Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 8

Pages 65-72

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 8

92. Elias de la Faleyse alias de Faleisia.
Writ of certiorari, on the complaint of the abbot &c. of Quarr, that the escheator had taken into the king's hand certain land &c. in Rowenor which the said Elias had conferred on them in frankalmoin, 18 June, 2 Edw. I.
[Southampton.] Inq. Sunday after SS. Peter and Paul, 2 Edw. I.
Ruenore. The said Elias enfeoffed the said abbot &c. of 5½ virgates land of the manor of Ruenore which he held of the king in chief by serjeanty, eight years before he died, for which they gave him 100l. and they had the confirmation of king Henry in his 50th year, for which they gave him 20 marks.
Southampton. Extent (undated).
Rughenore. The manor (extent given) with the advowson of the chapel, tenure unspecified.
[Southampton.] Extent, made at Fordingebrigge, Wednesday before SS. Simon and Jude, 2 Edw. I.
Migham Court with a place in Forda, 40a. land, 17a. meadow, 55s. rent of freemen, 44s. 11½d. rent of villeins, court of the market 20s., two mills worth 113s. 4d., &c., tenure unspecified.
Dorset. Extent, Sunday the feast of SS. Simon and Jude, 2 Edw. I.
Randelfestone. The manor (extent given), including 15s. rendered from 1 hide land held by Richard de Gouyz and Henry de Bynham in Wynter-born Cleyngestone (?), and 140 geese worth 17s. 6d. from Andrew Wake for the land of La Hulle, held of Sir John de Burgo of the honour of Cammel as member of Fordinghebrug', co. Hants., and both are held for 1 knight s fee.
(See Hen. III. Nos. 336 and 851.)
C. Edw. I. File 8. (1.)
93. Henry Lyard.
Writ (missing).
Essex. Inq. Saturday after the Purification, 2 Edw. I.
Claketon. A messuage, 70a. arable, 3a. wood, and 13s. 6d. rent, held of the bishop of London in chief for 1/20 knight's fee and 9d. yearly for guard; and 30a. arable, 3a. meadow and 3s. 4d. rent, held of Sir William de Wokindon for ½0 knight's fee and 12d. yearly for guard; whereof his wife is dowered of a third part.
Saier his firstborn son, aged 19 on the feast of St. Edmund the King last, is his true heir.
C. Edw. I. File 8. (2.)
94. Emma late the wife of John Peyvre.
Writ, to enquire concerning lands &c. assigned by King Henry to the said Emma in dower, which ought to have been taken on her death into the king's hand, because the wardship of the heir &c. of the said John, who held of the king in chief, is still in the king's hand, 17 Oct. 2 Edw. I.
[Buckingham.] Inq. Friday the feast of St. Edmund the Confessor, 2 Edw. 1.
Weston. She died in the week before the Annunciation 56 Hen. III. and in the third week after Easter in the same year the earl of Gloucester (Gilbert de Clare) entered upon the manor, and has held it until now, taking all the issues.
[Buckingham.] Inq. Thursday after St. Martin, 2 Edw. I.
Wolsiston. She died as abovesaid, and on Tuesday after the said earl entered upon the manor, and held the same until the feast of the Ascension next, when Robert de Ver, earl of Oxford, entered upon the same and held it until the feast of St. Michael following, and then demised it to farm to Robert de Boyton, who has held it until now, all taking the issues.
[Buckingham.] Inq. Friday the feast of St. Edmund the Confessor, 2 Edw. 1.
Lavendon. She died as abovesaid, and in the third week after Easter the earl of Gloucester entered upon the manor, and has held it until now, taking all the issues.
[Buckingham.] Inq. Saturday the morrow of St. Edmund the Confessor, 2 Edw. I.
Morton. She died as abovesaid, and the said earl entered upon the manor and held it for a year, when Walter de Mertone entered upon it at Hokeday 1 Edw. I., and has held it until now receiving all the issues: the house has deteriorated to the value of 10 marks, and he has carried away a press and apple mill to the value of 20s.
[Buckingham.] Inq. Thursday after St. Martin, 2 Edw. I.
Wavendon. The issues of the manor from the death of the said Emma (as abovesaid) until now have been received by Robert de Boyton and other bailiffs of the earl of Gloucester.
