Henry VIII: December 1513

Pages 1102-1121

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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December 1513

1 Dec. 2485. IRELAND.
Deputy and Chief Justice appointed. See GRANTS IN DECEMBER, No. 1.
1 Dec.
Dumont, IV. i. No. 83.
Articles granted by Louis XII., upon that which the Sieur de Breves, pannetier of the Queen, has reported to the said Queen on behalf of the King Catholic, for an alliance, viz., marriage between the Prince of Castile or his brother and Renée of France, with whom Louis will give the duchy of Milan, county of Pavia and lordship of Genoa, and will thereupon renounce all rights in Naples, &c. Place is to be left to the Emperor, King of England and others to enter this alliance on the King of England's surrendering Tournay. Blois, 1 Dec. 1513.
Sp. Trans., Ser. I., 5, f. 331. R.O. 2. Summary of the above described as "Summary of what M. de Borne brought to Madrid in the month of December, 1513."
Spanish. Modern transcript from Paris, pp. 3. See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 144.
3 Dec.
Add. MS. 18,826, f. 41. B.M.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe for a gown of cloth of gold, &c., for the Princess of Castile. Windsor, 3 Dec. 5 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
3 Dec.
Le Glay Analectes Hist., p. 187.
"Il recommande à Marguerite Messire Guillaume Sydney, qui se rend au Pays Bas pour passer son temps et apprendre la langue." Windsor, 3 Dec. 1513.
4 Dec.
Hart's Hist. et Cartul. Glouc, III. 287.
Letters dimissory licensing the transference of his fellow monk Thomas Excetur to Chepstow. Gloucester, 4 Dec. 1513.
5 Dec.
Add. MS. 6,113, f. 159. B.M.
Wolsey's order to Sir John Daunce to deliver 8 mks. (to buy a horse) and 12 mks. (reward) to Arthoys king of arms of the Prince of Castile, going into Scotland. London, 5 Dec. Signed: Thomas Wulcy.
Small paper, p. 1. Endd. with receipt dated 5 Dec. 5 Hen. VIII.
6 Dec.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 86. R.O.
Receipt 6 Dec. 5 Hen. VIII., from Sir John Daunce, by John Jenyns to the use of Robert Fouler, of 6l. laid out in conveying the King's treasure homeward from Sandwich to London.
P. 1.
6 Dec.
Ib., f. 87. R.O.
Wolsey's signed request to Sir John Daunce to pay "the Cofferer," 53s. 4d., which he paid, at Richmond, in reward, to a servant of John de Lusy.
ii. John Shurley's signed receipt for the money, 6 Dec. 5 Hen. VIII.
P. 1.
6 Dec.
Sanuto, XVII., 445.
2493. VENICE.
[Summary of letters received 4 Jan. 1513–4.]
From Ant. Bavarin to the Pesari, London, 6 Dec. 1513.—Wrote on 29th ult. They will have heard of the King's return. He has appointed with the Emperor to invade France in the spring, and Aragon also will be with them. Reception last week of news of the Venetian defeat at Margera, which was celebrated with singing and bonfires, as a victory for the Emperor and Spain. All comes of the accursed peace with France. The plague is still bad. Lately a number of French ships sailed to attempt a landing in England, which would have been difficult enough, but they were overtaken by a storm and all swamped. Last week the King had letters from the Pope, of the 2nd ult., urging him to make agreement between the Emperor and Venice; and he is doing it although Venice has made peace with France and the Emperor is very obdurate, and moreover there is no one to solicit the matter. The King can do what he likes with the Emperor.
From the same, London, 6 Dec.—After reception of news of the defeat at Margera came letters from Rome of 2nd ult. reporting that the Signory had prayed the Pope to make their peace; and his ambassador had gone to the Emperor. It would have been well to have written to this King who is still their friend. It has been said that this ambassador is coming here, for an agreement with France; which would be difficult because the King has secretly appointed with the Emperor to be at Calais in March. Gives numbers of the forces which England is preparing and expatiates upon the goodness and wealth of the King.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 362.
6 Dec.
Sp. Transcr., I., 5, f. 357. R.O.
Copy of the treaty of 17 Oct. (No. 2377) as altered by Ferdinand and ratified by him under date Majorete, 6 Dec. 1513. The principal change is that Ferdinand shall enlist 6,000 Germans, and the King of England shall bear the cost of their transport and, before 1 June next, send Ferdinand their pay for one year or at least eight months, at 20,000 cr. per month.
Latin. Modern transcript from Simancas, pp. 8. See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 148.
Advice as to the formation of a Spanish army for the invasion of France. English troops should not again be sent to Spain, as they were last year, but England should attack the north of France and the Emperor Burgundy.
Venice, France and Ferrara have concluded a league opposed to that formed by the Pope, Emperor and Duke of Milan. The party which has the Swiss on its side will be the stronger; and, unless the Pope greatly blunders, they will side with him rather than have so powerful a prince as France in Milan.
See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 151.
Sp Transcr., I., 5, f. 337. R.O. 2496. FERDINAND KING OF ARAGON to LOUIS CAROZ.
Pedro de Lanuza. whom he sent on 18 June to the King of England, did not return until the end of November; and, as England had refused to make an alliance and was said to have abandoned the enterprise against France and turned his attention to Scotland, Ferdinand has made no preparations for war, but he has still the same feeling towards England and the Emperor and has rejected all offers by the Queen of France for a separate peace or prolongation of the truce. Now Lanuza has brought the treaty concluded between the Emperor, England and him for resumption of war with France next summer. Points out how far the cost of such a war to him exceeds its cost to the others: but, seeing that the war is waged in the interest of Holy Church, England and Prince Charles, he has ratified the treaty and sends the ratified copy herewith. Has, however, altered some of the articles, without changing the character of the treaty, and explains at length his reasons for doing so. These alterations are all necessary except the omission of the style "King of France," which may be allowed if the King of England insists on having it.
As soon as the King of England ratifies the articles in this form Ferdinand will begin preparations. The King of England must send the money, soon, to Don Pedro de Urea for enlistment of Germans.
He must persuade the King to urge the Emperor and Madame Margaret to maintain the alliance of the Swiss and conclude peace with the Venetians. Intelligence between the Pope and France. Servants of Prince Charles and Princess Mary not to be partisans of France.
Spanish. Modern copy from Simancas, pp. 19. See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 146.
Egerton MS. 544, f. 114. B.M. 2. Another modern copy.
Pp. 27.
Ib., f. 235. B.M. 2497. THE SAME to LUIS GILABERT.
Saw with pleasure his letters of 25 Oct. As he knows, Don Pedro de Urrea, the ambassador, must now be absent for a time; and, until his return to the Emperor's court, Gilabert must take charge of affairs and write frequently.
Spanish. Modern copy, p. 1.
Sp. Transcr., I., 5, f. 347. R.O. 2498. THE SAME to PEDRO DE UREA.
