Henry VIII: November 1513, 22-30

Pages 1084-1102

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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November 1513

22 Nov.
Add. MS. 18,826, f. 38. B.M.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe for a gown of tawney velvet, &c., to the King's cousin Ursula Poulle. Windsor, 22 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
23 Nov.
Ib., f. 39. B.M.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe for tawney cloth for gowns, &c., to Edmund Lyne and Thomas Borne, yeomen of the Buckhounds. Windsor, 23 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
23 Nov.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 7, f. 18. R.O.
2455. [4573.] THOMAS LORD DACRE to WOLSEY.
Encloses a letter received from his brother Sir Christopher through the salmon carriers of Carlisle. His brother could make no raid into Scotland. The Earl of Angus is dead at St. Ninian's in Galloway. (fn. 1) Other news of the North may be seen in the said letter. The inhabitants of Teviotdale in Scotland steal and reive among themselves. Waltham, 23 Nov.
P.S. in his own hand: I arttly thank yow of your gud scher and comfortabell declaration of the messege schud me att the coupburdes in your schamber. Signed and sealed.
P. 1. Add.: To Maister Wulcy, almoigner to the Kinges grace. Endorsed.
23 Nov.
Pet. Mart. Ep. No. 533.
2456. [4574.] PETER MARTYR to LUD. FURTATO.
Henry has made terms with France, and returned to England to settle the matters in Scotland. Louis sends humble messages to Spain, but they are not to be trusted. * * * The Pope has given a Cardinal's hat to Gurk. The Venetians say, if they do not receive aid from France they must make terms with the Emperor. Thus the whole of Italy will be shut against France. By the advice of Gurk, the Emperor presses the Venetians and exacts from them too severe conditions, which will probably defeat his purpose. The Swiss have stripped Duke Maximilian to the skin. Nothing will satisfy their cruelty or their cupidity. * * Valladolid, ix. kal. Dec.
25 Nov.
Eras. Ep., VIII. 40. [Edit. Allen, I. 280.]
The flight of the French was not more grateful to him than the three letters from Erasmus which he received in the Camp. The last, received on the eve of their triumphal return, he has not answered; but he gave the message to the abbot of St. Bertin, who evinced great joy at hearing about Erasmus. Afterwards handed the book of Plutarch to the master of the Rolls, but had only brief thanks, for he was very busy. Began as soon as he reached England to enquire where Erasmus was, who wrote that he was fleeing from the plague at Cambridge. Learnt at length from Sixtin that Erasmus had indeed left Cambridge, but, running short of wine, had returned thither—like a brave soldier of Bacchus. Sends a skin of Cretan wine. Congratulates him on having received 10 cr. from the bp. of Durham, who is not accustomed to show such liberality except to those he specially loves and esteems. Seems himself somehow to have incurred the Bishop's indignation, who is full of suspicions and "graviter fert quæ nemo censeat." P. Carmelianus has lately produced an epitaph of the King of Scots stuffed with womanish curses. It will shortly be printed by Pinson. Carmelianus is vain enough about it, but if the writer had not warned he would have made the first syllable of pullulare short. Wonders that anyone likes such stuff. London, 7 cal. Decemb. 1515.
26 Nov.
Eras. Ep., VIII. 21. [Edit. Allen, I 281.]
2458. [4576.] ERASMUS to AMMONIUS.
Is expecting his wonderful strategy and its results (magnifica illa stratagemata tum quantum in zonis sit allatum). Wrote to him in the camp divers times by John of Lorraine. Has had no less a battle with the blunders of Seneca and St. Jerome than Ammonius with the French; and though he was not in the camp, has had from the spoils ten crowns by the Bp. of Durham. Waits for Ammonius' military epistle. Camb., 6 kl. Dec.
Begs Ammonius' good works for his affairs. Will in a few months throw out his sheet anchor; if he succeeds, will consider this as his native country, which he has preferred to Rome, and where age has overtaken him. If not, he will have to die elsewhere. Protests his own good faith; had he made such magnificent promises, would have certainly kept them. Regrets his bad fortune.
26 Nov.
Vesp. C. XII. 231. B.M.
Requests the restoration of two ships laden with woad and alum, belonging to Gregory de Bejar and Francis de Cobarrcivias, merchants of Burgos, taken by English subjects three months ago. Madrid, 26 Nov. 1513. Signed: Yo el Rey.
Spanish, p. 1. Add.
26 Nov.
T.R.Misc. Books 254, p. 110. R.O.
2460. FLODDEN.
"The book of horses and mares taken by the inhabitants of Cumberland and Northumberland off the field of Branxston the 9th day of September the fifth year of the reign of our sovereign lord King Henry the Eighth being within the bounds and authority of Thomas lord Dacre and of Graystok, warden of the Marches; and the delivery of the same horses and mares to the persons within written upon their book oaths severally made afore the officers of the said lord warden before the 26 day of November then next ensuing."
[Each horse is described, e.g. "a bay trotting horse," "a grey mare with one eye," "a grey trotting nag with a cloudy face," and the names and dwellings of those who receive them are given.]
Delivered out of Gilcammyn in Cumberland 221 horses including five dead and twelve which remainded there unclaimed on 26 Nov. last. Taken by inhabitants of Northumberland and delivered at Morpeth, 76.
Pp. 24.
26 Nov.
Acts of Parlt. of Scotland, II. 281.
General council held at Perth 26 Nov. 1513. Present: James abp. of Glasgow, chancellor, Wm. bp. of Aberdeen, James bp. of Dunblane, Andrew bp. of Caithness, David bp. of Argyle, Edward bp. of Orkney, John prior of St. Andrews, George abbot of Halirudhous, Robert abbot of Paslay, Wm. abbot of Cuper, Henry abbot of Lundoris, James postulate of Dunfermling, John abbot of Jedburgh, Patrick postulate of Cambuskynneth, Andrew postulate of Caithness, Mr. Gavin Dunbar archd. of St. Andrews, Mr. Robert Forman dean of Glasgow, Mr. Walter Dromond dean of Dunblane; earls Colin of Ergile, James of Arran, James of Mortoun, John of Levinax, William of Eroll, Alex, of Crawfurd, William Merschell, John of Athole, Gilbert of Cassillis and Hew of Eglintoun; lords Alex. Hume, John Dromond, John Flemyng, John Oliphant, John Erskin, Wm. Ruthven, Robert Maxwell, John Forbes, Ninian Ros and Robert Sancquhar; William master Merschell, John master Montgumery; Wm. Murray of Tulibardin, Wm. Menteith of Kers, Patrick Crechtoun of Cranston and Patrik Hamilton of Glencavill, knights; David Brus of Clakmannan, Andrew Ker of Farnyhirst, Sir James Schaw of Sauchy, knight, Philip Nesbit of that Ilk, Alex. Hume of Spott, Gilbert Menzes, provost of Aberdeen, Alex. Blair, provost of Perth, and Mr. James Wischard of Pettarrow, justice clerk. Business:—Upon matters "proponit" by Mons. Labatie, Frenchman, and Master James Ogilby, Scotsman, ambassadors from Louis XII., especially two articles, (1) confirmation of the long alliance between France and Scotland, renewed with the late King as the said "Sir Anthony and Master James "showed, (2) the desire of the Earl of Arran and Lord Fleming, who were lately in France, sent by the late King to serve in the war, that, since the King and many of his people were now slain in battle in Northumberland "principally in the quarrel of France," it would please the Most Christian King to send the Duke of Albany to Scotland for its defence. A letter of the French King, and response to these and other articles, were shown. It was unanimously agreed that the alliance be confirmed with all possible haste and that Albany come "home" to Scotland, with all munitions of war that could be gotten from the French King, and with him Sir Robert Stewart and all the Scotsmen now in France who could get licence. Provided always that the person of the young King of Scotland be kept as devised in the late King's will.
26 Nov.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 7, f. 19. R.O. St. P. VI. 27.
2462. [4577.] SPINELLY to HENRY VIII.
