Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 9

Pages 72-80

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 9

103. John de Esteleye.
Writ, 11 Feb. 3 Edw. I.
Salop. Inq. Thursday the eve of St. Peter in Cathedra, 3 Edw. I.
Nortleye. The manor (extent given), including a messuage and garden half in Nortleye and half in Estleg, held of the king in chief for 8l. 10s. yearly rent.
Estleg. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by service, when the king shall take his way towards Wales, of finding two horses to attend the king's victuals for forty days at his own cost, and after that at the king's cost.
John his son, aged 17 at the feast of St. John the Baptist next, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 9. (1.)
104. James le Blund alias Jakelin Albus, of Carlisle.
Writ, 27 April, 3 Edw. I.
Cumberland. Inq. Wednesday after St. John the Baptist, 3 Edw. I.
Bochardby. 20a. land held of the king in chief by service of 6d. cornage at the king's exchequer in Carlisle.
Elizabeth and Joan, daughters of Sunnota his daughter, and Joan. Maud, Juliana and Marjory his daughters, are his next heirs, and all of full age excepting Joan daughter of Sunnota, who is 11 years of age.
C. Edw. I. File 9. (2.)
105. Alice de Bochardeby, late the wife of Thomas de Crofton.
Writ, 27 April, 3 Edw. I.
Cumberland. Inq. on the same day and in the same place as the above, and recorded on the same membrane.
Bochardby. 40 acres held in dower after the death of Ralph de Bochardby, sometime her husband, but he held the same of the king in chief by 12½d. cornage at the king's exchequer in Carlisle.
Three sisters of the said Ralph, viz.—Agnes, Pavia and Alice, were his next heirs: from Alice came a son Thomas Snaubol by name, who gave all his part to Jakelin le Blund of Carlisle and his heirs, by indenture made in the king's court; Agnes the second heir gave all her part to the said Jakelin and his heirs; and from Pavia came Adam Leger, who gave all his part to William son of Ivo of Carlisle.
(See Nos. 41, 164, and 240.)
C. Edw. I. File 9. (2.)
106. John le Moyne.
Writ, 11 Oct. 3 Edw. I.
Cambridge. Inq. (undated.)
Selford. The manor (extent given) held of the king in chief by the service that he shall be over (ultra) the making or repair of the king's crown, whenever it ought to be made or repaired, and he shall have 3s. daily for wages. He held nothing of others in England save a house in Suthwerk of the bishop of Winchester, service unknown.
Theobald le Moyne, aged 22, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 9. (3.)
107. Joan late the wife of Henry de Ferlington.
Writ, 15 Aug. 3 Edw. I.
Southampton. Inq. (undated.)
Asselegh. The bailiwick of the forest worth 40s., held of the king in chief by keeping vert and venison to the use of the king.
Asselegh manor. 1½ carucate land held of Hugh Talemarche for ½ knight's fee, rendering scutage when it shall happen; and ½ carucate held of the heir of Walter Walraund, service unknown.
John, son of Henry de Farlinton, aged 22, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 9. (4.)
108. John de Cokham alias de Cokeham, de Kokeham.
Writ, 27 March, 3 Edw. I.
Essex. Inq. 11 May, 3 Edw. I.
Little Stanbrigg. A messuage, 182a. arable, 29s. 8d. rent of assize, and service worth 2s. 1d., with the advowson of the church, held of Sir John son of John by free service of 6d. yearly ; and 142a. arable, 7a. meadow, 10a. pasture, 24s. rent of assize, and 10s. 5d. from works of customary tenants, held of Sir Robert son of Walter by service of ½ knight's fee; and he did suit at the hundred (court) of Rocheford, and owed 12d. hidage yearly.
Kanewedon. 90a. land and marsh, and 8s. 9d. rent of assize, held of the heir of William de Apelton by free service of 1d. yearly, and 67a. arable and marsh, and 1a. wood, held of Thomas de Stodham by free service of 53s. 4d., and 3d. for hidage yearly.
Assyndon. 6a. wood held of the same (Thomas) by free service of 1d.; 60a. arable, 22s. 8d. rent of assize, and 8a. wood, held of the heirs of Guy de Rocheford by free service of 3d. hidage; and 51a. arable held of Thomas Maunsel by free service of one garland of roses yearly.
