Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 10

Pages 80-91

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 10

123. John de Muscegros.
Writ, 8 May, 3 Edw. I.
Somerset. Inq. and extent, Friday the morrow of the Ascension, 3 Edw. I.
Northon. The manor, held of the king in chief by service of 4s. when hidage happens, worth 20l. yearly with an adjacent foreign hundred.
Brywham. The manor, held of Sir John de Moun in chief by service of ½ knight's fee.
Cherleton. The manor, held of the lords of Camel Regis, viz.—of John de Burgo the elder, by service of 1 knight's fee.
Stauill. The manor, held of Anselm (Ancello) Gorney by service of ½ knight's fee.
Robert de Musegros, aged 23 and more, is his next heir.
Gloucester. Inq. (undated.)
Kenemerton. 2 carucates land in demesne which are 1 knight's fee, held of the king in chief by service of attending the court of the earl of Gloucester at Thookesburi, and of scutage when it shall happen.
Boyton. 7 carucates land, worth 60l. yearly, held of the earl of Gloucester, the abbot of Westminster, the prior of Derhurst, and other lords, by service of 6s. ½d. yearly to the said earl, 7s. 3d. to the said prior, and attending his court at Aylmundeston, and 14s. to other lords.
Little Cumpton. 1 carucate land, held of the bishop of Worcester by service of 1 mark yearly, and attending his court of Wydendon.
Robert his son, is his next heir, and of full age.
Gloucester. Inq. (undated.)
Berton Regis manor outside Gloucester. ½ virgate land, held of the said manor by service of 2s. 4½d. yearly and two attendances at the view of frank pledge.
Hatherle. ½ virgate land, held of Roger de Burghull by service of 2s. yearly; 1 virgate land, held of the fee of the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem by service of 16s. 8d., and it owes 10 marks after a death; 2 parts of 1 virgate land, held of Richard de Wilenton by service of 7s. 4d., doing suit at the court of the lord of Beggesworth at Beggesworth, and scutage when it shall happen; and 1 carucate land, held of the said lord of Baggesworth, by the said suit, and scutage for a third of a shield (pro tercio scuti) when it shall happen.
Langeford. 2 carucates land, held of the heirs of John de Burgo, owing suit at the king's hundred (court) of Duddeston, and scutage to the said heirs.
Heir as above.
C. Edw. I. File 10. (1.)
124. William Coleman.
Writ, 6 May, 3 Edw. I.
Essex. Inq. The eve of St. Dunstan, 3 Edw. I.
Little Tillebyri. 33½a. arable, 3½a. meadow, 3a. pasture, 3s. 3d. rent of assize, and a messuage and garden, held of the king in chief by service of 1/5 knight's fee, and suit at the king's court of the honour of Boulogne. Benedicta late his wife has a third part in dower, and Christina his mother holds 17a. and 1r. arable, and 1½a. pasture of his inheritance in dower, which fall to the said William's heir.
John his son, aged 26, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 10. (2.)
125. Alexander de la Sale alias de Aula de Novo Burgo.
Writ, 22 Feb. 3 Edw. I.
Salop and Stafford. Inq. Sunday before St. Gregory, 3 Edw. I.
Opinton manor. 40a. land in demesne, and 40d. rent, held of the king in chief for 1/9 of a sore sparrowhawk, for which he rendered 6d. yearly.
Kemesey. 16a. land, rendering ½d. yearly to Thomas de Haleton, and 3a. land and a certain assart, rendering 6d. yearly to the lord of Haleton.
Newport (Novum burgum). A messuage, 20a. land, 1a. meadow, and two parts of a moiety of a mill, held of Henry de Auditheleg for 6d. yearly.
Shrewsbury. 5s. 4d. rent of assize and two parts of 1lb. cummin, tenure unspecified.
Akilot. 16d. rent of assize, tenure unspecified.
William de Aula his son, aged 19 at the feast of St. Andrew last, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 10. (3.)
126. Adam de Brinton.
Writ, 20 June, 3 Edw. I.
Oxford. Inq. Saturday the octave of SS. Peter and Paul, 3 Edw. I.
Midelest'. 1½ hide land in demesne, 9s. rent of assize, 8½ virgates land in villenage, and a mill, held of the baron of Stafford, rendering 5s. yearly to the fee of Stafford; and a messuage and 1 virgate land in demesne, and 1 virgate in villenage held of Thomas de Clare, rendering 1d. yearly.
