Henry VIII: January 1514, 1-15

Pages 1121-1131

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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January 1514

1 Jan.
Sp. Trans, I., 5, f. 383. R.O.
Letters from the Queen of France brought by Villanova after he left. The King of England has written to the Pope that he will renew his enterprise (in France) next year with greater force and that the Scots show no inclination for peace. Quintana shall tell the Emperor that this Scotch business will either retain the King of England in his own country or hasten his return to it, so that assistance from him is unreliable. Necessity of employing trustworthy servants. Quintana must write by this courier before setting out to the Emperor. Disposal of the duchy of Milan.
Spanish. Modern transcript from Paris, pp. 2. Headed: Madrid, 1 Jan. 1514. See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 156.
Egerton MS. 544, f. 368. B.M. 2. Another modern copy.
Pp. 2.
2 Jan.
Add. MS. 18,826, f. 44. B.M.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe for red say for the Parliament Chamber, to be delivered to Chr. Rochester, usher of the said Chamber. Windsor, 2 Jan. 5 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
2 Jan.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 7, f. 87. R.O.
Understands by Langvylle, the herald, that he wishes much to speak with the King in presence of Wolsey and my Lord Lisle only. He does not wish any of the officers of arms to know it. Thinks he can communicate secrets of importance, and that the Duke's (fn. 1) chaplain should come to him "against this Lent, and also Cleremond's servant, for I understand that he hath none of his own folks with him." Has received no notice of the letters which he sent to Wolsey from the Lord Doryere, who may "think long to have answer of them." Calles, 2 Jan.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Master Almoner with the King's most noble grace. Endd.: The Depute of Calais.
3 Jan.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 93. R.O.
Begs him to explain to the Almoner (Wolsey) that he is unable to supply him with wine, his ship having been stopped at Rochelle and his herrings lost. Begs him to obtain from Guillaume Davidt a debt of 24l. gr. of Flanders. Has sent a man to Normandy to make interest with the Great Senechal of Normandy to get him a licence to trade in France. Dunkirk, Tuesday, 3 Jan. 1513.
Hol. Fr. p. 1. Add.
4 Jan.
Eras. Ep. (Edit. Allen), I. 284.
While Erasmus was hesitating to approach so great a man with so petty a gift Wolsey was further advanced to the episcopal dignity. The book (fn. 2) is small but is by Plutarch, than whom Greece, fertile parent of great minds, never produced a man more learned and pleasing. Cambridge, pridie nonas Jan.
4 Jan.
Roman Transcripts, I., 1. f. 176. R.O.
2559. LEO. X. to FOX.
Has written to him twice, first generally and then more closely, to influence the King to counsels of peace. Writes now for the third time, enlarging upon Fox's piety and reputation. From the letters of the Bp. of Worcester and from Andrew Ammonius, the King's secretary, he will learn more. Rome, 4 Jan. 1514 anno primo.
Latin. Modern transcript, pp. 3. Headed: Episcopo Wintoniensi
4 Jan.
Ib., f. 174. R.O.
2560. LEO. X. to WOLSEY.
Silvester bp. of Worcester, the King's ambassador and the Pope's domestic prelate, has declared Wolsey's thanks for the Pope's goodwill, which he has well deserved. Urges him to incline his King's mind to peace. Commends Worcester. Rome, 4 Jan. 1514, anno primo.
Latin. Modern transcript, pp. 2. Headed: Thomæ Elemosynario Regis Angliæ
5 Jan.
Sanuto. XVII., 526.
2561. VENICE.
[Note of letters seen 3 Feb. 1513–14.]
From Roberto Acciaiolo to the Signory of Florence, Blois, 5 Jan.—The King in bed with gout. His treating with the Swiss stopped, since the Pope intervened. A man (fn. 3) of the King of Spain has come to Court for deliverance of Captain Piero Navaro, who was taken at Ravenna. Dealings therein show probability of the truce being prolonged. Lautrec sent towards Italy with 4,000 lanzknechts, 4,000 "paesani" and 1,000 Gascons. The "Cavalier Bianco," who is in Scotland has written to the King that the Scots will follow the war for France against England, but they want aid of men and would like 600 lances [and] 1,000 lanzknechts; and for this they were sending two ambassadors to France.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 370.
