portinare that he can and has advised the priest to do the same. Boston, 4 May.
Sends two dozen of herons and one dozen of bitterns.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
5 May. 926. Henry VIII. to Ric, Suffragan of Dover.
Wilkins, iii.,
Commission (issued because, whereas the King gave him a commission to visit all the houses of friars in the realm, and he has already commenced his visitation, it is reported that many of the heads of these houses pending the visitation have wasted and alienated the goods of their houses) to put the goods of the houses he has visited or shall visit into safe custody, and to take inventories of the same. 5 May 1538, 30 Hen. VIII.
5 May. 927. Henry VIII. to Christian III. of Denmark.
ninger, iv.,
In behalf of Laurence Foulbery with regard to his ship the Matthew, John Small, master, seized three years ago at Copmanhavyn when bound for Dantzic. Amptoncorte, 5 May 1538.
5 May. 928. Cromwell to Sir Ric. Riche.
R. O. Appointing to the late abbot of Kenilworth, at the recommendation of the Commissioners, a pension of 100l. a year. St. James', 5 May. Signed.
P.1. Add.: Chancellor of Augmentations. Endd.
5 May. 929. John Husee to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Wrote three days ago by Booles, of Dover, of your affairs and your coming over which, no doubt, will be before Whitsuntide. Trusts that his coming will prove fortunate. Sent him the "esmerade" and the French letter that came with it, "whose suits hathe not so well prospered as I would they had." The party hopes you will be good lord to him with regard to his absence, as he has been misled by false promises. Mr. Bonham is gone into Wiltshire and will not be at Sober ton till Saturday, when he will bring the 30l. He ought to have paid it long since according to his promise. Geo. Rolles thinks that your wood should be sold for your profit, and only wants 20 or 30 trees for his money. He is daily expecting your rent of Fry stock. When I have finished your affairs in Hampshire I intend to take possession of Mr. James's prebend. Hopes to be with the King at his return to Greenwich. Sir Edw. Ryngeley has you in suit for 10l. I thank you for writing to Mr. Daunce in my favour. London, 5 May.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: My lord Deputy of Calais.
5 May. 930. John Husee to Lady Lisle.
R.O. I wrote by Booles, of Dover, three days ago. Mrs. Anne makes not a little moan for your Ladyship's displeasure, "but weepeth and taketh on right heavily." Mrs. Katharine Stradlyng has the pearls, part of them as lent and part as a gift. Mrs. Anne says she has no doubt she would have them again if you had not desired me to monish her to the contrary. I was very quick with her at first, but seeing her so penitent the second time, I promised to mediate with you. I beg you therefore to write her a comfortable letter. She promises to find out who reported your Ladyship to be sharp, for she heard the saying as well as I. He that oweth the travers is not yet come. I shall not forget it, nor the exchange of the sayes. The silk is adyeing. Mr. Bonham has taken day to meet me at Soberton on Saturday and there to pay me 30l. Mr. Ryngeley has my Lord in suit for 10l. I intend before coming again to take possession of Mr. James's prebend. Tomorrow I shall have a dozen silver cramprings of Mr. Williams, which I will send with the first. I paid Mr. Treasurer here 20l. which I hope Mr. Fowler has repaid according to my letter and his brother's therein enclosed. The bearer hopes hereafter to behave so as to satisfy you. He is an honest man who has prospered ill here, but been fed with promises. Mrs. Elizabeth has been sick and looks for her new gown, and so does John Gough for his money. London, 5 May.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.
5 May. 931. Sir J. Russell to Cromwell.
R. O. "The rector of Asheruge hath sent to me to write to your Lordship for one of his brethren who hath spoken certain words by Mr. Doctor Peter other than truth is." He is a simple man, and what he did was but for lack of discretion. The King goes hence on Tuesday to Chelsea by water, and dines by the way at Richmond with my lady Mary. His Grace marvels he hears no words out of Spain. Hampton Court, 5 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
5 May. 932. Prior and Convent of St. James' Abbey, Northampton, to Cromwell.
R. O. Sir. Wm. Brokden, whom Cromwell deputed to be Master of the house, (fn. n6) has governed it well for a year and a half, showing good hospitality and bringing it out of many great debts. Ask him to obtain for him the King's seal concerning the redemption of the monastery, for the town and country marvel that he takes such pains, having no seal. St. James's Abbey, 5 May.
Signed: Per me Thomam Edwardes, priorem; per me Ricm. Caley, precentorem (fn. n7); per me Ricm. Kylnar; per me Johem. Cotton; per me Robtum. Lambe.
