Henry VIII: April 1538, 26-30

Pages 311-330

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 1, January-July 1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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April 1538, 26-30

26 April.
Kaulek, 39.
843. Castillon to Francis I.
[London], 26 April:—Received his letters this morning. The very day he received those of the 9th, which was Maundy Thursday (Jeudi Saint), he communicated the contents to the King at Greenwich. The King and the Council (at which the lord Privy Seal was not present) showed great joy. The King said, after they had consulted apart, that the thing was well worth considering, and as it was a sacred time (maintenant estoient les bon jours), and besides the Monday and Tuesday after Easter, the Feast of St. George, he begged Castillon to wait until after these feasts and he should be sent for.
Yesterday, Thursday after Easter, which gave them eight days for consultation, he sent for me. He spoke only as it wore for delay, drawling in his speech, saying he was glad you approved this marriage (fn. n1), for so did he; but he would not have the bp. of Rome, as he called him, meddle in it or in any affair of his, and, moreover, as to sending an express personage to this assembly, he had enough already with you and the Emperor. However, he would write that you had proposed such a marriage, and that he desired it both for the quiet of Christendom and to make a good amity between you three. I answered, "How, Sire! say you the King my master has proposed it? He never thought of it any more than you. It is I who made the overture to both, as much for your benefit as his;" adding that he must proceed in another fashion, and let the Emperor know that he could have no great desire for the peace, or friendship for Henry, if he would not agree to this marriage, considering his near relationship to Henry's daughter. He asked if my power had arrived. Said I expected it hourly. He said, "When it comes I shall know the affection of the King, my brother, but I will do the best I can, and meanwhile will willingly write to my people to do their duty with the Emperor. I have Bryant now with the King my brother. I will write to him at length and to the others likewise." You, Sire, can judge what may be the motive of such replies.
He took me afterwards to see three ships he has equipped, two near Greenwich, one of 400 tons, the others about 200 tons. The Admiral fêted him in the grandest style in the middle of the river, and the King made me sup with him "á tant de musique que de merveilles," making me great cheer in sight of a large multitude who were there both in boats and on the river banks. In spite of his good cheer he is not too much to be trusted. He has something in his mind which I cannot yet make out. I would not have you distrust him for my suspicions, nor yet would I give you great assurance of him, considering his uncertainty and the illwill of some of his councillors. Either they have gone so far with others that they know not how so suddenly to make an overture for your alliance, or (as I rather think) he would dally equally with both until he, sees how your interview ends. Now I have my power, I hope to speak to them tomorrow. I shall write all I learn, and do my best to entertain them, for at present I fear I cannot do much more.
Thanks for the office of the waters and forests of Brittany.
French extracts.
*** A modern transcript is in R. O
26 April. 844. Castillon to Montmorency.
Kaulck, 41. [London], 26 April:—To get the Pope to throw an interdict upon those who deal with the English, even in Flanders, would be the best means to bring the king of England to reason. Thanks him for the office of waters and forests of Brittany, and begs him to write to M. de Vilandry and Bochetel not to give the office to any other in case of the death of the present holder. Does not see how he can fulfil a single article of his instructions; begins the game tomorrow. Asks for his extraordinaries and wages of the chamber of the King and Queen.
French abstract.
*** A modern transcript is in R. O.
26 April. 845. Preaching, Images and Abbeys.
R. O. Answer of Sir Hunt, Denys Mason, Simon Galyng, John Benbowe, Nich. Newdygate, Nich. Todde, Thos. Tryppe, George Newell, Nich. Turner, Mr. Assecott, David Pratt, Sir Rich. Lylle, Mr. Stremer, and John Cowper to the interrogations of Sir John Hatley, clerk.
1–11. "Please it your Lordship," concerning the 11 first articles Hatley desired the parties might be examined secretly; so they were "seriously" called and all denied the interrogations. 12. To the 12th article, Hunt, Mason, Galing, Dr. Croke's servant, and Benbowe say "they heard not John Hatley say no such words to Henry Spycer." Newdigate heard Hatley say to Sir Spycer, "I marvel that ye cannot favour no man's preaching that favours the word of God; and even as ye murmured against the bishop of Wersyter preaching so ye did murmur this day at Sir Beste's preaching." 13. That Hatley said to Sir Spycer that Sir Best was a fool because he preached against the "questyonistes" prohibited by the King and Council to be read or studied; "that Sir Henry Spycer said that Sir Beste did naught for preaching against the questionistes, for I have enow to take my part;" also that Sir John Hatley told Spycer, "Take heed what ye say, for it is treason." And he replied, "Here is no man speaketh of treason." Hatley warned Spycer not to speak so freely and not to use such words, or it would lead to a breach of their friendship. Hatley also said to Sir Hunt, as they came out of Dr. Croke's chamber, "Spycer is a 'peryolus' fellow of his tongue, and will one day babble so far that he cannot pull in his tongue again." Todde never heard Sir Spycer speak of preaching of bishops nor of suppression of abbeys, but he heard them at division for burning divers times. He said to Sir John Hatley, when he came into the church, he would kneel before the images and pray to them that represent saints in Heaven. On which Hatley said, "I had as lief kneel down to my horse."
Tryppe denies the article that George Nevell is examined of, and says he heard no such words. But others report that, on I March last, Spycer said in the house of David Pratt that all the abbeys in England be too little nowadays to maintain the Crown. On which Best did look upon him, and Spycer added, "They be so indeed." He also said, "I am sorry for the monks, because they go down so fast." Pratt says he never heard Spycer murmur against bishops since 24 Feb. last; but that Hatley said to Spycer that bishops did nothing but God's commandments and the King's, and Spycer said, "I know well it is God's commandment and the King's that they in their preaching (sic) that the people shall not offer pence and candles to saints." Mr. Stremer says that Hatley twice desired him to speak to Sir Spycer to reform his tongue about preaching and kneeling before images. Hatley says that Mr. Walttam, monk of Canterbury College, told him, "Ye have a jolly fellow, one Sir Spycer, with you. I heard him reason so far of Doctor Fisher and Sir Thomas More that if he had hold his words I would have taken him in a trippe." George Nevell says that Sir Richard Lylle told him that he heard the bp. of Worcester preach that we should not worship images, but follow their lives. He also heard Hatley say to Mr. Assecott, "Though God hath given you grace and knowledge what images are, other men do not know it." Stremer says that Spycer preferred the judgments of Sir Thomas More above others in the highway between Oxford and Milton, but whether he talked of Fisher he is in doubt. As to whether Mr. Waltam and Mr. Stremer, being offended with Sir Spycer's words, asked of him if he would justify those two traitors, Stremer says he asked him no such question, and as to Mr, Waltam he is in doubt. John Cowper says that Hatley came to him on Lady Day last, 25 March, in David Pratt's house, and commanded him to come before the King's Commissioners next day, and moreover said he would never have gone so far but for David Pratt. George Nevell heard Hatley call Spycer a traitor in the House of David Pratt on 17 March last, and offer to prove it, adding, "Rememberest thou what words thou didst speak in Doctor Croke's chamber? I have sufficient record of thy words:" adding that he would declare the matter to my lord of Worcester's servants.
Hatley and Spycer have day given thorn by the Commissioners upon further examination till Friday in Easter week, on which day the said Hatley delivered the Commissioners a letter of discharge.
26 April. 846. John Thompson to Cromwell.
R. O. Has accomplished his promise in the King's works at Dover, undertaken by him, according to his letter to Mr. Auchar, paymaster, and 35 feet over and above has been filled into the sea. Is ready to wait on Cromwell for the declaration of the same. Meanwhile, will proceed with the harbour and repairing the west pier, which had been in hand are this if he had not wanted provisions therefor. Has 6 score and 10 persons in wages "small courts and botes onely reserved." Though one dozen new tuns are made and two dozen repaired, for weighing up of rocks, there is only one boat manned for that purpose. Desires that John Yong, master of the tunmen admitted, and his men, may be allowed two more boats in wages. Dovor, 26 April.
P. 1. In his clerk's hand, including signature. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
26 April. 847. Thomas Stephens, late abbot of Bewlay, to Wriothesley.
R. O. Protests that in spite of the "detractions" of his late lewd monks to the King's Commissioners he will always deserve Wriothesley's favour and never sue for that of any other man. Trusts to answer every point of his enemies' reports. Hampton, 26 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: singular good master. Endd.: "Quondam Beauley."
