Pages 11-12
Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.
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VII. Charter of Confirmation by King Alexander II., to the Bishop of Glasgow and his successors, of the burgh of Glasgow. Cadihow, 22 November 1225.
[Latin text]
Alexander Dei gracia Rex Scottorum, omnibus probis hominibus tocius terre sue clericis et laicis, salutem. Sciant presentes et futuri nos concessisse et hac carta nostra confirmasse Deo et sancto Kentegerno, et Waltero episcopo Glasguensi, et singulis episcopis eius successoribus, ut burgum habeant apud Glasgu, cum foro die Jouis, ita bene et honorifice, plenarie et quiete, et cum omnibus libertatibus et consuetudinibus sicut aliquis burgorum nostrorum in tota terra nostra plenius, melius, honorificentius habet. Quare volumus et firmiter precipimus ut omnes burgenses, qui in predicto burgo manentes erunt, nostram firmam pacem iuste habeant per totam terram nostram in eundo et redeundo. Et prohibemus firmiter ne quis eos vel eorum catalla iniuste disturbet aut vexet aut aliquam eis iniuriam aut contumeliam inferat, super nostram plenariam forisfacturam, sicut carta domini regis Willelmi patris nostri, inde facta Jocelino quondam episcopo Glasguensi, testatur. Testibus, Waltero Olyfard justiciario Laudonie, Henrico de Bayllol camerario, Johanne de Makeswell vicecomite de Rokesburg, Henrico Marescallo, Alexandro de Seton, Roberto de Sancto Claro, Willelmo de Hertesheued vicecomite de Lanarc. Apud Cadihou, xxij. die Nouembris, anno regni nostri undecimo.
Alexander, by the grace of God King of Scots, to all good men of his whole land, clerics and laics, greeting. Be it known to those present and to come that we have granted, and by this our charter confirmed, to God and Saint Kentegern, and to Walter bishop of Glasgow, and to all the bishops his successors, to have a burgh at Glasgow, with a market on Thursday, as well and honourably, fully and quietly, and with all liberties and customs, as any of our burghs in our whole land most fully, well, and honourably, hath. Wherefore we will and straitly command that all the burgesses who shall be abiding in the aforesaid burgh shall rightly have our firm peace throughout our whole land in going and returning. And we strictly forbid any one wrongously to trouble or molest them or their goods, or to do to them any wrong or insult, on pain of our full forfeiture, as the charter of our lord King William, our father, thereupon made, witnesseth. Witnesses, Walter Olyfard justiciar of Lothian, Henry of Bayllol chamberlain, John of Makeswell sheriff of Rokesburg, Henry Marescall, Alexander of Seton, Robert of Saint Clair, William of Hertesheued sheriff of Lanark. At Cadihow, the 22nd day of November, of our reign the eleventh year.