To the same effect as No. 2496.
Spanish. Modern copy from Simancas, pp. 20. See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 147.
Egerton MS. 544, f. 202. B.M. 2. Another modern copy.
Pp. 17.
Sp. Transcr., I., 5, f. 362. R.O. 2499. THE SAME to LOUIS CAROZ.
To see that money is sent to Urea for the enlistment and transport to Spain of 4,000 Germans.
Spanish. Modern copy from Simancas, p. 1. See Spanish Calendar, Vo. II, No. 149.
Egerton MS. 544, f. 237b. 2. Another copy modern.
P. 1.
Sp. Transcr., I., 5, f. 361. R.O. 2500. THE SAME to PEDRO DE UREA.
The bringing of the 4,000 Germans will provide an excuse for his coming to Spain to communicate secret matters which he has not dared to write. England is to pay the whole cost. During his absence Gilabert shall remain with the Emperor.
Spanish. Modern copy from Simancas, pp. 2. See Spanish Calendar, Vo. II, No. 150.
Egerton MS. 544, f. 237. B.M. 2. Another modern copy.
P. 1.
Ib., f. 259. B.M. 2501. THE SAME to JUAN DE LANUZA.
[In the same words as the letter to Louis Caroz without the portion represented by the last paragraph in No. 2496.]
Modern copy, pp. 14.
Egerton MS. 544, f. 265b. B.M. 2502. FERDINAND KING OF ARAGON to JUAN DE LANUZA.
Greatly pleased with the provision made for government of the person of the Prince, and that Lanuza is nominated one of the governors. He is to thank the Emperor and Madame Margaret. Has himself only one object, viz. to increase friendship between the Emperor, England and himself and counteract the influence of bad servants. It would be well if M. de Chièvres could be removed; but the most important thing is to get rid of Don Juan Manuel. If the latter is delivered as a prisoner, Artieta is to carry him to the place indicated or, if weather does not permit, bring him to Castile.
Spanish. Modern copy, pp. 3. See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 206.
7 Dec.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 88. R.O.
Receipt, 7 Dec. 5 Henry VIII., by Sir John Pecche, from Sir John Daunce, of 40s. for "conveyance of certain French prisoners from the King's field beside Turwyn to Ayre and from Ayre to the field again."
P. 1.
8 Dec.
Add. MS. 18,826, f. 42. B.M.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe for gown cloths of russet damask &c., to Chr. Rochester and John Dyngley, grooms of the Chamber. Windsor, 8 Dec. 5 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
8 Dec.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 89. R.O.
Bill of receipt, 8 Dec. 5 Hen. VIII., by Richard Lyster from Thomas Bonham, receiver general of the Duchy of Lancaster, by the hands of Robert Jenour, of ... l. 19s. 10d. to the use of Thomas lord Darcy, steward of the lordship of Pont[efract] and Knaresburgh, Yorks., for his fee and annuity due at Michaelmas last.
Latin. Draft, mutilated and faded, p. 1.
12 Dec.
Exch. Accts, 418 (1), f. 20. R.O.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to pay Hylton, "our tailor," for making a "barde" of purple velvet, &c. (a long list), including two "glaudkyns" for my lord Lyle. Windsor, 12 Dec. 5 Henry VIII.
12 Dec. 2507. LEO X to HENRY VIII.
See No. 2512 (2).
13 Dec.
Sanuto, XVII., 398.
2508. VENICE.
[Note of letters seen 18 Dec. 1513.]
From Vetor Lipomano, Rome, 13 Dec.—* * * Great naval preparations by the Turks. There is news that the English and French fleets have met and the English have taken 72 (sic) French galleys; but the English will not invade France this year and plague is very prevalent in England. * * *
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 360.
14 Dec.Add. MS. 18,826, f. 43. B.M. 2509. LIVERIES.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe for a gown of tawney medley, &c., to Wm. Gore, one of the King's footmen. Windsor, 14 Dec. 5 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
Ib., f. 43.* 2. The like for John Pate, groom of the Wardrobe of Beds. Same date.
P. 1.
16 Dec.
Stowe MS. 146, f. 107. B.M.
Warrant to Sir John Daunce to pay Leonard Friscobald (on behalf of Jeronimo Friscobald) for twelve guns with their carriages (weight, &c., given) called "the Twelve Apostelles" delivered by his servant Hoste de Lescluze, to Sir Sampson Norton, master of the Ordnance, and Nicholas Merland, at Calais, 1,480l. 10s. st.; and for ropes and cables for the King's great carrack, received by Wm. Gonson and John Isham in Flanders by the hands of Adrian Jacopson, Arden Fryste and Deryk Derykson 112l. 13s. 6d. Fl., as appears by Isham's bill. Windsor Castle, 10 Dec. 5 Hen. VIII.
ii. Friscobald's receipt for the above, 16 Dec. subscribed.
P. 1.
16 Dec.
Otho C. IX., 12. B.M.
On the death of Guido de Blanchefort, had been elected master. Will detain Sheffield and Newport for their services against the Turk. Rhodes, 16 Dec. 1513.
Lat., mutilated, p. 1. Add. Endd.
17 Dec.
Vitell. B. II., 56. B.M. Rym. XIII., 386.
2512. [4605.] LEO X to HENRY VIII.
Understands by the letters he has received, and those to Cardinal Bainbridge, the disinclination of the King to admit the Legate on a mission of peace, and to enter into any arrangements, without consent of the confederates. Does not wish him to abandon them, but, eliminating all hatred, to sow among them the seeds of peace. Is bound to this by his promise made to the Lateran Council, and his obligation to promote the unity of Christendom. As the holy purpose for which the King took up arms has been secured, hopes he will listen to the proposals of an honorable peace. Rome, [xv]ij. Dec. 1513.
Much mutilated. Add. Vellum. Endd. in a later hand: 17 Dec.
Roman Transcripts I., 1, f. 169. R.O. 2. Note of verbal differences in a contemporary copy at Rome which is dated 12 Dec.
P. 1.
17 Dec.
Roman Transcr. I., 1, f. 237. R.O.
2513. LEO X. to WARHAM, RUTHAL and FOX.
Moved by years of war among Christians has earnestly moved Henry king of England to incline to peace. Does not forget that he took up arms for the liberty of the Church; but, now that his adversary has humbly come to the Apostolic See for pardon and he himself has gained both profit and glory, it is a Pope's office to prohibit slaughter; and there are other enemies of the Faith to be repelled. Exhorts them to promote this. Dated 17 Dec.
Latin. Modern transcript, p. 1. Headed: Archiepiscopo Cantuariensi; and subscribed: "Simile episcopo Dunelmensi. Simile episcopo Wintoniensi."
18 Dec. 2514. EVESHAM ABBEY.
Election. See GRANTS IN DECEMBER, Nos. 17, 21.