848. Thomas Stephyns, late abbot of Bewley, to Wriothesley.
R. O. As this bearer, Gregory, was the first bringer to me of the King's pleasure and yours, which I have followed, I send him to show you what he has seen and the fashion of my lewd monks "which now, I thank God, I am rid of." I trust to you for my living and beg that Ric. Frye, my late cellarer, to whom the Commissioners have appointed but 5l. pension, may have 6l. 13s. 4d.; for he took part with me against the evil sort. Written at your house of St. Leonard's where I am bold to be till I know your pleasure; "for that now I have none of mine own."
P.S.—Let no man have the farm of Leonard's; for it will serve your turn so well for Tychefylde, and I, at my own charge, will be there as profitable as I can be if it please you.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Right Worshipful. Endd.
26 April. 849. Matthew Kyng to Cromwell.
R. O.
St. P. iii. 4.
After five, days at sea, I arrived on the 24th inst. at Dradaghe and there found the lord Deputy ready to invade Afernaye. OConour is like to do well and has been all Easter with the lord Deputy at Maynooth with ten of his horsemen. Cayr OConour is in Dublin and ready to take refuge in Dublin Castle for fear of his brother. Be good to Martin Pelles and me jointly for the office of Calingford. Have as yet done nothing with the prior of Kilmainham. Dublin, 26 April. Signed.
Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
26 April. 850. William Wyse to Cromwell.
R. O. I write news sent from a monk of Bath called Bristo who was here in the late cell of St. John's (fn. n2) which the King gave me when last in England. Since wiser men have long forborne to write hither things which might animate the King's enemies, I made search to find the author of the news; and at last the parish clerk, now my servant, confessed he received this letter which I send by my son Henry Wyse, with another of later date, which proves the former to be suspicious. The rule of St. Benet should have taught this man better than to write so much to his friend to whom a pound of "lekesede" should have given more pleasure. Waterford, 26 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal.
2. Alex. Brystow to Edmund Walshe.
R. O. Thanks for a saffron purse. Sends ½ lb. of leek seed, which cost 8d. Reproves him for his folly in babbling about a letter of news for Mr. Chancellor, which he enclosed to Walshe, not to show to others but to leave in the discretion of Mr. Chancellor to burn. Requests the letter back. 28 Feb.
Commend me to Mr. James and all friends of "the same church," and thank Mr. Treasurer for his kindness.
Hol. pp. 2. Add.: Clerk of St. John's in Waterford.
26 April. 851. Thos. Goldwell to his father, Wm. Goldwell.
R. O. Commendations to his mother. Received today his letter, dated 10 Jan., expressing surprise that he had not written since leaving Louvain. Trusty messengers are hard to find, especially for one who cannot speak the language and does not know the fashions of the country. Has received 43 crowns, for the banking of which Dr. Chamber has paid. Wishes him to be thanked. Asks him not to send more money here as he does not intend to stop at Padua all the summer. Gives directions for the expenditure of the 10l., due to him at St. George's Day, on the poor of the parish (common haunters of the alehouse to have nothing) and in ceiling over the high altar, either with lime and hair, as the chapel of Curtop Strete, or with boards as he thinks best. 20s. is to be spent in a good dinner in his parsonage to which his cousin Honywood and the honest men of the parish are to be invited. If the money has been sent to him, that due at St. Andrew's Day is to be employed for the purpose. Letters should be given by Mr. Bryngborn to Father Elston, who will forward them. Will write to the archbp. of Canterbury or Dr. Thornden when he can get a messenger. The bp. of Rome is in journey toward Nice to meet the Emperor and French king. Encloses the articles of the league between the Emperor, the Venetians, and the bp. of Rome against the Turk. Padway, 26 April.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: at Great Chart, in Kent. Endd.: Ao xxx.
27 April. 852. George Gyffard to Cromwell.
R.O. Your Lordship's pleasure was that my brethren should do their best in carrying your red deer from Kenilworth. Your deer, nevertheless, chanced to die by the way: the stag and one hind alone were left, which hind also died after the messenger's departure. This I reported to you, and you took it in good part; but the very day I left your Lordship, to depart from London, a servant of my brother John Gyffard's, seeing the stag poor and weary, took upon him to turn him into my lord Marquis' park, of which my brother has the keeping. He broke through the hedge and escaped into a great wood, two miles off, where he remained till this last Easter week, when the country was asked to help in taking him with nets and other engines; nevertheless he still escaped us and fled to another great covert where he will be watched till your further pleasure is known whether to take him alive or kill him. Claidon, 27. April. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: Sir Thomas Crumwell, K.G., lord Wymbleton, and lord Privy Seal. Endd.
27 April. 853. Wm, Abbot of York, to Cromwell.
R. O. Has received his letter for the preferment of John Fobery, one of the King's servants, to the farmhold called Dyghton. Asks that he may be recompensed with some other thing, as it lies near the monastery and is so profitable for hospitality and house keeping that it cannot be foregone. Overton, 27 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
27 April. 854. Matthew Kyng to Wriothesley.
R. O. To the same effect as his letter to Cromwell on the 26th (No. 849). I have bespoken your blankets but they will not be done before Midsummer. Dublin, 27 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: with my lord Privy Seal. Endd.
28 April. 855. Castillon to Francis I.
Kaulek, 41. London, 28 April:—Last night, at Greenwich, showed the King his power to treat of the marriage and the aid; and told him how the Pope, Francis, and the Emperor were on their way to meet. He was surprised that Francis and the Emperor should have an interview—a thing he had never heard of—and asked whether, if the Emperor would not condescend to this marriage, you would not agree that Orleans should marry Madame Marie. I thought not, and said my principal motive for proposing this marriage was to induce him to persuade the Emperor to the actual restitution of Milan. He said it was well to know it. I said you knew not how better to continue the amity between you two, that you were sincere and that I begged him to be so too: for, whether the Emperor condescended to this marriage or not, you would not fail, for that or for the forthcoming assembly, to treat with him in a manner that would show you preferred his amity to any other. And I begged him to declare himself as openly as you did. He sent me to his Council which was near his chamber.
There I used similar language. My lord Privy Seal still found fault with my power, saying it was but general for marriage, whereas it should be of the greatest speciality, considering the two personages to be contracted: and there I should think he was right. I said we would not stop at that. Would they give security (assurer) to make the Emperor presently accomplish the conditions? If they would give this security we would treat at once, and in 8 or 10 days I would provide a power to this effect, such as they would draw up; but I saw so little diligence to induce the Emperor to it that there seemed at present no need of a more special power. The lord Privy Seal said they could not yet assure the conditions; but if their King restored to mine the duchy of Milan what would he do in return? I asked if he thought that to restore Milan to you by this marriage would be doing more for you than for his master—it would restore to your son only what belonged to him and would make his daughter duchess of Milan. Besides, what they most desired was to be mediators of this peace that the Pope was brewing; and did they want a better way than this? I thought the King their master would give a good deal to come to that, and they ought to assist him. They would marry their daughter to a son of France, which would be more strength to the King their master than 20,000 soldiers. They must find another way to proceed.
Then they spoke long among themselves in English and sent for Winchester's letters, which, as I understand, said much of this overture of marriage. After debating thereupon the lord Privy Seal rose and said he was going to speak to the King about my power and our discussion. Returning, he said that on Tuesday they would all be at a house (fn. n3) the King has given him at the end of Westminster park, and begged that I would come thither to dinner, after which we would resolve upon this matter, and that I would take the delay in good part, for since he had been in the King's service he had never treated a matter which required so much consultation as this; but he hoped all would be well.
Is still of the opinion he wrote on the 26th. Will do his best to induce them to take this matter to heart as regards the Emperor and to entertain them till he hears further. Fears this is all he can do.
French extracts.
*** A modern transcript is in R. O.
28 April. 856. Castillon to Montmorency.
Kaulek, 43. [London] 28 April;—Has nothing to add to what he writes to the King. Thinks still more than he writes. Does not go yet as far as his instructions warrant as regards the marriage and renewed alliance, else he would make things hopeless and break the straw utterly.
French abstract.
*** A modern transcript is in R.O.
28 April. 857. Sir Thos. Audeley, Chancellor, to Lord Lisle.
R.O. My servant, Richard Griffith, the bearer, has asked me to write in his favour to be one of the King's retinue at Calais, at 6d. a day. I shall be glad if he can have the next vacancy. London, 28 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
28 April. 858. Sir Wm. Pyrton to the Earl of Oxford.
R. O. Sends the "acussement" of Ric. Jamys, a traitor brought to him yesterday by the constables of the Earl's town of Harwich. He confessed the second article and made but a trifle thereof. The party is but simple, but the words be heinous. Has committed him to Colchester jail. 28 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.: Ao xxx.