Rocheford. 3a. wood held of the heirs of Adam Wyard by free service of ½d. yearly.
Hokele. 360a. arable and marsh held of Anabilia late the wife of Thomas son of Aucher at fee farm by service of 6l. yearly, and 16s. rent of assize, and that tenement owes suit at the hundred (court) of Rocheford and 18d. hidage yearly.
Lawrence Hardel of London, aged 24 and more, is his next heir.
Writ on the complaint of Ralph de Berners that the subescheator had ejected him from lands &c. in Berneston which the said. John held of him in chief by knight's service, and of which he had taken seisin, 27 March, 3 Edw. I.
Essex. Inq. Wednesday after the close of Easter, 3 Edw. I.
Berneston. A capital messuage, 50a. arable, 1a. meadow, 5a. wood, and 1½a. pasture, held of Ralph de Berners by free service of 18s. 9d. yearly, doing suit of court and scutage when it shall happen ; 35a. arable held of Robert de Merc, rendering 10s. yearly and 6d. scutage; 26a. land with a garden held of Nicholas de Keneshale, rendering 5s. and scutage; 40a. arable held of Warin Martel, rendering 6d. yearly; 20a. arable and 1a. wood, held of John de Muese of Asshebyr', rendering 6d. yearly and scutage; and 1r. meadow held of John son of Richard, rendering 1d. yearly; and there are 22s. 11d. rent of assize, works of customary tenants worth 12d. yearly, and a court with garden. He held nothing of the king in chief.
Heir as above.
C. Edw. I. File 9. (5.)
109. Maud de Sancto Andrea.
Writ, 27 Feb. 3 Edw. I.
[Cambridge.] Inq. Wednesday in the second week of Lent, 3 Edw. I.
Hengiston. The manor sometime held of the king in chief, but four years before she died she gave it to Laurence de Sancto Andrea, service unknown; and she held many lands in divers places, tenures unknown to the jury.
[Nottingham.] Gaham. The manor (extent given) held of the earl of Leicester by service of 1 knight's fee.
Roger son of Robert de Sancto Andrea, aged 15, is her next heir.
Writ of (melius inquirendo and) certiorari, 15 April, 3 Edw. I.
[Nottingham.] Inq. Monday after St. Mark, 3 Edw. I.
Gaham. The manor held of Sir Edmund the king's brother by service of suit of court.
Cambridge. Hengeston. The manor sometime held of the king in chief by service of 1 knight's fee, but four years before she died she gave it to Laurence her younger son, who held it of the king, and because he died without heir of his body the manor reverted to Roger his nephew, son of Robert his elder brother, who is in the king's wardship.
Details are also given of the receipts and charges of the manor of Gaham since the death of the said Maud, seisin of which was taken to the use of the said Sir Edmund on the day of St. Martin, 1 Edw. I., and which ought to be answered for to the king.
Heir as above.
(See No. 88.)
C. Edw. I. File 9. (6.)
110. Laurence de Brok alias de Broc, del Brok.
Writ, 25 Dec. 3 Edw. I.
[Hertford.] Inq. Sunday the feast of St. Blaise, 3 Edw. I.
La Magdeleine. A messuage, 100a. arable, 20a. wood, and 39s. 6d. rent of assize &c. held of Ralph le Mareschal by 19d. rent and 1/10 knight's fee when scutage shall happen; 100a. arable held of Sir James de Audelehe, rendering 19s. 7d. yearly to the chief lords; and 120a. arable and 2a. meadow held of William de la Dene, rendering yearly 54s. 9d. to the earl of Cornwall, and 41s. 3d. rent of assize pertains to the same.
Hugh his son, aged 30, is his next heir.
Kent. Inq. (undated.)
Litlebroke. The manor (extent given) held of William de Butayles and his heirs, and by him of the bishop of Rochester, for two parts of ½ knight's fee.
Stanes township. A messuage, 40a. arable, 1a. meadow, and 2a. pasture held in gavelkind of the bishop of Rochester of the sale of William Wybard.
Swanescamp. 20a. arable and ½a. meadow, held of Sir William de Monte-caniso, service unspecified.