[Buckingham.] Inq. Sunday after St. Edmund the Confessor, 2 Edw. I.
Chiltone. She died as abovesaid, and in the following week the said earl entered upon a tenement there and has held it until now, taking all the issues.
C. Edw. I. File 8. (3.)
95. Sarah, late the wife of Robert de Bromhull.
Writ, 7 May, 2 Edw. 1.
Devon. Inq. and extent, Wednesday after St. Michael, 2 Edw. I.
Droscumb. Land held by four free tenants rendering 9s. yearly, held of the king in chief for 5s. rent to the sheriff of Devon for the king's use.
Walter de Bromhulle her son, aged 40 and more at the feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross in the said year, is her heir.
C. Edw. I. File 8. (4.)
96. William de Raymes.
Writ to the sheriff of Suffolk to take into the king's hand, as lately ordered, the lands of the said William and their issues, and to attach Roger de Bygot earl of Norfolk and Marshal of England to answer for his contempt in having occupied those lands &c. after the said William's death; and for not executing the king's former mandate the sheriff has been fined 20l., and if this is not more fully executed he shall be fined 40l. 4 May, 2 Edw. I.
(See Hen. III. No. 733.)
C. Edw. I. File 8. (5.)
97. James de Aldithele alias de Audithele, de Audeleg, de Autdeyeleg, de Autdelye, de Aldedelegh.
Writ (undated fragment).
Writ, 22 Nov. 2 Edw. I.
Chester. Extent, Saturday the day of St. Matthias, 2 Edw. I.
Chester City. 14s. 6½d. rent.
Nantwich (Wici Malbani). 4l. 2s. rent of assize, two parts of 2lb. pepper, 7l. 19s. from saltings, 57s. 1d. tolls &c. from salt pits, 14l. from tolls of the pillory (?) (trunci) and mill, 6s. 8d. assize of beer, 1 sparrowhawk or 16d., and pleas &c. of court 60s.
Newhall (Nora Aula). The manor (extent given), including 2s. rent from Sonde, the ferries of Swanesbach and Brouneshurst, and 33s. 4d. from the hundred of Nantwich, and a free chapel.
Smalwod and Pikemere. 4l. 8s. rent of assize &c., with 19s. rent of assize in Chackeleg, and 5 carucates land in Heywod.
(Unspecified.) One knight's fee held by Sir William de Chetelton, 1 fee by Henry de Betheston, and 2 fees by the Lady of Worlaston, of which Lady Ella has a third part.
The aforesaid rent in Chester, Smalwode and Pikemere were held of Sir Thomas de Meingarin; the 5 carucates land in Heywode of Hamon de Blakenhal; and all the other lands &c. of the king in chief, together with the knight's fees, by service of 1/10 knight's fee.
Henry his brother, aged 22 and more, is his next heir.
Stafford. [Extent] (undated and defective.)
... 2 carucates land in demesne, pannage &c. of foreign wood, 8l. ... 10d. rent of assize, two parts of a mill, fishery in the little fish pond, and the castle &c.; worth 16l. 5s. 6d. yearly.
... 3 carucates land in demesne, pannage of the park &c.; worth 7l. yearly.
... 4l. 16s. 11d. rent of assize, two parts of three mills, fishery in the great mere &c.; worth 7l. 13s. 7d. yearly.
... 4l. 3s. rent of assize, and pleas of the court at Audeyeleg'; worth 4l. 3s. yearly.
... 23s. 6d. rent of assize, pannage and herbage of the park and of the foreign wood, a messuage, two parts of a mill &c.; worth 16l. 15s. 2d.
... 61s. 2½d. rent of assize, two parts of a mill &c.; worth 4l. 2s. 2½d.
... 8s. 6d. rent of assize, and meadow and pasture worth 1 mark yearly.
All the afore written tenements are held of John de Verdon for ½ fee.
... Two parts of 1 carucate land, 5l. 3s. 3½d. rent of assize, 44s. 1½d. pannage &c. of the hay, and 40s. perquisites of court, held of the baron of Stafford.
... 1. Two parts of 1 carucate land, 5l. 16s. 8d. rent of assize, meadow, a mine of stones, perquisites of court &c.; worth 13l. 13s. 3d. yearly.
... nes ... d. Two parts of 1 carucate land, 5l. 8s. 5d. rent of assize, and two parts of a mill; worth 7l. 5s. 1d. yearly.