6 Jan.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 7, f.74. R.O.
"In the 5th year of our sovereign lord the King and [time of his] wars, by the commandment of our said Sover[eign, were by Richard Gybson] made and provided, for his own person and oth[er as well in the camp] of the siege before Turwyn as in the town [of Kales and] city of Tournay, as hereafter shall ensue [right plainly]."
Expences of green velvet and cloth of silver received in the Staple Chamber of [Calais, in the] King's presence, and spent on six coats of "revyt fa[ssyon wtowt] syght strange to declare" delivered by the King's command to Masters Wm. à Par, Edward Nev[ell]. Wm. Phewylliam (Fitz William), Master Garnyngam, Harry Gylford, and Nich. Carew. For cloth of silver damask and white satin received of Ric. Smith in the King's field at Turwyn, employed in coats "kut small losynge facyon" and covering bards, for the King and Lord Lysle. Crimson satin for 220 crosses in the borders of the said coats and bards. Costs done at Tournay at the great banquet; for white satin, white and yellow damask, &c., including "12 yards of yellow damask, the yard English 6s. sterling, spent for four minstrels' garments," and the tailor's charge for making four jackets of yellow damask for the minstrels, 10s., four pair of hosen for the four maskellors, 5s. the piece, 12 visors at 2s. each, and 12 red felts, 1s. each. "Stuff and garments delivered and worn and used in the city of Tournay at a banquet there, [of] the King with many nobles, the Prince of Castyll, the Duchess of Savoy; and after the banquet and mummery the said garments were given to divers strangers whose names I cannot rehearse." Garments, provided for an interlude devised by Sir Harry Guilford, master of the Revels, for Christmas, containing a moresque of six persons and two ladies (called Beauty and Venus), of white and green satin of Breges, black, crimson, white, and yellow sarcenet, fine syperys (ciprus), copper spangs (spangles), Milan bells—used at Richmond. The items include: white satin of Bruges, 2s. 6d. the yard, of which six jackets for gentlemen each six yards, with wide sleeves pendent. Black sarcenet gowns for the same, "to kever their garments," each five yards. For "kevering six bonnets," half yard each. Six pairs of slop hosen for kevering of their bells; six girdles, three-quarter yard. For four yards of yellow sarcenet employed for a fool's coat; and for minstrels and young gentlemen, of the same color. For "Venus' " garment, in surcoat and mantle. Crimson sarcenet employed in garnishing the fool's coat; and in bonnets for the gentlemen, in girdles, bands for the bonnets, stomachers for the ladies, and coifs for the minstrels. Minstrels' coats, half of white sarcenet, and bonnet garded with the same. Seven pair of "hover parts" of hosen for the young gentlemen of yellow damask. Expences of sypers for the lady called "Bewt[e]" and the lady called "Venus." Spangs (or spangylles) of Flanders called "setters," at 4d. per 1,000, and others of latin called "hyngers," at 6d. 1,000; for jackets broidered by Wm. Mortemer, 24 doz. myllyn bells, at 12d. the doz. To Richard Rownanger, painter, for making two bonnets for the ladies 3s. 2d., and a surcoat and a mantle of yellow sarcenet, with hearts and wings of silver, for the lady who played "Venus," 10s. For making, bonnets for men at 6d. each, jackets at 20d., lady's garment at 4s., gowns at 12d., fool's coat at 3s. 4d., and a minstrel's at 12d. Boathire to Richmond the day of the disguising, on Twelfth Day, at night, 5 Hen. VIII.
In Gibson's hand. Large paper, pp. 6. Slightly mutilated.
T.R. Misc. Book 217, f. 72. R O. 2 [Vol. II. p. 1500]. Draft of § 1 from which most of the words in brackets are supplied.
In Gibson's hand. Large paper, pp. 5. Mutilated.
6 Jan.
Le Glay, Corresp. de Max. et de Marg., II. 220.
Has charged Messter Loys, his secretary, to advertise her touching the matter of England and his own news upon which he requires her advice. Would have long ago answered her upon the subject for which Loys came but that most of it was the same as the charge she gave to the treasurer Messire Rolant, whom he answered immediately. (fn. 4) As to your excuse, made by Maitre Loys "sur le peur que avons eu sur vous, touchant nostre allé de par delà, nous sumus bien content de vostre excuse, cumbien que nous pourrions bien repliker." 6 Jan. 1513.
Le Glay, Corresp. de Max. et de Marg., II., 159. 2564. MARGARET OF SAVOY to MAXIMILIAN.