Wrote last this morning. A post has since come from Rome and Almaine with a letter from Wingfield, which he sends. The Emperor has informed the Archduchess that the Viceroy of Naples, in answer to the Pope's brief desiring him to desist from invading the Venetians, as they would submit to the arbitration of his Holiness, replied that he could not do so without express orders from Ferdinand, or from the Emperor or the Bp. of Gurk, his Lieutenant-General in Italy. Considering the subtlety of the Venetians in times past, the Emperor has ordered the Viceroy to prosecute the enterprise with all celerity, intimating at the same time to the Pope that he was ready to submit to the arbitration of his Holiness and Aragon, if the Venetians would make truce for a year or two. The Swiss are dissatisfied with the Duke of Milan, who refuses to deliver the castle into their hands. Thinks if they persist he will be obliged to please them or to break. The Adorni of Genoa were in treaty for a band of Swiss to go to Genoa against the Fregosi; if they obtain it, it may produce a new revolution in Milan. The Duke of Bourbon and John Jacques de Trowis have sent into Dauphiné to prepare quarters for their army, which is reported to number 1,800 spears, and 15,000 foot. Cannot understand the superiority of these Frenchmen; they are not wiser, braver, or richer than others, only more diligent and resolute;—summer and winter are alike to them. If they set forward it must be with consent of the Swiss. My Lady had news last night from Hainault, that 800 Almaines who had served Henry were returning from the French for lack of entertainment.
Has just received Henry's letter, dated Windsor, 6 Nov., which had been long on the road. Will not fail to execute his injunctions. Termonde, 26 Nov. 1513, at 6 a.m.
This letter was begun yesternight.
Pp. 3. Signed.
27 Nov.
Stowe's Chron., 494.
Has heard by the Duke of Norfolk (sic) of his valiant behaviour against the Scots. Thanks him for the same. Windsor Castle, 27 Nov.
27 Nov.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 7, f. 21. R.O.
The King was right in thinking that his intimation of the surrender of Tournay, 12 Oct., was the more pleasant for the news of victory over the King of Scots about the same time. But for the flight of the enemy, would have had another cause to congratulate him. Wishes him joy on the marriage of his sister with Charles prince of Castile. Milan, 27 Nov. 1513. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
28 Nov.
Add. MS. 18,826, f. 40. B.M.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe for vestments of crimson velvet, &c., to the Princess of Castile. Windsor, 28 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
28 Nov.
Le Glay, Négoc. entre la France et l'Autriche, I. 557.
Hears that the French are intending to rebuild and fortify Terouenne, which may cause annoyance to the subjects of her nephew the Prince of Castile. Asks her to send the troops in his and the Emperor's pay, who are there for her security, to prevent this and, if advisable, to burn what remains of the town. Windsor, 28 Nov. 1513.
28 Nov.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 7, f. 22. R.O.
Certificate of Roger Acheley, Geo. Monoux, Thos. Myrfyn, John Bruges and John Milborne, commissioners (commission described) appointed, 27 Aug. 5 Hen. VIII., to seize and sell the goods of Scotchmen in London, of a recognizance made by Richard Simpson, fletcher, and Joan Jordan, widow, before Wm. Browne, mayor of London, 28 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII, in 73l. 15s. 6d., that, whereas certain goods of James Wilson, saddler, "named to be born in Scotland," specified in an inventory dated 4 Sept. in "the 5th year of the reign of King Henry the _."
Fragment. Large paper, pp. 3.
28 Nov.
Eras. Ep. VIII., 18. [Edit. Allen, I. 282.]
2468. [2001.] ERASMUS to AMMONIUS.
May all the Muses and Graces, and letters in general, be as unpropitious to me as they are to Carmilianus, if any thing has given me this year greater pleasure than your letter! That's an oath more binding than Styx. Has received but one letter; the former have not come to hand. Is grateful Ammonius has not forgotten him in such a tumult of business. Is as thankful as if he had received the wine; but wonders, after his experience, he should trust such scoundrels. The carrier who brought the letters says no wine was given him. Durham has answered, "sed ουδεν προς επος" When Erasmus pressed him he avoided the subject, and said, "He thought it was with Winchester, but did not know for certain." He is not friendly to Baptista: all this is strictly secret. The plague will prevent him being in London before Christmas, and partly the robbers, of whom there is a great swarm at this season in England. Had written by Brian the day before Ammonius' letter arrived. When he saw the word pullulare in the epitaph by Carmilianus, he exclaimed, "Hic scabies!" Hearing who was the author, "It's like him," replied Erasmus. Some thought he meant it was like the King of Scots; others who had more sense of humour smiled. Thinks Ammonius had too much regard for the reputation of the beast (Carmilianus). Wonders he says nothing of Baptista. Bovill's arrival is talked of. John ("Johannes tuus") has been very diligent with the letter of Erasmus. Has for some months lived like a cockle shut up in his shell, humming over his books. Cambridge is deserted for fear of the plague; and when all the men are there, there is not much company. The expense is intolerable; the profits not a brass farthing. Has not been here five months, and it has cost him sixty nobles; has never been paid more than one by his audience. Will throw out his sheet anchor this winter. If it succeeds, will make his nest; if not, will flit. Camb., 4 kl. Dec. 1511.
29 Nov.
Vitell. B.II.,54. B.M. Rym. XIII. 385.
2469. [4582.] LEO X. to HENRY VIII.
Authorizes the body of James IV. to be carried to London, and buried in St. Paul's, notwithstanding that he had incurred the sentence of excommunication by breaking, first the treaty with Henry VIII. and secondly, after his marriage, that with Henry VIII. and was therefore excommunicated by the Cardinal St. Praxedis [Bainbridge], empowered thereto by Julius II. As it is to be presumed the King gave some signs of repentance in his extremities, the Pope allows him to be buried with funeral honors, trusting the oversight thereof to Richard bp. of London, or some prelate chosen by the King. Rome, 29 Nov. 1513.
Latin. Vellum, Add. Mutilated.
Transcr., I., 1, f. 190. R.O.
2. Modern note of the verbal differences in the copy of § 1 preserved at Rome.
P. 1. Headed: "Regi Angliæ, licentiam sepeliendi corpus Regis Scottorum, Londini in Cathedrali Ecclesia, xxviij. Februarii."
30 Nov.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 7, f. 25. R. O.
A fellow, known to the treasurer of the King's household and the upper marshal of Calais, has arrived to-day from Blois. Has made him write down his news, which he sends. Has re-despatched him to the same place, with promises of favor. Calais, 30 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
30 Nov. 2471. ALLART BENTINCK.
Made receiver of Tournay. See under 31 March, 1514.
Le Glay,
Corresp. de Max. et de Marg., II., 211.
Has received his letters of 29 Oct. together with the copy of the news of his victory, which shall be published forthwith, with processions of thanksgiving and feugs de joye as he desires. The gentleman (fn. 2) whom the Viceroy sent to him with the news has not yet arrived here. Has forwarded the letter he has written to the King of England. Has come to this town about the aid from Flanders and hopes for a fruitful issue.
Ib., 216. 2473. THE SAME to THE SAME.
* * *
Begs him to persevere in his wish to come to some good appointment with the Venetians, whereby he will be able next summer to finish his great affairs and afterwards can always reduce them to reason. He does well to gain the Swiss; for the side on which they are will always be strongest. In pursuance of his letters and instruction, has sent Artois herald into Scotland and hopes that his going will do much to pacify that realm. With regard to his third letters about the order kept with her nephew, referring her to former letters;—as to the sending into Spain the Emperor will, after hearing the ambassadors of Spain and England, be able to send instructions; for what was contained in the instructions made before his departure is, as it were, accomplished by the treaty of which the ambassadors will inform him.
* * *
Because the gens d'armes are dissatisfied with the order taken, some, especially the Almains and Swiss, who are mostly dismissed, complain that she has made her profit of the money of the King of England, of which she has not had a sous. The money is in the hands of the captain of Tournay who means to pay the gens d'armes monthly; and it will be well if the 200,000 cr. suffice. Is now ordering the finances and assigning the expense and estat of her nephew and nieces; and, that done, will assign the Emperor his 50,000 fl. Hoped that he would have been here and is sorry to see him go further and further away; for his coming hither was very necessary.
Le Glay,
Corresp. de Max. et de Marg., II., 235.