[C]esterton. Two parts of 2 carucates land, 50s. 11d. rent of assize, a messuage &c.
The three preceding manors are held of Edmund the king's son.
Austanesfeld. Two parts of 1 carucate land, 40s. 6d. rent of assize, pasturage of the forest, sale of dead wood 10s., meadow, perquisites of court, a messuage, pasture &c. held of the earl of Chester.
Colde Norton. 6 carucates land, a messuage, 5l. 11s. rent of assize, 20s. tallage, 38s. 11d. works, turbary, a ferry, pasturage, two parts of a mill, a fishery, &c., and 4½a. land at Henmeys, held of Sir Robert Hastyng.
Henry de Autdeyeleg, his brother, is his next heir and of full age.
Endorsed with:—
Mandate from the king's escheator to the subescheator in cos. Salop and Stafford reciting writ of assignment of dower in tenancy to Maud late the wife of the said James, dated 16 Jan. 2 Edw. I.
The jury have assigned to Maud, sometime the wife of the said James, in tenancy, two parts of Coldenorton, two parts of Thurnesfeld, and two parts of Cesterton.
Salop. Extent, Wednesday after the Purification, 2 Edw. I.
Egemundon. The manor (extent given), with a fishpond called Brademere, excepting the third part of Lady Ella de Audele, held of the king in chief for one mewed sparrow hawk to be paid at the exchequer in London.
Newport (Nori Burgi). 8 marks 11s. 10¾d. rent of assize, pleas, a mill, and fishery of the fish pond, except a third part, held for the same sparrow hawk.
Forde. The manor (extent given), except a third part, held of the king in chief, rendering 12l. at the exchequer in London.
Marchumle. The manor (extent given), except a third part, held of Sir John son of Alan; and the lord of Loskesford shall do ¼ knight's service to the said John in time of war, the manor of Marchumleg finding him his costs.
Weston. The manor (extent given), except a third part, held of the heirs of Madoc de Sutton in chief; and he had the manor in exchange for Staneway town.
Heir as above.
Deliver (or I have delivered) (lib') to Maud late the wife of J. de Audel[eg] in tenancy the manor of Ford, worth 48l. 8s. 6¾d., of which she shall answer at the king's exchequer in London for 9s. 4d., besides 8l. which was not computed in the aforesaid 48l. 8s. 6¾d.
Writ of assignment of dower in tenancy to the said Maud, 16 Jan. 2 Edw. I.
Salop. Assignment of dower in tenancy to Maud de Audithelee (undated).
Forde. The manor.
Stafford. Nortun, two miles (leucas) from Eccleshal.
Chestretun, half a mile from New Castle.
Thurnesfeld, three miles from the same.
C. Edw. I. File 8. (6.)
98. Jordan de Saukevyll alias de Sakevile.
Writ (missing).
Sussex. Inq. and extent, Sunday after St. Valentine, 2 Edw. I.
Bochurste. The manor (extent given), including a pasture of 5a. called Broclonde, pasture and pannage in the park, and in the park of Nywenham, which adjoin the forest of Assesdune, with pannage and custom of the forest, held of the barony of Laigle by service of 2 knights' fees: it is a member of the manor of Chalveton, and the tenants render 13s. 4d. foreign service yearly for the guard of the castle of Pevenese, and the lord paid yearly to the hundred of Dodeleswelle and to other lords 6s. 10d.
He died on Tuesday before the Annunciation, 1 Edw. I., and on the same day the queen's bailiffs took seisin of the manor and held it until the feast of All Saints following, receiving certain rents, and there were a doe, two roes (clourelli) and a pricket in the park which they took; and the archbishop of Canterbury and William Davy also received rents from the tenants of their fees.
Andrew his son, aged 19, is his next heir.
[Sussex.] Inq. and extent, taken on the same day (defaced).
Chalvinton. The manor (extent given, with names of tenants holding fees of the manor and rendering certain sums for guard of the castle of Pevenese and sheriff's aid), including ½ hide land of the fee of the bishop of Chichester which was never accustomed to be in the king's wardship, as is said, held of the honour of Laigle together with the manor of Brochurst by service of 8 knights' fees, whereof 6 pertain to the honour of Pevenese and 2 to the barony of Montacute; and the lord paid 40s. for the guard of the castle of Pevenese, 13s. 4d. (?) to the barony of Montacute, and 10d. to Sir William Maufe for guard, 5d. and 12s. 6d. for sheriff's aid, and 14s. rent to Sir Andrew Peverel, of which the abbot of Begeham used to render 14s. 4½d.