Approves his answer to the Pope's proposals for an appointment with the Venetians,—that he would act with the advice of the King of Aragon. An end of this affair of the Venetians is most necessary, but the Emperor should not entrust anything in Italy to the hands of the Pope, as a third party. Rather than fail, he might commit such to the hands of the King Catholic, who would hardly, to please the Venetians, wrong his own heir (for both the Emperor and he are fathers of one son and heir); which she dare not so lightly presume of the Pope. Jehan Colle is not likely to be agreeable to the King Catholic; and, therefore, it would be better to send Armestorff, or else Bouton, who is here, a wise and adroit gentleman, with whom she would send Diego Flores, her treasurer. Men must be carefully chosen who are sent to him who is (after Maximilian) the most experienced prince of the world, and trusts no one; but the advice of the Ambassador Urreas may be used. Has heard what was written about her to the Emperor, touching the 30,000 cr., and the charge therein which was delivered to Maître Loys. Hopes that, after seeing her last letters, written with her own hand, he will be satisfied; for she did her loyal duty, even so far as to be bound with the Treasurer. Difficulty of ordering the estat of her nephew.
6 Jan.
Sanuto, XVII., 448.
2565. VENICE.
[Note of a letter passed in the Senate, 6 Jan. 1513–4; to be sent to the Ambassador in England, with a letter of credence to the King.]
It excused the peace with France as made to recover the State's own territory from those who had been paid to recover it. They had made every effort for an agreement with the Emperor, and lately referred it to the Pope's arbitration. They begged the King, who had always been their friend to write to the Emperor to make terms. They had been compelled to confirm with the Turk the peace they made with his father.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 363.
7 Jan.
Ven. Transcr., 179, p. 1. R.O.
7 Jan. 1513.—Wrote fully, some months ago, of their unchanged observance towards him and eagerness for peace with the Emperor. Desires credence for their ambassador.
Latin. Modern transcript, ½ p. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 364.
7 Jan.
Ib., 176. p. 142. R.O.
Enclose a letter of credence for the King, in presenting which he shall say that their unaltered mind towards him was proved by their sending Francesco Capello, who, on his way thither, was stopped by the Emperor, and sent back by such rough ways that he contracted an illness of which he has since died. Their league with France was, as already declared, rendered necessary by the misconduct of those who were formally bound to aid and defend them, and were paid by them; and it was solely for recovery of their own. Have always sought agreement with the Emperor and recently remitted the case to the Pope; but the Emperor's agents say they can make no settlement without first writing to Germany and Spain, hoping meanwhile to take the Signory unawares, for the Spanish army continues to harass them. Badoer shall ask the King to use his well-known authority with the Emperor, for peace. Understand by private letters that the master of a bark captured by the English has said that the Signory promised galleys to act against them; which is pure imagination, for they have enough to do with their galleys both against their own enemies and the Turk, a very fierce youth who is preparing a great fleet.
P.S.—Learn, by way of Rome, that the King complains of their sending Stradiotes to aid France. Stradiotes are the Turk's subjects, not theirs; and those in question are mutineers whom they have condemned to death if caught.
Italian. Modern transcript, pp. 3. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 365.
8 Jan.
Sanuto, XVII., 471.
2568. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 13 Jan. 1513–14.]
From the Ambassadors at Rome, 7 and 8 Jan.—* * * Gurk, after an interview with the Pope has sent Antonello de la Rovere, the bp. of Vicenza's brother, to the Emperor at Inspruch. The Pope's saying that, as he has pleased the Emperor in two things, viz., dividing Lent in Germany into two terms and ... (blank), so, the Emperor will please him by making the truce. Also that the answer from Spain will come. And as he has pleased the King of England with a thing which Pope Julius would never grant ... (blank) * * * Gathered from Cardinals Bibiena and Cornaro that the Pope hopes to reconcile France and England by letting the King of England have the rule of Scotland, which belongs to his nephew; because the Queen of Scotland is his sister and expects [her son] to inherit England as he has no children.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 366.
9 Jan.
Roman Transcr., I., 62. R.O.
Certificate that Pope Leo. X., at the relation of An. cardinal of St. Vitalis, in place of the Card. of St. Sixtus (to whom the cause between William Bunche abbot of Kelwynnyng, O.S.B., Glasgow dioc., and John Forman, monk of that Order, was committed), has, this day, accepted the resignation of the said Abbot and committed the abbey to the rule of James archbishop of Glasgow, assigning lands (specified) to the said William. Rome, 9 Jan. 1513, Pont. 1.
