Pages 9-10
Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.
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VI. Charter of Confirmation by King Alexander II., to the Bishop of Glasgow and his successors, of the right to hold fairs at Glasgow. Edinburgh, 23rd July 1224–7.
[Latin text]
Alexander Dei gracia Rex Scottorum, episcopis, abbatibus, comitibus, baronibus, justiciariis, vicecomitibus, prepositis, ministris et omnibus probis hominibus suis clericis et laicis, salutem. Sciant presentes et futuri me concessisse et hac carta mea confirmasse Deo et Sancto Kentegerno, et ecclesie Glasguensi et Waltero eiusdem loci episcopo, omnibusque successoribus eius, inperpetuum, nundinas apud Glasgu habendas singulis annis, et tenendas ab octavis apostolorum Petri et Pauli plenarie per octo dies, cum firma et plenaria pace, et cum omnibus libertatibus aliquibus nundinis in tota terra mea concessis, et cum omnibus rectitudinibus ad nundinas pertinentibus, ita libere, quiete, plenarie et honorifice sicut alique nundine in aliquo burgorum meorum liberius, quietius, plenius et honorificentius tenentur aut teneri debent, sicut carta domini Regis Willelmi patris mei, Jocelino episcopo Glasguensi et eius successoribus inde facta, testatur. Testibus, Hugone episcopo Dunkeldensi, Willelmo Cumin comite de Buham justiciario Scotie, Rogero de Mortuo Mari, Thoma hostiario, Waltero Cumin, Jordano Cumin, Malcolmo pincerna, Thoma de Haya, Roberto de Seint Cler. Apud Edenesbure, xx° iij° die Julii.
Alexander, by the grace of God King of Scots, to bishops, abbots, earls, barons, justiciars, sheriffs, provosts, officers, and all his good men, clerics and laics, greeting. Be it known to those present and to come that I have granted, and by this my charter confirmed, to God and Saint Kentegern, and to the church of Glasgow, and to Walter bishop of the same place, and to all his successors, for ever, the having and holding a fair at Glasgow, yearly, for eight full days from the octaves of the apostles Peter and Paul, with firm and full peace, and with all the liberties granted to any fairs in my whole land, and with all rights pertaining to fairs, as freely, quietly, fully, and honourably as any fair in any of my burghs is most freely, quietly, fully, and honourably holden, or ought to be holden, as the charter of our Lord King William my father to Joceline, bishop of Glasgow, and his successors, thereupon made, witnesseth. Witnesses, Hugh bishop of Duckeld, William Cumin earl of Buchan justiciar of Scotland, Roger of Mortimer, Thomas the door-ward, Walter Cumin, Jordan Cumin, Malcolm the butler, Thomas of Hay, Robert of Saint Clair. At Edinburgh, the 23rd day of July.