Pages 12-13
Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.
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VIII. Charter by King Alexander II. to the Bishop of Glasgow and his successors, prohibiting the provost, bailies and officers of Rutherglen from taking toll within the burgh of Glasgow, except at the cross of Schedenestoun. Jedewurth, 29th October 1226.
[Latin text]
Alexander Dei gracia Rex Scottorum, omnibus probis hominibus tocius terre sue clericis et laicis, salutem. Sciant presentes et futuri nos concessisse et hac carta nostra confirmasse Deo et Ecclesie Sancti Kentegerni de Glasgu, et Waltero episcopo eiusdem loci, et successoribus suis episcopis, ne prepositi vel ballivi vel seruientes nostri de Rutherglen tolneum aut consuetudinem capiant in villa de Glasgu, set illa capiant ad crucem de Schedenestun sicut illa antiquitus capi solebant. Quare prohibemus firmiter ne prepositi vel ballivi vel seruientes nostri de Rutherglen tolneum aut consuetudinem ulterius capiant in villa de Glasgu. Teste, Thoma de Striuelin cancellario, Henrico de Bayllol camerario, Rogero de Quenci, Johanne de Makeswell, Dauid Marscallo, Henrico Marscallo, Waltero Biset. Apud Jedewurth, xxix die Octobris anno regni nostri duodecimo.
Alexander, by the grace of God King of Scots, to all good men of his whole land clerics and laics, greeting. Be it known to those present and to come that we have granted, and by this our charter confirmed, to God and to the church of Saint Kentegern of Glasgow, and to Walter bishop of the same place, and to the bishops his successors, that our provosts or bailies or officers of Rutherglen shall not take toll or custom in the town of Glasgow, but take them at the cross of Schedenestun, as they were wont to be taken of old. Wherefore we straitly prohibit our provosts or bailies or officers of Rutherglen from taking toll or custom further in the town of Glasgow. Witness, Thomas of Striuelin chancellor, Henry of Bayliol chamberlain, Roger of Quenci, John of Makeswell, David Marescall, Henry Marescall, Walter Biset. At Jedewurth, the 29th day of October, of our reign the twelfth year.