28 April. 859. Thomas Yonge, bailey of Portsmouth, to the Earl of Arundel.
R. O. I have received this Sunday, 28 April, your letter to search for "a cartayne parson who was at Lybart's mylle on Wednesday last unknown to my brethren till Thursday at noon. We searched our liberty, and, ever since, have kept watchmen at night in the town and in Kingston, and every second night we make a privy search through our liberty. I have charged all "comyn passengers" to convey no stranger but bring all to me or the constables; also all innkeepers and lodging keepers to lodge no stranger without letting us know. All ships or boats leaving the haven are searched. I have sent for the constable "of the geldabull" and two of his neighbours to show them your letter and charge them to make search. Portsmouth, this present Sunday.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
28 April. 860. Oxford.
R. O. Memorandum of depositions by Geo. Sadler, John Gilliam, and Elizabeth Norres that Jane, wife of Philip Dee, on 28 April 30 Hen. VIII., in the parish of St. Aldate's, Oxford, said to Marget, daughter of Thos. and Jone Lambe, "Hayt hore hayt, goo a calfynge agayn, thy mother was thy mydwyff, and thy father was thy bawde, and this they kylled a chylde."
P 1. Endd.
28 April. 861. G. earl of Shrewsbury to Cromwell.
R. O. Was informed last night that Sir Nicholas Herryson, parson of Plesley, "which of a good season hath been towards me," has "misused himself in his words" towards the King. Sent his servant to attach him and bring him to Nottingham Castle. Has written to his cousin Sir John Markham to examine him tomorrow, with two or three Justices of the peace. Hansworth, 28 April. Signed.
28 April. 862. Wm. Wytham to Cromwell.
R. O. Has received Cromwell's letter stating that Dr. Marshall complains that he occupies his land and benefice without lease or leave. Never thought to do so. Was at London when it was ploughed according to the course of husbandry, and supposed he had been contented therewith. Did not obtain the King's letters to farm his benefice (fn. n4) against his will, but because he thought he would be better to him for the said letters. Denies that he is an evil debtor to him of old. Owed him money, which it was his own pleasure to forbear and has been always ready to pay it on reasonable warning. He has three benefices in Durham, another of which Wytham would have been glad to farm, but Marshall bare him in hand with fair words till he had Cromwell's letter, which he delivered him three days before St. Mark's Day, when his term ended. Assures Cromwell that Marshall has no cause to complain. Darenton, 28 April. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
28 April. 863. Dr. Elis Price to Cromwell.
R. O.
Ellis, 3 Ser.
iii, 194.
Has taken down the image of Darvell Gadarn, which shall be carried to Cromwell with all diligence. The parson and parishioners of the church where it stood offered Price 40l. that it should not be conveyed to London, and are now coming up to make complaints on him to Cromwell. Will attend within a fortnight to answer such things as they shall lay to his charge. Written in North Wales, 28 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Cromwell, Chancellor of the Ecclesiastical Power and Jurisdiction of England. Endd.
28 April. 864. The Same to Wriothesley.
R. O. In "humblest wise," as unacquainted, thanks him for the expedition his (the writer's) chaplain had concerning my Lord's letter for pulling down the image of Dervell Gadarne. The parson of Dervell Gadarne "is come" to my Lord to make suit to have the image restored, to the intent to deceive the people to his own profit, and to complain of the writer for putting the King's commands, and my Lord's, in execution. Begs favour and will deserve the same on coming to London, which shall be in a fortnight. Written in North Wales, 28 April. Signed: "Youres, Price, doctor."
Hol., p.1. Add.: Right Worshipful. Endd.
29 April. 865. Cranmer to Cromwell.
R. O.
C's Letters,
In favour of certain men of Smarden and Pluckley, in Kent, who are indicted for unlawful assemblies at the last sessions at Canterbury, only because they are accounted "fawters of the new doctrine, as they called it." If the King's subjects who favour God's Word are unjustly vexed at sessions, it will be no marvel though much sedition be daily engendered. Lambeth, 29 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
R. O. ii. Persons indicted within the county of Kent. Pluckley:—Hen. Harte, John Stanstrete. Smarden:—Gervis Golde, John Hynkesell, Thos. Baker, Ric. Lucke.
29 April 866. John Grene to Wriothesley.
R. O. Petitions him, as his kinsman, to help him to some living. Wriothesley promised that when he got some promotion himself he would assist the writer; and now the King has given him (Wriothesley) a worshipful promotion. But for his many year's sickness would have had some living ere now. Has been to great cost in my lord Chancellor's service, expecting some office; but my Lord has so many of my Lady his last wife's kindred looking to him for promotion, that the writer now despairs of getting anything. London, 29 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: worshipful Master. Endd.
29 April. 867. John [Bishop of] Thetford (fn. n5) to Wriothesley.
R. O. I am in Norwich to abide the determination of the alteration concerning the monks. I have also made inquiry of Yarmouth, which your goodness has procured for me. It is better than I have deserved, and though they have sold the temporalities I am well content, if you could only get them to leave the implements, and take me as one of them and not as a foreigner. Norwich, 29 April. Signed.
Hol., p. 1. Sealed. Add. Endd.
29 April. 868. Hugh Prior of Durham, to Cromwell.
R. O. Has received the King's letters dated Westm., 4 March, for the preferment of his Grace's servant, Stephen Brakenburie, to a ground called Rylley, which has always been in the use of the monastery and never leased. The lack thereof would diminish hospitality. Begs Cromwell's mediation to excuse compliance. Durham, 29 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
29 April. 869. Oudart du Bies to Lord Lisle.
R. O. I have received your letter by the bearer, Jehan, along with the handsome present of greyhounds you have sent, for which I thank you heartily. Du Bies, 29 April. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: Debitis et gouvernour de Calays. Endd.
29 April. 870. J. de Nouvelle (?) to the Deputy of Calais.
R. O. Has done his best to buy him a horse. Sent the bearer into the Valle de Casel, where, as horses worth only 20 cr. were selling for 40 or 50 cr., he purchased none. Expects they will be cheaper soon. Tournehen, 29 April. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
30 April. 871. Sir John Markham to Cromwell.
R.O. By command of the lord Steward, John Hercy, Roger Grenehagh, Edmond Molyneux, and he have examined certain persons who lately accused a priest of seditious words. The names of the parties and the accusation are in the schedule inclosed. The priest is aged and his wit and memory simple; he is in ward till Cromwell's further pleasure. 30 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
ii. Enclosure referred to.
Thos. Oldeham, Robt. Samson, Ric. Cley, and Wm. Spalton, of Plesley, Derb., examined by Sir John Markham, John Hercy, Roger Grenehagh, and Edm. Molyneux, squires, at the castle of Nottingham, 29 April 30 Henry VIII.—
Say that, on Wednesday in Passion week last, Nic. Haryson, parson of Plesley, asked them what news of the monks of Lenton. They said they had heard nothing. He said again, "It is a marvellous thing, for if the Lords of England were as they have been, as they be now but boys and fools, the King should not have pulled down so many abbeys as he hath done."
P. 1.
30 April. 872. Brabazon to Cromwell.
R.O. The Deputy is gone against the McMahons in Ferney, where Jerom Lyn was slain, as they have, since the prey taken of them, attacked the Englishry of Uryell. James of Desmond lately besieged the King's castle of Carrick Ogonell in Ossory's custody; but perhaps it was a private feud with one of the Brenez having ward there. Has sent to Thos. Cusake a letter Mr. Wise sent him from Waterford, which will show Cromwell they have done some pretty exploits, The abp. of Dublin and bp. of Meath have preached the Word of God, but after their preaching "the one hath taunted the other with a little collation." Cromwell should write to the Abp. to take order for the Observant Friars here. There are divers with Cromwell that can declare the state of the land. The King's rewards to Ossory "and his sequele" are well bestowed; for, except the Deputy, none here but Ossory and Desmond can do any notable exploits. The foot of his account shows that great sums are due to him, but these will not bring him out of debt. Begs that he may repair into England; for tarrying here upon the wages now limited to the soldiers he would spend more in half a year than he would receive in a twelvemonth. Suggests that the Deputy or some other should have the profits of the land for its defence paying a reasonable sum yearly to the King. 30 April. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
R. O. 2. Narrative describing how, in 1538, 20 Feb. 29 Hen. VIII., a Portuguese ship, La Sancta Maria de Fed, laden with "robdavies," one of four laden with wine for Waterford, was forced by stress of weather to anchor in Baltemore haven before Inyshircan Island and Dowinghlonge Castle. The islanders, Fynyn Odryscoll, Conocher, his son, and Gilly Duff, his base son, came aboard and invited the Waterford merchants, Thos. Wise and five others (named) to dinner in the castle. This they accepted, and when they had well dined the islanders treacherously cast them into irons, manned their galley, and took their ship and distributed 72 tuns of wine among their neighbours.