18 Dec.
Galba B. III., 93. B.M.
2515. [4606.] PRINCE CHARLES to the PRINCESS MARY.
[Has charged the Sr. de Berges to inform her of his person and affairs, and to learn the state of her health, which is the best news he can hear. Malines, 18 Dec. Signed in his own hand: V're bon mary, Charles.
Fr., p. 1, mutilated. Add.] (fn. 1)
19 Dec.
Galba B. VI., 121. B.M.
A long rambling letter, speaking of the writer being at the service of the Emperor M.A.X. and Henry; of his having received a packet at Strasbourg, "au logis de St. Pierre," which he kept with great diligence; of the difficulty of keeping the secret any longer; and of his having written that the Christian faith might no longer be kept in subjection by those who practised diabolical arts. Ghent, 19 Dec.
This letter is followed by four postscripts, of the 20th, 21st, 22nd and 23rd, in the first of which the writer begs the King to write to Madame of Scotland, stating that he would send her a letter, and prays that God may assist the Faith and avert the danger in Hungary. Speaks, in another, of his being engaged in discovering treason, and of his having heard a sermon preached by a Cordelier, on St. Nicasius' Day in the Court at Brussels, at which he would have made a riot had it not been for the respect he owes to Mons. St. Bertin (Ant. Berghes), but has written about it to Madame. "Se elle ne est bien fondeie que elle men faiche avertenche au logis du poste a Gand." Speaks of the devil having appeared to a great clerk at Rome, and their conversation.
Fr. Hol., pp. 4.
19 Dec.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 7, f. 34. R.O. St. P. VI. 28.
2517. [4608.] LEO X. to HENRY VIII.
Is much gratified by the King's letters to himself, the Cardinal of St. Praxedis, and the Bp. of Worcester, expressing the King's fidelity towards his confederates. Would not have sent a legate to England, if it could have been avoided, but as he was bound to this by capitulation made in the Conclave and it was concluded in last Session of the Council and is now in this confirmed, he must fulfil his pastoral office. Has therefore decided to send the legate to the Emperor, who has written asking that the Cardinal of England may be sent, and the Pope begs Henry to admit him. Has requested the said Cardinal, though much against his will, to undertake the mission, that he may communicate to the King the Pope's secret mind in the matter of war and peace. Understands the King wrote to Julius II. to have the said Cardinal as Legate. Rome, 19 Dec. 1513, 1 pont. Countersigned: Ja. Sadoletus.
Add. Vellum.
20 Dec.
Vitell. B. II., 57.* B.M. Rym. XIII 387.
After the storming of Terouenne the Cardinal of York urgently requested him to send the depositum. Answered that he was willing to do so on receiving a letter or message from the King; and, to that end, wrote Henry a letter of congratulation and excuse, to which he has as yet no reply. Told York lately he would rather seem to him too stiff than to the King too easy; and has determined not to give up the depositum except upon Henry's letters. Rome, 20 Dec. 1513. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
[21 Dec.]
Ev. Ep. VIII. 20. [Edit. Allen, I. 283.]
Admires his sage reflections on muses and money. Pace also affects to adopt a style more agreeable to misers than muses. If that is the road to riches Erasmus, in the judgment of Carmelianus, will not be the last in the race. When Ammonius calls him "Musarum delicium," it is only a compliment. Would follow his advice and make his fortune if he could anticipate any success to the effort. Thought he had done so when Mountjoy put him in the way of it. Feels no other vexation except that he has been deceived by the person he entirely trusted. Rejoices at the good fortune of Ammonius. Is not sorry he did not receive his and Baptista's former letter as he was spared the vexation of hearing of his sickness. Ammonius has done all that could be expected in reference to Carmelianus; to remove all his blunders he must remove him altogether. He ought not to be angry with his servant Thomas who is very careful. Will now criticise Ammonius' Panegyricus.—Their mutual friend Haltus showed Erasmus, before he went to Italy, some sheets written by Ammonius, which he much admired; traced the same vein in Mountjoy's letters. Ammonius is happy in securing not only the approval of the learned, which was to be expected, but of leading men such as the Cardinal of York. He owes much to Rhamnusia. The subjects mentioned in the Panegyricus are such as cannot be found in commentaries, the captured robbers, the enemy's attempt to cut off the King and subsequent flight with loss of their leaders; moreover Theronenne taken, the Scots in two battles almost destroyed, the fine weather inviting to the taking of Tournay; above all, the familiar coming of the Emperor into the camp. Likes a poem which borders on prose and prose which borders on poetry. Remarks on some of the lines, transcribed by Vaughan. Understands by Pace's letter that Ammonius has written a history of the battle with the Scots; no one is more delightful or honest than Pace. Erasmus has written on the rout of the French. Ammonius' letters are very agreeable as he is pent up by the plague, besieged by thieves; for wine he has swipes (vappa) and something worse. His Proverbs have been badly treated by the publishers;—account of their piracies. Will be with him at Christmas. Begs his compliments to Linacre. When he next writes to Pace wishes he would ask about the books Erasmus left at Ferrara, as he is somewhat apprehensive. Camb., Natali D. Thomæ 1510.
21 Dec. 2520. TOURNAY.
Meeting of the four Consaulx on Wednesday, 21 Dec. 1513, by order of the Chiefs de loy because there was no agreement yet come to send any deputies to the King's Parliament to be held at London after Christmas. And before this matter was discussed, deputies came from Mons. de Ponnicks, the King's lieutenant and governor, to show that the King before leaving the town had ordered in Council that the banners of the métiers of the town should be given up to the governor because they bore the arms of King Loys.
French. From Hocquet's "Piéces Justificatives," No. XXVIII. See No. 2450.
22 Dec.
Walther, Anfänge Karls V., App. 16.
At the late muster of the garrison, the governor of Tournay and the English treasurer were surprised to find of the 800 foot under Simon de Ferrete only 250, the rest going in double pays: and this although the whole charge falls on the King of England, whereas, by the treaty, Maximilian should pay a third. Thereupon Simon came hither with letters from the said Governor and the matter was debated with the English deputies, who decided that the men should be paid up to the end of December and then dismissed, Simon himself being retained at 200 fl. the month. Likewise with regard to Thomas Fux and the marischal de Zax, Thomas being retained at 50fl. and his horsemen paid. These captains, including the Count of Nassau, resent having commissaries sent to pay their men by numbers and think that if Margaret would support them they should get their own way, whereas it would quickly lead to rupture and confusion. Discusses means of raising the 30,000 cr. for which Maximilian sent his argentier, Phinsinghe. Has nothing herself and is in arrears with the outlay she had to make for the King of England's coming. Would willingly pledge her jewels if she thought anyone would lend such a sum upon them. John Hannart has reported his charge and solicited the going of Madame Marie, which seems very necessary but will likewise cost much money.
French. Headed: Mechlin, 22 Dec. 1513.