Adam de Brymp[ton] his son, aged 30 and more, is his next heir.
Salop. Inq. Tuesday after SS. Peter and Paul, 3 Edw. I.
Longeford. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by service of 1 knight's fee, and he ought to find a follower (satellitem) with barded horse for forty days at his own cost if the king shall come in person towards Wales in time of war.
Stafford. Eyton. The manor which is a free burough (extent given), with the advowson of the church, held of the baron of Stafford in chief by service of 1 knight's fee, and two attendances yearly at the baron's court.
Sir Adam de Brunton his son, is his next heir and of full age and more.
C. Edw. I. File 10. (4.)
127. Giles son of Giles de Wachesham.
Writ, 21 Oct. 3 Edw. I.
Suffolk. Inq. and extent, Wednesday before All Saints, 3 Edw. I.
Wachesham. The manor (extent given), whereof the capital messuage, 100a. arable, and 12a. wood are held of Sir Peter de Talewrthe by service of 1 knight's fee, and all the residue of the manor is held of the bishop of Ely by service of 1 knight's fee.
Knights' fees held of the manor:—
Watefeud. 1 fee held by Sir Richard de Watefeud.
As, Fyneberge and Drencheston. 1 fee held by Athelard de Graveny.
Hecham. ¼ fee held by John de Geddingg.
Culynge and Meleford. ½ of ¼ (fee) held by the warden of the hospital of St. Edmund, and other tenants.
Bures. ½ of ¼ fee held by Richard de Cornherthe.
Creppingg. ¾ fee held by Hugh de Crepping.
[Horeswode.] ½ fee held by John de Sancto Claro.
Crefeud. ¼ fee held by Alexander de Kyrketot.
Codinham. ¼ fee held by Geoffrey Leinveyse and Richard de Seynclou.
Hecham. ½ fee held by the heirs of John de Verdun, and John de Wachesham.
Tunstall. 1/8 fee held by Aymer Peche.
As. ¼ fee held by Guy de As.
Eyebrok and Offeton. ¼ fee held by Ralph de Narford.
Culpho. ½ fee held by John de Wachesham and Isabel de Verdun.
Floketon. 1 fee held by the heirs of John de Mose.
Gerard his son, aged 21 at the feast of St. Petronilla last, is his next heir.
Suffolk. Inq. and extent, made the same day.
Stansted. The manor (extent given) with the advowson of the church, held of the king in chief by service of 1 knight's fee.
Heir as above.
Suffolk. Inq. and extent, made the same day.
Wurtham. The manor (extent given), held of John de Mareschail and of the abbot of St. Edmund, by service of 3½ knights' fees.
Heir as above.
Suffolk. Inq. and extent, made the same day.
Thuriton. The manor (extent given), held of Robert de Tatishal by service of 1¾ knight's fee.
Greynisvile. [¼] knight's fee held of the said manor by John de Tyveteshale.
(See No. 10.)
C. Edw. I. File 10. (5.)
128. Robert de Monte Alto, sometime steward of Chester.
Writ of extent, that dower may be assigned to his wife, 16 Sept. 3 Edw. I.
Chester. Extent (undated).
Haworthyn. The manor (extent given with names of tenants), including the field of Clayton, and the advowsons of the church of Haworthyn [alias Hawardyn] and the church of the Holy Trinity, Chester, tenure unspecified. Dower has never been assigned from this manor to any lady, nor recompence on account of the land.
Lee (extent given with names of tenants) including Odgerley, tenure unspecified.
Geoffrey de Byrun holds for life all the lands &c. which the said Sir Robert held in co. Chester, excepting the manor of Haworthyn, Neston, Lee and Bozeley, in exchange for land of the said Geoffrey in Wadynton, and renders 6d. yearly.
Neston. The manor held by Sir Ralph de Monte Alto for life, rendering 12l. yearly; saving only the hunting of the deer of the park to the heirs the said Robert.
(Unspecified.) 1 knight's fee held by Sir Roger de Dunville.
Codynton. ⅓ fee held by Sir Ralph le Botiller.
(Unspecified.) 1 fee held by Richard de Swetenham.