Latin. Modern transcript from Rome, pp. 4.
9 Jan.
Stowe MS. 584.
Contemporary account of the obsequies of Anne duchess of Brittany, Queen of France, who died at Blois 9 Jan. 1513.
French. Written on vellum and gorgeously illustrated, pp. 136.
10 Jan.
Sp. Trans., I., 5, f. 394. R.O.
In reply to her request, by Secretary Loys Marton, for permission to arrest Don. Juan Manuel on a charge of speaking ill of King Ferdinand, authorises his arrest only if he has committed a legal crime; otherwise it is sufficient to banish him. Inspruck, 10 Jan. 1514.
French. Modern transcript from Simancas, pp. 2. See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 160.
12 Jan.
Vitellius B. XVIII., 64. B.M.
Has this day received the King's of the 28th ult. with [a letter] to the Ambassador of Venice ... [who] "is not now in this town." Touching the Bishop of Feltyrs, has from time to time reported his charge and demea[nor]. Touching the demand of the Emperor "what ... ye shulde have wt Scotlande, that doubt was but ... at my first coming, and I have declared so the [difference] of your power and theirs that of a good sea[son he has] not showed to have any such doubt." Respecting your letters of crede[nce to me,] "no Ambassadors be yet com ... greett perplexite at this daye ... wards as ever they were." Has been informed by merchants that ever since the winning of Marrane and [Moun]tfalkon in Fryole there have been disturbances approaching to sedition. If it take effect perfectly, "actum est de Venetis." The Vicentynes have requested the Emperor to allow them to return to the city and they will obey such captain and governor as he may put there, and defend the Vicentine at their own cost against the Venetians. As regards the 20,000 bowstaves required by the King, to be greater and longer than those sent him by the Emperor, wishes his Majesty had informed him of the length and size and where and how the money should be had, "for without money merchandize goeth but easily forward," nevertheless at the sight of a letter from my Lord of Winchester and Mr. Almoner he has procured that his Majesty shall have 4,000 bowstaves at Lysle, a gift from the Emperor. Has found out that the wood grows "in Boheme and in Awstryk and Bavier." Has asked merchaunts of Awsbourge, of his "agweyntaunce" to enquire "what the hundred [should cost to be sent] to London or Andwerpe." The Emperor has made enquiry "w[hat number] myght be fownde in Bavier, which is nott so fa[r] ... of Awstryk and he is advertysyd that there is at a ... uppon the Danubius in Bavier a grett nowmbyr of ... which he providyd be merchaunts, but they can nott ... tyll the Revers be ooppyn for all is closyd upp in the [winter by] the froste. I shall sende aman thethir to wit what ... they be and whethir they intende to carry the same. [I do what I] can to pourvey youre grace, howbeit there must [money] be preparyd redy at Andwerpe wt the factours of t ... or the Belxers, and that I maye be advertysyd of the [said] monney. Marchauntys bere but small favour; and the [Emperor] also shewid me that as far as he can perceyve a C. [should cost] the fyrste bying here 10 floryns of goolde which is ... sterlyng and thanne the caryage from so far me se[emeth a]greett charge." But his Majesty will have them carried in his own name. Encloses [books in] "prynte as hath ben maade in these partyes of ... be in Almayne tonge and therfore I have hard[ly] ... thanne sene or redde theym; howbeit as I a ... of moore ampyll fourme thanne these w ... there by dyvers fygures of ... grace is maade of awncient fygure ... a very pronostication that God hath ordeyned you to ... to the conforte and weell of all Crystendome." Trusts that he has sufficiently answered all the articles contained in Henry's letter of 28th ult. saving those which he must see the Emperor about. Believes the Pope's Ambassador here determined to serve the Pope truly and desirous to see the Emperor and his confederates continue in love and favour. By sinister means the Emperor has been made suspicious of the Pope, which is wrong; "for and so be his Majeste, your grace, and the King of Aragon continue in one mind, as necessity requireth, not only the Pope but also all Christendom shall be right desirous to dance after your reasonable pipe, and till it be perfectly seen that amongst you there shall be no division. God defend that the Pope as head of Christ's Church being so late recovered of extreme danger should now shew himself negligent either in soliciting and exhorting an universal peace or joining himself unadvisedly with any party of Christendom till it may appear evidently that the most healthful parties be joined [in]separably together for the weal and surety of the same; but the[se be inv]entions of France and such as giveth ear and credence to the [same] go about to give judgment or the person be detected and condemned ... crime more to advance by the mean their impostomyd ... [th]an for any other cause." Whereas the said ambassador has briefs to [the Emperor] and princes of the Empire "the Emperor hath [desired him] to retain the said briefs for a season." The Duke of Milan has sent an Ambassador called Mr. Bonegaliaz de Castelle Novate, who visited Wingfield and delivered a letter of credence from the Duke, conveying thanks to the King for having shown himself friendly, and offering services. Wishes Henry would send some greater person to be Ambassador at this Court, as he is too poor to sustain the dignity. [Insbrook ?] 12 Jan. 1514.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 5. Add.