Those of this town have made a joyous entry to Monsieur and are determined to show themselves always loyal subjects of the Emperor and him. He should send them letters of thanks. Has already written of her joy at his great victory, news of which was confirmed to her by the Viceroy's gentleman, who has gone to the King of England. Has as he ordered written everywhere to make processions of feux de jôye; and will give the gentleman a present at his return. The articles and letters he sent touching the holy great league being treated at Rome, with the additions thereupon, seem both to her and his Privy Council greatly to his honour and profit. He should conclude the league as soon as possible. Nevertheless, not to impede his great enterprises of next summer, notwithstanding the victory, he should appoint with the Venetians by advice of the Pope, King of Aragon or Viceroy. The war against the Turks and Infidels mentioned in the articles might be concluded now, to be executed when the Christian princes have peace. Means must be found to prevent the Swiss serving the French next year. Will, with the Council's advice, send him an instruction of the affairs of this country, for Rome. The King of England intends that your obedience and his should be made alike and therefore it were well to advertise both him and me of your advice upon this. Has given another private charge to Loys Maroton who has departed to the Emperor.
Sp. Trans., I., 5,
f. 321. R.O.
After writing the other letter which goes herewith, received his letters and those of the other ambassadors who are staying with him, of 4 Oct. As the Emperor seems swayed by reports of their common enemies Ferdinand gives arguments to show what his Viceroy has done in Italy for the Emperor and that he made the truce when deserted by England—and the Emperor would do the like of England left him with the States of Prince Charles open to invasion from France, instead of leaving an army there paid for the winter. Ferdinand's own desire is to conclude a general peace of Christendom and make war with the Infidels, and to that France is the only obstacle. The common interest of himself, the Queen of Castile, the Emperor and Prince Charles is to weaken France. To this end the friendship of the Pope, King of England (with whom the Emperor must reconcile himself if he has any dispute) and the Swiss is necessary. Hears from Italy and elsewhere that the King of England has returned home with the intention of conquering Scotland and abandoning the enterprise of France, his Council wishing for peace and money from France. Certain it is that the Emperor and King separated on bad terms, that the English complain of the expense of the French war, and that the King has not concluded the treaty carried by Pedro de Lanuza. If the Emperor wishes the Duchy of Milan for himself or any of their common children the intention must be kept secret in order not to raise the opposition of Italians and Swiss. Shows how, to secure this, the Emperor and Ferdinand must make a peace with France (before her fear of England is removed) binding the King of France to renounce his rights in Naples and Milan in favour of a marriage of his daughter with the Infanta Ferdinand. The King of England must be included in the peace. As secrecy is necessary the Emperor might send a confidential person, such as Gabriel Orti, to the King of France on pretext of the ransom of Pedro Navaro. Written instructions unnecessary. If however, England intends to renew the war next spring and is ready to conclude the alliance with Ferdinand and the Emperor, the latter must decide which of the two arrangements (with France or England) is preferable. Could not undertake the conquest of Guienne unless England paid for 6,000 German troops, but he would invade France with his Italian army.
If the Venetians, after their defeat (fn. 3) by the Spaniards, were to offer the Emperor terms they should be reconciled and an Italian league formed against France, by one article of which Duke Maximilian should be bound to accept a wife from the Emperor. Investiture need not be granted at once to Duke Maximilian, whose suspicions may be allayed by negociations for his marriage with one of their common granddaughters, which, when the peace with France has been made, may be broken off and the marriage of the Infante Ferdinand with the daughter of France concluded. Other possibilities in Italy. Thinks such a peace preferable to war as it involves the acquisition of Milan and probably of Brittany (as the eldest daughter of the King of France is never likely to bear children), and the possibility of making war with the Infidels.
Urea has informed him that the Emperor wishes for a partition of their states between their children (Charles and Ferdinand), which were better postponed until the affair of France and Venice is settled.
Spanish. Modern transcript from Simancas pp. 20. See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 142.
Egerton MS. 544, f. 211. B.M. 2. Another modern copy.
Pp. 24.
A despatch to be kept secret from all except the Cardinal of Gurk and Viceroy of Naples. If the Pope will not contribute to the war with Venice he must be asked to negociate peace on the conditions proposed by Pope Julius; as the war clashes with the invasion of France next summer for which a new treaty has just been concluded by the Emperor, England and Ferdinand.
See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 143.
Sp. Transcr., I., 5, f. 333. R.O. 2477. THE SAME to HIERONYMO DE VICH.
On the same subject. Learnt by his letters of 12 and 13 Nov. that the Venetians had empowered the Pope to conclude peace between them and the Emperor. In expectation of that peace Ferdinand has entered alliance with the Emperor and England to invade France next summer.
Spanish. Modern transcript from Simancas, pp. 7. See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 145.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 7, f. 1. R.O. 2478. [4535.] NAVAL EXPENSES.
Account of Miles Gerrard, commanded by the King's Council "to pay wages, victuals, and other charges to divers ships of war lately being northwards, and also to such ships and other charges as my Lord Admiral shall command"; also to pay his costs and charges northwards, and the carriage of artillery to the North field; also "wages to passengers over with the King's grace into England, and conduct money to the soldiers and mariners of the ships of war discharged this winter time."
Received of John Heron, treasurer of the King's Chamber, for the premises, by warrant of the Queen and Council, 1,500l.
"Payments as well of wages for divers ships of war of the King's army royal, and other charges and prests of money to passengers of the King's belonging to the same, as for carriage of artillery northwards, and expenses there and other places, by commandment of the King's Council, as hereafter particularly doth appear," viz.:—To Sir Henry Shirbourne, captain of the King's Great Bark, for a month's wages for the said ship, beginning 26 Sept. 5 Hen. VIII, reckoning 28 days to the month, as follows: To the said Henry, wages at 18d. a day; wages of 140 soldiers and 101 mariners for a month, at 5s. each; of a pilot to convey the said ship northward, 20s.; 21½ deadshares allowed to the master and other mariners, at 5s. a deadshare; 1 master gunner, at 10s. a month, 4 quarter-masters at 7s. 6d. each, and 7 gunners at 6s. 8d. a month; total expenses of the ship 70l. 19s. 2d. A month's wages to the captain, sailors, and soldiers of The Mary George, from 26 Sept. to 28 Oct., as follows: To John Rey, capt., 18d. a day; 100 soldiers and 84 mariners 5s. a man; 19½ deadshares allowed to the master and mariners, at 5s. a deadshare; reward to 6 gunners as they used to be paid before, with 5s. each as wages; 6 master gunners 10s., 2 quarter masters 15s. 3d., other gunners 20s.; total expenses of the ship, 55l. 4s. 6d. For The Barbara of Greenwich, Rich. Hert purser, 34 mariners, at the same rate; total, 20l. 0s. 10d. The King's Less Bark, Sir Stephen Bull, capt., 86 mariners, 54 soldiers, 9 gunners, at the same rate; total, 46l. 5s. 4d. The Mary and John, Edw. Bray, capt., 40 soldiers and gunners; 100 mariners at 5s. a man; deadshares allowed to master and mariners, 19½ at 5s. a share; rewards to the gunners in deadshares 1l. 6s. 8d.; total expenses of the ship, 43l. 6s. 2d. The Julyan of Dertmouth, George Witwang, capt.; 55 soldiers, mariners and gunners; rewards to 4 gunners, 10s. 10d.; 16½ deadshares; tonnage of the same ship, 100 tons at 12d. the ton;—total, 25l. 15s. 4d. The Mary Rose, Thomas Pert master; 101 mariners; 6 gunners; 27½ deadshares allowed to the master and mariners, at 5s. a deadshare;—total, 34l. 2s. 2d. The Second Spaniard, Sir Edward Ychyngham, capt., John Furnando, master, a Spaniard, 60s.; 40 Spanish mariners at 7s. 1d. each a month; 16 mariners gromettis at 4s. 9d.; 4 pages mariners at 2s. 5d.; deadshares to the same Spaniards for a month, 60s.; tonnage, the ship being of 280 tons, at 1s. 3¾d. a ton; 40 English mariners and soldiers at 5s. a man; 7 deadshares to these English mariners at 5s. a share; 6 gunners at 5s.; rewards to the same, 14s. 2d.;—total expense, 58l. 8s. 10¾d.