The said Sir Robert de Monte Alto also received 160 measures (bullones) of salt of the demesne salt of the lord of Middlewich for salting his ...
[Chester.] Extent, Wednesday after St. Michael, 3 Edw. I.
Boseleg. The manor (extent given), tenure unspecified, but Sir Roger L'estrange (Extraneus) used to receive 10 marks yearly from certain tenants, who did him no other service, but did all their other service to the chief lord.
Roger, his firstborn son, aged 13, is his next heir.
[Warwick.] Extent (undated).
Coventre. The manor (extent given), including the capital messuage of Cheylesmore with the park and mill, held of the honour of Chester by knight's service.
Knights' fees held of the manor:—
Asthill. ½ fee held by Oliver de Aubeny [alias de Albiniaco].
Eckeleshale. ½ fee held by William le Boteler.
Anesty. ½ fee held by Agnes le Irreys.
Wyke. 1/8 fee held by Walter de Langele.
Kynesbyri. 1 fee held by John de Bracebrig.
[Leicester.] Lucteburgh. 1 fee held by Hugh le Despenser.
[Warwick.] Coventre. ¼ fee held by Thomas de Eyvill.
Ekleshal and Folkeshill. ½ fee held by Henry de Audelegh.
Keresleye. 1/8 fee held by Thomas de Keresleye.
[Oxford.] Tackele. ½ [alias ¼] fee held by Urian de Sancto Petro; and ½ [alias ¼] fee held by Walter de Umvyle.
[Oxford.] Ardolvesleye and Weston. 1½ fee held by Hugh de Plecys.
Suffolk. Inq. and extent, Monday the morrow of St. Michael, 3 Edw. I.
Framesden. The manor (extent given), with the advowson of the churches of Framesden and Cassinggelaunde, held of the honour of Chester by service of 3 knights' fees.
Knights' fees held of the manor:—
Carelton [alias Carleton]. 1 fee held by Roger de Colevile.
Pethache. ⅓ fee held by the same.
Cassingelaunde. 1 fee held by Thomas le Latimer.
Rothynhal and Mohautisdale. 1 fee held by Robert de Rothynhale.
Wynston and Framesden. 1/10 fee held by William de Wynston.
Framesden. 1/7 fee held by Emma relict of Simon Wylot.
Heir as above, aged 13 on the day of the Annunication in the said year.
Norfolk. Inq. and extent, Monday the morrow of St. Faith, 3 Edw. I.
Rysingg. The manor with the castle (extent given), including 10s. rent of assize in the town of Lenn, and part of the Tolboth there worth 46l. yearly, with the advowsons of the churches of Rysingg and Wotton, held of the king in chief by service of 3 knights' fees, as the jury understand.
Knights' fees (held of the manor):—
Wymundham, Apesburg, Rysingg and Wutton. 1¼ fee held by the heirs of William de Miliers [alias de Milers].
Ingelose. ¼ fee held by Martin de Ingelose.
Besthorpe. 1/6 fee held by Richard son of Osbert.
Elyngham. ¼ fee held by Ralph de Bukeham.
Baconesthorp. ½ fee held by Thomas de Hengham.
Hunstanneston, Geyton, Sneterton [alias Snytreton], Ryngested and Holm. 5 fees held by John le Straunge [alias le Estrange].
Essex. Hatfeud. ½ fee held by Sewall de Smalelonde.
Sussex. Halnakede [alias Halfnaked], Bernham, Walberton, Mildelton [alias Midleton], Mundham, Hunstane, Kynore, Bridham, Hickenore, Gunton, Tadham [alias Thadeham] and Hamtonehet. 12 fees held by John de Sancto Johanne.
Nuteburn, Wulbedingg [alias Wolbeddyng] and Merston. 3 fees held by Roger de la Chuche [alias la Zuche].
Northampton. Preston, Hapelinggeton [alias Haplynton] and Horton. ½ fee held by the heirs of Gilbert de Preston.
Leicester. Leycestre and Rettherby. ¼ fee held by Thomas de Neyvil [alias de Nevill].
Luttheburg. 1 fee held by Hugh de Spenser [alias le Despenser].
Lincoln. Hagwurthinggeham. ½ fee held by the heirs of William de Hardrichehell [alias de Hardershill].