22 Dec.
Exch. Accts., 202 (30). R.O.
2522. GUISNES.
Bill of receipt by Sir Nicholas Vaus, lieutenant of Guisnes Castle, from Sir Hugh Conwey, treasurer of Calais, of 74l. 4s. for wages of his garrison for the month beginning 22 Dec. 5 Hen. VIII. Signed.
Small paper, mutilated, p. 1.
[23 Dec.]
Sp. Transcr. I., 5, f. 375. R.O.
Instructions to Pedro de Quintana, (fn. 2) his secretary, and ambassador to France and the Emperor, to tell the Emperor, under pledge of secrecy, as follows:—That the King of France has sent an embassy offering to marry Madame Renée to the Infante Ferdinand with conditions (specified, as in No. 2486). This offers three things (1) renunciation of all French claims on Naples, (2) Navarre secured to Prince Charles, (3) acquisition of Milan by the Infante Ferdinand, who may then renounce the inheritance he expects in Germany. Advantages of this arrangement, to which it would be easy to make the English assent; and risk of continuing war with France, which even if successful may profit the Emperor little, as he may judge by the example of Tournay. The English have shown that they cannot be trusted and the offers made by France are so advantageous that there must be no delay in accepting them. If the Emperor accepts this, Ferdinand will agree to his wish that the Infante Ferdinand should renounce his inheritance in Germany in favour of Prince Charles. Quintana is to consult, also under oath of secrecy, the ambassador Urea. If the Emperor accepts the French offers he must sign the articles carried by Quintana, who must then hasten to the French Court and see that the King signs the treaty in secret. The Emperor must on no account break with England.
Spanish. Modern transcript from Simancas, pp. 11. See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 154.
Ib., f. 381. R.O. ii. Like instructions for Quintana to tell the Queen of France:—That Ferdinand approves the articles signed by the King of France, but, to avoid risk with their allies, he wishes first to obtain the Emperor's consent. That, having delivered this message, he will go to the Emperor and persuade him to ratify the treaty with France; and if that prove impossible Ferdinand will conclude it alone, on condition that Madame Renée is delivered into his keeping, at Perpingnan, until Milan is conquered. Has asked the Pope to send nuncios to persuade the Emperor and England to make peace with France. The King of France should renounce the Council of Pisa and declare his adhesion to that of the Lateran. The obstacles in the Emperor's way are his alliance and Tournay. The King of England can be won by France promising not to oppose him in Scotland and to pay the pension.
Spanish. Modern transcript from Paris, pp. 3. See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 155.
Ib., f. 363. R.O. 2524. FERDINAND KING OF ARAGON to UREA.
Details at length instructions which he has sent to the Cardinal of Gurk and his ambassadors in Italy in answer to theirs of 14 Nov. Views on the settlement of the inheritance of Prince Charles and the Infante Ferdinand. Wishes Urea when he returns to Spain to be well informed of the Emperor's intentions.
Spanish. Modern transcript from Simancas, pp. 9. See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 152.
Egerton MS. 544, f. 178. B.M. 2. Another modern copy.
Pp. 6.
Sp. Transcr., I., 5, f. 369. R.O. 2525. THE SAME to JUAN DE LANUZA.
To the same effect. To be communicated to Madame Margaret and the Emperor.
Spanish. Modern transcript from Simancas, pp. 12. See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 153.
Egerton MS. 544, f. 273. B.M. 2. Another modern copy.
Pp. 9.
26 Dec.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 7, f. 36. R.O.
2526. [4615.] MAXIMILIAN to HENRY VIII.
In favor of Baldasar Stuerdus, papal prothonotary, sent by the Pope into Scotland, who is ordered to take in his way the Emperor and the King of England, Augsburg, 26 Dec. 1513, reg. Rom. 28. Signed: Maxi. Countersigned: Ja. de Bannissis.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
27 Dec.
Sanuto, XVII., 426.
2527. VENICE.
[Note of letters seen 31 Dec. 1513.]
From Vetor Lipomano, Rome, 27 Dec.—Ceremonies on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, when the Pope granted a sword and cap to the King of England, to be sent by one of the Papal grooms.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 361.
28 Dec.
Kreiten, Brief wechsel K. Max. mit Marg., p. 93.
Learns from Maroton the failure of her efforts to induce those of Antwerp to enter any bond whereby he may obtain 30,000 cr. If he had money, he could this winter reduce the Venetians; and next summer, with the Kings of Aragon and England, do better execution against France. Asks her to enter bond, and press the tresorier Le Fevre to be bound with her, to the King of England, or his treasurer of Tournay, for the 30,000 cr.; and deliver it to the argentier Phintsing, for whom he desires credence. Friberg, 28 Dec. 1513.
30 Dec. 2529. SCOTLAND.
Ambassadors coming from the Queen of Scots. See GRANTS IN DECEMBER, No. 25.
31 Dec.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 7, f. 38. R.O.
Has written, in conjunction with the Cardinal of York (Bainbridge), of the state of affairs here. The usual benediction of the sword and cap took place on Christmas Eve; the Pope, at the writer's instance, has conferred them on Henry. On St. John's day, in the presence of the cardinals, ambassadors, &c., the Pope put them into his hands with much ceremony, and caused them to be carried in procession with trumpets to his house, which has not been the custom hitherto. Leonard Spinelly, brother of Thomas, will convey the gift to England, though he will not set out immediately, on account of the severity of the winter. The Pope was the more willing to send him, as Henry had written in his commendation. Writes to [Fox] Bishop of Winchester, to whom he refers the King for further information. Rome, 31 Dec. 1513. Signed.
Lat., pp. 2. Add. Endd.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 90. R.O. 2531. DEER.
Six several instances (described) of the poaching of deer, between July 4 Hen. VIII. and Dec. 5 Hen. VIII., by men of the county of Southampton, at Whythyll, Grenfoorde, Breche lane in Gorley, Yvysleyys, Whytt Schott and Lyndwood. Each instance prefaced with the words "Be it enquired." One instance cancelled.
Long narrow paper, p. 1. Endd.: Affirmatur.
Lett. de Louis XII., iv., 217.