Derente township. 12a. arable held of the prior of Rochester, service unspecified.
Derteford township. 40a. arable and 9a. meadow held of Thomas de Gillingeham, the heirs of Robert de Castello, Simon Dolling and others, of his own purchase, services unspecified.
Heir as above.
[Hertford.] Inq. Tuesday after the Purification, 3 Edw. I.
Stivenach. 300a. with a capital messuage, gardens &c. and wood, held of the abbot of St. Albans rendering 35s. yearly ; 200a. arable and pasture and a windmill held of the abbot of Westminster rendering 13s. 4d.; 140a. held of Ivo de Homlie rendering 3d. and 1lb. cummin; 60a. held of Henry de Neketon rendering 24s.; 40a. held of Giles de Argentein rendering 5s.; 60a. held of John de Wlvenewik rendering 5s.; 100a. held of John de Chayne rendering a clove gillyflower; 100a. held of Robert de Gravelie rendering 3s. 6d. and a clove gillyflower; 9a. held of Hugh de la Mare rendering 1d.; and 40a. wood held of Robert de Gravelie rendering a clove gillyflower; and there are there 6l. 3s. 3d. rent of assize to the use of the heir.
Heir as above, aged 36.
Buckingham. Inq. Monday the morrow of the Epiphany, 3 Edw. I.
Cestresham. 2 virgates land held of the earl of Oxford for 37s. 10d.; 1 virgate of land and wood held of the heirs of Roger de Syfrewast for 13d.; 100s. rent held of the abbot of Radyngges for 1d.; 1 virgate land held of Sir Stephen de Chendut for 1 mark; a mill held of Andrew de Blakewelle for 1d.; 15s. yearly from the abbot of Messenden for a mill called Paynes Mulle; a dovecot held of the said abbot, and ½ virgate land for 1d., and he paid 22s. 6d. to the chief lords; and 40s. rent held of Richard de Bello Campo paying nothing, because it first came of free marriage.
Augmodesham. 4a. meadow held of the heirs of John de Ran for 1d. yearly; and 1 virgate land held of Sir Henry de Boun for a pair of gilt spurs or 6d. yearly.
Little Messenden. ½ virgate land held of Sir William de Derneford for 1d. yearly.
Eselberg. 6 marks rent held of Sir Nicholas de Cantulupo for a clove gillyflower yearly.
Wedon, Herdewyk and Briddesthorne. 10 marks rent held of the prior of Beremundesheye for 1d. yearly.
Suhtcote. 1 carucate land held of Sir William de Bello Campo of Bed(ford) for a rose yearly.
La Grave near Lecton. 40s. rent held of Sir Geoffrey de Lucy for 1d. yearly.
Wenge. 140a. land held of the earl of Warran for a pair of white gloves or 1d. yearly.
Le Brok. 1 carucate land held of John de Brok for 10s. rent.
Denham. 16s. 4d. rent held of Sir John de Boun for a pair of gilt spurs or 6d. yearly.
Queynton. 18a. meadow held of Sir Robert Malet for a pair of white gloves or 1d. yearly.
Heir as above, of full age and married by his father's will.
C. Edw. I. File 9. (7.)
111. Alan de Kynthorp.
Writ of plenius inquirendo, 6 Aug. 3 Edw. I.
York. Inq. (undated.)
Folcardby. A messuage, 4 bovates land, a windmill and 20s. 9d. rent, held by the said Alan and Petronilla his wife of the gift of John de Crachalle her father in marriage, which land was of the serjeanty of Emma daughter of Alan Wasthose of Snaythte ; and because the said land was alienated by the said Emma, who sold it to the said John, it was rated to the king at 40s. yearly, and not otherwise did he die in the King's homage. This land the said Petronilla holds because it was given to the said Alan with her in marriage. The said messuage, land and mill are worth 6l. 8s. yearly, of which the said Alan rendered 6s. 8d. to Sir John de Eyvile for the suit of his men of Athelyngflet at the said Alan's mill of Folcardby.
Kynthorp. 3 carucates land held of Sir Edmund (the king's brother), after that King Henry father of the said Edmund gave him the manor of Pyk[ering], and he held the aforesaid land by service of keeping the forest of Pyk[ering], and rendered to Sir Edmund 20s. yearly for his bailiwick.