York. Ledis. ¼ fee held by William de Doddingesheles.
Heir as above.
Extent or summary of lands &c. late of the said Robert in England and in co. Chester, besides the manor of Walton and Hawardyn in the Marches, viz.—The manors of Rysing, Coventre, Boslegh and Neston, as above, and 31l. from the Booth of Lenn.
The part of Lady Joan late the wife of the said Robert whereof she is dowered, viz.—The manors of Frammesden and La Lee, as above; 15l. 10s. from the Booth of Lynn; 6l. 11s. 1d. in the manor of Coventre; ½ mark of salt from Meynwych; and the manor of Marberthorp, co. Lincoln.
Knights' fees pertaining to lands &c. of which the said Robert and his heirs ought to have wardship and relief:—
The King's part, viz.—some of the fees mentioned above, except that the ¼ fee in Elyngham (co. Norfolk) is stated to be held by William de Bukeham, and the ¼ fee in Ledis (co. York) by John de Doddyngeseles, with the following additions:—
Warwick. Calvedon. ¼ fee held by John de Segreve.
Folkeshill. ¼ fee held by Arnold de Boys.
Wadberleye. 1/8 fee held by Roger Gupyl.
Derby. Meysham and Cusynton. 1 fee held by Roger de Monte Alto, Roger de Walton and John de Somervyle.
Rostlaueston. 1 fee held by Nicholas de Segreve.
Chester. Prenton, Thurstanestone and La Lethe. 1 fee held by Patrick de Haselwell.
Kerthyngham, Hulme, Bothes, Rode and Tamlawe. 1 fee held by Richard de Swetenham.
Codynton and Clutton. ⅓ fee held by Ralph le Botyler.
Fees of tenants who hold of the king in chief, viz.—
The fees in co. Sussex mentioned above.
The part of the said Joan for her dower of which she ought to have wardship, relief and service, viz:—fees in cos. Suffolk, Lincoln and Norfolk mentioned above, except that one fee is stated to be held in Ronhale (co. Suffolk) by Robert de Ronhale, instead of Rothynhal and Mohautisdale, with the following additions:—
Lincoln. Keleseye. 1 fee held by Gilbert Hansarde.
Chester. Brimstache and Oxtone. 1 fee held by Roger de Umvyle.
Alderdeleye and Holme. ¼ fee held by Roger de Alderdeleye.
Advowsons of churches:—
The King's part, viz.—some of those mentioned above, with the following additions:—
Lincoln. Hermeston.
Derby. Walton.
[Sussex.] Arondell priory.
The part of the said Joan, viz.—some of those mentioned above, with the following addition:—
Lincoln. Mauberthorp.
(See No. 284.)
C. Edw. I. File 10. (6.)
129. Leogarda de Thorkeseie alias de Torkesay.
Writ, 21 June, 3 Edw. I.
[Lincoln.] Inq. Saturday after St. James, 3 Edw. I.
Tork[esay]. A toft and 20a. land, held of the king in chief by service of 41d.
Richard son of Ralph de Uptone, aged 40 and more, is her next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 10. (7.)
130. Avelina late the wife of Edmund the King's brother.
Writ, 20 Feb. 3 Edw. I.
[Surrey.] Extent, Monday after St. John ante Portam Latinam (defective).
Kenigton near Lamethythe. The manor (extent given), tenure unspecified.
[Essex.] Extent, Thursday after St. John ante Portam Latinam, 3 Edw. I.
Esthamme. The manor (extent given) with the advowson of the church, tenure unspecified.
[Buckingham.] Inq. Tuesday the feast of St. Gregory, 3 Edw. I.
Langh[le] and Wyradesburi. The manors, tenure unspecified.
Richard de Munfichet died without heir of his body, and his inheritance descended to his three sisters:—The first sister Margery, married Hugh de Bulebec, and from them issued Hugh de Bulebec who had four daughters, Philippa married to Roger de Lancastre, Margery married to Nicholas Corbet, Alice married to Walter de Huntercumbe, and Maud married to Hugh de la Valle; the second sister, Avelina, married William de Forz, earl of Albemarle, and from them issued William de Forz the last earl of Albemarle, who had two sons Thomas and William, who died without heirs of their bodies, and one daughter Avelina whom Edmund the king's brother took to wife, who lately died without heir of her body; and the third sister, Philippa, married Hugh de Pleys, and from them issued Richard de Pleys, from whom issued Ralph de Pleys, now aged 9 and in the wardship of Sir Robert Aguilun. Therefore the aforesaid four daughters of Hugh de Bulebec, and the aforesaid Ralph de Pleys are next heirs of the aforesaid Avelina, who died without heir of her body.