The advowson of the chapel pertains to the manor.
Immediately after the said Jordan's death the queen's bailiffs took seisin of the manor and received certain rents &c.
Clemence late the wife of Robert de Saukevile held 30a. arable in the marsh of Pevenese for her life of the fee of the manor of Chalvinton, but died after All Saints, and the subescheator could not have seisin thereof for the queen's bailiffs deforced him, asserting that the land is within the lowey (leuca) of the liberty of the castle of Pevenese, on which account the wardship &c. ought not to belong to any other than the lord of the castle.
said Jordan, holds 20l. land for life at Buggeleye which is a member of Chalvinton.
Writ, 27 April, 3 Edw. I.
Essex. Inq. Wednesday before Whitsunday, 3 Edw. I.
Bercholt and Little Bures. The manors, with the advowsons of the churches, held of the earl of Cornwall by service of 2 knights' fees and suit at the court of Eye.
Great Bures. 60a. land, held of William Gernun by service of ⅓ knight's fee, 7 quarters corn and 20s. yearly to Geoffrey Gernun for the life of the same Geoffrey, and 12d. yearly and 2 suits at the said William's hundred (court).
Heir has above, aged 21 and more.
Oxford. Inq. Friday after St. Augustine, 3 Edw. I.
Amyntone. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief for 1 knight's fee, and it owes suit, 8s. hidage and 2½d. wardsilver (ward-suflfur) to the hundred (court) of Leuekenor, which is in the hand of the earl of Cornwall.
Heir as above, aged 22 at the feast of St. Denis next.
Sussex. Inq. Monday before the Ascension, 3 Edw. I.
Six knights' fees held of the barony of Laigle, of which Chalvinton is chief; of these 2 fees are at Bochurst in the king's hand, and of the other 4 fees pertaining to Chalvintone, one part is in the king's hand, and the residue, in the tenancy of the lord of Saukevile, is held of the said barony which is in the hand of Queen Eleanor (A.) the king's mother; and each fee renders yearly for the guard (custodiam) of the castle of Pevenesel ½ mark. 2 fees are held of the honour of Jevingeton and render 1 mark for the guard of the said castle, and ½ of ¼ fee is held of William Maufe, rendering 10d. yearly for the said guard. To the sheriff's gift (donum) are rendered from the said 6 fees 20s. 20d. yearly, and at Jevinton 40d., and to Sir William Maufe 5d. for the same.
Heir as above.
C. Edw. I. File 8. (7.)
99. Richard Maloysel alias Malhoysel.
Writ of plenius certiorari, on the complaint of Denise late the wife of the said Richard, that the escheator had taken into the king's hand, by reason of the abbey of Michelnye, lately vacant, the wardship of his heir and lands, which ought to pertain to her as next friend of the heir, being held in socage, 13 Nov. 2 Edw. I.
[Somerset.] Inq. and extent, Wednesday after St. Gregory, 3 Edw. I.
Dilyngton. 1 carucate land was held by the said Richard of the abbot of Muchelne in socage, rendering 17s. yearly, doing suit at the abbot's court of Ileministre and at Henry de Ortye's hundred (court) of Abbedik, paying 3½d. called ' Hockedeishalpeny ' which the abbot paid to Henry del Ortye, and doing homage to the abbot; a meadow called Prestemede, held of the church of Ileministre, rendering 12d. yearly; and a mill and 5a. arable held of the prior of Fernlegh, rendering 13s. 4d. yearly, and worth no more. The abbot of the said place never had the wardship of the said Richard's lands.
C. Edw. I. File 8. (8.)
100. Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex.
Writ, 27 Sept. 3 Edw. I.
Gloucester. Inq. (undated.)
Whitenhurst. The manor held of the king in chief, service unknown.
Suham.Two parts of the manor held of the bishop of Worcester by service of one attendance at his court of Clyve and by service of 1½ knight's fee, together with Colesburn and Cundicote.
Humphrey, son of Humphrey de Bohun the younger, aged 24 and more, is his next heir.