P. 1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
5 May. 933. Abbot And Convent of Whitby to Cromwell.
R. O. Where Cromwell has written for the stewardship of their house, they are all glad to accomplish his pleasure; considering his late goodness in writing to them, at the instance of Mr. Wrethesley, touching Gregory Conyers, whose insatiable demands are like to put the house to trouble. Desire Cromwell to take order that Conyers may be expulsed from them. If Cromwell wishes his son joined with him in the patent, they will seal it anew. Suggest Sir Ralph Evere, who is liked by their tenant, as meet to be his lordship's deputy. Whitby, 5 May.
P 1. Add.: Lord Cromwell, High Councillor. Endd.
5 May, 934. John Butlare, Commissary of Calais, to Cranmer.
R. O. Great slanders have been raised here on divers and especially "upon Talebottes's wife (with which woman Mr. Doctor Champion has commened) insomuch that it is reported she should have said herself to be as good as the Virgin Mary."
Has found three of the Papists who raise these slanders on those who apply themselves to the Word of God. Two of them, John Cotten and Loye Pounde, are as lewd fellows as can be found in Calais, and are committed to the mayor's prison. Supposes they will be punished. The third is curate of Marke, named Thos. Cockes, who preached on Sunday after Easter that there is a woman in Calais who says herself to be as good as Our Lady and that she had made her husband cockolde. He would not confess until it was proved. He is in the bailiff of Marke's hands. Advises Cranmer to ask Cromwell to write to the rulers of Calais to punish such false papists. The priest hopes in his master, the parson of Marke, (fn. n8) called secretary of Calais, now in London, who he says is favoured by Cromwell. The said secretary has four benefices with two chapels, and in all these six churches "but one right curate and he hath worst stipend." He nothing favours the Word of God. Asks Cranmer to speak to Cromwell that the secretary may be forced to provide good curates. The people would be soon brought to the truth if there were good teachers. Calais, 5 May 1538.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.
5 May. 935. Thos. Goldwell to his father, William Goldwell.
R. O. Gives directions for the sending of his money as in his letter of 26 April, which he sent to Venice to be forwarded. Mr. Bryngborn, both in delivering your letters to Father Elston and in conveying mine, can do us pleasure. Handle him with fair words, for here nothing can be gotten without the help of merchants. Asks him to send a form of general acquittance, for though he is in good health there is no trust in man's life and he has been in jeopardy of death. Gives his father all his property that is in his hands at his death. He is to pay no dilapidations, for the writer had none and was at much cost there. Went through Germany on his way from Lovan to Italy. Trevere, 33 leagues from Lovan, where the Bishop is an elector of the Emperor, is a goodly town after the old fashion; the roofs of the houses are very flat and the building is nothing delectable unto the eye, but it is sure and strong. Rode thence to the university of Hoydylberga, 28 leagues, crossing Renus Fluvius. In these quarters is the best and delectablest wine that ever I drank. Went thence to another university, Ingylstot, 36 leagues thence. Danubius Fluvius flows by the walls, the swiftest river in Europe. Passed on the way three towns wherein were few other than heretics. The people of the first, Wynshome (Windsheim), were full of reasoning and very busy fellows, so that he had no great pleasure to tarry amongst them. At the second, Marckerelpoh (Markt Erlbach), he was well treated for his money without business or reasoning. The third, Noryngbarge, was a goodly town and a strong. There was the goodliest house of armour that ever he saw. In this town be as honest men (put the matters of the Faith aside) and as civil as in any place he ever came to. Tarried two days. In all these towns are goodly churches full of images, which they regard as ornaments of the church and memorials that such holy men have been before us. The priests have wives. They never sing mass except some man require to receive his "rytys." Went to Isyngbrug (Innsbruck), 33 leagues from Ingylstot, where are Ferdinand's eight children, two "men children" and six maidens. Rode thence to Trent, 24 leagues. Italy is very fertile, especially Lumbardy, but ruinate with war. Passed the following rivers:—Mosis, Mosella, Rhenus, Necarus, Danubius, Isara, Enus, Atesis, Padus, Nar, and Tiberis.
The Princes and the bishop of Rome are not as yet met. Rome, in Hospitali Anglorum, 5 May.
Hol. pp. 3. Add.: At Great Chart. Endd.


  • n1. Haynes and Bonner.
  • n2. See No. 845, which appears to he a set of subsequent depositions when the case was heard before Cromwell.
  • n3. Robert Carter, of the King's College in Oxford.
  • n4. The diet of Brunswick.
  • n5. John Baptist Portinari was rector of Alderkerk (Algearkirk) in Lincolnshire in 1535.See Valor Eccl. IV. 90.
  • n6. The vacancy appears to have taken place in July 1536. See Vol. XI., No. 87. Just a year later we find "Sir William Brakden" spoken of as "abbot elect," Vol. XII. ii. 232. But apparently his appointment was quite settled in January 1537 or earlier. Ib. Pt. i., 168.
  • n7. This word is partially erased.
  • n8. John Benolt.