Writ (of certiorari) de feodis &c. 8 Nov. 4 Edw. I.
[Essex, &c.] Inq. (undated.)
Stottone, Chereford, Thorcatelestone, Maneford, Braham, Ardeleghe and Gynges. 4 fees held by Reginald de Pauelyn.
[Essex.] Tholeshonte, Little Bryche, Saltecote, Cosford and Samantone. 4 fees held by Robert de Verly.
Hobrege in the parish of Wyham. 1 fee.
Spryngefeud. 1 fee.
Takele. 1 fee.
Machinge. 1 fee.
Chingeford. 1 fee.
Esthammes and Little Graneford. 1 fee.
Borham parish. ½ fee held by Sir Richard de Colewerth.
Barmtone (?). ⅓ fee held by Robert le Ver.
Memoranda of fees assigned to Roger de Lancaster and his partners:—3 fees held by John Muschet, 4 fees by William de Zoyn, ½ fee by the heirs of Bolebech, and ½ fee by Roger le Venur, which is assigned to Roger de Lancaster and his partners and to Richard de Playz, to be parted between them; 1 fee held by J. le Bretun of the king in chief, assigned to the said Roger and his partners; 1 fee held by the earl of Assceles alias Ascell' in Masching, and ½ fee held by the same earl in Witham assigned to the said Roger and his partners.
C. Edw. I. File 10. (8.)
131. Humphrey de Boun, earl of Hereford and Essex.
Writ (missing).
[Monmouth.] Extent, The day of St. Leonard, 3 Edw. I.
Caldecote alias Kaldecote. The manor (full extent given), held of the king in chief by service of being constable of England.
Humphrey son of Humphrey the younger, aged 26 and more, is his next heir.
Wilts. Extent, Friday after St. Faith, 3 Edw. I.
Wockes[eie.] The manor, held of the king in chief by service of being constable.
Humphrey de Bohun, aged 24 and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 10. (9.)
132. Hugh de Mortuo Mari of Richard's Castle.
Writ, 28 Nov. 3 Edw. I.
Hereford Inq. Friday the morrow of St. Lucy, 3 Edw. I.
Richard's Castle (extent given), held of the king in chief by barony, pertaining to Bureford.
Rachesford (extent given), held of the fee of Clifford by service of ¼ knight's fee.
Robert de Mortuo Mari, aged 22 and more, is his next heir.
Salop. Inq. Saturday after St. Lucy, 3 Edw. I. (defective.)
Bureford. The manor (extent given), with two parts of the advowson of the church, the third part pertaining to the lord of Grete, and the pleas and perquisites of the hundred of Ovres, which used to be worth 6 marks, but Sir Roger de Mortuo Mari and the abbot of Wygemore have withdrawn 3 marks to themselves, held of the king by barony; and there pertain to the barony of Bureford 32¼ knights' fees in divers counties.
Stepelton. The manor (extent given), held of the king by the barony of Bureford.
Heir as above, aged 22½.
Worcester. Inq. Monday before St. Thomas, 3 Edw. I.
Wichebaud. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief as pertaining to the barony of Bureford; and 1 knight's fee is held of the manor by Peter Corbet, ¼ fee held by Thomas de Arderne, 1 fee held by Adam de Elmebrug, ½ fee held by Henry Peremort, ½ fee held by Grimbald Pancefot, and 1/10 fee held by Joan de Hanewode, all rendering nothing but suit at the court.
Codrugg. The manor (extent given), with the advowson of the church of All Saints, Worcester, similarly held of the king; and 1/12 knight's fee is held by John son of Hugh, rendering nothing but suit at the court of Codrugg.
Hulestone. 2½ virgates land, 4a. meadow, a garden, and 2¾ virgates in villenage, held of the bishop of Worcester for ½ knight's fee.
Homm. A capital messuage, 3 virgates and 33a. land in demesne, 3a. meadow, pasture, 72s. rent of free tenants, 1 virgate land in villenage &c. held of the king by barony as abovesaid.