Thos. Spinelly has informed her of Henry's complaint that the money left by him has not been applied to the support of the troops and that the diminution of the charges ought to be in proportion to the expences which the Emperor and Henry were bound to sustain by the treaty. It is not easy to carry on the war with the French, especially in the Emperor's absence. Their whole strength has been on the borders of Picardy, till a few days ago, when they sent a detachment into Burgundy, seeing that the frontier towns were so well provided. As to active operations, the French could have wasted the Prince's countries much more than her troops could have wasted theirs. Wishing to spare Henry as much expence as possible, she has retained 3,500 horse at eight philips a month, and so put an end to the devastations of the Stradiots, and disconcerted the French, who have held several councils for the recovery of Tournay and Therouenne. Their entertainment was necessary for the continuance of the war, for many men of these countries have sold their patrimony to serve Henry and would now have been obliged to sell their horses under value, which would have been disposed of in Liège, France, and elsewhere. As to the foot, as they were costly and insubordinate, and Tournay appears to be safe, has only kept 1,200 pays, viz. captains, ensign bearers, double pays and best footmen, who have been paid for one month with Henry's money, and shall be as long as needful. Sends an account of them. Thinks the expence per month will not be 25,000 crowns. Has done all for Henry's good, as Spinelly will explain. Has herself paid 1,300 or 1,400 gens d'armes during the past month, of whom she has dismissed some. The foot in Henry's service have eaten up the poor people of the Prince's territory, declaring that she had detained their payment. Fears they will have to be expelled by force. They say they ought to have 15 days' notice before they are disbanded, and a month's wages. Has no answer from Jehan Caulier, whom she sent to the French King to get back Jo. de Habart, captain of Aire, and recover the 70 ships taken in Brouwaigne, some of which may be useful in war and also in commerce, for neither wine nor salt comes from France. Henry should send some one to the Venetians, threatening them with his enmity if they do not come to terms with the Emperor. Has just received news of the delivery (fn. 3) of the castle of Milan to the Duke, Malines, ... Dec. 1513.
French. Noted in Le Glay's Analectes Historiques, p. 187.
Le Glay, Corresp. de Max. et de Marg., II., 241. 2533. MARGARET OF SAVOY to MAXIMILIAN.
Is suffering from a cold and toothache or would have answered his kind letters sooner. Has received his letters touching the matter of England and written of it to the King, as it seemed a matter which should be conducted better at his instance than the Emperor's.
* * *
Le Glay, Négoc. entre la France et l'Autriche, I. 576. 2534. FLANDERS AND FRANCE.
Complaints against France for their treatment of the Low Countries during their war with England.
Although the Prince of Castile is still in peace with France, they have interdicted all merchandize from the Netherlands, as wine and salt, and even seized goods to the value of 20,000 cr. They entered Artois and lived there as in an enemy's country, and sent Stradiots and light horse through the land to the gates of St. Omer, Ayre, Arras and Bethune, who took many prisoners and carried away all the cattle they could. In Haynau also they plundered seven or eight villages, took prisoners and hanged some of the inhabitants and ransomed others as during war. They have taken prisoner Jehan de Habart, captain of Hayre, servant of the Prince. When ships of Zealand, laden with herrings, &c., went to France as a neutral country, they allowed them to sell their goods and freight their ships with wine, &c., and then seized the ships, 60 and more, and merchandise to the value of 200,000 cr. This is sufficient sign that the French declare themselves enemies of the said Prince. The French complain that they assisted the English, which they were bound to do by treaty, but they have not less assisted the French, when in their countries; and it was not in their power to refuse assistance to the English.
1. William Atwater, dean of the Chapel, and John Younge, keeper of the Rolls and Records in Chancery, Councillors. Licence to import 100 tuns of Gascon wine. Windsor .Castle, 3 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 1 Dec. 5 Hen. VIII. S.B. French Roll, 5 Hen. VIII. m. 8. [4588 i.]
2. Patrick Bermyngeham. To be Chief Justice of the King's Bench in Ireland, during pleasure, with fees out of the great and petty customs, tonnage and poundage, in the ports of Dublin and Drogheda. Windsor Castle, 26 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 2 Dec. P.S. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4. [4588 ii.]
3. Gerald Fitz Gerald, earl of Kildare. To be Deputy of Ireland, during pleasure, with power to appoint all officers, except the Chancellor and Chief Justice of the King's Bench, in as ample manner as Sir Edward Ponynges held the office; with power to grant pardons for treasons not touching the King's person and all other offences except false coining, and grant in tail of all lands which he can conquer from the King's enemies. Windsor Castle, 26 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 2 Dec. P.S. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4. [4588 iii.]
4. Gerald earl of Kildare, Justiciary, and the Lords and Council of Ireland. Licence to import into Ireland, by Robert Cowley, victuals and merchandize in six ships, not exceeding 120 tons burthen, at Dublin, Drogheda, Dundalk, or any other Irish ports, for relief of the King's subjects in Ireland. Castle of Windsor, 26 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 2 Dec. P.S. French Roll, 5 Hen. VIII. m. 8. [4588 iv.]
5. John Gibbons, of London, mercer. Warrant for his protection, according to the Statute, as retained by Sir George Seyntleger to serve in the war. 2 Dec. 5 Hen. VIII. S.B. (signed and sealed by St Leger). [4589.]
6. John Lok, of London, mercer. Protection, for one year; going in the suite of Sir Richard Wyngfylde, knight for the Body, Deputy of Calais. Windsor Castle, 2 Dec. 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 3 Dec. P.S. French Roll, 5 Hen. VIII. m. 9. [4590.]
7. Christopher Mores, gunner. To be gunner in the Tower of London, with 12d. a day from Mich. last, vice Roger Anglesse, deceased. Windsor Castle, 4 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 4 Dec. P.S. (in English). Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3. [4591.]
8. Walter Walssh. Annuity of 4l. for life (at the request of Richard Blount) out of the lands called Haloweys in Compton, in the lordship of Kynfare, Staff. The annuity was forfeited by Francis viscount Lovel, and lately held by Humphrey Blount, deceased, of Henry VII. Windsor Castle, 11 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 4 Dec. P.S. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3. [4592.]
9. Commission of the Peace. See Appendix.
Lincolnshire (Lindsey).—Knoll, 5 Dec. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 3d. [4593.]
10. Richard Cornewayll, esquire for the Body. Grant, for life, of the manor or lordship of Cundour, Doryngton and Ryton, Salop, late of Francis viscount Lovel, attainted temp. Hen. VII. Windsor Castle, 28 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 5 Dec. P.S. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4. [4594.]
11. Richard Owen and Thomas Roberts. To be auditors, in survivorship, of South Wales; as amply as John Gunter, Ric. Lussher, or any other; on surrender of patent 14 June 17 Hen. VII. granting the office to the said Richard Owen alone. Dover Castle, 28 June 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 5 Dec. P.S. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3. [4595.]
12. Richard Owen and John Peryent To be clerks, in survivorship, at the petty and great sessions in South Wales. Dover Castle, 28 June 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 5 Dec. P.S. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3. [4596.]
13. David Cicile. To be sergeant-at-arms, for life, with 12d. a day. Windsor Castle, 17 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 6 Dec. P.S. [4597.]
14. John Wylde of Henham, Essex, husbandman. Pardon. Del. Knoll, 8 Dec. 5 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 5. [4599.]
15. John Hamlyn, groom taker or purveyor of carriage for the Household. Fiat for a commission for six months to take carriage by land and water for the Household. Del. 10 Dec. 5 Hen. VIII. S.B. (addressed to the Clerk of the Crown by John Shirley, Cofferer).