ii. A month's wages to The Mary George, Sir Henry Shirborne, capt., from 25 Oct. 5 Hen. VIII.; 101 mariners; 100 soldiers; 12 gunners; rewards to the gunners, 27s. 6d.; 19½ deadshares to the master and mariners, 5s. a share; victuals for the captain, soldiers and gunners, 214 at 1s. 6d. each a week; wages to a pilot for conveying the ship out of danger from Harwich to the Downs, 20s.;—total, 124l. 14s.—A month's wages to The Barbara of Greenwich, Bartholomew Wyrrall master, beginning 25 Oct. 5 Hen. VIII; 40 mariners; 19½ deadshares at 5s. a share; reward for 3 gunners 7s. 6d., and to the said Wyrrall for victuals for the said mariners and gunners 10l.; total, 25l. 5s. The like for the King's Less Bark, The Mary and John, and the King's row-barge, John Ravon purser; at the same rates. Prested to his fellow commissioner John Heron, 160l.; and to John Rede, purser of the Less Bark, 7 Nov., 100s.
iii. Payments ordered by the Council by letters of 7, 13 and 25 Oct. and 2 Nov 5 Hen. VIII., viz.:—
For 189l. 10s., for ships to be in readiness to bring the King and his army home. For conveying the King's money to Yarmouth, a man and his horse, 16d. a day. To John Holond, my Lord Admiral's servant, for carrying 100l. to Ipswich, 2s. For conduct money to different commanders, including Sir Wistan Browne, vice-admiral. For charges of Miles Gerrard, treasurer in the war against the Scots, &c. (Apparently imperfect.)
Pp. 16.
T.R. Misc. Books, 2, p. 393. R.O. 2. The account of John Heron and Miles Gerrard for charges and costs by them paid for wages, victuals, &c., of the King's ships at Sandwich and hire of other ships "to set over into England the King's Grace and his army royal from the parts beyond sea," by commission of the Queen and Council dated 16 Oct. 5 Hen. VIII.
Receipts from Heron, Gerard, John Clyfford and Edmond Wiseman, 3,496l. 11s. 4d.
Payments of hoys, giving the master's name, portage, time of service, &c., of hoys of Anwarpe (6), Wandergose (16), Barrowe (1), Breme (2), Blankynborne (1), Rosendale (12), Atton (3), Sent Thomars (2), Tyrgow (7), Roterdam (2), Armewe (2), Hanserdam (2), Syrryk See (5), Flusshyng (3), Middylborow (1), Maclyn (3) and Callyce (6); and of English ships from various ports (similar particulars given, about 44 entries); with two final pages of jottings referring to similar payments, one being for 2,262l. 8s. 3½d. for wages and victuals of the King's army by sea paid to Sir Waston Browne, vice-admiral. The last entries are for costs of John Heron from 16 Oct. and Miles Gerrard from 11 Oct. to 30 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII.
Pp. 27.
Ib., p. 423. R.O. 3. Payments by George Herward of ships retained in London since 10 Oct. 5 Hen. VIII, "for the transpassage of the King's army fro Caleys."
Giving in three columns (1) the ship's name, (2) the master, the tonnage and the time served, and (3) the amount paid, signed by the master (generally with a mark). Twenty-three ships, paid at the rate of 4l. 15s. for a ship of 30 tons for a month.
Pp. 8.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 5, f. 114. R.O. 2479. [4533.] THE NAVY.
Declaration of Sir Thomas Wyndham, upon the King's letters missive dated 23 Oct. 5 Hen. VIII., before Sir Rob. Southwell, of money received for the King's wars against France, and paid according to bills signed by Sir Edw. Howard, late admiral, and the Lord Admiral that now is; beginning 15 March 4 Hen. VIII., ending 31 Oct. following.
I. Receipts from John Daunce and John Dawtrey, 23,000l.
II. Payments (fn. 4) :—
i. For the King's own 21 ships. Month ending 8 May 5 Hen. VIII.: to the late admiral and the present, 10s. a day; to the treasurer of the wars, 3s. 4d.; captains 18d., clerks 8d., soldiers and others 5s. per month; deadshares and rewards at 5s.; master gunners 5s., mates and quartermasters 2s. 6d., gunners 20d. Total 1,487l. 11s. 10d.
(2) Wages and rewards for the month ending 5 June, 1,433l. 18s. 2d.
(3) Wages and rewards for month ending 3 July, 1,605l. 9s. 4d.
(4) For another month ending 31 July, 1,631l. 6s. 4d.
(5) For another month ending 28 Aug., 1,437l. 5s. 2d.
(6) For part of a month ending 25 Sept., 952l. 9s. 1d.
ii. For English ships retained, 6,259l. 3s. 5d.
iii. For Spanish ships. English captains, etc., at above rates; Spanish masters and pilots at 30s. a month each; mariners, 7s. 1d.; grooms, 4s. 9d.; pages, 2s. 5d.; deadshares, at 6s. the share, tonnage 15¾d., 2,975l. 13s. 1¼d.
iv. English victuallers. Mariners 5s. a month; deadshares, at 5s. a month, &c., 1,503l. 12s. For The Nicholas Beulay, 48l. 10s.
v. Spanish victuallers. Master and pilot, 127l. 17s. 1¾d.
vi. Hoys. 226l. 0s. 12d. The James of Antwerp, at 3s. 8d. the ton, 40l. 4s. 2d.
vii. Wages for my Lord Ferrers, captain of The Trinity Sovereign, himself 5s. 2d. a day; residue of 6s. 8d. a day given him by the King over 18d. by the day. Under captains 12d. a day; petty captains 8d. 56l. 5s. 4d.
viii. Wages of John Daryllio, Peter Seman, Sharante. (Struck out.)
ix. Surgeons' wages. Master surgeon 13s. 4d. a month; others. at 10s.; total 88l. 6s. 8d. Clerks and officers of war, 1s. a day, 16l. 10s. Pilots, 50l. 19s. 4d. Rewards miscellaneous, 892l. 8s. 11¼d.
x. Beer for the fleet tarrying in the Downs for the Scotch fleet, when the victuallers could not come out 86l. 9s. 3d.
xi. My Lord Ferrers in reward, 40l.
xii. Repairs, 291l. 17s. 9½d.
xiii. For conveyance of prisoners, &c., 9l. 19s. 2d.
xiv. For tackle bought, 55l. 6s. 8d.
xv. Pursers' costs, 38l. 17s. 4d.
xvi. Trumpeters at 16d. a day, 24l. 8s.
xvii. Conduct money, 1,175l. 9s. 2d.
xviii. Various, including attendance on the Council for finishing his account from 16 Oct. to 15 Nov., 13l. 6s. 8d.
Large paper, pp. 7. Formerly a roll.
Exch. Accts., 62 (24). R.O. 2. List of the masters of 14 Flemish hoys, the time they served (5½ months most of them) and the money paid them by Semper and by Wm. Beynam.
Pp. 2. Marked: This is copy of Semper book that he was content to allow 14 ships to keep myself, for my discharge.
Exch. Accts., 56 (25). R O.
A file of sheets witnessing payment by Sir John Daunce of conduct money, from Dover to their homes, to the men of the Middle Ward in October and November 5 Hen. VIII.
[* Sheets similar to No. 2427, each sheet being headed "yet conduct money paid," &c. The places to which the men have to travel are named and the distances specified, with a reckoning of the time required at 12 miles a day for footmen and 20 miles for horsemen, the allowance being respectively 6d. and 9d. a day. If the men landed at Dover before their previous month's pay had expired (and the date of landing is always noted) payment for the number of days which they have yet to serve is "rebated," but if their wages are already in arrear the deficiency is made up. Each entry is signed by the captain or his agent who received the money.]