13 Jan.
Sanuto, XVII., 531.
2573. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 6 Feb. 1513–14.]
From Andrea Badoer, [London,] 13 Jan.—The King, like a real friend, offers to mediate in the agreement which is being treated, and has already written to the Emperor therein. He is determined to invade France next May, and to make three pairs of marriages, viz., his maiden sister to the Archduke, his sister widow of Scotland to the Emperor, and Madame Margaret, the Emperor's daughter, to one of the first of his barons called lord _ (blank) (fn. 5) whom he will make duke of Suffolk.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 371.
14 Jan.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 94. R.O.
To-day at noon I received yours dated at Savye, the 4th, wherein you think that if there is no further news of the intended enterprise of the Frenchmen, no great number of men need be retained at Portsmouth, leaving to my discretion the sure keeping of the King's ships. The only further news of the Frenchmen is the report of a Spaniard from Boroage, who heard, about Rochell, that the Frenchmen would send 15,000 men into Scotland and the ships were ready. Assuredly, if they knew how Portsmouth is fortified, none of them durst enter the haven, "which is the most best fortified thing with bulwarks, trenches and great pieces of artillery thick laid in them that ever I saw or heard of." Had I ships of my own worth 20,000l. I durst leave them where the King's ships lie; but I dare not do with the King's ships as with my own, and therefore have retained _ (blank) persons besides those I brought from London, paying them wages for eight days from Thursday last and appointing captains, viz., Wm. Symondes of 100 of Sir Wm. Sandes' company, John Wallopp of 100 which himself brought, Th. Wodall of 50 from Winchester and 50 from Sir John Lyle and others, John Hopton of my lord of Arundell's company and 24 of his own. Sir Wm. Sandes, Master Arthur, John Hopton, Richard Palshet and other gentlemen and shipmasters of experience agree that this is sufficient; and none dwelling within 20 miles are admitted to wages, as such may assemble when they see the beacons, which are surely watched both in Wight and on this side. Please let me know whether to increase or discharge the garrison and how long I shall remain here. My lord of Arundell sent me 300 men, and Mr. Sandes, Mr. Arthur, Sir John Lyle, Sir George Putnam, Sir Wm. Gyfford, Wm. Pallet, Henry Bridges, John Ernley, nephew to the King's attorney, and Richard Sandes, with good companies, came to me, some on Thursday, some yesterday, whom I trust you will thank for their pains and costs. If a garrison is to remain here someone should be appointed to command it, for which post Master Arthur seems most convenient "considering that the country regards him best of any man hereabouts, and also he is sheriff of the shire and dwelling within three mile of Portesmouth." James Knevet is come to Portesmouth and to-morrow shall depart to the sea; "and in likewise all other ships of war depart ever as they come" to learn what the Frenchmen do. Havand, 14 Jan. Signed: T. Surrey.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd.: Letters of my Lord Admiral with other letters concerning the sea.
15 Jan.
Faustina, E. VII. 4. B.M.
Prays that his friend Belknapp's account may be admitted; the auditor has refused to allow it on the ground that Belknap had no commission to pay the wages of Lisle's retinue at Southampton. He has paid at Lisle's command many sums, not only to Lisle's retinue, but to Lord Howard's and Sir W. Parr's, over and above the appointment taken with John Dautrey; to which sums Lisle has attached his signature. 15 Jan. Signed: Charlys Lysle.