Robert de Mortuo Mari his son, aged 22 and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 10. (10.)
133. Robert de Stutevill.
Writ (of certiorari), on the complaint of Jordan Folyot that the escheator had ejected him from the lands &c. of the said Robert, his uncle, deceased, whose heir he is, as if the said Robert held of the king in chief, 20 Aug. 3 Edw. I.
York. Inq. Wednesday after St. Michael, 3 Edw. I.
The said Robert held nothing of the king in chief on the day he died.
C. Edw. I. File 10. (11.)
134. John de Turri.
Writ of certiorari, on the complaint of John Peverel that the wardship of the said John's heir &c. which ought to pertain to him, had been taken into the king's hand, 27 April, 3 Edw. I.
Writ of plenius certiorari, on the complaint of the abbot of Bynedon that the escheator had detained from him a rent in Modberghe, due to him from the said John, 2 May, 3 Edw. I.
Dorset. Inq. (undated.)
Berewyk and Sturtul. 4½ virgates land were held by the said John by knight's service of John Peverel, to whom the wardship of that land pertains, but not that of the heir.
Berewyk. 6 virgates land were held of the fee of Swyre by service of 1d. of William Belet and his heirs, who held the manor (of Swyre) of the king in chief, and the wardship of the land and of the heir of the said John pertain to the heirs of the said William.
Motberge and Cheldecote. 5 virgates land were held of William de Byngeham, who held 2 of them of the abbot of Bynedon by service of 4s. 5d. yearly.
Swre. 1 virgate was held of Roger Belet and his heirs by service of 1d. yearly.
Sturtul. ½ virgate land with 5 perches meadow were held of Richard de Capella by service of 1d. yearly; and 5a. land of William Serich by service of 1d.
All these lands were taken into the king's hands by the subescheator, and Roberga late the wife of the said John was dowered of a third part of them all by the late escheator by the king's writ.
His heir named John, is aged 3 years.
(See No. 52.)
C. Edw. I. File 10. (12.)
135. Peter de Brus.
Writ of plenius certiorari, on the complaint of Margaret de Ros, sister and one of the heirs of the said Peter, that a mill had been raised in Grarig in Kendal which is of her pourparty, to her prejudice, 11 Sept. 3 Edw. I.
Westmoreland. Inq. Monday before St. Wilfrid.
Grarig in Kendale. William de Windeshoure caused a mill to be raised there whilst the lands &c. of the said Peter were in the king's hand in wardship, to the prejudice of the king and disinheritance of the said Margaret, for her ancestors were seised of the mill toll of Grarig, which has now been withdrawn by the said mill.
(See No. 70 and Hen. III. No. 800.)
C. Edw. I. File 10. (13.)
136. Helewisa late the wife of Eustace de Balliolo.
Writ (of certiorari), on the complaint of Robert de Brus and Christiana his wife that the escheator detains a sixth part of certain lands in Gamelesby and Glassanby which had been quitclaimed to them, 10 May, 3 Edw. I.
Cumberland. Inq. The morrow of Holy Trinity, 3 Edw. I.
Gamelesby and Glassanby. The king's subescheator ejected the said Robert and Christiana from certain lands &c. there, and afterwards delivered five parts thereof to Robert de Hampton, Walter de Twynham, Walter de Corry, Patrick de Suthayc, Patrick Trumpe, and Maud, late the wife of Roland de Carrig, heirs of the said Helewisa, amongst other lands of the said Helewisa; and the said Robert and Christiana arraigned an assize of novel disseisin against the said subescheator and the said coparceners, who quitclaimed for ever the said five parts as the right and inheritance of the said Christiana; but the king's escheator still detains a sixth part of the said lands &c. by reason of Richard son of Richard de Kirkebryd the sixth heir of the said inheritance, who is within age and in the king's wardship.
(See Hen. III. No. 811.)
C. Edw. I. File. 10. (14.)
137. John son of Alan Wlverton.
Writ to enquire by what tenure Master Roger de Seyton held the manor of Chalfunt of the said John deceased, who held of the king in chief, 27 Feb. 3 Edw. 1.
[Buckingham.] Inq. Friday before the first Sunday in Lent.