The news of this reached Waterford 3 March, and forthwith Pierce Doben with 24 others set sail in a pickard called the Sunday of Waterford, entered Baltemore haven next day and boarded their ship whilst Gilly Duff and 24 men fled out at the other side. They then released the Portingales and merchants and took away the ship, promising to return shortly.
On the 27th the mayor provided two tall ships and a galley with 400 fighting men besides mariners under Bailiff Woodlock (and five captains named). They entered Baltimore haven 5 April, landed on the island and took the castle and burned all the villages and buildings, including an abbey of Friars Minors, and destroyed all they could not carry away. The same they did in the adjoining island of Inyspike and another island, and finally landing on the mainland they destroyed Baltimore and fired the parish church and Teig O'Driscoll's castle. In the latter Wm. Grant staid so long for pillage that the fire prevented his return, and he stood on the top and cried for help: whereupon John Butler tied a small line to an arrow and shot it up, and with that he drew up a hawser, fastened it, slid down and so escaped.
In a later hand, pp. 2.
30 April. 873. John Bekynsaw to Cromwell.
R. O. Dr. Thyrylbe, now the King's ambassador here, in passing this town, gave him a book containing the King's protestation against the Council. Thyrylbe now writes that it is to be sent to Cromwell, but it seems to have been taken out of his house and he cannot find it. Will send it as soon as he can get it. Paris, 30 April 1538.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
— April.
874. Richard [Ingworth], Suffragan of Canterbury, to Cromwell.
R. O. After leaving the city yesterday was summoned back by a messenger to attend on Cromwell. Wishes to know his pleasure. Signed.
p.1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: April.
— April. 875. Margaret Vernon to Cromwell
R. O. I have sent by bearer 16l. and one mark which makes up 100 mks.; yet I acknowledge myself in your Lordship's debt. On Easter eve I sent you a letter and had no answer. If you please to quiet me with your letters I were much bound to your Lordship.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: April.
876. Mary [Duchess of] Richmond to Cromwell.
R. O. By my Lord my father, (fn. n6) I perceive how you labour to the King for my matter; for which I thank you. My father told you yesterday he had no doubt I would accept such a sum as the King shall please to give me for arrears; which is the truth. Before His Majesty went forwards on his progress last summer I submitted all to his pleasure, as I beg you show His Highness.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: Ao xxxo.
x 877. Cromwell's Remembrances.
Titus, B.
i. 465.
B. M.
For the viewing of the letters and the survey of the castles that came from my lord of Durham, by the bp. of Llandaff, and to answer the said letters. To remember specially touching the deputy of Ireland and the surety of that land. To know the King's pleasure touching the baron of Delvin's heir and the son of James of Desmond. To present the bp. of Llundaff to the King. Mr. Wallop's bill. To write to lord Hungerford for the kerver that spake the words against the Prince. The advertisements out of France and Spain. The oyer determiner for the priest in Wiltshire, and to remember my lord Fitzwaren for his goods. The execution of the man in Suffolk for the murdering of him that is yet in life. The new clipper of gold. Lady Margaret Douglas' charges at Syon. Harveli's letters from Venice, and his diets The book received from Chr. Mounte. To know the King's pleasure touching lord Mordant and such other as Friar Forest named for his principal friends. Hubberdyne. To declare the execution of Knell, the good behaviour of the Commissioners in Kent, and Sir Win. Pickering's bill. Master Parys for some honest entertainment. The mayor of London for his 1,000l. Old Sir Roger Chomley. Thos. Holcrofte. Fortescue and Philip Denys. My lord of Oxford's bill. Warrant for apparel for my lady Mary. Answer to the king of Scots' letters and to write to Sir Wm. Evers. Mr. Tregonel, Mr. Kerne, and Mr. Peter. The sanctuary men at Beaulieu for debt to continue there for life. The alterations. Mr. Gostwyk's warrants. To know the King's pleasure touching Sir John Withrington for Riddesdal, Sir R. Carnaby for Tyndal, with others, which by the new order have double fees, for the same be partly retained by fees, and besides have lands to the value of the fees of their offices. The suppression of Warden, Boxley in Kent, St. Andrew's in Northampton, Abingdon, Kingswood, Lantony, Stratford, Beaulieu, Southwick, Robertsbridge, Kenelworth, Lenton ("and the execution of the prior"), Marten, Axholme, and the Charterhouse in London ("already surrendered").
Added by Cromwell: Abbey of Holm Cultram. To remember Sir Hugh Palet. Battle Abbey. Commission for Sir Thos. Clifford.
In Wriothesley's hand, pp 3. Endd.: Remembrances for divers matters.
878. Cromwell's Remembrances.
R. O. Myself for my bill for the exchanges between me and my lord of Norfolk. To remember Sir John Walloppe. To remember Mr. Hennadge for lord Darcy's lands. To remember Raffe Sadler and Peter Mewtes. To declare the intent of the prior of Lantonye. The signature of Mr. Russell's bills. Bills for "the exchanges," the staple of Calais, Sir Thomas Palmer, lord Matravers, and Sir Thomas Seymour. Mr. Gostwikkys warrants. Bill for the joint patent of Mr. Wrythsleye and Whytt. Bill for the Master of the Rolls. Lenton priory. Letters that came out of the North. Death of John the earl of Desmond. My lord Chancellor for the monastery of Walden, Essex. Monastery of Lanthonye. Monastery of Lenton. My lord Chancellor for Walden. Sir John Seyntlowe. Sir Geoffrey Folgeam. To answer my lord of Durham's letters. To answer Dr. Lee's letters. To remember Sir George Throgmerton for his liberty. Sir John Russell of Worcestershire to be sheriff this year. The "suche" (suit) of the prior of Christischurcbe in Norwich to be secular canons. The gentleman (fn. n7) for the manor of Neyland and Stoke Neyland, Suffolk, with all other his possessions in Suffolk. My own bill for the fee simple of Elmeham. Thos. Seymour's bill to be signed. Reparations of Berwick. Reparations of Carlisle. Castles of Pomffret, Scarborowe, [Alnewyke], (fn. n8) Warke, Nottingham, [Orfforde, Colchester] (fn. n8) Ledys, Dover, Portchester, Corffe, Exester, Sherborn, Berkleye, Wigmore, Bewdleye, Kylingworthe, Wyndsore, and Bambrowh. Sir Ingram Percy. To send Deryke into Denmark. To send letters to Madame de Longvyle. The Master of the Rolls' bill. My lord of Derby. Sir George Dareye. Sir Marmnduke Constable. Sir Chr. Danbye. The lord Lumley.
Pp. 3, in Cromwell's hand. Endd.: Remembrances.
879. Cromwell's Remembrances.
Titus, B
B. M.
The matters of Calais, the great contentions and disorder among them and the povert of the ministers. Osyander's letters to the bp. of Canterbury, and the news contained in them. The bull set out of the abuses of Rome, and by whom it is set out. A final order to be taken concerning the Staple of Calais. The end for Sir John Wallope. The answers both of the French and of the Imperial ambassadors. The signature of Sir John Russell's bills. Specially to remember the proclamation to be put forth, which the lord Chancellor drew, for seditious words, and to know whether copy were sent again or no. Rauff Sadler and Peter Mewtes. Mr. Hennedge and Thos. Seymer. Letters to all the justices of the peace for putting the proclamation in execution. The deceit of the King in his subsidy. To send for the abbot of Robertsbridge. To send to my lady of Malling.
In Cromwell's hand, p. 1. Endd.