P. 1, attached to § ii. Add.: To my loving friend Sir John Dancy, knt.
ii. Declaration made by Sir Edward Belknapp, knight ... ayenst the sum of 5,263l. 11s. by him had and received of the King o[ur Sovereign Lord by the hands of John Dautrey,] one of the customers of the port of Southampton, for and upon the wages of sundry lords, knig[hts, gentlemen] and soldiers underwritten, lately retained in the King's army and voyage royal ayenst the enemies of the church of Rome in the parties of France in the 5th year of the most noble reign of our said Sovereign Lord King Henry the VIII."; sc.:—
I. Lord Lisle's retinue.—To Sir Charles Viscount Lisle, 40s. a day for 49 days, 19 May-6 July 5 Hen. VIII. To Sir Ric. Candishe, himself at 4s., his petty captains 2s., and 100 foot soldiers 6d. a day. To Sir John Brugges, Sir Roger Pylston, Sir Will. Gryffith, Humph. Griffith, John Pylston the eldest, John his son and heir, and John Pylston the youngest, constable, Owen ap Merek, Griffith ap John, Sir Will. Essex, and Sir Lewis Orwell, Will. Edwards, Sir John Shelston, Sir Edw. Chamberlain, Sir Thos. Lovel, Sir Jas. Fremyngham, Sir John Glemham, Will. Fissher, Ric. Coke, Sir Oliver Pole, and _ (blank) Herrys, with similar allowances for captains and followers; to Mr. Medicus, Spaniard, surgeon, at 2s., and five other surgeons at 8d. a day; two "dromslawes" and two fifers at 12d., and two chaplains, Blynd Dyk, and three other minstrels, at 6d. a day. Total, 2,635l. 15s. 10d. Signed: Charlys Lysley.
II. Captains at Hampton (Southampton):—Barons, Sir Rob. Wylloughby Baron of Broke, for himself 6s. 8d., with three captains, three petty captains, and 300 soldiers at the above rates; and Sir William Willoughby, baron, for himself 6s. 8d., with two captains, two petty captains, and 195 soldiers. Bannerets: Sir Mores Barkeley and Sir Will. Sandes, with like wages for captains, &c., Knights: Sir John Arundell, Sir Piers Eggecombe, Sir John Seymer, Sir Hen. Guldeford, Sir Griffith Donne, Sir Edw. Grevile, Sir Edw. Hungerford. Gunners: John Gylston and John Westowe, master gunners, at 16d.; 18 others at 8d. a day. Herald: Richmond, at 4s. Trumpet: Francis Knyff alias Franklyn Trumpett, at 16d. Purveyors and carters: John Morley, purveyor of horses, 12d.; his servant and 20 carters, 6d., and 20 other carters from the 9th June. Sundries: meat for 100 horses at Winchester, standing at hardmeat, and carrying by the way to Sandwich, 4d. a horse by day. To Sir Edw. Belknapp as paymaster, 420l. 3s. 6d. Total, 5,218l. 6s. 6d.
Further allowance prayed for the wages of Jas. Danyell, Sir Will. Apparr, with followers, &c., to the extent of 102l. 18s. 10d. Signed: Charlys Lysley.
Total, payments and petitions, 5,321l. 5s. 4d. Found correct by Thomas Tamworth at Belknapp's desire. Total of men, 3,840.
A paper roll.
15 Jan.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 7, f. 80. R.O.
2576. [4652.] THOMAS LORD DARCY to WOLSEY.