Huntingdon. Inq. Monday the morrow of St. Michael, 3 Edw. I.
Kenebauton. The manor (extent given) including the castle and park, with a wood called La Haye, held of the king in chief by knight's service.
Humphrey, son of Humphrey his son, aged 24, is his next heir.
Essex. Inq. Saturday after St. Michael, 3 Edw. I.
Plecys. The manor (extent given) held of the king in chief, service unspecified.
Watham. The manor (extent given) similarly held.
Heghestre. The manor (extent given) similarly held.
Heir as above.
C. Edw. I. File 8. (9.)
101. John le Despenser alias le Dispenser, Dispensator, Dispensarius.
Writ, 5 May, 3 Edw. I.
Leicester. Inq. Tuesday the day of St. Barnabas, 3 Edw. I.
Beumaner in the hundred of Gossecote. The manor (extent given) held of Hugh le Dispenser by socage, rendering a pair of gilt spurs or 6d. yearly.
Hugh, son of Hugh le Dispenser, aged 14 on 1 March last, is his next heir.
Leicester. Inq. Tuesday the day of St. Barnabas, 3 Edw. I.
Hernisby in the hundred of Gutlacston. The manor (extent given), a moiety held of Wygen de Lamare for homage and by service of 4d. yearly and ¼ knight's fee, and the other moiety of Hugh le Despenser by service of ¼ knight's fee.
Heir as above.
Worcester. Inq. Tuesday before the Ascension, 3 Edw. I.
Marthley. The manor (extent given) with the advowson of the church, held of the king in chief, of the gift of King Henry to the said John's father, service unknown.
Heir as above, age unknown.
Lincoln. Extent (undated).
Kastel Carleton. The manor (extent given).
Caueneby. The manor (extent given), out of which 9s. rent are due to the mother church of Lincoln.
All held of the inheritance of his wife deceased in Great Karleton and Caueneby, by the courtesy of England.
Writ on the complaint of R. bishop of Lincoln that the subescheator had taken into the king's hand the manor of Kauuenby, which was his escheat by the death of Joan the wife of the said John without heir, 27 May, 3 Edw. I.
Lincoln. Inq. The day of the Holy Trinity, 3 Edw. I.
Kauueneby alias Cauneby. The manor was held by the said John and Joan his wife, and after her death, by the said John by the courtesy of England, of the bishop of Lincoln. The said Joan had no heir of her body living, but the jury know not whether it is the bishop's escheat, for several claim to be heirs, viz.-Sir Ralph de Grianton, John de Merieth, and Adam de Normanvile, but they know not whether any one of them is heir. The bishop was in seisin for fifteen days and more as his escheat, and conferred the manor upon Stephen de Gravesend, who was in peaceful seisin until removed by the escheator of Lindsey, who now holds the manor in the king's hand, but no wardship there pertains to the king by reason of a child of the said John and Joan, for there is none surviving; and the said Joan held nothing of the king in chief.
Writ, on the complaint of John de Meryet son and heir of Nicholas de Meryeth, that the subescheator had ejected him from two parts of the manor of Castel Karleton which he held as heir of Joan, the wife of the said John le Despenser, daughter of Robert le Lou his kinsman, 1 June, 3 Edw. I.
Lincoln. Inq. Thursday before St. Botulph, 3 Edw. I.
Castelcarlton. John le Despenser held nothing of the king in chief in Lindes [eye], but held two parts of the manor of Castelcarlton of John de la Hay for two parts of 1 knight's fee; and John de Merieth entered upon the same immediately after the death of John le Despenser as his inheritance after the death of Joan, daughter of Robert le Lou, sometime the wife of the said John le Despenser, whose heir he is; which two parts he (John le Despenser) held by the courtesy of England.
The said John de Merieth, aged 30, is next heir of the said Joan of this manor.
C. Edw. I. File 8. (10.)
102. Odo de Thorkesheye alias de Thorkesay.
Writ, 27 March, 3 Edw. I.
[Lincoln.] Inq. Wednesday before Holy Trinity, 3 Edw. I.
Thorkesay. 4 tofts and 40a. land held of the king in chief by service of 1d. for each toft and 2d. for each acre yearly.
Robert, son of Hugh son of John de Stowe, aged 30, is his next heir.
C. Edw. 1. File 8. (11.)