880. The Warden of the Grey Friars, London, to Cromwell.
R. O. I remember the commandment you gave me to make search of Forest's friends, but you gave me too short a time to make answer—only a night and half a day. I have now learned more. A friar in my house has 10s. for Forest and has had more, but gave it as he needed. He had some of Dr. Knyght to pray for Dr. Wulman, and 3s. 4d. of lord Mordant of Bedfordshire, who was shriven to him this Lent, and also sent him 10 groats to buy him wood and coal. He had also 6s. 8d. of him that is warden in Winchester, and 12s. at Mich. of friar Edmund Tomson, who says he knows not them that he had it of. This I have found since I was with your Lordship. I will be true to my Prince and so will all my brethren. "I dare depose for them that were no Observants." Your Lordship spoke to me of changing my coat. We shall be ready to change when commanded.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
881. Bishop Shaxton's Injunctions.
vi. 210.
Injunctions by Nich. Shaxton, bishop of Sarum, at his visitation of the archdeaconry of Dorset, 1538, 30 Hen. VIII.
1. Admonishing all beneficed clergy to be resident by Mich. next. No French or Irish priest who cannot speak English perfectly to serve any cure. 2. All having cures to recite and "sincerely declare" in the pulpit in English at high mass time both the epistle and gospel of the day if there be time, or one of them at least, and also set forth the Supremacy, the Ten Commandments, &c. 3. Every beneficed clergyman whose annual fruits extend to 20l. shall make one sermon every quarter; and if his fruits be 15l. a year, three in the year; or if 10l., two in the year; if under, one at least. 4. Against suffering unlicensed preachers or friars to hold services. 5. Every beneficed man taxed at 10l. to have before Whitsunday the Holy Bible, and other priests the New Testament, both in Latin and English, and each of them to study one chapter at least in Latin and English, &c. 6. Everyone to have copies of the King's Injunctions by Mich. 7. That everyone having cure of souls "do perfectly can"(qu. con?) without the book the two Gospels of Matthew and John, the Epistles to the Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, &c.; to "can" every fortnight one chapter without the book, to keep it in memory, and read besides one chapter within the book. Deut. xxviii. to be openly read every quarter instead of the general sentence. 8. Curates to exhort the people not to make secret contracts of matrimony. 9. Laymen not to be discouraged from reading Scripture. 10, 11. Instructions to children. 12. Preaching not to be left off for other observances. 13. To see that none frequent ale houses at preaching time. 14. Against night watches, decking images, &c. 15. Against idle pilgrimages and superstition. 16. To reconcile those at variance. 17. Against swearing and blasphemy. 18. Curates to instruct the people, especially midwives, how to christen. 19. None to uphold the abolished holidays. 20. Each parish churchy to procure—either out of the church box or of stocks given for maintaining lights before images, with which the bp. dispenses for this better use—an English bible before Whitsunday, to be chained to a desk. 21. All relics to be sent to the bp.'s house at Ramesbury to be examined whether true or false. 22. The pardon or Ave bell hitherto tolled three times before divine service to be disused.
Printed at London in Fleet Street at the sign of the Sun by John Byddell, "and are to sell at the Close gate in Salysbury."
882. Tithes of Rochdale.
R. O. Costs of Sir John Byron and his servants gathering the tithes, &c. of the parsonage of Rachedale, Lanc, 29 Hen. VIII., including the costs of his going up to London and being there 16 days when called up by Privy Seal.
P. 1.
883. Ireland.
R. O. Book (fn. n10) giving a complete resumé of the state of Ireland apparently about the year 1532, with an account of the different chieftains and factions, and particularly of the ascendancy of Kildare. It was attributed, in some prefatory words by the copyist, to abp. Allen, but afterwards, in a marginal note, to Robert Cowley, "Master of the Rolls," (fn. n11) and a new heading was written for it on a separate slip as follows:—
"After the execution of these Geraldines, Robert Cowley, Master of the Rolls in Ireland, having before plotted with John Allen, abp. of Dublin, Sir John Allen, knight (fn. n12) (before him in that office), and Thomas Canon, secretary to Sir William Skeffington, delivered unto the King in writing the state of the realm of Ireland, the dangerous disposition of the Geraldines, and the mischief by way of caveat to be prevented, the which I thought good to acquaint the posterity withall as followeth."
Pp. 10. In the same hand as No. 872 (2).
884. Anthoinette de Saveuses to Lady Lisle.
R. O. Compliments to lord Lisle. Thanks for two breviaries received from lady Lisle. Desires to know what they cost, and will send the money by the bearer; for otherwise she would never have ventured to trouble her Ladyship. Does not deserve her daily kindness. Has had much difficulty for two years in saying her heures. "Mes a quause de gherres ung en peut recouvrer sy neut ette par moien de vous." I cannot express the pleasure
you have done me. The bearer tells me you have told him "que je vous envoie cheque je rechus dernierement de par vous, pour tant que il ne seeit quele chosse que cheet pour le vou ferre entendre" for I think it is something exquis, and I know not if I dare use it to cover at night the cup of the Holy Sacrament when it shall be on the altar during the octave of the said solemnity. (fn. n13) I think it would not be mal honnête so to use it, but I would not dare if I did not know what it was. I beg you to accept the image of my parrain. Dunkirk.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.
885. [James Bassett] to Lady Lisle.
R. O. Commend me to my father and all my brothers and sisters. I have sent you some gloves by a servant of Master Bryan. I was afraid they might change them. To make sure, please write how they were made. Master Bryan tells me my brother George is with him. Commend me to him and to my two sisters at the Court. Not signed.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.
886. Guido Giannetto to [Cromwell].
Vit. B. xiv.
B. M.
Illustrissime domine. Literae ex Italia nuper allatae, quae p. . . . . . . . . . . Aprilis, significant episcopum Romanum properantem [ad conventum] qui Niceae futurus dicitur, in animo habuisse, festum age . . . . . . . Savonae, unde intra sex dies se Niceam conferre poterit . . . . . . commodius casurum cogitare, si Principes ambo duci po[ssint] . . . . quae ditionis pontificiae civitas est. Super hoc autem nego[tium plurimi] existimant inter Caesarem et Gallorum Regem induci[as potius] quam pacem componi posse.
Tres Cardinales quae ad Concilium pertinere putaverint P . . . . missi sunt habentes titulum legationis, videlicet Campegi[us, Simonetta, (fn. n14), et A] leander archiepiscopus Brundusii, qui olim dum monach[us erat, ad] Regiam Majestatem venit nuntius Papae. Is ut Germanorum doct[rinam] insectatur, ita doctissimus apud Romanos habetur, quamobrem . . . . . . . adeptus est.
In eisdem praeterea literis habetur, Turcas in suam redegi[sse ditionem] Neapolim, Romaniae nuncupatam, quae civitas in Graecia [Venetorum] imperio subjecta erat. Hoc si verum est, Veneti magno det . . . . .
D. Franciscus Casalius non est subsequntus Pontificem, c. . . . . . nihil habet. Ille autem, si certo sciret dominationem tuam illustrissimam . . . . . . .ipsius opera in re aliqua uti, causam vel praetextum ex. . . . . . . episcopum Romanum.
"Quod ad me attinet, primum quidem cupio obedire tuae [dominationi illustrissimae, et] in Italiam reverti cum primum fieri possit. Pudet enim me . . . . . . . .ad omnia inutilem. Neque aliud expecto, nisi ut tua [dominatio illustrissima] mihi veniam abeundi permittat."
Mutilated. Endd.: Guidus Janetus, a letter in Latin.
887. Grants in April 1538, 29 Hen. VIII
1. Sir Thos. Audeley. Licence to alienate the lands and tenements, meadows, &c., in Lamborn, Essex, lately belonging to the bishopric of Norwich, which the said Sir Thomas lately obtained in fee by the King's grant, to Will. Hale. Westm., 2 April. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII. p. 5, m. 35.
2. Do[...] John Wolf, clk., planter of the King's trees and layer out of his arbours (confector viridariorum). Annuity for life of 20 marks. Westm., 5 March 29 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 3 April same year (anno subscripto).—P.S. Enrolled, Pat 30 Hen. VIII. p. 6, m. 9.
3. The abbey of Evesham, Wore, dioc. Congé d'élire to the prior and convent; on the late abbot's resignation. Westm. palace, 3 April, 29 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm. 4 April. —P.S. Pat. p. 4, m. 23.
4. John Cordrey, abbot of Henry VIII.'s new monastery of Holy Trinity, Bustelesham alias Bisham. Mortmain licence to alienate the rectory of Chatham, Surrey (which the said monastery holds by virtue of pat. 18 Dec. last), to Thos. Pope, treasurer of the Court of Augmentations; and to the said Thomas to alienate the same to the dean and chapter of St. Paul's cathedral, London, to the use of the chaplains of the two chantries in that church, founded for the souls of Adam Burye and Roger Holme. Del. Westm., 6 April 29 Hen. VIII—S.B. Pat. p. 5, m. 26.