The sheets, in their present order, record payment to the following captains:—
1. Sir Wm. Parr (with schedule of his men's names); Sir John Nevyll. 2. Sir Ant. Oughtred. 3. Carpenters (with Wolsey's holograph order for their payment "written this day at Savoy," Sir Nic. Vaux's two signed letters dated Guisnes, 16 Nov., to Mr. Almoner and to Master Deputy, in the men's favour, as having wrought in certain specified work at Guines castle, and a schedule of their names). 3*. The retinue of Sir Henry Marny (in a different form as dealing with many petty captains and men from many different counties. Marny's receipt dated 2 Feb. 5 Hen. VIII. subscribed. Pp. 7). 4 and 5. Sir William Compton (rec. by Thomas Leson, his chaplain). 6. Thomas Wryothesley alias Garter king of arms, Sir Ralph Chamberleyn. 7. Thomas Palmer, one of the King's spears, Ph. Courteney, gentleman usher of the Chamber. 8. Sir Chr. Garneshe, serjeant of the Tents (for bringing the tents from Calais to London, receipt by Rechard Gybsun). 9. Sir Th. Lucy, Ric. Beamond, one of the gentlemen ushers of the Chamber. 10. John Cooke, Th. Musgrave, groom of the Chamber. 11. John Smyth, clerk of the King's spears, Th. Rushe, serjeant at arms. 12. Petty captains, Wm. Coffyn, Piers Gryffith, Th. Morgan. 13. Henry earl of Essex (receipt by John Hygham). 14. Sir Andrew Wyndesour (receipt by Richard Raaclyff). 15. Lord John Grey (rec. by Wm. Prestgrave, with Grey's holograph letter requesting Daunce to pay bearer the money "to bestow in trifles against Christmas, for I am bare of money at this time"). Sir Edward Nevell (received by William Coffyn, with Nevell's holograph letter to Daunce protesting his need of money of which he has received none since he was at Tournay, and adding "Allsso the Kynges grasse commande me to rytte to you for Coffen, the brengar herroof, for ys wages ande ys condyt mone hottwar ande homwarde: pray you, for my sake to be godde master to hym: prayg you to dellyr syche mone as yo du to me to Coffyn, the brengar herre of; ande as for my none wages the Kynges grasse is contten that I challe have yt, for I hade never penne sensses I was at Turne for sperre nor for the kappetene of the Garde; by handes of yourre lower E. SR. NEVYLL). John Pulteney, yeoman of the Henxmen. 16. Robert Cheney, esq., Sir Henry Owen. 17. Sir John Reynsford (rec. by John Strangman). 18. Sir John Pecche. Mr. Edward Hygons, clk. (in margin Doctor Higons, rec. by Ric. Powhell). 19. Sir William Kyngeston (rec. by Ric. Vannell). Nic. Hyde (rec. by Ric. Vannell). 20. Sir Griffith Don. 21. John Westowe and John Gelston, master gunners of the Middle Ward, with other gunners. 22. Sir John Daunce. Doctor [James] Denton (rec. by James Haryngton. With Denton's holograph letter, dated Windsor, 24 Nov., to Daunce to pay James Herryngton, who "hath long tarried at Calice with my stuff for fault of shipping and now must go a long journey into Lankeschir unto his friends from whence he came"). The bishop of Seint Assaph (rec. by Harry Newton. With the bishop's holograph letter dated Barkyng, 28 Nov., asking Daunce "to be so friendly to me that I may have conduct money for my servants, for verily their lying long at Calyce was to my great charge," and adding "John Fayyrchylde that I was wont to send unto you in my causes I left him with Sir Edward Ponynges at Tournay"). 23. William a Legh, esq., one of the spears. Sir John Vere (rec. partly by Ric. Antony. With Vere's holograph letter dated Colme Priore, 20 Nov., asking conduct money for his men who "cam nat home nat be nere a iiij. nyght aftyr ye monthe," and he left 30 in the King's wages at Tourney). 24. Sir Ralph Verney. 25. Sir Wm. Husey. Lord Richard Grey. Sir Geoffrey Gattes (rec. by Stephen Knages). Robert Davy, groom of the Chamber. Sir Simon Hertcorte (rec. by his chaplain John Mabley). Francis Hercorte, sewer of the Chamber (rec. by John Mabley). 26. Sir Robert Morton. 26*. Sir Wm. Compton (rec. by his chaplain Maurice Adams). 27. Sir Henry Wyatt (rec. by Rob. Draper). Mr. John Kyte, sub-dean of the King's Chapel (rec. by his chaplain David Bedoo). Sir Henry Pole (rec. by Lewis Aphowell). Sir John Malery. 28. Sir Ric. Tempest, Sir Edward Guyldeford, Thomas Ap Ryce and Wm. Harryett. 29. Sir Edward Cobham, Sir Robert Morton, Marcellus de la More, the King's surgeon, Ric. Garlond, Thomas Dalby, archd. of Richemount (rec. by his chaplain Th. Scawceby), Robert Wateno, auditor, Ric. Cachemayd, groom of the Chamber, Ric. Beamount, gentleman usher. 30. Sir Giles Capelle, Wm. Forest, surgeon, Nic. Downes, serjeant at-arms, John Brocas, sewer of the Chamber, Sir Roland Viellviell (signature "Rolant"), John Melton, esq. 31. Sir George Manars lord Ros (rec. by Th. Rogers), Wm. Cotton, of the Spears, Sir John Hamden, a Spear. John Blounte, one of the Spears. 32. Thomas bp. of Duresme (rec. by Sir Edw. Wadham), Robert Ardern. 33. Sir John Burdett. 34. Sir Thomas a Parre (rec. by Ric. Dukket), Sir Walter Rodeney. 35. Anthony Cotton, sewer, with Fras. Buddes and Walter Baddam, grooms of the Chamber. 36. Sir William Thomas, Sir Ant. Wyngfeld (rec. by John Breux). 37. John Wogan, Edmond ap Guyllams, and Ric. Clement (rec. by Thomas Seymer), gentlemen ushers. 38. Sir John Gyfford, Sir John Carre (rec. by Edw. Carre. With Sir John's holograph letter, undated, addressed to Daunce at Dover, "Good Mr. Dancy, our good Saint Julian," notifying that his company landed at Sandwich on Monday last so beaten in the sea that he is taking them the nearest way home. Their names and the places they came from are in Dancy's books and he lacks no man nor horse that he brought out, save one horsekeeper out of wages whom he left at Tourney. "Ye know men that go far, in the latter end of a journey money is dainty with them. I have spent more on my men and my horse in Callys than I did in half the journey afore. Thus I pray you have pity on the poor. Your own J. Carr, k."). 39. Sir Anthony Hungerford (rec. by John Seymour), Robert Wasshyngton, serjeant at arms, Sir Edward Done (rec. by John Morys). 40. Sir Edward Ferres (rec. by John More, servant to Lord Burgavenny), Lord Leonard Graye, Sir Thomas Tyrell of Heron (rec. by John Robartes, "servant with my lord Mayor"), Henry lord Dawbeney (rec. by John More, servant to Lord Burgavenny). 41. Sir George Nevylle lord Burgaveny (rec. by John More). 42. Sir Henry Guyldeford (rec. by Marcus Auger), Robert Knolles, gentleman usher of the Chamber. 43. Sir Godfrey Fuljambe. 44. Sir Nic. Vaux (rec. by Th. Rows With signed letter of Sir Nicholas, undated, giving the names of his men and asking that they may have conduct money, their wages being paid till Thursday, 3 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII.). Sir John Bourghcher lord Berners (rec. by Th. Salter, sewer of the Chamber). 45. Sir John Maynwaryng, Sir Chr. Garneys (rec. by Th. Salter). 46. Sir Wm. Sandys (rec. by Ric. Clotton), Sir Richard Sandes, Thomas Jones, groom of the Chamber, Thomas Salter. 47. Sir John Seymour, Sir Edward Hungerford, John Fortescue, esq. 48. Sir Edward Chamberleyn and Sir William Essex. 49. Sir Edward Bolen, Sir Thomas Bolen (rec. by Ric. Cobham), Sir Maurice Berkeley (rec. by Th. Trye). 50. Wm. Trussell, John Rudynge, Thomas Brereton, Th. Wyseham, grooms of the Chamber, Walron Coghne (signature Walron Choen), sewer of the Chamber. 51. Chr. Villers, sewer of the Chamber, Sir Gerard Danett. 52. Sir Wm. Ascugh and Sir Wm. Hansard, Sir John Markham. 53. Hugh Vaughan, groom of the Chamber. Sir Chr. Wylloughby. 54. Sir William Wyloughby lord Wyloughby (rec. by Sir Lyon Dymmok), Sir Edward Belknappe. 55. Sir Lewis Orwell (signature Lewes Orrell), Sir Robert Brandon (rec. by Wm. Fyssher). 56. Sir John Gleneham (rec. by Sir John Shylston), John Cokkes (in margin Lord Fitzwaren), rec. by Sir John Shylston. 57. Sir Edward Belknappe, Sir Wm. Evers (rec. by Rowland Thyrlwall). 58. Sir John Shylston, Sir James Framyngham (signature Jamys Framlyngham). 59. Sir William Gruffith. 60. Nic. Sampforth (signature Nycholas Sandford), sewer of the Chamber, Sir Th. Fayrefax. 61. John Pylleston, "the younger" (signature John Pyelston the younger) and Sir Roger Pylleston (rec. by Owen Eyton), John Pylleston, "son and heir" (signature John Pylstun). 62. Sir Ric. Candyshe, for Howell Lloid and himself, captains of the retinue of my lord Lisle. 63–4. Wm. Edwardes, Owen Meryk, Sir John Bruges, and Richard ap David, also captains of that retinue (with letter signed "Charlys Lysley," and dated Windsor, 4 Nov., asking pay for some men of Sir John of Bryges, who were delayed). 65. Thomas marquis Dorset (rec. by Wm. Prestgrave). 66. Sir Wm. Vampage, Sir Wm. Pole (rec. by John Glayve), Thomas Salter, sewer of the Chamber (rec. by Wm. Edwardes, "squier"). 67. Sir Ralph Egerton, Hugh Starkey, sewer of the Chamber, John Byrdde, sewer of the Chamber, Sir Wm. Smyth. 68. Edward duke of Buckingham (rec. by William Cholmeley, whose declaration of receipt, dated 24 Oct. 5 Hen. VIII. is prefixed to a detailed account of six pages).