Ellerburne. 20 tofts, a watermill and 6 bovates land, held of the hospital of St. Leonard, York, rendering 10s. yearly; and 1 toft held of the knights of the Temple for 13d. yearly.
Thornton. 8 bovates and 8a. land held of Acil[ia] Moraunt by knight's service.
Petronilla, daughter of Geoffrey his son, aged 8, is his next heir.
(See No. 200.)
C. Edw. I. File 9. (8.)
112. Nicholas, son of Sir Anketin (Anketinus) Malore.
Writ (missing).
York. Inq. the morrow of St. Leonard the Abbot, 3 Edw. [I.]
North Dalton. 6 bovates land held of the king in chief by serjeanty, paying 20s. yearly to the king.
Multhorp. 3 carucates land held of the heirs of Sir Andrew Luttrell by free service.
Tyverington. 11 bovates land and a watermill worth 7l. 6s. yearly, and the advowson of the church.
Wygenthorp. 2 marks rent.
Huntington. 2s. 6d. rent.
All held of the same fee and for the same service.
Clifford. 3 carucates land, held of the fee of Sir Peter de Malo Lacu by free service.
Marjory the wife of Ralph Salvayn, Avice the wife of William Burdon, Nicholaa the wife of Nicholas de Oclestorp, and Sarah the wife of William de Glenton, are his next heirs, and of full age.
C. Edw. I. File 9. (9.)
113. John le Sauvage.
Writ of plenius certiorari on the complaint of Hawis late his wife that the escheator held in the king's hand the wardship of two parts of the said John's lands, which pertained to her because held in socage, asserting that they were held of the king by knight's service or serjeanty, 26 July, 3 Edw. I.
Derby. Inq. Monday the morrow of St. Michael, 3 Edw. I.
Staynesby, held of the king in chief by socage and for a sore sparrowhawk yearly at the king's exchequer; whereof Aldeluya his mother is dowered of a third part, and Hawis late his wife of a third of two parts. The said John was not in the king's homage, unless of Staynesby, neither by knight's service nor grand serjeanty, and no other held of him by any other service.
The said John gave his faith to the said Hawis and begat (of her) a son named Roger, now aged 18, and afterwards he married her and begat a son named John, now aged 9, but who is the next heir is in the king's discretion.
(See No. 169.)
C. Edw. I. File 9. (10.)
114. John de Ludewell.
Writ, 28 July, 3 Edw. I.
Oxford. Inq. The feast of St. Laurence, 3 Edw. I.
Wotton. A messuage and 1 carucate land, held of the king in chief rendering yearly 18s. 4d. and 2 capons, and doing suit at the court of Wotton ; and a watermill held of John le Fraunkeleyn of Tywe rendering to him a pair of gloves yearly, and to the king 1 mark.
Ludewell. A messuage and 2 carucates land, held of Walter de Bradewell, excepting one virgate and 5a., rendering 4d. yearly and 3s. scutage when assessed, and rendering for the said Walter to Giles de Berkele 5s. yearly, and to William Folyet 8s. yearly ; and the aforesaid virgate of land held of John le Gygur rendering 4d.; and the aforesaid 5a. held of Roger le Gygur rendering ½d. yearly.
John his son, aged 18, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 9. (11.)
115. Hugh Gobyun.
Writ, 3 June, 3 Edw. I.
Northampton. Inq. Thursday after St. Barnabas, 3 Edw. I.
Northampton. 2 carucates land in the suburb, held of the king in chief by service of 2s. yearly at the king's exchequer by the hands of the reeves (prepositorum) of Northampton.
Richard Gobion is his next heir, and of full age.
Leicester. Inq. Thursday after St. Barnabas, 3 Edw. I.
Knaptoft. The manor, held of Robert de Somirville, who married one of the heirs of Roger de Merreleye, who held the manor of the fee of the earl of Leicester by service of 1 knight's fee.
Richard Gobiun his son, aged 30, is his next heir.
Bedford. Inq. Sunday after St. Barnabas, 3 Edw. I.
Hecham and Stratle. The manors, held of Michael Pikot by service of 21/5knights' fees.