5. Peter Monens, joiner, a native of Brussels, in the Emperor's dominions. Denization. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 40.
Commissions of Oyer and Terminer:
6. Nottingham: Sir Anth. Fitz Herbert, Sir John Markeham, Sir John Byron, Sir Brian stapleton, Sir John Wylloughby, John Beamond, Edm. Molynex, John Hersye, John Babyngton, and Geo. Lassellys. Westm., 6 April.
7. Kent: The earl of Wiltshire, Sir Geo. Broke of Cobham, Chr. Hales, M.R., Sir Th. Willoughby, John Baker, Attorney General, Sir Th. Cheyny, Sir Th. Nevell, Sir Edw. Wotton, Sir Will. Kempe, Sir Th. Poynyngs. and Sir John Dudley. Westm., 6 April. Pal. 29 Hen. VIII. p. 4, m. 21d.
8. Commission of Sewers:
Essex: Will., prior of St. John's of Jerusalem in England, Sir John Alleyn, Sir John Tyrell, Sir John Champneys, Clement Harleston, Sir Will, Hollys, Martin Bowes, John Poyntz of Hukkyngton, John Tyrell of Hern, Humph. Tyrell of Shendefeld, Edw. North, Anth. Cooke, Will. Aylyff, John Pylbarough, Guy Crayford, and Bartholonew Prowse. Westm., 6 April. Pat 29 Hen. VIII. p. 4, m. 18d.
9. Sir Edward Clynton lord Clynton and Sey. Lease (1) of the demesne lands of the late monastery of Barlyngs, Linc., in the occupation of the late abbot (sic), viz., meadows, &c., called "le Horseclose" Crosse Grene, Cowsey Garth, Est Ings, "le Hell," "le Peperclose" "le Waren Close," "le Waren Leys," Bentclose, Beneclose, "the Ley Parke," "le Create Parke," Thakeclose, "le litle Brichells," "le Greate Brichells," Parva Brychells, Cote Hills, "le Spryng" "le Mere Fen," "le West Fen," and Westwood; a close called Westwood, parcel of the lands called "le Pyngle," and the orchard of the convent with other small orchards; (2) a tenement and certain lands late in the tenure of Thos. Fenwicke; the granges (extent specified; called (3) Rysem, (4) Lyngs, (5) Holme grange, and (6) Shepe-house grange; (7) fishery of the waters belonging to the monastery ; and the rectories of (8) Scothorne, (9) Rephaine, and (10) Staynton, Line.; all which came to the King's hands by the attainder of Matthew Makereil, late abbot of Barlings; for21 years; at rents of (1) 20l. 8d., (2) 14l. 13s.4d., (3) 8l. 15.9. 4d., (4) 106s. 8d., (5) 28l. 6s. 8d., (6) 14l. 13s, 4d., (7) 26s. 8d., (8) 10l., (9) 9l., (10) 7l., as surveyed by Ric. Pollard. Del (fn. n15) —S.B. b. {torn in halves). Pat. (Westm., 8 Apr.l) 29 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 34.
10. Sir Ralph Evars. To be chief steward of the possessions in cos. Line, and York, which came to the King by the attainder of Sir Francis Bigod ; with fees of 5l. a year. Westm. Palace, 7 April 29 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 9 April.—P.S. Pat. p. 5, m, 26.
11. For the exempt monastery of St. Alban's, Herts, Line. dioc. Writs for restitution of the temporalities on the election of Ric. Stevenage, prior of the said monastery and bachelor of divinity (S.T.B.) as abbot vice Rob. Catton, deprived. Addressed to the escheators of various counties and to Sir Ric. Gresham, mayor of London. Put. p. 4, m. 23. Rymcr, XIV. 587.
2. Warrant for the issue of the preceeding writs of restitution. Westm. Palace, 8 April 29 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 10 April.—P.S.
ii. Assent to the election of the said Richard as abbot. Westm. Palace, 20 March 29 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
iii. Petition by the president and convent for the royal assent to their choice of the said Richard. 9 March 1537.
12. James Cruce. Grant in fee (for 193l. 10s.) of the reversion and rent reserved upon a Crown lease to Humph. Reynoldes, of Coventry, 20 Mar. 28 Hen. VIII., of the grange of Melhorne, Warw., belonging to the suppressed monastery of Stoneley, Warw., and closes, meadows, and fields there, called "Brode close," "Long close," "Harper's feild," "Melborne medowe," Cokkeshofeild, Furwodefeild, and Grymeswoode, belonging to the said grange; the herbage of an underwood there, called Fellesley waste, then in the tenure of Ric. Hill, and a piece of waste there called Gregepole waste, then in the tenure of Will. Slough; a pasture there called Hangynghowse, then in the tenure of John Smyth ; and another piece of waste there called Welshman's waste, then in the tenure of Thos. Denton, belonging to the said late monastery; with reservations; for 21 years, at 6l. 11s. 2d. rent.
Also grant of the watermill called Wodmyll, with the lands called le Ham adjoining; the lands and meadows called Yatesford, in Hilwotton, in the parish of Wotton; and the two closes of pasture in the parish of Lemmyngton, Warw., belonging to the said late monastery, in as full manner as Thos. Tutbury, the late abbot, held them. Annual value, 13l. 14s. 6d.; rent, 26s. 6d., by way of tenth. Del. Westm., 10 Apl. 29 Hen. VIII. —S.B. Pat. p. 5, m. 27.
13. James Nedeham. Grant in fee of the reversion and tents reserved upon the following leases, viz.:—
(1) By Will. Howys, the prior and the convent of St. Mary, Wymondeley, Herts., now suppressed, 14 Jan. 16 Henry VII., to Edw. Catlyn, of Kympton, yeoman, of the lands in Magna Wymondeley, Herts., then in the tenure of John Saye, of Magna Wymondeley; for 40 years, at 10s. rent. (2) By Robt. Elles, or Ellys, the prior and the convent of the above monastery (here called Wylmonley 10 Sep. A.D. 1515, to Ric. Boygrave, of their lands, &c, in the vill of Letchworth; for 60 years, at 5 marks rent. (3) By the same, 1 Dec, A.D. 1515 (7 Hen. VIII.), to Thos. Tate, of London, of the house called le Mylle House, and certain lands and meadows, &c., which John Therowgood, citizen and pewterer, of London, then held in the town of Hertford; for 99 years, at 10s. rent. (4) By the same, 14 May 9 Hen. VIII., to Geo. Corse, of Lytlyngton, Camb., and Margaret his wife, of two messuages, &c., in Lytlyngton and Steple Mordon, one of which lies between a tenement, then of John Barly, formerly of Thos. Campes, on the east, and the highway lending to Lytlyngton church on the west, its south end abutting upon Asshewell Strete, and the other end upon a messuage called Mychell; and the other messuage lies between a tenement formerly of Thos. Benettes, .then of Anth. Hasylden, on the one side, and the lane called Salyslane on the other, the north end abutting upon the highway leading to the said church, and the other end upon the land of the said prior and convent; to hold to the said George and Margaret in survivorship for 50 years; at 23s. 2d. rent. (5) By Will. Weston, formerly prior, and the convent of the aforesaid monastery 13 July 12 Hen. VIII., A.I). 1520, to Roger Wrenne, of the parish of Tuyng (Tewin), Herts., weaver, and Christiana, his wife, of a messuage with divers lands, &c., in the parish of Tuyng (with reservation of timber, &c., and a pasture called le Busshy lees); for 50 years, at 13s. rent. (6) By the same, 13 July 12 Hen. VIII., to the said Roger Wrenne of a tenement, with certain lands, &c., thereto belonging and lying in Tuyng; for 50 years, at 6s. 8d. rent. (7) By John Dorchester, the late prior, and the convent of the said priory, 2 May 22 Henry VIII., to Thos. Ansell, of Graveley, husbandman, of the arable lands called Colwebbes londe, in the parish of Graveley, Herts.; for 12 years, at 20s. rent.
(8) By the same, 2 Feb. 25 Henry VIII., to Will. Goodman, of Thatcheworth, Herts., yeoman, and Anne, his wife, of a messuage, &c, in Steple Moredon, Camb., and divers lands in Glyton, Camb. ; for 40 years, at 4l. 4s. rent. (9) By the Crown, 10 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII., to Agnes Gascoigne, widow, and John Graveley, of the lands in Magna and Parva Wymondeley, and Graveley)', Herts., belonging to the suppressed priory of Sopwell, Herts.; with reservations; for 21 years, at 44s. rent.