Exch. Accts., 56 (13). R.O. 2. A similar sheet for the men of Sir Thomas Clyfford and John Wighell, groom of the Chamber, landed at Dover 22–4 Oct., and 14 men of John Boughcher lord Berners landed 13 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. In connection with the latter is annexed a holograph letter from Lord Berners to Miles Gerrarde enclosing a list of the men's names and asking conduct money for them, as the King left him at Calais to convey the ordnance, and he only "came over hither to Sandwych" this Sunday, 13 Nov.
A sheet with two papers annexed.
Exch. Accts., 56 (19). R. O. 2481. SIR RICE AP THOMAS.
Account of the payment of the retinue of Sir Rice ap Thomas, 300 demi-lances for their wages, abiding at Calais twelve days after their month expired on 5 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII., and 362 abiding 14 days, and for their transport to Dover and conduct to Carew in Pembrokeshire; paid by Sir Richard Saucheverelle to the hands of John Gruffith, 23 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. Each item signed by Gruffith.
Large paper, pp. 2.
Exch. Accts., 60 (30). R. O. 2. Note of money paid to Sir Rice ap Thomas for conducting his men homewards from Dover and for their abode at Calais and transport to England, viz 698l. 11s. 6d.
Small paper, p. 1.
Exch. Accts., 61 (2). R. O. 3. Names of captains and petty captains and numbers of their companies of Welsh footmen, in all 2,468 in the retinue of Sir Rice [ap Thomas,] the last item being "keepers of Sir Rice stuff at the muster, 9 soldiers, footmen." The captains are Ryse ap Dd, Mr. Owen ap Rice, Jamys ap Harry, Inon ap Howell, David ap John ap Thomas, Owen Guyne, Sir John Oghan, kt., Sir Owen Perrott, kt., Harry ap John, and 17 others.
Large paper, pp. 3.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 7, f. 26. R. O. 2482. [4586.] EXPENCES OF THE WAR.
Daily payments about the care of the King's harness from its carrying from the waterside to the Exchequer at Calais on 3 (?) July till its return from the ship to the armoury in the Tower on 9 Nov. The real order is ff. 30–32, 27–29 as now bound. Heading almost illegible except the name Blewbery.
Pp. 13. Very faded and mutilated.
T.R. Misc. Book, 3, p. 95. R. O. 2483. [4232.] THE TENTS.
Expenditure about the King's pavilions in the war, viz.:—
"Inprimis" paid to 100 pavilioners, 9 June 5 Hen. VIII. to 16 June, when they entered into "wages of war," 15l. Likewise to 19 carpenters 57s., 18 labourers 54s., 4 wheelers 12s., and 2 smiths 6s.
Ropes and cords:—1 July, bought 200lb. of ropes small and great to repair tackling broken on St. Peter's night "in the tempest," 33s. 4d. 5 July, of the roper of Seint Umbris, 30 double knotts of "spelcyng lyen" at 12d. the knott. 6 July, 300lb. of weighted ropes to repair hurts done in the tempest on the night of the 4th, bought of the roper of Merke, 50s. 9 July, of the serjeant of Fynis 300lb. of tackle. 6 Aug., at Sent Umbris 400lb. of ropes; 19 Aug., 500lb. of ropes; 24 Aug., 441lb.; 1 Sept. 543lb. Bought, 13 Sept., "a rope of two Almains at Tournay, the first day of the King's coming before the town of Touray," 4s.; the same day bought of Harry Dovell a rope price 12d.
Thread:—Six purchases of thread and one of rosin to make shoemakers wax between 11 June and 1 Sept., including, on 6 Aug., 10 doz. of "threden poyintys for lopys for the Kynges loging and for the tent of clothe of golde," at 2d. the dozen.
Canvas:—Bought, 13 July, 600 "awndes" of canvas of a merchant stranger at 43s. 4d. the hundred; 29 Aug., 300 "awndes" at 5½d. the "awnde."
Nails and iron work:—Bought of Ric. Harteshorne, 10 June, wheeler's tools, viz., an axe, a spokeshave, a "squier" and 5 awgers, 4s. 5d.; of Wm. Tyrrell, an ax, a wrybit and an awger, 8d.; of Th. Rychardes, "a nax, ij. holou bruses, a spoke shave, a naddes" (an adze), 5s.; of Robert Chapman "a nax, 5 augers, 3 cornbrusys, a shave, an addes," 6s. 8d. 27 June, 4,000 nails for repairing the carts, 10s. 7 July, 4 "botters," 4 "hares" and 4 "pynsours" for shoeing horses, bought in the market of a Dutchman, 16s.; 2,000 fourpenny nails, 5s.; 2,000 fivepenny nails, 6s. 8d.; 1,000 tenpenny nails, 8s. 4d.; 100 spikes for nailing standards, 6s. 13 July, 2,000 tin nails, 6s. 8d. Carpenters' tools delivered to Th. Williamson 28 July, 4s. 6 Aug., 3,000 nails, 5s.; 4,000 nails, 8s. 10d.; 2,000 tin nails for lattice, 12d. At Ayre, 18 Aug., 100lb. of iron to make pins and gogyns, 4s., and hire of a house and help to make them, 6s. 8d.; also 1,000 nails, 2s. 6d., 2,000 nails 3s. 4d., 2,000 nails 20d. and 200 long nails 3s. 4d. 29 Aug., 2,000 nails 20d. 3 Sept., at Sent Umbres 1,000 horse nails 4s. 2d., a spade 12d. 21 Nov., 30 staples to hang the tents and halys upon to dry, 2s. 6d., also 100 spikes 2s. 6d. Additional item: Bought 6 Sept. at Gyngatt, at the King's removing, 12 "trangelles" and 24 "pynnys" of iron, 13s. 4d.