16. Thomas Thornton, priest. Presentation to the perpetual chantry at the altar of St. John the Baptist, in the chapel over the charnel house adjoining the church of St. Mary Aldermarichurch, London, on the nomination of the rector of the said church, and of Richard Shepard, John Gunne and Peter Middelton, churchwardens. Del. Knoll, 11 Dec. 5 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10. [4600.]
17. Hugh Vaughan and John Hunteley, grooms of the Chamber. Licence to import 600 tons of wine and woad. Del. Knoll, 12 Dec. 5 Hen. VIII. S.B. [4601.]
18. William Symondes, groom of the Chamber. To be, for life, bailiff of Yaresthorp and Appulton in the lordship of Shiriffhoton, Yorks., with 6d. a day, and clerk of the courts in the said lordship, with 4d. a day. Calais, 2 July 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 14 Dec. P.S. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 21. [4602.]
19. Master John Harden, clk. Presentation to the church of Lovel Upton, Salisb. dioc., void by death. Windsor Castle, 6 Dec. 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Otford, 15 Dec. P.S. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 24. [4603.]
20. Evesham abbey. Mandate to Richard bp. of Winchester, keeper of the Privy Seal, to direct letters to the Chancellor for congé d'élire as above. Windsor Castle, 18 Dec. 5 Hen. VIII. S.B. [4607.]
21. Bede Olyver, master carpenter of the Vanguard. To be master carpenter of Calais for life. The King's field beside Terouenne, 28 Aug. 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 20 Dec. P.S. (in English). Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 5. [4611.]
22. Thomas Eyton, of Eyton-on-Wildemore, Salop, alias of Westminster, alias of Guysnes in the marches of Calais, alias of the manor of Shriefhales, Salop, gentleman. Pardon. Del. Knoll, 21 Dec. 5 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 11. [4612.]
23. William archbishop of Canterbury, Sir Robert Poyntz and Sir William Compton. Grant of the next presentation to the deanery of St. Stephens', Westminster. Del. Knoll, 21 Dec. 5 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4. [4613.]
24. Prior and Convent of Evesham. Congé d'élire on death of Thomas Newbold, late abbot. Windsor Castle, 17 Dec. 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 22 Dec. P.S. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4.
ii. Petition for the above; sent by John Wyche and Hugh Bromysgrave. 8 Dec. 1513. [4614.]
25. John Yong, keeper of the Rolls and Records in Chancery. To cancel five recognizances of 60l. each, made 12 Sept. 24 Hen. VII., of Sir George Tailboys of Kyme, Sir William Turwhite of Ketilby, John Henege of Hynton, and William Blesby of Blesby, Linc., for 60l.; two recognizances of Tailboys with Sir John Skipwith of Southornesby, Thomas Burght of Stowe, and Robert Turwhite of Barton, Linc.; and two recognizances of Tailboys, Sir William Askewith of Stalyngburgh, John Fulneby of Fulneby, and John Monson of Kelsey, Linc. Windsor Castle, 28 Dec. 5 Hen. VIII. P.S. [4616.]
26. John Yong, keeper of the Rolls and Records in Chancery. To cancel a recognizance of 550l. made by William Botry, John Best, Philip Meredith, Robert Bolte, Thomas Hynde and James Gentyll of London, mercers, made 5 Oct. 23 Hen. VII. Windsor Castle, 28 Dec. 5 Hen. VIII. S.B. [4617.]
27. Stephen Tosso, one of the King's footmen, the King's tumbler. Annuity of 12l. from 1 April 4 Hen. VIII. for life. Del. Knoll, 28 Dec. 5 Hen. VIII. S.B. (in English). Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12. [4618.]
28. Scotland. Warrant to the Abp. of Canterbury, Chancellor, to issue safe-conduct for four months, leaving a blank for names of such Scotchmen as shall be appointed by the Queen of Scots to repair to the King's presence, according to the tenor of last safe-conduct passed under the Great Seal "upon the writing of our Council lately sent to you from Richemount," for which also this shall be warrant. Windsor Castle, 22 Dec. 5 Dec. VIII. Del. Knoll, 30 Dec. S.B. (sealed). [4619.]
29. Joan, widow of Henry Smyth of Sherford, Warw., senior. Custody of the lands and wardship and marriage of Walter, son and heir of the said Henry; and, if the said Walter die a minor, of Henry his brother. Del. Knoll, 30 Dec. 5 Hen. VIII. S.B. (countersigned: Thomas Lovell). Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 5. [4620.]
Stowe Ch. 620. B.M. 2536. BURTON LAZARS.
Admission by Sir Thomas Norton, master, and the brethren of the hospital of Burton Lazars, of Dom. Simon Morell. Dated 1513.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 4, f. 9. R.O. 2537. [4071.] ELIZABETH GREY VISCOUNTESS LYSLE.
"[Valor] of all manors, lands, and tenements of John Grey late Viscount Lisle, over and besides woods, [wards], perquisites of courts, and other casualties, mises and reprises yearly thereof deduct, [now i]n the hands of Elizabeth Grey viscountess Lysle."
[Trevisquite in St. Mabyn, co. Cornwall,] is worth 22l. 3s. 11d. yearly; whereof "rent resolute" 12d., annuity to heirs of Richard Newton, 7l. 11s. 8d., and fee of Nicholas Speccote, steward, 13s. 4d., leaving clear 13l. 17s. 11d. Similar statements for lands in Charleton, Langdon, Yeddesley, and Assheregny, in co. Devon (John Fortescue and Nich. Speccote, stewards); Avell, Lympsham, Norton Beauchamp, Tornoke (annuity of John Butler), Samford and Chedder Hananns (John Cave, steward of all these Somerset manors), and Bridgwater, in co. Somerset and town of Bristol; Payneswyk (fees to Sir Maurice Barkeley, steward, and Will. Bassett, keeper of the park), Moreton Valance (fee to Walter Rowdon), Whaddon, Moreton, Bradeley, Wyke, Gloucester, Raungeworth and Irenacton, in co. Glouc.; Nethercote in co. Wilts; Ribbesford (fee to Will. Haywod, bailiff), Chaddesley Corbett (fee to Sir Gilbert Talbot, steward, and Thos. Blount, bailiff and parker there) in co. Worc.; Whethill, Sydenhall, Aschefelds, Lynley, Booldon, Mydilhope, Aston, Neynton, Briggenorth in Salop (fee to Sir Thos. Cornewall, steward of the lands in that co., and Thos. Barret, bailiff); Drayton Basset (fees to Giles Nele, keeper of Drayton park, Rob. Oulson, keeper of Sherhalfe park, and to the keeper of Bangley park, and annuity of my Lady Persall), Bedworth in co. Warw. (Thos. Massy bailiff, and Hen. Smyth steward); Kybbeworth in co. Leic. (Sir John Digby, steward); Faryngdon in co. Norf. (sic); Kyngeston Lisle (Thos. Symon, bailiff and parker, Sir John Seymer, steward), Bokampton and Orreston, in co. Berks. Clear yearly value, 800l. 3s. 9¾d.