Richard Gobion the elder, his son, aged 30 and more, is his next heir.
Writ of certiorari, on the complaint of Michael Pycot that the subescheator in co. Bedford had taken into the king's hand, lands held of him by the said Hugh by knight's service, 3 June, 3 Edw. I.
Bedford. Inq. Sunday after St. Barnabas, 3 Edw. I.
Stratle and Hecham. The manors were held as abovesaid and are of the barony of Beauchamp: he held nothing of the king in chief in the county.
C. Edw. I. File 9. (12.)
116. William Torel.
Writ, 1 May, 3 Edw. I.
Essex. Inq. Wednesday after the Invention of the Holy Cross, 3 Edw. I.
Little Thurruk. 65a. arable, a marsh where 220 sheep and 20 cows can be maintained, 30a. wood, 50s. rent of assize, and works of customary tenants worth 26s. 3d., held of the king in chief by 10s. yearly, and suit at the king's hundred (court) of Berdestaple.
West Thurruk. The manor (extent given), held of Sir Bartholomew de Brienc' paying 27s. 8d., and to Bartholomew de Canewedon 2d. yearly.
John his son, aged 35, is his heir.
C. Edw. I. File 9. (13.)
117. Ralph son of Thomas de Hanrede.
Writ, 25 Dec. 3 Edw. I.
Berks. Inq. Thursday after the feast of St. Gregory, 3 Edw. I.
Esthanrede. 1 virgate land, held of the king in chief by service of a daily Lord's prayer (cotidiane oracionis dominice) for the souls of the kings of England ; and a messuage and 1 virgate land, held in villenage of the prior of Nuiun by doing service as other customary tenants do.
John his son is his next heir and of full age.
C. Edw. I. File 9. (14.
118. John de Nuttle.
Writ, 27 April, 3 Edw. I.
[York.] Inq. Monday after the Invention of the Holy Cross, 3 Edw. I.
Nuttle town and territory. 2 carucates land, whereof 48 make a knight's fee, held of the honour of Hendreness in chief, doing suit at the wapentake (court) of Hendreness and rendering free foreign service by the king's command.
Peter his son, aged 21 and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 9. (15.)
119. John de Balun.
Writ, 17 Sept. 3 Edw. I.
Hereford Inq. Thursday before St. Michael, 3 Edw. I.
Great Markeleye. The manor, held of the king in chief by service of 1 knight.
Sir Walter de Balun, his brother, is his next heir and of full age.
Gloucester. Inq. (undated.)
Esteneston. The manor, held of Roger de Mules by service of 1 knight's fee.
Walter de Balun, aged 50, is his next heir.
Wilts. Extent, Monday the morrow of St. Michael, 3 Edw. I.
Great Chyverel. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by service of 1 knight.
Sir Walter le Balun is his next heir, and of full age.
C. Edw. I. File 9. (16.)
120. Robert son of Hamo de Brom alias de Brome, alias Robert Hamund.
Writ, 2 Dec. 3 Edw. I.
Warwick. Inq. Friday after the Circumcision, 3 Edw. I.
Brome. 3 virgates land with a building, held of the king in chief for 1/5 of ½ knight's fee when scutage runs.
Robert, son of the said Robert Hamund, aged 23 at the feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross next, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 9. (17.)
121. Philip de Colewyk.
Writ, 30 Sept. 3 Edw. I.
Nottingham. Inq. Friday before St. Wilfrid, 3 Edw. I.
Colewik, held for 1 carucate land of the king in chief of the fee of Peverel, rendering at each coming of the king to Nottingham twelve barbed arrows without feathers.
William, his son, aged 28, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 9. (18.)
122. Thomas Bustard.
Writ, 22 Sept. 3 Edw. I.
York. Inq. Wednesday after St. Michael, 3 Edw. I.
Biscupthorp. A messuage and 15 bovates land held for 4 marks yearly to the king.
Ingramthorp. 4 bovates land held of the abbot of Witeby for 20s. yearly.
Bustardthorp. A messuage and 8 bovates land held of David Lardiner (Davit Lard') for 7s.
Robert his son, aged 24, is his heir.
C. Edw. I. File 9. (19.)