Carriage and portage:—Carriage of old tents from Blakfreres to the ship, 10 June, 4d. Carriage of the King's tent of cloth of gold to the ship 11 June, 8d.; also bought 6 doz. whips for carters at 1d. each. 27 June, in the market of Calys 30lb. of cart grease, 2s. 6d. 28 July, grease, 4s. 6 Aug., reward to three waggoners fetching timber for stakes 12d. 18 Aug., grease, 13d. 19 Oct., for three boats to carry wet tents out of the ship to land, 2s.; also hire of a house and meadow at Andwarpe to dry the tents 5s., wharf payment 4d., and "hire of the crane that same day to ship the chimneys of iron," 8s. 2 Nov., for a waggon to carry six cart harness from Middelway into Cales, 12d. 3 Nov., a waggon to carry all the chariot and cart harness in Calais from the house where it was left to the house where the King's stuff lies, 18d. 5 Nov., a waggon to carry the Flanders houses from Marke to Calais, 2s. 7 Nov., six boats to land tents to dry at Armew, 4s. Carriage of all the King's tents, hales and pavilions from the waterside to the house where they still remain in Calais, on 18 Nov., viz., eighteen items of payment to different persons (named) at the rate of 1½d. the load; and on 21 Nov. thirteen items.
Timber and timber work:—Many items including 8s. for six fir poles bought of the wardens of St. Mary Church at Calais 27 June to replace these "broken in the tempest"; 13 July, poplar boards for the King's house of timber; 28 July, a hamper for the "rich hanging"; 2,000 stakes wrought by carpenters of the country "on a night against the Emperor's coming the 7th day of August"; 24 Aug. a stool for the King.
Leather:—Bought 11 June, of Robert Smyth, four bags of leather "for the walls of house of cloth of gold," 30s.; 28 July eight skins of leather to cover a hamper for the rich hanging, 6s., and six pair of "womlys for letheryng of halys," 5s. 19 Aug., a bare hide "for to cover the Emperor's house in the field," 3l. 1 Sept., 12 pair of "womlys," 12s.
Rewards:—11 Sept., to carpenters, at the sergeant's commandment, 6s. 8d.; also to them for 3,000 stakes, 20s. 8 Oct., for sanding the pavement in Tournay against the jousts there, 13s. 7d. 2 Nov., to the constable of Myddelway for hire of a chamber for cart harness, 12d.; also some further payments on 2 and 3 Nov. about storage of cart harness. 5 Nov. hire of a chamber at Sent Umbres for keeping the King's two Flaunders houses for twelve weeks, 4s.; carriage of the houses to the waterside 6d. and hire of a "plade" to bring them to Marke 3s. 4d. 7 Nov. hire of ground at Armew to dry tents, 2s.
Painting 40 "penselles for wagans" bought 28 July, 13s. 4d.
"Fraylles for the matt for the King's house of timber," bought 7 Aug., 2s. 29 Aug., 12 lanthornes bought at Sent Umbers, 8s.
Total in this book, 98l. 5s. 7½d.
Pp. 26. Endd.: Richard Gibson.
1. For the Dean and Canons St. George's College, Windsor. Custody of the lordships and manors of Knapton, Norf., of Cillysworthe, Suff., and of Benfeldbury, Essex, during the minority of John Veer, kinsman, and heir of John earl of Oxford. [It appears by the petition prefixed to the S.B. that the premises were sold by Elizabeth Veer countess of Oxford, mother of John late earl of Oxford, to Richard duke of Gloucester, late king of England, of whom they were purchased for 1,000l., as Thomas earl of Arundel can vouch, by Edward IV., to the use of the aforesaid College; after which the said Earl of Oxford wrongfully obtained possession thereof by suit to Henry VII. under color of restitution of his possessions which had come to the hands of Edw. IV. and Hen. VII. by his attainder; and just before his death, the Earl appointed his counsel and that of the College to communicate as to his title to the premises.] Del. Mortlake, 1 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 24. [4536.]
2. Thomas Barker, prior of Newburgh, York. Letters patent enabling him to obtain bulls from Rome for himself and his successors to hold the church of Epworth, Lincolnshire, in commendam. Westm., 3 Nov. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3. Rymer XIII. 383. [4537.]
3. John Pilleston, sewer of the Chamber. To be sergeant-at-arms, with 12d. a day, vice John Roydon, deceased. Tournay, 23 Sept. 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Nov. P.S. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 24. [4538.]
4. Commission of the Peace. See Appendix.
Devon.—Westm., 5 Nov. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 3d. [4539.]
5. John Byng, of Wolverhampton, Staff., labourer, alias capper, alias mercer. Pardon. Windsor Castle, 6 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Mortlake, 6 Nov. P.S. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 24. [4540.]
6. William Compton, the King's servant. To be bailiff of Burley, Hants, for life, with the fees enjoyed by Maurice Barkeley. Del. Mortlake, 6 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. S.B. (in English). Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 2. [4541.]
7. Sir William Compton, the King's servant. To be Chancellor of Ireland, for life. Del. Mortlake, 6 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. S.B. (in English). Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 2. [4542.]
8. Lewis Clifford. Exemption from serving on juries, &c. Del. Westm., 6 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 2. [4543.]
9. Sheriff Roll.
Cumb.—John Lamplewe, *Edm. Sampforde, Sir Edward Musgrave.
Northumb.—*Chr. Clapham, Wm. Swynbourne, Robt. Colyngwode, "hæres ..."
Yorks.—Sir Wm. Bulmer, *Sir Wm. Percy, Sir Wm. Gascoyne, sen.
Notts and Derby.—Humph. Hercy, Hen. Bosom, *Roger Mynors.
Linc.—*Sir Marmaduke Constable, junr., Th. Barneston, Andr. Billesby.
Warw. and Leic.—*Sir Edward Ferrers, Sir Edward Grevile, John Spenser.
Salop.—Th. Lakyn, *Wm. Otley, Francis Yong.
Staff.—Sir John Draycot, Ric. Astley, *Sir John Aston.
Heref.—Sir John Lyngeyn, Ralph Haklet, *Edward Crofte.
Glouc.—*Wm. Tracy, Wm. Denys, Edm. Tame.
Oxon and Berks.—*Walter Rodney, Th. Denton, John Osbaston.
Northt.—Robt. Mathewe, Th. Lovet, *John Catesby.
Comb. and Hunts.—*Th. Thoresby, Robt. Frevile, Wm. Tanfelde.
Beds and Bucks.—Wm. Bulstrode, Michael Fissher, *Wm. Gascoigne.
Norf. and Suff.—Sir John Heydon, Th. Gebon, *Sir Anth. Wyngfelde.
Essex and Herts.—*John Seyntclere, Wm. Fitzwilliam, Th. Clyfford.
Kent.—Sir John Fogge, John Crips, *Sir John Norton.
Surrey and Sussex.—Wm. Assheburneham, *Ric. Shirley, Roger Copley.
Hants.—*Sir Arthur Plantagenet, Ric. Norton, John Caylwey.
Wilts.—*Sir John Danvers, Sir John Scrope, John Ludlowe.
Somers and Dors.—*Sir Wm. Compton, Sir Th. Lynda, Edward Gorge.
Devon.—*Wm. Carewe, Edward Willoughby, Sir Edward Pomerey.
Cornw.—John Chamond, Peter Bevill, *John Carmynowe.
Rutland.—John Calcot, Th. Brokesby, *Everard Digby.
Del. Westm., .. Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. S.B.
* The names with asterisks prefixed are those marked by the King to be sheriffs. [4544.]
10. Andrew Scarella, of Savona. Safe conduct, at the request of Margaret of Savoy, for 12 months ensuing, to solicit and procure restitution of his ship called la Karrake de Savona, and of the goods which were in the ship at the time of its capture, or the true value of the same. Windsor Castle, 6 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 Nov. S.B. French Roll, 5 Hen. VIII. m. 11. Rymer XIII. 384. [4546.]
11. Thomas lord Darcy and George Darcy his son. Grant, in survivorship, of the custody of the water of Fosse, near York, and the fishery of the same, as held by Richard Borowe of Henry VII. and Richard Newton of Henry VIII. Tournay, 25 Sept. 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 Nov. P.S. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3. [4547.]