Recommends himself after the old manner. Wishes to know with what number he shall serve the King, over the sea, next summer. Weak as he is, has recovered from his sickness. Has a good appetite, "and eats fast of such poor viands as the country serves." Hears that his fellows, the Spears, and other neighbours have warning to prepare themselves; but he himself has none. Thinks Wolsey would do well to take into his own hands the travers in the church of York between Mr. Archdeacon of Richmond, Mr. Dalby, Mr. Dr. Machell, commissary, and others. Encloses a bill, in answer to his and the Council's letter to the Deputy of Berwick, of the annoyances done by them to the Scots. Since the field of Branxton, so much has not been done by the warden (fn. 6) of the East and Middle Marches and the lieutenants. About 30 towns in the East Marches next Scotland "be pattished with the Scottish warden, and lets not so to say." This was formerly considered treason, and will ultimately cost the King more "than three reasonable crews lying upon the Marches would have drawn unto." They say they are compelled to this for want of defence. Hopes he will not be left behind if the King proceeds against the French. "Sir, when I was in my chief room and office within the Court, ye and I were bedfellows, and each of us brake our minds to other in all our affrays, and every of us was determined and promised to do other pleasure if it should lie in either of us at any time. Sir, lovings to God, now it lieth in your power to help and avaunce such of your friends as ye favor and find fastness with and sees any towardness in. And at your late being beyond sea, nigh the King's return, of your goodness it list you to say to me, that if ye had known so much as ye did I should have occupied the office of marshal, and ye had liever than great sums it had been so." Begs he will obtain from the King a discharge of the remanet of his obligation for 1,000 marks, amounting to 266l. 13s. 4d.; for he has paid 400l. for four quarters down to 15 May. "Sir, every man will now seek to be your friend, and to be in favor with you; but yet in no wise forget not to cherish such as were your lovers and friends, and desired and was content with your favor and company, for your own sake only, when they reckoned nothing to have you to do for them. He liveth not but he may fall in need of friends; and if ye so should, as God defend, ye should find more fastness at length with one of those than 20 of the other." On account of his poverty, of which he spoke to him at Dover, he asks this favor. "Spain and France, and the occasion of those two journeys," cost him 4,000l. in three years and a half. Is now about to shift his poor plate and lands, but only the King and Wolsey shall know it. "Was never more meet for any business, and in my life my purse never so weak." "At Templehirst, your cabin," 15 Jan. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add.: The Right Worshipful Mr. [Wolse]y, Amoner unto the King's grace.
15 Jan.
Vitellius B. XVIII, 67. B.M.
Wrote last [on the 12th in reply to the King's letter of] the 28th ult. Trusts the Emperor's confirmation is now received. The Emperor was right "wee[l content with]" the letter of credence sent by Henry to Wingfield, for the Ambassador of Venice. The Emperor was also right glad to know that your Grace intended to observe such covenants and promises as were ... little closet at Lisle, and looked for your answer to what he [spake] to Wingfield on the 20th ult. With regard to the Emperor's preparations for carrying on the war this year, about which Wingfield was directed to inquire, wishes Henry had seen the "munytion of all altylerye an ... pertaining to the war that the Emperor hath [caused me and] all other ambassadors to see since we came to this [town. It] is not so great but in order and manner how it is ... is the most exquisite that ever I saw, and besides ... by long practice that as soon as the moune[y] ... rest seemeth to go forth alone for any r ... appeareth." * * * "[News have] I not at this time saving that ... Duchy of Milan, a messenger of France ... be taken and the same decyphered where appeareth [that the] French King writeth to his Ambassador at Rome to [use] all diligence to win the Pope, and it may be, for of the [King] of Aragon he is in despair, which tidings be right [go]ode for hitherto I think verily the Pope hath shewed himself [th]e more neuter because of the truce betwixt France and Spain and that the French hath shewed their trust to be greater in continuing the same than the truth shall prove in deed, and the more that the same clarifieth the faster shall the Pope join to the whole parte." An Ambassador is here from the Duke of Lorraine to excuse his allowing the lanzknechts to pass into France through his country. He shall be dispatched shortly with small comfort to his master. The President of "Dowgion" who was one of the French King's pledges to the Swiss for 400,000 crowns, has fled into Savoy, The Swiss sent an Ambassador to the Duke to deliver him up, which the Duke dared not refuse. Apparently they intend some enterprise into France shortly for they have sent to the Duke to make ready the 500 horse, as he is bound to do. The Emperor leaves on Thesday but it is not known whether he will go direct to Friuli or to Trent. Insbrook, 15 Jan.
P.S.—"Or this letter was ... depart to-morrow and all w ... his pleasure shall be that we follow ... Also I am advertised that the Emperor hath ... concerning such form of peace as is pour[posed with] the Venetians, but as yet I can not advertise [your grace the] certainty."
Hol., mutilated, pp. 3. Add.


  • 1. Duke of Longueville's.
  • 2. A translation of Plutarch's De Utilitate capienda ex inimicis, of which this is the preface headed: "Ornatissimo viro christianissimi Regis Anglorum elemosynario magno, episcopo Lyncolniensi nominato."
  • 3. Quintana.
  • 4. This answer is contained in a letter dated Landau 20 Dec. printed in the same Correspondence, II. 237.
  • 5. Lord Lisle.
  • 6. Lord Dacre.