"Item of the sheriff of Warwickshire for the creation of my Lord Lisle, 13l. 6s. 8d."
Large paper, pp. 11.
Exch. Accts., 61 (25). R.O. 2538. SIR NICHOLAS WADHAM.
Warrant to Sir Robert Southwell, the King's general auditor, to allow Sir Nicholas Wadham, captain of the Isle of Wight, for the ordinary payments he has made out of the issues and for rents decayed "by influction and continual wearing of the sea," and by grants of the King's progenitors, from Michaelmas 24 Hen. VII. hitherto; and so from year to year. And as Sir Nicholas has shown the King and his Council that the records of courts kept within the isle for the term aforesaid "be, by casualties of fire, which no man can withstand, brent and consumed, the oath of him or his deputy is to be accepted, for this time, as sufficient evidence.
Draft, large paper, p. 1.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 91. R.O. 2539. WINE.
List of names with quantities of [wine,] from 20 pipes to 245 pipes. Mr. Rauff Dodmer, Mr. Nic. Jenyn, Deryk Obell, Hen. Went at Charing Cross, Adam at the White Friars, Hen. Potter, Wm. Sonnyng, Wynkyn, Wm. Roye, Wm. Hegge, John aà Barkyng, Dyryk Nightyngale, Herman Hermanson.
P. 1.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 7, f. 40. R.O. 2540. [4630.] EXPENCES OF THE WAR.
"[Account of moneys remaining in t]he hands of divers accountants upon the end [of their several accounts t]aken and declared afore Sir Robert Southwell, [general auditor, of money spent in] the King's wars, that is to say":—[John] Shurley [cofferer of] the King's [household], 15l. 3s. 1d.; [John M]ikelow, Thomas [Byrkes] and Brian Roche, 11,198l. 15s. (whereof 8,000l. is paid to Mr. Daunce), 1,129l. 19s. 7¾d. and 2,506l. 15s. 2½ d.; Sir Ric. Sacheverell, late treasurer of wars in the King's vanguard, 4,510l. 10s. 5d. (pd. to Sir John Daunce); Sir Tho. Wyndham, late treasurer of war of the King's army by the sea, 426l. 4s. 11¾d.; William Keby, Will. Burwell, Henry Cales and Anthony Carleton, lately appointed, for taking and presting of ships for the conveyance of ordnance, victuals, &c., 428l. 15s. 9d. (paid to Daunce); Henry Smyth, clerk of the King's works, for provision of timber board, &c., for the brewhouses at Calais, ... ; Walter Foster, clerk comptroller of the King's [works] appointed for provision of ... kettles and other necessaries for the ... and brewhouses at Calais, ... ; William Andrewe, late commissioner in divers shires for taking horses and presting carters, 221l. 4s ... (paid to Daunce); John Ward, late commissioner in Yorkshire for taking horses and presting carters for the carriage of victuals, 114s. 8d.; William Jekill, late commissioner for like taking of horses and presting of carters for the said voyage, 167l ... ; John Ricroft, late appointed to provide malt and oats for the King's army in France, 927l. 17s. 9d. (whereof 629l. paid to Daunce) and 177l. 18s. 8d.; ... ppes for the ... Rereward ... [remaining in his] hands, 138l. 6s. 9d.
Pp. 3, mutilated.
Ib., f. 42. R.O. 2541. [4631.] NAVY.
Memorandum that Sir John Wyltshyre, one of the commissioners to provide ships for the army into France, owes the King 247l. 16s. 7d., upon his declaration.
P. 1.
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
5, f. 58. R.O.
2542. [4479.] ORDNANCE.
Lists of ordnance headed—1. "These be the parcels of ordnance shipped from Lisle to Antwerp, and from Antwerp to Calais, by me William Loyal, at the commandment of my Lord Barnes, as it appeareth by bills of receipt at Calais." 2. Ditto, by Peter at Tournay, in boats of Ghent, to Antwerp and thence to Calais. 3. Ditto, shipped at Tournay, by Rich. Sidenham, to Antwerp, and from thence to Calais, by the commandment of Sir Sampson Norton, master of the ordnance. 4. Ditto, shipped "by Edw. Hart, clerk to my Lord Corson, at Tournay, in boats of Ghent, and from Antwerp to Calais." 5. "Parcels of ordnance left at St. Thomas, and from thence brought to Calais by water." 6. "Parcels of ordnance sent to Calais from Antwerp by William Cop[land,] the which was never ... ."
Pp. 7.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 7, f. 59. R.O. 2. [4634.] Costs paid by Will Symons, captain of The More Crystofer of Bristol, by the Lord Admiral's command, for carriage of ordnance to and from "the Crane" and "the House" at Hampton and of fish from "the Carriycke Roode" to "the Crane" and thence to "the Crowne" and also for the drying and subsequent "cochyng" of it. Part received from my Lord Lisle's servant.
Pp. 3.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230. f. 92. R.O. 3. Wolsey's order to Mr. Secheverell to pay a month's wages to "such carpenters as Bede hath with him to Andwerp" to bring the King's ordnance thence to Calyse. Signed: Thomas Wulcy.
Hol., p. 1.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 7. f. 73. R.O. 2543. [5764.] WOLSEY to MASTER SAWCHEVERKLI.
Warrant to deliver to "my fellow John Daunce" 2,748 crowns at the rate of 4s. 1d. per crown, allowance to be made to Sawcheverell of the 3d. residue in every crown; to be repaid immediately by Daunce, 561l. 4s. 12d. Signed: Thomas Wulcy.
Small paper, p. 1.
Augm. Misc. Books, 4, f. 1. R.O. 2544. [5765.] VICTUALS FOR THE ARMY.
"The content of wittaylle providyd for by John Heron, supervisur of the Kyngis Customhous in London," for the army by sea.
(i.) Receipts from Sir (sic) John Daunce, 4 Feb. 4 Hen. VIII. to 10 May 5 Hen. VIII., and from John Heron, treasurer of the Chamber, in August 5 Hen. VIII.