Chaufhunte manor. Master Roger de Seyton had no fee in that manor but only a term of ten years, beginning on Ash Wednesday, 56 Hen. III, for the said John wrote so to all his tenants, and that they should do no homage to the said Master Roger nor any service by which he or his heirs could be disinherited; and the jury have inspected a writing found in the said Sir John's archives to the same effect.
C. Edw. I. File 10. (15.)
138. Eleanor countess of Leicester late the wife of William Marescal, earl of Pembroke.
Writ of partition and livery of seisin of the lands which the said Eleanor held in dower of the inheritance of the said William, viz.—26l. 2s. 7d. of land and rent with the capital messuage and park in Kemesing manor, and 106s. 2d. land and rent in Neubiri manor, to Roger le Bygot, earl of Norfolk and marshal of England, one of the heirs of Walter le Marescal brother and heir of the said William; 40l. 5s. 9½d. land and rent in Neubiri to Roger de Mortuo Mari and Maud his wife, Eudo la Zuche and Milicent (Milisanta) his wife, John de Hastingges and Humphrey de Boun, heirs of Eva de Breuhus, a sister and heir of the said Walter; 14l. 8s. 1½d. land and rent in the same manor to Agnes de Vescy, Emery de Rupe Cauardi and Maud his wife, William de Mohun, John de Mohun, Agatha de Mortuo Mari, and John de Boun, heirs of Sibyl de Ferrariis another sister and heir of the said Walter; and the residue of 9l. 17s. 5d. land and rent in Kemesing to William de Valencia and Joan his wife, an heir of the said Walter, 3 June, 3 Edw. 1.
Writ of extent, an error having been made in the partition of the manor of Camesyng and hamlet of La Cele, and William de Valencia unduly disseised, 22 June, 3 Edw. I.
[Kent.] Extent, Wednesday after St. John the Baptist, 3 Edw. I.
Kemesinges and La Sele. The manor and hamlet (full extent given), with the advowson of the church; and Ralph de Esse holds 1 1/5knight's fee of the manor, and the heirs of Benedict de Teppenese ¼ fee.
C. Edw. I. File 10. (16.)
139. Baldwin de Bassingburn.
Writ of ad plenum certiorari, on the complaint of John de Britannia earl of Rychemund, that the escheator had taken into the king's hand the wardship of certain lands in Wynepol held by the said Baldwin of the earl by knight's service, 2 March, 3 Edw. I.
[Cambridge.] Inq. Friday after the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 3 Edw. I.
Wynepol. The manor was held by the said Baldwin of the earl of Winchester in chief by homage and service of 40s. to whom the wardship and marriage of the heir ought to pertain (and not to the said John de Britannia or the king); but the manor is of the honour of Brittany and paid 10s. yearly to the count of Brittany for the guard of the castle of Richemond, and the heirs owe two attendances yearly at the turn of Badburham which is in the king's hand and they are worth 4s. if default is made. The manor is not of purchase but of inheritance from the said Baldwin's predecessors, who were enfeoffed by the heirs (sic) of the earl of Winchester, by service of the said 40s.
Warin his son, aged 8, is his next heir.
Return from the escheator. The above lands &c. were taken into the king's hand, as well because they pertain to the honour of Brittany, and fell to the share of the earl of Bohan of the inheritance of Eleanor de Vallibus, sometime countess of Winchester, as because they owe two attendances at the turn of Badburgham, which is in the king's hand.
C. Edw. I. File 10. (17.)
140. William le Burgillon alias le Berguillun.
Writ to the sheriff of Norfolk, 12 Nov. 3 Edw. I.
Norfolk. Inq. (undated.)
Great Naryngges and Thursford. A tenement worth 30l. yearly, held in socage of William Bardolf the younger of the fee of Torneye, by service of 20s.
Hindringham. ½ knight's fee held of the fee of Wirmegeye, which fee he sold to John de Rudham.
Felebrig. ¼ fee held of the same fee.
Kerdeston. ⅓ fee held of the fee of William de Say.
He held nothing of the king in chief or of the honour of Albemarle. The wardship and marriage of the heir ought to pertain to William Bardolf, unless hindered by the feoffment to John de Rudham in Hindringham, which was done without the consent or knowledge of the said William.
Walter his son, aged 13 and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 10. (18.)