Also the lands, &c., called Chapell's grounde, now in the tenure of Thos. Walsshe, in Magna and Parva Wymondeley ; the house and site of the said late priory ; the church, &c, of the same; and pastures, meadows, &c. (extents detailed) called, or lying in places called "le Grove" near "le Pale," " Seynt Laurence medowe," "Palfrey mede," Mylkefeld, Cowmeade in Bromefeld, Barnefeld, "le Twoo Acres,'' Barnefeld gate, "Thyrty Acres," the common field at Graveley Oke, a common field abutting on the highway called "Baldock wey," "le Thirty Acres Balke," "le Thyrty Acres," Pepper acre busshe, "le Shott," "Gallowe hyll," Wraxley, "Moche Wymondeley felde "at Fountynes, Pollett's feld, Mychell's feld, and Mokewell's feld, in Magna and Parva Wymondeley, belonging to the said late priory ; the manors of Magna and Parva Wymondeley, and the rectory of Magna Wymondeley; the manor of Beeston, No'ts., belonging to the same late priory; and all possessions of the said priory in Magna and Parva Wymondeley, Ikelford, Tewyng, Hertford, Letchworth, Graveley, Dynsley, Hechyn, Stevenage, Powletts and Wyllen Herts., Steple Moreden, Lytlyngton, and Abyngton, Camb., and in Beeston, Notts., or elsewhere in said cos.; in as full manner as the premises came to the King by the dissolution of the said priories of Wymondeley and Sopwell. Annual value, 34l. 12s. 4d. ; rent, 69s. 4d., by way of tenth. Dd. Westm., 12 April 29 Hen. VIII. —S.B. Pat. p. 5, m. 19.
14. Mores ap Denevet, a yeoman of the Guard, and John Glyn, a yeoman of the Crown. Giant, in survivorship, of the corrody in the monastery of Osney, Oxford, which Doctor Bromefeld, deceased, held. Westm. Palace, 3 April 29 Henry VIII. Del 12 April.—P.S.
15. Thos. lord Crumwell, keeper of tho Privy Seal, Sir Will. Kingeston, and Sir John Russell. Next presentation to the deanery of the college of St. Stephen, in Westminster Palace, commonly called "the deanrye of Saynte Stephens." Westm. Palace, 8 April 29 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 15 April.—P.S. Pat. p. 5, m. 25.
16. Thos. Hawkyns and Rob. Gybbes, yeomen of the Guard. Annuity, in survivor-ship, of 10l., which the abbot and convent of Welbeke, Notts., and their successors, are bound to nay for the farm of the mills of Retford. Del. Westm., 15 April 29 Hen. VIII. —S.B. Endd.: Annuity, &c., "which Mr. Walshe had." Pat. p. 5, m. 25.
17. Sir Will. Parre. To be chief steward of the possessions in cos. Linc., Rutland, and Notts., and in the city of Lincoln, which came to the King by the attainder of John; lord Huse and Thos. Moigne; with fees of 6l. year. Greenwich, 16 April 29 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 16 April.—P.S. Pat. p. 5, m. 26.
18. Will. Thwaytts or Thwates. To be chief steward of the possessions in cos. Linc. and York, which came to the King's hands by the attainder and forfeiture of Sir John Bulmer; with fees of 6l. a year. Westm. Palace, 13 April 29 Hen. VIII. Del. 16 April —P.S. Pat. p. 5, m.27.
19. Edw. Leyghton, S.T.B., clk. Presentation to the parish church of Flamstede, Linc., dioc, vice Maurice Birchinsha, clk., resigned. Del. Westm., 18 April 29 Hen. VIII. —S.B. Pat. p. 5, m. 25.
20. Sir John Daunce. Grant, in tail male, of the reversion and rent reserved upon a Crown lease, 20 Dec. 28 Hen. VIII., to John Verney, of the King's household, of the house and site of the suppressed monastery of Muresley, alias St. Margaret's, Bucks., with certain lands (named and described), and the tithes; with reservations; for 21 years, at 35s. 8d. rent.
Also grant to the said John of the annuities or pensions of 53s. 4d., issuing from the church or rectory of Marowe, Surrey; and 40s. issuing from of Bittesden, Bucks., belonging to the said lute priory; and all manors, messuages, &c., in Muresley, lvynghoo, Wynleshorn, Edelborowgh, Northill, Northcotehill, Drayton, and Bittlesdon, Bucks.; Stodeham, Beds.; and in Fresden, Magna and Parva Gaddesden, Langley Regis, Royston, Sarrett, Berkehampstede, Hempstede, Benyngton, Bonyngton, Flaunden, Esyngdon, Bed well parke, and Thorneborowgh, Herts., and Marowe, Surrey, and elsewhere in the said cos., belonging to the said late priory. Annual value of 16l.; rent, 32s., by way of tenth. Del. Westm., 19 April 29 Hen. VIII—S.B. Pat. p 5, m. 20.
21. Geo. Owen. Grant in fee (for 676l.) of the manor of Erdyngtoune, Oxon, belonging to the suppressed monastery of Rewley, Oxon, with all possessions of the said monastery in Erdyngtoune, except the piece of land called Lymecroft, in Erdyngtoune, which Francis Cokkett and John Nodes hold to farm of the King. Annual value, 59l. 13s. 4d.; rent, 6l. Del. Westm., 19 April 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 5, m. 40.
22. Rob. Bone, clk. Presentation to the wardenship and rectory of Elmeley, Worc, dioc, void by death. Westm., 19 April 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Endd: The dean of Leicester for the parsonage of Elmeley. Pat. p. 5, m. 29.
23. John Worthe. Grant in fee (for 168l.) of the reversion and rent reserved upon a lease by Augustine, formerly abbot, and the convent of the monastery of Warden, Beds., now dissolved, 20 Sept. 12 Hen. VIII, to Rob. Hatley, of Middelhoo, yeoman, and William, his son, of the manor and grange of Middelhoo, Hunts., with the pasture called Mulsoo, in Middelhoo, and all appurtenances; for 60 years, at 16l. rent. Annual value, 16l.; rent, 32s. Del. Westm., 20 April 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 1.
24. James Acowre. Lease of lands and tenements in the lordship of Denbigh, as inrolled in pat. 28 Hen. VIII. p. 5, m. 21. See Vol. XII., Part. i., No. 1103 (37). Westm., 21 April. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII. p. 4, m. 2.
25. Will. Hariot, or Haryot. Licence to export 80 tuns of beer. Del. Westm., 21 April 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
888. Undated Grants 29 Hen. VIII.
1. Michael Asshefeld. Lease of a messuage with certain land and meadow in BroderysyDgton, Glouc.; parcel of the possessions of the late duke of Bedford; for 21 years; at 43s. 4d. rent and 3s. 4d. of increase. S.B.b.
2. Thos. lord Crumwell, keeper of the Privy Seal. Commencement of a patent granting him the custody of the possessions of Will. Rede, deceased, during the minority of John Rede, son and heir of the said William; with wardship and marriage of the said heir.—Cancelled. Pat. 29 Hen VIII., p. 2, m. 30.
3. Anth. Hillyerd and Rob. Hoggeson. Annuity of 20s. issuing from certain lands and pasture in Penysthorpp, Yorks., lately belonging to Ric. Hanby, deceased, in the King's hands by the minority of Nic. Hanby, deceased (sic), son and heir of the said Richard, to hold during minority of said Nicholas; with wardship and marriage of said heir.—S.B. (Undated. Counter-signed : William Poulet.)
4. Stephen Monk, of Notehurst, Sussex, husbandman. Pardon for having killed John Couper, alias Stenyng, in self defence, he having been attacked by the said John and Elizabeth, his wife; as appears by an inquisition taken before Sir John Spelman and John Baker, the King's attorney, justices of gaol delivery for Lewys gaol, Sussex, at East Grensted. Westm. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII., p. 2, m. 39.