12. Sir William Gascoigne. Inspeximus and exemplification at his request of the following documents:—
i. Writ of certiorari, dated 23 Nov. 4 Hen. VIII., directing the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer to send into Chancery an inquisition taken, 29 Oct. last, at Doncaster, before Hugh Serlbye, escheator, on death of Edw. Redeman.
ii. The above-mentioned inquisition, by which it was found that the said Edward was seised in his demesne as of fee of a moiety of the manor of Harwod, Yorks.; lands in Otley Pole, Holynghall, Yorks.; and lands in Harwod; that the manor of Harwod is held of the King, the manor of Holynghall is held of the heir of John Whates, and the tenement of Pole is held of the heir of Ric. Goldesburgh; and that Joan Redeman is kinswoman and heir of the said Edward, viz., daughter of Henry, son of the said Edward, and is upwards of three years old; and that he died 27 Sept. 2 Hen. VIII. Westm., 11 Nov. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 22. [4550.]
13. Thomas Gibbon. Writ to the Chancellor, for Thomas Gybbon to be sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, vice Sir Anthony Wyngfyld, discharged. Windsor Castle, 11 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. Del. 11 Nov. S.B. (in English).
ii. Fiat for Thomas Guybon to be sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk during pleasure. S.B. [4551.]
14. Thomas Tyrell, master of the horse to the Queen. Licence to import from Flanders 100 tuns of Gascon wine in one year. Calais, 23 Oct. 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 Nov. P.S. (in English). French Roll, 5 Hen. VIII. m. 7. [4552.]
15. Commission of Gaol Delivery.
London, Newgate Gaol.—Wm. Broun, mayor of Norwich (sic, London), Sir John Fyneux, Sir Rob. Rede, Sir Wm. Hody, Rob. Brudenell, Humph. Conyngesby, John Butteler, Wm. Fayrefax, and Ric. Broke, serjeant-at-law. Westm., 11 Nov. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4d. [4553.]
16. Wm. Horton, chapman. Warrant by Thomas ap Owen, "one of the graunde capitaynes with Sir Ryse ap Thomas," for Horton's protection according to the Statute, as serving in the war in the retinue of Sir Ryse ap Thomas. 9 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. Del. 11 Nov., by Th. ap Owen. S.B. (not signed). [4554.]
17. Fiats for appointment of escheators, viz.:—
Camb. and Hunts.—John Taylard.
Midd.—Ric. Clowdesley.
Nthld.—Cuthbert Ratclyff.
Beds and Bucks.—John Mordaunt.
Soms. and Dors.—Th. Kalawey.
Glouc. and Marches.—_ (blank) Huntley.
Norf. and Suff.—Wm. Gryse.
Yorks.—Edw. Knyght.
Staff.—John Stretehaye.
Salop.—Rob. Pygotte.
Warw. and Leic.—Ric. Palmer.
Essex and Herts.—Rob. Torbervyle.
Worc.—Giles Grevill.
Oxon and Berks.—Wm. Yong.
Heref.—Wm. Clerc.
Hants.—Rob. Bulkley.
Notts.—George Maverell.
Ntht.—John Lenton.
Devon.—John Gilbert.
Cumb. and Westmld.—Th. Salkeld.
Linc.—Rob. Eyland.
Surr. and Sussex.—John Gage.
S.B. (each signed "T. Norfolk," and delivered at Westm., 11 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII.)
18. John Almer. To be serjeant-at-arms, for life, with 12d. a day from Easter last. Del. Mortlake, 12 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 24. [4555.]
19. John Vaghan, groom of the Chamber. Licence to import 500 tuns of wine from beyond sea, in Spanish, Flemish or other friendly ships. Windsor Castle, 12 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Mortlake, 13 Nov. P.S. French Roll, 5 Hen. VIII. m. 7. [4557.]
20. Commission of Gaol Delivery.
Norwich.—John Ryghtwys, mayor, Sir Jas. Hobart, Ric. Burgh, Geo. Clerk, Th. Aldrych, Ric. Aylmer, Fras. Mounford, and John Spylman. Westm., 13 Nov. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4d. [4558.]
21. Commission of the Peace. See Appendix.
Oxon.—Westm., 14 Nov. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 3d. [4559.]
22. Wm. Raper, yeoman purveyor of the Pultry. Fiat for a commission for six months, to take capons, hens, geese, eggs, &c., for the Household. Del. Westm., 15 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. S.B. (addressed to the Clerk of the Crown by John Shirley, Cofferer).
23. Robert Fairefax and Robert Bithesee or Bythesee. Annuity of 9l. 2s. 6d. in survivorship, viz., 7l. 18s. 5d. out of the farm of Colemere, Hants, by the hands of the Prior of Southwike, and 24s. 1d. from the issues of Hants; on surrender of patent 22 June 1 Hen. VIII. granting the same to Fayrefax, gentleman of the King's chapel. Lisle, 15 Oct. 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Mortlake, 16 Nov. P.S. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 2. [4564.]
24. Robert Thorney, one of the yeomen porters of the King's gates. Annuity of 5l. for life, out of the lordship of Dynbigh, N. Wales, which Charles Manwaryng, deceased, lately had. Windsor Castle, 14 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Mortlake, 16 Nov. P.S. (in English). Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 2. [4565.]
25. William Fytton, yeoman of the Butlery. Grant, during pleasure, of all lands in Mapilthorp, Linc., late of Edmund Dudley, attainted. Mortlake, 16 Nov. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 2. [4566.]
26. William Cousyn, the King's chaplain, Dean of Wells. Licence to obtain bulls from Rome, licensing him (and his successors, if he will) to be absent from his benefice six months in the year. Del. Westm., 18 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4. [4567.]
27. Commission of Gaol Delivery.
Surrey Gaol, Southwark.—John Boteler, Sir Thos. Lovell, John More, serjeant-at-law, Sir Hen. Wyat, Sir Ric. Cholmeley, Sir John Leigh, John Erneley, and John Scott. Westm., 18 Nov. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4d. [4568.]
28. Ralph Fulsehurst. Custody of the lands and wardship and marriage of George, kinsman and heir of Sir Edward Rawley, viz., son of Edward, son of the said Sir Edward. Del. Westm., 19 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4. [4569.]
29. Sir Richard Carewe, knight for the Body, and Nicholas his son. To be lieutenants, in survivorship, of the castle of Calais, from 6 Oct. last, with power to nominate a constable, 29 men at arms on foot, and 20 archers on foot there, with 2s. a day for wages, 20l. a year for reward, 8d. a day for each man at arms and 6d. for each archer; as held by Sir John Donne and Sir Anthony Broun. Del. Westm., 20 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 2. [4570.]
30. James Meryke of Wentfordton. Grant, for life, of the demesne lands of the town and lordship of Wentfordton, in the earldom of March. Tournay, 23 Sept. 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 25 Nov. P.S. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 2. [4575.]
31. John Buttle, yeoman purveyor of the Pultry. Fiat for a commission for six months to take hens, capons, ... hernshewes, cranes, geese, pheasants, partridges and larks, &c., for the Household. Del. Knoll, 26 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. S.B. (addressed to the Clerk of the Crown by John Shurley, Cofferer).
32. Thomas Stotevyle. Licence to import 500 tuns of Gascon or French wine. Windsor Castle, 23 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 27 Nov. P.S. French Roll, 5 Hen. VIII. m. 8. [4580.]
33. Commission of the Peace. See Appendix.
Wilts.—Knoll, 29 Nov. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 3d. [4583.]
34. Ric. Knyghtley, Edm. Knyghtley, Thos. Isham and Edw. Warner. Commission to make inquisition in respect of the possessions, &c., held by [Edward] late earl of Wiltshire, Elizabeth late wife of Sir Thos. Cheyne, Constance late wife of John [Parre] and A[my] late wife of Humph. [Broun]: the said Earl, Elizabeth, Constance and Alice being all deceased ... Nov. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 24d. (Much defaced.) [4587.]


  • 1. According to Douglas' Peerage of Scotland he withdrew to Whithorn in Galloway after the battle of Flodden, and died there in 1514. The address of this letter, however, must be 1513 at the latest.
  • 2. In Vol. II., p. 1462, called "Barnabas Geytan" (Caetano?).
  • 3. Battle of Vicenza, 7 Oct. 1513.
  • 4. Compare No. 2304.