(ii.) Provisions made by [John] Heron, at the command of Mr. Almoner, for 10,000 men for a month, countermanded to Hampton for my Lord Lisle. What was not used was landed at Hampton, 2 Aug. "The substance of the beer was lost because it was not spent in season; the rest of the victual was searched, for because it was wet in the great storm when Whittsonde Bay was brent, and in especial one hoy with 40 hogsheads and 80 barrels flesh, which was full of salt water and the flesh clearly lost." [2]53 fat winter fed oxen bought in Lincolnshire and Holland, killed and salted at Saltfleet, 290l. 6s. 8d. salt and vessels for the same, 58l. 19s. 8d. 322 do. bought at Wisbeach, 32l. 12s. 4d.; cost of transport, 7l.; of salting, &c., 91l. 13s. 11d. 164 do. at Stamford and Peterborough, 176l. 0s. 8d.; rehate for hide and tallow of the same, 164l. 14s. 4d. (tallow at 8d. per stone). Biscuit at 5s. 4d. the 100, wheat then being 11s. per qr., 109l. 12s. 4d. Old ling and great dry cod and "mwde" fish, great cod fresh salted, 53s. 9½d. per 100, 121l. 0s. 7d. Caldrons to seethe meat; plates and dishes, &c. 11 weigh of cheese bought of my Lord Lisle's servants, 10l. 972 pipes 1 hogshead of beer at 8s. the pipe; 200 last of new barrels at 11s. 6d. the last.
Pp. 11.
Ib., 8. II. [5766.] Beer sent to Calais for the King's Army in May.
Bought of the beerbrewers in London, 341 pipes, 1 hhd., every pipe without the foist 8s. 198 flitches of bacon, at 18d. each.
P. 1.
Ib., 9. III. [5760.] Victualling:—
(1) Account of 998 pipes of beer shipped by John Heron for the army on the sea, in the month of April, for my Lord Lisle, issued June and July 5 Hen. VIII. (2) Of 372 pipes of beef, at 53s. 4d. the pipe, 3 pipes to a barrel; price per barrel from 3s. 7d. to 5s. (3) Of 4,500 ling and cod. (4) Of 41,1061b. biscuit. (5) Of tankards, platters, &c. 12l. 13s. 2d. (6) Of wheat bought at Hull, 954 qrs. at 8s. 2d. per qr.; Flanders wheat 11s. per qr. (7) Of 400 pipes of beer sent to Newcastle on the 28 Aug. 5 Hen. VIII. at 9s.
Total payments, 3,817l. 18s. 4d., leaving in Heron's hands 1,773l. 19s. Signed as examined by G. Dalison.
Pp. 17.
Exch. Accts., 62 (29). R.O. 2545. ESTIMATES.
Estimated cost in three months of 1,000 footmen at 6d. and 600 horsemen at 9d. the day, with grand captain of every hundred at 4s., and petty captain at 2s.
Large paper, p. 1.
Exch. Accts., 56 (7). R.O. 2546. THOMAS ELDERTON'S ACCOUNTS.
"The Booke of the 'count of werres of Thomas Elderton," in 4 and 5 Hen. VIII.
i. Account of 100l. received of Sir John Dauns, "by the name of John Dauns," by command of the King's Council, in September 4 Hen. VIII., for victualling of the "army by the sea towards the parties of Breten which afterward was disappointed"; showing how he laid out 107l. 12d. in beef, beer and biscuit, at Sandwich; and subsequently, upon a letter from Mr. Cofferer and John Heron, commissioners for victualling the said army in the port of London, sold it for 63l. 10s. 8d. Of this he laid out 14l. 12s. 8d., by command of the Council, in repairing a ship of the King of Denmark, called the Julyan, which was taken and hurt by the King's army in June 5 Hen. VIII., and so brought into the Camber, and there sank (details of payments to shipwrights, &c.).
ii. Account by Thomas Elderton of 10,020l. received of John Heron, by the Queen's warrant, for wages of the men with my Lord Treasurer at the field where the King of Scots was slain, in August and September 5 Hen. VIII.
Showing what he paid for hire of men and carriage to conduct the money from the Tower to Newcastle and thence to York, where he handed over 9,980l. to the abbot of St. Mary's: The extra cost deducted from the 41l. 17s. which remained over from his "last" account (§ i.) left him 25l. 10s.; out of which he deducts 4l. 13s. 4d., the cost of riding to Southampton to survey certain biscuit and beer which remained of the provision for the "army by sea" and for "the voyage of the Lord Marquis into Spain"; and he asks a further 9l. for receiving the King's ordnance delivered out of divers ships at Erythe, Wollwyche, Blakwall, Rettlyffe and the Pool.
iii. T. earl of Surrey to Thomas Elderton, "coming with the King's carriage by the way."
Make all haste day and night "to be with me as soon as ye can." Newcastle, 30 Aug. Signed. Small paper, p. 1.
Pp. 11. With title as above.
Augm. Misc. Books, 4, f. 18. R.O. 2547. [5767.] THOMAS ELDERTON'S ACCOUNTS.
Of 450l. received by him for victualling the King's army, 5 Hen. VIII. For oxen, ranging from 18s. 10d. to 31s. 3d. per ox. Costs for killing and salting the same, and incidental expenses. Tallow sold at 9s. 8d. per weigh. Beer, at 10s. per pipe with the foists. Biscuit, 5s. per 100.
Pp. 15.
R. MS. 13 B. II. f. 81. (No. 217.) B.M. 2548. [4623.] JAMES V. to LEO X.
Recommending Gawin Douglas for the Benedictine abbacy of St. Thomas, Aberbrothock, in St. Andrew's diocese.
Latin, copy, p. 1.
Adv. MS., 405. 2. Another copy.
P. 1.
R. MS. 13 B. II. f. 81. (No. 218.) B.M. 2549. [4624.] THE SAME to THE SAME.
Recommending Alexander Stewart for the Augustinian abbey of Incheffray, diocese of Dunblane, void by death of Abbot Laurence.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Adv. MS., 406. 2. Another copy.
P. 1.
R. MS. 13 B. II. f. 81. (No. 219.) B.M. 2550. [4625.] THE SAME to THE SAME.
Recommending James Hepburne for the Benedictine abbey of Dunfermline, void by the death of Alexander abp. of St. Andrews, who held it in commendam.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Adv. MS., 407. 2. Another copy.
P. 1.
R. MS. 13 B. II. f. 81b. (No. 220.) B.M. 2551. [4626.] THE SAME to THE SAME.
Recommending David bp. of Lismore for the Cistercian abbey of Glenluce, Galloway dioc., void by death of Cuthbert, last commendatory.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Adv. MS., 408. 2. Another copy.
P. 1.
R. MS. 13 B. II. f. 81b. (No. 221.) B.M. 2552. [4627.] THE SAME to THE SAME.
Recommending David Hume for the Benedictine priory of Coldinghame, void by death of Alexander archbp. of St. Andrews.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Adv. MS., 409. 2. Another copy.
P. 1.
R. MS. 13 B. II. f. 81b. (No. 222.) B.M. 2553. [4628.] THE SAME to THE SAME.
Recommending John Chesholme for the Deanery of Dunblane void by death of Walter Drummond. Edinburgh.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Adv. MS., 410. 2. Another copy.
P. 1.


  • 1. This letter is of the year 1508.—Rapin, I. 690.
  • 2. Despatched on 23 Dec. 1513.—Spanish Cal. II. p. 188, footnote.
  • 3. On 20 Nov. See No. 2452.