5. Ric. Robynson, clk. Confirmation of annuities granted to him as follows, which have not been paid, viz.:—
(1) By the abbey of St. Saviour, Faversham, Kent, 1 July 19 Hen. VIII. (abbot John), 12l. out of the manor of Bendysch and other lands in Essex. (2) By the same, at the same date, of 10l. out of the manor of Lambortisland, and other lands in Kent. (3) By the abbey of Byland, Yorks., 20 Oct. 20 Hen. VIII. (abbot John), of 14l. out of the manor of Blatarn (Bleatarn), Westmld. (4) By the abbey of St. Augustiue without the walls of Canterbury, 24 June 23 Hen. VIII. (abbot John), of 12l. out of the manor of Northborn, alias Northbourn, and other lands in Kent. (5) By the abbey of Holy Cross, Boxley, Kent, 23 July 25 Hen. VIII. (abbot John Dobbes), of 6l. out of the manor of Uppergrainge and other lands in Kent.—S.B. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII., p. 2, m. 41.
6. Sir Nic. Strelley. Licence to alienate the house and site of the late abbey de Bello Capite, alias of Beauchyff, Derb., and all messuages, &c, thereto belonging, which were granted to the said Sir Nicholas by pat. 10 April last, to Ralph Cley, yeoman, to the end that the said Ralph may regrant the same before Christmas next, to the said Sir Nicholas and Elizabeth his wife and Nicholas, his son, in survivorship, with remainder to the right heirs of the said Sir Nicholas. Westm. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII., p. 1, m. 20.
7. Hen. Tappe. Reversion of the corrody in the, monastery of St. Augustine, Bristol, which William App Howell now holds.—S.B. (Undated. Endorsed: Hen. Tapp, servant to my lord Chancellor.)
889. Grants in April, 1538, 30 Hen. VIII.
1. John Asshton and Ric. Dowe. Grant in survivorship of the office of auditors of all the possessions in England acquired bythe Crown by mortgage, exchange, or pur chase made by Henry VII., or by any attainder or covenant, or by any treason committed before this day, whereof no auditors have hitherto been appointed ; with fees of 20l. a year and expenses as allowed to the auditors of Richmond's lands, Warwick and Spencer's lands and of the principality of North Wales. On surrender of pat. 12 Oct. 11 Hen. VIII. to John Ashton. (See Vol. III., 492 (12).) Del. Westm., 23 April 30 Hen. VIII. Pat. p. 6, m. 14.
2. Geo. Harper, Sir Win. Pykeryng, and Geo. Robynson, mercer of London, and the heirs and assigns of Harper for ever. Grant of the house and site of the late priory of Stone, Staff., dissolved, with the church, steeple and churchyard, and 55 acres of arable land lying in the fields called "le Rede Hyll, Thystley and Radford," and in the common field of Stone called Stonefylde; 9 acres of meadow in fields called Brode Medowe, Shepley Medowe, Horse Medowe, and Oke Medowe; 12 acres 3 roods of pasture in the closes or pastures called Longfurlong, le Orchard, and le Hempyarde; 101½ acres of wood, in the woods called le Walke Mylne Woode, Highwode,Ferneburst Woode and Shepley Woode ; two water mills under one roof called Stone my lies, a pasture called Mikelowes with an old house therein ; a close of land called Bromes and a meadow called Bromes Medowe; all in Stone and belonging to the said late priory. Also a close of land in the tenure of Rog. Nikelyn in "le Walke Milne Wode "in Stone, near a close of land in the tenure of James Colyer ; the pasture called Coles close in Stoke, Staff., now in the tenure of Thos. Bromeley, John Hunt and John More, of Stoke; the whole pasture called Stowry Bache in the tenure of Stephen Cowdale and Wm. Cowdale in Stone, and the pasture called Diguest, the close called Warmecroft, now in the tenure of John Wodall in Stone, and the little pasture now in the tenure of Wm. Wode in Stone, viz., on the south side of the common road leading from Stone to Cotwalton, and the little close in "le Walkemylne Wode," in Stone, now in the tenure of James Colyer; and the close of land or pasture in "le Walkemylne Wode "in Stone, now in the tenure of Rog. Bradbury. Annual value, 15l. 7s. 8d.; rent, 30s. 10d. Del. Westm., 25 April 30 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 48.
3. Ric. Tate, of Stokbury, Kent. Grant in fee of the reversion and rent reserved upon a lease made to him by advice of the Court of Augmentation, 20 May 29 Hen. VIII, of the site of the dissolved priory of Horton, Kent, a water mill and lands, &c., there (specified); which lease was for 21 years at the rent of 114s. Del. Westm., 25 April 30 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 3, m. 15.
4. Humph. Calfehill and Wm. Anstey. Grant in survivorship of the office of bailiff of the lordship of Staunton Lacy, Salop, bailiff of the liberty of the lordship of Cleobury, Salop, and bailiff of Chelmershe in the said lordship of Cleobury, with the usual fees; on surrender of patent 24 July 1 Hen. VIII., granting the same offices to the said Humphrey alone during good conduct, vice Thos. Madeley, deceased, and of patent 21 April 7 Hen. VIII. granting the same to the said Humphrey alone for life. Westm., 22 March 27 Hen. VIII. Del. Westin., 29 April 30 Hen. VIII.— P. S. Pat. p. 6, m. 7.
890. Dr. William Petre to Wriothesley.
I enclose copy of the bill Mr. Tregonwell delivered to my Lord. (fn. n16) I received it of Mr. Tregonwell this clay since leaving you, and he said the sooner it was moved to the King the better, considering the good words the King gave Mr. Carne and him upon my Lord's motion, and because at present we be occupied in such his business as be fresh in remembrance. This should be kept secret for fear of other suitors.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: at Stebenheth. Endd.
891. Henry VIII. and Christian III. of Denmark.
The King's pleasure is that the said D. L. (fn. n17) proceed to the king of Denmark, deliver his Grace's letters, and say his Grace has heard how the king of Denmark labours to promote the Gospel and "redubbe" the abuses of the bishop of Rome, and also bears a notable affection to his Grace, as testified by recent letters and messages. Is glad especially to see God's cause so preferred by kings and princes who are God's supreme ministers on earth. Has banished the power of the bp. of Rome from his own realm and sends D. L. to signify his determination, so that knowing each other's resolutions, the two Kings may unite in opposing any attempt of the bp. of Rome to recover his usurped authority. Here the said Dr. Leighe shall desire the king of Denmark to declare what resolution he and his confederates have come to in this and about the Council indicted by the bp. of Rome to be kept now in May at Vincence. It is called by the bp. of Rome without the consent of princes, in order to establish his pretended authority, and at a place to which many of the princes and states ran have no safe access. Seeing that the "Word of God shall be of lightlywod by their tumultuarious combinations for the time obscured," the King has resolved not to condescend to it, although he knows what need there is of a free general council to reform the abuses which have crept into the Church.
Having said this, and perceived the king of Denmark's resolution. Doctor Leighe shall repair to the city of Lubeck and, delivering the King's letter, show that the King lately by Diryk received their letters in answer to his for the "repetition" of such money as he had before lent them. Explains how Dr. Leighe is to induce them to make the said repayment. He shall then search their opinions touching religion and the pretended Council and, having declared the King's resolution, shall go thence to A., and so to N., delivering the King's letters and desiring their opinion upon religion and the council. And everywhere the said Dr. Leighe shall note whether the states and cities are wholly in one opinion or divided, and what they could do in case any prince should "coarte" them to relinquish their opinion, to thintent he may at his return make perfect relation of the same to the King's Majesty, as shall appertain.
In Wriothesley's hand, pp. 16. Headed: "Instructions given by the King's Highness, &c."


  • n1. See No.
  • n2. The priory of St. John the Evangelist, Waterford. See Archdall's Mon. Hib., 702
  • n3. This must be St. James's, of which the King had given Cromwell the temporary use as a residence.
  • n4. The deanery of Darlington. See No. 596.
  • n5. John Salisbury, suffragan bishop of Thetford. It will be seen that the alteration of the cathedral priory of Norwich took place on the 2 May 1538, when the prior, William Castleton, was appointed the first dean; but he resigned, and the writer of this letter was appointed dean in the following year.
  • n6. The duke of Norfolk.
  • n7. Sir Chr. Danby. See No. 894.
  • n8. Crossed out.
  • n10. This MS. is said to have belonged to Dr. Meredith Hanmer's collections.
  • n11. He was made Master of the Rolls in 1539; but internal evidence seems to show that the document is some years earlier.
  • n12. Sic.
  • n13. So in MS., "de la ditte Solennité," meaning perhaps the solemnity of the Holy Sacrament, or Corpus Christi day.
  • n14. See Spanish Calendar. V., Pt. II., p. 458
  • n15. Date and place of delivery illegible.
  • n16. Cromwell.
  • n17. Dr. Legh, whose name is afterwards given in full.